The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 07, 1898, Image 2

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Subscribo for it and en-
Entered at the Poat-ofhce at Hillsboro,
Oregon, as Second elan mail matter.
County Official Paper.
n . n-i- n I
Arp PiMtshmg Coipuj.
itnhmrintlon: One Dollar per Annum.
Six Months, 60 cts; 3 hiee x onths, Mete.
Opposed to Gold Mono metallism. Be
lieves in the Bimetallic Standard.
( Thinks we Ought to Take Care of onr
, own People Before Annexing Hawaii,
t Has no use for Marcus A. Hanna.
'Many of our pious statesmen are
telling us that we will lose the trade
to be gained from Cuba and the
Phillipines unless we make them
bur territory ! This is very rich!
Why not go over and take Canada,
then England, then Germany, and
'keep the ball rolling, lest we lose
'some of the trade already gained!
Of all the excuses for territorial
gain, the above excuse is the weak
est and most ridiculous. The real
Animus of our territorial friends,
however, is an excuse for standing
rmL'8 and great banking systems
both to sap the mules of commerce,
the farmer for such, by each and
every act of theirs, they so denomi
nate him. To them, the farmers
are all mules good mules and bad
mules. The good mu e keeps them
in their Mi us by tagging bigger
load in the shape of gold imperial
ism, while the naughty trick mule
is the silver advocate who kicks
and brays at the load already on1
his back. The farmer doesn't un
derstand these great schemes of gov
ernment! It takes a great banker
or politician to understand the in
tricacies of governing! A Hanna!
An Elkins or a Jew I
But it is consoling to know that
a majority of the farmers of Amer
ica stand against the encroachments
of such m?ti as above noted, We
-find the white farmers of the nation
in a majority for a common peoples'
government and it is their misfor
tune, not their . fault, that enough
farmers vote with the cities to keep
the Hannaites in control. Let us
hope that the people of our country
shall have another one more op
portunity to exprees themselves be
fore ws tie up to gold standardism
nd imperialism.. Then if Hanna
controls we shall take our medicine.
It is no longer a question of party.
It is now do. vn to business.
The Cubans are fighting for their
liberty have fought fur years for
the right of self government. We
did not see fit to help them until
circumstance made Spain our com
mon enemy. If tli Cubans imve
any sense after the war is over they
will govern themselves without any
intermediary work from us. They
are fighting for the same thine
theirs, l'he same thing applies to
"the Fhillipine Islands.
If they do not want self govern
ment, then it is time to say "come."
But let us tiot take advantage of
our militarism and accept gratuit
ies when they are in grateful re
membrance of deeds by us caused,
not by sympathy for their struggles
but by a cause remote to say the
- least. The Cubans and Phillipines
,; have suffered for their liberties. Let
them take:care of themselves if they
want to, and let us look after our
ow 1 affairs after the thing is over,
" ' '
THE lhlKN0tr tfirlE AGR.
With all tlite advance of uncalled
civilization we are far short of a
race of gods. We find our people
at war with a race of people which
was one of the first to put on the
' garb ot Christianity; one of the first
to subscribe to a gold standard al
though a producer of both metals;
forced, no doubt by a pernicious
- credit system. And here we are;
' engaged in a mortal combat, like
: Unto our savags forefathers, the dis
tinction existing being but the diff
erence in method of extermination.
Our ancestors used bowguus and
dub and we use huge battleships,
rt'."arjr and long distance rifles.
AfUr all, with all our progress, with
l'A tS citations to we ignorant by1
C 1 tr:ropoHtan journals that we
J fvliow the lead of civilized
Europe in law and custom, we find
it but savage, vty Ravage. For in
stance tlie powers. Should each
civilized power of Europe have said
to Spain upon a breach of comity:
''Release Cuba and indemnify for
the Maine's loss," there would have
bten no war. But war is product-
ive f debt and the great civiliied
debt makers care not for loss of lire
"d property so lone as it is not to
a, JXidual ,i And even
'now. when victory is in siiiliL there
. , . . , , .
and th Phillipines as ; uati )nal
property that fat places may le
I made for the perpetual motion poli
tician out for spoils. But, on with
the dance; let us go down as Napol
ton did; let us make history repeat
itself and hug coveteousness to our
souls. "All is right if we but think
it." Give the savage in man full
play. Let us start in a war of lib
eration and turn it into a war of
conquest. . Let ua satify these wise
acres who think we can't do busi
ness with countries unless we hold
the sword over them.
The nation is now in its 123rd year
and its history has no equal since
time has been re'iably recorded.
From about three millions of peo
ple under a colonial government
subject to monarchy we are now 75
millions with a past knowing no
parallel on the page of record. The
country has been the asylum of the
oppressed of all climes and govern
ments, and it Btands today, greater
than England with all her schemes
of colonization.
But there are things which should
receive the serious consideration of
every man who has posterity. It
should be remembered that no such
gains can be made in the future.
The eminent domain no more awaits
the axe of the woodsman nor the
ptairie the plow of the peasant
The homes of the nation have been
deeded to be deeded no more.
new process of evolution must take
place. The large hones must lie di
vided into smaller homes that more
people may make their livlehoode
without seeking channels of trade
and profession. This is a critical
period in our nation's history. Now
is the appointed hour for wise na
uonai counsel, vve must move
within the next few years or else
our tendency to Europeanization
shall be our ruin. The rising gen
eration must be considered as wor
thy of regard. Stomachs must be
fed that revolution be not nursed
With the fact so well established in
every thinker's mind that the tiller
of the soil feeds the whole world, it
ia time that these people assumed
the reins of government. The old
established idea that the farmer
must be the workhorse of the world
must become obsolete, or ruin and
decay will follow our national life
just as pauperism rules in the east.
Therefore, it is mete that income
takers who desire such from the
mussee, shall not control our stat
utes to the extremes as practiced
for some years. Unless there be
some great change in our social and
ue and the revenue producers. Let
each farmer who has a son, study
conditions. Let him decide, so
long as he shall, in any event, pay
the profit of commerce, whether too,
he shall enjoy its benefits. Let him
look for the future. Let him earn
estly ask himself whether or not he
is not able to do his own thinking;
own his own Vailroads; make his
own laws and suffer not burdens
placed upon his shoulders by those
whose capital, as such, is exempt
from the common process of taxa
tion. Let him study the money
question; let him analyze the true
position of himself, whether his
property is .dollars, or something
which is to buy dollars; whether
dear product or cheap product shall
quickest reduce hi in, and, a a re
sult, he can come to but one natur
ai conclusion that self interest
and common justice demands dol
lars less dear (by their very scare
ity now being dear) and product
more exalted. To forge ahead, or
even hold our own from this on
something must be done.
All this rant about wheat and sil
ver not going together has received
a severe setback by latter day con
ditions. The fact is, the contention
a bout 1 the two going together has
ever been based on each as a coni-
modity. Now that the supply of
wheat is normal to the demand ob-
Rubber Necks
Pardoa th parlance, but It
their feeble attempts to learn our methods or study our style. Till
ta a sincere store, and It's certainly at Its best now. The ne
orinr stocks are all In :
tfylng prices. The more particular you are, the more saving yon
are, the surer we are of selling you your Clothing, Hats or Furnish
ings. It's a way we have.
taining, we find that it has taken
its proportion by the side of silver,
its nominal rupply holding evenly
with the demand obtaining, much
of which had been killed by legis
lation adverse to its commercial
There is a practically fixed de
mand for silver, less than it used to
be. because law has created condi
tions adverse to its uses of the past.
So with wheat, as conditions come
in with supply and demand nomi
nal, it sunk to its old basis, exist
ing w en economist, busing both
wheat and silver hk commodities,
asserted that an ounce of silver,
commercial value, would Imv-a
bushel of wheat. 1 he giildites navel
sinipiy iioiHiett inein selves on tneir
own petard.
The American navy h:ii signalize I
itself in tlio iintain;i;.-( of Ixitli
ewey ami SsatntMitn. W e consi Isr 1
Dewey's the greater viul.irv f th. -
uewey s tlie g
two because he . wax c.iiiui'jllfd In
is l. . I f it
ngni, ine enemy s neet un er severe jsm. The bd hasn'tstopped to consider
fire from the lain) batteries. But that there are protectorates and protect
ill both engilgeiiieiits we hiive ac- orates dependencies and dependencies.
Quitted ourselves m.blv ii. tl.e p. The lact is, were a protectorate iuiperial-
of the world. It is nfien that
powerful fleet has been vanquished
by a weaker one and history has
shown us that in many instances!
poor vessels have whipped better ' Dewey's K"t Maniller feelin gay;
, , An' he prances up an' down Caveety bay
ones, as witnesa the naval engage-! He's laffm at the Dons the revolution and' A'runiiin' from his guns
.. . es Dewey's feel'.n' betttr every day!
the wr of '12, when we were near-', , ,. ,,
, , , , vSagastv s got the chills feelin' blue;
ly always successful against reat And-'-Carumba" swears at Yanke-
ndds. But never before in history j doodle-doo
l.i, . , " i He curses at his host .
has there been, in naval enpige- Ker run nin' from their post-
nients, euch Utter annihilation fur Then he rages at the rel, white and blue
one side, und practically no loss on But Kot 'em down keep 'em
the other. This constrains one to i He's a du'mlv imt hp' su afiuhiara,
. Wi -
'WftTChet HiiVK that
alter the Spanish are whipiied that
, , . . 11 .
tue outii must again lie taken 111
. , . B . .
hand. 1 he article in question (lis-
gUKted the minority of the old vet-
0 J J
erans m encmipment atXhe Grove
and many expressed themstil ves as
very sorry for the col lege city in be -
ing loaded down with a 22-calibre,1
rim-fire editor.
Spain once never thought to contrib
ute a whole fleet for American Fourth of
July explosives.
The modern Sampson has evidently
allowed no Delilah to use a pair of shears
oil hi9 locks much to Cervera's discom
fiture. Whv can't Hanna be sent to Cuba and
settle the matter at once, A man who!
can take Ohio ought to make a first class
assault on Havana.
Mr. Simon will have his pound of flesh
and, as he will be plaintiff, judge and
lawyer, he shall not care for an ounce or
so superfluous, or waste of fluid. He has
earned it and he should have it.
So it really seems as though ' some of
our penny a-liners would like to make
"reservations" out of Cuba and .the Phil
lipines. In this there is one satisfaction ;
there can't be many "agents."
For your good, old, "enlightened"
gold standard countries, turn your eyes
Europeward. Spain is in the lead, for !
she has more closely followed the tru
'enlightened" idea.
It is intimated by our town philosoph
er that the Oregonian fosters territorial i
expansion that it may open the road to
a few federal appoinlments not pledged
lu unc juuu n. luiiiiicu, iucic may uc
some method in its madness.
' General Merritt can talk; Col, Bryan
vw f, ii n -
does lit our contemporaries
le. This
perfect assortment, sparKiiug sty ws, grat
ThaFawxu Make that bmn
"5ty I, Service,
must not! General Merritt is of vr o i
lman; Bryan is not." Thus tlo our gold
ite papers moralize.
All we shall need is a few princes, etc.
should we adopt English colonization
schemes. For instance, ho would this
do: The crown prince of Manila: the
Duchess of Hemp; His Majesty, the Duke
of Cuba, surnamed Marquis Hanua t
The Uregoniau will no more cry about
Portland's rottenness. The gambling in
stitutions and the deuii-nioiide will now
pay tribute to the Simon government and
the great moral daily will never say a
word, 'Twas diffetent a short time back.
Let's follow our enthusiastic grabbers
and take Mexico and Canada! Oh! Your
afraid are you? '"Fraid England migh)
get her back up !" Well, but why not
redeem Mexico from her misrule and
sne ig?
... 1 1 t...
Why all this rant about "currency re
form" and making our dollars ''good?"
Are not all. of them good? Yea, and so
they will continue to be until our own
government shall discredit theiil. The
only trouble and tiiat U u grevious one
is, that they are too good. They grow
under cover. ;
f Tlle Oregonian note and comment man
lias tlie maggot ol unrest in his brain.
He thinks a protectorate rank imperial-
i ism, the jester on the Oregonian would
' be murdering copy for a protectorate.
Dewey and the Dons.
ii - f r
eTEiTirer: I rote the abuv 011 las
Sattydy, and Sainton's vietry hex cosed
,m!.t0 "e th,'s P?ast. crft' wich ailU no
better than the riijijinal:
a . . , ,
Our flng is wavm now east and west;
Sam'som's got Severy's skalp on his
t krest--. .
feevery tried to run
But Sam'son took his vim-
Held 'em UP a"' look th star off' bres,!
' . 1J l'."?''1, July 4
Dead Letter.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the Hillsboro post office un
Mr. W. N. Taylor,
A. Peaterson,
' Mr. J. W, Brown.
Ali letters not called for by July 16
iSaS. wilt hp wnl In Hi AmA lllr nt
nee. One cent will be charged 011 each
I letter called for.
Ward D wns won the boys' race
! lb class, at the Grove celebration
Cor 2d& W&sb'
Newly Furnished
and Renovated.
A first-class table and
all accommodations
for the convenience
of guests. . , ,
Schillings Best baking
DOwder is an earlv riser
and a hard WOrker.
Schilling's Best
baking powder
flavoring extracts
and spices
j areall money-back right
For sale by
W. D. Hare
Shite (S Foote, Backers
Trantuki't atioiierol Hanking lliiNinoNa
J. W. 8 ilTTK
I Sell night Kxrliniitfo mid ToleLrniphle
i TrniiMtVrN ami imuos Letters ot Credit
! aviiilulile thi'iiiiKlimit the United Stales.
1 Drn'v I ills of Kxeliaii on liomlun,
Liverpool, Dublin, I'uiis, Merlin, Kiiink-
fort-on-thu- am. Stockholm mul nil prill
I elpal cities of Europe,
i t
j Collections uiado on all aiveNsilile points
! Bunking hours from U a in to i) p m
1 llillslioro. Oregon
No Change of Cars between
Shnrtext hint to SPOKANE
Connecting with
Trail, Ron-land, Marcus
NpIfoii, nnd nil Klein.v
Mining C: in s . . .
Kor l'i:nplili-ti and Detailed
Information, write t-
limi'l 1'im Aiient Cortland. Oregon.
VIIK i iiromi'i r. nnk, will, tka
Mwtiwr in ihr unlloil Hl,H.
THK L'HIUIMl'I.K I, a, umUl on Ulf Paella
foal. II lemln nil In ability. rniriFi ml awm
THK CllltOMCI.KN Teli'lirnphte ll.piirU M
Ihf luunt mul mu,' rllallr. Im Loral NawiUM
Alllrii! nil nplcii Ht mi I ih K'lilc,tll from IM
hl5l iieiu In tin cum nl ry.
TH K (Ml 111 V 1 1 : 1 : ii'i, ,j v) tmen. i,ihI alway
will ha. thf MrH'.l mi l i-liiinipliin uf III p0lM
Cftlnnt ciiiiililiiHllituii illiii,-. uirrporallom, 9g
ppretf lonil of any klml 11 will ball
la MMyiklo miiinl la nulliiua.
Tli Mlrnnlp Uullillng.
the: ""daily
Mr Ma t. Hia aire I'nlil,
Only $6J0 afe.
The Weekly Chronicle
Ths si Wu.lj- ii ilio Uiiilrj, .
$1.50 a to
(iBuluriliiK iiiMt'iiciM 1 1 uur inirtof lh United
Huti'ii. I'niii In nu.l Metloo.
and mmt eom,ii;t v(tkl,v Nowtpupor In the
arid, prlnm ruiiiirly 81 rolu nm, or twslvt
fnges,of Nuvv4. Liter iliith nu.l iiiiiirul Innirraa
ttaa;alws iiiKnilli:.'iH Agricultural O.'imrtintnk
Reversible Map?
The United States, Dominion oi
Canada and Northern Meiioo
And tba
Map of the World
Bend 92 ami Get. th 1 Man and
Weekly ( taronlclo fur One Tnar,
poaUt prepaid 011 M ip and l'apur.
M. H. de Y017NO.
Pruprleior a t. Chrniilcto,
! n
The long bridge east of town 'on
the biipe line road will have a liM
spun, 46 feet in length, nnd an nd
veriisnin )t nppeH,r8 lin this issue
for bids.
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
The Leading, Drug
Where Drugs, Med tellies. Valuta, tills, Niuuiipm, Ilrualiss mid all f' ,'r.i lilies
nriy Ik pit'iirel itt prkes that slinplv IInIiiiu- tuii i'i ili n,
.First duality in Every Respect
: Special Attention Given to Quality
hiiiI .Vrurncjr in Dispersing.
See Our Large Stock of Fine Perfumes
The Largest Ever
Telephone from Hime luOUli r,
J, II. HUItKON, 1'nor
Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork
Kept Constantly on Hand.
Hisjhesi : Maiket : Trice : Vald : fur : Kat : Cattlr, : .Shtrji
Cash Paid for Poultry.
S red by lo'.lock. l'irst dniu, Queen, by Rotomago; second dniu, Iiciii n- by
Challenge, ilnnl ilmn, 1'ush, by Sir Charles: fourth i.aui, an tiuiigrau; i.m.U
... The i-ins Percheron stallion ...
I'rince Aliuo i.-, 6 years old; dapple grey; black points; l-i autiful white miiH. i td
tail; 17 luinils high; good action; very fast walker, I! is buvding combiius Hie
very best b,(K'. lor drait nnd gti i uil purpose horse Lntil to this stalln 11 1 ud
you will get tiiu results. His stands will be given mxl wnk 111 this adverliii u.n.t
Due when mare is known to be In foal. For particulars addrtsa
JAS. H. SEWELL, Owner, or JOHN LONG, Manager, Hillabcrc, Or
Executor's Notice.
Notice Ih liiTvoy uiven tluit 1I10 umleriln.
I'll has lieen iippiiinted witaMxeontorol tliu
lut will anil ti'Klunieiit nl' Kiinm I'hi'I, de
ceased, by the ('(Minly Court nl' the Mute
Oregon for Wuhinirtnn eoimty, 11ml Hint
all persoiiM liiivin; clidnm iijiiiiiiMl said e-'
Into are retim'stitd to prusi-iit lliu Minte to
ilie undei'siniii'd wiiliin -lx inonlliM from
date beruiil'. Dated at llilbboru, (nvgon,
UiIhIHIi day nl June, Is' it'..
Clmi-lrs Hill.
Kxecntor of the limt will ami frHiiimfnt of
Kiiiinn Curl, 1). (j'axwl.
W, D. Huie Attorney for Hxeeulor.
Executors' Notice.
Notice is liorebv given that the nnde - slmi -
ed have been appiiintod KxiiCiitms of the
Inst will anil testament of .Iiimox Diekson,
deceased, by tint l 'mini, v t;nrl of the Mtate
per-oiis havhijjhiu
11 wrt.on mi i tiHiuiiui-111 imuinv, ami
T- VI A It,, .,..,. ,
Executors of the lust ivill 11ml WsUmeiitof
.liiiMcs Dicks id, iltM-euNuil,
VV, l lime Att'iniev.
Notice (it Publication.
Land omen at Oiiumk City. Or.)
VTO'I'II K W hBivhv irivrn Mint the follow-
,iti no 25,
1 un m. inurjti
ii iiiii-imiiied sditicr mis
nii-imiiied smtler mis hlei
10 f in sun-
Ins liitAiitiiiu In iniike nmw hriinr In sun-
he mailt' before Hie ('iit'nty Clerk of Wash
mrl nf hiti i liiiii'., anil Hint, cuid proof will
,u ,,.li. huf',.r, 11. n r.,,..,t.r ci..,.b fj...i,
iniftoii County nt ItlUslioro, OreRon, on
aiikiijii ia, iwn.i-m: " ii h.iu- iki anniver u,0 00111-
K riiline iedrlcli, heir of Karl k "'tht!i;,'illJ,"tr wI'' f.v to tho Ho.irt
Frledl'icll, (leceHSi-ll. ! 1 ' ? relfol den.undod (n hnr eon.plulnt,
H K 013(1 for the W of 8 W ofSeo 20 Znlmt , t !ti'T1"'rl"Fe. ",ul '"""T'o
Tp3NR3W i u I t IT'1,? l'11'1'1
le uanias the IoIIowIiik witnesses to , 1, T-. 1 !HHr1d. and that
prove his continuous re-id.Miee upon and . ""JV,1,1 've niudi other nnd ftirtlior re
cnltivutiim of said laud, viz: r V U'"H "Wmr otultnhle.
John Schlowe, of Stafliml. Ore., Kllsha , ' ' Hi u "'V TT V'1 "P"" yu by or
II Howell. Mountuindiile, Ore., Oottleib ,itBd MM .ViiL. ' .MAl!.rl!,e' " H(1" n,,(l
Schlowe. of ltiuhlleld, Wush., Krod Haul- S; ,w " i A.Ht(.,!'i.,! "wkoii. on
ler.ofD xie, Orewon. JuneJ, 18IIM 8 j, JI uiiTON,
Chus. B. Moores, Register.
Send for free sample and iudijL' thereby.
Per Year
Cash in
The Enquirer is a 9-oolunin, 8
pagn pnper, issued encli Thursday.
Largest in size, eheiipst in
net reliable 111 mnvs.iill Inrgi type,
. 1 . . 1 1
piain prim, goon winie pnper
our reaaers wantanotlier live pnper
the Enquirer is that paper.
Call, or send orders to
" Ciinnati Hlnquiren i
The Argus Publishing Co
Union Mock
A Foil Supply or Toilet Anien s, I rfi n
ery, I'otent Mediritirs, Belli ol Hoc),
Shown in the City.
and : ltKs
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed bus been, by the Countv Court,
of Washington County, Oregon, ap
pointed adniinistr.itiir with-llte-will-at .
neited ol .tlie estulf of tltto VN'illieliu
Ferdinand Weiohbtodt, deceased, antt
liasduly qualified as such ailuiitiistrati r.
All persons having claims against siil
estatenrc hereby notified to present the
notified to present the same lo me with
proper vouchers, ai mv residence nt Cor
uehus, OreKon. or at tin- law olTir f,r
1 Smith & Bowman, at Hillsboro, Oregon,
I within s-'x months of the dnte hereof.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this May
1 '9 ,!?? UhCAK W KICHHRODT,
Adniimstrator wi'h-.lie-wil!-Hi nexed of
the estate of Otto Wilhelin Kerdiiininl
I Weichbrodt, deceas-d.
l,t t,,e Olrenlt Court of theSliito nf Oro-
Boil, for WaHliiiiKlim wmiitv.
Mary u. unites., I'liilntiin
! Wlllliini T, Wuho'rM, DnriMidiiiit)
jTo Williuiu T, WuIU tn, tliofthovo imiin-.l
In M10 Name of tlm Statu ofOwmtii, Vnu
i-i w i-uii . villi
ftle ""reliy cuiiiiiiuinli-d toiipiioiirund i'him-
lr. tho wniipluint of i,intll' herein
',y Mondiiy. the 18tli day of July,
" "r "'""uiiy. ine is
"xt. rojriilar term of Hiild (;imit iiltor tl
1110 ""'"A tiir tho
next roiruhir tnnn nl' m1.1
uri imy 01 tho
sorvi t this kiiiiiiuoiin upon yon, nnd lr
und U'. M DAvrs '
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Contractors.
July 10, IMS, ntao'nlook V. nk tlm
bounty Court room, U illshom.
1 f0"1''"- for tho build ng and coiiMtruot-
lug of throe brldiroH, 0110 nour Wt.,h.
line's south of Cornt liim; one Hour petor
bridRO, Piittoii Valloy; to Imildanow
cCkl" "8 Ke' "c,'08s
vS;.lfl.(,,ltimm "my b? 8ee" nt t'w
ty Liork'H ollleo on and attar July 10, tw
rheCimiuilsslonersvesorvothe rlirhtto
roioct any un 1 ull hlds. 8
Dated this Blh day of July, 1808
L. A. 11000,
County Judge.
Administrator's Notice.
Notinels hereby eiven that the iimlnnilnM.
I Hon. county crt oftV.c Huteof OreKou
I f ! 1 Ytt8',ligtoii County All porsmui hay.
,.,,. ngoiiiii, Hl mmig U,g HoiellV
offl :e of 8. B. Huston; Hillsboro, Oreiron,
within six months from the date hereof.
jstttGii viiiH !fiiiti nay ol June, 1898'
Adl nf I I,., nui.,i. ,,r 1 .... C....7
' r ?reM"JB'nH