A Live County Paper4. MiLLsBota), WAsureToif cd.4 Ore., thuksday. may im. Subscribe for it and e& THE ARGUS Entered at the Post-ofhce at Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second class mail matter. LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY :. i- BY The Argas Publishing Company. Subscription: One Dollar per Annum. Six Months, 60 cts; Three Months, 35 cts. Opposed to Gold Mono metallism. Be lieves in the Bimetallic Standard Thinks we Ought to Take Care of our own People Before Annexing Hawaii. Has no use for Marcus A. Hanna, UNION TICKET. For Governor WILL R. KING, Buker County. For Secretary of State H. R. KINO AID, Linn County. For Treasurer J. 0. BOOTH. Josephine County. For Supreme Judge, ; W. A. RAMSAY, Yamhill County. For Attorney-General J. L. STORY, Wasco County. For State Printer CHARLES A. FITCH, Clackamas County. For Sup't. Public Instruction H. S. LYMAN, Clatsop County. " District. For Congressman, First District ROBT. M. VEATCH. For Judge, Fifth Judicial District W. D. HARE. For Prosecuting Attorney, Fifth District GEO. NOLAND. County. For Senator, JAMES H. SEWELL. For Representatives, loth District J. B. PRICKETT B. G. LEEDY JOHN M. WALL. For Judge L. A. ROOD, For County Clerk LINCOLN LAUGIILIN. For Sheriff IRA E. PURDIN. For Recorder of Conveyances IRA HAYNAM. For County Commissioner CONRAD SCHULMERICH. For County Treasurer PETER BOSCOW For Assessor J. C. MILLER. For Surveyor T. 8. WILKES. For School Superintendent J. T. DORRIEN. For Coroner DR. W. P. VIA. A HEARTY SUPPORT. The union candidates were nom inated by people who are standing for an idea in common; they were nominated by people who want useless commissions abolished; who want to see high priced salaries cut down to payment consistent with services performed. The Union people will put up a gallant fight and they should win both in the state and county. There are hun dreds of men who have heretofore voted the straight republican ticket who are tired of seeing public funds squandered because they realize public funds must first come out of private pockets. They are tired of seeing the legislative body used for purely personal ends. It is a just ifiable revolt and one that does credit to good citizenship. It is such a revolt as that which will someday save the republic from ine control ot the government of uch men as Piatt and Croker Hanna and Tweed. STOLEN LIVERY. The spectacle of men supposed to have brains, running around the state of Oregon charging that op position, to the gold standard is treason is !' sight to put the Gods to tears. These miserable little creatures are very small and Don Quixote is their only representa tive in modern or ancient fiction. Their rant will not make one vote for monometallism and will adver tise their weakness, both of pur pose and common sense. It is a weak idea that must steal the flag of patriotism to cover it physical and mental qualities. No sane man is to be misled by this insuff erable rot masquerading under the stolen garb of patriotism. THE tNION TICKET. The union ticket was nominated on May 4.'. Much of the republi can ticket was nominated, four, and six, and eight years ago, and "amed" on May 5, solely through a rast political machine, controlled by two or three men. Voters can take their choice. As the affairs of the republican ticket are conducted, it is hardly worth while to hold a county convention to place a ticket in the field. The billets are hand ed down from one ail ministration to another, political fences fitted up to meet the occasion, and it is only on minor offices that some dark horse once in a while breaks in. A deputy is put in and handed down unless he does something which is not welcome to the bosses. Then he is forever damned. The repub licans of Hillsboro agree with The Aruvs when it says that foul means are used to carry primaries, if necessary, to get the delegations fixed to support the bosses' decree. Can this thing last? The "organ" knows this to be true, yet, like enough will deny. The entire" ring should be smashed and many hun dreds of republicans know it. Will they do it? If they vote their honest convictions, ves ! TIRED OP OFFICIALISM Public addresses upon the money question will hardlv help either side at this juncture. Nearly all voters have decided by this time as to how they Bhall vote. There are, of course, a few who can be changed from one side to the other, but we think the great intelligence of the people of Oregon will centre itself upon a ballot to down the base and basic influence which has held Ore gon by the throat for so many years. The disgraceful scenes of the last several legislatures appeal very strongly to the sensible man. He will no longer be controlled by those who seek to make mere pup pets out of legislative assemblies mere aggregations for personal ad vancement. Men of judgment in the republican part' men who "do not look upon politics as a game for pelf, are setting the seal of dis approval upon arrant officialism, and will not be heided into Hue by specious and demagogic appeals of "honor' from those who would steal substance from the unsuspect ing. They are tired of this ceaseles making a private snap out of a public trust. They will not be lined up by those chaps who want their votes in order to hang on to the public teat. ABUSE NOT NECESSARY. It is not at all necessry for the re form press to abuse Mr. Geer as a "creature in order to insure his de feat. It is enough that the people know Mr. Geer to be in complete accord with the worst features of state domination by private snap politicians. It is enough to know that Mr. Simon has every confi dence in Mr. Geer; it is enough to know that with Mr. Simon's oppo sition at Astoria, Mr. Geer would not have been nominated. So it is with Mr. Dunbar, the running mate. Villification and abuse can not hurt these gentlemen at all but history can. Their election means the triumph of Simonism. It is not necessary to tell a whole people what that would mean. We have too many republicans who know what Simonism is. HOPE FOR OREGON. There is every hope that Oregon shall be freed this year from the grasp of greedy politicians that Oregon shall be taken out of the hands of the Multnomah county machine. With over a half million of dollars in the treasury and state warrants marked not paid for lack of funds, it is high time that the people who pay the taxes give these political parasites their po litical death ktu-ll. These men should not remain in power through the medium of the cry of 'honor." They know not what political hon or is. They buv and sell votes nt both primary and general election not because thev want 'honor" but because they are after '"state blood" to-wit : money. They want private snaps legislated; they want this and they want that and at public expense of course. They are not honest enough to meet the opposition on common, broad ground, but seek to fasten the badge of ignominy upon each man ...U .u . i wuu uppuses uieir ruie or ruin policy, bv setting the Oregonian after them to villify, belittle and bulldoze. The uprising against this kind of politics is general. And it should be. THAT COUNTY DKBT. The Independent, last week, labor ed considerably to prove that the county debt was a blessing in dis guise and sought to show that we weiv in lie-tier condition on April I. lJSDS, than were we on April 1, 1804. The farmers, who must pay every cent of this debt, are better judges than the editor of the Inde pendent and those whom he sup ports could possibly be. As a mat ter of fact, this cry about high levy and low levy has nothing germane to the issue. It will be remember ed that the county levy for 1S03 provided only about 123.000 with which to cancel warrants, while the levies for 18i(5 and 1S97, each provided more than that. So it simply comes down to business management. The debt now up on the county has come about in various ways. The same tactics are used in de fense of the county debt that were used to measure a residence out of one precinct into another in order to get votts (several) in a primary. The people are the best judges in these things and a whole people seldom goes wrong that is to say, when intelligent Caucasians are considered. THE TOOL'S PLAINT. 1 Two parties may properly agree to vote for the same man, but they may not abandon principal to do it." Indepen dent. The organ did not mean to so do but in publishing the above, told the story of its weakness. "Prin cipal" is what gets support from the organ instead of "principle." The three parties forming the union have agreed to let "principal" ap ply to such organs as the Indepen dent and fight for "principle." In the schuffle. Brer Gault sees his principal slipping away. "Where fore" he cries. The Independent also, in its last week's issue says: 'The independent did not oppose Mr. Dolph's election in '95 because he op posed free silver coinage, but because there were other gold standard men in the state who were preferred. As far as the policy of free and unlimited coinage ot silver is concerned Mr. Dolph and the Independent did not differ. The financial policy of Mr. Dolph was combattrd by the Inde pendent. Its covert insinuation that it agreed with Mr. Dolph for his policy is a pitiful falsehood. The obove "other gold standard men in the state who were pre ferred" begs intelligent republicans to call themselves fools, for here is what every reader of the Inde pendent, and the Independent's editor included, saw in the Inde pendent, in January, 1895: "He is representing a policy of con traction, is working to secure the inter-, ests of the banks and railroad corpora tions against the interests of the people. He represents Wall street and London, not the producing classes of the state of Oregon. He is the representative of the cast and Europe, not of the great west. Oregon, as well as the entire western part of the U. S., has been built up larg ely on borrowed capital, and owes large sums to the east and Europe. We are willing to pay these debts fairly in the money of the value in which they were contracted. But the policy urged by Mr. Dolph, of the contraction of the cur rency, making it scarce and high, would double and treble the indebtedness of every man in the state. The west sells food products and has no other way of paying- Its in debtedness, either principal or interest The policy of Senator Dolph would de crease, and IS DECREASING from one-half to TWO-THIRDS the price of everything Oregon has to sell. Is Mr. Gault's power so great as to cause his readers to become pur blind as to where the organ stood in 1895, as relative to Mr. Dolph's policy the gold standard policy? Come out, Brother Gault. Be honest about it and admit that you editorially ran the above, and that you have been whipped into line by the Oregonian. Every rfader of the Indepen dent will notice that the Indepen dent takes care not to deny that it did not contain the above quota tion. Why does he not deny it? It matters not wh:t the county republicans say about the county debt, the fact is, the figures speak for themselves. As a matter of in terest, it might be well to note that it is not a blessing in disguise and that only those who are personally interested in partisan success are standing for its continuance, and the continuance of such an admin istration. Many Ellis republicans are open ly fighting the congressional can didate, Mr. Moody, who runs in the second district. Mr. Moody's friends did not support Mr. Ellis two years ago, and by supporting Judge Northrup, the independent candidate put up by the Multnom ahites, they nearly defeated Ellis. They are now retaliating by the hundreds. The Ellis republicans claim that Multnomah threatened to beat Ellis if he was nominated this year. Hence, they naturally are not supporting Mr. Moody, Wm. Gadsby, Corner Washington and mm 1 yHi , j- : - ;H - - -. i! : V 1 CMr ' iifT This fine Ash Chamber Suit, Cheval Mirror, Beveled Edge on Dresser, Washstand has high Splasher back, Bedstead stands 6 feet high, special price to readers of the Argus . . WE CARRY . . Chamber Suits, Ash, Hotel Style $10 00 Chamber Suits, Ash, Landscape Glass 12 00 Chamber Suits, Ouk, Mirror 24x30 inches 18 50 Dining Extension Tables, 6 feet long, Ash 4 00 Dining Chairs, Cane Seat, each . . 75 Sideboards Ash, 4 Drawers and Cabinet with Mirror 12x16. .. . 900 Sideboards, Oak, as low as u 00 Wardrobes, large and capacious.. 6 00 Iron Bedsteads, white enamelled 4 50 Woven Wire spring beds 1 50 Woven Wire springs with coil supports 2 50 sort iop mattresses 2 50 Rocking Chairs, Cane Seat, nurse 1 50 Carpets, ingrain, per yd 35 Carpets, All-wool Ingrain per yd 65 Oil Cloth for floor 25 Parties in the Country should send for our Cat alogue on Furniture, Stoves, Baby Carriages, &c State, when yon write, where you saw this advertisement. Von will then do us a favor and justice to the proprietors of this paper. WM. GADSBY, Corner Washington and First Streets Portland, If Judge Hare and Hon. Geo. Noland shall he elected as judge and district attorney of this judi cial district, the people shall he as sured that an economical adminis tration of the courts shall ensue. Both of these men have ability as lawyers, and both are of clean rep utation, both in private and in po litical life. Each commands the respect of the community in which he lives. The courts are costing the taxpayers altogether too much money and these men wili remedy this, it elected. King is getting into Geer. Hon. jo Simon is in control of the rep ublican party. Can he hold the power? Jew Simon is likely to get his pound of flenh in the same manner thkt Shy lotk got his but if Jo gets the decree to cut the body, the blood will run. Hiring people to vote at primaries is one way to carry the primaries for per$f onal ends, but it's a d d poor expres sion of that patiotism so much vaunted by our goldite friends. The Hatchet once said that gold and silver was God 's money. That wa9 when it preached free and unrestricted coin age. It is now for Manna's monev and is more vociferous than a bull calf at its first sucking By residing the rot of the little cuckoo about treason, anarchy, etc., supported by the drivel of "speech forfao" sputers you can see what thev thought of them. selves when they fought Dolph's financ- o ial policy as a damning blight Dr. Witbycombe fears the soldiers will be paid off in 45 cent dollars. This, the doctor has never seen, nor will he. But he has seen 45 cent people., in the first country going to the gold basis, How ever, as he came from a land where it is crime for a citizen to have an opinion, and where the divine right of kings is a bove religion or God's whole handiwork, what the genial doctor savs, counts not. Does the Independent have such hold upon farmers that it can one year tell them that the gold standard reduces the price of everything they have to sell one half to two-thirds, and the next year tell them it is best for them, without the re publican farmer realizing there is a lie out somewhere? We say a lie, because that paper says it has never changed. Just read what it said in '95. in another column, under the caption Plaint." i,i ,.t .... . Lai rl plaster III any quantities at Greer S. Wehrung ife Hons for groceries ' btoek Complete and prices cheap, This is house painting season. The Hillsboro Pharmacy carries a iuu siock ot paints and oils. The House Furnisher First Streets, Portland. $13.00 Rocking Chairs, Arm, Leather Seat $ 2 50 Parlor Suits, 5 pieces, consisting ol Sofa, Divan, Patent Rocker, Arm Chair, Reception Chair, Oak Frames, upholstered in American Tapestry with Silk Plush Trimmings 20 00 Dining Room Suits, 8 pieces, consisting of Sideboard, 6 Chairs, 6-foot Extension Table 1" 50 Bedsteads, Ash $y. Maple $2.50 Fir 1 25 Centre Tables, Maple finished XVI Century 2 00 H.e of top 22x24 inches Kitchen Tables, top 30x40 inches 1 00 Household Treasure, large size. . 2 50 Chairs, wood seat, common, each 45 Chairs, wood seat, Ash, high back 75 ' bok Stoves, No. 7 5 00 Juok Stoves, No. 8 7 00 Oregon. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been, by the County Court, ! 01 wasniugion county, urcgon, ap pointed administrator with-the-will-an-nexed of the estate of Otto Wilhelm Ferdinand Weichbrodt, deceased, and has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers, ai my residence at Cor nelius, Oregon, or at the law office of Smith & Bowman, at Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months of the date hereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this May 19, 1898 OSCAR WEICHBRODT, Administrator with-the-will-annexed of the estate of Otto Wilhelm Ferdinand Weichbrodt, deceased. NOTICE. City warrants up to February ii, lK!f, are now payable at the olllce of city treasurer, Mdiulmerioh store, Hills boro, Oregon, and interest will cease on Hume alter Ibis date. Dated May 3, 1K!W. F, O. MlTCHKM,, Citv I reatuirer i tiwitoimiiiratn : . jk n tv, ' 11., tin u. ........ t. Teacher's Quarterly Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the pur pose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as can didates for teachers of the schools in this county, the county superintendent there of will hold a public examination atFor- ' est Grove, beginning at one o'clock p. m. on May n, the second Wednesday of the month and continuing through Friday. Applicants for state papers may pre sent themselves on Thursday, May 12. ror ate certificates tile only require- 1' "V" ,,",VB 11 " . leei lid. 00: stare niniotna. in mnntns pv a on Rtnti dinlntiin perience and examination in bookkeep ing pnysicai geograpny and composition; fee, $6.00; state life diploma, 45 months experience and examination in algebra, English literature, Oregon school law and general history, fee, $10. Candidates for county certificates for third grade must be at least 16 years of age, for second grade 17 years and for first grade 18 years. Dated this 30th day of April, 1898. Austin Craig, County School Superintendent of Wash ington county, Oregon. UNION PLATFORM. First Wo demand the free and unrestric ted coinage of silver and gold at the pres ent legal ratio of 18 to I, without waiting for the consent of foreign nations; anil we are unalterably opposed to the policy of the present rejiiiniican administration In de manding the retirement of green backs, and the turning over of the monev making pow er of the government to the national banks an picsMiimu oy uir inn drawn Dy 1110 repun lican secretary of the treasure and indors. The Tool's I ed by President McKinley; and we espoc j ially denounce the avowed attempt bv said I bill to fasten the country irrevocably and ; I forever to the gold standard. e uemaiin a national money siile ami sound, issued by the general government only, without the intervention of banks of we itemaiKt a national money si;le and I Imsiih. ill hf. 14 full lmil tnlwloP IV,l ull ,lul. public and private; also a just, equitable anil efficient mcansotilistributioii direct to tne people through the lawliii disburse ments ol the government. We demand that the volume of circulat ing medium be speedily Increased to an a niouiit siitllclent to meet the demands of the business and population of this couu- The Hillsboro Pharmacy The Leading Drug House - Where Drugs, Medicines. Paints, tills, Sponges, ltrusliHH and all Druggist' Nuinlrie may be procured at prices thai simply distance oninpctil Ion. THE DELTA .First Quality in Every R s Special Attention Given to Duality ami Accuracy in Dispensing. See Our Large Stock of Fine Perfumes The Largest Ever Shown in the City. Telephone Iroin 81 ore 10 Ollloe. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. J, II. IIUHSON, 1'nor Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Muikct : I'ticc : I'aiil : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : anil : Hogs Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREET, PRINCE ALMO ! mm iff Sired by Pollock, l'irst dam, Queen, by kotomao; s: cond dam, Kclipst, by Challenge; third d;im, Puss, by Sir Charles; fourth dnm, an Emigrant mare ... The Fine Percheron Rtallion .... Prince Almo is 6 vcars old; dapple grey; black points; tuantilul white miine and tail; 17 hands high; good action; very fast walker, 1 1 in breeding combines the very best blood lor dralt and gcnctal purpose horse. Breed to this stallion and you will get fine results. His stands will be given next week in this advertisement TERMS TEN DOLLARS TO INSURE A COLT ! Due -when mare is known to lie in foul. Por further particulars address IJAS. H. SEWELL, Owner, or try, and to restore the jiimI level of prices ol labor and prod uci inn, Wh favor such legislation as will prevent tor tha future the demonetization of any kind uf legal tender iiiuiicv by private con tract. ' We demand that, the government, In payment of its obligations, shall useilsoii- tion as to the kin. I of lawful in y in which they are to he piml, 11ml wcdciinuncc the present anil piwudiiiK administrations for surrendering this option to the holders ot Knveriiment obligation. We demand that there shall Ih- no fur ther issue off. H. inicrest-heai-iiiif bonds, We demand that postal savings banks be establish. id by t lie govwruii I for the safe deposit 1,1 the savings ( th people and to lacilitale exchange. We demand t heeleetion off nilci .States senators by direct vnteot'lhc people. We demand the initiative, and referen dum system of law making in its optional form, I'Tiil. stut and national ami (be submission by congress of all important questions for an advisory vole of the peo ple, until such time 11s the national consti tiition shall have liecn amended so as to provide for direct legislation. . We condemn a- dangerous ami unjust the surrender, in all departments of the government, to the inlliiciiee of trusts, cor porations ami aggregations of wealth gen erally; and the packing of the highest courts of the laud with corporation law yers, too ready to do the will of their late employers, and to set aside valid ami wholesome laws passed by the legislative departments of the slates ami government upon flimsy pretexts, at the heliosis of ..... .... , , , "e. al" MloMfl to government -o 11 iiiniiiuuoilM, ill- , junction. in state matters we iliuiianil : ' a simple unit wen guarded registration law. A more equitable moilu of appointing judges of election. Stringent laws to regulate Hie operation ol lisli traps, lish wheels ami all lishing gear in the waters within the jurisdiction of the state, w 'h linen and condemn the corrup and extmvignnt republican legislative as semblies, and charge that the republican party, in its eagerness for the spoilso! of fice, has heroine divided into warring fac tions, so that it is Incapable of government as exemplified by the condition existing In the ollice of the state treasurer, there being at this time inure than f:Ml,m therein wrung from the people by the process of taxation, while stale warrants arc stumped "ot nnld I'or want of fiinils." ' We demand that all district ami county officers lie placed upon salaries commeu- surate with the duties to be performed by UIBIII, Inasmuch as railroad ami other corpor ate property is not bearing its proportion of taxation, we demand that such property shall bear its just and equal share of the expense of government, j.- , Cor. ZdtMlQD ) J, NORTHRUP", Newly Furnished and Renovated. I A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. 111 Ktl Lb. IHl Transact a (loneriil Banking HiihIiicss VV. 8 ITTTK 0. SHUT 10 . . Maiiagot .Cashier He I sight Kxchaiige and Telegraphic I rai s ers and issues Letters ,,f (;.,!!, available ; throughout . l'tod states. Draw Ull In ol Kxclmnge on London, Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, lioi-lin, K ink forl-on-the- ain.Hineklmlm and all pri ie eipnl cities nf Kurope. 1 Collodions inailn on all accessible points flanking hours from tl 11 111 to 8 p in llillslioro, Oregon. Union Block Mum Nt. Dr. V. A. Knilej Proprietor. DRUG STORE ( ct A Pull Supply of Toilet Articles, Perfum ery, Patent Medicines, School Hooks, lite. IIIIJ.SHOIU), OKEtiON. i mi 9 1 JOHN LONG, Manager, Hillsboro, Or TWO FOR ONE Send for free sample and judge thereby. pot,V SI SO Cash in IVrUar'iPl.'JU ,UI vacuo. The Eii(itirer is S-r(.turn n , 8 pug" paper, issued each Thursday. Urges t in size, clieiipt.sl, in p, j,.'(. "J'wt reliable j nt'ws.,,11 large type' I'1"111 prim, good white paper. If our reader want another live paner the Enquirer jH tlt pperi Call or send orders to The Argus Publishing Co SUMMONS. lntbe('ircuit ro.irfth,si(( ,,.,, lor Washington county. Henry llryvvnoil, (ten, llevwoml ' ' ' lily in II. Hill and Join, (. men, part s i o n im.i. Hess under the tin,, name ami f n .yin 01 iieywoou tiros. . """I'lO'.V, I'laiiitillk, I lames II. Smith, . Sniitli, "iioii 1 owoii anil v, p. Al- ' "'""""i I'efnnihinlK To James A. Smith and Anson Powell, two ol Hie above named defondimts. TN THIO AM.:,;k Til K statu: OK 1 V''('K""! "V fll"l e"h of von are Imroby eoiiinuimleil and re,,,iir,M to an. aZveoium I1'"' ""liU,!'' 1 ' l 7,tV , lil cause on or before the llrst day ol be next regular term cf the above entitled !ou:t, next following I ho eniri t ;.n !.rnHUi,,,op,,,H,,.i)(,d ilt m I f publication o this summons, to-wit: Monday, the ISth day cf July iwts and answer the complaint 1,,,,-oi,. lilcd against yo, and , 1 you a,l so to appear and answer said o n pla nt, lor want thereof, the l ;l1s wil apply to the Cmrt for the ie el demanded in t.ii- complaint, to- wit: l''or a iinlgmeiit .Smith Ibr the stun of fcsm, with interest thereon from ho 1st day of ,!,,, im Hl IllllHW It, ., : ,Y f" i''" l'r annum, and the costs and disbursements of tins suit, , '""closing unit certain contract ol salo made ami entered Into between the above named plnintillM and the deten, ant, .lames II. Smith, on the 21th (lay of March, IHlfi, of the following described real properly, lying, being and situate In Washington County, Oregon, and described as being ot No.'tl in bhicU iri'iV" 1 ''" ""'I'lilinh to the town of Hillsboro, Oregon, hm shown by thednly re corded map and plat of said I liorne's'sd d (ion, on file and of record in the ofllce ' I the llecorder ol Conveyances of Wash- igtoii .County, Oregon, d r,n- the sale 1 sa d premises above described uh pro v ed by law, to satisfy tlx. clnini ot the above named plaintiffs ,w H,(1VB 8l.t , 't "',"? tl10. ,:"M,H '""I 'HNbtirse uoiits of th s suit: ami n)r a decree "rover barring and foreosinK each of he above named defeniiint of nil right, tile or interest of, in ami to said prem ises mid any part thereof, 1 ","1N,(."'vj,,' of this HiiiiimoiiH Is made ... iinoiiciuion oy otiler of lion. Alfred Court at lllllsnoro, Oregon, and dated the ilHth ini.V 01 April, IS! IS, CAKIO CIA K 10, and HAULHY A HKOWN, Attorneys for Plaintifl's 4K Imieiiiiiili EnpreH