9 -i i J. o wjoy Reading all' of the WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, '03. .W. D. KENTON TALKS I) "Before the Hoard of L'qualt .ation Saturday Trili ATTUKXEV PLEADED POVERTY Said the Southern Pacific was Paying a Sulliclency towanl public Administration lion. W, D. Kenton, on of Ore roii'h ablest ccirporntton attorney, was in tlw city rktui'day last and net ml iiw agent for the Southern I'u ciliu Hystwni, in itmpoiiHe to a cita tion imide that tho eoinmny'H rep roioiitiitivo hIioiiM appear and nhow cniiMH why the roadbed in Wash ington county should not he raised on the assessment roll. While In' hhkiiI uously attended to the inler est of Mr. I In ntinton, it cannot he said that In wan drastic on the only pa pur in Oregon iidvoeiitieK equituhlo assessment, his unkind est remark having hwi to ell'eet that sometimes people luhored un der "morn xnal than knowledge," n splendid paraphnse, hut rather lean on logiu 1 1 Ktnled that the Southern i'aeilic system was guar anteeing 0 per (Hint to bondholder on a bams of oO,()(X) in mortgage boi id h on the mile! And then there waa nothing left each year except a debita deficit of from 20l),0)0 to 400,0001 In other wordH, "Poor old Uncle (!olli.s!v llo donates that much each year to bondholders -perhaps they forco it out of the unsophisticated, nged and holdup philanthropist! lint those who have watched "your Undo Collin" ra rather sure thai "your Uncle Collis" and his friends who re-organized the O it C. are individually owners of a large por tion of tho fl 9,000,000 in bonds, and that Iiih method of digging up to ''bloated bondholders" is practically like taking the ducats out of his right pocket and then placing them in his left! Mr, Kenton, however, left no data onj the question of ownership Hut iiiougn wr.-P enton's (latum was rather elaborate, he did not deny tne interest on inn ip.styiuu per mile was religiously, paid to the holders. The stock of tho O. L, is quoted by tho 8. I', to tho board oi equalization oi t;uiiiornnt as worth but ten cents on the dollar-- but how could it he .worth more, when the mortgaged property is liquidating 0 per cent annually to the bondholders on a basis of $.'!(), 000 per mile! Tho hoard made no change, Mr. Fen ton having con cluded only two hours before the powers of the board censed. . Mr. Fen ton claimed that the railroad commissioners regulated the freight and passenger rates and that tho company could stand no more taxation. A few minutes later ho broadly asserted that in case of more assessment the rates would be raited (whero was the railroad commission?) and the far mers and shippers would pay the increofco in the long run, anyway. The facts are these; The road practically belongs to the bond holders. Their interest is guaran teed ou a basis of $.'10,000 por mile, which mile Is assessed at less than an average ,pf $1,000 the state over. How do Local and County I7eTr3 Forest Grove, Sept. 28. HP-he General Association of Congrega tional Churches of Oregon began its golden jubilee celebration here yesterday. Fifty years ago the as sociation was organized in the churcbt iiijwhich it is now in ses sionAAl'ter a brief song service, bltV' rinoipal Henry 1.. Kates, of Pacini 'University, the pennon of the evening was preached by Rev. P. J. Knight, of Salem, miporinteu dent of the Oregon deaf mute school, and a member of the asso ciation for over years, ilis text was: "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before," lie inferred to the cele bration as no occasion for self-congratulation for the achievements of the past, and said that the future was all the brighter for t he thought of the coming reunion above with those who, during the past halfcen tury, have made Congregationalism such a power for good in Oregon. Daily Oregonian, II. Wehrung S, Sons have re ceived their fall stock of dress goods, hosiery, and underwear. Drop in and get their prices before buying ilsewhere, iTfin Were ia at the Capitulation of the City. LIEUTENANT E.J. BUY AN MENTIONED Key Latham's Company Carried the Or egon Colors into the Captured District. ojie fa"riitys like this? r TJiaf Deficit. Mr.- JY. i ton enlarged upon a "deficit." Let us see what Judge McKenna, now in MeKinley's cab inet, said, in his opinion continu ing tho 8. P.'g injunction against the California railroad commis sioners: "Was the payment ot interest a "loss to the Southern Pacific com "pany ? Clearly not. It is secured "to it and is to bo reimbursed to it, "and is charged in the report as a "balance deficit payable bv the Or- sn and Uautornia Railroad com pany. So it appears that Judge McKen na took judicial knowledge of the fact that the Southern Pacific sys tem suffered no loss by this defiijH of the Oregon end of the line. JL" operating expenses, taxes, impi$Va ments on roadbed and eqnipjhr&t, had been paid and still for ti" j 1895, a hard one, the road j' f) above this, $397,404 2!) to ,he bond o-vners! In 1896 Spectacles eye-helps if right.; eye htuters and headache makers if wrong! Who is to know in time to avoid the mistake? Sol the av erage spectacle seller; his mission it to get your nose harnessi d with a pair that strikes your fancy and at 1 he same time draw down your cash, If 1 see that you don't need classes, I will te 1 you so. If on 1 , . I r . ' no neeu mem, l can give you a glass that will be a pleasure to wear. If your glasses are skewed or inclined to pinch, let ine adjust them for you. No charge for little favors like that. Hoyt, the jeweler, Read the telegraphic news in This Annus. No other paper in the county seat gives such a com plete service. The people want all the news. J. W. Karsteter, Superintendent Iteedville farm, informs us that the i. add it Heed Farm Company have purchased Jirown llessie's Chromo from F. IS, MeEldowney, and that tins well bred youngster is now on the Iteedville farm. This fellow is rich in the blood of Ilrown Bessie the World's Fair champion butter cow, anil is ht to head n herd in any country. Rural Spirit. And still the thoroughbreds keep com ing to Washington county. ir tir.i pi-i . , , ii. enrung iv, pons is tne mace to buy your groceries. They keep a complete stock. Their motto is full weight and low prices. The Odd Fellows' building is complete so tar as the brick work is concerned. The cornice has been placed in position and the roof will soon bo covered. The stairway leading to tho hall will open on Third street at the rear of the building. Tho stone title reads: First, the three links emblematic of the order, then below, "I. (). O. F., No. 50;" below this "1898." To ladies from the country You come to town hot, tired and dusty. You would be glad of a place to bathe your face, brush up and per haps rest a few minutes Well, I have furnished my sitting room and shall be pleased if you will consider yourselves more titan wel come to come and use both dress ing room and sitting room. W. R. Hoyt, Photographer, Mr. G. W. Tamiesio, of the North Plains, and one of our prominent young educators, has decided to en ter the medical profession and will leave tins week to take his initial course in the Portland Medical col lege. His many friends take a just pride in his ambition, and if energy and application will count aught, he will get to the top of the ladder. R. K. Bryan it Son have iust re ceived their fall shipment of jackets, capes and mackintoshes. It will I ay you to look at theso goods and compare prices before purchasing. See introductory price of Schill ing's beBt collee. Ilillshoro'and Washington county have had their share in the late war and when the boys come home they shall have a rousing reception. So far, not one of our boys hns been seriously ill, nor wounded. Co. II., Second Oregon II. S. Vol unteers, carried the Oregon colors into Manila, after capitulation. In this company were Itoy Latham, formerly with The Argus, and Percy Oliver, formerly with the Oelta Drug Ktor. Mr. Dodson. the Oregonian correspondent, makes this special mention of Lieutenant I'rynn: "The compli ments to the colonel, the recogni tion of Captain Case's ability as an engineer, and the use of Lieuten ants Bryan and Mo ire as scouts to map the city, have been followed by making Lieutenant Povey depot quartermaster at Cavite, a position that would give him the rank of captain, should he he permanently promoted." Co. 1., m which were George Summers, of this city, and J. C. Buchanan, jr., of Cornelius, was General Merrill's body guard when that official entered the city. So it will be seen that, after all, those little drills in the Bailey brick, on Second street, last spring, are not ot the least importance, and Lieutenant Bryan has earned his honors. A very interesting question was passed upon by Jurie Burnett at McMinnville Tuesday, with ref erence to a supposed conflict be tween the United States Bankrupt cy Law and the assignment laws of of Oregon. The last section of the United Stales Bankruptcy Act h as follows: "This act shall go into force and effect upon its passage; provided, however, that no petition for voluntary bankruptcy shall be filed within one month of the pass age thereof, and no petition for in voluntary bankruptcy shall be filed within four months of the passaue thereof. Proceedings commenced under state insolvency laws befw the passage of this act shall not be effected by it." One W. S. Walker made an assignment ou Julv 7. 1898. Some of his . creditors had garnisbeed the money due him from the McMinnville Insurance Co. upon a policy covering bis house which had been burned. The assignee, Mr. W. II. Wehrung, of Hillsboro, represented by 8. B. Huston, intervened in the garni shment proceedings and claiming ing the money by virtue of tho as signment. The attorneys for the attaching creditors, Messrs. Irvin & Vinton, of McMinnville, contend ed that the U. S. Bankruptcy Act went into effect on July 1st, and that, consequently, the assignment proceedings being bad under the state laws were void; that the state law was suspended bv the Bankriint "ui.. i iie niiumev ior li e assignee hard w 1. i I The Result of His Arrest of; Parrott Family. ! I SUIT COMMENCED IN MULTNOMAH. 'Ued ( .i-r.il ii". late of Hii'sbo 1 his thigh a if -!r. 'i.jiiries in the b".-ptiti hiHt Satur-r- K right waa 87 hU advanced age fact, that ht; was r from his injuries. , - - - peculi.'inv sad one old loan came to an' urgent , J. I. Knii'ht. ; ' here aid puss his remain- j ing d.r, - with bin,. A week ago the Apparently no Danger lliai they will j age. I parent and widower arrived get a Verdict. I"11'1 bile walk ing from the depot, . I !il'I'd "d fell heavily on the side- (WaiK. causing :i Hvere fracture. I..rr.l 1, ...... i I .. i. ,,j I ... .-,.. .. .,i..mv ntivr , (t.-, (i iMfiiinr - tit I imiern n. brought suit against Isaac Allen, of "t Hiii.-l.o,-,-,, mid iheold Keedville, for twenty thousand dol- I'T ""J" '",,iu' r,ln!- "f the G. A. lars (1mno, ft., f..!E ; i ,k' . '" .Men in (;o M 2nd Coi p.il ro, Or Week ! Mill! ii- !'".'. day I nl.t , years old, and t is attributed tin unable to lee .'. ft-- i oe case a a iroin the fact Unit ii-re in response request from his si THE ARGUS TRAINS AND MAIL SERVICE Janie and Chas. Paily Mail Arrivals: Forest Grove . Portland, Way and Eastern Oleneoe . Corvallis and Way Portland . am 7:M 8:80 P tu 6:00 4:9) Cider Factory Orf J : '- ' The Imperial Cuj Cornelius, will opei 1898, and will run bo make aple Call and get ter nelius. i .a r i r I w y "'y, of vnber 1, in the ,'J Hon. S iI-X court.vi ing Su the gr Be lin al chasing.- xrl). Fen ton was in town frotfK" Portland Saturday. Mr. Fenton haB Viany friends in this section and is always a welcome viBiior to nuiBboro. .fie f count- , sione. wr a Jtvorcs ki l zro-nnicp cwk St,' arrived' arfi inniings. See riinniings. H. Taylor Hill, who owns a fine ranch near Moiintailulale, and who large interests at Prinoville, is oi his way back to Eastern Orf-"ah, and writes from Buena ViByt: "You will please send the r-rfer to Prineville, Or., I have f , Vied 85 birds since Sunday and ,y now satisfied to start home." William Bitgley, a prominent grower of Leisyville, yesterday sold 5000 pounds of hopB to the A. J. Luce Hop Co. at 15 cents. Mr. Bagley contracted to deliver 20,000 pounds two years ago at 8 cents, which were also delivered with the 5000 pounds. ' Herman Siegrist, son of Mrs. Verene Siegrist, was in the city fast week from Chehalis, on his Wiy to San Francisco, where he Hill attend opticat'Bchool. lloy Latham writes front Manila that he is a capitalist, having over fifteen dollars deposited with Uncle m, on which he will draw inter- 1 Sandma" McKinney was laid V r. in the Masonic cemetery ttur,! last. The funeral was preyed in the M. E. church. John and George Dooley were in the city from Greenville Monday, and made this offica a pleasant call. Cheated for sale at Chas. L. Crocker's one and"niie-half mile east of Hillsboro. C!nt farm. Desire to buy or rent' organ. Call at this office for particulars, - J. P. MAGRUDER Writes an Interesting Letter on the Situation at Manila J. P. Magruder, well known in this city, and who is with Co. E., Sec ond Oregon Volunteers, at Manila, writes an interesting letter, of which tho following abstract is taken, to Mrs. Burt: "My company was the first to land under the guns at the fort but '.he general made us stand back until Co. F., his body guard, en tered the city. Co. A. followed and we went next, the rest of the regi ment following The Spanish pa pers complimented us next morn ing. They said we were very brave men, as we marched through the streets (surroumhjd by ten thous and armed men) whistling "Yan kee Hoodie" and other national aits, not knowing what minute we might be blown into eternity by a dynamite mine, liut we had Dew ey out in the bay and had there been treachery there would not have been a Spaniard left in the town. I am sorry to say the Cali fornia boys made an awful blunder four weeks ago. They heard firing between their lines and the enemy one night and rushed out pellmell and fired three volleys into the backs of the Pennsylvanians who were in front of them. It was an awfui and a sad mistake incom petent officers the cause ot it all. I want to stay here when the wai ts over, as l think there will be money here for me if Uncle Sam governs the islands, but it will not be healthy for Americans if the islands go back to Spain. If the U. b. holds the Ladrones, I mav go there, but it is an awful lonesome place. Still I can stand 3 or 4 years it 1 c : it get some coffee or cane land. The Spaniai s are all deathlv deathly afraid f the Americans. but are glad to , ave us in the city to protect them tinst the insur gents. .1 he insurgents think it is sure death to stand in front of an American gun. McCorkle-George, Married: At the residence of the bride's parents, Hillsboro, Ore gon, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1898, Dr. Milton G. McCorkleand Miss Emma Blanche George, Rev. S A-. George and Rev. E. P. Hughes officiating. The groom is the leading physi cian and surgeon of Mitchell, Ore gon, where he has been practicing for several years. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Rev. and Mrs. George, and has for some time been identified with the public schools of Crook county. She has been in this city enjoying a vaca tion of Beveral weeks, and has en- leared herself to all with whom she has become acquainted. the happy pair will leave Mon day or their future home in East ern Oregon. v J. H. VanLum, of Centerville. and Will Walker of Greenville, were in the county seat Friday last, They report the autumn harvest as about completed in their sections. Preston Blish, aged 50 Septem- 1, died at the poor farm September 23. The unfortunate man was deaf, dumb and blind, and has been otherwise ailinir for some time. contended, first, that as no petition or other proceedings in bankruptcy could be had until August 1, there- lore tho Bankruptcy Act was not in force until that date except for me purpose ot appointing trustees in bankruptcy and perfecting the machinery for the operation of the act, etc. hecond, that the insol vent' debtor in this case being a wage-earner earning less than if 1, 500 per annum was not effected by the Bankruptcy Act; and third", that in any event the assignment proceedings were sufficient to clothe the assignee with title as against everyone except some person claim ing under the Bankruptcy Act Judge Burnett did not pass upon the last two questions, but anon the first question he decided in fa vor of the assignee, holding sqnar-ly- that the Bankruptcy Act was not in effect so as to suspend the operation of the state law until one month after its passage. Now is the chance for Argus rea ders to get 10 series of 16 photo graphs each 1G0 photographs in ail of the American navy, Hawaii and Cuba. The size of the port folios is 10 A by 14 inches end the reproductions are simply strand. Give your orders at this office. The complete series and the Ahoub one year, I2.C0. Come and see what they are. You can't afford to be without them. Carl Heidle met with rather a peculiar accident the other day. He was riding on a wagon loaded with 16-inch wood when one of the tires gave way, precipitating him to the ground. One of the sticks struck his right cheek bone and severed an artery which caused the blood to settle all over his left cheek, there being no incision irt the flesh from which it could escape. H. Wehrung & Sons will take your measure for a tailor-made suit; fit guaranteed; prices from 112 up. Drop in and look at their sample book. The board of equalization was quoted last week as not citing the S, P. to appear and show cause cause why the roadbed taxes should not be raised. This was published on information received Wednesday morning. Later Mr. Brethertonhe agent, w s cited to appear. This gave them until Saturday to make their showing. E. E. Colestock give's you the best shave in the city. Hair cut at, popular price, try his baths. Don't forget the place City shav ing Parlors, Main street. The eleven-year-old son of Mr. C. Rockstroh, near Cornelius, sus tained a bad fracture of the left shoulder last Saturday by falling from the top of a fence. The lad was watching a team which had just ran away with Mr. Rockstroh and in his excitement lost his balance. amages ior iaise imprison ment, malicious arrest, etc., grow ing out the court proceedings when Allen had them arrested for the al leged theft of if500, and upon tria! securing discharge. The case han been brought in the Multnomah circuit and papers were served last Saturday while Allen was in Port land. The unexpectedness of the suit and the large sum prayed for nearly upset Father Allen. It is not worth while for "the old mon" as ne cans niuiseii, to worry over anything more than the expense of an attorney, as it is hardly proba ble they will get judgment for even twenty cents. While the Parr tts went clear, the whole tenor of the case was such as to show the qld man as honestly belisving the wo man got the money. Real Estate Transactions Pr. Sandford, of Glencoe, was in town Monday and says that he re cently lost a valuable setter dog by poisoning. This makes the fourth dog he has lost by this route and he is somewhat, and justly, deter mined to see if the thing can't be stopped. H Wehrung & Sons' fall stock of boots, shoes, rubbers and mack intoshes are now in. Quality, fit and price guaranteed. No trouble to show goods. Chas. F. Hickline, well known as having lived in this city several years ago, has been convicted in Portland of having assaulted his stepson, Guy Thomas, with a dan gerous weapon. He was given the usual 10 days in which to move for a new trial. Solomon Emerick and wife write from Fletcher, Idaho, that heading and threshing only commenced , in their state two weeks ago. Wheat, Mr. Emerick says, is going 40 bushels to the acre. Mr. E. R. Gregory, attomev-at-law, has opened offices in the'Cor win & Wooscer block in tho rooms formerly occupied by J. I. Kni gb.t. Real estate transactions have been very light the past week, but 8 instruments having been filed: Nettie C Lommason to Jas W Anthony 7.21 a Elkhanah Walker die $900. Balfour Guthrie Investment Co to Jas Nicol 1G0 a in sec 24 t 1 s 1 w $5000. Christ Balmer to J A and G W Reynolds 43 39 a in W W Graham d 1 c $3000. Arthur J Bell and wf to Eliza J Eynmn It 3 blk 8 Smockville -Sherwood $100. Ira E Haynam to W N Ilaynam s i of n w i and n $ of s w sec 28 t 3 n r 3 w $1600, Bernard Mollmann to T II and Angala Muller 15.77 a in Win Mc- Linn d 1 c and It 68 Cornelius $100. A II Thomas to Mary E Thomas pt It 3 blk 28 Forest Grove $300. ! K. lie eni;Med in ( caiairy in 1--A,, and wived under Col.Chivirigton in the famous Hand Creek fkdU with the Indians. Se attle P. I., H' pt '26. The patrons i f the M. E. Church tendered their pastor, It. A. Atkins, a reception at the church last even ing, at which a large crowd was in attendance. Hon..' V. N. liilrrett warnry welcome. i the pastor, en larging upon the happy circum stance which had returned him for another year, and then reviewed the excellent work of the past year. Rev. Atkins responded in a happv vein and assured his Hearers thai he was elated at tjie warm feeling and regard manifested by his par ishioners and hoped the relations of the future would be as pleasant as those of the past. The addition al program was a solo bv Miss Zn- la Warren and Mona Williams citation by little Daily Mail DeDartnrM- Portland & Eastern via 8 P m 7 1 feifTa0ye,Len0Xf I Portland & Way . " p m $ ' Korest Grove . - P 3Z m"Ili,!!ft0n and Lanl leave, at 10-.m m and arrives at 8:45 p m on Tuesdar Thursday and Saturday '.warn to 8:OOpm, except Sundays. . S. P. Tim Table: --..v- Vortland Oorvallis Portland MeMinnville Lv. a in 7:13 a m 8:50 a m 8:60 a m 6:00 Ar. p m 8:50 p m 4:21) p m 6:00 P m 7:18 yilT. CALENDER"" iLLl 11 Mil 18 19 I 25 1 261 6 13 2 3 LLXJULOJw J6JJ7 231 24 20 27 21 j 22 28 29 30-T CHAPLAIN GILBERT WRITES. The Emergency Corps Hears from its Contribution Mrs. R. E. Bryan of the Jlillsboro Emergency Corps, has received a letter from Chaplain Gilbert, Sec ond Oregon Volunteers, Manila, under date of Aug. 20, the text of which, following, explains itself: "I received yesterday a letter from Ladd & Til ton, bankers, with draft for $30 enclosed, from the Emergency Corps at Hillsboro. The letter also contained your let ter giving directions as to the use of the money. I wish to thank the kind people of Hillsboro for this thoughtful gift to the regiment. We appreciate your kind remem brance and the money will be ex pended as you direct, and I am sure it will help in many ways those who now lie sick in our hos pitals. We are getting along nice ly as a legiment. Thus far we have had five deaths, one from ap pendicitis, on the sea; the others all of typhoid fever. This is our worst foe. It assumes very malignant form. We today buried Private Perry, of Co. A. He was sick only five davs. e now have five sick of fever at Cavite hospital, and in the Manila hospital we have one case ot measles and six typhoids from our regiment. ' Please in some way bear our thanks to the Emergency Corps. "The dear old homeland is doub ly dear when one is 8,000 miles away." When you spend money for clo thing, you find it a pleasure to know exactly what you are getting. When Wanamaker & Brown give their word for the quality of a gar ment, it is a guarantee to all men ! that it is as represented. If you are not an expert in men's and boys' clothing, furnishing goods, etc , you may yet know how to select by ex amining sample and noting what Wanamaker & Brown say about them. Sec samples and prices at Archhold's store. Jas, McCulloch, Agent. A new gasoline lamp has been k;i,:i..i .- .i . -. -r. r-Aoiuueu in uie city, it gives a splendid light for the the expense involved and wou'd probably meet with genuine public fav.ir nwe if not for the fact that insurance companies will not insure at usual rates when gasoline is used for lighting purposes and neither will they a' low gasoline to be stored on the premises without ndditinn.il charge But the lamp is a ' dan dy," just the same Kinmont, sold last spring by Jasper Reeves, of Cornelius, won the free -for-all-two-year-old race at the-State,Fair, Monday. Kinmont is Washington county foaled and bred. Thos. Talhott was the origi nal owner. The colt's dam is Beulah and his sire, McKiiiney. He had never been on the track until a few days before the race. Kinmont war in two straight heats 2:54 and 2:59. Wanted: Husband and wife to work by the-year at the Ladd it Reed farm, Reedville. Man must understand farming and care of stock and woman must be good cook. Do not want, yet would not object to one child, if parties were otherwise satisi'icPy. Address J. W. Karsteter, iieeilville. Oregon. Five thousand young rainbow trout were recently placed in Dairy Creek, near Mountaindale, by Com missioner Maguire. . It is expected there wilt be plenty of rainbow chasing next spring! Miss Marie Vandersal, of Salem, assisted by local musical talent, will give a recital at the Congrega tional church, Wednesday evenihe uct, otn. Admission children 10 cents. SmTDIRECfRY ,iV(f$Bnde;ReP"sentative ist di.t Governor-Wm P Lord. Secy State Harrison Kincaid. Treas.-Philip MI schan. Printer-WH Ueds . Supreme Court-C E Wolverton, R S Bean and FA Moore. ' PrZ, " ouny ameers County & Probate Judge, Louis A. Rood: Com- aeTTT' T tSS nrJfri Imne- Sheriff-W D Bradford. Recorder-Calvin Tack ir Ireas-A B Cady. Assessor-G hVu co. School Snpt-H. .A Ball. Sur- LLarJe A MoBiU- whTc D 'iCt L"d 0fficers, O ron Citv-C uty yfficers:-Mayor, "rdeur. Benton Bowm Mitchell; Marshal T oil: John Caratens, T u h?,ran8". H Wilcoi X. Barrett: Re : Treas., B q, (iheen. Coun Tucker, W H M Greear, and PROFESSIONAL. THOS H TONGCB. 2o cents; Mackintoshes and rubber goods of all kinds at Schulmerich & Son's. Col. Simpson, representing the Oregonian, was in the city Mon day. Well improved farm for rent. One-half mile east of town. Cash rent. E. II. Warren, Hillsboro, Oregon. ,. The public schools of Cornelius will open next Monday with J. T. Dorrien as principal and Miss Stel la Miller assistant, Bernard Mottman, father of Mrs. T. H. Miller, of Cornelius, died at her home in that place, Tuesday. The remains were buried at Ver boort today, Mr. Ferdinand J. Krueger, Port land, and Miss Hamel, of Bethany, were married at tho lat ter place, September 22, Kev. Ban man officiating, Mrs. Lizzie Sluye has placed a splendid monument over the graves of her father and nrother, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Constable, whose re mains are interred in the West Union cemetery, The Water & Light Co. will shift its machinery attpiidniht tonight and endeavor to have things run ning for tomorrow evening, If not, customers will be notified. Pioneer Chas. Stewart still lin gers close to the dour of death and his demise may be expected at any hour, the ianuly has all been summoned to the bedside. Go to F. J, Barber, Second Street for a neat shave or hair cut. Satis faction guaranteed. Fine bath room in connection. The best stock of shoes in town is at Schulmerich Si Son's. II. Wehrung & Sons will take yous, measure for a new fall suit. Fit guaranteed and prices the low est. Mrs. Herbertina Gertler, of south of Cornelius,, has sued Frank Gert ler for absolute divorce. "U-Can't-Itip-'Em" brand of shoes at Schulmerich's. See them and try them. The Oregon Bed Cross Societ.v has been organized at Portland, and Mrs. K. E. Bryan, of this city, is one of the six Vice-presidents. J. B. Willis, of t hi., city, will at tend the Consolidated University at Portland this winter leaviiv for his studies next week.- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ire. hind, Hillsboro, Saturday, Septem ber 24, a son. Pioneer Thos. Oteluns, who has for so many years resided on the claim will move into town in a few days, B TONGUB NOTARY. THOS. H. & E. B. TONGUE, Attorneys-At-Law. Rooms 3, 4) & 5, Morgan B,k. Hi,8boro H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Deputy District Attorney lor Washing ton County, Office upstairs over Delta Drug Store. E. R. GREGORY, L. L. B. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC. Hillsboro, . . Oreeon Iiock, UpstP is. Corwin & Wooster F. A. BAILEY, Iff. D. Physician, Surgeon and Acconvher Offlo la Hmstwrs FWbmt. ju. dence soatn-wat mm IsiiIIii ii II. WILLIAMS, D.D.S..M.D.S. (Succeessor Dr. A. B. Bailey, D 1). S DENTIST Sixteen Years Active Experience) Rooms l & 2 Mobsah Baimy Block HILLSBORO, OREGON. S. T. LMKLATCR, M. D. C Irl. PHYSICIAN AND SURGBOK, Oflioe at Residence East of Court Home jamb mumuxssi, . i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern PmUU Railroad Oh. Consultation In French or CngUaa. Oflea ;ei residence sooU of Main near M ak. Hillsboto, Or, WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS ahd SURVEYORS. Cottreyaneiag and 1m bmi specialty, Lindaay Kaek, two doon wtrth af tfca Bostoffloa. BeooadaU, HqUbota, Oc JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ottice with 8. B. Huston, Union Block HILLSBORO, OREGON. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Notarial. ork and Conveytncing.J Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS OF ilough & DresseJ Lomber Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO OREGON Svprel tmvtwi.rtliy persons tn " busdr' In ' f Wanted- tins state to manacn m own and nearby- counties It la 7 mtKx wuiK coiuiuatml at lion. straight t)00 a year 4 e- -lido, no more, no i ' i Kefoi-onces. J, " ... , stamped envelo v .-., f Prest.) Lept. M.i. ' MM . sSs-iBtS'i