A Live County Paper. HILLSBORO, WASUrGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 181)8. subscribe for it and en. J THE ARGUS Entered at the Post-oftice at Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second class mail matter. LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY BY - THURSDAY Subscription: One Dollar per Annum. Six Months, GOcts; Three Months, 35 ets. Opposed to Gold Mono metallism. Be lieves iii the Bimetallic Standard. Thinks we Ought to Take Care of our own People Before Annexing Hawaii. Has no use for Marcus A. Hanna. UNCl.lt Sam: "A Good Ticket.' UNION TICKET. For Governor WILL R. KING, . Baker County. For Secretary of State H. R. KINOAID, Linn County. For Treasurer J. 0. BOOTH, Josephine County. For Supreme Judge, W. A. RAMSAY, Yamhill County. For Attorney-General J. L. STORY, Wasco County. For State Printer . . . CHARLES A. FITCH, Clackamas County. For Sup't. Public Instruction H. S. LYMAN, Clatsop County, District For Congressman, First District ROBT. M. VEATCH. For Judge, Fifth Judicial District W. D. HARE. For" Prosecuting Attorney, Fifth District GEO, NOLAND. County. For Senator, JAMES H. SEWELL. For Representatives, 15th District J. B. PRICKETT B. G. I.EKDY JOHX M. WALL. For Judge 1,. A. ROOD. For County Clerk LINCOLN LAUGHLIN. For Sheriff IRA E. PURDIN. For Recorder of Conveyances IRA HAYNAM. For County Commissioner CONRAD SCHULMERICH. For County Treasurer PETER BOSCOW For Assessor '. ' J. C. MILLFR. For Surveyor T. 8. WILKES. For School Superintendent J. T. DORRIEN. For Coroner DR. W. P. VIA. WHY DO YOU STAND IT? Judge Crowell, of Jackson county, had a good subject at the court house last Thursday night, and he was listened to with interest by many republicans who went to hear the eloquent Union orator. Mr. Crowell was not a partisan speaker and his words were received by in telligent republicans as worthy of consideration. Calling up the Southern Pacific Railway, Mr. Cro well conclusively showed that the company was not paying its share of taxation. California assessed roadbed at over $17,000 per mile; Washington state assesses roadbed at $10,000 per mile. Here in Ore gon the company is assessed in most counties at less than $4,000 per mile, while lands in all three states are assessed proportionately the same. In this county the as sessment of roadbed is fixed at $3,300 per mile. Taken throughout the state, the company is favored bjr lack of proper taxation. Farm ers must pay this tax, which ought to be borne by the Southern Pacific. Is it any wonder the S. P. supports the Simon ticket? The farmers who pay the tax which should justly fall on the Southern Pacific, should well con sider before they vote lor the ad ministration which always stands with that company. Shake these corporations up. Vote for a man for governor; a man for supreme judge; a legislative ticket and a county ticket that will see to it that corporate property shall pay its just share of expense attendant to adminirtration. It means sever-! al thousand dollars t) be paid by the S. P., for county purposes which ou now pay; it means that several thousand dollars for state purposes which you now pay must be paid by the Southern Pacific, now en joying immunity from taxation! Remember that these things. as they how stand are not right. Remember that the S. P. is always putting up a campaign fund to keep from pay ing its just share of taxes, forcing farmers to pay .what it lacks in state and county tax! Vote for the i Union ticket and it will mean sev- eral thousand dollars in the pockets of Washington county far mers every year! This is a matter of self interest and justice. Voteas a man, a business man, not as a partisan. Do not let bimon vote you against your own pocket book in the name of an "'honor" which never existed, only in the cunning brain of those who would rob you. CORNELIUS GETS MAD. No one blames the County Judge for abusing, personally, the Argvs editor. But all who hear him, pitv the Judge's weakness. The Argvs has not attacked Mr. Cornelius or his personal "faults," such as: where he was born; whether or not his birth was ushered in at the tor rid zone or frozen Alaska; or wheth er it was a midwife or a profession al accoucheur who attended; or whether he was born before or after the war, or any of those things which the Judge holds as a griev ous sin. These things are neither here nor there. The Argvs has spoken of the Judge's public service and will continue so to do, because it is right to so do and because tax payers have a right to know how public business is transacted. Per sonal abuse of the A rots editor does not cleanse the wrath y judge, nor is it argument. Sensible peo ple realize. this as a great truth. MR. SIMON'S HOPE. It is now talked that Joseph Simon should the republicans get the leg lelature, will be the candidate for U. S. Senator. He has stood at the head of the party for many years and has been the chief comptroller of legislation, and, as a matter of partisan preferment, is the logical candidate, having the highest statesmanlike office within the gift of Multnomah county. He gains his elections by meth ods which will not bear scrutiny and his name, as a politician, is a by-word in the mouths of street ga mins and yet, with a tenacity un equalled in the history of the state, he holds his grip on the state's af fairs. Thai he is objectionable to the extreme to fifty per ant of the republicans goes without saying, but many of those who know his political shame are being co-erced into party line. Mr. Simon is in the saddle and he wants success. Success may mean the U. S. Senate to him. Let our best citizenship, regardless of party affiliation, see that his aspirations are killed in the bud. THE STATE RELEASED. People of Oregon have been badly used by the American Book Com pany, and although it is trying hard to elect its candidate for State Superintendent, it looks now as though its deadly cinche on the state is being broken. People do not like to be bled by this cormor ant, and for once it looks as though the people are overwhelmingly go ing to elect Lyman, the Union can didate. Both Edwards, the Ameri can Book Company representative, and Ackerman are crying over the inevitable defeat crying because the people of the state shall not longer be bled for their profit. A PRETTY PAIN. It is now generally conceded that either Corbett or Simon will be the republican candidate for the Senate I should their forces bo successful Fences had been put up and the money sent out to carry the conn- ties and get delegatirns which would not condemn Corbett's hold- up, uuist in some way be repaid. It is reliably reported in this coun ty that all the legislative candidates on the republican ticket are in thor ough accord with Mr. Simon in this matter, and from indications, this is true. But the Jew and his rep rehensible methods will receive a repulse from these old Oregonians who know him so well, that he will start for Jerusalem soon after elec tion. A It KG I ST K A T I ON LAW. Corrupt and indecent abuses at pri maries will obtain until we get. a registration liuvO Should Mr. Si mon have control of the next legis lature no registration law can I passed that shall give honest and reliable republicans who stand for good state government, a chance to correct evils, commencing at the primaries. A registration law would stop the corruption now attendant at primaries over the state, but iloss Simon will not have it no, no. It will lie remembered, in sup port of this, that Henry McGinn said on the senate floor: ''When you get such a law in force the elec tion machinery will pass out of our hands." This is why Boss Simon doesn't want a registration law. But Boss Simon doesn't want hon est primaries. But let us put men is power who shall give us a regis tration law and then we shall have honest primaries. JO SIMON'S NEW LOVE. The "Push." Craig. How Craig was made to gather up his Circulars in ISM. IN THE FAMILY. Henry Denlinger, the Union candi date for prosecuting attorney, is one of the brightest lawyers in the district. The convention did well in his selection, because too freq uently untried and inexperienced attorneys are named for this im portant position. Mr. Denlinger has had a large practice for several years and is an advocate of marked ablility. lloeeburg Review. Mr. Denlinger is a relative of D. M. C. Gault, of this city, and is an uncompromising free coinage man. Mr. Gault opposed gold standard ism in 1895, and in his famous ed itorial of January 11, 1895, said of Mr. Dolph and his gold standard policy the present financial policy: "He is representing a policy of con traction, is working to secure the inter ests of the banks and railroad corpora tions against the interests of the people. He represents Wall street and Loudon. not the producing classes of the state of Oregon. He is the representative of the east and Europe, not of the great west. Oregon, as well as the entire western part of the U. S., has been built up larg ely on borrowed capital, and owes large sums to the east and Europe, We lire willing to pay these debts fairly in the money of the value in which fliey were contracted. But the policy urged by Mr. Dolph, of the contraction of the cur rency, making it scarce and high, would double and treble the indebtedness of every man in the state. Tl'ie west sells food products and lias no other way of paying Us In debtedness, either principal or interest The policy of Senator Dolph would de crease, and IS DECREASING from one-half to TWO-THIRDS the price of everything Oregon has to sell. Had the county financial state ment been published according to law, the Hatchet and Independent would not so readily have charged falsehood at the Argus' statement of fact that the books showed a warrant debt of $51,2!)0.37. These editors take the bosses' words for anything and think that, to yell "lie" in to obliterate the county debt. But they will find to thtir sorrow that County Clerk Imbrie will never deny that the books showed the debt iust as The Argvs gave it. People do not like to be humbugged by such hirelings as the Hatchet and cuckoos as the In dependent. These twins ought to get up another fight and tell the public of each others sins. The question of state domination by a republican legislature is one that should be seriously considered by the taxpaying citizens of the state of Oregon. We have seen nothing accomplished at the last two sessions of the legislative bod ies and it is high lime that our peo ple make a change. We have seen the country republican press cry out against political outrages in no uncertain tones, only to witness ' them getting into line at election 'time. This has been repeated so often that it should at last dawn ! upon the inindB of the rank and file of intelligent property owners as conclusive that no reform is to come from so-called republican forjes in power. No one need lw afraid if the rank and file of the republican party had its voice have prevailed in state affairs, but Multnomah's control of the state has ever been in uammng inniicnec to n.igni ami i i. .j j . 11? i . i kill decency in law making and ad- j who want self-respect, will ever rentetn ministrative action. oer that the dirty work of the so called 1 republican primaries does not lay with THK UANCi'H ST HAW. any one man but practically with the ! BK which runs the ring and which Kverv man who is interested in the ahl,ses ","b',v for a who hup- '.. . .1111 ' l"s to disagree with their policies, annus of his county should look i outforpett v little misrepresent-j . Sa" FrHci!,eo Thursday last, by a ma H,mS fn',w.1 K.oh L... ,. J".v vote at the city election, adopted organs, the Hatchet inul the Inde- pendent, and those who are interes ted in getting votes not for your lienelit that thev inav continue to Iraw from the public treasury. Be on yonr guard against tricks. Do not let them fool you with death lied circulars. Since May 5 they have had time to show the assum ed "errors" of this paper. Their last defense is worthy of a mind that wot. Id illegally carry a prim ary. It :s this: "The Argvs lied because some of the warrants have not been endorsed and therefore do not bear interest!" Isn't this rich! "Holy Al oses, 'aim' it cold!" The gang, like a drowning n an clutch ing at a straw, is claiming the "interest bearing debt is not what The Argvs quoted" although they dare not deny that The Argvs correctly , gave the outstanding warrants as shown by Clerk Ini-brie's-and Treasurer Cady's ac counts. So the organs have cried "liar," at the same time stooping to a de ception and falsehood which would turn green with envy the most erring reprobate. Is there any common honesty in the ring relative to public affairs. Ye Gods I .Are not decent republicans- good citizens who do not approve of stealing primaries al most disgusted with such doings where moral turpitude is practical ly involved. A CLEAN CAMPAIGN. Throughout this campaign this pa per has steadily tried to represent the best interests of Washington county. It has no largely been a question of national politics. The paoer has assaulted no man's pri vate character, although it has fear lessly shown up conditions which should not be longer tolerated, as a matter of decency. The best ele ment of Washington county, irre spective of republicanism, populism or democracy has Iwen with us in this fight. The fight is won and victory will score for better men in office; better business management in handling county business and for better manhood in public life unless the two saloon keepers who are supporting the Independent's and Hatchet's cuckoo cry of the bosses, shall work unsuspecting vot ers to vote against the taxpayers' best interests. However that may be, we shall be satisfied with the result, knowing we have attacked only official life and action, instead of private character. Why I am a Republican. To The Editor: Permit rue to state why I am a republican, financially. Silver and gold were both the money of the constitution of our fathers, and as ours was a republican government, they were both good money. It remained the money of Washington, Jefferson, Jack son, Lincoln, yes, and of Webster, Clay, Blaine and Garfield; and more especial ly, the monev of the grand old party un til 1896 For 120 years it carried us through sunshine and storm. It was good enough tor the party and it was good enough for me. In 1890 the repub licans of this state, in their state plat form declared for the free and unlimited coinage of silver that was good enough for me. In 1892 the republicans in their convention condemned Cleveland and his administration for seeking to put the country on a gold basis. That was good enough for tne. But since Hanna, McKinley & Co. have turned away from the people to stand for cheap product and muscle, they are not good enough for me. Since they have stolen Cleveland's thunder, since they, Hanna, McKinley & Co., have joined those whom dear money benefits those who are wanting more of my muscle for a dollar, they are not good enough for me. I remain a true, old fashioned republican. A. H. Garrison. Threatened Revolt, One of t lie most prominent republi cans! of Portland stated publicly that there wan such open suspici-n of traitorous action on the part of. the suite republican central com mittee as threatened a general re volt on the part of the decent ele ment of the party throughout the state. Under the management o Gralmn Glass jr., the entire cam Under the management of paign bus been run in the interest of (Jeer, Moody and another favor ite. Evidence is inultip'ying that even legislative candidates 111 van .,. . f ,1 1 . 1 . ous sections of the state opposed to the Simon regime have been mark et! for slaughter. Continuing the gentleman said that after the elec tion these matters would be inves tigated, the reorganization of the committee demanded together with Mr. tiluss' retirement as secretary, Prater. cuij!ens who WHllt loi). ,.,.,.., a charter which allows its people to vote upon any city law, when 15 per cent of the voter? petition such law. This is right. If OrejJii could do likewise, Joe Simon would get his lingers burnt each time he tried to put his greedy fingers upon the pulse of the state. The Union ticket advocates the right of the people to govern. The people should be su premevote for the Union ticket. VOTE YOUR "X" THIS WAY. For Governor U X Will II King ,,'T.,,U' JVmocnuic For Secretary'of State 18 X H. It. Kincald., I copies. Demo cratic. Silver c ,,, . , Uepuhlicnii For Mate treasurer 20 X J. O. Hooth.. lemocratic , . ' Silver l'epiiblican For Supreme Judge 2(1 X VV M lt.uiisey...p,,'!i:las' I'iincnit- . ,. , 3 le Silver Hep. . ror Supt. Piihliu Instruction .'10 X U.S. LynuiJ''";l,l.')','o.cialli'. 0 . Silver Itepuhlicini For Stute Printer 31 X C. A. Fitch. linoenitic, "ilver Iteptiblicnii For Attorney General Xi X J. L. Storv ''"'Ptcs Ilunincmtie, silver liepiililiciin ror Congressman, 1st Dlst 41 X It. M. Veutchi'V'l'1"?; DiMi'ocralic Silver Itopiihlican For t Ircuit Judge, filli .liiilicial Hist 42 X W.D. Hare..''?l,l,T,' I 'iiioraHi-. Mlver Itepiiblicaii ror Pint. Attorney, ftth Judicial Hist 45 X Geo. Nolml''"'l,l(T(' 1e!''7l'm,('' '-IHfl UCI1M1CIIII . For M'b'r Hoard Kqiiall.atiim, rt h Dist - 4(1 X Win. Harlow i',,1M,l,1,r: "emoenilic Mlver Itepnhliciiu For State Senator 49 X James II. Sewell Union For Representatives 53 X Byron G. Leedy. . . , Union 54 X J. B. Prickett Union 55 X John M. Wall Union For County Judge 57 X Louis A Rood Union For County Commissioner 58 X Conrad Schulincrich Union For County Clerk 61 X Lincoln Laughli 11 Union For Sheriff 63 X Ira E. l'urdin Union For Recorder of Conveyances 64 X Ira Ilaynam Union For Treasurer 66 X Peter Boscow Union Pnr s.nr 69 X J. C. Miller Union For Surveyor , 71 X Thos. S. Wilkes Union For School Superintendent 73 X J.T. Dorrien.... Union For Coroner 75 X W. P, Via Union SUMMONS. III the Circuit Court of the Statu of Ore gon, 101- Wellington county. Mary G. Walters, Plaintlif) IVfendiint I William T. Wulters, ToWllliiiin T. Walters, the above nniiied defendant In the Nttine of the State ol'Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear mid ans wer the complaint of plaintill' herein men tiy nioiutuy, the tmii day ot July next .regular 'term ol said Court alter the service ol this summons upon you, ami If you tail so to appear and answer the com - 1, uio raiiir ueniif me nisi iihv 01 I le plaint tlie plaiiitltt will app y to the-1 mill to-wit: That the marriage and marriage Kir vim renin uciiiniiueu III ner eoilipillllll, am. dVivm an plaintitt have such other and further re-; p,, nil inns and aggregations of wealth 'gen let as to the t ourtiiiay appear e.iiitable.!emllv;aiiil the packing f the highest his suiiimons m served upon you by or-; courts of the land with corporation law -derof- Hon. . A. Me ride, made and , yers, too ready to do the will of their lale dated at ( bainbers ut Astoria, Oregon, on en plovers, and to set aside valid and JiinetS, 1WKI , ftv HH,!l8JVi'i ' wholesome laws passed by the legislative ami W. M JMWH. ! departments of the states and government Attorneys lor Plaintill. 1 upon llimsy pretexts, at the bcbesls f . iich institutions. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been, by the County Court, of Washington County, Oregon, ap pointed administrator with-the-will-an-nexed of the estate of Otto Wilhelni Ferdinand Weichbrodt, deceased, and has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers, ai my residence at Cor nelius, Oregon, or at the law office of Smith & Bowman, at Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months of the date hereof. Dated at Hillslioro, Oregon, this May 19,1898 OSCAR WEICHBRODT, Administrator with-the-will-at. Hexed of the estate of Otto Wilhelni Ferdinand Weictibrodt, deceased. NOTICE. City warrants up to February 22, 1895, are now payable at the olllce 01 cuy treasurer, aciiuimericri store, 111 us twro, Oregon, ami interest will cease on same alter tins elate. Dated May 5, 18118. F. G. MlTCHBt.L, City Treasurer By Geo. Sciiui.mkrich, Deputy, UNION PLATFORM. First We demand the free and unrestrie-! ted coinage of silver and gold at the ores-1 ent legal ratio of 10 to 1, without waiting : for the consent of foreign nations: ami we are unalterably opposed to the policy of the present republican administration in de inandmg the retirementofgreenbacks, and the turning over of the money making now- erof the government to the national bunks at, Puon,,.n,l ,l.a kill .1........ k.. tl I. ' n 1. 1, .ruii tni 1 uic uniuiunii uy ine I nil mi- lic.an secretary of the treasury, and indors ed by President McKinley; and we espec ially denounce the avowed attempt by said bill to fasten the country irrevocably and forever to the gold standard. We (lemaiul a national money sate ami sound, issued bv the general government 0y. without the intervention of banks of wine, uc u i,,ii .ui fcmiuii! mi till ili'litn, public, and private; also a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct lo the people through the lawful disburse ments of tlie government. We demand that the volume of circulat ing medium be speedily increaseed to an u- ' "'""in. Hinin;iciii, 11, mctfi llir ui-llinillis or the business and population of ibis couu-' The Hillsboro Pharmacy.:;" The Leading; Drug House Whom Drugs, Medicines. Paints. olls.Npoiiges, llruslitm ami all Druggist's Kiindi i,., may he procured hi prices huh THH DELTA DRUG STORK j First duality in Every Respect : : Special Attention Given to Quality : : ami Accuracy in llispensing. : : A Full Supply nf Toilet Articles, l'l-rfnin. : : cry, l'ntciil Medicines, School Hooks, l;tc. See Our Large Stock of Fine Perfumes The Largest Ever Shown in the City. TVIepliuiMi IV0111 Store tuOltlt-i. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. J. 11. lU'ltSoN, Fwi' Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. HiijlKsi : Muikct : Price : Paid : for : Put : Cattle, : Sheep : ami : Ibi Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STIMCKT, llll.LSBOItO. OKKUON. PRINCE ALMO ! H"" iff 1 I V "---. .J" rtirm-f, , yjf Sired by Pollock. First dam, (Jnceli, by Rotnmugo; si coiul dinu, Ivclipsc, by Ch:illcii;c; .third d:im, Puss, by Sir Charles: fourth dam, mi Milligram marc ... The Fine Percheron stallion ... Prince Alum is 6 veurs old; dapple grey; black points; liiniitiful white iniitie mid tail; 17 bunds liinh;nood action; very fust walker, His bleeding combines the very best blood for diult ami general purpose horse. Hired to this Mulliuii inul you will get line results. His stands will be given next week in this iidvcrtiseiiieiu TERMS TEN DOLLARS TO INSURE A COLT! l""1' w,u' tre i kllOWII to 1)0 Due when mare is known to be in 'jAS. H. SEWELL, Owner, or liy, and to restore the Just level of prices ui uuinr aiiu iMiiiiueiioll, W e tavor sueli H legislation as will prevent 1 dciimnetmil ion of anv lor 1 lie iiiiiiie me nciimiietmil 1011 lit anv kind of legul lender money by private coii- iniei, Wc de.iuund that the government, in payment of its obligations, sbull use ilsop. lion lis to the kind of lawful luoiicv in ! which they are to be paid, and we denounce - 1 1 h present and preceding administrations mr Hiirrciuiering hum xpllmi In I hi' holders ni uuYcniinf 111 ouiigiuioiis. e demand (hut there sm be no fur ther issue off. S. inleresl-henriiitt bonds, We deiiiiind tlial noslal siiviiiirs hanks j safe deposit of the siiviiigs of I ho people! I... i,.i,i;ui. .,1 i. 11 , .. .1 ! IIIW In ill'l 1 I t 11 I 11 nVii ueiiiaiui ineeieelionol t mleil Slates senators by direct vole ofthe people. Wc deiiiiind the initiative I i iliiin system of law milking in its optional ni in .-i n sinin .mi 1 .1... Hiiluniion bv congress of all important ; questions for an advisory vole ol the 1 : e, until such time us il. natiomil c oi H. ; mtioii shall Have been amended so as lo . nrovil u ill' ( reel w s nl ,m I . We condemn a- dangerous and unjust print, good white paper. If We are opposed to government by in junction. In state matters we demand : A simple and well guarded registration law. A more equitable mode of appointing judges of election. Stringent laws to regulate the. operation if I'mb traps, lisb w heels and all lishing gear in the waters within the jurisdiction ol the state, We denounce and condemn the cornip and extriiviginil republican legislative as semblies, and charge that the republican party, in its eagerness tor the spoils of of lice, bus become divided into wiiri-ing fac tions, so that II, is incapalileuf government as exemplified by (lie uonilition existing in the olllce of the state treasurer, I hern being at this time more than iflftUO.lHJO therein, wrung from the people by Hie process oi' taxation, w hile state warrants are stamneil nVi.t ..iiiil !, ..f'f 1.. ! ' 'Not paid for want, of funds." Wedeiiiand that all district and county oflicors he placed upon salaries commen surate with the duties to be performed bv them, Inasmuch as railroad and other corpor ate properly is not bearing its proportion of taxation, we demand that such shall bear its just and equal ,hare of the j expense of government. 2u&Wnsliii J J. NORTHRUP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. Shute d Pofltc, Backers Transact a (ienernl Bunking llunm,ss J. W. S 'lTTR A. (!. SIIIITIO . . . Manngei . . .('ashler Hell sight Kxcliungo inul Telegraphic IraiislcrM mid Issues Letters of Credit available throughout t lio United Hiatus Drii'V bills of Kxcbiinge on London, biverpool, Dublin, mis, llcHi,,, Frank-lort-on-tbe- am, Stockholm and all prin cipal cities of Kuropo. Collections made on all aceessibln points Hanking hours from Ham to3p 111 Hillsboro, Oregon, Union Hloek Mam st. V. A. Kail,., 'riiiii'l.., kimiiy m- i'"i"n. foal. For further i,til,i,lra ..1.1 ,., JOHN LONG, Manager, Hillsboro, Or TWO FOR ONE Send for free sample and judge thereby And I ll,f I, OH h n 1 i"1"" VI ) II l.llsll in ! VtiV Vcilf'ir UJ AJvaiii' iVdvncne Tl e Kntpiircr i a '((-column, h page paper, issued each Thursday, largest in size, cheapest in price. I r,'lllll,lc in liews.all large type, in n iiiicis want a 1101 ner live paper the Knijuirer is that paper. Call or send orders to The Argus Publishing Co SUMMONS. InlbeCirciilt Court of the, Stale ofOregon lor iiNbiiigtoii county. Henry llcywood, (leo, lleywood Calvin II. Hill and John i. Wulcb, part niirs doing busi ness under the nn lmlll0 sly m ol lleywood Urns ,v ''"'"I'nn.v, I'laliitill'M, v .lames If. Smith, Nellie Smith Anson Powell ami v. I'. At kiKIi. Defendants. To .lames A, Smith and Anson l'owoll, two of the above iiaiuei defendants. TN T1IK NAM 10 OF THE STATU OF X Oregon j 011 and each of you are hereby commanded and required to ap peal' in the above enlitled Court in the above entitled cause on or before the llrst day of the next regular tin 111 cf the above entitled I ou:t, next following ibo expira tion of the tune prescribed in the order of publication f this Numinous, to-wlti Mommy, the IHth day cf Julv, 1K!H, and answer the complaint herein tiled against you and if you fail so to appear and answer "'"d plaint, for want thereof, the pliiintills will apply to the Court for the re let demanded in their complaint, to wit: For a judgment against James II. Smith tor the sum f sf2.t(), with interest thereon Irom the 1st. day of June, 1HH7, at the rulo of eight per cent per annum, and the coHts and disbursements or thin suit, and lor a decree foreeloHing that certain contract of side made and entered Into between the above, mimed plaintill and the defendant, James II. Hmjth, on the 2 H.li ( ay ol March, IK!)",, of the following described real properly, yMg, being and Simula in Washington County, Oregon, and described 11s being lot N.'( block nm4,'" 1 ,'!"'M"''' addition to the town of Hillsboro, Oregon, as shown bvtbedlllv W corded map and pint of said tliorne's'ad d lion, on tile and of record in the ofllce ot the Kecorder of Conveyances of Wash ingtoii (.oiinty, Oregon, and for the sale ot sa it premises above described as pre Vided by law, to satisfy H,,, claim el be 1 above 1111 1 pliiintills as above set lortli nm lor the cosls and disburse ments o tills suit: and lor a decree torever barring and foreclosing each of he above iiiuocil defendants of all right, itle or Interest of, in and to suid prem ises and any )M,'t (hoi'eof, I be service of HiIh Nuiiimniis is made by publication by order of n, Alfred !',,ih!"u'N' 'lr "de i "pen Court at llillsho,.,,, Oregon, ami dated the Mil day ol Ajiril, ,M!is. OAKH CAKF,, mid ' HAtll.KY .V HltoWN, Attorneys for l'laiiitill'B tiiiiciiirili I