Subscribe for it and on- "A" Live County Paper. HILLSBORO, WASHFGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 181)8. THE ARGUS Entered at the Post-oftice at Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second claps mail matter. LUCIUS A. LOSG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argus Publishing Company. Subscription: One Dollar per Annum. Six Months, 60 cts; 1 hiee Months, 35 cts. Opposed to Gold Mono-metallism. Be lieves In the Bimetallic Standard. Thinks we Ought to Take Care of our own People Before Annexing Hawaii. Has no use fur Marcus A. Hanna. A FLIRTATIOUS EXECUTIVE. All the world, more or less, loves a female flirt, provided that she is reasonably good looking and viva ciousand then, it is, as well, more or less excusable in a woman. But s he flirt is not so fortunate; he is despised by his sex, and the sex, alike. Flirtatious males, alike in society, business or politics are not lovable creatures. An honest change of heart in politics is commendable, but man who politically seeks to befool and mislead his political as sociates on great questions is a sub ject of pity and opprobrium. Look at But chief executive! Throwing eyes lovingly atjthe silver republi cans the while he is sharing his po litical couch with the gold bugs in private! Is not this a prostitution and lewdness of political morality of which we, as Americans, are uni versaly proud? Most certainly this is a liason worthy of an attack from the gifted Oregonian's editor, who, with all his predjudices, recognizes political lewdness as involving moral turpi tude. ;)THE BOSSES AREJPALE. ii ia reporiea tua our . county re publican committeemen are having a hard time to' keep their voters in to lilies It is currently stated that this, trouble has arisen in the inde pendent younger element and it Beems, to be giying the "bosses" pienty oi WQrriinent. . 1 nis young element, it appears, has been wat ching the attitude of republicanism both in state and county and na-tional--affai,r8.a(id as a result has some ideas of its own. This, as a matter of Tact, is 'to tne Hillsboro bosses, a greviousr Shameful, crime. That ftnytme should have an idea, self-evolved, is treason in the eyes of theie two'foMsix-bits politicians. We are proud to see citizenship ev idencing that independence which should crown every voter of our county and country. WHO SHALL ISSUE MONEY? Lroldite writers are very fond of their quips about "law creating val ues" etc. These gentlemen would not be so unbearable were they not so confoundedly impudent in as suming to own all the gray matter this side of Infinity. They ridicule the idea that law can create demand and that demand, a value, and yet at the same time, they ask for a law which will double the property of a class! What class, the farm ers? Not by sev: rail The banker class, the broker class, the dollar selling class these are the boys these goldite writers plead for! They ask.that the man who has thousands iir bonds; drawing inter est, shall be allowed to still use his money by issuing notes on the face of bonds therein doubling his work ing capital! Two streams of inter est coming from the same dollar! These men are to control the mon ey of the nation, that medium which must enter every husbandman's home by his disposal of product or labor! This is aristocracy for you! : ejvktj man wno wants to take a fall out of government by these fel lows should fall in line and vote for bimetallism. The power of con traction upon contraction of the life blood of commerce should not rest in the hands of a tew. Let the gov ernment issue its own paper money if paper money must be issued by anyone. This is the strongest ar gument for bimetallism this ad mission that we must have paper money wherewith to do business. THE PROPHECY FULFILLED. Lewis B. Cox told the" sum of the i nation! future under a rule like that of the present administration, whan, several months ago, he made an address to a body of his fellow lawyers in Portland. - Cox found it very hard to break away from his old legal associates of the Portland bar, and, rather than do this he left the democratic party to go to neu tral ground. Before leaving, how ever, Mr. Cox stated that he was not sure, even if the evils of the Chicago platform were as great as the Cleveland-Carlisle democrats avowed, that it was wise to allow a move to succeed which would grad ually undermine the very liberties of the people. Mr. Cox has since had ample time to ascertain that he was right. The interests of hus bandry are as naught compared j with the present regime. The cor porations and trusts receive every consideration at the hands of the government. In fact they own the government. The banks want spe cific legislation for self interests; the manufacturers have received bounties and in gratitude have cut down the wages of those they ad vised to vote for "protection!" Spec ial privileges to the bone and shew? Yes, lower wages to ec stern labor ers; lower prices for cotton; lower prices for wheat than one year back, although now is a shortage greater than for twenty years; and the ar istocracy of wealth gains the bene fit, while the democratic element loses the aristocratic gain! It is really too bad that a man like Mr. Cox, so positively right on many things, should be so far at sea on the one vital question concerning national law. TELL TRUTH, SHAME THE DEVIL The "holier-than-thou" Indepen dent continues to bawl about the legislative "bold up." It thinks to make a great point by telling a half truth, which is very often worse than a falsehood. It says the pop ulists held up the last legislature but it does hot say that the repub licans, also, held it up. The tner its of the hold up are not up for discussion, but the truth is here; 1. The republicans could have organized and did not because of a tight between factional forces Therefore, the republicans are to be blamed for not organizing. 2. The populists, had they gone into the bouse, could have forced an organization. Therefore they are to blame also, for not organ izine. 3. The "Mitchell republicans" stood in this position: Under duress, after county republican legislative candidates had been nominated, Mitchell- forced his endorsement, threatening defeat unless candidates lined up for him. This action -this threat ening to line up other forces caused the Simonites to fight or ganizatiou. 4. Partisanly the republicans are to blame for the hold up be cause there would have been none had they all gone in for organiz ation. They are to come in for first blame because thev were the majority party. The Independent should not think its constituency fools. They certainly have intelligence enough to see that the whole thing was case of "sound money," brought about, and paid for, doubtless, by the very forces which saved Oregon for national honor and national banks. Let the truth be told and the devil shamed. NEEDLESS WORRY. The dear republican brothers are worrying considerably about the silver people. "They are happy now, but wait until they divide the offices," they say of the anti-gold standardise. The republican press need not worry about the offices. Schisms will not keep the silver ites apart and they should not be unceremoniously judged. With our dear brothers of the opposLe it is surprising how their minds run by the ideas of"ma jcrities and into "the offices." '-The offices" there you are are what have brought about many troubles to the republicans of Oregon, full oft bringing grief to the Simonites, the Corbettites, the Mitchellites and the Ellisif s! This is, in Oregon, the chiefest plank in the past office and republicans have voted "free silver and anar chy" and straddles or any old thing just for office. When Joe hadn't his feet on the platform he bolted Mitchell, likewise. For fear that some of our zealous friends of the opposition shall suf fer internal deratgement they are apprised of the fact that the bimet allists are going to get together on one platform and ticket and the r. publican bouses had better com- mence starting a few sideBhow tick ete their only chance. They must divide us up some way and perhaps Attention, Farmers ? If you contemplate buying farm ma chinery of any kind call on Schulmerich & Son Who will give you what you want, where you want it, and the best im plements and machinery in the world. If it is Dry Goods You want or anything to be found in a General Merchandise Establishment, come and see them. They will please you and save you money. they can get Coxey out here. WHATJ.AIL8 OREGON. Oregon 1b all right with one excep tion and that exception brings the state into disrepute both at home and abroad. Oregon produces ai does no other state in the union. Its people are as bright as those of its sister states, if not brighter. The Gods have been good to nature and nature good to man while man alone is that which gives both the gods and nature "black" eyes. This is the exception that makes capi tal steer from Oregon and go to Washington where people look not one at the other as if to read the number of ducats in the inside pocket b'ok. and whether they are notes "payable in gold", only. Ore gon has built a great city. The state has built this mart in spite of the petty dictators who live there and seek to dominate Oregon. Port land lives and has its being from the profit made of Oregon's toilers. It is the necessary parasite. If this were all, well enough. But Port land's press, stinking with its own importance, from the biggest daily down to the lousiest blackmailing sheet, assuming an intelligence which is warped into authority, presumes to dictate the policy of the state at its governing fount; brazenly advocate national policies which are known to favor wealth , . i . , Wlth h Dai r rll virlulifla vol chama. -6B J" lessly denies that anyone must pay such dividends desiring people to believe they come like a tumor, or are of spontaneous growth like a mushroom. Portland and her press have always controlled our senators and representatives in congress. As soon as one expresses himself in fa- vor cf a policy which commercially would help the farming elements, Portland sits upon him. He must favor banking interests only! Port 1 1 : il. -l . r i muu it, me omy city in uregon L!.l. - Af 1 it 1 aa 1 wnicncan anora sound money" uanqueis, conspire against the tar- j mrre, in u running poncy ana men nave tne gall to ask the victims to vote the (mono) ticket in favor of money sharks. Portland wheat buyers skin the farmer and when he kicks they tell him he is getting ''sound money-' for his product and that he should be thankful that Portland men wero kind enough,, to buy his d d product of sweat! Portland should be politically emasculated. It is too greedy ; too smart; like "Joe Benson's ox," it knows too much and thinke the people, its rightful driver, know too little. Portland has an idea that she exists only that Oregon might live, when the fact is, Portland on ly exists because Oregon is and has been These are facts shown by every day occurrences notemany Portland attorneys when they come to interior courts, how wise they look and how patronizingly they smile at country counsel! But when they go home with their tail feath ers pulled and no decree for their client, instead of gaining sense from the lesson, they give the judge the devil and apply for an appoint ment to a Multnomah judgeship. So is it with Portland editors. They know it all. They get their cue from Portland bankers who fight "fiat money" one minute and then beg the government, the next, to allow them to issue rag money by the ton! these Smart editors who don't know the difference between an Idaho mule and a Jersey cow are telling country people that they must vote a ticket to give bankers greater returns so country people may better prosper. Iu other words they are invited to skin themselves as an experiment and are assured that the kin will grow twice as thick as it originally was. Oregon is all right only its ail ment is Portland. The sore needs an application of ioilifnnn and a bandage. When Oregon proper takes hold of its state government; takes its heritage by the head in stead of by the tail; when its farm ers, who rend and ponder more than the strictly commercial cusses opine, control the state, then push and improvement will he the order of the day. There is a differenc.-, however, between husbandry rule and that rule which Portland edi tors would have you believe as such. Portland is the only place in the state which can produce candidates for U. 8. senators. It can't control both the congressional districts, but it will as soon as it can grow to greater Portland and annex Oregon City. Oregon is all right, only it has a very bad attack of Portland. 1 This is Brother Gault's lucid ar gument: "Sound money, sound money, sound money and honest dollars. Sound money will suffer unless it is saved bv the votes of those who believe in unsound mon ey." In about as many words as in the a! ove, the Independent gives its whole knowledge of thn money question. It being miposfible for i v .v. iijiim .it a ru niiiv line llicxil- , ill irk iblnlr in m til.n!nt.l ir..U.I.ATn , 1 Qlw. . .,". II fGIIUCIll! UUIlt IAJ buy a steel beak and scralchers and start out with the hens on a barnyard tour Fin etalism and government issue of all paper money will be the main issue in the 1898 eastern elections. The republicans have r i 1 1 i .i . . . mrcea in s ov ineir action in rtnn- ; gre8sl. The ministration has de- fented all hope of international bi metallisin; it seeks to fasten the Portugal money system on us; it ' 8eek8 t() a)iow th bunkers control ol our money and every move, di recti v or indirectly; tends to prove the desire of Mr. McKinlev and his masters to get the country on the gold-bank basis without delay. This must not he done and the treachery of the administration will be rebuked at the polls and by the very votes that elected Mc- Kinley. just way God allowed the world to surge in darkness for centuries and cen turies before he gave us Marcus A. Han na is one of his secrets. The Evening Telegram displays a flash light of intelligence at least once each year. It acknowledges that Bryanisra is as strong in the south and west as ever and that New York can't run away with the Bryan democrats. The New York "democrats" attempt ed to control the last national convention Did they do it? Not much! Will they control the next one? -femphatically 'no! The little "empire" state belies its name. The nation's democracy is for free coin age and will stay there. The eastern la bor troubles pre not making anti-democratic votes. If a woman go upon the highway and sing her virtue from the street corner all would question it, as a matter of course. Then what are you going to think of men and editors, and six-bit, simpering politicians who go about throwing "na tional honor" and "we have brains" bouquets at themselves and contempor anesr Avaunt, you little maggots of self love! , If the republicans will only get "Mar ty" L. Pipes to speak in every precinct in the county the people may expect suc cess at the polls next June. The repub- licau county chairman notified the state chairman that Hillsboro's two precincts would go 40 for McKinley and asked "Marty" to come out and swell the vote to 50. Marty came out and dressed the patriot , skinned the anarchists, ond the vote showed but two for the Apostle of gold monometallism. Marty can get the silver boys together. Mr. J. D. Le6, of .Wisconsin for several months a guest of County Treasurer Caly. 'eft Tuesday morn ing to take the overland to Los An- igeles where he will visit for two or I three ninths. NOTICE. Oitr warrants unto Nov. 7. 1SM;- Hint on I inclusive of numbur !ki endorsed Nov. 7,181)1, are now parable ut the ollli-e , of city tiYitsiii'i'r.Krock's lirugNtort', Hills- boro, Oregon, and Interest Iwill cruse on . Name a I lor this dute. I Diitml .Ian. ill. IS!. K. G. Mitciikix, I'ltv Troamirer Administrator's Notice. Notice ishorehy given that the undersign el has been amHiTuted administrator of the estate of N. K. Smith, ileoi'iistd, by the Hon. County Court of IheSlntoiif Ori'gon lor Washington (Anility All persiitiK buy ing chums against said'estute are lien-liy requested to present the sitmo to in at the othre of V. 1). Hare, 1 1 illxliorn, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated thistlth (lav of January, IMliH. CHAIU.KS A. 'SMITH Administrator of the estate of N. K. Sinitli Notice to the Public. Notice is herol'.y (riven that the undersign ed farmers anil residents at Mountalndnle and vicinity will prosecute to the full ox tout of the law, for such offenses prescrib ed, all persona who hunt, fish, or other wise trespass upon the farms of said un dersigned. Dated at Mouiituimlalo, Washington Co. Ore., this 'itlth day of September, 1H!7. H. Taylor Hill, C. K. Shorey, John Smith Geo. Harms, I. I. Northrup, J. 0. Crock er, M. M. Kowoll, M. VV. Huh.:, J. C. Laf ferty, 8. J. Ralterty, 0. B. Taylor, (leo. II. Armentrout, John lunch, A. C WlrU, W. A. Montgomery and W. N. Haynam. Laud Titles and Land Office . usiness a Specialty. , Robert A. Miller ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Admitted to practice in all the Courts of the state, the Supreme Court of the United States and the Land Department at Wash ington.. OREGON CITY - OHKGON IIKG PArli ran rant wltk th wpi,r m in united Stan. THK OHHONICI.K ha. ne minion In PmHOi II lendi HHn nbllltr, ttiUrpriM mid nw THK CIIBOJCICI.irs Ttl.gnmc Iteporu ui IbclntMl and miwl MlnbJn, lu lcJ Nawniht rallMi and tilclnt, and II Kdltorlali from b4 bleu pana in th countrr. J"" CHRONICLE hu alwari bmii. and alrn HI ba, ihi rriand and chamtlon of tlx M,.pi H agnliiit omulnatlon. cllquaa. oornorailiuia or op Pmaalontof anjr kind. It will ba uWaiwudaui la ruliia naiilfel la aatainc liialiili THE DAILY 0NlT$6.7OAYEM The Weekly Chronicie tiih Greatest' "Weekly in the Country. TIIK WKKlCLV OlTKOXrflMC, till) mwil brtl 'lanl and complfte Woekly NiHmj.iipt'r 'n tut v Tld. pHntl rpifttlnrlr 70 .rltini-s. nrMxlit .'iwwi ( Nawn, Literatim mid il-iiffi i-f"rniit!nni linn n niagiilflcaiit Agricultural irtim-ni. $1.50 For ONE YEAR liieliHtPir prifffufro) U. t',i part of th United Stfcien, CttiiiutA and Mexico, SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Do You Want Any or THK- ' GREAT PREMIUMS The Weekly Chronicle? READ THE LIST: ' ran Prica porting OutfU anil Weekly ka year ... 4 76 aewtng Mwjhtne mid Weekly one year . OT IW Wlniiie tor 14-cnllher llttte anil Weekly one year U M rurtnH Klfle, a2-ca!luer, and Weekly una yew 4 00 ftttol and Weekly one yer................... 8 Map of tbe United Htatea, Canada and Meilen, and Weekly one year 1 do Pocket A Mae end reklf all mimtlu..,... 8S Knife aad Weekly throe monthe... . 71 The above llatae Include the Ppnr aeeat of rentage oa tbe Paper. ADDKWW M. H. d YOU NO, rmprietnr S. F. I hron Ida, AM PKA.NCIHCO, 0A1 The Circulation of the CHRONICLB 'bi equal to that of ALL THK 0THE1 Ian Francisco Morotngr Pawn Com iwtai in m? ia?rr!5vaLi Tiic NewChroiiicle Building The Hillsboro Pharmacy The L3ading Drug i Irmrs. Paints. Oils. Sk.iik.-m. irun ' 1 " ' ' .it i.r .ii t ll ...,.v l, ..r.. nr.Ml lit l.rl.'es that i. THE DELTA Special Attention Oiven to (Juality and Accuracy in Dispensing. See Our Large Stock of Fine Perfumes Tho Largest Ever Shown in the City. Telephone from Store to Olllce. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. I. V. HKUHT. Pr Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest Market : Trice : Paid : fur : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hok Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN 8TRPET, WILEY & DENNIS, ZCITY LIVERY STAHLEZI . Cor. and and Washington Street It WH iHE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEARS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS Pn. 'UIUVIi'1,,1! A VlI. fall II MUOUIUU L J. NORTHRUP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . , KG)- M. P. DROWN 8TITPI0, ROOM 7 UNION bl.K, HIlXNnOKO 9 MUSIG AND fRT 0 Lessons in Piano, Organ and Harmony. PENCII. CHARCOAL CRAVOtf PASTKI, INDIA INK DRAWING oil painting TWO FOR ONE Send for free sample and judge thereby. II R ti Both Per Year $1.50 Cash in Advacne. The Enquirer iH tinee paper, issued a 9-column, 8 each Thursday. Largest in size, cheapest in price, most reliable in news, all large type, plain print, good white paper. If our readers wantanother live paper the Enquirer is that paper. Call or send orders to The Argus Publishing Co ROBERT WAGNER Han moved his boot and nhoo ropiilr shop into tho building one door went of the Pharmiujy, on Mnin street, where he will be pleanod to do good work at Lowest Possible Prices. illLLSBORO,. - OREGON SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of un execution, decree and or der of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, in favor of J. F. Hchock and against Anton 1'fiuiiier, Samuel Hughes and A. Hinniuii, Assignees of Anton I'fiiiiner and CIiuih Jesse for the sum of JI5.00 costs, and lor the further sum' of 043.50, U. 8. gold coin, with Interest thereon at the rate ol ten per cent per an num from the land day ofNoyembcr, PW and the further sum ol ?100.00, with inter est thereon at the rate ol eight pur cent per annum from the 22nd dny of November, mu, Attorneys- iees ana' lor the costs and expenses of said sale and of said writ. u'woinio, uy vuluu nun in pursu ance of said judgment, decree and ordorof xr..... ,i.n.r...a k.. ..!-. ii.. ... sale, I will, on Monday the 24th day of January, 181)8, ut the south door of the Court House, In Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said dny, Bell ut public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real property, to-wlt: ) Commencing at the center post of Sec tion 29, running thence west on half sec tion line 140 rods; thence north 80 rods; thence east 140 rods to section lino thence south 80 rods to place of beginning containing 70 acres all in section 2 T. 2 N K. 8 W. of Will. Mer. Also the following Commencing ut quarter section post be tween sections '&) and 80 running thence east on half section line 40 chains to center of section 29; thence south 40 chains to quarter section corner between sections 29 and 82) thence west on section line 10 chains to a point at south east corner of a tract of land sold by J. Hush and wife to" A. Knnls. thence north westerly to place of beginning containing 100 acres all or said land being in section a T. 2 N. It 8 W of Will Mer.. all situatn In Wa.i.i., ton County and State of Oregon: this de cree is for the sale of the 170 acres herein described to satisfy the hereinbefore nam ed sums, and for the costs and expenses of said sale. Said property will be sold subject to re demption as per statue of Oregon. Witness mv hand thin 22ml ,1..,. p r, cember, 1897. v ' v , .... W. D. BRADFORD. ..-j Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon IjAnui.ey & 8oa, Attorreys .f-jrPttitntiff. wire Union Block Mitln St. Dr. K. A. Bailey Proprietor. House lit MlllI "IniplV illxiniK-e DRUG' STORE First duality in Every Aspect A I'till Supply of ToiU t Articles, Perfum ery, Patent Meilicims, School Hooks, Ktc. HlLIilliOKO, OKKCON. THE (JRKAT GOLD s SILVER COUNTRIES OK URITLSII COLUMBIA AND EASTERN ORKUOM ARE ALL REACHED O R & 1ST No Change of Curs lietweeu PORTLAND ami BAKKBt ,TV SPOKANK Shorten Lme tmSPOKANK Connectingwith all hail noun: to . . Trail, Rowland, Marcus Ni'lfon, and all Kootenay Mining Camps.. . LOW RATES and THROUGH TICKETS For ramplilets and Detailed Information, write to W )I 1IURLBURT, Oeu'l Paw Agent Portland, Oregon. Or J. I. Knlirht, Hlllabori). Ore. Flue Watch Repairing Specialty. E. S. BOOTH . . DKALBR IN . , Watches, Clocks, . Jewelry, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Musical Instruments. MAIN 8TUEET, OI'POSITK BANK, ilillsl ro, Oregon. Transact a General Ranking DuslnesN J. W. H IT7TK A. C. 81IUTE . . . . MuiiH(rcr Cashier 'in!LHlffht x;'ne d Tolot-raphlo Ira mfoiM and Insiuw Letters of Credit rfH" the United Htats ' Oitt'v I Ills ot Kxehiuigo on Imdon Idveriiool, Dublin, Paris, Wti, 1 Krunk: fort-onrtho- ain.Htoekholin and all Brlii" elpal cities of Kuropo. ' ' Collections made on al! accesslblo polnU. Hanking hours from 9 a m to 8 p m. liillslioro, Oregon, GO EAST VIA America's Scenic Line THE Ej n ii li'Y THE MURARY CAR ROUTR Meals in jijMg Car a 1 Carte liock Rallast. No Dust. I Line To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago And all Pointi East. . Sleepers, Dimnifln ' T.: brary Observation Car Quickes Ihroup n a DAILY TRAINS FAST TIME Service and Scenery Cneqnaled. cnii on or address, H. T. Bagley ' a' c- Denniston, C. p. & t a .rortl1)nd, Oregon Ik