Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1898)
joy Reading all of the lllLLSBOHO, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898. Local and County New DOLAN ANI1 11AMB0 TRIKD FOR UBEKTY Threw Barrett in a cell and Cooly Walked out. T IEIK OUTING A VEKY BRIEP ONE. Both Were Caught and Returned Inside of a half hour. All About the Circumstance, Comity Clerk Imbrie had occasion to be at hi oflice Saturday evening hint between t lie hours of seven and fight, Hearing loud halloaing in tliejnil hi interest whs excited anil he started to investigate. Going out into the hall h haw Do! an and Rambo making fur tho outer door. Fearing foul play, he entered the norm s omce nnu wien entered tne door of the jail. Going into the prison he found N A. I'm r ret t, who feeds the prisoners, locked in tho furthermost cell. In a few minutes ho had Barrett releaned ai d by this time Young Ilamho wax being brought back. Dolan was returned ii few minute. Inter. The prisoners had forcibly thrown Barrett into the cell mid made a daxh for the open air. Seeing Clerk Imbrie and hearing liioi give the nlarm, quickened their gtit and tlwy started for the woods V. V. Wiley saw them making down, the street and started to intercept them, (lis only weapon was a lux and it had the effect of turning them from their courne. They started down towards the water tower, alonu Lin coln street, Wiley in hot pursuit. By this time a large crowd was on the street. Wiley caught up to Dol an, and thinking the crowd knew him, told some young fellows to hold him while he went nfter Ram lv. Dolnu told Carl Larsen that it was a mixta ke and e winded them lojiiu in the chafe after Ram bo who was making Chehalis time down Seo md street. J. A. Thorn--burg closed in on the young lad nn-1 in the meantime l)ohin had oMnppeired. Rum bo wan taken du'k to i ne jiu i imo nearcn men in stituted for the missing prisoner. ) oung fuller, a now comer, nau seen Holau go by the door of the to.ver and enter a water closet and (he crowd jooii hnd him cornered. Hy this lime Mr. Barrett was on the scsne, llo flred a revolver into DolanV fortificalioim -and Polan smilingly, surrendered. Marshal Williams marched buck by Dolan'e sid vi lii le Barrett iollowed, both with thir eons (revolvers) in the 'present arm" attitude. Ah Dolan was not possessed of side arms, his capitulation was ignominious. It seems that when Barrett took tic ir supper into the jail he allowed the prisoners to come out A'here he was, leaving tho corridor door open They touk advantage of this and hustled him into theci 11 Dolan is Awaiting t ie action of 'the grant! iurv on a charge of hav :ing obtained inonev under false retenses, through having sold cir ruit court time as a witness in the Steeves' trial to two different part jes. Young Rambo is in for assault and had but five or six weeks more o serve. S II. uAoitia Mini, thnro la lmt. nilfl ay to handle prisoners and that i to assume that they will getaway t every opportunity. I he pnl is oiiHtruoted to give keepers no png hie cliances of coming to loivm nd if caution is exercised no trou- le could follow. Bauer, w ho is in larcerated for shooting Mrs. Over- eder, was in his cell At the time fe "break, ftnd joined in snouting to raise the alarm. 1 Young Rambo commerioed tho uffle which ended in Mr. Barett' Ilea' oration, but his actions at m did not excite any suspicion ho seems to have been at a I imes a very kittenish young rasca lady to plav or eat. For some ne Rambo has been treated as rt of "trusty" although not al tved to go outsidt the jnu proper v Go tonhe Hillsboro Pharmacy A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name for "DeWilt's Little Early Risers," and gave him A bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick headache, liv er and stomach troubles. The Del ta Drug Store. Fred McDonald, who was born in this city and who is now nearly twenty years of age, is enlisted in a Kansas regiment and has been Quartered at Cbiekamauga. He iw a nephew of W. V. Wiley, his moth er having been a Miss Wiley. Essays on milk are good, per haps, but cream is better. We give you the cream of the clothing sub ject when we eay that for "style, service, satisfaction" and price ! Wehrung fc Sons ckthing carri i the palm. The little son of Samuel Moon, of Centerville, whose hands were so badly lacerated by having been cauuht in a hay fork pulley, is get ting along nicely under the care of Dr. F. J. Bailey. Thirty-five years make a genera tion. That is bow long Adolpli Mil EMERGENCY COUPS What hits been Done by it t .1 Last two Months. THE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS A Very Interesting Resume of What the Ladies of This City have Done for the Boys. The Hillsboro Auxiliary Corps has made the following official. rewrt: 1'eceipts- membership fees, $20 70; honary membership, $2.50; enter tainments, $41.10; donations, $7.97; roi.ters, $19; all ot her sonrces, $9.30 total, $100 f.7. Disbursements dues, $20.70; Bryan & Son, $11.40; Wehrung & Sons, $0.45; R II Greer $1.10; Delta, $5: roster, $15.00; car ; check fare. $1 00: check to Rev. Gilbert. lusher, of Zlanesville, u, , eunereu Chaplain, Manila, $30; total dis from piles. He wae c ured tySh mmmeni9, $90.05; cash on hand, three boxes of DeWitt's Witch Ha-L ' - zel Salve. The Delta Drug Store.' J.92- The report, as made by the Wru RnWt UnberUon. of Farm-1 'l ' " y'" ington, died Saturday last after a long and severe illness. The re mains were interred in the Lewis cemitery Monday. Lost: At Forest Grove on the Fourth, two ladies' capes, tor sum mer wear; black, one silk lined. Finder please return to this ollice and claim reward. Dr. F. M. Robinson, of Beaver ton, was in the city Wednesday, as a witness on a case, which was not called. He says Beaverton is flour ishing, as usual. To cure a cold in one day lake .axative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to ure. 25c. For sale at the Delta. your paints Mr. Alex Osmund has been out im Portland, spending the week Ith friends. lYee; Wehrung & Sons are daily InguiK their otters closer and hser to the purses of the people. iMeasles are quite prevalent in Irboort and vicinity and seems to sparing neither age nor sex. Come in-nd you'll not be any jjng.out if you inspect our-Swel wing Bulls. Wehrung & Sons. Leo Bullock, late of California ii well known here as having liv ' ! fn this city yearB ago, is back on isit of several weeks, 8?4 ;DIrg, Chas. Bowen has six hives 'frees, with honey, and six new itty bee hives to sell. Enquire .1, H Greer's, for particulars ran t length, through the nana If II 1 L- ?g tne aia oi a surgeon to the intruder. o a cold in one day take Awe Bromo Quinine Tablets 4 truccists refund the money if I ito cure. 25c. For sale at th Tiday of this week, Frankie in a huge Bliver, over a half Jacob Schneider wants to rent a large, well improved farm. Either grain or cash rent and will contract from one to tive years. Address him al Cornelius, Oregon, T, A. McCourts and wife were own from Mc.Minnviile the first of the week, having driven to the city overland. Dr. Lowe, the optician, is doing some very effective work in fitting asses at the Hillsboro Hotel. Van B. DeLashuiult was in the ty Monday, a witness on a case icfore the Circuit Court. Dr. Lowe will be at the Hills- ro House next week, lake your eyes to him. Jesse Craudall, Art Tunper and Herbert Gilbert are over to Nehal em on a fortnight's vacation. The finest prizes th t ever have been given with baking powder are at ilob Greer s. Lost : Strayed from my place at Wilsonville, Oregon, July 14, one white low of medium size, about eight years old; has regular turned up horns; bail on a small cow bell when she left home. Sho was ac companied by a Holstien heifer, 1J years old, mostly black with a white face. Any information lead- ng to their recovery will be suit ably rewarded. Chas. Hanson, Wilsonville, Or, July 14. Dr. Withycombe set a' broken leg for the thoroughbred Jersey-bull of W. McQuillan, which was in jured Saturday last. I lie animal was picketed to a tree and wound himself up in the rope, throwing himself with the result that one of his fore legs was badly fractured The farmer, the mnchanic and the bicycle ri-ler are linblo to unex pected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel halve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly and is a well known cure tor piles I'he Delta Drug Store. E. E. Colestock gives vou the best shave in the citv. Hair cut at popular price. 1 ry his baths. Don't forget the place City shav ing Parlors, Main street. T. Johnson & Co. have commen ced work on the Long Bridge east of town and the improvement will be effected in a tew days. Who does your printing? The A rods is prepared to do all kinds of printing at living price. A trial will convinoo you. Cut close in the leg and in the price; we refer to our stylish spring trouseis. Wehrung & Sons, G. A. Patterson is out from Port and, spending a few days with relatives and friends'. The Corps was organized June 1 with forty-two charter members. Tuesday evening June 6 found us "at home" to our friends in a pleasant room on 2nd street, which was kindly tendered us free of charge by Dr. F. A, Bailey, for our use as a meeting place and general headquarters. The Corps felt very grateful for this offer and forthwith set about furnishing the room with chairs, tables, cushions, etc., from our own homes, with a c; llection of war relics, souvenirs ot various k:mls, a profusion of flags and bun ting and the room presents quite an attractive appearance. through the Kindness of a gener- ms public there is always a good supply of wholesome reading mat ter on our tables. Among i hose to whom the Corns teels very greatly indebted are: Hillsboro Electric Light Water Company; Mr Long, for The Argus; Messrs. Lamkin, Cave and Urvan for the daily Oregonian; Mr. Mann, for 200 lbs. ice; Messrs. R. B. Col lins, 8. B. Huston, Hovt, Brown, J M.Gates, W. E. Thome, H. T. Latham, C. Jones, J. Dennis, A. S, 1'ence, J. N. Brown, C. Allison, Dr. Linklater and Rev. E. P. Hughes for donations and ihe Delta Drug btore for sundryvDonations. we also ctcsire to extend our thanks to the Band, to Dr. Rogers for his excellent talk on Manila, which was highly appreciated,' and to all who so willingly aided. The state treasurer bus notified ! County Treasurer Cady that the university tax for 1892 must be re mitted at once or the claim will be placed in the hands of the attorney general for collection, as it soon will be outlawed. From the annual re port ft appears that Baker and Washington were the only counties that have not paid the tax. The siate levy for 1897 has been fully paid by this county, but the state still has over $7,000 charged against the countv, inclusive of the univer sity tax, which is $443.08. The treasurer's report shows the balance of the charge is due to 1895 tax. but this is an error. There was $6700 sent to the state in the spring of 1896, which should have been applied to the 1895 tax, but no des ignation having been made as to application of the remittance, the mate, treasurer applied it to old back 'axes, when the mortgage tax law was in operation. Prior to thin it was hoped by county officials that the old tax would be remitted bv the state. An important case being tried this week is that of Kate Brugger vs James and John Borwick. In 1894, Kate Brugger, being possssfd I of a neArly four-ninths interest in I An estate, quit claimed And deeded awAy her share, viz: in 80 acres, to James Borwick; 45 acres to Em ma Brugger, her sister, the land af terwards being conveyed to John Borwick. The complaint alleges that Kate Brugger never received anything for her property, the pro ceeds having been absorbed by oth ers, And that when she signed the instruments she was of unsound mind. A mortgage of $1,000 has already been foreclosed on the 45 acres. J. B. Wertz, a carpenter, fell from the roof of a house of Survey or Morrill, on which he was work ing Tuesday, and struck the ground twenty-five feet below, producing a serious concussion of the brain from the effects of which he was uncon scious ten hours. One finger was dislocated and the left wrist sprain ed and one of the metacarpal bones broken. Notu withstanding his ser ious injuries the attending physic ian, Dr. F. A. Bailey, thinks he may recover. Now is the chance for A nous rea ders to get 10 series of 10 photo graphs each 160 photographs in all of the American navy, Hawaii and Cuba. The size of the port folios is 104 by 14 inches r nd the reproductions are simply gmnd. Give your orders at this office. The complete series and the Argus one year, $2. CO. Come and see what they are. You can't afford to be without them. AN IMPORTANT CASE BEFORE JUDGE NUDE Van B. DeLaihmutt for his Farm. Sues TRADED FOR W0RTHLESSST0CK. Sensational Scene in the Court room. DeLashmutt Threatens R. S. Browne. These sultry and almost blister ing warm days bring up the water ing trough question with a veng eance. It is a shame that Hillsboro does not do something for the com fort of farm trams which come to town in the course of trade. Why not have a watering trough at city expense? And one that a farmer can water his borfes without un hitching? A recent letter from J. J. Morgan to a relative in this city says that he is still working away on a claim on the shares contract. He says he will not be out this fall. John is making a hard try to get on his . j feet And it will not be surprising if The case of. Ernest And Inez De-1 he shall have severAl thousand do. Lashmutt vs R. S. Browne, et al, lars upon his return from the came up Tuesday in the Circuit j Klondike. Court and the trial was one of in- The Relief Corps gave a splendid terest. It seems that the Dei.ash- supper last Friday evening in the mutts originally traded the farm Bailey-Morgan block, the menu be- r 1 11 . o q d 1 lnS delightful. Congressman T. H. near Reedville to R. S. Browne for T j t;..j . 6 , , - . tongue delivered an address upon bank stock 1.1 a Moscow institution the righteousness of our conflict in which soon afterwards failed, and 'behalf of Cuba, the redressing of rhich, to date, has paid but 20 per lhe Maine treachery, etc. The pro TRAINS AND MAIL SERV1CB m 7:11 p M kOO am k0 a m filt Itaily Mail Arrival Forest Grove . Portland. WY and Kaatnrn (ilencoe CorvalliH n d War Portland . Daily MnU Departures: Portland A Ewtnrn via ft P Port via Gieneoe, Lenox Bethany 7.00 CorvalliH & Way . - go rrunu a. nay - p 111 ttff Forest Grove . on FarminRton uud Laurol leavw at In-M . in 1 and arrives at 3:45 p m ou Tueaday, No HuDday mail. Poatofflce open from :w a ni to 8.-00 p in, except Sundays. o. r. rime Table: ?ortland oorvallis Portland McMinnville 8nn I Mon Tne Wert Thu Frl 8at i cent dividend to its creditors. The complaint alleges that the standing of the bank was misrepresented and the trade effected by fraud. They want their farm back. Williams. ceeds of the supper will go to the comfort of the boys at Manila. The office of school superintend ent will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays until further notice. The 24 I 25 2ii I 27 28 29 31 iiuuujr, ,, - , ... . of Portland, and Tongue, of this oiner . ur .-V8 ot lhe wf? wm M city, ure for the prosecution, and Wirt Minor, Portland, And S. B Huston are for the defense, the Re ceiver of the bank having inter vened to save the farm as an asset of the bank. Van B. DeLashmutt went on the stand Tuesday Afternoon for several hours and when court adjourned, was somewhat nervous over the long strain. He threatened to put a bullet through Browne, who did not appear to be very much excit ed. Friends soon quieted Mr. De Lashmutt and no trouble resulted. The case has been dragging wear ily along and probably will not be disposed of before next week. COURT HOUSE NEWS. PROBATE. Real Estate Transactions, H Wehrung and wife to R A Ellis lis no 1, 2 blk 2 Fairview ad Hillsboro, $900. Geo Peaycock to Minnie Peaycock 1.97 a W B Chatliold d 1 c, $1. J H Wilkins and wife to John Wil- kins 20 u Wm Lewis d 1 0, $500. U 8 to Dan'l li McCan s s w sec 2U and n e t n w and lots 1 and 2 sec 32 t 1 s r 4 w, patent. J P Burkhardt et al to Elizabeth Caldwell uud i int 11 i lot 2 blk 20 Portland, lot 3 blk 198 Port, und i int n w i n w i etc 26 t 1 s r 1 w in co, und int s r n w 1 sec 29 1 1 t r 1 w in co, and s e i b e i sec 26 t 1 s r t w, und i n w i sec 30 t 1 s r 1 e in Mult nomah Co, und i int in tract in T W Gates d 1 c, $1. Ignatius R Hogan to F T Kane s e i sec 11 12 n r 5 w, $150. E C Hughes et al to John Burke blk 18 W P Heights, $60. E 8 Gay lord and wife to H Mizner 150 a in -H. Parsons d I e, $1300. John Burke to Mary Ann Burke part blk 18 W P Heights, $100. Card of Thanks. Born, Sunday July 24, to the wife oi Rev. R, A. Atkins, a daught er. Dr. Lowe leaves Saturday. See him about your eyes. Pickles in bulk just . opened Fresh barrel at Greer'a. Dr, Lowe will spend next week at Mrs. Sloan's in Forest Grove. License to wed was granted, July 25, to Christian Peterson and Marie Stinkemeier. Dr. Lowe won't be back for six months, Take your eyes to him. Wehrung & Sons for groceries Stock complete and prices cheap. Don't throw your eyes away. Take themJDr, Lowe. Tho undersigned desires to thank the people of Hillsboro furtive kind ness shown during the illness and funeral obsequies of his uncle, the late 1 1 n am Allison, who passed away at tho Hotel Tualatin, Tues- y July 26, 1898. He specially desires to thank the Masonio Soci ety for the fraternal Attention ren dered. I. G. Allison. Fairfield, Or., July 27, 1898. Dr. C. W, Lowe is in the city having just returned from an ex tensive trip through the east and south. He says the war spirit is very strong in the south and that the young and old are equally de- sirous of going to the front. He states that the south is developing very rapidly and that manufactur ing )b gaining a great footho'd. Mr. Lowe is a North Corlinian and tnkes great pride in his native state. But, after nil, he says, "Oregon is simply the best state in the Union, and I'm glad to get back." For sale: three cows, two giving milk; two heifers; five pigs; two harrows; one plow ; one garden drill ; one double shovel plow and one cross cut Baw. Enquire of Mrs. T. J Humphreys, two blocks east of the school home, Hillsboro, Oregon. Thousands of sufferer? from grippe have been restored to health by One Minuto Cough Cure. It quickly cure coughs, colds, bron chitis, pneumonia, grippe, nsthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Delta Drug Store. Opera House, Wednesday night, August 3. The Edison Combined Show. Life like and animated scenes thrown on canvass, descrip tion of the Maine, its disaster, Cu ban battle, Dewey's battle and many other attractions. Orchestra selections, negro plantation songs, quartettes, solo., etc. A splendid and uptodateenter'tainmeut. Tick ets 25 cents; children 15. T. M. Kelso, with Wilkes Bros.' surveying corns in southeastern Oregon, writes from Port Orford that the boys are getting along very nicely. He says it is the roughest country ho ever saw. A torpid liver robs you of ambi tion and ruins your health. Dewilt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liv er, cure constipation and all stom ach and liver troubles. The Delta Drug Store. The Emergenoy Corps' enter tainment will not come off Tuesday evening next as advertised, post ponement until after tho coast sea son having been agreed. Read the telegraphic news in The Argus. No other paper in the county seat gives such a com plete service. The people want all the news. Fritz, the 6-year-old son of Will iani Wii tz, of Forest Grove, fell off a fence at that place Sunday after noon and dislocated his lett elbow joint. If you want a good young draft horse driving or riding ai.imal see or write Jas H. Sewell, Hills boro, Oregon.. Mr. GeorueT: Baldwin, of Klam ath Falls, Or., was in the city the first of the week, the guest of Hon H.V. Gates. Dance at Hassler's Hall Saturday eve. July 30. Last of the season Music bv Bethanv Orchestra. No objectionable characters. Messrs. and Mesdames E. L. Mo- Cormick and P. O. Brown have gone to the Netarts for the warm season. This is house paintfng season The Hillsboro Pharmacy carries full stock of paints and oils. John H. Dobbins has returned to Tacoma to resume wrk in the N P. train service. Go to F. J. Barber, Second street for a neat shave or haircut. Satis faction guaranteed. If your trouble is in your eyes tell Dr. Lowe about it. Why sell your eggs tor 11 and 12 cents when you can get 15 cents at Greer s. . Sophia Bowlby has been appointed guardian of the minor heirs of the Bowlby estate, to-wit: George W, Bertie, Lois and Stella Bcwlby. Monday, September 12, stt for hearing final account of estate of Walter S Lyon, deceased. Cita tions to show cause why realty in entates of M Wren and Eliza Jane Jolly, ordered for publication.-Par-nielia White Kinder has been gran ted the property of Wm J White, deceased, as next kin, and the es tate closed of record -Bond of Simp son Rnines as administrator of El izabeth Johnson, deceased, estate, approved. H W Harmes has been confirmed as executor of estate of F Harmes, deceased, and G V Marsh, G Selzman and Jos Cawrse appointed us appraisers. I Qruant in vapinna ..f I.a n m.uv...w innuup bo Ul but? WUII ty .visiting schools and attending to outside duties of the schools. The Webfooter that doesn't like rain is a rarity; so is the person who doesn't know that Wehrung & sons clothing contains more "lion esty inside as well as outside than any other make afloat! County School Superintendent Ball has appointed a board of ex a miners to assist at Teachers' Ex aminations, Mrs. Josephine Cage, of Hillsboro and Professor Cole man, of Beaverton. nil ! .a 1 nere win soon ne another ap portionment of $1.15 per each pupil n the county, out of the genera' school fund. Supt. Craig made ike apportionment shortly before he went out of olhce. A. C. Archbold has moved a pait of his stock into the Bailey build ing so that repairs may be made on one side of the building he now occupies on the Bouth side of Main street, Mrs. S. B. Huston and children start for Newport tomorrow for the usual summer trip al the seaside. Mr. Huston will go over as soon ab court adjourns. Mrr. Wm. Hager, of this city, to day received the confirmation that it was her brother who was drown ed near Natchez, Mississippi, some time in June. W. H. Wehrung ond family wii go to the Newport beach the last of the week, Dr.. Lowe's glasses are good I (-rluaono liiram Allison, a Ualitornia pio neer of 18o2. died of Bnght's die ease at the Hotel Tualatin in this city lue?d:iy mon ing. He was born near lerre Haute, Indiana, in 1826. After going to California he pent several years in mining, com- e to Oregon in the tw. tie set ed near Gaston. A son, Fred Al ison, ot l'ayette, luano, ana aughter, Mrs. Carey, tort Dodge, owa, are lett to mourn his toss. His estate is valued at several thou sand dollars, mostly notes and ac counts. Interment was in the Ma sonic cemetery yesterday, the fun eral being in charge of the Masons he being a member of that order. The following letter is evidence of what the Emergency Corps has one, directly, towards helping the Washington countv boys at Man ila : "Portland, Or., July 19, '98 Messrs. R. E Br van & Son, Hills boro, Or. Dear Sirs: Referring to letter of Mrs. R. E. Bryan ad dressed to Rev. W. S. Gilbert, Chaplain Second Oregon Volun- teei;. we have this date enclosed our (Iraft on London, lavor of Rev. W. S. Gilbert, for 5 pounds, 3 8 2 d, and forward same to him with Mrs. Bryan b letler at Manila, Phil- ipino Islands. Yours Truly, Ladd & Tilton." The law relative to costs of liti gants should be changed so that the county does not bear the burden of expense in instances, particularly, where parties are able to put up bonds for all costs. In the bank case now before the Circuit Court, the stenographer receives $10 per day and gets his costs out of the county by warrant immediately drawn. 1 he county may then take a judgment against either DeLash mutt or Browne for the costs, in cases win re neither party has any thing the county must stand the OSS. Opera House, Wednesday night August 3. The Edison Combined Show. Life like and animated scenes thrown on canvass, descrip tion of the Maine, its disaster, Cu ban battles. Dewev'i battle and ir anv other attractions. Orchestra selections, negro plantation songs, qna'teUes, solos, etc. A splendid and up to date entertainment. Tickets 25 cents; children 15. Mr. John A. Vandehey and Miss Albertina Jansen have taken out license to wed. The parties both It is currently reported that the Pharmacy may move and that the Schulmerich & Son will occupy the entire ground floor of the Union Block. Cashier A. C. Shute, of the bank was presented with a nice little gir this morning. The mother and child are doing nicely. C. A. Peterson, the Buxton post master and merchant, passe thro' the city this evening enroute for Portland. This is regular summer weathf for you. Grain is ripening rapidly and the harvesters are getting full time. Andrew W. Barber, of this city has been granted an increase in pension of from $6 to $8 per month s Take your eyes to Dr." Lowe. Alec Gordon has completed some very handsome improvements on the farm tour miles north of town Chas. Hickethier, of Cedar Mill S. D. West, Greenville, and W. Nor ton, Hillsboro, have been granted pensions. Rev. Boozer and wife returned to Hillsboro Friday evening. in THE ARGUS a in 7:13 a 111 :50 a m 8:0 a in tS:00 Ar. p 111 bOO P ni p in ftOU p 111 7:l JULY CALENDER 1 r 1 TTT 10) 11 I II I 13 I 14 j 15 I 1H I ii) I 20 I 21 j 22 IS 23 30 STATE DIRECTORY Congressional Delegation Senator: .6 w mcunoe; Representative 1st dist, T H Tongue, Hillsboro; and dist, W Ellis, Heppner. Governor Wm P Lord. Secy State- Harrison Ktncaid. Tress. Philip If et scban. Printer W H Leeds. Supreme Court C E Wolverton, R S wan ana r a jnoore. Filth Judicial District Judge, McBride. T A; Dist. Atty., T I Cleeton. Washington County Officers County ft riuuuie judge, ixxiis a. Kood; com missioners, J Q A Young. TG Todd Clerk J A Imbrie. Sheriff W D Bradford. Recorder Calvin Jack jr, Treas A B Cady. Assessor-G H Wil , cox. School Supt H. .A Ball. Sur veyor A A Morrill. Coroner Dr C L Large. District Land Officers, Oregon City C B Moore, Register and Wm Galloway, Receiver. City Offlcen:-Mayor. W. N. Barrett: Re- comer, Benton Bowmau: Treas., F. . Mitchell: Marahal Th. niipon rvum. cil: John Caratena. Thos Wehrung, G H Wilcox. J M Greear, and a Waggener. , PROFESSIONAL. thos h tongue. b b toncuk. NOTARY. THOS. H. & E. B. TONKUE, Attorueys-At-Law. Rooms 3, 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, Hillsboro H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORNEV-AT LAW Deputy District Attorney for Washing ton County, Office upstairs over Delta Drug Store. F. A. BAILEY, M. Physician, Surgeon and Accouche Office la HDlaham Pfcamaa. -- denes aoutn-waat -- - uJ Second. All calls PfecnnUy att dsJ dag might. 8. T. UNKLATER, M. B.C. CI. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Kast ot Court House A. B. BAILFY. D. D. S. JJENTIST Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Block. HILLSBORO, - ORKOON. jits muim TiKnca, n. n PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pactfle Railroad O. Consultation in Prenoh or akgllsk. Onto and residence south af Mala near M sC, HUlaboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS hd SURVEYORS. and tm saaa work a PEACE IN SIGHT. The latest despatches are to the effect that Spain will be favorable to a peace, ceding us Porto Rico and giving Cuban independence. This is the first condition advan ced, although it is expected she will give more if asked, because she knows her case is hopeless. The United States can clearly get all it wanted at the beginning of the war, anyway, and probably will conclude peace in a few weeks at least. Porto Rico is now invested. Tomorrow a formal answer will be made Spain as to whether hostili ties shall cease pending consider ation. Qouveyanoing .... unasay nwcx, iwo ooon aorta or Baa ocoQSfc, ktuiaooro, ur. JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Otilce with S. B. Huston, Union Block HILLSBORO. - OREGON. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveykucing. Rooms 8 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro. On. MISCELLANEOUS. The man idly sitting on the regulation box of bacon in the grocery store while harvest is on may very correctly be said to be "on the hog." Aneut the jail break, it will beremem bered that the outgoing county judge was wont to say upon the stump "that no populist can't get out of that jail." It is to be Inferred, th.n, that Dolan and Rambo are cantankerous gold standard men? 1 Dead Letter. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS OF Rough i Dread Lumber Sash, Doors, Mouldings, fie. HILLSBORO - ORECON The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: Master Julie Garsamer, Herman Schroder. All letters not calld for bv Aug. 6 i8u3, will be sent to the dead letter of IF YOU ME A CTCWTtSwuSiWiK "THE CYCLING WEST'Vw to all remitting d-.-.vlt!? the w-sl three months. Regular price. $2.00. nrUht, nt-wcy. nKtrtMn iug. An llliitrote! journal ot highct liierarf merit. Se-Mfnr nrr.nle cotiy. ... ....... - in make the follow- tnKtrleo(f..ritupartle imtiuii incaahMib- 3t "uu-crfb'-ra. pair riaranleot ron.l tltrf. Slj iO 1 " " enmrm tu'ti).i'', . i0 " Cy.le l. '"'P " Ouarmilee I Soot Pump-....... l aw I ' Ushtoina a.-ri .; I " AUni'iiu ii Nam-vlaU koiihI iBOiuKravd , J For liinherptiticulara, iddtea Th Pvri ina Wear tm. Co.. Pav.Cot WANTED. live in Ihe Verboort and Centerville fice. One cent will be charged on each .... , letter called for. Vll)1"uy' I H. SCHOtMKRICH, P. M. Binder and harvester whips at the Hillsboro Harness Shop, 2nd Miss Elsie Ordway is home on a Energetic, hustling young man to represent tho Keystone Watch Co. Good opportunity to right party. V v v"