A Live County Paper. HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Hi, 181)7. Subscribo for it and on- THE ARGUS Intend at the Post-office t Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second class mail matter. -LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. Issued every Thursday by . , , Tit Argus Publishing Company. Subscription: One Dollar per Annum. 8lxv Months, 60 cts; 1 hiee Months, 35 eta. 2a ftooosed to Gold Mono metallism. Be leves4 in the Bimetallic Standard tfitaks we Ought to Take Care of our wu People Before Annexing Hawaii, Has no use for Marcus A. Hanna HOLDING THEltt WHEAT. Nearly all the farmers of Wash ii'Kton county are holding their Crop of wheat for the dollar mark They may realize this price, but if it reaches that point it will more than likely be caused by speculat ive manipulation than by legiti- , mate demand caused by a foreign crop shortage. The poor people of Europe will eat corn and rye when it can be utilized at lesser cost and to raise the cost of all bread grains to the proportionate basis of dol lar wheat, th foreign shortage will have to be greater than the present outlook records. As for local bear ing, it is to be hoped if wheat does touch the dollar mark, it will do it without tedious delay. The mer chanls and business men of this section have been carrying farmers through one of the worst and most tenacious panics known in the history of the present generation and many jeopardized property in order to not push their debtors Let dollar wheat come quickly that ' debts, representing the losses incur red through paucity of foreign gra naries, may be liquidated and our business men again get on their feet. This will put new life in all the community. SILVER AND WHEAT COMBE." "B17N- The Oregonian still harps upon the parting of wheat and silver and is foolish enough to actually insist that people must condemn bimetal lism because ''wheat has risen and silver has fallenl" The whipper-in or juckoo papers ot the state of Ore gon for does it not corral them like so many sheep and they like it, too says the silver people claim ed "silver and wheat always go up and down together;" which, it says, is now disposed of by present condi uouB. : Bimetallitite did contend that wheat and silver, as stable commod ities, rose and fell together -and when affinity of uses existed, such was the case, that is to say, when law gave demand for silver as monetary metal, it held its own as a stable commodity a stable 'arti cle of merchandise. But, when the Sherman law was repealed, and on top of this, the Hannacrats, by cry ing "anarchy" to their opponents. and pleading with Eastern labor to vote against the Cleveland policy, which they had endured for four years, carried the nation for gold and the national banks, silver fell. Wheat rose well, what fool is there who does not know that its high price is caused by shortage abroad? The Oregonian itself, admits that legislation, by reason of creating demand, causes value, and that, to silver) For has not that meek and Jowly follower of Hanna "said that "the great slump came nfter the Closing of the Indian mints?" This has the great republican joss said within the past month. But the way must be paved for the gold standard brethren, and Mr. Scott lends his assistance to hold Oregon. Still, there is one satibfaction : such I argument as the great daily puts lip will not cause any revolution in the silver ranks, and its absurdity jnay cause good citizens, who have voted gold standardise, to investi gate the bimetallic cause and this Will bring them into the fold. tiESSON OF THE POSTAGE STAMP The government might just as Well own the telegraph and rail road systems as to conduct its pos tal system. Until Buch , corpora tions are the property of the gov-erntneiit-Mbe peop'e, their influ ence' on legislation will always be a menace to good law making and to pure public servants. There is frothing more paternalistic, in its pastiest sense, than the attitude of lawmaking power towards these large transportation companies. Their boodle is made part of a cam paign fund in nearly every election. They buy up statesmen by the horde. They pollute nearly every capitol building in the nation with their presence. They elect a presi dent or a United States senator with an identical degree of sang froid used in crushing a rival corpora tion. They rob and plunder the public and do it according to Hoy no, law after having bought the law. The government the whole pco pie could , own and operate the railways and keep their manage ment out of politics. When this is accomplished there will be a few high priced officials like Mr. Depew out of a position, but the thous ands of dollars annually saved our farmers would enable them to put the Depews et al on half pay re tired. WHAT MUST BE DONE. The same spirit and essence of hostility to American institutions exist, today, in the aristocratic minds of Great Britian, that have predominated every f ince America gained her independence. But her people often get great support from those of our own people who look to English aristocracy for their ideas on economic questions. Between those who have large incomes in both Countries there is a bond of sympathy which is antagonistic to the husbandry of all the world, no matter how much this may be de nied. These are the creditcr class es ana their common agency ot profit is the labor and production of the masses. They constantly la bor for higher measuring values in money units that their returns of money loaned may be augmented even above the repayment of prin cipal and interest. They have no use for democracy in its citizen sense. I hey stand always together and partisan prejudice wields them not, excepting in being partisan on ly in building higher the value of their units of money. It is to be noticed that the classes above mentioned fight to the bitter end, any movement tending to ameliorate the masses who are the first builders of society. They de spise a republic, and where one ex ists, use their dollars to corrupt legislatures and congresses. A stu dent of history can see what must necessarily result from such condi tions. Men who produce and labor must get closer together must stand together and not retrain di vided as they now are. No matter what may be the merits of plat forms, we last fall had an object lesson in the campaign, which should be a warning to any man of intelligence. Every great banking syndicate and every monopoly in the land and abroad supported the Hanna ticket, unblushingly, and with a demonstration of hate and malice towards what they deemed "the rabble" that should unmask their intendment. There is but one way to meet this great question with courage, determination, and true instincts of self preservation. Parties must no longer be the whip to keep hurtful agencies in power. CUPIDITY NO CREDIT. It is somewhat amusing, yet not surprising, that the acrobatic Han na organ should defend its past by making charges which it cannot sustain. It says The Argus said "so and so" and yet produces not a Hue to prove its assertion. It says The Argus did not use the idea of supply and demand until the last few weeks. This is, of course, in line with the "honesty" which causes a man to condemn gold standardism one year and defend it the next. The Argus never has preached anything else than the law of supply and demand as regu lating the price of silver bullion Law, certainly, does give value, in that la n "creates demand and" use. This has ever been the position of bnnetallists the position of the Chicago platform, and the position of the republicans of this state, the Independent included, when their party in 1890 advocated free coin ageand the position ot its (the Independent's) demi-god, John II. Mitchell. The Hanna organ (how readily it recognizes its name) objects to being forced to give book and page I Well it wight, for it can find naught in Argus files to show a vaccillating position. But, our worthy friend can not say as much of its past. That paper now sup- port a system of finance, of which it has said ("book and page," line for line) "is decreasing from one half to two thirds the price of ev erything Oregon has to sell." Does the Hanna organ deny this? In deed, not! But it thinks it has de nied, when it assumes The Argus has said "so and so", and, poor thing, hasn't even a line to quote from this paper to corroborate its statements. Such cupidity, will, no doubt, fool a few of the old lin ers, but not those w ho have read The Argus. How proud the re publicans of intelligence in the county muHt be of their organ I But the Independent should learn that cupidity is no credit to a newspa per. The facts exist, and falsely stating does not pull the organ out J of the slough of cuckoorm into which it drowned. lniB fallen yes and THE CUCKOO CKY. The cuckoo sheet of Hillsboro last week published the Pennsylva nia injunction issued against the miners. Why did it not publish that injunction granted to the De Armitt petitioners? But let us take the one in question. The world has seen the workings has seen that the sheriff's posse has shot down men for the mere act of marching in a public highway 1 It is not enough that our defenders of government by injunction must6ay the officers anticipated the strikers would go upon mini.ig properties. The court, nor sheriff, nor officers following its mandates, had no right whatever to anticipate or conjec ture what these miners were about to do: There is absolutely no de fense for the injunctions granted, nor for the principles involved. This is a free country and if our legislatures and congress are not sufficient to make laws if laws must be made only by those who Bhould be simply ii.terpreters, then is American citizenship sunk to a lowly level. Such subversion of guaranteed rights is the basest sort of despotism. It must end! WANT THE HIGHWAYS, TOO. It appears that monopolies are not content to hold a cinclm on the legislation of the country. Coal mine operators have hien given a bounty on their output, nr.d even with t hip. they are not satisfied. From their petition to the courts it would appear ns though they ask for, and stand a good show to get it, a warranty deed to all the highways in the coal districts. The sheriff in charge of the Penn sylvania deputies who shot the miners peacably marching along the highway,- tells two stories, one, that he did not order to fire, and the other, that he did give the or der. The eastern papers give both statements, but the Oregonian, fav oring government by injunction, tells but one side of the case. Thus are the press dispatches nipped in .ill. . me Dua to serve a partisan pur pose. , EDITORIAL. RAMBLING 8. "To be or not to be" is now burthen ing the mind of Hon. T. T. Geer. Mr. Geer respectfully intimates that he may tell the Oregon delegation to go to Klondike. And how our goldite friends still per sist that famine abroad is a valid argu ment against bimetallism. Mr. Hanna is requested to at once rush wheat up to the dollar murk and he'll be forgiven if he does carry Ohio, Mr. Geer, iepublican politician, has discovered that all Klondikes are not what they are represented, Ee only gets as far as the falls. Just why the coal miners should be condemned for striking for higher wag es in these piping times of prosperity, goes beyond reason. They have a right to kick lor what they were promised. Silver legislated against, has fallen. And yet, some of our intelligent republi can friends are worrying about ' intrinsic value." They do not seem to realize the difference in "intrinsic" worth of a man in or out of jail. Mr. McKinley, having observed wheat falling a notch since his departure from Washington hurries back to the capital to ring up a few more provinces of for eign famine that we may have some more of that Hanna prosperity. Notwithstanding the fact that the state organ has endeavored to read John H. Mitchell out of the republican party, that gentleman seems contented to stay out, so long as he has his wishes con sulted as to who shall have federal office in Oregon. The goldites of Oregon are kicking on principle. Mr. Geer and his friends had last fall frantically depicted the baleful consequences of a fifty cent dollar. . The Oregon delegation has recommended Mr, Geer for an office worth half the one tie coveted and looked for-hence a fifty cent dollar ha9 to Timothy a- double re pug uance, It is evident that the Associated Press has overlooked one important Oregon appointment. It is reliably reported that J. H.Mitchell has been appointed comptroller of offices for the state. As Mr. Scott has not yet resigned, there may be a clash of authority. Our republican contemporaries con tend that Mr. Corbett has hud nothing to do with the recent reappointments ot Murphy and Grady. This is on a paral lel of consistency with the brilliant idea advanced by country republican papers, that the St. Louis platform stands forbi. metallism. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. John Gault is out in the hop fields taking a vacation before mak ing for the winter term nt school. Miss Elsin Ordway will take a position at the case in the Indepen dent office, commencing Monday of next week. Sheriff Miller, of Clark county, Washington, and who is a son in law to Mrs. Sarah Brown, is in the city this morning to., call on his family, who nre visiting relatives. J. W. Sherwood, (lc!ii!y state Commander of the Miiccahei's and Supreme llt j.rcsontsit ive I'or Oregon will be in the city Fiulay evening and assist in pointing out the vir tues of Mecca be protection. K. D. mid W. Thome, ofthiscitv and E. Mi-Nelly, of the plains, are over on Wilson river on a fishing and 'hunting expedition mid that they will take away the laurels oi Fenniuiore Cooper upon their re turn, goes without saying. Probate. J. B. Wilkes, A.M.. Collins and William CoHins appointed apprais ers of the estate of A. M. Parkhurst deceased. Inventory of Orin Clark estate at $172. Administrator ordered to retain $28.20 as fees and costs and that he distribute $92 36 to Ida E. Wiltzer and $40.30 to Lydia Mor gan, urciereu that heirs tile a bono of $300 to pay any claims now un paid. Also administrator ordered to pay H. Hamilton $8 90. Semi-annual report of William Gunther approved. Appraisement of estate of Henry Schroeder ordered not approved. September 21th set for hearing. Appraisement of W. J. Into i s- tale at $900 approved. Real Estate Transactions. Lodennia McConkey to MCMcCreary 37 a sec 2 t t s . 2 w, f 370. Samuel Zwickitojohn K and J B Fri day s e sec 19 t 2 s r r w, J1400. T A and P U to West Tualatin Har.tist Church, quit claim lot 5 l-lk 30, For st Grove:. W T McCow to Sophia A MeCow, lots I and 40 Millard and Vanschuycr tract, $1. . ' Oglesby Voting to Clvas Schocnfeldt vr'i lot 35 Spencer's homestead, $250. J N Shearer and wife to YV X Shearer, 3.14 a sec 32 t 2 11 r 4 w, $20. W H Miller and wife to John Baughman s w 8 w ec 21 t 1 s r 2 w, $2000. Wm Reidt and wife to J P Tamiesie, lots I, 3 and 4, Rtidts sub-div Hbo, $2700. Dead Letter List. The following is the list of lettrrs re niaining in the HiUuboro post- office mi claimed: Mr D llcOiirsti All letters not calkul for bv Sept 25th. 1897, will be sent tithe deal letter of fice. One cent will ix; charged 0:1 c;'.rh letter called for. II. SCHULMKHICH, P. M. Notice of Desertion. Notico is liorol eliy ut von that my w ile. Elizabeth Wills, has this day left my bed and boiu'il without jtint cause or provoca tion, nnd after thix (Int.; I will not be res ponsible for liny debts contracted by her. The public is hereby w nrural :i)?iiiiiHt. (riv ing the said Klizabeth Wills credit of liny kind whatsoever on my ncnuunt.. M. (. Wtr.r,s. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregnn, this liitli day of Atijru.it, 1LV7. ROBKRT WAGNER Has moved bis bout nnd shoe repair sbp into tho l.uildhirr ono door cast of the Phamir.cy, on Mi. In n:rccl, where ho wi.i oe pleased to tlo good work at Lowest Possible Prices. HILL 8B0BO, - OREGON Notice To Bridge Builders. There will be let at the county conn's room In Hillsboro, Ore., on (Saturday, Sept. 18th, 18(17, at 3:1X1 p. in., contracts for the building of bridges, viz: A bridge known as the Raft'etv ItrinVe in Disti iel 45; bridge and (ill near the sawmill of J. C. Hare, in district 41) bridge and fill near the farm of O'Meara, in dmtrict 13. Contracts lot to tho lowest responsible bidder or bidders. Kiirht joct any or ull bids. Specifications may be seen on and after Sept. 17 at the ollice of county clerk. Dated at llillsboro, Sept. 17, 1S07. B. 1'. Cornelius, Co. Judgn. TWO FOR ONE Send for free sample and judge thereby. Both 1 K Cash in Per YearJPAwv; A.dv ancc The Enquirer is a 9-colunin, 8 pago pnper, issued each Thursday. Largest in size, cheapest, in price, most reliable in newi,all large type, plain print, good white paper. If our readers want another live paper the Enquirer is that paper. Cull or send orders to The Argus Publishing Co Hillsboro Arps And n NOTICE Td CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given tlmt muled prons als are wanted i'or the furnishing; of the t'otloH inir material to Ik' used in the inn sl ruction of a county jail lor Washington county, Oregon: Hriek; Fifty Thousand, or all m - ed - ett, .samples to accompany hid. Fine Sand: Six Hundred Hands or all required. Thirty Five ISushols Roche Harbor or Sun .Iiihii Lime, or amount needed. Corrugated Iron tor t'eilin-r. tin Iters and tintler Work, ltest Quality Re-dipped Tin for Hoof inir. Sash and Windows, etc. Lumber anil Timber for Koolhnr. Cemciil I'or Klooriuir and Foundation. I'ipes, I'liuu' iiiir and bailor. On All Labor KeccssHry. Kids May He Made Sentmitely Ou Labor And .Material. I'lans and spccilicutinns may bo seen at tho Clerk' ntUen in Hillsboro', on ami ni ter Wednesday, Sept. S, INH7, and spi'dll allium will Ih mailed Hflor said dale upon request. Hiils will lie tinmc.il and con tracts awarded on September IS, ISI17, at '2:00 p in., lit tho county eon it's mom in llillslit ro, tho Cnmniisslout'i-s' court hav ing the right to reject nnv or ail bids. I ated lllis Amtiist SI, IStli. I'. 1'. Cornelius, County Juili'i' Fubll.slied by order of tho foinmissn:) era' Court of Washington county. JJI i Notice for Publication. Lard Omen at Okkoon City. Oa.l Aim. anii issi; i" 'OTK'H is hereby I'ivi'ti tlmt the i n- luwins-miimid settler has tiled 1 . , 1 of his intention to make llnal prool in hui. port nl'hii claim, ami that said prool uol be inado I h: to ra the County Clerk of Washington ('niintv, at imi.sl'ioro Oregon, on I et. 5lh. IHOT.vl::: .toll 11 T. Suit i v. 11 II. i;. HUSO lor Ibe N W '4 of S W i t I Nee. N 1 p. 3 N It 3 W. lie milium tho I'ollowimr witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upun iiiid cultivation of said inn. I, viz: Daniel 11. Hoe, Arthur A. Hacon, John McK'enini ami Charles 8. Miller, all of l'tnmm, Oivdon. i-tf UoiiiiiiT A. Mn.i.KR, ltejjister Notice for Publication. Land Ofvick at Oiikoon City, Oil Aut;. ), IH'17.1 X OTK'K is hereby Kivcn Mint !liel'nlo, . 1 iiiK-naiiiud settler has lilutl imlieu his intention to make tinal proof in sup- Imrt nf his claim, and that suid pronf will ie iiilide before thr county elurk of Wash ington county nt llillslioro, Oregon, on Oct. 7th MI7, viz.; Adam Kiscar H. K. loan), tor tho N W of See. 21, Tp. 8 NK0 West. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said hind, viz: Max Hurptiolxer, Frank I!ui-liolzor, Wil liam Ko bit. and John Kuuseli, all of l!ux too, Oregon. 1-11 Uoiikrt A. Mii i.hr, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Omen at Oiikhon City, Oh.i August III, IH7.f NOTIC1C is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice id his intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his chum, and that said proof will he made before the County CI rk of Wash ington County at Hillsboro. Oregon, tin Sept, '), liW.viz: William Feldt, It. i:. No. KMl for the K $ of N R V N W ', of 8 H and N K of H W '4 of Sec. Ill Tp 3 N H -I west. He names the following wUiicwn to prove his continuous resilience njiun ;i:i.l cultivation of said lain!, viz: John Uansoh, Christ Kmisch, ,lohn ( irib ner iiiid Andrew Kostur, nil of fluxion, Oregon. 21-7 IIohkutA. Mim.ku. Ilugi-ter Notice for Publication, Lan:: Oi'xici: at Oiikoon City, Oit..( Au, list I), sv,. NOTICE in hereby given that the follow-Ing-naiucd wet tier has li led notice if his intent ion to make hinil prtinl'in suo port of his claim, and that r-aid proof will ho liuide be lore the County Clerk nf Wash ington county, at HiUsb'oro, 'Oregon, 8e.pt. &-, Ii7.' viz: George Boilavl I II. K. No, 1(110(1 for the of N U uf fcc M Tp.'l N Uf) W. Ho niinics the following witnesses to prove ins continuous residence upon unc cultivation ol said land, viz: Mux llni'j.bolzer, Prank llurgluilzor, Jolnr KoiiKch and Christ I ouseb till of lliixlon, Orccon. 21-7 IIodkrt A, Ml U.KK, Hegisler. s Notice For Publication. ( La ni Oi'rii i! AtOrkiiov CitvOuh i ! July 21, I.W.I o 1 1CJ.. is herehy given tlmt the follow Xl ing-nainiHi settler has liled notico of his intention to make Until proof in sup port of bis claim, anil that said proof will bo made hetore the County Clerk of Washington County at Hillsboro, Or., on Sept. 4, 1117. viz: ' Katli.iiiiel Francisco H. H. HrA for the N. K, W of Sec. 17, tp. 2 N. It. 0 West. 1 He names the following witnesses' to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Kli Smith, M. ,N. it. Hiivcock, Chris Hons, and H.. M. Collins, ull of Kir, Oregon. !-C Koiikiit A. Mii.i.kk. Hcgister. Notice for Publication. Lakh Omen at Oikiodn City, Oh.i July 2!), I W.i rVTOTICI . is hereby given Unit the follow- 11 ing-niimed settler lias liled notice ol Ins intention to make li mil proof in sup port of Ui claim, and that said proof will he made beore I he County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on Sept. 14, IX!)7, viz: Andreas Heree Jensen It. K. No. M!i for the N j of S 10 nnd N i of 8 W '4 of Sec 13 T 3 N 114 W. He names the following witnesses to prove InscontinuoiiH residence upon and cultivation of suid land, viz: Isaac H. White, of Oroenvilln, Oro, unil Hinrich l'oterson, Clans Christiansen nnd K. J. (Jrnbb, all of Buxton, Oregon. KoiutiiT A. M I i.i.eh. Register. Sheriff's Sale. I'y virtue of an execution, decree and Order of salo, issued out of tho Circuit Court ot' the State of Oregon, Washington County, in favor J. F. Dyslo and iigniiist Krnost I'.entseliol for tho sum of .$;Sl.l)l) costs, and for the further sum of jp 1 L0, U. S. goltl coin, with interest thereon at the rate of S oer cent tier annum from tin. 21st day of July, 18H7, and for the costs and expenses ot unto unil of sunt writ. Bow, tlieretore. by virtue and in niir. hiiiuich oi sum juiignieii, decree anil or- dor oi sale, i will, on Monday the 13th duy of September, 1M)7, at the south door of tlie Court House, in ; illsboro, Wash ington county, Oregon, nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. JVl., ol said (lav. se 1 at tmblle. auction to the highest bidder for cauli, the following described real property, to-wit: C01111nenc.ini' at tho south Wont, t.m'iii.i' of a tract, of land sold bv Arnold lM'slo to J. K. Hysle, which deed is recorded on page h,;2 in hook '." records of dootls for v'i Hshinglon County, tjienee Kast to the Hast line of suid tract, thence North to the center of the County Koud (I'orthuid Ulenco lioail), thenco Northwesterly along the center of said road to the West lino of Section III, T. 1 North H. 1 West WilUuriette Meridian, thonce south to the place of beginning containing ono acre ivou .mi. tmii more or less, an sitiiuto in Washington County Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore mimed sums, and for tho costs and expenses of said sale. Haiti rirounrtv will i.n uohl mihif.t.t f,. .. uciojjuon hh jier Niuuiio ol Oregon. v, it ncss my no nil tins 11th da i this lHliday of Aug- usl, 1H07. D. .. Vl'- T) ' HADKOTU), Mnenfl of Washington, Cniintv, Oregon, UAULHY fe lillOWN Attorneys for IJluintifl', The Hillsboro Pharmacy Tho LsadinR Drug: bMioro Pings, Medicines. I'nli limy ln procured lit pri THE DMLTA Special Attention Given to On.dity and Accuracy in Dispensing. a I Sec Til 'J I.' ': "" ,7, r -Telephone I'mui .More loOllIt rOHO CITY l. v. Mutton, Kept Constantly cn Zc-t. :,:.!.a : Vile : : 'r : I'st : Curie. : Hui : ar., : i:i;, Cash Paid for Poultrj. TIMCKT. iiJ!.i'.;::;n. OtlVA ox. IliK':- V A I N Y CITY LIVEBY KTA1U.E Cor. 2nd anJ W.tahbrioa Stistt I WH'iRE YOU WILL FIND 1 HE BEST TEAM'S IN HILLSEIOUO. v v c r; mm FIRST-CLASS. GOOD Cor. SiftWIn I fin J. NOKTIIUl'l1, Newly Furnished l- and Renovated. A fust-class table and nil accommodations for the convenience of guests. , . . Mjtice fjr Piihlication. La no Oi'i'ii K at Oni:i;oN I'u v, on. j .V.nru il'.itii. cm,. D'l li'K is hi'ivlivirneii i In. I the lollow- i.e niei! -irt tier has li le.l notice of l;ti inttMUon to make linnl proof in support of hi claim, and that said pvool' lll h.i made hehnt the County Clerk of Washing ton Co, tu lllb! oro O.i ;;oll on Sept. IdlC, viz: Dun line ", K. No. Hill lor the S E i of sue 12 Tp IIXIHu. lie niiints Ibe following witnesyes to prine his continuous residence upon and cnltiviition of :'aid land, viz : .1 t) Johnson, TO Monciuini. Micriiuiii Union and ti.Miit llticm all of llacoua, ur.'gou. :t-7 1'oiikiit A. Mi: 1. 1 it. !!i SHERIFF'S SALE GN AtTACIi- MENTE2CTJTICII. Ily Iri ne of an nltnchiuonl execution, is sued out of the Circuit Court ofthc hUnli. ..! t-Ci II, !'!' Wnsliiiij. ton C.i-hl'T, m ''I' ni-of I' . I.. Cttdy nnd :': lii.sl Kv.t A. oiiekiiu I'or ih i sum of ::7 a o :s, nod !' I'iiiC fit, tori' sum ot f.S'J I'. S, ;.ll:l Clin, 'i'!i i.;l.-.'i::t !li. 'icon a, fie rate.. I K per (it nor : !' i 1 1 in fruui Ihc ihd il.iy.nl' .In i.,'. h ill', nnd for the cost c:.J e;.; cnsis of s.ih. nnd )' said writ. i.nw, ii.crvi.it e. li', i"loi n'.i, tn intrsu- .it'.ce of : .ioi jii.lg:uenl.ind at In ernllof, I will, on ,li,n,l;,y tn m-hii enl t-.v- the 2illl I :lt ol iSeiilciiilier, 1M7, at tlie soiitii door til the ( ourt I louse, in II ills! oro, Washing ton County, Oregon, id the hour of 0 o'clock A. M., olstiid ilny, sell at public, auction to the hirht'st. 'bidder for cash, Ihc following tlnsci'ilicd real property, to wit: Commencing in T I and 2 S It's W 01 thcWil Mer., and lioutiiled nnd do. scribed us follows: Hi ginning at tho N YY cornel' of tho Donation band Claim of William l.uiulcss and Klizabct h C. (jinil css, said (sirncr being in Sec 'f 1 H I! 2 W; thence south l.i.17 cbs to the scclion linn bcl ween secllous 4 and ,'Wj thence south lllti,0 west i!(l.2l chains to Ihc line between sections 4 and 5, T 2 S It 2 W; I licni-e norlli l"i.47 chains to the norlh wcsl, boiiiidary of tlin uforivmid Donation band Chiini; thcncti norlh 40'., east .Kl.'.'l chains to the place of beginning, containing i',H acres, all situate In Wash ington County, Oregon, to satisfy tho herein before named sums, and for the costs nnd expense ofsuid sale, Said property will be sold mibjuct to re demption as per statue ot Oregon, Witness my hand this 2llh day ol Aug.. W. 1). UIUDFOIU). Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon 8, H. Huston, Attorney lor i'lahitill'. SHERIFF;SSALE ON FORECLOS URE. I'y virtue of an cxeculion, Decree and Or der of Sale, issitt'd nut of the Circuit Court f the Kiatu of Oii'gou, for Washington County, in lavnr of Thomas Dohsoii and liiminst Marv J. Ilcauclniinii ni. nlv fr n,., stun of $Si. 10, costs, and for the further sum id .fllW.iJO, (I. H. gold coin, with in b.vsi thereuii at the rate of III nercnt p.n i'...i.n,.i from the '.1st day of July, Is!,;, aM,i f i' t!i" cost anil expenses ol .-.ale ii..d cf Sll i 1 Vl . 1. Sow, tlieiclbrc, b virtue mid in pursti ''' H"o juilgn.ent, tlccrui' ami order of NHU- a win. on lUonihiy Uie ',',ti day of .-.-j -fimrar, mil, at trie south itonr (;f the onii jiouse, m i iiishoro, Washington (.V",:!y, Oregon, at the hour uf 10 o'clock A. M.,ol said day, sell at puhlicancllon In the., i'.hcsthulile.r for cash, the following j V i en i property, to-wit; All of !' i i mm ioiumocK uiiein .Niirtlci'.h'iiil. iliUon to thu town of 1 1 il Isiioro, Also H "oni! tract beginning nt the H. IC enr- "!,,'.':, 'V1 Nu' 6 1,1 blo('k K"' 7 in the town el K'.ilsbnro, countv and slat,. iiCo-,,,:.! n: d ( mining thence north along Kecond street ol siud town 7(i foci ; thence west ! leet: tbt'oce south 7rt feet tn Washington s". iwi ; thence eiudWlfetit to the place of beginning. Also, third truct-heing a part ill ,u ilniml.i.t, 1 1 I . . 1 .r , . 1 " , ".no tiiiini oi Lsiiian ivelsev V ! ,lo. Vf"1 claim tso.w T. 1 N. R. j 'V,, 1 Vrt'""' "'tuutod in section ..tl ot said I . and H. unil bounded as fol- ows: lleglnnlngatii point bearing N. 4J.7J chains and west 0.81 chains from the . J'" oiiruer oi said township which noint is tho H.W .crm-r of the traU nf a u m yeved to Thomas S. Wilkes by l.ouisian i it itieson the autli day of November IHKH, by deed recorded on page 7f, 0f Vol '7 records of deeds for Waslmtgtot. ( :,,. ty, Oregon, and runninL' N. 4 Mir. i.', .i... center of the county road 4.(il chai s ,e'V,frSVM,. Ut' K a "!'; thenco S ""' W. 4.ir chains lo the center of the eouiitv road; thence N. ijH' W. 2.74 chains li, the place of beginning, co,itaiu i, g , 0H7 acres, a I situate in Washington (uVity Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore n i iieti sunis, a,l for the costs titid cxnens s , said sale Said property will be sold subject to re- Biiouie oi tJi'cgon. VV itncss my lmnui ,liH 2,llh , f A ;!'., ,. VV.D.JtKAi.l.'llllll.K bheri l of f Washington County, Oregon. S. 15. Huston, Attorney fur I'luiiitiff. Union Hli'cU Ml'lll Ml. Dr. F. A. 1 In i ley I'lOpl'll'll'l . Ilouse-c- ,1s. Oils.Spn.igcs, Brushes and all lr.u t l ' it prices Unit Mlii.lv .IMim.---mU-i .... I'iUKi STORK First Quality in Every Eesrect i.'i : iV, . . ;v t,f Toilt t Ailiclis, iVrfVi" Meilieives, rVI col Toots, lite. Stock of Fino Perfume s :.-.-rJ.ht:vr:: in ihc City. J'MT MARKET. l.i::;r, I ' Veal and Fork L' L THAT CAN HAD TEA&, CC?3 SUChJES and DSIVURS tiiic (iKMvr GOLD f-SILVER COUMTrvItS W f:KITl: K.ASTKKN ill t'!H,nil!IA OUIUitlM ATIE AIL REACHED ViA H X ' 4i Vl No Chnii;;c of Cm ' tl'.AK Kit CITY r'SI'OKAXM l'OltTI.ANH it tid Co;i:KCtinj; with A Li AM, tHU'ri; to . . 'I'l.iil, Hon lio.il, inr'f!t .0'iti't ny O'.V liATi::? ani TIlKfil'CII TICKETS Tor . Il''l! i lllill .1 Ii:f.-: (Icn'l I'a-i Or. I. I. n i;rui,i,nr, i I'.oi itiiii!, tin (!o i. I 'it'... I orn, Ore. Ac :niu Fine WulrJt Lt puli'lu;: Si,'tluli y. 1 8. BOOTH IiKAI Kit I.N Watches Clocks. Jewelry, Iiicycles, Scwinv, ASadiines', Musical Instruments. main htuk!;t, .:r(.;:-K u.::k, Ilillslioro, . Onpon. TntiiKuct it (Jofirrul PittiUiii(r liiiHliiOK c. siiij'i (..H;i,,r ,T 1 i . Ai -i i if i;'fr Sell sight l'lXehnngn mid Telegrapblo I rails ers unil bancs Li'ltcm nf Credie iiviilhihUi Ihrougliotit the t'nllcd Slates Draw Mils of Kivcluingi, on London, Uvcrpool, Dublin, I'mh,, p,,.li, Knink' tort-oii-llit). iiiii,.stocklu,lm ,( ) pi-,. clpal cities of Kurnpe. Colhielions niiiilo on nil nceesHlhlo polutst. llanUIiiff hours froni p n m (o.'l p in. II illsboro, Oregon. GO T VIA merica'3 Scenic Lino TflK CUKjlT n'llinillSi ii'V TI1K 1.1 ItAIiy CAH H0l; .; ynl.i in Dinitig C;:r n !n Gitno Hoi-k B:il:i.-t. No )US m Line To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago ..And all Points Kant.., II? Hi (1 Sleepers, Dinins: and Li. brary Observation Cars. DAILY TRAINS -fast TIMK Service and Scenery Uiieqmiled. Fur tiokt'tsund full inlbrmntSot) fli 11 on or address, If. T. lkgley, a ii n AKertl, Uillshoro, Or. A. II. C. Deniiiston, C. P. & T. A,, Portland, Oregon, Miiic & hk Mm mnm w uuici