Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1898)
1ULLSBUKU,' WASHINnSlVJN CO., J'.:, THURSDAY, OCT. 20, '98. Subscribe for it an - THE ARGUS At the Post-offcc at Hillsboro, - urpD, as osoona uu mail matter, LUCIUS A. L0e, KDITMK. Goanty Official Paper. I8SUKD EVERY . THURSDAY BY " ' Tin Argu PilSakkg Ciepuy. T- flnbscrlptlon: One Dollar per Annum. 81 Months, AO ets; Three Months, 33 eta. K QpfM t Geld Moa aetallism. Be lievcs la the Biaetallic Staadard i ... Talaka ve Ought M Take Care of ear ;wb People Befcre Annexing Hawaii. . Has m m for Karens A. Haana. WHY ABB THEY M SKUUIiDUG- oingt" Tha great political contest for 1900 W fairly on and the beet evidence of this is the fact that the goldites have already two of their allies in the field. The uid-roaders have soine time since sent their ticket into the field, knowing it is a "sound money" helper, and now comes the pronuncianiento of the BOBtK ABU8EM. sinoeMr. Hanna has Uken con-1 be no other resuITin point of just- al at a At- ! a i w sua party we once repuo- tea and our superior strength. But HcanrMrty-which writes deceptive victory does not bring back our piauorma and stand for great col- sailor dead nor wipe away the stain lavermi interests ana oenents for of criminal recklessness which ord the few as compared to the many, ered them, virtually to death in th That their cordial invective is of night bv foul aso tssination some umuenoe goes without saying for there are always many who can no stand being branded as a fool or ignoramus, even when their bet- The clerkship abuse at our legiala- . B. v. ,cui mat u is uv9 aeisiot.1 must bo. And, this in aa BaAHM.a L il . a l uave tnis tnrown in not the on v hn. Th mil..-. . " u i v quarters- allowed legislators is an outrage on that the best badge is scurrilous the state, and should be abolished, and nonsensical abuse from the Substitute therefor payments of ac supposedly great dailies suckling tUal fares, and let it go at that. If the gold standard dam. To com- wlons are not receiving pay enough bat this demagogism of our worthy their per diem should be raised. contemporaries as our forefathers The clerk and mil.,, OOmbatted th in nf mKu! in hJ i i . ... ... . ... uactnuniwn wnicn mould w ex last century is the duty of every punged, oimeiaiiisi. it producers would Kfaan i rtttir riMuiunn w.n k ... i - i t t.. i i r ayIVUUv iiuui ufjuiK ue-i i am xnuemmueni Bunnoriixi WE baaed they must meet calumny platform last spring which declared witn a quit scorn and do battle for a reduction in county salaries against the cheap product schem- It now appears to be going back on ers tne aear uoliantes. its economv of ftdminiMrH i - Like the boy's pup, it has "got its eyes open." SCHULUERICH & SON Quote Prices on Farm Implements Steel LeTer Harrow, 50 teeth, . $11 14-ia Wood Beam Steel Plows Sia, 13 14-in CUlled Plows, . . .11 uw and examine Goods. Tlwy will carry a full line of Implements Wanted Soverut trustworthy persons tn thin state ( manatee our businos in their own anil nearby counties. It ia mainly ullli work conducted at home. Salary ainiiirht stain a vour mul hviumiw. .infi nite biuattde, no mora. Ho . loss salary. ' mount v Kewraiicm. Knciium n r. addressed stamped envelope, Herbert K. nt, rrrsw, uepi. m. l. indigo. SUMMONS. UNDERTAKING PAKLOU. WB ADMIT THIK "lNTEIA. GENCK." Sophistry will rule for a time, but not for all time. A glance into the That Minnesota Indian scare gave us a greater twist than the entire war with w . t ' , . J .... . , " ppain. runny, isn't itf Kannm fi.ll.taM.ra aflaa a .nu t nniltlflal Mn. r ,.U...J I I V"V" , ai.v. m lapsv ui I i .v..ia uunj Oliuuiu UB I i if A anil, am J K1 . r many months. The Mark Hanna sufficient grounds for judgment per diem of clerk hire. Utuselectthe political train is now made up against tne gold standard, without clerks and save money j vi- 1 j. . f....i 1 . I """""-eaaer in iront ana r.uOT analysis as to ques- Three dollars per diem for legislators. a Bynum pusher in the rear and tiona of merit or demerit of the and five per diem for clerks, many of weie lt.not running over some very issues Detore the people. It needs wnom dld nothing and this in the name rotten roadbed it might find no no second perspective to satisfy of u,,d money ,nd ntion, 'on0'- trouble in getting in on schedule every citizen who is inclined to be President Mckinley is doing a little of liu, , . fair with his own reasoning power ,tumP speaking himself, and Gage, the Rm k. lairiM, 1- . that thia nrnnnaiH !u . 4...k..i tiker wing of the cabinet, is out for a v-aii t .Ls.ttL.j.. La. Tk.. Li. j. . I whirl. The eastern elections seem to be wviwi n'roKr ami Vina ' u yura-1 wu tunii, synaictte Kaaxtai)99 raltftlAAl KaiIm lm t,A, i.L I inil, Anrnnrfttinn BkiA I . V. w lv...Vaa tnntj iB uui w- w. uivu uvuiu uo The town rjhiloso h , . , , ing many suckers for every obser- benefitted by making dollars dear- Beck i. the laical candidTte'to succeed Vant citiien realises that he who is eri (or n other words all things Geo. McBride, and should he be elected for the Bimetallic standard will 9nal, measure more of property, he thinks maay of our political cuckoos vote to get. bimetallic standard, commodity and labor) is working wonld obrve: "wn. he is not exactly wbilt be who is for the gold basis hard for the gold standard, irre- "Vere is no di luting 11 . , . .. . " m. . he is the brainiest Chinaman in the state will not only rote to get the power Pctive of past party affliations, and that hi. election will heal the fa" not win vafi every possible childish rriiig me exccDUon which proves, tional fight in the ranks. and deceptive ruse to get as many every rule. The gold press is very jubilant that the bimetallic votes as possible side- r et us now go further: Is it not AreD reform magazine, has suspend tracked from the real issue. True a ici that these agencies above ed' 'nd P0' to tbis u indication Americanism would rh, iU named, have written th. ,.U tht the is dying. Our . I . B""" i:.l. 1..1. 1 1 4, I i.nJ.wl n.i;AH o ,im . 1 ...wa... ... iimwun , f-""""-' no is wiere, weeks to when The Ark ell Publishing uiynuyoi government, out it ap- " uiapuies inisr in other Co. went up and paid 10 cents on the pears that our goldite managers words these great and influential dollar and theirs was the most veno will play opon public credulity combinations sek to debase all mouof the gold colt wagaiines. nd party prejudice even if they c' f commodity and cause of J-M. Somen, of Albany, who received ran the entire gamut of political pro-notion and set t he producers "se's support for the office of V. S trickry. The fight is on between "d laborer, fighting each other iSlZ c,"",'i.P '"e .l j , , , , , , , ... legislature at three plunks per diem. It the producers and those who would over mere party names-mere child u commendable, this burning, itching debase productive capital. This is mind catchers! It is true, as our desire of Mr. Somen, to serve the poor the issue and it can't be be made 8'd contemporaries state, that oppressed people at any sacrifice. Per anew. It ha., in.d itaalf Thr much brain is behind thir nnllii. haps Mr. Somen can get Br'er Griffin's to!Tn, most as- j. schism.-indeed, it require. VSV " B... vn uredlybut thfe is the chiefest. tellectual skill to take political er- UHQ WILli V STAND ITT THBT I ror. the CltnHllmmafinn nt afklak i. I ' ..w.. V. KIIIVU in-1 u n .t, r. . . . . vite. and imposes loss upon the in- w u x. . 11: 1. V'ir. I J . 1 1 ., . nMiiiiu vinillliu, tnis WlfPK. Willi dustnal classes, the producers, and relatives in this ciiv. I or a ai tvaa a Kvii u u ' a 1 I " wwaww w wu anu nruunu H"UCn 80- I A Hr. lnn.-lll ika r w t. !..:. l . .. . ? rooi ' oeing put on Ihe 7 " -tr w w ueiwi ana neiog me building now occupied by C BIiik gon sund the abuses of our legisla- very men whom such error is every er. Tinner Lamkin is the artist, tivw assemblies in the matter of day bringintr harm. It neoda nei. 'w' n w u i t. .. 1 .. , . , ., . . "" t nuerwin, state sen clerk hire i. a question that should ther hysteria nor eloquence to urge alor, and Geo. R. Bagley, relumed seriously be considered by every upon thinkers the truth, embraced Monday morning from the extro voter in the state. Look at the in thi. portrayal. It in. surely, a w"wion of the legislature, enate clerk hire, for instance five subtle and far-reaching intelligence H J00 wn to get the best result dollar, per day for individual which can cause millions with like ""e", do not forget to adver- clerk hire! The xenate for tlie ex- interest, to fight within themsalmi ? y. p .per8, . re?Ple lare tra , session has paid double for to their loss, such loss reDresentins lerk hire than it ha. per diem of a like gain to an interest foreign to senators! The abuse continues production. Farmer, should not jr1 after year, and yet, the apathy think it snch an honor to stan. VP'ycrs v'ers appears as arm and arm with thi. in J. C. Lainkiii has opened an under taking parlor on the corner of Main and Third Htreet, and is prepared to lurniali 011 immediate deinaud, lino CASKETS AND COFFINS at the lowest itoaaiblo prices. Will take ehurgu of fiinerala. The finest line of undertaking supplies in the comity. Give him a call. HIL1J3B0K0, ORKUON. u One hundred million dollars spent for worth less 'food every year in America." Schillings Best In the Ciroult Court of the State of Ore- aun. jur nraanington comity The Northern Counties In vestment Trust. Limited. Pluintilf, va W. W. Marqtiam. Lulu M. Marmiani. Mary H.Coffln, Samuel White, K. K. louei '.'o., a coriHration, Ida Adeline Kberle, Dennis J. Lyons and Washingtou County, UetendaiitH. o the defendants Mary H. Coffin, 8am u. l jute, Ida Adeline Eberle and Den. ins j i.yons: Yon anil each of you are required to hereby take notice that a complaint in equity has been tiled in the above entitled cause and in the above named court, and a summons nag utmii luiueu inereon and tiled on re turn, served in part as to some of tlie de fendants and returned not found in the State of OreKon, as to you and each of you, and that the said the above entitled suit Col. J w. lir ahim, Am0 H-Sei-'y A jrkuli tea coffee soda flavoring extracts ami spices have no sympathy with such waste For ule by W. D. Hare Hillsboro, Orrgon. NORTHRUP, Newly Furnished vT and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of Kuests. ... Shite i Foote, him Transact a General Bunking Bushioss W. 8 UTK A. C. 8HUTK . . Manneei . . Cashier Sell sight Exchanjre and Telegraphic Iranafere and iwoitui iMtiin, r.r i .i;i available thnMigliout the United States. ira-v .. ,,, Exunange on Ixndon, I'iveiDOoI. Dlllllln Puriu Rorlln 1. fort-on-tlio- ain.8to!kholiii and 'all nrin. ipal cities of Europe. t'olleetionsinade on al! aoeesHlble jKilnta Banking hours from 0 a m to 8 p m Hillxliorn, Oregon SUMMONS. it rot tJ0.. ?TBr( a:i tnese anuies wnicn eacn day spouts its worth, . "Y., robbery are continued year but should, rather, get down to after year in the' holy name of business propositions, allowing no national nonor" and an "honest caicn-pnrase nor party name to dollar." this td keep the aterage vote them against their best inter- republican farmer from asserting Party names do not divide those rights which are necessary to tn al dictators of the goldite proper administration, one of which ge, hence, it follows, they should is to Tote lor candidates who will not divide the votes of the farmers. observe the amenities of economv and give the people of the state a! IHB mainb story. business representation. How long can the people support this Tn8 " late hour to recall the ut regime , wnicn pledges . economy madness in (he sending of the -each campaign, only to continue Maine into the harbor of Havana , Hie same abuses when returned to l t'me when the basest elements power? Is there no moral fibre in of the Spanish minds in that citv n ..i- t.-j -. .... . . . , . vrrguu a ioy pciiiticr xt is with 8 ver beat. If. as some of regret that one notices the silsnce our apologists allege, it was done to of the country republican press on aMur8 Spain of our friendship, how those propositions, but what com- much better would have bteu a ca- win honesty can be expected from Wegram to the SFanih'OTwnm a set of journals which fall to any us saving the livesr ofoor sa" political feast the great bosses Jo be plain, their dmtth;" iPaaji f lliaane tl , Ka .1 nm t 4 1- 'lil f V I aa 1 nuw umg win I ue gijoeti, r"' ti.' mmmI. , . . . . I in.ii.. l m 1. : ' uv ywyiv vi irregon enaure tlie jwb wno aespavra;. . robbeirvpracticed by those ele- to Cuban waters, ThW ..Jv of yli are seeking to cheap- congresses, both democrat nud ro umior ine nypol FUUiiUIlli noi long Deiorn iryt y ludse a business bv the wav wvj . ariiiiwi D Jills, J. A. Bowen, formerly with The Argus, is in this city thi evening. Bert was up tj the legislature dn-. ing the extra session, working in the state printer's office. Hon. J. N. Brown, who was with the firm of BagleyA Brown, of this city, for several months, has ef fected a co-partnerrhip at Salem Heis'ina firm of three, Jefferson L. Myers, a well k nown denifwratio politician, being one of the' associates. It is to longer Mine Host North rop, of the Hotel Hillsboro. He has leased the bouse to J. J. Wnrt . irigton, formerly of Montesano. air !. " vruBii., ror one vear. with thn nrivi. 1 b . - rv" iokooi ave years. r. Worthing ton is a thorough hot 1 man nH solicits his share of public patronage. The Hillsboro public should turn out Saturday evoning at the court honse and give the E Corps and Red Cross meeting an entnp-atifl i reception. It should to "bered that Hillsboro bova s Jaila mnA Ut t aaa I IVI lilinii I fll'SlH HIWMB. l!oing much to lend to the$ In the Circuit Courtof the State ofOregon for-Waahington county. Herberdiim Uertlor, Plaintiif 1 Frank Oerller, Defendant To Frank Oertlor, the above named tie-ndant: in ine name or the State of Oregon ou are hereby required to apnea and answer the complaint herein tiled by Mondav the S th day of November, 1898, thoanic being thehi-stdayofthe next regular term of tbis court, mid if you fail so to nppearand answer the complaint the plaintitt will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded thorein, towlt, for a decree dissolving- the .....iio mul iiiurriaKr roniract now ex- so begun is now pending for the puriHiae of obtaining a decree adjudging that there is due and owing to the plaliitill from the defendant W. W. Maruuam, the sum ol II38H.20 with interest tliereon at 8 percent, per annum on SIHUO thereof from Neptemberl, 1890, upon $M.40 thereof at ' " m oveniDerCT, mq, on $24.0n thereof at like rate-from March 4, 1SUS, and mw n $8.75 thereof at like rate from June 27, IN!W, and lor the further sum of f IfiO at attorneys' fees in said auit, iiid lor the puriMise ol obtaining a docree that the saidsuniHof money aforesaid are a tirsi ion and charge upon the lollowing deaeri hed property situate 111 Washington coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at a point 011 the north line of the George Richardson Donation Und tlaim in Section township one south of range one west Willamette Meri dian 437 feet westerly from the northeast corner of said claim, and running from thlH H)int as the initial point, south paN allil with the east line of said claim mi.4 leet to the center of the Taylor's Kerry Koail, so-called: thence aloiig said road north 84 and bff east 852 I-t; thence north 48 15' east U)0 feet to a point on the eastorly line of said claim which is 727.3 fei-t southerly from the nori beast corner ol the claim j thence southerly 011 the easterly line of toe claim to a point S2 chains from the northeast corner of the uiiiii 1 j menoe westerly at right angli s sad niirallel with the north line of the claim IZ.50 chains; thence northerly at right an gles and parallel with the east line of tlie c a m 82 chains to thr north line of the claim j thence easterly at right angles anil .."i.nm lurui iiiieoitiiecialm to the place orbegimiins- which is 'feet distant from tlie northeat comer in hid claim, ana Doing tne same described in the niortnaite fron A'arqiiani to the Northern Counties In vestment Trust, Limlteil, which is of n-c onl in book V of Mortgages of Washing ton county, Oregon, beginning at page II less the property released from n,.,-.. gage by releases executed b the Northern (.ounties Investment Trust, Mmitod. to h. v. Biarqiiam, ol record in I 00k Y of ui.FiiKK?s 01 saio county, Ueginn nu 111 iiuua 'Jnn u..j 1. 1. u., .... ,i . : : i-hm. wv. anu uwn o 01 .uorririi(-ria nt hu coliillv beKiiiiiinirHt nn.. ui 1 he decree for a lien so prayed for being ror a mortgage lien thereon under a mort gage upon the said properties and other ,"pMi.CT,eecuieu oy ... w. .Man-nam to the plaintiff boaring date of February u t i ,1 - -' J , irw'i, III w" i,- 0 records of mortgages of n hiiiiii(,uii uuuiiiy . tjrniro't. iMM-riittiiiiu u page 6; plaintiff likewise prays for a dec ree 111 aid cause that said mortgage be foreclosed, and that the lien tliereon for wiu moneys ajoresaia is paramount to any interest or claim to the mortgaged proper ties 1 by any of the defendants in said suit, including you and each of you, and prays fill' A Bala nf lk ,.i 1 . . r . .. " uiuriguKvn properties above described, and that thereby you and each of you be foreclosed from any interest or claim therein V 01 TO-MGIT? or any other night? How a new scarf would give the finishing touch of neatness to the attire! You can have first view of our autumn neckwear pickings this week. Every tempting tie thought of by leading makers in "the bunch," In puffs, four-in-hands, DeJu- Jolnville, teck or bow, and at littler prices k' than we at first thought. Clever Shirt and Hosiery showings also now confidently await your verdict. The famous Make of Clothing that's Guaranteed. H. WEHKUNG and SOl-i, H1L1AB0K0, ORKUON The Hillsboro Pharmacy The Leading Drug Houae Where Druga, Medicines, l'alnts, OIlM.Npoiiges, Ilrushes and all Druggist's Niinrl ui'ty tie procured at prices that simply distance competition. Union Block Ifsfn Nt. Drt t. A. Hal let Proprietor. . - -b w-" vvm j. quu pitiiiitiii, aim lor n . t i i ,v . iuvn n rf for the costs ami I ' V. Aiiorneya hir flahitifr. judsrment upHlimt vnn - w . . .... w..u . iuvo aiit iimourse nentsortnissuit, and for such other relief as to the court may appear equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of the on. Ihos. A. McBride, Judge of tho above named court, which hhI.1 order is aut aim aarea at i nam Dei s, Astoria. Oregon, this aitli day of Septemher, 1808. a. a. m uni on. Allll IOW Villi, the an iH I ... .1 f..ill.. Samuel Wllite. Ida AHli..lPlJ.-l. ' j w. . , v asri 1-c tlHU Dennis J. Lyons, are each required to ap pear in said suit and answer pluintili k complaint tiled therei 11 or before tin iirimay 01 tne term of said court next ,.L lm roinpieiion orpiiblicalion 01 thiisummoiis.anil which u if.ji u v day in November, A. D., I8B8, and which is Noycinher2Hth,and, unless you ho appear and make answer, plaintiff will thereafter we ihuii against you and each of vou - , , rr, u, lur iiie reiiei iienian- dnl in the complaint, which is substantial ly as set forth in this summons. I hie summons and notice are published ,... ..wii, iu nu oruer 01 tnejiidge of Said court passed on the 23rd day of Ht ptem. ber. A. D. 180S. 1 AURA SKOW t WAM.AI-R MuCaMAHT. First Publication of i.liia on the 2Jth day of September, A. it., 1808. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Washington County. Attorney for Plaintiff. , 8- Huston, Plaintiff ) . J V8, H B Ilollenheck and 8 E Hollenbeck Jeiendaiits, To 11. B. Hollenbeck, tho above named defendant; In the Name of the State of Oregon you are horeby required to appear and' answer the complaint herein tiled bv onday, the 28th day-of November, 18 :8. the same being the first day of the next regular termof said Court, and if you fall SO to aooenr and hhvh ti... ....... From Portland StJ lt!. ForaJiidgiiientagalnstyoiiaiidH. ". liuiiwiuwn ior me sum 01 700, with interest therein at the rate of 8 per cent OR&I lime Schedule l ast mail caves at 8 p m for Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaha, Kansas City! St. l,ouis, Cliicago ami East, arrives T.O a 111 , Spokane Flyer loaves at 2 p 111 for Walla Walla, v,in0Hp(),iN St. Paul, Duluth, Milwaukoo. Chicago and East, arrives r. 01 . - . wuotii oieaiiisiiips ievo at 8 n ifi sailing dates suliiect tn nhm, V rrancisco sail Sept. 1JLJ rive 4 p 111 ,- Steamsb' per onnutti since August 22, 18U8, and tho Kuct id, that iiianr twople do not know where our name cam finiii it's a Rood nniiH' and we hud good r-aw)n for adopt ing it. Let us explain: .ri. ih 1 no 4tii letter nf th (.reek Alplmliet and is shaped like a lelta : -if ini icHor hi him virfea Aipmtiiet anu is Hnapei I ruiiiKlu. three Bided. iow. as we were, nnmer ral w l,u 1I.I..I . , . ..... vll. Store eHtiililiclii'd in 1 1 i 1 11 ..r.. the threa-eoriifred rur j Rigiiificant I'lense n im iiih r, iiIhu, tlmt our name in, Hiu HhMtyg will be, too the Hi;r sig'i of liiglient qiiiilitv an low- i-i-i .iiur. p w in ! HiwHVK p eM-.i to nave vmi cull gt gtore! our soda watei? is igegold 'tir HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. J.H. BUltSON, Pw Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Market : Price : Paid : fur : Fat Cattle. ; Sbu 1 and Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN .STREET, . IIJ.USB0R0. OREGON Hogi To the Farmers of this County Anil not too far from Port land, who have grain to separate, especially oa s from wheat, or either oats or wheat from harley; I take this method ol callinK your attention to the surprising suK'riority jf this machine The Business Grain Sepa rator for this class of work, sit state that I h; ve for ale a few of these machine tlie last built before the factory was buru.d, and that, though Injured a lit.le iu appaaru nee, are w.irran ted to wrk alt right on your own grain or no sale. Every cuxtom " Grist mill should have one. The lute W. S ld. for use on his furini. uurclia..,! The following tP9ii,.,ni.i rm .... . ,w" of ihe '"Hclunes. good a mechanic to be deceived in the i -f ' ,0 After following gr st milling moreor Z MS?e U.MrS! " iT, never, saw a more perfect workinK machine f, ,Z rul'y that I tcus kinds of urain and seeds frn.n m, .i7 Tit.. fT'V? F"ng me vur- ft .i "... "vm uuici iimn tne Hint KiiaitiMa w ia: commend theo 0 e '11 Kra'i I can che, ui 1,,.. !. .... V Dimr mat t nave Ol leavo 8 ; 1- f of "hon H " .: .. . yt money?" 6VROLIKR THAN THOU BROTHEJK, iating the independence of fitt lonoweu by the monutnental Uuii der in sending the Maine, occasion ed a war which might have hem a. verted, with On Hurt attrl D.k. ftu vur goiu prew conanuy aueg- an liberty accomi)Iiih1 P, i ... ' m - ... I " inc unu leanesfiv oomnat 1 1 Uri on ,.. . . . 'MantraitMt that ambranM finanidii uiii....j u 1 . . ' "'""ZZ .tt". . " . wou-a nave averted War rrwr. sun mwiiue very uii., wiu una Becurea the desired ends 1 But I is uieij 10 caicn a voter; nere ana we Maine incident, within itself is tbti who Has no ginmiiiy ot the greatest blunrW nf th -10.1. century. After it, wai was inevit- aoie. We have won. 'i rfr-IIrdtty, 10 P n for Astoria and "-fm,ul"sSi arrive p f Willamette rive p in except r Astoria and 111 except Sunday 0AV1 r "logon viyr, iewoerg, Balem Sunday UmlinH Hlrlve ;w P " except wjl'a'etto ami Yamhill river leave 7 T""lay. Thiirsduy and, fluturdny for Oregon City, Dayton and way landings, arrive 3:d0 p in Monday. Wednesday and suj" 60 ""omey fees, and for the costs uisuuraenieiiHi 01 this suit: that 11 certain mortgage executed by you and 8, K .Hollenbeck on Augmt 22, 188(1, and which issreonrded on page465 of Book S4 or ttecord of mortgages of Washington l-oiiiity, Oregon, be foreclosed and tho land therein dflacrihnrl Mnlri an..riin.. ... J?W n,d,thf Proline of this court for .!r the satisfantlnii nf nlalniifln. uuu 1...1 - , - - - a niu JUUUIII- nt and decree: said land being particu riy uescrioea as tne West half of the "iuii.tnj.ijuBTOrui Becuou at Town 8 North Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian! that the proceeds of said sale be applied first; to the payment of the " "Auewies 01 saw sale, and seo ond, to the satisfaction of plaintiff's judir. .out; and further, that von. nH n sons claiming through or under you, be forajlosedorall right, title or Interest In and to the same, save the statutory right ot redemption. This summons is served yioii you oy publication by order of the Hon. Ihos. A. .VoHride, Judge of the a bove named court, which said order Is made and dated this 13th day of October, 8. B. HUSTON & JOHN M. WALL, Attorneys for Plaintiif. i Willamette river leave earn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for UorvBlUs ami way landings, arrive l:ao p 111 Tuesday, I hursday and Saturday , &il'(ly' Yoc,'";'ia' and ttlrlay for ,lv Tt;,'!,ilave .;.wi',t',,, 5 m Sun day, Tuesday und Thursday for Kiparin. , Add ' ilumglrtv This hint been the dema jioory of fur gold writer ever There could W. II. HULBURT. Gen. Pu-H. Agent D. d well CaililTACo. - Gen. Agts N. P. S. S. C-.. .Portland, . . Ofgo.i. UXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been, by the County Court of Washington County, lor the State of Ore gon. appointed and continued ai executor , win and testament of Gran h 1 ,B8ber. deceased, and all parties 1 .......iK viniiiia nKiun tne estate ot said I Omiivilie H. Baber are liereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to me at my residence at Forest Grovo, or at the lawottlceof Hon. 8. B. Huston, at ililis liiiro within six monts from thedate lmre of. Ih,ted at Forest Grove, Ore., tills ii'id , day ol September, 1898. fcxeiMitor of the lat will and tentumci't of Oranville H. I aber, deceased. reconimen that has lieen in use for about respectlully, D W. Frcetii 1 he Price ot tliese mac "t J25I for tlie extra F, particulars, address ittle 'Business.' ve one of them in nil . , . a in, nil, I IH Kill in itrv. ...n.l. : . j u uioi.1... 1 r 1 s"" "vi King nruer. a 1, Fishhawk. CoUitnli a r i. o . ?. ...... hinei when nm mf..,-, ZllF. "'.,09?' arm size 4S, 1!0W lnit fon Fo'r lX'tort - - ING, 387 E. Waahlngton St. Portland? RELIABIUITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of -yellow" journalism. They care little for SI and a great deal for temporary sensao" It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. Imprint, the news-all the news-and tell, the truth It is the only American newspaper oubide New York city ttat h" its own Mcluive dispatch boat service and Its : SSir" Md lrtiStJ efrontinboth It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best oys me uroana (ill.) Daily Q)ufJ MWe read the war news in tr then we turn to THE CHICA? see how much of it is true," SSpU by newsdealers evervwhsr ,nJ ' " postmasters. Addreu W? J5?l dison street, Chicago. Cl er papers. EC0RD tor tlnns r.i.V .1 it- 1 1 .