The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 10, 1898, Image 1

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NO. 51.
From all Parts of the New
and Old World.
tiugo, f
-Jin to M
yfat sea.
Comprehensive Kevlew of the Import
ant Happenings of the Cur.
rent Week.
Ill case of war between Spain and the
United States,. England, tt is Raid, will
at leust lend un lior iiuiriil support.
The Washington l'ost lays Mary
Elon Louse, of Kansas, will spi'iik in
Oregon during the coining state elec
tion. A London dispatch to a Now York
paper nays that in an emergency Paris
would supply Hpain with money to
carry on a war with the United States.
ViThe navy department will send the
(liVpHtcli boat Fern to Cuba with pro
visions for the st-irving people. It
wak at first intended to send thu ruisor
A dispatch to the London Mail from
IIoiik Kong lays that fresh rebellion
Iiiih broken in the Philippines, and that
f3 Spanish soldiers have been killed
No further detail are known at Hong
The Royal Canadian dragoons of
Winnipeg have been ordered to prepare.
to move to the Yukon. They will
form a part of the military expedition
which the federal, government contom
plate Bending to that part of the do
Rioent heavy contracts for Los An
gelt'H petroleum made by producers at
Lor Anuelcs with Han Francisco have
encouraged the development of the oil
fluids thero. Several wells have been
nut down since the first of the mouth
and others are being sunk.
A Teheran dispatch says: The gov.
nrnor of the province of Kerman routed
the insureenta at suvoral points in
Persian Helnoliistan. There were seri
ouh riots at ilammadan, February 23
due to a quarrel between partialis of
rival priests, during which 27 priests
' wore killed.
News was brought in to Salt Luke
from Brown's Park, on the Ooloiadu
Wyoming boundary lino, that three
members of the "Robbers' Roost" band
of outlaws, who lust week murderec
Stock inn n Herr, had been captured ami
lynched by a posse of Herr's friends.
ami some of Sheriff Edgar's deputies.
The British sealers Anoka and Sail:
from Victoria, bound south, pu
Monterey, Cal., to avoid a storm
While five miles off Point Su
light on Satnrday the Anoka lout tw
boats, containing four men, in a dense
fog, and turned north to find them
Both boats landed g.ifely near Poin
An unknown man was shot in the
leg by a mob near Princeton, Idaho,
lie full, and, when called upon to sur
render, fired a bullet into his lift
lireast, missing tho heart, and then,
placing the revolver to the right side
of his head, just above the ear, blew
liis brains out. He was sucpouted (f
being implicated in the murder of Dan
Cnllaiid, a Tekoa rancher, and was be
ing followed by a mob of men claiming
to be deputy sheriffs fioui Whitman
' It is said in London that the Bunk
of France has advanced the price of
gold, with a view of preventing further
export of silver. The market is weak,
on minora that the Indian import duty
on silver will be raised.
A special from Port Angelos, Waih.,
says: Charles llondrioks was shot and
killed from ambush by Fred Edwards,
who then committed Buleiife. The
men were neighbors and quarreled over
a trivial affair a few days ago.
The monthly treasury statement of
the publio debt shows that the debt,
less cash in the treasury, nt the close of
biiHiness February 28, amounted to $ l,
010,104,316, a decrease for the month
of 11,597,122. This decrease is ac
counted lor by a corresponding in'
crease in cash.
At a mass meeting held in Spring'
field, 0.," to raise funds for a moiiU'
t inent to the victims of the Maine, Gov
JLernor Bushnell, in a letter pledging
ttlO. Baid that if it were proved that
Spanish treachery destroyed the Maine,
be "was in favor of building the monu
ment on the ruins of Morro castle.
According to a late issue of the Skag
way News, the ill-fated Clara Nevada
onrried down to death 65 human beings
on her fatal voynge. Among the pas
sengers were several members of the
O'Brien party on their way baok from
the upper Yukon gold fields, and carry
ing with them their joint fortune,
variously estimated at from $00,000 to
Representative Bell, of Colorado, has
introduced a bill in the house providing
that no person interested in an associa
tion which issues government money
shall be eligible to the offloe of secre
tary of the treasury. The ineligibility
is not to .be remedied by disposing of
the interest in the association or bank
for the purpose of taking the office of
Annie L. Edwards, of Jamieson, Pa.,
was found murdered in her bedroom
Monday night. Her head was beaten
almost to a jelly and the room bore evi
dience of a terrible struggle. There is
no clew to the murderers.
Emperor William has arrived at Wil
hem shaven to attend the ceremony of
swearing in the naval recruits. Refer
ring to the bars of the Qeriuuti flag, he
said that black represented work, white
rest and peace, and red blood, each of
which was necessary to cement the
', other? together.
Hill I'rovldlng for Two Additional Ar
tillery Regiments 1'assed.
Washington, March 0. Chairman
Hull, of the military committee, in the
house, moved the passage under sus
pension of the rules of the Hawley bill,
renting two additional regiments ol
trtiliory. The debate on the artillery
bill developed nothing exciting, but
there was a great outburst of enthusi-
ism when Hay (Dem. Va.) declared
that ho stood ready to vote for the
measure, in view of the emergency
which confronted tho country.
Norton of Ohio today introduced in
the house a resolution, which was re
ferred to the committee on ruleB, set-
ing aside Thursday and Friday for
xmsidoration of a joint resolution to
recognize the independence of the re
public of Cuba.
Two Democrats, Jones of Virginia
md Cox of Tennessee, spoke against
,lie bill, which was passed without a
Government Refused to Com
ply With Spain's Request.
Washington, March 9. Today's bob-
lion of the senate was devoted entirely
,o consideration of the District of Col
umbia appropriation bill. At the hour
jf adjournment the bill had not been
disposed of, and its discussion will be
:on tinned tomorrow.
The present monopoly in the city of
the Chesapeake & Potomac Telegraph
Company, on account of high rates, was
severely scored. Carter (Mont.) urged
that the hill go over until tomorrow, as
he desired to offer an amendment relat-
ug to the gas supply of Washington.
"A more infamous and audacious
outrage was never perpetrated on an
noffensivu publio than is nightly per
petrated by the Washington GaBlight
Company," declared Carter, and I
lesire to present an amendment that
will afford the sufforing people of this
citv an opportunity to force the com
pany to give them what they pay for."
The bill wag laid aside, and at 4:45
tho senate went into executive session,
ami soon afterwards adjourned.
During the morning hour Allen
(Neh.) presented tho petition of 18,000
railway men of Pennsylvania in favor
of legislation to prevent the abuse of
,ho writ of injunction.
The State Law Ii Declared
Washington, March 9. Justice Har
lan today delivered an opinion in the
Nebraska maximum freight rate case,
He held the Nebraska law to be oon
trary to the 14th amendment, in that it
authorized thu taking of property with
out the proccess of law and was there
fore invalid. Hence the railroad won.
Justice Harlan's opinion affirmed the
opinion of the circuit court of appeals
of the eighth circuit, which was
tho maximum freight rates law favora
bio to the railroads.
This case was instituted to test the
validity of the law passed by the Ne
braska legislature in" 1893, prescribing
the maximum rates for transportation
of freights by railroads within tlx
state. The decision sustains the con
tention of tho railroad companies and
holds against the validity of the law.
The opinion was biiBed largely upon
tho charge of unreasonableness, Jus
tice Brewer made a computation show
ing that the reduction effected in the
freight rates amounted on an average
to 29 H nor cont, which he held was
too great a change,
The case has been twice argued in
the supreme court, Hon. W. J. Bryan
appearing as one of the counsel for the
Hate at the luet hearing.
Spain's Desire That the Warships Be
Replaced by Merchant Tea
sels Also Unfilled.
Madrid, March 8. Senor Gullon,
Spanish mmsister of foreign affairs, re
cently intimated to Unite! StateaMin-
ister Woodford that the Spanish govern
ment desired the recall ol Consul-Gen-eral
Lee, and that the American wai-
bins which have been designated to
carty supplies to the relief of the suf
ferers in Cuba should be replaced Dy
merchant vessels, in order to deprive
the assistance sent to the reconoentrados
of an official character.
Minister Woodford cabled the request
to Washington which replied refusing
to recall General Lee in the present
circumstanes or to countermand the or
dors for the dispatch of the war vessels,
making the representation that the war
vessels are not fighting ships,
Sold Spain the Mines.
London, March 8. According to tho
statement of a man whose cards de
scribe him as an electricallengineer,
whose name oannot be disclosed, but
which has been forwarded to Washing
ton, be sold to Scottish officers in Lon
don several years ago a large number
of mines, eight or ten of which were
placed in Havana harbor. He says
they were made in a special way, and
had a specially and peculiarly con
structed cable, which he contends he
can positively Identity, if the smallest
piece is produced, borne of the mines,
the man continues, were fixed bo they
could be fired from a fort, and two of
them had bulbs arranged so that they
would explode when a vessel came in
contact with them. But the alleged
electrical engineer adds that he does
not believe that the bulbs would be
used in water as shallow as that of Ha
vana harbor. He exhibited the plans
of one of these mines, whioh, he point
ed out, was the most likely to produce
the effeot described in the wreck of
the Maine. It was number "2," and
was constructed to contain 500 pounds
of gun cotton,
This is the story told by the man,
who gives one the impression that he
baa been sergeant of engineers ot has
held some similar position. He was
apparently thoroughly poBted upon
electrical matters and submarine
mines. The man is an Englishman,
and he says ha is willing to go to the
United States as a witness.
V rumps
Measure Prepared by Representative
Cannon With V resident's Approval.
Washington, March 9. Chairman
Cannon of the appropriations commit
tee, toilay introduced a measure in the
house entitled "Making appropriations
for the national defense." It is as fol
lows: "Resolved, That there is hereby ap
propriated out of any money in the
treasury not otherwise appropriated for
the national defense, and for each and
Bvery purpose connected therewith, to
be expended at the discretion of the
president, and to remain available
until June 80, 1899, $50,000,000."
It was referred to the committee on
The Cannon bill, it was learned
later, was the outcome of a conference
held at the White House this morning
at which Cannon, Secretary Long,
Dingley, Allison and Grosvenor were
present. The situation was considered
so grave it was thought imperative that
an immediate appropriation of this
character should be made at once to
prepare for the national defense. After
the conference Cannon went to the cap
itol and called a special meeting of the
appropriations committee. After this
meeting, Cannon in trod need the na
tional defense bill in the house. The
appropriations committee will meet to
Canadians Raise British Flag
on Summit of White Pass.
A C omplete Backdown on the Part of
Madrid Officials.
Washington, D, C, March 9. Spain
has wtihdrawn her request for recall
Consul-General Lee, and it is believed
the inoident is practically closed, The
withdrawal came today in the shape of
an official communication from Minis
ter Woodford, It is stated that the re
quest was never put in the shape of a
demand, but was merely a suggestion
on the part of Spain, and when she
found it would not be pleasantly re
ceived by this country she promptly re
called it.
Washington, March 9, It ia learned
that the Spanish objection to Consul
General Lee is based largely upon his
sympathy for the Cubans and some of
his utterances which hve found their
way into print. It is understood the
Spaniards also take exceptions to the
friendly relations and companionship
existing hetween Lee and the corre
spondents of papers which have been
decidedly unfriendly to Spain.
It is believed De Lome carried in
formation calculated to make the Span
ish government request the recall of
iieported to Be Figuring With
foreign Naval I'ower.
Philadelphia, March 9. The North
American Review prints the following
While tho attention of the public dur
ing the rocent war scare has been for a
time diverted from theCrainp shipyard
to League island, yet it is safe to assert
that the Kensington firm of shipbuild
ers is at this moment on the eve of se
curing a foreign contract of sensational
proportions. Although the members of
the firm maintain the utmost secrecy
on the subject, it is a fact that during
the week jnst pafsed a force of draughts'
men has been working on plans and es
timates almost continuously.
These plans and estimates, it is said
are being drawn up for the considera
tion of a foreign power, and include a
first-class shipyard, such as is operated
by the Cramps, besides several battle
ships and cruisers. Although the name
of the foreign power is being kept a
secret, it is generally understood by
those in a position to know that the
plans and estimates will eventually
find their way to Russia.
Has International Aspects.
Vanoouver, B. C, Maroh 9. There
will soon come up for trial at New
Westminster a murder trial with inter
national aspects, involving the feature
of a man standing in Canada and shoot
ing another in the United states. On
Saturday last Jack Atkinson, who runs
hotel on the Canadian side ol the
boundary at Blaine, quarreled with
Billy Patterson, Wlio runs a rival estab
lishment on the American side. At
kinson shot Patterson in the leg, inflict
ing a wound from whioh Patterson died.
Atkinson then weut to New Westmin
ster and surrendered himself to the
Victoria, B. O,, Maroh 9. F. Nich
ols, who arrived from Dawson today,
confirms the reports of big strikes on
American creek, and a stampede to
that place from Dawson. He also re
ported rich strikes on Rosebud creek,
50 miles this side of Dawson. Prospec
tors took from $4 to (8 to the pan, and
when the news reaohed Dawson a big
crowd started off for the new diggings.
The creek is said to be very rich. Ma
jor Walsh is coming baok to Skagway
for some reason, but the rest of hi
party are continuing on to Dawson.
Cuban City Would lie Easy Prey fot
Havana, March 8. As the convio
tion beooines settled that the conrt of
inquiry will decide that there was a
mine explosion under the Maine, dis
cussion among American naval officers
and civilians here is prevalent as to the
warlike measures which it is believed
the United States government will
adopt in case the question of payment
of indemnity by Spain is overruled. A
majority believe that American troops
will be landed at some port east of
Havana and the insurgents communi
cated with; that the Spanish soldiers
will be defeated or oaptured in detail
and that, in the meantime, a fleet of
United States vessels will blookade, if
not bombard, Havana harbor,
No one seems to doubt that the re
duction of this oity would be compara
tively easy. Four 13 inch guns, two
west and two east of the city, are the
only ones that are considered danger
ous. They are not likely to be well
served, while their emplacements are
not modern.
That some Spaniards are of the opin
ion that an attack on Havana will be
made is believed to be shown by the
abnormal activity displayed on board!
the Vizcaya. The press correspondent!
has the best naval authority for the
statement that the Vizcaya is in a oon
Btant state of readiness for emergencies,
and that picket boats are on the alert
day and night inside the harbor and
outside the harbor at night. It is
pointed out that the men-of-war Viz
caya and Almirante Oquendo might be
oaught in a blockade and fall an easy
prey to a United States fleet. The
cruiser Alfonso XIII is without boilers
and would be of no account. All this
discussion of the probability of war
among Americans and Spaniards proves
nothing, and only shows the state of
feeling here.
Now that the Almirante Oquendo
and the Vizcaya are lying in the har
bor, the Spaniards exultingly declare
that their city is safe, and it is given
out officially in the papers that the
new arrival is of the same size, as to
armament and complement, as the Viz
caya. The conduct of the Spanish divers
who are investigating the wreck of the
Maine is a mystery. Thus far they
have not been down five hours in the
aggregate, and they show no disposi
tion to make a thorough inquiry. It is
impossible to learn the truth fully re
garding the purpose of the Spanish
Loourt of inquiry, but it is generally be
lieved that the divers went down for
form's sake only and that their report
will ba made in accordance with in
structions from Madrid. It may be
that the Spanish divers have discovered
that the whole port side of the Maine
forward is gone, and, having so report
ed, further examination is deemed un
necessary. The work of our own diverB hence
forth ia bound to be Blow, owing to the
ponderous weights to be moved and the
safety clamps, nuts and rivets that
must be out.
But Divers Are Still in Doubt as to the
Means Used,
New York, March 9. A dispatch ia
the Tribune from Havana sayB: Not
many days will be needed for Captain
Sampson and his associates to oonclude
the investigation. The wrecking com.
panies are making progress in clearing
a way through superstructure. During
the absence of the board, the naval de
partment divers have been able to ex
tend their examination of the plates of
the hull. They found these plates
twisted as if from an outside explosion.
Everything previously learned re
garding the forward magazine being
intact and the existence of large quan
tities of unexploded ammunition has
been confirmed and strengthened.
Without going into minutes, it may
be said that the navy department
divers have secured much technical
evidence from the condition of the hull
and keel and the Interior indicating
that the Maine explosion was due to
foul play. Whether by a torpedo or a
submarine mine, doubts may be felt.
Not muoh proof can be gathered by the
naval board concerning the persons
who were in the conspiracy, The
Spanish authorities are in the best po
sition to determine the matter.
The Spanish divers have been work
ing slowly. They have been giving
more attention to the ooal bunkers, ap
parently, than to any other portions of
the wreck. They have made nothing
mWe than a superficial examination of
the hull;
It seems to be nnderstood that the
Spanish board in its investigation is
finding little evidence to give plausible
support to the theory of acoident. This
distinction from positive proof of an
external explosion it may be able to ig
nore. There is clearly less confidence
in official circles than during the per
iod when the declarations of accident
were made by General Blanco The
Spanish Inquiry proceeds in leisurely
fashion. It may be a long time before
a conclusion is readied, lnis will be
no reason for a long delay by the naval
board. .
Consul at Sagua la Grande Resigns.
New York, March 9. The World's
Havana correspondent sends word that
Walter B. Barker, consul at Sagua la
Grande for the United States, Has re
signed. It is alleged in Spanish circles
that Consul Barker's resignation ia on
account of friction with Consul-General
Lee over the improper distribution of
Amerioan charity, but the World's cor
rpsnondent declares that Mr. Barker
feels that the American government,
in its activity regarding Cuban affairs,
has ignored all the consular reports.
and the consuls to all intents and pur
poses are useless as ohannels of informa
His Larynx Broken.
Seattle. March ' 8. John Russell,
steerage steward of the steamer Valen
cia, met his death in a peculiar way
today. While standing on the dock he
fell between the steamer and dook into
the water, striking a log. His larynx
was broken and he was smotheied to
death. Russell's remains will be sent
to San Francisco, where he leaves a
family. "
Maine faotories sold $350,000 worth
of wooden shoe pegs in 1897.
Payment of Duty to Canadians at That
Point Will Be Resisted-No Mar
tial Law at Skagway.
Seattle, March 7. Five steamers
arrived from Alaska today the Uto
pia, Hucneme, Del Norte, Protection
and Queen. The Queen left Skagway
last Sunday. E. R. Knapp, of Boston,
who came down on the Queen, author
izes the statement that the Canadian
authorities raised the British flag on
the summit of White pass on Saturday,
February 26. This has heretofore been
considered American territory. Mr.
Knapp's authority for the statement is
the foreman of the Humbert Trans
portation Company's pack train. He
reported the affair to Mr. Knapp, who
is connected with the company, just
beiore the latter left Skagway.
In referenoe to the report that mar
tial law had been proclaimed at Skag
way, Mr. Knapp said that when tie leu
last Sunday no such action had been
taken; neither was it anticipated. Mr.
Knapp also said that the reports of
deaths at Dyea, Skagway and on the
trails had been very much exaggerated,
He had made a personal examination,
and ascertained that since November
there had been 19 deaths at Skagway,
and 13 at Dyea, This is not at all
large, considering the population of the
two places,
The report that two men from Daw
son bad perished on Whtie pass, with a
large amount of gold dust on them, is
said by Mr. Knapp to have no founda
The rivalry between the towns of
Skagway and Dyea is characterized by
Mr, Knapp as being "at white heat,"
and is the reason, he thinks, that so
many exaggerated stories of death and
hardship are senj, out, Eaoh town is
doing all it can to throw discredit on
the other.
It is feared that serious trouble will
grow out ol the Canadians' attempt to
collect duty on the summit of White
and Chilkoot passes, and the Americans
will resist the payment of duties on
what they consider American ground
Another complication will result from
the various tramways which are being
constructed to carry freight over the
passes. The officials oi these tram
ways are reported to have declared that
any interruption with their construc
tion work or any attempt to exercise
any right of ownership will be resisted.
It is thought at Dyea and Skagway
that the next movement on the part of
the Canadian authorities will be to
claim sovereignty over those two places.
Last Sunday the boundary line was at
Lake Bennett, then at Lindemann, and
now is at the summit of the mountains,
which is only about 20 miles from salt
Two days before the Queen left Skag
way, the wind, wnicn nan mown irom
the north continuously for seven weeks,
shifted and began to blow from the
southwest, causing a general thaw to
set in. The changed weather caused
hundreds of people who had been de
tained by the severe cold to start over
the trails from both Skagway and
Dyea, and when the steamer left, a gen
eral exodus from both towns was taking
place. Both trails are reported in ex
cellent condition.
CBTalottl, the Italian Poet and States
man, Killed.
Rome, March 8. Signor Felice
Carlo Cavalotti, the poet, dramatist,
publicist and well-known radical mem
ber of the shamber of deputies for Cor
telona, was killed here this afternoon
in a duel with swords with Signor Ma-
cola, member of deputies and editor of
the Gazzetta di Venezia. The encoun
ter was the outcome of a press polem
ics in the columns of the Milan Seoolo
at an unfrequented spot outside the
Porta Magore. Signor Macola's sec
onds were Deputies Signor Goido Fu-
sinato, a professor at the university of
Turin and member of Foltre, and
Signor Bizzoni, the publicist, and
Signor Tassi, member of the chamber
of deputies.
Shortly before the meeting, Signor
Cavalotti seemed in excellent spirits,
and even joked with his seconds.
When the word was given, he attacked
us opponent vigorously. The first
two engagements were without result,
but in the third, Signor Cavalotti re
ceived a thrust in the throat that
severed his lugnlar vein.
At first, it was thought he was only
slightly injured, but the gravity of the
wound was soon perceived on his put
ting his hand to his mouth. He with
drew it covered with blood and could
not utter a word. The doctors and his
seconds carried him to Zellino, and
laid him in a bed in the residence of
the Countess Celiro. There, tracheot
omy was performed, and artificial
breathing attempted, but all efforts
were useless. Signor Cavalotti expired
in 10 minutes, without speaking again.
Signor Macola did not receive a scratch.
The news, on reaching the city,
caused a great Bensation. - Numerous
deputies and friends hurried to the
Bcene, and there is universal regret over
the death of Cavalotti.
Unwonted Activity at
New York Arsenal.
A Portland Man's Opinion.
Portland, Or,, March 7. Northwest
territory officials have taken the initi
ative in the contest for possession of
Summit lake, by raising the Canadian
flag on its shores. This lake, aocording
to Dr. Horace R. Littlefleld, one of
the best-posted men regarding Alaskan
affairs on the coast, is situated, as its
name implies, at the summit of White
pass, about 16 miles from Skagway,
Both the United States and Canada
claim it, and the dispute regarding it
has engendered bitter feelings between
Americans and Canadians in Alaska,
whioh have rapidly increased in inten
sity of late. The American claim to
the lake is generally considered to be
quite as well founded as that of Can
ada, and the action of the Dominion
officials is premature, if not wholly unjustified.
Suffering Is Terrible.
Portland, Or., March 7. Following
is an extract from a letter dated Febru
ary 21, from Rev. W. W. Warne, at
Haines mission, Chilkat, Alaska, re
ceived by William Wadhams yesterday:
"Winter set m four or five days ago
and" now we are experiencing all the
rigors of an Alaska winter. The suf
fering of Bome of the newoomers is ter
rible. The Perry Humbert expedition,
stationed here, is going to lose ISO head
of horses and oxen in a day or two
more if they cannot get feed. I have
loaned them all I had; now we are all
out, except a few sacks of grain I kept
for myself.
"There is not a bale of hay to be had
in the country, and all of the grain is
gone. Mr. Smith is now feeding 1,000
sacks of flour to try and tide over the
storm. They have a little rice they
will feed next. They cannot keep the
poor animals either tied or blanketed,
as they ohew everything up.
"There have been several cases of
freezing before this on the passes, and
I expect when the storm is over and
time elapses for people to get out and
back, there will be a good many dead
bodies brought in. So far as I have
learned, no bodies have been recovered
yet from the ill-fated Clara Nevada.
Winter is a terrible thing up here. I
don't see what posseases people to
come. My heart aches for their fool
ishness. They should at least wait
until spring, when the trails are open
and the weather not so severe."
Mounted Patrol for the Northern
of Washington.
Port Towaned, Wash., March 8. A
feature heretofore unknown in the
Pnget sound customs district has been
inaugurated. It consists of mounted
:nspectors, and the first man appointed
io a position on horseback is Enoch
F. Plumraer, of this place. Collector
Huestis was recently authorized by the
treasury department to establish a
mounted inspecotrs' patrol on the
boundary between Eastern Washington
and British Columbia, with headquar
ters at Northport. A mounted inspector
is allowed a salary of $3.50 per day,
with 60 cents extra per day for horse
hire, and is expected to cover tha
boundary line for a distance of from 25
to 40 miles as often as possible.
Fierce Street Battle.
Texarkana, Ark,, Maroh 8. A fierce
street battle occurred here this after
noon in which one man was killed out
right, another mortally wounded and a
third seriously injured. Vinson Gra
viani is mortally wounded, shot
through the breast, shoulder, arm and
leg. Pete Darigo is seriously wound
ed. The participants were barbers.
S. A. Gingola and his son-in-law, Mike
Cannela, were about to come to blows,
when the Graviani boys and Darrigo
.t tempted to intrecede. Gingola and
Cannela turned upon theGravianiB and
both sides drawing revolvers, the battle
was soon in progress. More than 80
shots were fired. Gingola and Can
nela fled.
The Corona Floated.
Seattle, March 8. The steam
schooner Lakme, which arrived this af
ternoon from Alaska, brings the news
that the steamer Corona, whioh went
on a rook at Lewis island, was floated
last Thursday evening. The Corona is
considerably injured, the worst place
being under the forward hatch, where
Bhe first struck the rock. At this
point, her keel is turned over for 20
feet. This oan be temporarily fixed
from the inside. After entering and
clearing at Victoria, the Corona will
be brought to Port Townsend, where
her cargo will be unloaded. Captain
Goodall then expeots to take her to San
Francisco without going intoadrydock.
Cruise or an Eight-Tonner.
Port Townsend, March 8. The
eight-ton schooner Anna Catharine put
into this place last night en route from
San Franoisoo to Alaska. When the
schooner left the Golden Gate, nearly
three months ago, she carried five
persons, four men and one woman. On
the wav up the coast the little craft
came near being wreoked, and was
forced to put into Tillamook, where the
woman deserted and returned to San
Franoisco. Fresh supplies were taken
on her today, and the schooner headed
for the north.
Shipment of Shells and Other Projec
tiles to Harbor Fortifications
Twenty New Mortars
New York, March 5. There is a
continuance of unwonted activity at
the New York arsenal. The shipping
of shells and other projectiles, to the
fortifications abont the harbor con
tinues. At army headquarters there
are no new developments, and no or
ders out of the customary routine are
expected. It is said that a battery of
20 12-inch mortars will be soon re
ceived at Sany Hook for testing before
they are forwarded to the points for
which they are destined. There are a
number of unmounted guns at the
proving-grounds awaiting the con tar uc-
tion of carriages. The supply of am
munition has been increased in all the
magazines, and is so arranged that it
can be made immediately available.
The men at the posts seem much
more pleased at the work they have to
do than when the guns lay idle and in
a condition unfit for active use. At
Sandy Hook, however, there is a slight
complaint among the men, who say
that too much work is expected of too
small a force.
A large consignment of ammunition,
including powder and proieotiles, is
ready for shipment at the ordnance de
partment in the Brooklyn navy-yard.
Commander Swift, who has charge
of the department, superintended the
work of packing. Commander Swift
has received instructions from Wash
ington to forward the supplies as soon
as possible to Key West, whence they
will be distributed among the United
States war vessels now in that neigh
borhood. When asked if the consign
ment was not an unusually large one,
Commander Swift replied that it is
not, and that when it had been divided
up between the several ships none ol
them will have more than the regular
complement in her magazines. Many
of the projectiles are for guns of large
caliber. .
As yet no information has been re
ceived as to what disposition is to be
made of the guns which have recently
been shipped to the yard from Washing
ton. These guns are of different sizes,
and as neither the Chicago nor the At
lanta, which are being overhauled at
the yard, will be ready "to receive the
guns for at least six months, it is ru
mored that they are for auxiliary vessels.
Mounting Guns at Toint Loraa.
San Diego, Cal., March 8. Lieuten
ant Humphreys, commanding battery
D, Third artillery, stationed at this
nlace. has reoeived orders to send his
company of artillery at onoe to Point
Loma to mount the three 10-inoh rifles
recently delivered there by the United
States government for the defense of
this harbor. '
Kussia Take a Slice.
London, March 8. The Peking cor
respondent of the Times says: "Russia
has demanded that China surrender to
her all sovereignty over Port Arthur
and Talien Wan for the same period
and on the same conditions as given
Germany at Kiao Chou.
Oue Englishman's Opinion.
London, March 8. The Daily Mail,
discussing the "probability that tha
United States may goad Spain into de
claring war as a late desperate move,"
"In America's unprepared conditioa
Spain could inflict appalling damage.
Neither could conquer the other, and
the utmost America could gain would
be the equivooal triumph of securing
Cuban independence. If Spain takes
the first step, America will have herself
to thank."
Has Seen the Darkest Side of the Cuban
Havana, March 5. A naval officer
here today, in reply to a suggestion that
it was a pity such an important decision
as the verdiot of the court of inquiry
into the Maine explosion should rest
solely upon the testimony of divers,
who seemed men of only average intel
ligence, replied:
"The court of inquiry has not had to
depend upon divers' testimony alone."
Then, realizing that he had said more
than be intended, the officer resumed
his habitual reserve. It is believed that
the testimony of Lieutenant Com
mander Wainwright was highly impor
tant as bearing on the question of the
existence of submarine mines.
Senator Proctor has seen much in a
short time, and there is good authority
for saying that he will make the results
of his observations known in a strong
speech in the senate on his return to
Washington. Senator Proctor, however,
said to a correspondent:
"Certainly a peculiar state of affairs
exists. Residents of Matanzas told me
that if I wished to correspond with
General Gomez they would send my
letter to him and have an answer back
in a short time.?'-
The Fleet at Hong Kong.
Madid, March 5. The public is much
exercised over the report of the pres
ence of a squadron of United States
warships at Hong Kong, as it is pre
sumed the vessels intend to threaten
Manila, the capital of Philippine
island, in the event of war between the
United States and Spain.
Imparcial, in an article headed "To
Manila, to New York," quotes an un
named high personage who scouts the
idea of an imminent rupture, and says:
"The presence of warships at Hong
Kong is only Washington's policy with
a view to contenting the jingoes."
The high personage is said to have
added: "But America has not bo many
warships as to warrant suoh bold action.
If the Yankees go to the Philippines,
the Spaniards will go to New York."
El Globo remarks: "The govern
ment is still alive to the oritical situa
tion, and is silently preparing for the
worst. But It is too diplomatic to dis
close the procedure by which it ia pre
paring for emergencies."
San Francisco, Maroh 5. The war
department has issued orders for the
immediate transfer of ammunition from
the Benicia arsenal to this city. The
object is to supply the needs of the
mortar batteries and heavy ordnance at
the Presidio and Black point. .
Chicago, March 6. A special to the
Daily News from Washington says:
Spain will have to reckon with Japan
as well as with the United States in
the event the responsibility of the
Maine explosion is laid at the door of
the don. The navy department baa as
certained that on the Maine, were sev
eral Japanese subjeots employed as
cooks or other servants, and that they
were lost. The fact of their death haa
been made known to the Japanese gov
ernment through the state department,