Subscribe for it and on- HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON CO., 0!., THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, '1)8. Live County Paper. THE ARGUS Sutered at the Post-oftice at Hittsboro, Oitgon, as Second class mail matter. LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY is' ftnhnnrlntlnm One Dollar per Annum Six Months, 60 cts: Three Months, 85 cts. Opposed to Gold Mono metallism. Be lieves in the Bimetallic Standard Thinks we Ought to Take Care of our own People Before Annexing Hawaii, Has no nse for Marcus A. Hanua. WHY IT WIIiL NOT DIE. $200,000 to $400,000 annually, it must earn, above operating expen se?, taxes, betterments, improve ments, some $538,000 to apply on bonded interest, taking Mr. Fen- ton's extreme deficit as actual. This would, give the bondholders nearly three per cent clear! and that on a valuation of $30,000 per running mile of their road. Mind you, this road is assessed in Ore gon at less than an average of $4, 000 a mile! Where are the farmers making any such profits on farm properties, and where are realties that are not assessed at proper val uations. How long can the people of Oregon stand such taxation? Will they ever crack the nut, or will they submit to Southern I'a- nifin rule, like coolies in a rice plantation? to plain en nigh and the vote of ISStb' plainly enough, shows that a vast majority of the Caucasian farmers saw the handwriting on the wall, as witness their greater support of Bryan and bimetalism. Here are two assertions which aland in antagonism to each other. and uttered by various republican journals: "The silver idea dead."' "The next presidential election will be fought on the silver issue." Both these are repeated in gold journals every day and week In Vermont the democrats make a gain from eleven legislators forty-five, on the bimetallic plat form; in Maine, on the same plat form, the democrats polled slightly in advance of their vote in 189G, while the republicans lost great strength; in Arkansas the demo cratic state ticket was elected two to one over the joint vote of repub licans and populists, the latter of which cast a bimetallic vote. In the pending elections in the east, no one questions great bimetallic gains. The bimetallic issue can not die so long as there are men who conscientiously believe that the law of supply and demand operates upon money just as upon all other things; it can never die so long as the producing elements continue to hold their homes, and it will never die, even under con tinuous defeat, until the majority of farms are controlled by others than those who till the soil. It can never die so long as men who produce have spirit enough, to work against , the debasement of their efforts. It is neither here nor there to charge dishonor to either the gold standard or bimetallic teachings. It is a business ques tion. The majority of those who own or control large values in dol lars or collaterals demanding dol lars, will, from sheer shift of bene fit to themselves, regardless of vJier and conflicting industries, work for the gold standard, while thoeo who are producers will, in the great majority, work for better priced products, or "cheap dollars," as our gold friends may say. The vast majority of thinking farmers are not ready to have the banking interests prescribe their financial medicine, as yet, for they know it means more profit for bankers and less for farmers. THIS TELLS THK STOKY. SCHULMERICH & SON Quote Prices on Farm Implements A political "artful dodger" is al wavs sans respect. Here we have the Independent of last week whining about being misquoted by' The Argus. It is not for The Argus to say the Independent falsi fies. Senator Dolph was one of Oregon's original gold standard men. In order to show readers what the Independent's editorial was, out of -which The Argus has continuously and religiously quot ed, we give the whole article, word for word, that portion between the brackets being the portion quoted: 4 A NUT TO CRACK. If it is to be so, that the bondhold ers of the Oregon & California have nothing to do with the Southern Pacific system, and that Mr. Hunt ington must oDerate this Oregon end of the line at a loss, why is it that the lease from the bondholders to Mr. Huntington's system, the present operator, contains the fol lowing provision, quoted by Judge McKenna, (now a cabinet officer under McKinley) on page 403, Re port of Railroad Commissioners of California, 1895-6: "The lease also provides that 'on the ist of May of each year the Southern Pacific company shall pay to its lessor such balance, if any, of the net income for the year ending the ist of December preceding as shall remain in its hands after all payments for interest agreed to be made are paid.' ". Now. as the stock proper of the V""7c. wp CtfiTy worth ten cents the dollar, according to S. r. otations, it would appear that in re-organization the stockholders had but little to do with tji and that the real re were the bondholders. Fw should Mr. Huntington's syf ooerate the line for the sole be of the paper holders.' It is p! enoueh that Mr. Huntington is running the system for his health that is, to pay bondholders 6 per cent and the balance to stockhold er. His time is too valuable for that. So, after all, it appears that the lease recognizes as true the asser ' tion that any deficit paid is simply the transaction out of one pocket Into another pocket of the same garment. But to get down to bnci eBfJ. If( as Mr. Fenton alleged, fin-ithern Pacific company pays the interest on the $19,600,000 of bmdi and has to auj up uiu Independent Jan. n, I895. IS IT DOLPH OR SOME ONE ELSE? The Oregonian seems greatly exercised that several candidates for United States senator, and their friends are anxious to defeat the re election of Senator Dolph. It talks about the cry of "anything to beat Dolph." And why should not the state of Oregon not endeavor to defeat the re-election of Senator Dolph? His defeat is of more importance to the state than in the designation ol the particular person who is to succeed him. He is representing a policy of con traction, is working to secure the inter ests of the banks and railroad corpora tions against the interests of the people. Hp reDresents Wall street and London, not the producing cl isses of the state of Oregon.. He is the representative of the east and Europe, not ot tne great west. Oregon, as well as the entire western part of the U. S., has been built up larg ely on borrowed capital, and owes large sums to the east and Europe. We are willing to pay these debts fairly in the money of the value in which they were contracted. Jut the policy urged by Mr. DolpbVbrjhe contraction of the cur rency, mailing it scarce and high, would double andSfeble the indebtedness of every man fa the state. The west sells food products and has no other way of paying its in debtedness, either principal or interest. The uclicv of Senator Dolph would de- Crease, and IS DECREASING from one-half to TWU-TH IxIUS tne priee of everything Oregon has to sell. Why should it openly.and voluntarily increase its own debts and deniinish the prices of every thing it has to sell? It will do this if Dolph is re-elected to the senate. Then why should not the op posing candidates, or the people at large, he willintr to take any capable man who will represent the productive interests of this state rather than take Senator Dolnh? There is justice in the cry of "anything to beat Dolph." He is an enemy of the people of Oregon, and an enemy to every ltioustriai interest, as well as to the great West.. ' If elected at all, the election will be secured by means that would not bear scrutiny, and through the labored effort of about every politician of this state whose services are for hire. The men whose votes are in market will vote for Dolph. Are there enough, of them to elect him? This is the question upon which his election hangs. 1 . v; Tne holders of Oregon & California railroad bonds are opetating the line under rc-organitation nearly everybody kuows this. They pay themselves prac tically 6 per cent per annum on $30,000 for each mile of road. If it were oulv half of that, the roadbed should be as sessed thioughout Oregon at over $10, 000 per mile. They pay taxes on about one-third of what they should be as- sessed. Is it any wonder the Southern Pacific likes to dabble in Oregon poll- tics? Meanwhile, the farmer can look on and wonder what ails Oregon! The Southern Pacific makes nearly 3 per cent on a valuation of $30,000 for every mile of roadbed it has iu Oregon. At the least calculation, then, after as sessment of rolling stock is deducted it ought to pay taxes 011 at least an assess ment of $ 12,000 on its main line and fS,ooo 011 the Poitland-Corvallis branch. Does it do this? No! Will the legisla ture lonk into this and correct it? No not a Simon legislature. How long can the fanners of Oregon stand the present assessment of less than $4,000 per mile? As long-as they vote it! Asa matter of justice not a mother's son of a legislator who went to balem and refused to go in at roll call or take '.he oath of office at Salem at the last meeting, should rece've a solitary red cent for his abuse of administration and every man who did go in should get his pay for the full forty days. Let the evaders look to the cause of effect for their remuneration. In other words, let the agency which kept them out pay them for their time, and nor the state. The Argus hopes that silver men in the legislature will give Hon. W. S. Crowell, of Jackson county, a compli mentary vote for United States senator Hp is able, a man of the people and worthy of public confidence. His great pal pnpmips are the esoecial friends ot Collis P. Huntington, who testified be fore a commission at Washington that the S. P. only spent a few millions at the Washington end of his system to secure "legislation." A very amiable writer in last Friday'; Oreimnian savs Washington state has 0 j had more political scandals than Ore gon. Heavens! Can it be possible that so charming a writer has never heard ot Oregon politics? If there is sanity pither in Oreeon or Washington who will swallow this writer's bon mot, ought to be at once questioned and placed either in Salem or Steilacoom. Mr. McKinley is having a much hard er time finding men to serve on his Al ger peace commission than he exper ienced in his selection for the American Hispauo board. Alger will not evacuate the war office aud there seems little use to appoint a board which will bring in a Steel Lever Harrow, 50 teeth, , $11 14-in Wood Beam Steel Plows $12, 13 14-in Chilled Plows, . . . Call and Examine Hoods. They will carry a full line of Implements ami this 1 Married: At this city, Septem ber 27th. Judge Louis A. Rood otli- ciating. Mr. Ira E. Haynam Miss Ollie Cornelius, both of county. Mr. G. Wills has returned from a prospecting trip in the Cascade mountains. He expects to make another trip in the near future. SSMMONS. I In tilt Circuit Court of the Statu of Ore gon, tor Washington county The Northern Counties In vestment. Trust, Limited, t'laintill'. UNUKHTAKIXG I'AUI.Oll. J. C. Lanikin has opened an under taking parlor 011 the corner of Main and third Street, and Is prepared to furnish on immediate demand, line CASKETS AND COFFINS at the lowest possible prices. Will take charge ot ' funerals, The finest line of undertaking-supplies county- (jive him a call. HILLSBORO, UIU-A.ii.. Schillings Best soda is used in Schillings Best baking powder must be good. Schillings Best baking po 'tier flavoring extracts and spices are all money-back right here. m tea coffee soda pre-conceived report to keep him there Mr. Rosevelt was mustered out yes, went out when he was pleased to be, in order to enter the New York campaign. Teddy has forced his nomination, but how about his election? It is very evident that Mr. Alger does not evacuate from the war office. ..Dead Letter W. W. Maripiaiu. I.ulu M. Marqimni, Mary II. Coffin, Samuel While, 10. K. loues it Co.. a corporation, Ida I Adeline Khorle, Dennis .1. 1 Lyons and Washington County, Defendant. To the defendants Mary 11. Coffin, Hum uel White, Ida Adeline 'Klierle and Den nis .1 l.vims : Von and each ot volt are reu Hired to hereby take notiee that a eoniiduinl iu eituity has been tiled iu the above entitled cause and in the above named court, ami a numinous lias been issued thereon and Med on re turn, served in part as to some of the de fendants, and returned not found in the State of Oregon, as to you and each olyou, and that the said the. ulmVe entitled suit so begun is now pending for the purpose of obtaining a ileeree adjudging that there is due and owing to the phiintill i from the defendant V. V. Miirquuui, the sum ot with interest thereon at 8 ; percent, per annum 011 :'M thereof from 'September L.ISlKi, upon ti.i.-W thereof al like rate from November'.'", 181". on $'.21.05 thereof at- like rate from March 4, IS'.IS, and I open ifii."." thereof at like rale from Juno i tsds., and lor the further stun of l."0 as attorneys' tees in said mill, inn lor tne purpose of nlihiiiiine: a decree Unit the said sums of money atoresald are a lirst lien and eharge upon the lollowing descri bed property sitniile in Washington coun ty, Oregon, to wit : Commencing at a point on the north Hue of the tieorge 1! ichar.bon Puliation bund Claim in Section ;:ii township ulie south ot rani's one west Willamette Meri dian -HIT feel' westerly from the northeast corner of said claim, and running from this point as the initial point., south par allel with 1 lie east Uii ofssiid elaini hiKi. l feet to the center of the Taylor's Ferry lioad. so-called: thence along said road north til" and ilu' east. Ki feet; thence north 4.V I.V east 1 feet to a point on the easterly line of said claim which is feet southerly from the iiorilieast corner ol the claim; thenec HoTiilicrly 011 the easterly Hue of the -claim to a point XJ. 1 chains from ilic northeast cornet- ot the claim ; thence westerly at right angles and paratiei wiiii 11a 0011.11 nuti 01 mv- . num lifil) chains; thence northerly al right an ales and parallel with the east line of the elaini Ifc! chains to the north Hue of the claim ; thence easterly at right angles and along the north line oft ho claim to the place of beginning which is a point westerly and 437 feet distant front the northeast corner of the claim, and being the same property described in the mortgage from . V . Viirquum to the Nm-lle-ni Counties In vestment Trust, Limited, which is of rec ord in book V of Mortgages of Washing ton county, Oregon, beginning at page II, less the properly released front said mort gage by releases executed In the Northern Counties Investment Trust, Limited, to . W. Maruuam. of record in hook V of Mortgages of said county, beginning at page ;ttiu, aud hook of .Mortgages of said county beginning at page -III, Tlic'decrec for a lien so prayed for being for a mortgage lien thereon tuiiU'i'a mort gage upon the said properties and oilier properties, executed by vV. W. Manpiain ! to lie niaiutiil Hearing; unit! 01 reornai v .. K,-,. 4S!I1, recorded February 25. 18M, in Sell sight Exchange and Telegraphic : book V of the records of mortgages ol Transfers and issues Letters of Credit j W nshiuglon county ,( h-egou, beginning at available throughout the United States. ! png ! I'lim-t'H !'-wc 1'm.VH lor a dec I,...,.., inn.. i,i..i, r 1, 01 ; run in said chum- tiiat. said mortgage he iMHMf I'liii w, ...'-,1 1 ...1 ,1..,, ,iw. t:.... 1 1,..,..., .,, IV.,. 11 n -iiiru.u , alio iii'ii i n, i. our Fall styles of clothing to you, It Is with the fullest conn deuce that we can gratify every taste with ease from thil truly mrHMItan stock of ours, whether Pr i.ce Albert or ..,1, , .-otrocav. whether hi worsteds or cheviots, plain and fiiicv tvveeJs, twills, whipcords, homespuns, or In combination 1 . ..... .-I I eliad ,1 trt lA U effects sinRle or uouoie Dreasieu -now j w here. The Label Out atindi (M Ggo4 UullilDg. Ifg gllp II. VVKIUUiNti and SON, liaiSISOUO, (UtKliOS. For sale by W. D. Hare Uillsboro, Oregon. The Hillsboro Pharmacy The Leading Drug House. Union lllock Mam St, lir. F. A. Ilalley Proprietor. Where Orugs, Medicines, l'lilnts, Oils, Sponges, Iriislum 1 liny be procured at prices that slmplv dislau n, llriislum idol all lUugKlstV Siimlrlr eo compel 11 1011. Cop. 2d Wii J J. NORTHKUe, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. , . . State tS Poote, liaim Transact a General Banking liusinoKs J. W. S'lTJTE Managei A. C. SUL'TE Cashier Fact in, that many people do not know where our nniiKicanio from it's a good name and we had good reason for adopt ing it. Let tit explain: Cl t tl j d,o 4th letter of the (Ireck Alphabet and is tdmped liko a ... . . . . .1 1 ...I.,,, 1 1 1 1,.. 1. 1 p.i Triangle, three swell, ;ow, an we were, iniiiu nmuj ureouoi Store cstabliHhcd in Hillnboro, the three-oorhereil letter h I'leasH renienibcr. also. Unit our namo in, ami alwavs will be, too, the sure xign of hiliCHt quality tut low est priee. We will be always pleased to have yon cull at our giOfC! OUR $ODf IS IG&GOLDl Livornool. Dublin. Paris. Berlin, Frank- fort-oii-tbe-Vain.Htockholm and nil prin cipal cities of Europe. Collections made on all accessible points Hanking hours from 9 a m to 3 p ni Hillsboro, Oregon SUMMONS. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: Mrs M C Smith, Mrs D M Loydl, . Ali letters not called for by Sept. 31, 1898, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. H. SCHULMERICH, P. M. The Independent .ays a pwtton has been taken oulfofVthe middle" for the Btirnose olraarViline. The article, in full, hai been published now for the third time. Is there any garbling' therWill the In dependent pleaselfcwSdhere there is any garbling?an4ttOhat pa per produce the editonafto prove its silly contention that garbling has been, practiced by this relig ious family pap$T? , Why does the Independent dodg'.;and shuffle, deny and fly into the face of fact? Is its editorial conception so lack ing in moral -preception that it would rather deliberately tell an untruth. But its denials have been so continuous and persistent that such a defence would be now as ridiculous as its three years and over of hypocritical snivelling and alsehood. over this little flirtation th the farm elinents. Go to go Either reprint the 'editorial, dishoneBt garbling, or keep Probate. E X Harding has been appointed administrator of the estate of O W Crane, deceased, with bonds at four hundred dollars. J C Corey, H T Johnson and Al ex Gordon have appraised the J S Jackson estate at !M49.9cS. - Final accounts of estates of Ed win Sturtevant and Anton Jostedt, deceased, set for October 28 and 31 respectively , Estate of Nathan Holland dee'd, appraised at $521.35; order made to sell personal property at private sale. Resolutions of Respect. In the Circuit Court of the Stato ol'Orcgon for Washington county. Herberdina Gortler, v. Frank Gertler, Defendant To Frank Gertler, the above named fendant: Iu the name of the State of Oregon you arc Plaintiff) lie- the moneys aforesaid is paramount In any interest, o'relaiiu to the mortgaged proper ties by any of the defendants in said suit,, iiieliidiiig'vou and each of you, and prays for a sale' of the mortgaged properties above described, ami that thereby you anil each ol'you he foreclosed from any interest or claim therein. And now-vnu, the said Mary II. Coll'in, Samuel While, Ida Adeline Hbcrle and Dennis .1. Lyons, are each required to ap pear in said suit and answer plaintiff's complaint, filed therein, 011 or before the first dav of the term of said court, next succeeding the ( ouiiiletion of publication I of IbissumiHons.aiid whichis the4fb Mon I day in November, A. lb, MIS, and which is j Niivcintii-rlsll!,and, unless you so appear and make answer, plaintiff will thereafter take dolnullitgaiiiBt you and each ot you HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. J, 11, lil'KHON, I'mu- Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Maikct : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hog Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREET, lllLLSI'.OItO) OREGON. hereby required to apnea-- and answer the and apply to the court for the relief denian- cotnpiatni Herein uiuo oy iiniiniitj 100 .n- i neu in 1 ne eoiiipiauo , nu n m niiu,-iuiiitiBr th day of November, 1HU8, tliesiuuu being ; y as hc! forth in this, summons, the first day of the next regular term of j This summons and notice are published 'tills court, and if you fail so to appearand ; pursuant to an order ot the Judge of said answer the complaint the plaintilf will up-! court passed on the Uiird day of Septein ply to the court for the relief demanded : ber, A. 1). isiw. therein, towlt, for a decree dissolving the 1 ',n Hnow A W ai.lack MoOamant, marriage and marriage contract now ex- Portland, Oregon, Attorneys tor Plaintiff, isting between you and plaintiff, and for a j First publication of this hiiiiiiiioiis made judgment against you for the costs and uu the 'JMh day ot September, A. J)., 1WH. disbursements of this suit, and for such 1 w- .. . . . other relief as to the court may appear tHpailtlMiu. nun nuiiiiiiiiiin 10 nvi iu-i you liy piiimcation Dy oruer 01 a the ?'!f A: ,'.r,l!?'iK,,.. 1 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance a jove naiiieo coun, which .sun, imi, m . ...... Nilll - ,v..,,-i ..t- . ..t,i . fiha.iihm-s. Ahi.oHh. I ot an order ol tlio Hon. County Ootiit ot n.. Vi,i imt'h .!,. ,.f s,.im.,hi- twix the .Stale ol Oregon tor iiHlitngton C01111- Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. Attorney for Plaintiff. vkb a farmer - notes the corporations supporting qualifiedly, he should "tion to observe they ni fr' tne better- iducerB. 1 he great J their success is the leasrriKai he fanner's piofit With IbJ? Sics is a matter of business. IV Milaroeracy supports the gold IVV V fully believing and know i iUhelr' dollars or call for da M ill b enriched in tueasuringl )j I This should be OR& iiuiiiom,, , - , .... , . , , 8 11 111'iSTO.N ! i.y, rnaoo ano eiui-n-u on wis uni wt,jr wi ii 1 1 ilium, i'ji.o, 111 iiil 1110V..1 .... i lute or IMI.a jane Jolly, deceased, numor jdzing and directing me, us administratrix I of said estate, to sell tho real property of ! said estate hereinafter described; I will, ; on Monday. October Kith, 1H!)K, at the 'hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said clay, at the i South door of the Court House, in Hills boro, Oregon, Hell at public auction to tne highest bidder therefor, for -cash, nil the following described real estate, situa ted in Washington County, Oregon, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Ooininimcinii at a point on the West boundary line of the Donation Land Claim of William Jolly and wife in T. O110 III North llmiim Three Bl West of the r.'.f ...oil 1 ,11. m iv,, T.ukn l W llatnclle Al ei'U I nui, wnero me oivision Time Schedule . . . . From Portland Whereas: Brother Knight John 8. Jackson departed this life at Glen- coe, vvasnington county, uregon, on Friday, Sept. lb, 1898, being at that time and for several years pre vious thereto a member of Glenooe Lodge, No. 22, Knights of Pythias, and said Lodge, as well as the com munity, and the family of deceased did lose a useful, honest and up right member, brother and relative; And, whereas: said Lodge, know ing that the Supreme Chancellor doeth all things well and that the loss of said Brother Knight in our midst is his spiritual gain, and that we will emulate the virtues set by his example, and be it resolved by said Lodge in regular session: That the charter hereof be drap ed in mourning for the period of 30 days, and be it further resolved: That a copy of these resolutions be entered upon the records and minutes of sail Lodge, and further, that the K. of It. & S. present to Sarah S, Jackson, the mother of de ceased, a copy of the same. OrdereM by the Lodge in regular session this the 17th day of Sept ember, 1898. . - B. P, Cornelius. J. C. Core v. J. W. Gondii). Committee, Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis, Chicago and Hast, arrives 7; !t 111 North and Hnuh-4ialves of said elaini intersect, said West bound- arv line, said beginning point being 54.22 ch's. South One (ll degree West from the , .... ..,,...11.. Northwest corner of said Chum and run BiKma ietow leaves at p u o r . a , v (vllriation of 21 deg, ISO vrmia, .i .neapo.m f rani, i .. , . following sai.l division line Ai 88, .,mcago ano owa., "vns the center of McKay Creek; HKuaui j thence following up hhUI slroatu with the Ocean Steamsbii.s leave at 8 p 111. A 11 meamlorings tlion-of 17 elm. to the Mouth suiting d.t.,,l,iett.M,.hnirn 1!,-H;ci iliouiutary lincni Minium o. joiiy n .ano; lfraneiseo sail Sent. 1.(1. 1 1. TH. 'it. 'M. ar- I thence Noith 87 ileg To the Farmers of this County And not too far from Port land, who have grain to separate, especially oa'.s from wltrnt,nr cither oats or wheat bom barley; I lake this method ot calling your attention to the surprising superiority -if this machine The business Grain Sepa rator for this class of work, a id state that I have for mile a few of these machines the lust built before the factory was burntd, Htid that, though injured a little in appearance, are warran ted to work all right on your own grain or no sale. H( livery ' custom " Grist mill should have one. The lute W. S. Ladd, for use on his farms, purchased ,, , ,. . . ., two 01 inese niacliines. the following testimonial from a man well known in his own county to be too good a mechanic to be deceived in the value of machinery, writes as follows: ' After following milling more or less for 25 years, I can truthfully say that I never saw a more perfect working machine for the mtrpose of separating the var ious kinds of grain and Beeds from each other titan the little 'Business ' "All those wishing a perfect machine for cleaning Beed grain, I can cheerfully recommend the above, I would further state that I have one of them in my mill that has been 111 use for about 13 years, and is still in good working order Very .,! ,,''' ' '"'Y?"' ""i vouunnia uo,, ur, Sept. 1J, iHuH," lhe Price of these machines when manufactured was for the I'm 111 size lull -c ftr 111, wvlt-tl Utir.i, ol-... lfi .. 1.... j. .. . . Xi ..,., .0.t ,,uw niu J30. for inncliiiiet O. PAULING, 3-8" 15, Washington St. Portland , " '-v'Jti-i Fir 1 if i itfc jijuLll 4 a but fas; for the extra particulars, address now further EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, , Notice for Proposals. In nun. West on said. Mouth line of William II. Jolly's land 48.80 elm. to the center of the County on the West boundary line of said William .lolly and wife's Donation Land Claim: thence South following tho center Columbia River leave 8 p in except. I of sain County I toad 11.711 elm. to the place Sunday, Saturday 10 p m for Astoria and i of beginning, containing -14 wires more or way landings, arrive 4 p in except Sunday ! less, together with all the right, title and interest, which sum iiiiwh-u nau in wo rive 4 p m Stoamships to Alaska sail 7 p iu Sej 17 arrive f p in Willamette river leave fi a m except Sunday for Oregon City, Newberg, Salem and way landings, arrive 4:30 p tu qxeept Sunday Willamette and Yamhill river leave 7 a in Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Oregon City, Dayton and way landings, arrive 3:80 p m Monday, Wednesday mid Friday Willamette river leave 6 a m Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Corvallis and way landings, arrive 1:80 p tn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Snake river leave Klpuria 1:45 a in Monday, Wednesday and Fi idivy for Lewiston; leave Lswlston 2;45 a in Hun day, Tuesday and Thursday for Riparia time of her death, or which has since ho erued to said estate. .Dated at Hillsboro this 7th day of Sep tember, WJH. ANN KLIA WILLI A MS, Administratrix of tho estate of Eliza Jane Jolly, deceased. Notice to Contractors. Add ress W. II. IIULliUUT, Gen, 1'asH. Agent Dodwell Carlill & Co. Gen. Agts. N. F, S. 8, Co. Portland, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the Conimis (doners' Court of ' Wasliirgton County, will receive bids, at their rooms in the court bouse, and will let to the lowest responsible bidder, conttacts for the fol lowing: Bridge known as Hartley bridge, near Greenville. Pill at Chalmers ' bridge Dairy Creek, Bids opened, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1898, at 1 p 111. Specillealions limy be seen at the Couu lv Clnrk'u nOlcn on iiiid after Sent. 20.1HIH. ' The CoinniiHsioners reserve the right to reject, any and all bids. 'Dated Sejit. If., H!W. I L. A. KOOD, County Judge. Notiee is hereby given that the under. Healed proposals fur the care and keep of s gned has been, by the County Court of county paupers for a perio i , ( two veto's Washington County, lor the .State of Ore-, frotn Noveiif' 1, 1HII8 , be count" poor gon. ap1.011.fed and cnulirmed as executor farmV of wVshi igl ,, co 1, y wll 0 " 1 ' Vall ,""! r1""!"1,?1 mn..o,M,ed by tlie olt n ' . ,. ..,.)... i,i.,, Mv.i.tunwi, tuiu an nan.ies uie eonn v .mpi ... mn..i. ...... having claims against the esrale -ii 11 11 1 "ouo 01 sain , gnu, nt i o'c oek p, m October B IHIIS. " ::'""!!. i"1 f ! : "'t ""ist s,L!,H liidH in tb , follow: 'Z '. . :.. . . 1" ' V ""', to me nig Hici:llie items mid terms and no bid of at my resilience at forest drove, or at the law omce 01 11. tiuston. at, 1 Its other untune will be iionsldered: Ml,,l,i . 1... 1 . . . . 11 born, within six moots Iron, the bile he e- and c , I V r h 1. ,' 1""" n " '""1 . of. Dated at Forest Grove. Ore., his Z I !. I i!i 'i .W MJ h .' ',.lll('1' will properly dav ofSnnlnn.her. I MUM ' oirnisu. neeileil lay ol September, 181)8, C. (!. C A PLUS, Kxenutor of the la"t will and testament of Oranvllle II. I aber, deceased, afti'inliinee; Ml 11 ded medical oacb naunef or farm by the jiroper of- ice, o' 1 1 in n 1 1 1 ,,ii 1, iiMiiiiin- kiml o, ,1... j. ' , . I"'"!"., NOTICE. City warrants up to now , payable at tho August 1. cers, .i1', Wbilothe' highest amount lu cash i-imtuiililer will pay county for the annual rental ni the poor fiviy.11, payinotitB in each case tiHo made quartoli, It, Each bidder must ftcniiipanv hlM proposal vf itb a o-ooil nod iidi,,iit 'i.,,.i n tlie sum of l,0fl0 p. execute ationtraef, now, payanie at 1110 olllee of eitv 1 w,,vnUi,, t-Aeiuiie a coni.raei., treasurer, Bcliulinerich store, Hiii. ,'"-M; of ,lw!0l,!:ll"CB' Uhr th follinving boro, Oregon, and 1 n terest w III cease on 3,!1""' t-'it: ThaNhe l"idd-r vifl same alter this date. 7 ' 1 wnte a good and sutlleionlboiid in the rtonjiaiH'1 KeeV 11111 , Dated Hept, 14, 8!8, P, 0. MiTcnut.ii, T, Oitv Treasurer Ity Otto. SoitiiuiitmoH, Deputy Notice of Time. Nouco is tiereny given that Hie under nipnou nan uimnay granieu his time to Charles Hennott, a minor son, and all poo pie are hereby notified to grant no credit, nor sell him merchandise on under signeit's account. Dated at Hillsboro this autli day of August 1898, (Signed) S. DENNETT, Slim of 1.000 for l.lw. (iilihl-,,1 .... oftlie contraet, for tlie care and niiiuiiiai attoiidahce as provided uiiufu at Jlillsbow, Or., this 15th day of SeptoiulioivlHIlS, .. X LOUIS A. KOODA ' oiuity Judge mid Cbairn-.anV't Ooni. VVllHl"nK''011 Cotitity,Orepe I Wanted Several trustwoAtry persons in '-' this slide to manage. our Inisi'i fofmJn tlietr own and nearby counties. It is maitrlyJ oinee work c.oiidueted at homo. Halftryi straight $l)0 a year and exponses uen-J one noiiaiHie, no more, no less saiin nlontlily $75. lielerunoes. Enclose 1 addressed stumped envelope, ltorher 116BB, rrest., liept, jvl, Uiuuugo. 4