Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
oy Reading all of the HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1898. Local and County News 1)1!) SOT COMPLY WITH TIIE STATUTE Ami yet Talks of Anarchy In Others A KEVIBV 01' COUNTY BUSINESS. Kqiortcil thai a ,75 Liar lias Been Hired to Defend. The drove Nancy in husy defending I lie debt burdening the people, and when the repuhlioana win) are against such nil evidence of inter est hearing delit, ask Mr. Cor nelius and his warm political friends jiiMt how it came about, the answer if, it in said: '"Well, Mc llride Iihh been awful slow and has Hindu the court term altogether too expensive," There in no doubt hut what the circuit court of thin futility Iihh been conducted on a scale which in altogether too ex pensive, hut thin Iihh been hut one of many leaks. The public treas u ry lius'nol been properly guarded in many instances. For instance, the law has been violated where there wan special provisions for the prelection of taxpayers. In the huildiigof the new jail, the cell and corridors were let contrary to law. The law requires: : Section li'.Hil). Whenever the : : county court shall determine : ; to erect hucIi juil or prison, it : : it may either receive sealed : : proposal for the performance : : of the whole or any part of the : : work, or for furnishing ma- : : tcrials, or may Hell the : : stiine at public auction to : : the lowest bidder; but the : : court, before it enters into any : : such contract, shall give no- : : lieu by advertisement, pub- : : Halted in some newspaper of : : general circulation in the coun- : : ty, for at leant three weeks in : ; succession, or by putting up : : advertisements in five public : : places within the same, three : : weeks before the time for let- : : ting the contract, stating the : : day on which it will attend the : : court house in said county for : : the purpose of receiving propo- : : sals or selling at public auc- : v: lion (as the case may be) and : : entering into such contract; : : and the contractor shall enter : : into bond, payable to the state : : of Oregon, for the use of the : : county, with such securities : : and in such sum as the court : : tuny approve, conditioned for ; : the faithful performance of the : : contract agreeably to the stip : illations thereof. Money to loan. Rooms (1 and 7, Union Block, Hillsboro. Oregon. Ferd (ironer was up from Scholia today. He has .'llo acres sowed to wheat and says it is looking tine. The rains of late have put the farmers in excellent spirits, as the largest yield in yearn is promised. The court yard was mowed this morning, the grass having grown so tall that it was becoming a nuis ance. ' Who does your printing? Thk AhuUb is prepared to do all kind of uriiitina at livintr price. A trial will convince you. Quite a large number of Hills boro people went ih.wn to attend the funeral of William llobiuson, who was buried yesterday at Ti gardville. Mr. Robinson was a man who had a host of friends. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name for "DeWitt's Little Karly Risers," and gave him a bottle of those famous little tills I for constipation, sick headache, liv er and stomach troubles. The Del ta Drug Store. Married at Jacksonville, Oregon, Wednesday, May 25, 18'.)8, Mrs. Clara Smock, formerly of Scholls, this county, to Mr. Win. Stewart, of Medlbrd. He is a well known farmer and Mrs. Stewart was form erly Miss Clara Stanwood, of Scholls, and daughter to 11. C. Stan wood, who built the Scholis mill. The large banner for the republi can headquarters which has several times been stretched across the street, has been very naughty in its persistence to come down and trail on the street. Kach time that it sprinkles the canvass contracts (just like the currency) and down conies the whole arrangement "bistwl." J. W. (loodin, of Olencoe, has re turned from Bkaguay and Alaska, at.u will not go duck. lie slates that the Alaska boom is about col lapsed and that many are leaving. He tells us that he saw Loring K. Adams, Wesley Boscow and F, (i. Mitchell before he left and that they are doing well and are con tented, Mr. (Joodin says he has enough of Alaska for the present and is glad enough to be back in old Washington county. A talk with nuite a number of Hillsboro's people gained the infor mation that it is their intention to celebrate the Fourth of July at For est Grove this vear. The College City should have a grand time and make preparations to entertain the largest crowd ever turned out at a patriotic demonstration. It is said that distinctively modern features will be added to the exercises this year, owing to our present war with Spain. Forest drove will see us up there on the fourth, enmasse. ANNUAL CONVENTION OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS Will be Held at Cornelius Junj 2, 1898. A SIM.EXIMI) PROGRAM ARRANGED. Sunday School Wink will he Strongly Discussed. The court did not advertise for the eel s and corridors, but let the contract for them to the Diebold Safe & Lock Co. for $'2,750, on the same day that it gave the papers the three weeks' .advertisement. A local agent of the I'auli Jail Co., knowing that the statute provided for advertisement, expected to put in a hid. He was thus shutout. His figures to put in cells and cor ridors according to plans and spec ifications were $500 below that paid for the work put in. This is one way in which business has been handled. It is said that the county judge and many of the of ficers contend the ceils and corn dois were bought dirt cheap, but lion. S. B. Huston, J. M. oall and Tiik Annua editor saw the letter from the agent of the Pauli Jail Co. directing the local agent (a republican) to put in the bid for $2,250. This is truth. The law was not complied with, haws of this kind are for compliance. That Mr' Cornelius knew of the statute is proven when we know that on the day he let the contract for the cells and corridors he issued adver tisements in compliance with the law relative to the most inexpen sive part of the prison, the building proper 1 And now it is currently reported that the Hatchet has been hired to do th campaign lying on this and all other" subjects for the large sum of $75. The ninth annual convention of the Washington County Sunday School Association will be held at Cornelius, Thursday, June 2d. l'ach school is jordially invited to send at least two delegates, aB a rousing good time is expected. Entertainment will lie provided for all. Following is the program: Morning. 9:00 l'raise Kervice, V. VV. Cady, 9:10 Adilres of Welcome, Rev. C. A. Luce. 9:20 Music. 9:30 Whal lias a school a right to ex pect of its Superintendent? Ella Mcllriiie, Portland. Discussion. 9:50 What have my scholars a right to expect of me? L. C. Walker. Discussion. Music. 10:00 Recitation, Lucy Baker. 10:00 How to keep scholars in the Sun day School. Rev. Ii. P. Hughes 10:30 Discussion. 10:40 Primary work, Mrs. Hoyt. 11:00 Discussion. 11:05 Recitation, Mabel Gilbert. 1 1: 10 Music. 11:20 Literature in the Sunday School and how to study the bible. Mrs. C. A. Raymond. 1 1:50 Discussion. Appointing Com. 12:00 Music, Benediction. Afternoon. 1:00 Praise Service, W. J. Staley. t: 10 Moral influence of a Sunday School in a community; how to nrrouse enthusiasm, H. Bamford 1:2s Discussion. 1:35 Soul winning and soul building,! Rev. R. A, Atkins. 1:40 Recitation, Bessie Rinehart. 2:0s Chalk Talks, Mrs. T. R. and K. C. Cornelius. Discussion. 2:25 Relation of teachers to the family of their scholars, Win. Robb. 2:30 Report of schools and credentials committee, report of president and secretary. Election of of ficers and general business. 4:00 Music. Benediction. Interest Bearing Debt of County, April 1. 1898: Warrants, - $51,290.37 Due to State, x 7,143.08 Vote for Union. Watches just received at Hoyt's. Will go at prices to suit everybody. Two barrels of cofl'ee just received at Greer's. 12J cents per pound. CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Try it. This is George Noland, the nominee on the union ticket for the oflico of pros ecuting attorney of the fifth ju dicial district, is a resident of this city. He was horn at Creswsll. Lane county, Oregon, on October 25, 1857, and is a son of Captain 1'. C, Noland, who came to this coast during the California gold excitement and who served as cantain of a company during the Rogue River Indian war. Mr. Noland entered the Oregon Uni versity at its opening in 1876 and graduated from there with high honors. He commenced the prac tice of law in 1883 at Prineville, where he remained tor one year and removed to this city where he has since made his home. In 1884 Mr. Noland was appointed city at torney by the Astoria city council and he was twice re-elected by the votes of the people, serving in that If you want a good young draft horse driving or riding ai. in al see or write Jas. H. Sewell, Hills boro, Oregon. I IiOBt, in Iteedville precinct, a lady's gold watch. Finder please return to Reedville school or Iteed ville postoflice and receive reward. To cure a cold in one day take Laxative Rrorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. For sale at the Delta. Lyman Wilcox, of Mountain Home, Idaho, a son of David Wil cox, is visiting in Cornelius for a few days. Mr. Wilcox is engaged in the Lumber trade in Idaho. Thirty-five years make a genera tion. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles He was cured by using three boxes of DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve. The Delta Drug Store. Mr. C. A. Filch, the union can didate for state printer, is a prac tical printer, and is one of the most fearless and able editorial writers in the northwest. He has made no canvas for the oflice which has been so abused by Multnomah ring politicians. Mr. Fitch is a young man, and should receive a majority of votes over the Mult nomah ring candidate. If elected, he will inaugurate and inject a little economy in that oflice. A vote for him is a vote for economy. T. S-Wilkes, of Cornelius, writes Tub Akoi s to to know what it will cost to send the county papers to the Hillsboro boys who are enroute to Manilla, promising to raise a fund for such purpose. Speaking for itself, this paper will say noth ing at all. Papers will leave this this office each week for Manilla Harbor, or Hong Kong, addressed to the infantry commander con taining the Hillsboro boys. The other county papers will do like wise beyond any question of a (lOUt)t. About twenty-five ladies of this city met at the residence of Mrs. R. E. Bryan, on Second street, last evening and decided to informally act as an emergency corps to assist the Portland corns in entertaining the Dakota and Montana troops, which will pas3 through Portland Friday and Saturday. It was re solved to send 200 lunches, if not 250 Steps arc being taken to or ganize an emergency corps as a per manent institution to assist the Red cross sociely in equipping the stores for the hospital ship which now is being fitted out for Ma nilla. Next Monday evening the ladies will meet at Mr. Bryan's and by that time instructions will have been received. Fever belts, ban dages, and much work which can be accomplished by feminine hands w ill be made up to send out for the care and comfort of the Oregon boys who are out for the nag. AT ' ni u wAJii ii urn i Of the G. A. It. and W. at The Dalles. R.C. "VETERAN" REPORTS A HIG3 TIME. (iives a Synopsis of the Trip and How it was Enjoyed. Some .'500 persons gathered at the Oak streit, Portland, May 17th at 7 a. to. for the Dalles to attend the 17th annual encampment. Dept. of of Oregon, G. A. R., W. R C. and S. of V. It was 7:20 before the boat startad and "breakfast and dinner came together for many. There was a stiff breeze in our faces whether we were going down the Willamette or up the Columbia, and the wind must have changed,! for it was in our faces all the way j back. The "Regulator" is a line boat with an accomodating set of em ployes and the round trip was only J. W. Clark, of Cornelius, has sold hi store to Mr. Godfrey, of Gales Creek. E. E. Colestock gives you the best shave in the city. Hair cut at popular price. Try his baths. Don't forget the place City shav ing Parlors, Main street. Messrs. and Mesdames S. B. Huston, W. H. Wehrung and E. L. McCormick and Mesdames M. M. Bridges, L. E. Wilkes and S. H. Humphreys returned Friday night from Roseburg, where they attended I. O. O. F. and Rebekah grand lodge, Hon. W. 8. Vanderburg, of Coos county, was in the city Tuesday, and went out to Glencoe that eve ning to deliver an address. Mr. Vanderburg is a very pleasant gentleman and made a splendid impression wherever he made speeches in the county. To my friends and patrons: I wish to inform the public that I am selling out my interest in the green house and will sell 25 plants for $1 I or your choice from same table for 1 5 cts. each. Roses, shrubs and bulbs cheaper than ever before sold i nere. a portion oi your trade is i solicited. Don't forget the place, ; corner Seventh and fir. Mrs. Campbell. THE ARGUS TRAINS AND MAIL SERVICI Rov Latham, with Co. H.. 2 1 f 1. hvery steamer or train of Ore volunteers, writes from Presi cars that passed us cheered with! do, Sari Francisco, to his parents: their whistles. We arrived at 1 he "Had a nice trip, but would not Dalles at 8 p. m. and a reception j Hve down here for the country, was given us at 9 p. m. Owing to j All you can see is hills and rocks. i he severe illness of Commander We are ahont two miles from town 0 oflicial capacity for five , . .. half consecutive years and one His un finished record for integrity and rill ,.ni 1 tt 1 'IVUJ V IVViUIW iv-tav? . . - - - Jlevotion to dutv won him the con- full stock of paints and oils. ,. , , - , f rties and his oflicial record will go far Land plaster in any quantities at Greer s, n I,. 1 U ll!l1ulinA lltnvrvtol j or your paints. Welirnnff A Rons for srroceries Stock complete and prices cheap. Miss Maud Warren, of Astoria, spent the past week in the city the i guest of Mrs. A. 15. Uailey. i Cut close in the leg and in the prioe; we refer to our stylish spring i trouseis. Wehrung Sons. i ' T-Tnn V M Rsi rret.t. returned the I first of the week from a campaign f trip over in Clackamas county. I Yes; Wehrung & Sons are daily i bringing their offers closer and I - closer to the purses of the people. 4 Mrs .1 nines If. Sewell who has 1 UtlWIl IIIUIO UUOOU IUI DUIOlttl ,.iw.,v.., I was taken seriously ill the first of j the week, but is now resting easy, J, A Mr. Kay, who lives above Dil ley, the othe'r day had two horses badly injured by a barb wire fence. J Dr. Bowser was up to do the stitch- i n a ml aava t ha i ni n ri ph are verv ' BBrinnsi Hume of the muscles bavins vjen completely severed. Ladies, don't forget the meaiMrJ at Mrs. R. E. Bryan's next Mon day evening to organize an emer gency corps. Marriage license has been grant ed to Martin Goemens and Miss Anna Jaspers and Alexander Cal der and Miss Emily Thomsen. Mr, A. S. Briggs, of Dilley, repub lican nominee for representative, has been in this country for several years and has thought so little of its institutions that he retrained from taking out kiis full citizen pa pers until a few days prior the con vention. He must have seen the slate and have prepared for the oc casion! The "stand ins" are claiming that the county oflicers saved 7 or 8 thousand doll irs for the year end ing July 1, 1898. This paper at that time showed up the full truth of the matter which displayed these tact: Assessor Wilcox had saved S.70. Commissioners Todd and Reiwoner had saved on personal J. t . . . nn .Edifices, over year preceding i u.ou. The other oflicers saved nothing This is the story of the "stand ins" weakness. George Ledford jr. had the mis fortune this afternoon to lose the little and third fingers of his right hand by getting it in contact with a saw at Carstens' mill, this city. Dr. Bailey dressed the injuries and says the young man may lose the middle finger although he hopes to save it. The index finger was also badly hurt. George has been the father's main BUpport for some time and Ihe misfortune comes ata rath er bad time. "The Argus' figures of the County debt are ap proximately as shown by the hooks of April l."-Statement of County Clerk Imbrie to The Ar gus publisher. Now who has lied P R HON. J. H. DAVIS OF TEXAS Spe Ticket at Beaverton on Wednesday, June ist afternon. Basket picnic, will also speak at He toward securing his success in the present campaign. As an attorney Mr. Noland has an enviable repu tation, as a man and a citizen his character stands unreproached. Quite and unassuming, kind and courteous in hisVianner, he makes many friends and no enemies. If elected in the coming contest his well disciplined mind, honesty of purpose and attention to duly can not but reflect credit upon himself, the office and his constituents. Astoria Budget. Interest Bearing: Debt of County, April. 1808 is: Warrants, . $51,290.37 Due to State, - -7,143.08 Vote for Union! See those elegant Battleship Maine Souvenir spoons at Hoyt's. "U-Can't-Rip-'Em" brand of shoes at Schulmerich's. See them and try them. If the expense of the ensuing year be one half of last year, ending April 1. the county will practic ally have the same interest paying debt on April 1, 1899, that it had on April 1 of this year. The farmer, the inachanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unex pected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly and is a well known cure for piles. The Delta Drug Store. Cornelius :Millie Howard, from Goldendale, arrived at Cornelius on the Tuesday morning train on a vinit to her sister, Mrs. C W, Phil lips. The city is having some gra ding done on the street that runs from Base Line north, past C. C. Hunrock's store. Robert Walker left here Monday morning's train to attend the funeral of his brother, who died Saturday near Portland, Come in and you'll not be any thing out if you inspect our Swell Spring Suits. Wehrung & Sons. FOREST GROVE! on same date at 8 P. M. A To cure a cold in one day take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25 c. For sale at the Delta. Read the telegraphic news in Thk Akous. No other paper in the conntv seat gives such a com plete service. The pef.ple want all the news. Essays on milk are good, per haps, but cream is better. We give you the cream of the clothing sub ject when we say that for "style, service, satisfaction" and price H. Wehrung fe Sons clothing carries the palm. The G. A. R. post and Women's Renef Corps of this city have ar ranged an excellent program for Decoration Day services, Monday next. Theschool children will par ticipate in the rendition of songs, recitations and other appropriate excercises. The Hons. S. B. Hus ton and Mayor W. N. Barrett will make ; memorial addresses at the cemetery, or in the city, after vis iting the graves. The voters of Washington coun ty, of whatever politics, should al ways vote for a man who nas not sought oflice as against a man who has trained years for such n posi tion. Ira E. Hay nam did not seek the nomination of recorder, and knew nothing about it until eight hours later. He is thorough ly competent, is a prominent young man, and should be given support accordingly. The only thing which can be said against him is that he has not trained for four years to get the office. "The Argus' figures of the County debt are ap proximately as shown by the books of April l."-Statement of County Clerk Imbrie to The Ar gus publisher. Now who has lied? Risnf r, S. V. C, H. V. Gates re sponded to the address of welcome, and during most of the time of the encampment, presided. We cannot give a synopsis of what transpired for the reason that much of our time was taken up looking after the delegation from Washington county, but all seem ed to have a royal old time. Gates and wife, Waggener and wife, Mer ryman and wife, Hicks. Doughty. Hesse and Crandall from Hills boro and young Merryman, who did not think much of the scenery the first half day, were there. Forest Grove had a large delega tion the first day but many were missing after that. Comrade Hollaway was elected deputy commander. McMinnville was selected as the place of the next encampment. A committee of ladies from the W. R. C. ad vocated McMinnville and several conttstahts withdrew and it was a walkover. In the grand parade it seemed that The Dalles beats the world for children, unless, as some suspected, they had borrowed large ly from other towns. At the en tertainment the children's drill .vas splendid and cannot be de scribed with words, but must be seen to be appreciated. On the trip home, the rapids below the locks, b mi. wers run in 5 minutes, it taking over one hour on the up stream trip. Ihe reports show about 2000 members of the G. A." R. in Ore gon; 4U deaths the past year, tak en altogether, the encampment was a grand success. All appeared to be enthusiastic and willing, if called upon, to render service in the present war. How the Oregonian got the re port that Hillsboro was selected for the next encampment is a mys tery, iur it was not talked of nor asked for. m 7:U fcM p m fcw Daily Mail Arrival: Forest Grove Portland, Way and Eastern Glencoe Corvallis and Way roniana Daily Mail Departures: Portland & Eastern via 8 P am 7:lt Port via Glencoe. Lenox A Bethanv 7 no Corvallis & Way - f.gj) ronianu s. w ay - n m A-'jii Forest Grove - . &gu Farminirton and Laurel leaves at lfraO in and arrives at 8:46 p m on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday No Sunday mails. Postoflice open from :uu a ra to 8:U0 p m, except Sundays. S. P. Time Table: T. Vortland a in 7:13 Oorvallis a ra 8:50 Portland a m 8:nO McMinnville a m 6:00 Ar. p m 8:60 p m 4:2 p m 6:00 p m 7:11 MAY CALENDER Sun Mon Tuea Wed Thn Fri J Sat 5 19 9 I I I " I "11 JL I 18 19 20 21 22 J 23 I 24 25 26 27 j 28 29 I 30 STATE DIRECTORY PLANK IN OREGON REPUBLICAN PLATFORM OF 1890. "Sixth: That recognizing the fact the U. S. is the greatest silver producing country in the world and that both gold and silver were equally the money of the constitu tion from the beginning of the re public until hostile legislation a gainst eilver, which unduly contrac ted the circulating medium of the country; and recognizing that the great interests ofthe peopledemand more money for the use of the trade and commerce; wherefore, we declare ourselves in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver and denounce any attempt to dis criminate against silver as unwise and unjust." hut had to march seveu miles to make camp. It took us 48 hours from Portland to San Francisco We have to eat: hardtack, beans, potatoes bacon, tomatoes, and cof fee. When we -want anything bet ter we go to town and get it. bunk with Percv Oliver, Sculley and Purdin. We drill five hours each day. The people here say the California boyB are not in it with we Oregon boys and you bet ii makes us all feel pood! There is a great deal of wind here. On our trip down, large crowds greeted us at almost every station. I never lelt better in my life." Roy has many friends here, and as he was with The Akous for several months, we take pleasure in quot ing part of his letter. The Webfooter that doesn't like rain is a rarity; so is the person who doesn't know that Wehrung & Sons' clothing contains more "hon esty inside as well as outside" than any oth?r make afloat! Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bron chitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Delta Drug Store. Now is the chance for Argus rea ders to get 10 series of 16 photo graphs each 160 photographs in all of the American navy, Hawaii and Cuba. Ihe size of the port folios is 10$ by 14 inches and the reproductions are simply grand. Give your ordeis at this office. The complete series and the Argus one year, $2.C0. Come and see what they are. You can't afford to be without them. Rev. J. 8. Griffin has so far re covered that he is able to be on the streets. He was taken to ForeBt Grove the first of the week and stood the trip in fine shape. He is banking on attending the Pioneer meeting at Portland without tail. Father Griffin is a '39-er one of the oldest as a pioneer and in pio neerage in the state. LATEST WAR NEWS. Congressional Delegation Senator: G W McBride; Representative ist dist., T H Tongue, Hillsboro; 2nd dist, Wm Ellis, Heppner. Governor Wm P Lord. Secy State Harrison Kincaid. Treas. Philip Met schan. Printer W H Leeds. Supreme Court C E Wolverton, R S Bean and F A Moore. Fifth Judicial District Judge, McBride, T A; Dist. Atty., T J Cleeton. Washington County Oflicers County & Probate Judge, B P Cornelius; Com missioners, D B Reasoner, T G Todd Clerk J A Imbrie. Sheriff W D Bradford. Recorder E L McCormick. Treas A B Cady. Assessor-G H Wil cox. Sch Supt Austin Craig. Sur veyor L E Wilkes. Coroner Dr C L Large. District Land Officers, Oregon City C B Moore, Register and Wm Galloway, Receiver. City Officers: Mayor, W. N. Barrett; Re corder, Benton Bowman; Treas., F. O. Mitchell; Marshal. Thos. Gheen. Coun cil: John Carstens, Thos Tucker. W H Wehrung, G H Wilcox, J M Greear, and R Waggener. PROFESSIONAL. GEO. R. BAGLET. J. H. SBOWM BAGLEY & BROWN Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 1-2-3, Shute Building HILLSBORO, - ' OREGON THOS H TONGUE. K B TONGUI, NOTARY. ,TH0S. H. ft E. B. TONGUE, Attorneys-At-Law. Rooms 3, 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, Hillsboro H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW Deputy District Attorney for Washing ton County, Office upstairs over Delta Drug Store. Latest advices are to effect that the American fleet under Sampson has bottled ud the Spanish fleet in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, so it must come out and fight or starve. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accouoher . Offloe ta Hlllsbore den os soutn-wess Besond. All calls tUCU. 8. T. UNKLATCR, M. B.C. tJ. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGBOM, Office at Residence Bast of Court Hous A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. QENTIST Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Block. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. Dead Letter. Decoration Day.. Citizens, including members of the G. A. R. a nd Women's Relief Corps will assemble on Main street near the court house at nine o'clock a. m., May 30, where the procession will be' formed under the direction of the officer of the day, Cantain J. D. Merryman. The procession will start to the cemetery at precisely 9.30 o'clock. After decorating the graves and in termission for dinner the following program will be given at the court house at two o'clock: Music by the band: address by Hon. W. N. Bar rett; song, by the Misses Hoyt; song, by theschool children; music; recitation, by Harvey Miller; song, by the children; recitation, by Mrs. Rrown; music; recitation, Mrs. Mc Culloch; closing address, Hon.S. B. Huston; music. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: Wm. E. Thomas, Mr C P Johnson Mrs Josie Barret. All letters not called for by May 28, 1898, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. H. SCHULMKRICH, P. M. Notice to Contractors. JAKS PnUJPPlTiKISSI K. ft. PHYSICIAN AND SURGBON. Boireon 800th era Peolfle Railroad Oe, Consultation to French or English, Onset and residence south a Main near td at. HUlsboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS axd SURVEYORS. NOTICE is hereby given that the Conn tv Commissioner's Court will, on Thursday June 9, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m., let to ihe lowest bidder, a contract for the construction of a fill on County road running south from the the Witch Hazel farm by the farm of Jerome Palmateer, across the creek and canyon known as tha Sorenson till, in Washington County, Oregon, said contract to be let at the County Court room at Hillsboro. Com missioner's Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Specifications may be seen at the CouutyClerk's office on and after .1 line 1, 1898. Bids to be sealed B. P. CORNELIUS, County Judge. OonTeyssvoing and toe bmb peaauT. Lindsay Block, twe doors aetih at the yostoffloe. seoad Hihbow, Or. JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with S. B. Huston, Union Block HILLSBORO. - OREGON. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyv.ncing.3 Rooiiib 6 fc 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Ore. The 2Gth annual re-union of the Oregon Pioneer Association will meet at Portland on Monday, June 15. Rev. John 8. Griffin will open the meeting with prayer, A gen eral good time is promised to all our old pioneers who may attend. One and one-third fare for round trip on Southern Pacific lines. The U. S. Assistant Sec'y of Agriculture says $10,000,000.00 of danger ous food is sold every year in America. Schilling's Best tea baking powder coffee flavoring extracts soda and spices have a lot of work to do. US MISCELLANEOUS. V&V M. P. DROWN STUDIO, UKSIDENCK CORNER STB it Wa8R INOTON STREETS. Lessons in Piano, Organ and Harmony. PBNCII, CHARCOAL CRAYON PASTKV INDIA INK DRAWINQ OIL POINTING For sale by W. D. Hare. Carstens Bros.. MANUFACTURERS OF KoDih Dressed Luster Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO - ORBOON