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About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1898)
A Live County Paper. HILLSHOKO, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 18-18. Subscribe for it and en THE ARGUS Entered at the Poet-office at Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second class mail matter. LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argus Publishing Company. Subscription: One Dollar per Annum. Six Months, 60 ots; Three Months, 35 cts. to Gold Mono-metallism. Be lieves in the Bimetallic Standard. Thinks we Ought to Take Care of our own People Before Annexing Hawaii. Has no use for Marcus A. Hanna. AS GOOD AS GOLD. mi i 1 ii i l ae Biiver aouare are as good as gold dollars simply for one reason, and one, only. That is too plain for contradiction; too simple to be misunderstood and furnishes once and for all a substantial reason why bimetallism independent will prove successful in its workings and beneficial to the people of the Unit ed States. That reason is obscured by goldite politicians, is lied about by political mountebanks and trim mers pnd evaded by gold statesmen at ell times. The reason is: be cause Uncle Sam accepts a silver dollar or certificate for a dollar al his collection stations, on a parity with a gold dollar. It is a matter of law alone. The charge that its limitations keep it up is unreason able and supine. If that be any where near the case, we would have had trouble long ago aud grievous trouble at that. The law of legal tender being acknowledged by the whole people in payment of a public due has made the silver dollar equal to the gold dollar even when the law has discriminated against the metal out of which it is made, and against it in many ways after the bullion received the gov ernment stamp. It is the whole number of gold and silver dollars our Israelitish friends are kicking about, and that which will hurt them, instead of peculiarly of what kind. Peanut statesmen listen to those who are interested in keeping dollars dearer and growing dearer instead of to that element wanting and working for that positive "an tithesis, dearer product etc. It is no wonder that American states manship has degenerated. The Union was once saved by the north and east and now a few men from that section want the whole thing as a reward. It will be next in or der for our people of the south and 1 il. TT 1 weui w save tne union ana save it from commercial ruination. And it now looks as though such an ef fort shall be made that mere bigot ry, and unscrupulous bile and ri diculous bugaboo shouting upon the parts of goldites shall not prevail against the peoples' desires. ways been very shifty on the mon ey question and that he has made no pronounced remarks upon this vital issue excepting as at such times as his political directors mav deem necessary, for instance: when the international commission was meeting with foreign favor and when the Teller resolution was about to go before the House. In j the first instance Mr. McKinley! obeyed his dictators in an official document; in the last he went to the seat of dollar wealth, New York City, and did their bidding in a quasi-public speech. The presidential error is in as suming that any considerable per centage of the seven millions voted for the gold basis. Perhaps a great many less than one million did but not more. An absolute gold plat form would have lost the presiden cy (Indiana and Kentucky, the latter state went for Bryan and was counted contra and every state west of the Mississipi would have gone for Bryan) to the man of mortgages and he knows it as well as any. His recent utterance was to stiffen the house members, keeji them in line and in event of reelec tion upon any old thing of a plat form, pull a rockribbed gold-hank bill through by 1900. But the er ror is too palpable too plain and it will not serve its purpose. Attention, Farmers! chinery of any kind call on Schulmerich & Son Who will give you what you want, where you want it, and the best im plements and machinery in the world. If it is Dry Goods You want or anything to be found in a General Merchandise Establishment, come and see them. They will please you and save you money. IS IT A COALING STATION. A COMMON MISTAKE. One of our valley contemporaries says the "country feeds the city" and that "the city clothes the coun try!" This indeed is a wonderful statement and the only surprise at tendant to the whole thing is that the editor is not running a gold bug machine, somewhere in space. Our triend should put a poultice on hiB cocoanut and let it get in some hot night work for awhile. I he city be d d. The country leeds and clotheB the "whole thing,' to get down to business! It feeds and clothes the dudes of the aven- .ues, the idiotical cane suckers, the parasites, the prostitutes, their par asites; the bankers, the merchants the laborers, the all. And yet, his tory goes to show that these name city influences always vote to make the dollar buy more of "Pap Hav- Beeas ow they sneer and laugh at his high water pants or his coarse clothes-these city imbeciles) pro ducts! And this, too, when the far mer furnishes nearly all the raw material for manufacture, pays the freight and then buys it back to the city's profit! But the greatest mis tike is when the farmers allow city papers, governed by bankers, to in fluence their votes by yelling some little nonsense about "honesty" etc. This mistake is a common one and will soon be corrected. By every sentiment of love and sympathy for fellow man Cuba ought to be free ought to have long since been free. 1 reaily does not much matter that many Cubans are half-blood negroes and unwor thy and incapable of self govern ment the question is one of hum anitarian instincts, of local color, and should receive our attention. Two administrations, neither of which can be called cowardly, have let Cuba suffer because, as the Ore gonian said of Greece's defeat, "the concert of bondholders" said "hands off." So we have turned our eyes away from Cuba, which might cost us a life or two and a few millions, and longingly looked toward the land of leperdom because it would make us a good coaling station!" Coal ing station! Coaling station? What in thunder do we want of a coaling station we who have enjoyed the Cuban butchering as if it were a barbecue? Better sav we want the nose rings of Hawaii. THE E LOME AFFAIR. said execution being in favor of IVter Nel son ami against Kliznlieth .1 Conklin ami V I. Conklin lor the sum ot 111. hi, wit 1 1 in terest thereon from ilu tilth day of Julv 1W17 ut il... ....... ..t' i.t . - ' ,..... ...i. ui m per ccill per Hlllllllll, j ami (HI costs, ami lit favor of the defen ! 'hint. Isaac Allen, anil against Johnston if you contemplate buying farm maXYV 1 r.ecuin ..tine last Will ami Testament , ol John II. Freeman, deceased, itnddevis ! ee umler said ill. for t lie sum of US0.-lf ! with interest thereon from the tilth day of July, 1Mb, tit the rale ot 10 percent per an num, and M0.ooei.sta, U1 , ,UVI. ,' ,, Idolendant.ti. W. l'atterson, and against Haimali .V Kreenmii, Hannah A. (free man, as Kxeeutrix of tin, last Will and testament of John . Kroenmn, deceased ' and as devisee under said will ol said John II. Freeman, deeeiised. lor the sum of Willi interest thereon from the l!V 111 day of July, 1S1I7, at the rate of 10 it cent per annum, and 10.00 costs, mid for j the costs and expenses of sale and of said writ. Now therefore, by virtue and in pursii , anee of said judgments, decree and order oi sine, i win, on .Monday, the 7lh dav of March, lSds. ui t,(, soutli ,hi,ir ,,i ti, ,,: house, in Hillsboro, Washington County Oregon, al the hour often o'clock A. i( ' ol said day, sell at public auction to the highest Wilder for cash, all the right, title and interest of the delemlants, Johnston rieeuian, r.iizanetn .1, l oiiklin, 0, T Conklin, Hannah A. Kreenian, Hannah A freeman, Kxeeutrix of the last Will anil iestaineut of John H. Freeman, deceased and Hannah A. Kreenian as Devisee und er the last Will of John 11. Kreeinan, dec eased, of, iu and to the following describ ed real property described in said decree and execution, and described as follows to-wit: ' lleing the Donation Land Claim of John S. White and Klizabeth While, his vj,. and designated as Notification Number 24ft, and Claim Number 51, being parts of Sections 2.1 and 24, Township 1, North Hange. 2 West ol the Willamette Meridi an, containing aim acres, all in Washing, ton County Oregon. Said interests of said defendants will be sold separate, and as follows: . Kirnt All of the right, title aud interest ot Klizaheth J. Conklin, and t'. T. Conk lin. to satisfy the judgment in favor of IV ter Nelson. Second All of the right, titleand interest of hlizabeth J. Conklin, C. T. Conklin Johnston Kreenian aud Hannah A. Kroe tnan and Hannah A. Kreenian as lOxecu trixofthe last Will and Testament or John H, Kreeinan, deceased, and as devisee un der said will,, to satisfy the judgment in favor of Isaac Allen, and Third-I will sell all the right, title ami interest of Hannah A. Freeman, llannuli A. Freeman as Kxeeutrix ol and devisee under the Will of John H. Freeman, de ceased, of, in and to all Iho real properly above described to satisfy the judgement of defendant 0 W Patterson all ol said land ! to lie sold to satisfy the herein he-I fore named sums in favor of the hereinbe fore mimed persons, and Cm' the costs and expenses of said sale. haid property will bo sold subject lo re demption as per Statute of Oregon. Witness niv hand hereunto ant i !, iu .,.! day of February, issw. . . .. vv- liltADKOKl), Sherill or Washington County, Oregon. liy I'. 10. Deieliiiiiin, Deputy. Baulky & Brown. Atl'ys for I'laintill's.' The Hillsboro Pharmacy..1. The Loading Drug- House - Where Drugs. Medicines. 1'ainls. Oils, Sponges, llrushes llliil all Druggist's 8iilid''c. may be procured at prices that simply distance- competition. nion Mock Maui St. Hi'. V. A. Italic I'roprleior. THE DELTA DRUG STORE .First duality in Every Respect Special Attention Given to Quality and Accuracy in Dispensing. A Full Supply of Toilet Articles, I'crfuui ery, I'atciit Medicines, School Hooks, lite. See Our Large Stock of Fine Perfumes The Largest Ever Shown in the City. Telephone IVoui Store lot) Mice. McKlNLEY never received seven mite in Washington county, Oregon, to millions of votes for the gold stan dard. Even his own statement saying as much is both childish and ridiculous. He thinks the ma jority should be recognized. We shall see in the very near future. whether Mr. McKinley shall be so ready to work the will of the ma jority when the next house of rep resentatives shall represent a large majority of our people asking for bimetallic law! Then we shall see whether Mr. McKinley deems a majority a majority, or Wall street a majority. Then we shall see who shall rule the people, or the Shy locks who plunked up the campaign fund! satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, and mi win eui aim expenses ot said sale Said property will be sold subject to redemption as per statute of Oregon. Witness my hand this 17th day of Feb- rtiary, lsws. W. 1). BKADFOM) Sheriff of Washington county, Oregon Ceo. K. Bagley, Atty for l'lm The Portland Tribune thinks Mr. Joseph Simon is politically a very bad, scoundrelly man. He doubtless is. The Oregonian is very certain that John H. Mitchell is a scoundrel in politics and very dan gerous to unsuspecting voters. He loubtless is. It thrills the hearts of country editors to see such per spicuity evidenced by the citv pr ss. Both are right on these great questions. Now, do not sav that The Argus has never said a good word for the Portland papers. news- EDITORIAL NOTE8. Of THE PRESIDENTIAL ERROR. The Spanish ex-minister, de Lome has gone back to his native haunts and the fact that an agent of th Cuban junta stole a letter out of the Havana postolficeis no disgrace to the senor, whatever. The New York Cuban junta is a body of be ings who are living off the fat the land, abiding in luxurious a partments and patronizing swell restaurants with m )ney subscribed by the hand of charity for a worthy cause. It the lunta is so natrintie l its members should lie down in Cuba, their todies making back stops for bullets which will other wise slay Cuban patriots. Let no one make the mistake of sympa timing with these petty larceny thieves; let no one think that de Lome disgraced himself for private ly writing what he deemed just. A WEAK REPETITION. The president erred when at that princely and elaborate New York banquet,in intimating that over sev en million voters cfemanded the gold standard. It will be remem bered that Mr. McKinley has al- exploded. As a matter of declamation Mr. Tongue did fairly in his recent speech. As a matter of logic he might as well have left his speech unpublished. He controverts him . i j? - i i . . . ... ecu anu nis uuerances ot the past his letter to the Oregonian when he wanted the Oregon senatorship and he controverts the position of the republican party in 1890 when it declared the established policy of the government to be to keep the two "metals" not coins at a pari ty. This was overturned and made to read "coins" in 1893, when the Sherman law was repealed, and Mr. Tongue is on record as Baying of the repeal of that law: A continuance of this legislation means constant contraction. Scarce nun. ey means dear money, with increased purchasing power; it means a decrease in the price of every other species or property real and personal in the coun try and in the city; it means decrease in the wages of all classes labor, skilled and unskilled, manual and professional. Hut worst of all it means an enormous in crease in indebtedness of every class. public and private, with diminished cow er to pay. It means confiscation of the property of the debtor, for the benefit of the creditor," Mr. Tongue's rant of today is hut a weak repetition of gold cult ideas which again and again have been Senor De Lome is not the first man who has been sorry not that he wrote the letter, but because he was caught at it. It is suspected that the Embree family held a convention in Polk county last week two Embrees on the ticket and the same two as delegates to the sta'e convention. The gold press constantly tells of its "honesty." Perhaps their honesty is like she who protested, drunkenly, that she was "an honest aud virtuous woman, by G-d!': Come down boys, you're funny. Mr. Hanna is evidently a very patriot ic man. He had two substitutes in the war and here we find him, over thirty years after, still having a substitute at tending to governmental needs. Who is he? Governor Lord may be a good govern er but he is a very poor hand at conven ing special sessions of Oregon legisla turesmuch to the chagrin of statesmen who have been elected, and yet, may never qualify. Can it be possible that Brother Tongue has discovered to be very companionable those fellows of whom he said, in his fa mous letter: "There are those, who sur rounded by huge blocks of interest bear ing securities, are interested in making money dear and everything else cheap." It certainly appears that our Tualatin statesman is now whistling a very differ ent tune. Why docs he stand for them instead of the farmers of his district? SHERIFF'S SALE. VIltTUK OF AN F.YRriTTmv Decree and Order ol Sale, issueil .mi of the C ircuit Court ot the State of Oregon lor Washington County, in favor of Larkin Heynolds, and against John Kkert, Kath F.kert, John Yost and Catherine Selllieim er, lor the sum of fio.oo costs, and for the turlher sum of fli'i.lW, United States gold com, wit h interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum Irom the 1-Ith day of February, 1N.SH, and the further sum of Sixty Dollars with interest thereon at the raleot eight per cent per annum from the tfirdduy ot November, 187, as attorney's lei's and lor the costs and expenses of sale noil 01 am wilt. Now, therefore, by virtue and in pur- nor oi sine, 1 win, on Monday the 7lh day of March, 1H!)8, at the s'onth door ol the Court House, in Hillsboro, Wash ington county, uregon. at the hour of 10 o ciock a. m., oi sain day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property, Situated, lying and beingin Washington County, Slate of Oregon, and described as tollows: Ten acres off the South end of a tract ot laud commencing at the quarter section coi ner on Iho line between Sections oeven m aim Mgiiieen (18) in Township One ( 1) North ol Kange One (1) West, WiF- laineue .neriiiian ttience east on said sec tion line chains; theme south 5 chai ns; thence west2 chains; thence south 14 chains and 5 links; thence west 10.S0 chs thence l'Mtt chains to place of beginning containing in the tract hereby conveyed TeiUlO) acres to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, and for the costs and expen ses of said sale. Said property will be sold subject to re demption as per statute of Oregon. Witness my hand this 3rd day oi Febru ary, isiw. i .m W. D. BRADFORD. Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon By C. E. Deichman, Deputy. BAGLKY & BROWN. Attorneys for Plaintiff. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. I. K 1IKIIHT, l'lior Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Hiuhest : Market : Trice : I'aitl : for : Fat : Cattle. : Slut-p : mid : flog Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN ST K KMT, mu.Kiumo, OUKCON. GEORGE W. BACON ZZCITY LIVERY STA1H,E7 Cor. 2nd and Washington Street Is WHiiRE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS i shorn Hhiki' fFIC COAST Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution, decree and oruer oi saie, issued out of the Circuit u.m oi toe nuiie oi uregon, Washington County. In favor of J. W. Shute and against Allen Parent and Emma Parent lor the sum of $15.00 costs.and tor the fur ther sum of J114.2H U. H. gold coin, with interest at the rate of 10 ner rent. no. a... num. from the 15th day of January, 1897 and lor the costs and expenses of saie and' ot said writ. Now, thciefore, bv virtue and in purgu aneeof said judgment, decree and order of sale, I will, on Monday the 7th day of March, law, at the south door of the Court House, in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M ., of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property, to-wit: Com mencing at a uoiut 5.71 U chains fWm n, Southeast comer of Block "U"; thence iNorth 7.00 chains to the south line of Block u'i'?00, e:ast 2-Kf' chains; thence south 7.00 1 chains to the south line 'of Block "k;" thence west chaiiiH along said south line to the place of be ginning containing two acres in Hlock K '0'liKirvjew Addition to the town of Hillsboro, Washington Co., Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named suin, and .... ollu cAiieiises oi said sale. Said property will uesold subject to re demption as per statute of Oregon. rua lt"lHj1"5' halUl tbi 3rd day 0t Feb" W. D. BRADFORD Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon, ii i t n liy C ichnin, Deputy Baglcy A Brown, Attorneys for Plain tin". VHK ntRONlri.K ri.Hr, with th. ,,, l.wiil.r, ui the tinned Simon .THKCHIlllNlCI.K luu n,.nalon tilt I'M IS . own. lends B ability, enterprinn anil nf w TIIK OHItlJNICI.K'HTelRKrKMlilo ll-nortu ar am, moii rimaDie. ita l.oi-al New lb rullciu ami apiclrat, an I Iti liililnrl.U fruio III ablest uena In Hie country, THKohuoviui.k hasalwavaboKn.Mil alwaya "111 be, the Irleml ami champion of the pwiala aa againat cninblnailuim, clliiuea. corpuraiiona o opiiraaslnnn or any klmt. Hwlll h. i-i.,....,! , la verylhlnj ntaural In uolLing. Cor. 2d 4 Wasli'lun NOKTIIKIIP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table ami all accommodations for the convenience of guests. ... iWV M. P. DISOWN HI Plllo, IIOOM 7 UNION UI.K, IIII.I.HIIOIIO TIIK (ill MAT MUSIG AND ART O Lessons in Piano, Organ ami Harmony, PUNCH, t'IIAHl-OAl, CKAVON GOLD a SILVER COUNTEIES W IIIUTISII niU .MIIIA AM) K ANT K K.N OHKIiON ARE ALL REACHED O R& W I'Asria. INDIA INK IlKAWlNO oil Painting TWO FOR ONE Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereliv eiven that th O HTlilni-- Hignod, administrator of thn estate of (ieo. JS. Cironer, deceased, has filml biu final account as such adininiHtiati if ill the County Court of the Htato of Oregon for WaKliingtoii County, and that Haiti County Court has fixed Mondnv. tlm tai. day ot March, 1K9H, at the Court room in nisooro county and state aforesaid, at the hour of 10.00 a. m. of mud dav tin. timo and place of hearing objections to said final account, if any thoro bo, and the final Kottloment of Haid eslntn. Dated at Hillsboro, this February 17, 18U8. W. h. WF.IfltnNri AiimiiiiHtrator of the estate of (ieo. E. U roner, deceased. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution Issued out. of the circuit court of the Htato of Oregon, for Washington county, in favor of .f .1 Mor gan and against K F Moore for the sum ol() 25 costs, mid for the further sum of io u o goiu com wnn interest tlinreon at the rata of 10 per cent, per annum from the 10th dav of Mav. 1WI7. and for tlm .nui and expenses of sale and of said writ. ivow, thorolore, by vfrtuo and in pur suance of said judgment and for want of sufficient personal property I did on the inn oay oi icnrunry, ikih, levy on the hereinafter describod real iirimnrtv. I nili on Monday, the 21st day of March! at UK) soutli door ol the Court House, in Hillsboro, Washington county. Oremin.ui. the hour of 10 o'clock a m.. of said ilnv sell at public auction to tho highest biil- uer lorcasn, me lonowing described red property, to-wit: I'eiiiL' fractional lot four (4) in block four (4) Tying and being south of the B I' It It tract in Niinmons addition lo the town of Hillsboro, all sit. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution lw..n ,i dcr of Sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State oi Oregon, for Washington County, I" favor of Clark h. Parkerand a- Kiunni-d. v , reierson, u. M. Peterson, B. i-. U.UIOI, n. rragcr aim L. M. Prager I'm, vii., n un iiatr iir H iim mi tun ...... 2L?i?;25rc'i?ls'li':(noI't'hefi'rt''er '" of (MI.15 U. S. gold coin, with interest therc- ui uicraieoi to per cent per annum from thn ffln dav of Kovnmlu.; iu7 i for the cost and expenses of sale and of nam mil;. Now, therefore, by virtue and in pursu ance ot said judgment decree and order of Vt V"1' " "'ay thn 7th day o. raan.ii, ihms, at the south door of the Court Hotiso, in Hillsboro, Washing ton Coillll.V. Ofnrri.t. , ,1... I. - a 7.. , u J)ur ot 1(( o clock A. M., olsaid day, soil at nublic i ii ""'"KiiwH. uiuuer lor chhIi, Inn till lrtiiriiii .I.... :l 1 . . , ' ,.Vi . ViVr ,,T '"""" '"en reai property, to- !. i no u vtil nil I f.l l.h rv,-ll.ih..i.iUt ooiiiiei 01 neouon 'I'ownship 3, North iiauge i west ol the W nm.ii.ln Morl,li.. containing 0 acres, to satisfy the herein- ...'.wiw iiuiiiiiii SUIIIH. aild lOl' CUP Cnsla am expenses of said sale. Said iirooertv will l, a..lil .nhii i deniption as per statute of Oregon. itness my hand this Srd day of Febr- SF' lrm- , W- D" Bl'ADFOBD. Sherill ol Washingtoii County, Oregon. ir m 1 1 "V C. I'!. Doichinan, Deputy. H. T. liAiu.Ky, Attorney for PlaintilC, Send for free sample and judge thereby. Uiloro Argus And n 11 Ciincnnati liiifliiircH No Clinii;,;! rOKTLANIi mill of UIAKHK CITY SI'OKANK Shnrtrxt l.vie lo SI'OKANK Coiinecling with ALL RAIL liOUTK to . . Trail, Itorislaiul, Miuciih NelHdll, llllll ill K(i,.Hy Mining Jiiuiin. . , LOW WATliS .iiiiI TIIKOLKill TICKETS B'fir I'liiiii.lilclH mid Detailed Informat ion, write :i W II HirRI,..l'RT, Oen'l I'uss Agent 1', Oregon. Oi'.f. I. Knlgbl, Hillsboro, Ore. SHERIFF'S SALE IY VlimiK OF AN KXICCUTION, i-.i J'l;!!rec.'"l Order of Sale, issued out ot the t liciut Court of the Nliii ,.f n or n ash ngion(!ouiitv, in a suit where i l eter Nelson was plaintiff, and iSliza. bell 1. 1. (;okl C. Conklin, I'annah A. I eenrnii, Johnston Freeman and Kliz ahiitli fi recnuiii, his wile, Mary (Iraliain. Imr les Mc. (Iraham, her husband, Han V It I t'"",'"" "a KxeR'trlx the last Will and iesbiinentof Jonn II. Freeman (leceased the A,liace Trust Company; . ,' iV U om'.IKn Pomtion, Isaac Al i en, u. W. I'lil teisoii, K. C. Brown nml George Schulmerich,' were SStf 1 - Th Ohrnnlcle Btlllilinir. THEDAILY Br Mall, I'naiaen raid, 0Dly$6J Oil fear. The Weekly Ctirom'cle The Greatest Weekly io the Couilry, $1.50 a Year (luuludlng pomiiKo) to any part of Hie United status. Canada anil Mexico. TDK WKKKt.V UllllONIOLB, tlio brlghtmt and moat comiilutii Wenkly Nowapapor In th world, prima remilnrly 84 ooliinoia, or twalvs pagea.of Nowa, Mterutnra and Oenoral Informa tion; alio a luiiKnilliwiH Agricultural hupurniieut. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. l'er YcnrW-iiWV AdvaciiQ. Ti e Enquirer i,s n Dcnliiinn, 8 litKfi in per, issued wind Thursday. Largest in size, chenpost in prico, most reliable in news, nil hirjre type, plain print, good whito paper. If mir ivaders wtintanothcr livo poppr the fiiquirt!r is that paper. Call or Hend orders to The Argus Publishing Co Fine Wnteli Ki-paii-iMtr a Npcclalty, E. S. BOOTH . . DEAI.KK IN . , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Hicycles, Sevini Machines, Musical Instruments. MAIN" STREET, (I'l'I'OHITE hank, Hillshoro, Oregon. ROBERT WAGNER Has moved bis boot and shoo repair shoo into the building one door west of thn I Imrmaey, on Main street, where ho will bo pleased to do good work at Lowest I'osHilile Prices. JIILLNIiORO, OUR HON Land Titles and hand Olllce I nsiiicN a .Specially. Robert A. Miller ATTOItNRY-AT-lAW AdiniUed to practice in all the Courts of the state, the .Supreme Court of f,b United Htalesiinil the I -mill Departmental Wash ington. OUEdON CITY - OltUWON 4 hk Mm Transact a Omieral Banking Business - . '- A. C. SIIUTIC Mitnnger Insider Noll sight Kxclmngo nnd Telein-nnhli, r.iV ?!, " r ' K"'""w' " iniion, Collcclloiisnuuloonallneeessfbl,, point,, liking hours fVoni flam to ,'lp ,. Ilillsl.oro, Oregon. do you want the CHRONICLE Reversible Map? ISHOWINO - The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexioo NOTICE. . t ily wiumiits opto Nov. 7, IHIII, and MKdiisive ot tiumhnr IO endorsed Nov.7,l, are now piiyable allhn ollic,. ,... vivtwu or, ni-oen-s iirug store, 1 1 il H. horo, regon, and inlerest Iwill cease on siinin allor this (Into. Dated Jan, SO, I Hi 18. F. G. Mitcii ni,i,, City Treasurer GO EAST VIA America's Scenic Line TIIK ON ONS And tli a Map of the World ON THUS OTHKH 811 IK. Bend 92 and Got tho Nap and Weekly Chronicle for One Year, postage prepaid on Map and l'apiir. M. H. de YOUNG, Proprietor a F, Ohronlcla, Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given thai, the nilderfturii. ed has iKwiiappointcladministi'atoi' of the estate of N. K. Smith, deceased, bv t he Hon. County ('..un, oflhe sini... .V for Washington County All persons Imv ing chiinisagaiiiNl, said estate are hereby request;;! to preK.-nt the same to me at tb'e olliceof W. 1). Hare, Hillsboro, Oregon witliiu six inontbs IVoui the dale hereof ' Dated this (ith day of January, IH'W . , . - , , CilAlifdCS A, 'SMITH Administrator ot the oslale.of'N. I Nmifli Administrator's Noti iiiiu 'nilSUllitAUYCAIlUoUTIO MealH in Diillg Clir a ,ft Cftrte Rock Ballast. No Dust. Mortet and Quietest Ii Jo St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago .Awl all Pi,,h ,' jrn. Nolico is hereby given that the under- signed him been duly amioiiilod ,.,!. ininisl.i'Hlor ot the estate of .ln.iu n,.n.. son d.w,s,.,, by tl, cullf,v Court of the". ,, ,.,. ....., i.,r viisnington (Joiintv. All persons having i-l.-. i imh against said e's line are re.pieste, to present- Hie muiio to iiio at, the olliceof W. I). Hare at Hillsboro Count-vaml Slate aforesaid, within six . . . . . . . i,in. mile nere.oi. jiu-eo in uiiisnor jr this l.'eb. Kit h; lSflfi, V. A. PATTHltKON, Adiniiiist,ra'torofthecst;ite"of Jane Pat terson, deceasod. Sleepers, Dining and Li. brary Observation Cars mm thaws -pA8TmjE Nmiee and Seenery linen,,,,,,,,. For tickets and full information 11 on or address , II. T. lwiev c- cleniiiston, 0. 1'. & t A furtland, Oregon. ' '