THE U1LLS1SUKU AJiVjrUO, HE ARGUS . . .. CALENDAR F:. i mom I Tii" I Wm1 I Thu I Krl H..t' nr27r"i'i:(t i Pally Mull Arrivals: ..rl'lll rllitii(l I)ttlly Mull Departure Ju m and Laurel leave at UkHO a m iiuUrriv. at 8:4Ji p ih nnTucday, ''L"..::; ....ill.. lmUli' oimn from Wa li" to 8:00 p hi, except Sunday. u p Time Tauiw " I.v. Ar. kirvain - ...... ...I.....I I. ill o... ,r.V in .i m 0:00 D "i 7:13 ft-.OO 4:'JI (l:IHI 7:1 7.00 H:.'iil 4:'2H :U0 II Everything Is "Clondyke " With "Clondyke or hunt" it may i) the latter. H Come to Tub Ahoiu Job otlice lor I ib printing at modern prices. Ml. T. E. Webster, of Kant Port ud, Sundayed with Mm. R. Cave, ffthijuity r t . . . t , Wanted: to iraue a V""i r a fresh milch cow. Enquire at lis ollice. t N Arable is b'.uldinir an ail " . . ! O ...U in Iiih residence m nouui VIV'M illsboro. in nlniriuit, unriirht piano for i. - e I w i -U.... V.wniira u!. I; I lie lineup. anvj.. I loch's meat market. Sehulmcrich & Son carry a Btock the bent grade of binding twine very low prices H. Wahrnmr & Sons are making reduction in the price of clothing br the next 30 days S A. I). Meek was in town Tues- ny and gives the information that e 18 running last. K good paying laundry in a west de town, for Bale cheap, uooo JuaBonB given for selling. Enqui re t this otlice. New potatoes are Belling at from 0 to 50 cents per saeK. uiu pom m art Blow sale at trom io euts per Back. fiirr-nit court adioumed to IV, the docket being pretty well leared. In another column is tlie imirwitinn of the cuBCB tried since .-- ast week. itchinsr skin diseases inaUiitlv relieved by IJeWiUb Hazel .Salve uneoualled for euta. bruises, burns. It heals with out leaving a scar, uiy i;iug W. E. Brock. While Mrs. C. Koch was couun from Portland Tuesday even im. mid iust enterinu the suuurus "Bl l , . 1 i l iar tonk frin it. threw nor v v v w 3 ' . from the vehicle ana severely bruised her. Nothing serious re sulted. Thomas Tucker's melon patch 30 T. K. Cornelius, one of Wafliinir- fP ton county's first piomrs, was in the city Tuesday Hiid in response to an interrogatory relative to the WuHliingtou Inviiicilili's." men tioned in a clipping published in hiM paper and tuken from the Pu ttie County (Ihvaco Washinutini) Tribune, told our reporter the fol- owtriL': "(Jompmiy I), one littn- Ired strong was organized in this ity, in the court house souare. October Hth, lHW. We elected ollicers, myself being elected cap tain, and nt once marched t Port land, w lere we were mustered in. We then went into the Yakima country and engaged in service. Our company was mimed by the allies ol this county as the ' nsh- igton Invincible?,1 after Washing ton county, then the foremost de veloped m the state.' Mr. Cornel- its promised more data relative tj the making of the Ilag in thu near future. U. K. Bryan & Son successors to ISryan-lUidluw Company are milk- ng a clearance sale ol summer goods, remnants, hats, clothing, light shoes anil underwear. They are making a specialty on groceries and one dollar will buy more from them than from any other house in the county. Money saved is mon ey mmle. Uall and he convinced. licaveiton entire, turned cut Tuesday evening and tendered reception to its visitors from the ea t: Airs. Miepa.d and the JHiss s Kdna and Frank Hills, Ada Ilaller and Celia Adams, of Kan sub, and on their return trom the California Kndeavorer Convention and Mr. John Leo and daughter, litt, of near Madison, Wisconsin, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. li. Cady The reception took place in Mor ton's Hall, being presided over by Key. Juggert. Impromptu add ress' es were made; after which a delight ful program of music etc, followed Icecream and cake concluded the evening and the visitors win re turn eas, with a correct idea ol Oregon hospitality. John Griffin, of Zanesvill, 0 says: "1 never uvea a uay ior thirty years without Buttering ngony until a box of De Witt's Hazel Salve cured my piles." For piles and rectal deseases, cuts, bruises, sprains, eczema and all skin trou bles De Witt's Hazel halve is un equalled. City Drug Store, W. E. Hrock. The Washington County Teach ers' Institute will convene at For- Several Start so as to be in the Field 1 FOU NEXT SEASON'S PROSPECTING Off for the Cold Fields of Alaska to Make a Fortune in the new Eldoraoo. Washington county has had a touch of the Clondvke fever in its most malignant form, an I as a re sult will be represented in that Alaska Eld jrado. The Elder will sail the latter part of l he week and those who are going from here have made ready in a rush. John J. Morgan, formerly of this city; Al. (1. Wills, the veteran prospector and miner of the 'GO's, now owning the Courtney Meek farm; T. C. and Con. McNiuner. brothers living ut the Grove and wellknown all over the county; equipped with both muieH and provision, will leave pro vided transportation facilities are not cut off. Of this representation M. G. Wills is the only one who has had what may be termed practical experience in mining. "Gip," as he is famil iarly known, "has been there" in the early dnys during the Clear water and Placerville excitements and pulled out good stakes each time. However, all are sturdy and Tiik Ainu's hopes that they will come back with money enough to buy thu court house and build a new jail. There is no question about gold being there; indomitable energy, coupled with some guiding hand, should enable a man to strike something rich as soon as next spring opens. Success to them all and may their shadows never grow less, even while on Chilcat's stormy summit. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ransom passed through to n for Forest Grove, Monday, from Portland, at which place Mr. Hansom met his wife who hsd just returned from a visit with friends in Eastern Ore- tgon. Mrs. George Ainsworth, wife of the late George Ainsworth, of the Portland Ainsworth Hank, is in the city with daughter and son and will spend a short vacation at the Linklater residence and the Ross farm. There is a time for everything; and the time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait until 30U have consumption but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. City Drug Store, W. E. Brock. Is'nt it about time that Washing ton county had a county fair? Has the old time spirit of progressive ness died out? Can't we do some thing to call back to life the spirit ai.d push of our lamented Robert Imbrie and his colleagues. Are we all bo engrossed after the almighty ill LIB Now Lays in Jail in Default of Security. VERBAWDEHE IS UNDER BONDS What the Justices Courts Have Been Doing -More Work by the Circuit Court. A great twUt the Liles have been having in court. Last. Friday the Liles woman had an examination before Judge Smith on an alleged charge of adultery with John T. McNamara. The husband, who swore out the complaint, backed down at the last minute and refus ed to swear to what he had previ ously sworn to in the complaint. Both defendants were then dis charged. Saturday evening the woman and Verbawdehe, French man, were examined before Judge Hicks on the same charge. Both were held to the grand jury, the dollsr which many of us never get Frenchman giving bail and the that we know not w tat baeves. red woman being remanded to tail. apples, ravishing grain exhibits Tuesday of this week the husband and pumpkins. We used to have Liles, was tried before Judge Smith fai rs whicn were .lajrs. Why not on a charg-' of perjury, but hislavv' nowr ver presented the view, that, no It heals everything except a matter how he had sworn in the r tr an l.pnrt mnv I snid of De complaint, the law granted nun ine WiM'aW tn , Haze Ha ve. Files privilege 01 nui, ending .e " and rntnl rliSP9(.A9. r.nts. burns, the wile. I nis oeing ine case, urn. K.!. loHor ownma am sk n Part 01 me evidence uo iiuminu;i- troubles may be cured by itquickly 'ai, anu not ing ihi... j and permanently. City Drug more, W. E. Brock. Hon. W. D. Hare and J. C. Lam kin returned the first of the week from A. 0. U, W. Grand' Lodge, and report that the order has adop ted the classified plan. This is the modern wav of fraternal insurance was not committed. Judge Smith discharged, much to the chagrin of the deputy prosecuting attorney, 1 . .1 . 1 . f 1U ana to tne pleasure 01 mo ueicu dant's counsel. Later: The Liles woman has been allowed to take her departure from custody under the condition that she ami her worthless husD- CIRCUIT COURT. and places the Workmen in the ami immediately leave the county vanguard ot nenenciary orders. U11,i ., ruurn i.G commitment For years the classified a?sessment t gtan(j om tiie woman idefini e- uruuiB uttviiis wen mum ... I h n ii minfi'eirien t nu is l ie younger numbers of society to the Frenchman, Verbawdehe, out of a detriment 01 noramen, urn i"" hd icnine not necessan v. ( w " A Number of Cases Disposed of. Confirmation in the cases of E H Ivde vs. V 1 muir, anu Mara T Cox vs J L Lafferty. In re as sienmentofNA Barret; assignee ordered to pay John Milne csi.uu out of the assets on hand for neces sary expenses. George and Rurr ..nin TumlfiD-va 1-ff.nrv nnd Knte est Grove n August 24th, at 10:00 Latham, foreclosure default and de- a. in. anu eonunuB lour uvr. uu eriniendent Craig states that the verv best of exercises educaliona will be held. Tvo of l'ortland s hioli school principals will be pres " . . . .... i ent, Otlier attractions win ue ad ded as long as the institute fund hold soot. Forest Grove is one ol the most pleasant little cities in the northwest for such intellectual cree. l'etiuon ol J Jj lirepg in tne Pfanner assignment, for offset of accounts; allowed. J W bliute vs A en Parent: decision declaring a Kind for a deed of mortgage, and that the same be foreclosed and the property sold. Moore, Ireland & Co., ys Benjamin T West, action for money and to set asido a deed; ai- l.w.l.n1 nKntmi-l it r.wlurnd ertld nod ... - ... mil tu u unci, u...w work, tuvri the place ot meeting ' ,hat the consideration of the deed, well chosen. h a firut. lien on the proceeds "'I'Iipv ilnn't make much fuss of the sale: plaintiff to recover nlutnt. it. " Wb are sneaking of De court costs except fees ot witnesses, Wit t's Little Earlv Risers, the In re assignment of Charles Col- fnmnus little nills for constipation, litis: order issued requiring assign- . mianeRu. nnd nil stomac i ana ee to h e ist ol creuttors witniu ou bar sinister has been removed and we nredict a great luture growtn Real Estate Transactions. for that oldest of fraternal insur ance organizations. Everything in the line of Drug gists sundries, soaps, brushes, sponges, toilet articles ami perfumes sold at i'o per cent, reuueuou ior catli at the Pharmacy we must make room for large arrivals of goods soon due from th east. Judge T. A. McBrido and C. E Rnnvon. court reporter, will leave St. Helens ithe first of next week to f .iVhfoen'i cross tne uoiumuia river, go i liver troubles. They never gripe. City Drug Store, W.E. Brock. The show window in Brock's Drucr Store was the hrst ot the days, luaiaiin niiiia vuiuuhuy vd W E Taylor: foreclosing mechanic s len; plaintin given oays in which to reply to answer. Mabel Powers vs Ira F Powers; divorce Claims Allowed, I . . - I , f l ......! tin Main street is the Eden oi vis- week me scene o mucn aiuacuu . Dittintiff on grounds of de Ion to the small boys-and it is Some one had gilded a rock nearly fd Plauum 011 grounaB g . . i . .- 7.. I,.l.l.rl it pi-iuwiii l.uietlv whiBperea inai even buuio me size oi u uiuu o f . . . . .r .. i i i 1.4 . tmnui ,J diLn. pi the staid old oeneuiciB uvc vaiueu ui over tju.uw, o 'Eve-il" designs on the luscious ing been taKen trom tne loimyao. I mr I 11 , I fiv,o t. no I Miinv wno nan never seen koiu m mm ti j , . . u ts native state were taKen in Don't nauseate your sioiimuu ,,,,, 1 . . .1... I 1 I...1 OUt OKI liailUB Ilk HIO UUCinivi-D n.iv... tvith teas ana outer iierua, uu , , late your hver and sick neaaac e j tiikt, ,r nuirur lllOKB fainOUB little PUIS 1 , ,' ,. nil unit u icitea mucn comuieiii, m iv nsiriff those famous little pil nnwn as DeWilt's Little Early Huera Citv UrilSf Store. VV . Jrock. The Crandall brick is about com nleted, the wood work and paint- 5ug being rapidly pushed. l .A 1 1 l,w. r i ;r fitnrv. sides giving many the Alaska fever. J. A. Benson, a ron-in-law of the H A Ruble'.'. At the recent adioumed term of , . .. .1.- f..n commissioner s court, me luiiuwiug bills were ordered paid: T. G. Todil court f 4 n H l-'.easoner court 9 oo T C Johnson Bridges 69 oo D H Snntli river, go nv wagon to the foot of Mount St.-Helens, thence by pack horses and saddle animals to axjamping place on the slope where they wnl enjoy good fishing and recreation for sev eral weeks. It is hinted that the Clondvke craze has caught them and when they are in St. Helen snows, feeling the gentle zephyrs wafted from the Columbia, they will imagine they are on Chileoot Mountain, making for the gold field. "I crave but One Minute," said the public sneaker in a husky voice: and then he tooK a close oi One Minute Cough Cure, and pro ceeded with his oratory. One !luv ute Cough Cure is unequalled for throat and lung troubles, tity Drug Store, W. E. Brock George McKay, who has interests in stock near Mitchell, close to John A Imluy to Esther Dennis blk 11 Boharts Sub-div. 1225. W A Nickel to John Jensen jonnson 40 a sec 18 t 3 n 3 w 8100 John B Kodo to Knoaa ai none z.wo of Klkarmh Walker dl C$1000 Ida B Waleott ana rnismina 10 oumuei M Hol'insi.n 2o.77a M M Waits d 1 c14W D S Wise to Matiiuauaeiuot aiuaruen Home f 100 , , , ., , John W Oates to Micneai u nou ji u Oris Brown A 1 c $(400 Clark Smith and wile to A Htanaiee lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 lilk VI Cornelius ana lot 42 in Cornelius Environs $2000 John C Hitchcock to cnaries muciicock Mc- If you take this paper news! ' Commissioners' Court will be in session next week. See advertisement fir bid bridges for Washington county. Schulmerich & Son can sell you the best binder in the market. See them. Teachers' examination at the Giove on Wednesday, August 11th. See notice. The Climax Milling Co, is ready to buy wheat. Ilillsboro market price is 68 cents. Threshing is in full blast and the roads will soon be lined with teams hauling wheat to market. Read the House committees on the first page. Also a review of the action of the special session. Nathanniel Francesco is adver tising to prove up on his homestead near Fir, this county. He will go before the county clerk. J. A. Kirkwood has been r cling as city marshal for several nights, Mr. Lane having been assisting Benson at the foundry. J. I. Knight and family leave this week for Seattle, instead of Spokane. Their many friends here wish them every success. , Tha barometer is falling this morning and we may nave Harvest rain on our bands. Vegetation needs it but nothing else does. A smelter is, being put up at North port, Washington, and. by the wav. thw means much for H. P Ford's, mining, properties neat that place. Walt Taylor goes to ot. Helens Sunday morning with 5 horses for the use, of Judge McBride and Court Reporter Ilunyon to pack in to the mountai i. fastnesses. ,'D. McCammish, Hillsboro's old prospector, has the gold fever and wants to go to Alaska, lranspor tation is the only barrier and up to late hour he had not yet obtained passage. The case in the circuit court of Joseph Rogers vs. one ofourcountv school districts will not be decided by Judge McBride until the No vember term of court. At that me a written opinion will be filed. Wm. Bouscien was down from Mountai ndale today and states that CONGRESSMEN... Senator ........... G W . MeBrid Representatives j Wm. EllU STATE OFFICERS. ' Governor Wm. F. J-ord Sec. of State II. R. Kincaid Treasurer. ...... Phillip Metschan Supt. Pub. Instruct'ns.G. M. Irwin State printer . . .". . . : . W. H. Lda ( .Chas. E. Wnlverton Sup. Court J... ..... R.8. Bean (.. F. A; Moore Judge 5th Diet,.-.--. .1 , A. .McBride Attorney 5th Dist. . T. J. Cleeton COUNTY OFFICERS. , Judge........ ....B P.Corn"ejiu , I ,D. li Reasoner C"nm,r8 j....... .'...T.G.'fodd Clerk J. A. Imbrie Sheriff. .......... W. D, Bradford Reccorder E. L. McCormick Treasurer A. B. Cady Assessor. . ..... . . .Geo. H. ;' Wilcox School Supt . . . .Austin Craig Surveyor .L. E. Wilkes Coroner . . . O. L:Xarge OREGON CITY LAND OFFICE. Register .Robert A. Miller Receiver. ... ...... V m. Galloway City Officers: Mayor, W. N. Bftrrett; Re corder, lienton liowmaii: rreaa k Mitchell; Marshal. A. W. Lane. Coun cil: Thos. Tucker, J. M. Greear, H. Wehrung, J. H. Stanley R. Waggener, and R. H. Greer. Hnt Itirdsell and wt to Geneva H r,.r..,w-li fiO u nun 20 1 1 s r 2 w iS12O0 Annie shibiB, John Jusnuunier nnu wi to A Znnkuhea 30 sec wianra w ?iou Miif . hia Oi ell anu nusuann w mux. Lneb lots 5, 8, and Gnrdon Home 500 N H Karnlmiii to C U l'tirnnain nnu interest 80 a sec 7 1 1 n r o w asu Lulu Posson nt ul by shn to n. land 20 a sec. 12 1 1 s r 1 w K00 Ole Olson and wife to Jane E lot IS Five Oakslfla i P Swet Nichols Meacham Xing is well patronized by summer resorters. L. P. W. Quimby, the Portland horseman, is one of the visitors. Hon. T. H. Tongue has received an appointment on one of the House committees on that ot Agriculture. Inasmuch as Oregon lias but one senator it seems that Oregon has but one senator I it seems that Ure- ffun has not fared as well as it might.. Farmers will have a good crop 2 oo oo late Robert Imbrie, is in the city with bis family to remain for sev- tu m wfeks. Mr. 15enson nas ueen will in ill health for several months and Dead Letter List. The followine is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post omce un claimed: ' Mr. M. P. Burge. All letters not calted for by August 7th iSot will he sent to the (lead letter oi- "7i " . . fice. One cent will be charged on eacn letter called for. H. Schulmerich, r. m. Save Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de strovs $1.50 worth of grain annual lv. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopl er Exterminator is the most effect 1, 1-1UMJ W . . . , , Prineville, brought in 35 head 0f a,m T j ' on .. w '. J.i. " . . i 1 I- fl TUniW'lill I.I I 11 I I ,11 1 I P. I' 11 Ct I range norses saiuraay last aim auctioned off some of them at the Wilev fe Dennis barn. A few of the best looking animals went as hieh as 30, but the demand was limited. The two vacnueroes who by the Delta Drug Store, agent. Men Wanted! Persons desiring work would do he J P Tamiesie 2 oo W T Haynier.. F A Bailey.... J A Chapman. N S Nelson, . . well to call on J. C. Hare, as were with the outfit were the cyno- can find use for 40 or 50 men. 2 OO 5 oo 2 00 2 00 soon M IIIIVIIUU UUV " v-.j, , I :n it ...i j u., .. Vina iust. returned from a tup to ne con rue eo, - - , Colorad0i whe he Nothig Like It. ,. " -4.i.:i:. r u.i,1 Btrt. houed to gain his once time vigor. Wilbur's Oil of Gladness rneu- uusineBB Bmuiu w - . , . -- ,!,. oho V.e ,. AD B IttDV ICOUiK ii v ---' mULIHIIJ. IIUUI UlttlU, n-miiitvuv, Ed Schuliiierich ana laKiuy, . nnL i-nij a Orpornn where his Ll 1,0 unminn hmisfts. John and Miss May Willisana Miss I ny frien)j8 lope that rest and j !enler, , cholera morbus, cholera Etta Hchulmericn, reiurueu relief rom bUHinegB m bring him infantum for both internal and day evening from a several aayB round, His business at Cottage t al US6i jt will remove more outing at Uaribaldi. iney naa a Qrove is under the supervision ot pai ttd in less time than any oth splendid time, notwithstanding the ( i(j brothel.. ' medicine on earth. For pain it wagon was tipped over on a yin yi Rn(1 victory :-these back, side, stomach, bowels, or any grade. No one was injured. he charilcterjBlie8 0f De Witt's other part of the body it is instant :jr. was P. T. Bamum who said rittle Early Risers, the famous lit- relief. Price 50 cents, bold by . the American people like to bo hum- ti0 pjHs for conspitation, biliousness E. Brock . . . ii ' 1 a 1 I I ....11! in.,1Jno bugged, but however mat, is n and all stomacn aim nver uuum. nothing to do with E. li. Miller's city Drug Store, W. E. Brock. -a SAnnnd Street barber Btion wnere you can get the best shave in the ni.v at the most reasonable rate. Onlv hoot, black stand in the v j city,.' Cftiitain Jamea McCulloch has delivered his first consignment of Bryan's book, "The FirBt battle' and the volume is neatly bound City Drug A business man of this city made a count of the loads of hay passing into the city Saturday last. He re ports 50 having passed inrougn Main street, alone, and half as many coming in on Second street. E. E. Colestock gives you the best shave in the city. Hair cut ADDITIONAL LOCALS. uu vuiuum ' "" T al popular price. Try his baths, and graphically neat. The wo k place City shav 1 nV.oann;Iiii nf Iho man nnd Ills uv" " 1 . : . r ' principles, ana presents many nc - o . n '1 1' features of the money question. The Southern racinc is ouiming nifor white, in nfiW HtfttlOtl DUllCiing (It rOrCSl black, gold standard or silver, Grove and agent Glaze has a smile should' read "The First Battle." on his usually serene fo "phys." i ..." ro.,4..i, Messrs. and Mesaames vi. a, airaiasomeoi our v,iuiujc w. ... Vatarann onjfm. tingent in several weeks will be-rung auu . . -7 '- I "!f "! ".u"?' . Rlahland: ilv of the latter started yesterday DllltCl lift VU VJIO VUw - " On Clulkoot's stqrmy mount 1 sianu Wishing for that happy land and placid . Weh- that happy land 1 left behind, Sweet Oregon, so calm and kind! No more I see the fields of grain, ; ud truly it does give nie pain I'll sell my mule, I'll sell my pack, Then will I quickly hurry back, Back to the land of urain and vine, Where do the sun-kissed apples row; And 1 A fool : .1 e uir viic oiiM'Mfo " r ri - . maideijs fair with forms diviuo 10I I was, Clondyke to got morning for an outing at Newport. Jas. McCullock is handling Bryan's book, The First Battle and is making great headway in placing orders. Give him an order. Get yourself a guaranteed all wool suit of clothes for only $6.50. Fur full particulars call at Brown's Cash Grocery. George McNelly, son of E. Mc- Nelly, was out yesterday bidding adieu, preparatory to heading for Clondyke. Forest Grove enjoyed a church wedding on Tuesday evening at 9:00 o'clock the contracting parties being Andrew D. Allen, of that city nnd Miss Esther Martin recently from the ear t ; officiating clergy man, Rev. Starr. Demities, mulls and ducks at H. Wehrung & Sons for actual cost the next 30 days. Those who trade with H. Wehrung & Sons Know their prices are the lowest. Those who do not trade with them should know this. J. J. Morgan, who spent the best part of his life in Washington county, and who now resides in Portland, was in the city Sunday, the truest of T. D. Humphreys. He has the Clondyke fever in tho most" malignant form and sails tor the gold regions on the 30th inst. All who know him wish him all possi ble success. sure of all eyes and $2 50 being raised to see one of the most fraC' tious horses ridden, the crowd wi nessed the throwing, saddling and mounting as thev do it east ot the mountains, a good hardy setto of bucking and kicking, and 'it soon was all over. 5 Why wear your patience out try ing to cut with pot metal knife or scissors that won't .hold an edge, when at the Hillstoro Pharmacy you get a genuine warranted article for the same money l , James Towneend, of Centerville, is having more fun with the Wash ington county justice courts than any other man in the county. This time he is charged wi h carrying concealed weapons. Adam Beal, a neighbor, Bwore to the informa tion. and the case comes up before Justice Dalslrom. of Forest Grove. Townsend is a pretty good sort of a fellow onlv be is a trifle windy at times. Attorney Adams defends Curtis Birdsell, of East Portland is in the city this week, visiting with bis sisters. Mesdames E. L McCormick and John Dennis. Count' Recorder McCormick and wife and Calvin Jack Jr. Sun dayed at the home of the latter at Farmington. Why let the insects destroy your hop crop when Whale oil soap kept at the Pharmacy, is sure death for the pests? H. Wehrung & Sons are closing out their entire stock of shirt waists. Your choice for 50 cents. SOCIETIES. ,. Phoenix Lodge No 34, K of P meett on Monday evening or eacn ween in Masonic ball. . Phoneuia Temple No 10 meets on the sec ond ana fourth Jr naay or eacn montn in Masonic hall. Montezuma Lodge No 60 I 0 O iggtSi F meet every Wednesday ev effi1" ening in their hall. Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 64 meet in Odd Fellows' hall every Saturday. Tuality Lodge No 6 A F & A M meet every eaiuruay ingui. uu vt after full moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 31, Eastern .Star, meets second and fourth Tuesday ill each month at Masonic hall. . . ; Hillsboro Lodge No 61 A O U W meet every second ana iourm Friday in each month. . . Xv ash: 0 0 Frii v ashington Encampment No 24 I O O r meets on seconu aim iimrm Friday of each month. asffiv Hillsboro Lodge No 17 1 0 G T meek gD in Orange hall every Saturday evening. S Hillsboro Grange No 73 P of H meet 2nd and Uh Saturdays at 12 ni. . Viola Tent, Wo it, K O 1 M. meets in Odd 1-ellows' Hail on bccu'ul ana f ourtn Thursday evenings 01 th month. Uuby Assembly, No. 20, United Artisan meet hrst anu tnira luemiay at uaa fel lows' hail. Uen Ransom l'ost, No 69, G A R meet at I OO F all first and third Saturday. PROFESSIONAL. GKO. 8. BAULKY. 1. V. BROWS BAGLEY & BROWN Attorneys-at-Law Rooms i-2-3, Shute Building this fall and wheat is a fairly good HILLSBORO, - OREGON orice. Those who owe will haie a I chance so liquidate to some extent. Remember The Abgus hrst, last .. i- 1 1 ana always. e wrne a puur nauu, but shall be pleased to improve by T. H. TONGUE, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, In Morgan Block, Hillsboro, Orco. H. T. BAGLEY, ATTRONEY-AT LAW writing receipts, Microscopic xamination shows that rust has attacked both fall an 1 spring sown wheat. The fall wheat will not sutler, being so tar aiong, but the cron of spring sown may cut short the prospective yield. Al- Deputy District Attomef -hing- - - - I a n read v some fall sown erain has voim. r . . . . ... been threshed and yields as mgn Room it. Morean Blk.. Hrrw as 35 bushels to the acre have b(-en --S. reporteu. nun it is uregon tigaiiiot the worldl The Anous special reporter de tailed to go with Independent and Other Side representatives 10 mvis Hill to observe the annular eclipsi of the sun which occurred between 5 and 7 o'clock this evening, tar ried too long in the arm of Mor pheus and this paper can not truf F. A. BAILEY, II. U. Physician, Burgeon and Accouche Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Real Baseline and deuce soutn-went corner Second. All calls promptly attended day VI UlgUI S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, E. B. Sappington has moved in 1.1. n W. W. Williams residence to' on Washington street. Elegant shirt waist lloyt's, Second street. sets at ADDITIONAL LOCALS. We are agent for extras for Os borne machinery. Schulmerich & Son. Go to the Hillsboro Pharmacy for bargains in all rew lines remem ber it and make no mistake. M. G. Wills has taken the gold fever and has gone to Alaska to tnVfi (he "sold cure." Luck to "- o you! - . Weslev Boscow had the Alaskan fever for several days but has con cluded Hillbhoro is good enough for yet awhile. Frank J. Williams is now busy on the farm near town and is al readv looking much better than . tir when 11 town. V. W. Williams and family were down from Mount aindale Sunday. ,. Mr. John Allbring and wife are in the city after a trip tofalilornia for health. Mr. Allbring is a mil ler bv profession. He wants small 10 or 15 acre tract of that he may locate with us. Mavor Barret and family are a the coast. He writes Attorney Adams that they are roughing it at Vlannv Camo. Netarts, and that the place iB an ideal one as many Hillsboroitescan teslity. ne Bays there are plenty of crabs and clams and that he expects to regain his once average physique. The officers have apprehended Bieland, who several months back was arrested at Sherwood for the demolition of furniture in the home of his mother, and who subsequent ly broke jail at that place. He is now being held in the Multnomah ennntv cooler. He will le taken I back to his place of escape. fully say its lookout saw eclipse office at Residence FiastofCOurt House. nfnnr lehteriver. Whether or nm land the other two reported for duty is not known. It's nothing but Clondyke. The II II . X I 11 men all talK OI It tne women an talk of it. Men gather in knots on the street and read about the famous Eldorado. Even the babies chatter about it, and Riley Cave says a mosquito came into his shop the other day. made tor his ear. and in taisetto Key. wms tiered "Clo-o on di i-ke ! Clo 0 011- rli-i-ke 1 Clo-o-on-di-ike 1 V hat Rilev said will not be reported An interesting case iust decided n the circuit court was that of F. Y. Ralston, administrator ot the est.ite of W. F. Ralston, the late Gaston hotel keener, against Henry Hamilton. Suit was brought to recover $386 alleged to have been assumed several years ago, by Hamilton, a mortga. e in favor of Ralston. Hamilton denies having assumed the mortgage but Judge McBride held in the affirmative. Hon. S. B. Huston was for the plaintiff and Smith & Bowman for defendant. A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. J)ENTIST- Rooms 1 and 'i Morgan-Bailey Block, HILLSBORO, - OREGON. JAMES PfflLUPPlTiHESIK,!. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surzeon Southern Paciflo Railroad Om. Consultation In French or English. Offla and residence south Of Main near td A uuisDoro, ur. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and flue map work specialty. . ijinoaay mock, two aoor nnu 01 ina postofflee. Saoondat., Hillsboro, Or. ' JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with S. B. Huston, Union Block HILLSBORO. - OttKUON, SMITH & BOWMAN, f v. ATTORNEYS AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. The members of the II. A. A. C. a new organization, accompanied by ladies, made a pleasant visit to Rooms 0 & 7 Morgan Blk Moda Springs ednesoay. irs. v. B. Gates and Miss Lena Waggener chaperoned the young people and all report an exceuem, umo. m attending w re Messrs. Fred Vroo man, Dorr Waggener, Will Siegrist, George Merry man. Frank Stewart and Fred Butler, of the Club, and the Misses Wilma Waggener, Alice Morrymi.n, Mary liTa: !elon, Mabel More'land. Constance Smith, Stella Boscow, Emily Essner and Flossiu Weatberred, Hillsboro, On. MISCELLANEOUS. - " "" ; 11 ' ."--- M '' Carstens Bros., MANUFACTUKKKS OF Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO - ORKOON m I