! joy siding u 6f th iiillsbOIio, WAsliiti&TOM c&, oii., tmuhsday, MAItett it isDi ideal and County Uttti I 1 3? !!. IS KM dor ihic I'dit 'H, Ion, ,nk-irin- nts ne n !arte irist Li ars. led. ation T sy, 1 0, Or r. A. c l'l JlMH Not a Very Extensive List of Claims. PAYS 20l) ON TUAUTIN KIVKR. VV ill iri-t b. now Kock Crusher. I'SUIll ltimti(l IlllHlUt'HH. The The county court Iiiih decided to purchase a new rockcruxlier for the use of the various road district of the county that are denirouB of iiuiki nr crushed-rock roads. The county, in additin.i to furninhitifi: the crusher and power, will provide tools and powder for blasting the rock. An engine and engineer will coHt the county 2 40 per day for their services. The cost $2 25 per day last yeT. .1 II Powers resigned as Bupervis or of road district No 17 and Sam Moon appointed to fill vacancy. A C Davis appointed on Super uisor road district no f(), Gaston: Warrant ordered drawn in tavor jnf L A Rood, Chainuaiuif Commit iiVtce on clearing T"alatin river drifts, I' for $-'00. The ol'ier 50 to follow f when joh is complete d J T Dorrien was appointed to fill vacancy in Justice of Peace district at Cornelius. Vacation of road "Afll" ordered made and expenses ordered paid. except axmnn. L. H. Wilkes, lluhert Bernard. : Martin Iteiling and M Sehulmer ich ordered to meet Monday, March ' 14 in survey and view proposed road from C W llendrick's to Forest tirove. Claims Allowed. flogc & Kmiis llr (list 27$5.3t-dit 31 $6.oo $11 jo Coast tiginev supplies clerk's office 3 6o W I) llniillo'nl child insane asylum 15 Hnu-het hill forsla for supt, env., etc, tor $4 disiillowcil. In U Hiiriiard docket and tee book 3$ 30 W N Harrett stum v DuLetts, as counsel 5 00 Class & l'riiilliotnnie to tiill quoted iih continued Noveuilier term $4i-sui)lies l'cliruary $1 7S-.. 43 75 Bcntiiti llowiuan testiiuony state V Mi-Leod $10 allowed nt 7 5 R II Greer provisions O Tupper. . 4 65 Hillslmro LiKt & Water co Feb ruary account c house 3 85 Win it Lyla lumber 1 00 Win It l.vda lumber II 00 Austin & Western Co I western (trader 75 00 I A Imbrie salary etc 259 35 A W Saxton paupers 357 5 Austin & Western Co ta west driiKSIoS op J & VV White a sets bands, pads and repair nates j W II Morton ami assts drawing jury list Hcnverton precinct.... 700 A U Cady salary posture etc...... 51 00 ,Ii I, McCorniiclt salary stanips etc 177 75 '.Riley Cave material for scaffold. . 3 55 W I) Wood tires and nied A Cox. 10 00 ' 1 Younn blasting and material for road dist no s tio-no 18 $10. . . SO 00 if N A llarrett lanitor and board z tirisoncrs ' 5 75 i llillsboro l'ub Co stutioneiy 760 I A C Arcblmld hardware supplies. . 155 - Geo H Wilcox 69 00 ; Vt VV Tatterson coirm and box. ... 15 00 i 1 R Muvs & Sons provisions Dan Boner a 80 C R B'.ovd, lumber 96 G Snider 5 7 ' T C lohnson. Carstens bridge. ... 126 25 1 Austin Craig School Supt & Assts 71 30 Hatchet Printing Co stationery, . 3450 J R K Bryan & Sons groceries etc. . 7 2$ t The Argus printing tie rein nary commissioners' proceeuings. . . , 5 00 VV D Bradford salary, etc 285 00 H T liagley, services as deputy district attorney, state cases be fore iusticesol the peace 9a '5 COURT HOUSE NEWS. 1'HOHATB. i Citation ordered issued to heirs of I Kmma L. Beach, to show cause, 1 April 11th, that estato realty shall not he sold. 1 The inventory of Enos Davis es tate has been appraised at $2,837 -Vriio'estato, under the provisions of 'will, will hold the land under life tenure, unless she marrieB. Should I she do bo the land will bo divided, j viz: 1 fifty acres and house to Wm Davis; remaining 80 acres to go to tho daughters. The furniture and iJrKonal property goes 4' i'-KTiio Peter Kindt esla 1 (yiored closed of record N 3 The real property of liirKonal property goes to tne wiie. , estate has been ' record. the Christ ian Hansen estate will be sold on April 4th, 1898. Ves; Wehrung & Sons are daily bringing their offers closer and closer to the purses of the people. The Endeavor Society of the Christian Church is preparing to give a social at the Grange Hall on 1 April 1st. Announcements later. 1 v ( I Henry A. Ridgeway has sued ' Jlary A. Ridgeway for divorce, clai-.-ining desertion. Plaintiff alleges they were married in Portland in . 1869. Hon. II. V, Gates has gone to Jjouisville, Kentucky, on a business trip. It is said that from there he ill go to New York and Wash ; ington. i While T. M. Kelso whb working n. J. C. Hare's mill, yesterday morning, he had the misfortune to badly saw the tips of the four Jngors by getting them in contact frith the edger. He will not lose the digits, -hut it was a close call. 4 J The Wehfooter that doesn't like ain is a rarity; so is the person ho doesn t know that Wehrung ons' doming contains more "hon sty inside as well &s outBide"than ny other make anoatl Wehrunn & Sons for groceries f Stock complete and price cheap. The firm of Bagley & Urown hits placed a handsome legal case in its ollice. For sale: Three good fresh m'lch cows. Inquire of John Hanley Sr., of llillsboro. Ambrose Cox, a pauper, was ex amined on the 12th, declined insane and sent to the asylum. Come in and you'll no' be any thing out if you iiihpcct our Swell Spring Suits. WVIirung it Sons. E. E. Colestock Hives you the best shave in the city. Hair cut at popular price. Try his baths. Don't forget the place City shav ing Parlors, Main street. H. T. Latham has taken the place of Thomas Milne, who recenty de parted for Alaska, as head miller at the Milne Mills. Mr. Latham de serves his promotion. Speaking of old ''Jim Merritt" the old race horse known by all old timers the news comes that the old runner was killed last fall by falling down a mountain trail. (Jo to Thomas lielinont's for a first class shave, or hair cut. If your hair is falling out he will rem edy it, Shop on Second street. Give him a call. Tongue & Tongue have filed an appeal in behalf of Johnson and Joseph Galbreath, against the rec ent decision of Judge Cornelius granting judgement against them and in favor of Mary E. liirdsell. War is declared by It. E. Bryan A Son Cash Store on high prices. Our spring stock now arriving is the most complete one in ashing ton county, at prices lower than ever. INo trouble to show goods, Our priceB sell them. There will be a ball given by the Bethany Hall Association on March 2(th, Saturday evening. Doors open at 7:!50. Adinisson, 2.r cents. Moor manager, A. Hansen and L. Kussebaum. Remember the place Bethany. Supper, 40 cents per couple. George W. Bacon, of this city, was last Saturday evening present ed with a handsome birthday pres ent. It was a daughter and Grand pa Bill Tomkins is down from the Grove feeling as happy ns when watching old "Jim Merritt" making the racing circuit. After one week's vacation, at the close of the present term, a subscrip tion school of three months, will he t light by Bi.se Wilcox. Pupils -if all grades will be received. With the Ftudies commonly taught equal- y especial care will be given to calisthenics, music, penmanship and drawing, as required in the best schools of Oregon. Mr. Fred McLeod, of Dilley, who died recently at Portland, was well known in this county. He was an enthusiastic Knight of Pythias and carried if 2000 insurance in the en dowment rank. His wife received this the other day and had Delphos Lodge, K. of P., of the Grove, in vest it for the family. What with the little borne at Dilley, the family will now lie reasonably well provi ded for, owing to Fred's faith in fraternity and fraternal insurance. And this, by the way, is no adver tisement. Charles Wilson, who lives one mile north of Sherwood, was yester day fined $50 and costs by Justice Young, of Sherwood. Last Monday Wilson, who is about seventy years old, pointed a revolver at his wife, who was standing near by, and threatened to kill her. He turned the gun to one side and it was dis charged, the bullet lodging within a few inches of the head of his daughter, who whs standing near by. The case has been appealed to the circuit court, which will con vene in Hillsboro next week. At a meeting of the populists of South Hillsboro precinct, held at the City Hall, on Saturday the 12th inst. The following delegates were elected to attend theoounty conven tion on Saturday, March 19th: H. B. Luce, L. A. Rood, George Mor gan, W. E. Thome and James Mc- Culloch. The following were elec ted as precinct committeemen: H B. Luce, David Cor win and L. A. Rood. On motion, ordered by un animous vote of the meeting, that the delegates be instructed to vote for an honorable union of all the free eilver forces. On motion, the secretary was instructed to furnish The Argus with the gist of these proceedings. Farmington, March 15 An ex cellent entertainment was given by tne west uutte Literary Society at the Jack School house last Friday evening. A good program was rendered consisting of the follow ing members: Song by the choir recitations by Ida Jack, Beniamin Jack, W. B. Swope, Phoebe Jack. Annie Jack; comio declaration bv Henry Jack; song by the choir. A short recess was then taken after which the question, resolved, that there is more pleasure in hnoov riding than in bicvele' riding, was aeDatea. ine speakers on both sides indulged quite frequently in humorpus remarks to the merri ment of the audience. After the last speaker had closed the debate and given the question over to the judges, Albert Jack, Samuel Penne & and Joseph Jack, three slips - paper were handed to the presi dent, each with the word affirm ative written upon it. I1 i mm The Supreme Court Makes an Important Decision. PRECEDENT IS NOW ESTABLISHED. County Cannot Imprison a man to Make him pay his tax. At the request of this paper, Hon. S. B. Huston, who was attorney for Mr. Kirkwood, makes the following statement of the Kirkwood-'Ford-as-Sheriff'cuse: Statement of the Case. In the year 181)4 there was as sessed to Geo Kirkwood certain moneys, notes and accounts, upon which the taxes were not paid, and the sheriff was unable to find any property out of which to collect them. The sheriff thereupon filed an affidavit in the county court as serting that he was unable to col lect the taxes due from said Geo. Kirkwood amounting to $138.35, and that he believed Kirkwood had property concealed. The county judge made an order directing Kirkwood to appear and be ex amined under oath regarding his property. Kirkwood appeared but ... ..1. i..,4 it t.n,i w 1 :.. " llllllKMiy. 1 111a uujcuiioii n . over-ruled and a tr a was had. and the county court made an order directing Kirkwood to pay the taxes within 10 days there- after, or to surrender to the sheriff a lot of notes which were in Ta- it t 1 t ill coma, vvasnington, nut ownea ny oou. . . lr. , . . , 1 rom this order Kirkwood took a urrit .if .airiaiv tn tho niiilllK PA1l.ll .v " 'Y.y , . v" v"" 111 niuuu 11 hkiiiiikhiii wuiiiy onu If. P. Ford, sheriff, were named as d(.rn.lnt.. A motion was made to dismiss the writ nf revmw unon the ground that the remedy was "Appeal" and not "Review." Judge McBride over-ruled the mo tion and reversed the judgment of the county court, holding that while they might imprison a man tor taxes in luruey, uiey couia noi do it in this Country; that if the Hhentl could not nnd any property upon wiiicii io levy, ne was power- 1 ess to cause the defendant to be imprisoned for the purpose of com pelling him to pav his taxes. From this decision the county and II. P. ford appealed to the supreme court, which, on last Monday af firmed the decision of Judge Mc- Bride, bo the county loses. Some persons seem imua uiai iioies cannot be assessed and that the taxes on them can not be collected. 11ns is a misapprehension. The decision only goes to the extent that the only way to collect taxes ia In tnl-ioit vtAiail it a it A aalliftrvl id uy vaiwiiK, imuuoiij anu owning if tW mL ,,nnt 'hp imnrison- ed for the purpose of making him i.iD 4...L i.i if ertycanbe found out of which to .A .i, . n, n,o-. lljaau vuo iuacd, tiic.il but; ianz;n v.iii not be collected. Barrett & Adams appeared for the county and H. f Ford. JosChristianben, of South Tual- atin, has been made a citizen by the county judge. Wehrung & Sons take orders for taifor-made clothing. Perfect fit guaranteed. Get our prices. Dr. C. B. Brown will be out Mon- lay and will remain until the last of the week. 1. . , j . e . It is reported that farmers, this ' , . , x ..j. .. .uic s, spring, are buying new machinery. The reason given is that the past year Mark Hanna raised the price of wheat nit. SIMPSON-JOHNSON Popular Young Man of South Tualatin Becomes a Benedict, Frank II. Simpson, a popular young farmer of South Tualatin, and Miss Cecelia L. Johnson, daughter of Olaf Johnson, were married at the Evangelcal Luthenan Church, of Portland March 16, 1898 the reg uiur paswr omciaung. Mr. Simp- sun ia a wen tuiuwn citizen oi me , it a. t - . county, his father being one of the old pioneers. The bride is univer- sally beloved by all of her friends . . They will keen house in South Tualatin.. NEW FLOUR MILL To be Built at Cornelius This Summer by Aplin Bros., of Dilley. Cornelius is to have a new 75-bar- rel fl luring mill, to be in operation on or about July 1st. The elevator will be 40 by o2 feet and will have a cupacity of 50,000 bushels. The mill proper will adjoin the elevator. Ihe boilor-roim will be 26 feet square, and the milling-rooms 26 by 30 feet. The building will be four stories high. Aplin Brothers, of Dilley, will build and operate tne null, and will utilize a part the machinery now in the Aplin A Sons' mill. The new mill will re ceive the support of a large who t growing sedion. The Aplins intend running the Dilley mill as usual next season, in connection with the new one. of St. Patrick's Day in the evenim:! Another piano in the city. Al rs. W. D. Bradford is the proud pos sessor. A. C. Shute, Cashier of the Shute A Foole Bank, did business at Port land yesterday. Jick Morris, of the Quimby House, Portland, passed through this cjty Sunday". - Mr. Geo. W. Bacon, proprietor of the city livery stable, has im proved his property by adding a new floor. ; Mrs. Lizzie Guishwiller has re moved from McMiunville to this city where she intends to reside in the future. Mr. St. John has rented the Os mund property, near this city, and immediately takes up his residence on said property. F. G. Mitchell writes frm Vic toria that he and Bos-cow will not stay at Skaguay. They intend lo eating at Fort .Wrangle. I E. E. Crossen, formerly a mer- chont of Elgin.awas in the city Tuesday, the guest of II. E. Bryan e y locale in this city. Pricemont, 'the greatest sire in Oregonl is' being jdriven these days by Mike Kelley, and will be in the stud this year at llillsboro. E. E. Colestock left last evening to visit his parents at Bolckow, Missouri' after an absence of 1 1 years, tie will stay a month. A little chap of ab'out five vears of age, who saw his first hail the other day, very excitedly remarked: "Oh! Just look at the doodles of '""""' E. L. James writer The Akguh that he is located at Shasta Springs, California, where he will remain for six months. Ed sends his regards to his many friends Stephen Ai Howel) a Beaverton onion grower and ft prominent G A R member, has gone east to vis .... 11. . . . lt mB 01a ooynoou .home, after an a i(M.nnp nf imiiv venra ; For Rent: Four and one-half acres with good house and barn in hhe city of Hillsboro, for a term oi years, nor terms enquire ot John Hanley, HillBboro, Oregon. The precinct committee of the Union movement, for North and South Hillsboro, are requested to meet this Friday afternoon, at 3 o' clock, to organize. A full attend- ance iB requested. Riley Cave, the pioneer hardware man, of this city, has just received an invoice of those celebrated Can ton Scotch Clippers; turf and stub ble plows. Do not fail to buv one of these. Thev lead all of them. Hon. Thos. D. Humphreys' Sun- day last, suffered a stroke of paral- VSiB and aB a consequence ,is verv loff. The attending physicians are Verv hopeful, yet they do not dis- gUj8e the fact that his condition is precarious. Cornelius, March 16: John Mc- Vt n t . i Namer was " Cornelius yesterday r the. HTt, left here last Monday ft Charley Neep or Califor- "ia where he expects employment. Miss Rhoda V ickers came home me from the Grove to remain few days with her parents. The democratic primaries for Li00j aa jBiOI,atAa . .u rnnnw oonvention: W. H. Wehrung, Chas. L Crocker. Joseph Allison. D. T. McCartney and George Ireland, fcr South. . J. C. Lamkin, C. A. Han- ley, J. B. Adams and W. F Hoff- man, for north. The populists of Cornelius pre-Sat- cinct met in Hendrick's Hall urdav last and elected as delegate? , w to the county convention: U W h ecount convention: C Henderson it Couk 1 Bailev f? Zion and . ' m. ,4j A S Briggs. The attendance was quite large. The delegates are all in fa vor of union of the Bilver forces. Miss Anna Voss, aged about 50, died at the home of Kasper Satler, at Greenville, of dropsy at 9 o clock Tuesday morning. She came from Europe to Nebraska, and from there here. She had been a resi- dent of Oregon for ;about twenty-five vears. " She waB buried in the Wilkes cemetery, yesterday after- noon. ,0 Mr and Mra E; P, McNelly en- iQ,:0j i,u;r riunfic tnn,l. : v.,.. f ,Q,i,i;.,., t (u ill UtlllUI Ui HIV tllll lUUUlll Ul LUG ho8t and ll0Bte88 A g lenciki time ...... v,j nn. e .u i w M.n iin.ii. l nunc uircriiL u inn i.iin Those present from city were: Messrs and Mesdames K a Collins, V solieidel, W ii Weh rung, John Hanley. George Reisner Capt. Blanchard, Mr Johnson, Ad am Young, Mrs Oeorge Sinclair. The Independent says that the nonai-a mil.l tat 11 a flia lPAflvillo J,v,ng u ublicitVi defeated the ends of lustice. Ouite right, justice. Quite lirother Uault; tne torgery was committed February 23rd; the news came out March 3rd; if the con founded papers hadn't told of the crime, the perpetrator himself would have never suspicioned his guiltt S. L. Lipscombe, representing W. H. Franklin, Sedalia, Missouri, has let the mail route between this city and Portland via Glencoe and of Cedar Mills. The contract wan let to J. A. Bigham and will uke effect July 1. Mr. Lipscombe is a genuine Missourian, and, of course, in the "eternal fitness" of things, is an enthusiastic Bryan man. He left for Vancouver, Wash., on Tues day evening's train. And Elected Delegates to the State Grange. STATE CONVENTION AT THE GROVE. The Aplin Brothers to Build a new Mill at Cornelius. Others County News. A convention of the Granges of this county was held on Saturday last. The convention was called for the purpose of electingt wo delegates and the same number of alternates to the State Grange, which will meet in Forest Grove on the Second Tuesday in June. Five of the six Granges in the county were repre sented, as followf: Winona, of Tualatin-W S Tilton and L J Francis. Fidelity, of Gales Creek J T Fletcher and C Church hill. Gales, of Forest Grove JB Prickett, J Shepherd and Mary Shepherd. Hillsboro C Jack, J W Sewell and C A Hanley. Butte, of Tigardville EJ Bodman, A M Smith and C F Tigard. The delegates elected to the State Grange are J T Fletcher and C Jack; altsrnates, J W Sewel' and C Churchill. Sheriff Bradford and Deputy Deichman have concluded the sub poena of circuit court jurors, as fol lows: A J Roy, Dairy Creek, farmer. Jas Buxton S F Grove, blacksmith. Win Gray, Dilley, blacksmith H T Buxton, Buxton, farmer J McClaren, Gales Creek, farmer T W Thompson, Wapato, L A Rood, S Hillsboro, Z Wood jr, S Hillsboro, R W Hamer, S F Grove, 1) Baker, Dairy Creek, farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer L E Smith, N Forest Grove, farmer J 0 Kindt, West Butte. farmer Andrew Jack, West Butte, farmer H Collier, South Tualatin, farmer J F Hedges E Cedar Creek, farmer J A Johnson, Beaverton, farmer Geo Keini, Beaverdam, farmer John O'Brien, Beaverdam, farmer A Guerber, Washington, . Wm Rose, Washington, C Lystrop, Reedville, . John Berger, Beaverdam, C M Johnson. West Butte, M S Barnes, Beaverton, N It West, Buxton, C True, W Cedar Creek farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer A X Watson, Columbia, merchant J C Smock, W Cedar merchant W L Moore, Dairy Creek, merchant Chtts Roe, S F Grove, merchant C C Caples, S F Grove, merchant PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Malleis farm, two miles east of Cedar Mills, on the Barnes road, on TUESDAY, MARCH 22ND, 1898. the following described personal property, towit: 2 head of horses, 2 milch cows; 1 yearling heifer; 1 farm wagon; 1 mower; 1 rake; 1 hay baler,called "LittleGiant;" 1 plow; 1 harrow; one cider press; 1 feed cutter; 1 set double harness; 1 seed mil; all kinds of farm tools; 1 cook stove, Bafes, tables and household furniture; 1 piano; 3 dozen of fine chickens; 1 cutter sleigh; a number of cider barrels and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums under $10 cash in hand, above that amount one year's time will be given, at eight per cent in terest per annum, with approved security. Mr. C. Chock. b. P. Cornelius, auctioneer. Go to Greer's for maple syrup. For Sale: A good team. Cheap, Enquire of E. S. Booth, Hillsboro. Bernard Osterman, of Center ville, was in the city this morning. Cut close in the leg and in the price; we refer to our stylish spring trouseis. Wehrung & Sons. Sale of handkerchiefs! For one week, we will Bell you your choice for 5 cents. Schulmerich & Son. Forest Grove democrats sends the following delegates to the conven tion: "Buck" Meyers, C A Miller, Melki Johnson, Philip and John Beal, Hubert Bernard, Lum Sears, John Fields and Ira Purdin. Essays on milk are good, per haps, but cream is better. We give you the cream of the clothing sub ject when we say that for "style, service, satisfaction" and price H. Wehrung & Sons clcthing carries the palm. The democrats of Cornelius met in Hendrick's Hall, at that place, on Monday last and J W Clark, J lli Keeves, J JU. Cornelius, Thomas Talbot, William Bennett and D T Phillips were elected delegates to the county convention. The meet was unanimous for union in the county and state. The Hillsboro McKinlev Club met in the court house Tuesday ev ening and elected the following of ficers: President, R. E. Bryan; First Vice, George R. Bagley; Sec ond Vice, W. V. Wiley; Secretary, Benton Bowman. Short speeches were made by R. E. Brvan Hons. W. N. Barrett and J. "N. Brown, after which the club adjourned. COUNTY CONVENTION. Notice is hereby given that coun ty convention of theBilver republi cans of Washington county will be held in Hillsboro, at 1 o'clock p. ni. Saturday, March 19th, 1898, for the purpose of electing 4 delegates to the Silver Republican State Con vention, which will convene in Portland on Wednesday, March 23rd, 1898. Every Silver Republi can in the county is hereby reques ted to attend said county conven tion as there will be business of im portance to attend to. Convention will be he'd in the Grange Hall. J. P. Aplin, Member of State Committee. COUNTY CONVENTIONNj cau tor rnmaries ana county convtm tion. Notice is hereby given that a Coun ty Democratic Convention will be held in Hillsboro, Oregon, at 1:C0 p. m., Saturday, March, 19th. 1898. for tie purpose of electing nine delegates to the Democratic State Convention, which will convene in Porllrnd on Wednesday, March 23id; foMow!n3. Everv precinct is requ 4ed to send a delegation. It is reco .imended that the primaries be held on Monday, March 14th, for the purpose of the election of dele;at'9 to attend the county con vention. The ap ,rtionment of delegates has been fixed as lollows: Beaverdam .... 3 Eeaverton 4 Buxton 4 West Butte.... 3 Columbia 5 Cornelius 6 Dilley 5 Gales Greek. . .4 North Hillsboro4 Mountain 3 S Tualatin .... 5 East Butte.... 2 E Cedar Creek 3 W " " 5 Dairy 4 N Forest Grove4 8 " " 4 S'th Hillsboro 5 Reedville. ... 3 Wapato 6 Washington 5. Of the above notice, precinct com mitteemen will please take cogni zance. L. A. Long, Chairman Democratic County Central Committee for Washington County, Oregon. J. M. Wall, Secretary. Peoples' Party Convention. There will be a delegate convention of the Peoples Party of Washing ton county, Oregon, held at Hills boro, on Saturday, March 19th, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to the state con vention to be held at Portland, Ore gon, March, 23rd, 1898. It is rec ommended that the primaries be held in each precinct on Saturday, March 12th, at 1 o clock p. ra. to elect delegates to the county con vention. Esch precinct is entitled to the following number of delegates: Beaver Dam .3 Beaverton Buxton 4 East Butte West Butte 3 East Cedar Creek 3 West Cedar Creek 5 Columbia 5 Cornelius 6 Dairy 4 Dilley 5 North Forest Grove 4 South Forest Grove 4 Gales Creek 4 North Hillsboro 4 South Hillsboro 5 Mountain 3 Reedville 3 South Tualatin 5 Wapato 6 Washington 5 By order of County Executive Committee, Georgk W. Kelly, Chairman. Joseph Bucher, Secretary. Dead Letter. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: A. S. Biidgefarmer, J. Ernest Gresler, Mr. Hunk Beyol. Ali letters not called for by March 26 1S98, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called tor. H. Schulmerich, P. M Wanted. Shingles and lumber, both rough and dressed, at Hillsboro. W. R. Hoyt, Photographer. Greer's is the place to buy gar den and field seeds. J. B. V room an is now prepared to do fine wagon work, buggy re pairing, etc, besides all kinds of wood work. Who does your printing? The Argus is prepared to do all kinds of printing at living price. A trial will convinco you. Poor sidewalks in Hillsboro are Boon to be a thing of the past. Al ready several new ones have been completed and others will be re' paired or built new at once. J. B. Iuolay, the Reedville grain merchant, was in the city the first ot tne week, tie reports a new bell has been purchased for the school house at that place. Hundreds of acres will be in vol unteer crop this year,' so farmers Bay. This is in one sense too bad as it makes the fields so foul. It is said that volunteer ground is better this year than for many years. ''Oh Georgel Where did you that nice suit f" "Why at Bryan'i Cash Store, of course. They cheaper than any store in town have better goods. Did you their new rride ot Japan' tea? THE ARGUS MARCH CALENDER Sun I Tneg Wed Tliu FW Mat i TT8 ; rrs I 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 - T TRAINS AND MAIL SERVICE Pailyftfall Arrivals: Forest Grove Portland. Wav and Eastern 7:18 8:50 6:00 4:29 6:00 Glencoe Corvallis and Way p m roruanu . . Daily Mail Departures: Portland & Eastern via 8 P am 7:13 Port via Glencoe. Lenox A Bethanv 7.00 Corvallis 4 Wav - a.sn (Portland & Way - p m 4:29 llForest Grove - - :oo arunngton and Laurel leaves at 10:80 a m and arrives at 3:46 p m on Tuesday, Ko Sunday mails. Postofflce open from xuuiwiHv anu nuiuruav i:w a ni to S:U0 p m, except Sundays. S. P. Time Table: T.V. If. ortland a in 7:13 n m H-rjl qorvallis a m 8:50 d ni 4:29 Portland a m H:M n m fi-liO McMinnville a m 6:00 p m 7:13 STATE DIRECTORY Congressional Delegation Senator: G W McBride; Representative ist dist., 4T H Tongue, Hillsboro; 2nd dist, Wm iEllis, Heptmer. Governor Wm P Lord. Secv State Harrison Kincaid. Treaa. Philip Met Khan. Printer W H Leeds. Supreme Court C E Wolverton, R S (Bean and F A Moore. Filth Judicial District Judge, McBride, T A; Dist. Atty., T J Clecton. Washington County Officers County & rroDate juage, a Jf Cornelius; Cotn biissioners, D B Reasoner, T G Todd Clerk J A Imbrie. Sheriff W D Bradford. Recorder E L McCormick. Treas A B Cady. Assessor-G H Wil jox. Sch Supt Austin Craig. Sur veyor L E Wilkes. Coroner Dr C t Large. District Land Officers, Oregon City C B Moore, Register and Wm Galloway, Receiver. Cify Officers: Mayor, W. N. Barrett: Re corder, Benton Bowman: TreasH F. G. Mitchell; Marshal.Thos. Gheen. Coun cil John Carstens, Thos Tucker. W H Wehrung, G H Wilcox, J M Greear, and PROFESSIONAL. GEO. R. KAQLET. J. M, BROWN BAGLEY & BROWN Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 1-2-3, Shute Building HILLSBORO, - OREGON THOS H TONGUE. K B TONGUE, NOTARY. THOS. H. & E. B. TONGUE, Attorneys-At-Law. Rooms 3, 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, Hillsboro H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Deputy District Attorney for Washing ton County, Office upstairs over Delta Drug Store. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher . Offloa ia Hillsboro PharmaflT. B done aoutn-woat eoraer BaaollM and Booond. AM ealla promptly olfrndod day or night. 3. T. LINKLATCR, M. B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence East of Court House A. B. BAILEY. D. D. S. JJENTIST Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Block. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. JAMES PHUJJPPl TAMOSII, X. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. Offlo and residence south of Main near Id at, HUlsbbro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Oonveranoinc and Am no work a Pfoialty. iiinaaoy bioqk, iwo aoon am 01 hm poatoffloa. Baoond at Hljlshoco, Or. JOHN M. WALL, ATTOR NEY-AT-L AW Office with S. B. Huston, Union Block HILLSBORO. - OREGON. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing."' Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. M. 'P- BROWN STUDIO, BOOM 7 UNION BLK, HILLSBORO 9 MUSIG AND ART 0 Lessons in Piano, Organ and Harmony. PENCIL CHARCOAL CRAYOM ' PASTEL INDIA INK DRAWING oil painting a Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS OF lioiijli & Dressed LEuhr Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. UTT T Ptlrtnrt " get sell and try . v.