The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 21, 1897, Image 3

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    joy Reading all of tho
Local and County News..
Is That of the Famous Robert
Imhric Farm.
Assignees of the Planner Estate Make
a Report to the Circuit Court.
Ono of tlic finest hop yards in the
state in the forty-two acre field of
vinos on tho estate of He hurt Im
brie, deceased. During tho preval
ent low prices for 1ioih the yard
' wiih not a paying institution, and
shortly after Mr. ImbriuV death, J.
S. Imbrie, tho executor, had a hard
time to rent the promises. At last,
however, ho leased tho yard and
conveniences to John Kalzgeber, a
German, for three years, at $1000
per annum.
Tho hop house is huilt with all
modern iniprovenientH, is forty
eilit by seventy two, and has four
twenty-four feet kilnH. Besides the
reguhir storage room in tho house,
nn iiuiprtwarchntisc has Ih'OU 'milt
n Hinall dlVianco tlierefruni.
Mr. Sid.geber haH just finished
drying the year's emp, and it nets
him (i,'l,t)(K)' pound's which, if he
pets fifteen cents, will iv? him a
clear dividend, above rental, of
M.OUO. If he uets hut ten cents he
ill make $'.-'000 above nil expens
j. This is the biggest yard on the
vest side if not the biggest in the
Make a Report of Assets
and Liabilities of Pfanner Estate,
Tim assignees of the Anton Pfanner
estate, insolvent, have filed their
reports with the County Clerk. It
iK full of interest an there are many
T claimants naiiiHt tho eMail). By
the tune all collections have been
untile and dividends declared, con
siilering loss of interest on money
for tlie lime pending settlement, if
u sixty per cent settlement is effect
eil, those having an interert in the
assets may he well satisfied. 'lore
in their statement:
Real estate 830000
Discounts, notes and loans.... 15S74 80
Discounts, notes and loans tle-
posited with U. S. Nat Bank as
collnteril security I9.158 00
Overdrafts 41
Personal property 728 00
Cih mi Imnd I7.6q
V Collections with U. S. N. B. . . . 354 00
italin Sealioard Nat Hank N Y 4006a
Hal in Nevada Hank San Fran
cisco Vrj. 16886
Ilnl inf Nit McMinnville 65 22
Bui Shute & I-'oote Hillhoro. . . . 153 19
Total inventory 4390 79
Questionable collateral & notes 8373 15
Total assets - 4001764
Time certificates of deposit .... 2040 50
Demand " " " .... 34 7
Deposits subject to check 20613 27
Outstanding drafts 324010
Claims presented at time of
making inventory., 1 2345 n
Total liabilities 41424 85
Thomas Uaycraft. of Gales
Creek, has taken out first papers of
Do not forget that Prof, and Mrs.
Hoist organize the dancing acad
emy at the Opera House on Friday
I day evening.
' William Wilson, of Glencoe, was
. in town Monday. There will be a
public sale on his farin near Green
ville on November 22ud.
Hon. C. P. Yates, erstwhile edi
tor of the Sheridan bun, and States
man, and a farmer of Manning, this
county, was in the city Sunday ev
There are plows and plows. The
finest on sale in the city are the
celebrated Oliver plows and they
are found at the Hillsboro Co-operative
Company's Store.'
Charles Handley, son of Hon, T.
B. Handley, of Tillamook, and who
was rosed to manhood in this city,
spent the latter part of the week in
Hillsboro, visiting friends.
V. W. Boscow has taken an
agency for the Troy laundry of
Portland, and those wishing shirts
Inundried will leave same at
Wehrung's store before Tuesday
noon of each week.
H. P. Ford and familv have mov
ed to Portland, where Miss Estrella
is to attend the High School and
Master Corey is attending the Bish
op Scott Academy. They are at
, Jimno to their friends 4G8 Colum
ia street.
Many of Washington county's
old pioneers will be pained to learn
that Mrs. Beagle, mother of Mr.
William Beagle, who married Miss
Mauzey, and who at one time lived
in this county on a donation land
claim, died at Pendleton, aged at
86 years.
They tell a good story on County 1
Judge Cornelius. Ho has been
"crying" a large number of public
sales this full, and the other day
he came in from one of these and,
on entering the court house, was
confronted by a young couple who
desired to be married. Cornelius
was somewhat fatigued and absent
minded, after his bard work of the
previous few hour.-, but told them
ho would do the be t he could.
There was quite a crowd in the
court room, and the Judge, after
seeing the license, started in with,
'Well, now, gentlemen, how much
am I offered for this lino piece of
furniture?" Th ' bridegroom pros
pective nt this juncture entered a
protest and Cornelius immediately
commenced to live in his legal ca
pacity. We hnvo our fall line of dry
goods, boots, shoes and clothing,
ladies' and gents' mackintoshes and
in fact our fall line is complete and
have prices making you more inon
ey than going to Klondike Call
and price our lines before buying.
II. Wehrung & Sons.
The farmers of Gaston and Wap
nto Lake, have just finished tln'ir
harvest of flax seed. Nothing has
been done with the fibre, tho pro
duction being only for seed, which
is now sellini! at a dollar and ten
cents per bushel Much of the
land upon which this flax has been
raised is six feet tinder water dur
ing the winter months. Many far
iners in that vicinity, raise twenty
seven and twenty-eight bushels to
the acre, which beats raising wheat
There are those who aver that this
straw, raised on that particular
laud, has greater nutritive qualities
tlinii the straw of either wheat or
oats, and that it is good winter feed
lor slock.
The richest diggings in dry
goods, groceries, etc, are found at
11. K. Bryan & S m. Our fall stock
is now in. We have just what you
want. Call and see us.
It has been rumored on the
streets that tho friends of I). M. C
Gaull will support him for the
nomination of State Printer on the
g o. p. ticket next spring. He
ought to catch all the ' republican"
votes, as his paper advocated silver
in 181)0, was anti gold in 1895, and
at present is advocating 11 systi 111
of finance, of which, but a few
months ago, it contended would
"decrease from one-half to two
thirds the price of everything Ore
gon has to sell.'
For groceries Greer beats them
nil. Ho deals in groceries exclus
ively and can undersell those who
deal in other lines. A lino lino of
lamps just in. .
Jacob Whitmore was in tho citv
from Laurel Monday and says no
hop tales havo been made as yet in
bis vicinity, outside of those con
tracted. Laurel hopgrowers are
now engaged in hauling their pro
duct to this point. The uncon
traded will go close to forty thous
and pounds.
Hillsboro is going to be well snp
plio with bowling alleys this winter
if reports are true. It is said that
F. G. Mitchell will build another
alley in his building, where 1 1
ready thoro is one, and S. B. Hus
ton and A. C. Shute will put in one
in a 0111 wiiu5 next aoor to ine
To cure a cold in one day take
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25 c. For sale at the
Mason Work now Done and
(arpvntcrs arc Finishing.
Cells and Locks Furnished hy Dicbold
Safe and Lock Company Canton Ohio.
The walls and cornice of the new
jail have been completed, and the
wood work is well under way. As
soon as possible the roof will be
built, and, weather permitting, the
building will bo enclosed in a very
few days. There will be then some
cement work to effect and after
that the Cells furnished by the Die
bold Safe & Lock Company of Can
ton, Ohio, will be put in place. It
is intended that the structure will bf
finished by at least November 10th,
and if so, Moore, now in jail in
Multnomah county, and Wachline,
the alleged murderer of Ledrick,
win be brought to tins city at once.
I'he jail will be a very strong one,
and ono of the best on the west side.
Charles Hiatt, the sawmill man,
laid down the lumber for tho build
ing, it is said nt six dollars and fif
ty cents per thousand. .
Of Personal Properly at the
Farm of Mr3. II. O. Christianson,
She undersigned will sell nt public
auction, at her farm six miles
smith west of Hillsboro, Oregon, the
owing described personal prop
erty, on Saturday, October 30th, at
10:00 a. m.
Height graded Shorthorn milk
cows, fresh, or soon to be.
One Ilolstein cow.
Two three years old heifers.
Nine yearling calves.
One seven-eighths Jersey bull.
Five head of horses and one colt
one and one-half years old, wag
ons, hacks, carts, milk cans,
farm implements, harness, stump
machine, straw cutter, with horse
power, Potatoes in field, cider
press, binder, mowers, hay rake,
li arrows, plows, cultivators, one
DeLebel cream separator, and
household furniture.
Terms of sale: All sums of $10
and under, cash in hand; over $10
a credit of twelve months will be
given purchaser on approved note,
to draw interest at eight per cent
per annum.
B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Mrs. H. O. Christianson, Owner.
Hops Seem to be Very Slow
at 15 Cents.
General Tendency of the grain Market
now seems to be on the Down Grade.
On Saturday next, the chairman
of the board on removing drifts
from the Tualatin river will receive
bids for clearing the obstructions
between this place and Scholl's
bridge. In all probability there
will be two or three bidders. There
is but one steamer on the Tualatin,
and that is below Scholls, and
owned by a Mr. Smith. He will
probably bid on the work. The
county will pay $250 as soon as the
drifts and snags are removed. Sev
eral hundred dollars already have
been signed for this work. Inun
dation will be lessened by the gen
eral clearing up, and quite a body
of fir can be gotten to the sawmills
and the paper mill at Oregon City.
Notice to Parents: Mrs. M. P.
Brown has decided to organize a
Saturday afternoon class to accom
odate those attending school. It
is an opportunity to have your
children to learn to draw from na
for this class
While Conrad Schulmerich and
Aanahiar Maortrifi. nnm TliPHtlnv
ftft--j . .j
returning from a drive out in the situation is rupurieu wean,
country, the horse became frighten- Hops hang at fifteen cents for
ed at a group of people by the way- 1897 crop although very few
side and overturned the carriage, are reported. The 1896 crop is
throwing both occupants out. Mr. quoted at 6 and 7 cents. Portland
Schulmerich sustained a severe quotes 31 and 32 for choice gray
0f.iln ininrv WhIph avpr:il nainfnl oats, and 33 and 34 for choice
The wheat market seems to be
sliding along fairly easy, and 83
cents is this morning's Portland
price. Hillsboro buyers are pay
ing 76. Wednesday it fell a cent
but slid back to the 83 cent mark
at Portland, before the clos" of bus-
Special terms will be given jnesa. Heavy selling is reported at
the Oregon metropolis and buyers
are at sea aB to which way the
The County Judge's room was,
Wednesday evening, October 20th,
the scene of the marriage of Mr.
Willis A. Johnston, of Yamhill
county, and Miss Nettie E. Hill,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hill, of near Gaston. Judge Cor
nelius performed the nuptial cere
mony in the presence of the bride's
father and sister and Commissioners
Todd and Reasoner. The groom is
teaching near Gaston, and is said
to be a son of Mose Johnston, the
famous Yamhill politician. The
bride is a grand-daughter of Almor
an Hill, one of Oregon' earliest
pioneers. The bridal party was
registered at the Tualatin over
night, returning to Gaston this
There is prosperity and pros
perity. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston
Freeman are the proud parents of
a new baby girl. George W. Kel
ley, of beyond Glencfee, was about a
month ago, presented by his wife
with a ten pound boy. Mr. and
Mrs. Kelley have been married
market is inclined, although the I twenty-seven years and have child
ren grown up,
Mrs. Beckwith is prepared to do
all kinds of first class laundry
and guarantees satisfaction. Laun
dry on Jackson street.
W. T. Hurt, of Reedville, was the
bruises of the side. Miss Sehul- white. Stained sell at four or five first of the week, painfully hurt
while working in the Reedville
warehouse. Whilrt going trom one
Mrs. Rose Ann Buxton died
At The Grove Yesterday.
room to another, his head struck
against an iron projection fastened
to the door, and a painful scalp
wound was the result.
nierich was not at all hurt. Dr. cents below these quotations.
Wood attended the patient and he
seemr to be getting along nicely.
James Whythecombe seems to be
about the only stockman in the
iaii nt ir irrl fltit-tlra a n oil rr V rr .,., wiM J The Rebekahs will hold a Fai
i.i. o Kii.if in Lni. hav tJ in the Finney building November
h ST !? 5th and 6th. Exhibits of fruits,
yuinn t,.i i.. Ka ,v,Q Mrs. Rose Ann, wite of Henry isux- dried and canned, garden and farm
ternnsinc breeder always nas some- , , . , ' , , S ,- , , , ' , ,
iv,,-n i r,rMnt iim Pnnntv ton. of thls PIace died of a decline products and ladies' fancy work of
b 1 J of the nervous forces at her home all kinds will be displayed. See
acnes' ann gentlemen s macKin- nere this afternoon, at the age ot bo. notice later on.
ill karlr.,.lr at TT T. J 1 i A.I
Wehrn,1(r A Sons. Call and exam- ml 1 a Ri. Hl in uiJ Riley Cave says, that, taking in
- E ' I Ullli 111 lUVtti iviiu '-"-'
Sun Mon Tuea
31 4 5
10 11 j 12
17 18 19
24 2o 26
Wed Thu Frt fSnt
T if
6 7
13 14
20 21
27 28
15 16
22 I 23
29 SO
a in
p in
B ill
Daily Mat! Arrivals:
Forest Grove
Portland, Way and Eastern
Corvallis and W ay
Daily Mail Departures:
Portland 4 Eastern via 8 P
Port via Giencoe. Lenox A Bethany 7.0i
Corvallis t Way - X-.r-O
Portland at way - p in :'Jf
Forest Grove - - fi:W
Farmineton and Laurel leaves at V :'' a
m and arrives at 3:4a p ni on j uesuay,
Thursday and Saturday
No Sunday mails. Postofflce open from
7:uua m tos:uup m, extepi ounuays.
8. P. Time Table:
Lv. Ar.
?ortland a in 7:13 p m S:f-0
Corvallis a m 8:50 p m
Portland a m 8:S0 p m fi:00
McMinnville a m 6:00 p in 7:1"
consideration every particular, he
puuri tivu veil in. anu. lucii uamc iv , i . i . m. a i ni-.
textures. If .50 unward. Gentle- w.imtt mv ftreocm whpr """" ""c v,...
' - M ULU11IL.IVII WWW.VT, . J . . - - w . . . , A M J nlukl. n .
aha haa uinro rpoirtan nhfi tvflfl r. . . .
the best manufactured in the Unit-
ine before buying. Ladies double
textures, $1.50 u
men's, from 13 upward. , 8he has since resided. She was
William Lyda, the Gales Creek married to Mr Buxton in 1847, by ed g fof w fa. c
saw mill man, was in the city yes- Key. J. S. Griffin, Oregon s oldest '
terday and states that he will soon "ving pioneer. w . "ui-
Tput Mo, ber of the Methodist Church for lion. Harvey . 11 udsori, of das
i .haro ha pU n opnm nfl niorl Vv over forty veais. ton, is at present in the City Sur-
vr.' t ..a. L m.u.ii .ff0J . A husband and seven children veyer's office at Portland. Mr.
.'i.,";o lti,a tv, nriit ... and a sister. Mrs. Helen Porter, of Hudson was elected to the last Ore
main south several months. this place, a brother, Mr. Edward gon House of Representatives and
Wooley, of Sam's valley, survive was in last winter's famous holdup.
coat in" the large wii,lows of H. Zj&iMThJinx, .I. M. C. Gault returned Monday
Wehrune & Sons is a drawing card P tj,. rp,' An. Bvf f night from attendance to the Ore-
in itself, to say nothing of their d.s- Qale9 Cree'k Jame Austin and gon Press Association, at Baker
t net vestv eandexclus veoatterns t..u .....' v n . City. Next year the boys will meet
The streets of H llsboro will no L,irg Carrio H;rri8 of portlalld at Spokane, with the editors of
aouoineaoueu w ui inese rv. The funeral will be held Thurs- "
and i . garments this tall. da and the reraajns buried in the J. W. Sewell, of the North Plains,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Sewell, Buxton cemetery. Yesterday's left Tuesday evening for a short
who live near the Courtney Meek Oreconian. visit to Union county, where a sis-
Congressional Delegation Senator: G
W McBride; Representative 1st dist.,
T H Tongue, Hillsboro; 2nd dist, Wm
Ellis, Heppner.
Governor Wm P Lord. Secy State-1-
Harrison Kincaid. Treas. Philip Met-'
fcchan. Printer W H Leeds.
Supreme Court C E Wolverton, R S
Bean and F A Moore.
Filth Judicial District Judge, McBride,
T A: Dist. Atty., T I Cleetc.n.
Washington County Officers County &
Probate Judge, II V Cornelius; Com
missioners, 1 B Reasoner, T G Todd.
Clerk J A Imbrie. Sheriff W I .
Bradford. Recorder E LMcCormick.
Treas A B Cady. Assesaor-G H Wil
cox. Sch S'jpt Austin Craig. Sur
veyor L E Wilkes. Coroner I)r C
L Large.
District Land Officers, Oregon City R.
A Miller, Register and Wm Galloway,
City Officers: Mayor, W. N. Barrett; Re- .
corder, Bentovi Bowman: Treas., F. ti. '
Mitchell; Marshal. A. W. Lane. Coun
cil: Thos. Tucker, J. M. Greear, V. H.
Wehrune, J. H. Stanley, R. Waggener,
and R. H. Greer.
Rev. O. D. Taylor, formerly a
minister of The Dalles, has recently
been convicted of obtaining money
under false pretenses at Saginaw,
Michigan. This has a local signif
icence, for .the reason that Rev, C.
E. Cline, formerly of this place,
toured the East, it is said, witn Mr.
Taylor while disposing of North
Dal, property, which was the
cau8i of his downfall.
Charles Stewart, Sr , one of our
old pioneers, who had a narrow es
cape from passing into the beyond,
this summer, has so far recovered
thatheisablo to come up town.
Mr. Stewart says that he is feeling
very comfortable, and will stay
with us for some time yet.
Quite a number of farmers, of
this county, who last year and this,
shipped iruit East through the Ore
gon Fruit Union, are not very high
in their praises ot that institution,
claiming many who shipped
through it had to pay freight bills.
instead of getting returns.
Isaac Allen, who some time back
was seriously hurt by his horse
running away and throwing hm
out of his buggy, is now able to be
out and was up to town Monday.
At one time his attending physic
iai,, Dr. Linklater, dispairod of his
Mi ers Tonsorial Parlors an;
the best in the city. Neat place
neat work. Give him a call.
The new reserve tank at the
Hillsboro water tower, has been
walled up to a height of several
feet and now contains about five
feet of water, which will be a valu
able article in case of conflagra
A. O. lirown, ot Iowa Hill, was
in town Monday. He raised over
three hundred bushels of prunes
and, although he has two dryer
savs there is not enough in the
business to warrant drying.
The best two bushel Beamless
sacks for 20 cts at Schulmerich &
Dr. Conlee, who is stopping at
Mountaindals with William Mont
gomery, was in the city the first of
the week. The Doctor is still try
ing to do good to his fellow man.
John Dooley, one of Greenville's
progressive young men, waB in the
city Tuesday.
Get your school shoes at Schul-merich's.
Is Being Built Next Door
To Photograph Gallery on Second St,
Construction has been commenced
on a new bowling alley next door
to the photograph gallery on Sec
ond street, and its owners, Messrs.
S. B. Huston and A. C. Shute, in
tend that it shall be one of the
finest on the West side. It will
have double alleys, will be ninety
feet in length, with a twenty feet
out and a thirty feet projection.
Thirty raised seats will be put in for
nectalors and everything will be
finished in first class shape.
F. G, Mitchell is putting m an
other alley in his building, and
when both are completed, every
body can bowl to his heart's con
tent. Forest Grove is talking of
getting up a bowling team of eight
and giving Hillsboro a contest. It
seems that bowling is to be the
popular pastime this winter.
farm, celebrated their golden wed
ding, on its anniversary, one day
last week. Members of the family
and a number of friends were pres
ent. A delizhttul dinner was
Marriage licenses have been gran
ted to the following: Charles &
Prickett and Grace West, each aged
25; William M. Thurston, aged 30,
and Miss Nora E. Prickett, 22;
Rooms 1-2-3, Shute Building
ter resides. He will return after a
short trip to Klickitat county
The Imbrie hop yard has just
Calvin Jack Bowled a finished baling sixty thousand
Score of 81 Monday Nieht. pounds of hops, net. The product
is first class and will bring the
, . , T , , , highest market price.
fulvin Tapir Jr. ripnnrv l-ppnriipr. "
alt Wflflhiinrtmi mnntv D. S. Lusby. of Goldendale.
w.u..wU ... - . . fir . v; . ia e i
records at bowling, Monday night. asmngion, ieu vouay ior nome
But for losing a spare he might after a visit with the family of A.
",IUJ1B" L T -jr.!": ft' have smashed the world's biggest W. Saxton, superintendent at ine
urneet uranogeorge auu i.eue Au- gcore Tfae kgt t - -,ye county poor farm.
uul, civu ugu Unwla worn nnflnf.vh strilrPR. nnii T TJ.4 n.;... Uc T
i wi v wm". vv. . v - v. ivM i jj, uci uiiiucD Lias OUCU UUUIO
There will be regular preaching hiB gC0re was 81, only five below rc Grimes for divorce. Another
service at the Christian Church, the world's record of 86, held by a case of God joining togethei and T.
next Sunday morning aad evening. Portland man. The game bowled a. McBride rendering asunder
lhe topic tor morning is: ftecur was the regulation "cocked hat" probably.
uy 01 ine iinsiian. niiuuuuue- anci me performance was ine sud-
ment tor me evening wm De mane iec 0t much comment by tne"nign
trom me puipit. rollers."
The finest lines of dIows. farm
1 HKfct lun i kav, i a 1.C i
In Morgan Block,
. Hillsboro, OrofOA.
Deputy District Attorney for Washing
ton County,
Room 13, Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Ore
F. A. BAILEY, 21. D.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher
Office In HUlnboro Pharmaer. Resi
dence aoutn-weat corner Baseline and
Second. All calle promptly attended day
or night.
implements, stoves, hardware and
groceries in Washington county
have lust been received at tne
Hillsboro Co-operative store and
will be sold at the lowest possible
cash margins.
Perry Pointer, brother to Ex-
Treasurer William Pointer, and
now a resident of Amity, was in
the city last night, enroute to Astoria.
Office at Residence East of Court House.
At The Commissioner's Session
of Court Yesterday.
An infant child of Jasper Ritchie
of this city, died Thursday last.and
Monday of this week the little one
of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Gardner pass
ed away
Born, Monday, October 18. 1897,
Recieves a Responsible Appointment
At the Oregon State Asylum.
R. B. Goodin, one of the best known
men in Washington coTfnty, has
been appointed to a responsible po
sition in the Oregon State Asylum
for the Insane. His billet is that
of Assistant Steward and Assis
tant Book-keeper. He leaves next
Monday to assume the duties ot his
Mr. Goodin has long been a resi
dent of this county and for years
he was with Col. 1. R. Cornelius, in
the mercantile business' at .Cornel
ius. He served two terms as coun
ty clerk of this countv, and went
out of office with the esteem of all,
irrespective of party. His family
will remain in Hillsboro.
prospective bad roads.
E. E. Colestock gives you the
best shave in the citv. Hair cut
at popular price. Trv his baths.
Don't forget the place City shav
ing Parlors, Main street.
n W TWranofi. the Mountain- The Commissioners met yesterday
IhIa litmVmi marl UtaQ in ia Olfv HW d let contracts for building three
uuio luiuuw ... v..v, .vj ---- - n.K.J
vesterdav and sayB the lumber bus- bridges, i ne mas were as uhiuwb, ui .r. mm mi. iii.u vjuci,
iness will be quite dull trom now me buuucbbiui ..v .Co w ; ......B,
on, owing to the wet season and lowesi omaers uin.uwiUu.ii.8i..
tiriage near names aim: Hillsboro has been remarkably
M. M Meaae frflft from fireg the Dast vea, XhJ
T C Johnson ho remind8 U8 that the firemen should
Cedar Mill bridge and till : b d to an8wer any alarn)
M S ni U 'MH
t w finjin 9.S0 Rev. Shelley, of the Christian
T C Johnson . . . . . . . 228 Church, returned Monday from a
J. D. Merry man recently return- Wm Nelson 218 trip to jureKa, y asmngion, wnere
ed from a business trip to Spokane. Centerville bridge-: has een noiuing revivals
He says the advanced price of M S Dailey oW Clothing rare nuggets in every
wheat has done wonders tor the J W Goodin style: big hunks of pure gold in ev
upper country. T C Johnson 630 ery offer let us stake your claim
To enre a cold in one dav take .1 he tnree br.lclges wii .cosi f uwa. now. H. Wehrung & Sons.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. V vB . '1' Z1.Za
ah j ii. . ..::. ieu uv j. . j. nuiuiouu, hod uwpvv.
..... ok. i7 i". and warrant issued for !M5. lhe
iaiis w i.uro. ioo. rur suit) ore . , i,j n
1-..1.- nare nn wasreourinu euniyicmu an
J-iCHH. .. . j it.irm J-,..l :j
uui railing, anu fw uiucicu puu,
Peter Wagner, the rising young Uifl beins retained until contractor
attorney oi rorest urove, ana wno Dailey puts up the same,
contemplates trying Alaska in the
spring, was jn the city luesday 1 here are now over tnree nun
last, dred pupils enrolled in the Hills
A house to rent. Furnished or boro public school.
unfurnished. Charges reasonable. Mrs. A H. Hawkins, daughter
Bank Clearings,
The week ending last night was a
heavy one for the Shute & Foote
bank, the clearings footing up to
$39,268.72. Wheat and hops mov
ing was the cause of the large ad
vance, something like 5,000 bush
els of wheat having been sold
through the Reedville warehouse
This has been a good week, but iB
not near what it would have been
but for the weak price of wheat.
Miss Carrie Baldra, daughter of
Richard Baldra, now residing at
Anaconda, Montana, came in on
this morning s train for a several
weeks' visit with relatives and
Also a carpet loom for sale cheap. 0f j r Miller, of Cornelius, died
inquire at omce or j. r. hicks. , Nebraska, a tew days ago.
Kellis, the oldest son of Mr. and rjorr Waceener. son of Mine
Mrs. W. A. Williams, has been Wasreener. of the Hotel Tual-
quite ill at the family residence for atin has returned after an absence
of several months.
M rs. J. J. Morgan is reported to
some time with typhoid
John Dorland and wife, of Glen
coe, are the proud parents of a
baby girl, born Tuesday, Oct. 19.
Hon. T. H. Tongue and daughter
returned Monday from a visit to
the southern part of the state.
New stock of boots, shoes and
clothing, this week, at Schulmerich
William Thompson, of Cedar
Mills, has been admitted to citizen
ship. State Senator Patterson did busi
ness in Portland yesterday.
A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S.
Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Block.
Burareon Southern Pacific Railroad Oo.
Consultation in French or English. Offloe
and residence aouu oi Main near oa sv.
UUlsboro, ur.
Conveyancing- and flu mM work a
liinoaay imock, two anm norm w uie
-postofflce. Second at HliUfaoro, Of.
be so improved that she washable
to be removed from the hospital
the middle of the week.
Ed C. Luce, raised here in Hills
boro, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
B. Luce, is teaching school at
Mount Vernon, Grant County, Ore
gon. The Ladies' Aid Society of the
M. E. Church will give a Klondike
Social at the Grange Hall, Friday
evening, October 22nd. Admission
10 cents. Dinner from 6:30 to 9:30;
fifteen cents extra.
Fred McCleod.the Dilley section
man, is again quite ill with neures
thenia. The railroad surgeon,
this city, is attending him.
Miss Maggie Fouts, of Carrol ton
end F. M. Wright, of Forest Grove
were this week visiting with E
Sappington and family.
The Thompson Brothers, William
and Robert, of Cedar Mills, were
up Monday, doing business with
the county.
W. H. H. Myers, Forest Grove'
veteran politician, was in the city
Tuesday renewing "auld acquent,
R. H.Greer has the finest line
of Baking Powder in the ity. Gran
iteware prizes You may get one.
Everybody is laying in his or
her winter's wood, as the case may
be, before the fall rains set in.
M. S. Daly, the bridge contractor,
has been considerably under the
weather for several days.
Oregon wool suits at Schulmer
ich & Son. See them.
Washington county's new jail is
neanng completion.
See Schulmerich & Son's all wool
$10.00 overcoats.
Office with 8. B. Huston, Union Block
Notarial Work and ConveyLiicing.
Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro. Ore.
Prescriptions Carefully CompooDded and calls for
Drags Answered at any Hour of Night.
Proprietary Medicines!
Complete Line of Toilet Articles ami
Kiegani shock uruugisis umine.
Carstens Bros.,
uOiih I Dressed Luiakr
Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc.