THE HILLSBORO ARGUS. THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1897. h ; fJIE ARGUS CALENDAR Hiin I Mon J 'I'uwt Wed Tim I Frl Hut' T 5 6 7 8 tfj HI 11 12I3 1415 1(5 1' 17 1H I 19 20 21 22 j 23 2-f 25 '2U 27 2S "20 Tt) .'U . Tily Mitt I Arrival ForoHt drove - a m Portland, Way and KanUirn Ulnneon p in .('orvHlllH anil Way Portland 7:13 Ma i Ilally Mull Departure: iPortlund Kaiitern via H P am 7:l Port vUtllimiww, Lenox A Itnthuny 7.00 iUorvulllM A Way - . Portland A Way - P m KortMt Uruve - , " . , Farmlngtoii and Laurel leave at !():. a i in anil arrive at .1:4ft P m " Tuexday, r Thurmluy and Huturdiiy No Hunday niailH. PoHtolltee oHn from 7:00 a in to 8:1)0 p in, except NunduyK. H. P. Time Table! Lv. Ar. tortlttiiil a m 7:1.1 . P m 8: fl.rvalliit a in 8:M p in M Portland a in 8:AU p m : .lle.Mlnnvllle a m t:(H) p in 7: Id ' Come to Tub Annus job office for ' job printing at modern prices. Anton Pfanner, the missing V Forest Grove banker has been lo cated, says the Oregonian, in Vic toria, B. C, where he is ill and mentally unbalanced in a horpital. The ladies of the Evangelical hurffli will give an ice cream soc ial nekt Saturday evening, July 17. ht the oourt yard. Everybody in vited. Burning, itching skin diseases jnstantly relieved by Do Witt'h Witch Hazel Salve unequalled for cuts, bruises, burns. It heals with out leaving a scar. City Drug Store, W. E. Brock. V I T, I . .1 -... Lnln jonn noiiiiart, uowh uviu imy j wai, informs us that be intends f takini' his thresher to Sherman ' county for the harvest run. That ' section is a great wheat field and he thinks he can do better there than to run in Washington county. ; Ralph Imbrie underwent a surgi cal operation the other day, having Dubinitted to the removal of a pul py substance of several month's growth from his neck. No incon venience resulted. They don't make much fuss about it." We are fpoaking of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, biliousness, and all Btomitch and liver troubles. They never gripe. City Drug Store, W. E. Brock. Attorney J. N. Brown spent sev eral day at Heppner last week, lie reports good crops in that sec tion and harvest about to com mence. The Southern Pacific gave a 1 00 rate round trip to Gladstone futk ' Monday and a large number avail- t4lLtl"l",ve8 of opportunity in near me iMeuriuKit niicriuoii who polled more white otes for president than any other candidate for that high olhce. There is a time for everything; $ and the time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait until you nave consumption ouw prevent it by using One Minute Uough Cure, the meat remedy for coughs I 1 l . u 1. 1 : ,i o.wl nil A COIUS, croup, uiuiuiimiH uuu throat and lung troubles. City aDrug Store, W. E. Brock. , t m l -f n..i:.. ... iJ. J. rouun, oi vuriiouuB, on uiu veteran of the late civil war, has removed to Idaho, where lie will Ptoif at the Boise Soldiers' Home for an indefinite period. E. E. Colestock gives you the bent shave in the city. Hair cut at popular price. Try his baths, Don't forget the place City Bhav jng Parlors, Main street. Ex-editor Guild, late of the Sher idan Sun. and H. L. Heath; the briarht voune editor ot the McMinn ? villa Telephone Register, passed ' throuuh town Tuesday morning. : on their return from the Bryan I demonstration. m Commissioners' court adjourned Friday after haying a very busy session. An elegant upright piano for sale cheap. Enquire at C. H. Koch's meat market. i 1 T VfoPiillnnlr id li n n,l ll n (V Bryan's book, The First Battle and t is making great headway in placing orders. Give him an order, I Don't nauseate your stomach with teas and bitter herbB, but reg- ulate your uver ana bick neaaacne by umng those famous little pills ' hXZn as DeWitt's Little Earlv 1 r i i i rr i." - .... . ... - nia Urn Of Mlnrfl W Mi. I J. I, Knight is reported to be a ' i very sick man. He is yet at Mc- . Minnville, having been prostrated ! on the eve of contemplated de t parture for Spokane Falls. A1 ' physician from this city was called to attend him Wednesday. A merry crowd of picnicers were those young people who went up to Meacham Crossing Sunday last in honor of a party tendered Miss Applegate, sister of Mr. A. S. Pence, and a teacher in the Eugene schools. Those present were : Messrs. and Mesdames A. S. Pence and G. A. Wehrung; the Misses Applegate, Berna and Erma Lath- n n f Bm, wraoe nosoowj raeBHrB. vaivin Jack. D. W. Dobbins, Thos. Mann, Harry Gault, Frank Mitohell, W. Wv Poscow, Al. Latham, and '"iIaBter Howard Applegate. WIUJAM J. BRYAN VISITED OREGON. His Lecture at Gladstone was Superb. TWKNTY THOUSAND AT PORTLAND To nee ami Hear the Noted Ki-metallic Champion. A Finished Orator, A ('oiiipiclii'iiHlve Economist an,l a iiihii That People Revere. Ahuiit eight thousand jx-ople at- nded (iladstone Park Monday, July 12lh, to hear tho bimetallic esidenlial candidato of 18 dis cuss tho money question from a lon-p.irtisan standpoint. He spoke ii the afternoon and from a ros trum cot structed under the giant firs and directed his reniaiks to an amphitheater filled with a delighted, crowded mass of souls. It was one of America's grandest men and champions speaking in a spot nam eil after the grandest man of anoth er great nation. His address was replete with logic and heard him but who more fully compre hended after he was through speak- ng. Mr. Bryan a tieure is well propor tioned, tall, and not given to oliesi ty. Constant travel and work lias eft his countenance more or les itiaued, but only enough to land strength to his classic features. When he is speaking, one lias an opportunity to closely observe his characteristics.' Keenly alive to all that would appear flippant, his address was carefully guided from the shoals of bunoonery and his reasonings from cause to effect were applicable to a certainty, carrying strength of conviction, nad he been here in 1890, when the repub lican party ran on a free coinage issue, party leaders would nave ex alted his position to that of a dem- cod. The daily Oregonian came nearer reporting him correctly than the gold press usually does, but about twenty five minutes of the best part of his lecture having bfen lelt out. Hi remarks frequently die ted cheers from the multitude, and his explanation of the feeling with which ho used the term "gold bug" brought deafening cheers. In fact, his entire address wns entirely free from bitterness and his most dras tic passace, was when he said: "W hen 1 call a man a 'nolo blip,' do it in the same kindly spirit which he uses when he terms me a lunatic." Pague's Crop Report. B. S Pague, the Portland weath er director, has this to say relative to crops and crop prospects of the Willamette Valley for the week ending July 10th: Fall wheat harvest has commenc ed, and correspondents express the opinion that some thetiomenaI yields will be reported. The grain ! I . ... .1. 1 1. II lll.l J 18 piuinp, toe neuoH wen uneu. unu the straw is of good length. In some places Boinerust is reported. Spring wheat needed the warm sunshine, and a further marked improvement is shown in its condition; it prom. ises to make, an excellent . crop. Oats are heavy, and a crop above the average is assured, flax tor fibre kuiakine a fine growth, an-1 the success of the year's crop iscer tain. Sugar beets are doing re markably well. Berries are report ed to be unusually plentiful, .ate cherries are now ripe. Early peach es and apples are now ripe and are a good crop. Late peaches will be as large a crop as was ever gather ed. Peach plums are ripening and will be ready for the market within a week. Prunes generally will be a good crop, though in sections they are li,ht. Earlv pears will be ripe by the seventeenth; the pear crop is generally good. Urapes are unusu ally fine and promising. Hops are making a wonderful growth and lice are developing. The current warm, dry weather will check the ravages of the hop louse. Com is making a better growth than ever before. Potatoes are re ported to he a good crop m every locality. All garden truck is mak ing exoellent growth. It appears that nothing can now destroy the crops which promise such excellent results. A year of nlentv arrears certain. The summer type of weather has again appeared and it may be ex- ppcted that warm. weather will pre vail to Friday, when cooler weath er and clouds are probable. How Schulmerich & Son Sell, 3 cards hooks and eyes ...... 25 oil Bilk lines, ... . . . Shirt waist sets. . . , . . V. . . , . . 2 pencil tablets. ... ......... 20 yds bleached muslin ...... 1 2 papers of pins. 05 30 10 05 00 05 05 1 bottle of mucilage... Good shoe brushes '. 10 Cloth brushes Can opener , Lace, per yard Ribbon, all widths, per yard 15 05 02 10 John Bouhart leaves this weelr with his thresher enroute for East of the Mountains. His place near West Lake, Idaho, he tells us, is a splendid one, and he bus no desire I to move back to tho valley. COUNTY FINANCIAL EXHIBIT. Detailed Expenditure of Washington County Fund, Proper, Taken from the County Clerk's and Treasurer's Reports. How the Year End ing June 30, 1897, Compares with the Year .Preceding. COMPARATIVE EXPENDITURES. Assessing and collecting Bridges and roads Bounty, wild animal County court Circuit court County surveyor School superintendent and assistants. County judge, salary treasurer clerk " Stock inspector Elections Fuel, liaht and janitor Court house and jail Insane and inquest ... Interest on county warrants Juiors in justice courts. Pauuers and prisoners Refunded and remitted Recorder and deputy '. State cases and witnesses Stationery Sheriff and deputy... Postage, etc., slieiin 8 olhce Hull Hill Institute Excess i Total.... Tt will be observed that the county expenditures this year if the 1895 6 year be fooled) are 3708.68 ollice saved $443 70 while for the bi ldees and roads. These two items The expense of the Steeve's trial is potintv was reimbursed. It win coat less than the June election, .. . .. $372 21 for the 1896-7 year. The ligher. But one regular officer of the assessor." The court pulls out with iflll.SU to its credit on account i . I . l '. . mAflr fr-vw ft Via ItQO 1 r It f 1 J It fY .Tllllfl 510 I RQf CASH BALANCES Cash in common school fund June State fund Excess fund Institute fund. Indigent " . Public road " . ""'' '"" fundZZZ School district Towns and cities.... County fund : WORKING OF Cash oh hand in all funds June 30, 1890.. $13,59 48 Roceived from sheriff and clerk, taxes collected.. '5.218 51 costs in State vs. steeves MW0 from state to apply on school funds...............:'....'; 0,404 04 fnea from our countv officers . 4.811 54 into treasury from all other sources 1,00157 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid in redemption of county warrants 5o40J ll interest on county warrants on county school orders state treasurer on state tax.... out on institute fund " " indigent " ... " of excess " on school district fund.... " ' towns and cities HOW THE COUNTY STANDS. Warrants outst'nding issued tor year io o, Total - - - Total warrants redeemed for year ending June 30, ib7, - - Due state on state tax, Total debt June 30, There is no material difference iiiinlv on county warrants to tnai . . I nearly ifo,uuu greater dime ow, iooi, According to the sheriff's report there is delinquent on the 189b roll, $14180 20, and his disburse ments to the county treasurer ior the year were $67078.14. tt. W. Rrvan & Son successors to Bryan-LaiJlaw Company are mak ing a clearance sale of summer goods, remnants, hats, clothing, light shoes anu unaerweur. iw; nr nmkinff a Rnecialtv on groceries and one dollar will buy more iromo near wm, J. cryairs lecture them than from any other house in the county. Money saved is nion ev made. Call and be convinced. Vim. viior and victory :-these art)' the characteristics of Do Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous lit tle pills for conspitation, biliousness ana an stomacn aim nvcr City Drug Store, W. E. Block. County Clerk Imbrie, while split ting kindling the other evening, badly cut his thumb and hand, thus making two of our county of ficers with injured digits. The trouble with J. A. is very apparent. When he has learned as much as some of we older fellows be will let an ax strictly alone. Mary Humphreys, 8. D. G. M. installed the following officers for Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge, No. 54, r n f) IT. at the ast meating: JN. G., Lizzie Wilkes; V. G. Eva Bridg es; Sec. B. L. Greear; F. S., Lillie M. Pauli; T., Maggie Schulmerich; W., Hattie Butler, Chap. Lydia Gault; I. G., Minta Humphreys; O. G , Edith Adams; It. S. N. G., Mary Humphreys; L. S. N. G., Etta Finney, R. S. V. G Ann Sig ler; L. S. V. G., Mary Greer. - STATEMENT. 1895-0. 1890-7. T 2120 50 12070 75 1085 80 9211 89 155 (X) 384 (X) 7537 86 52 50 829 24 700 (X) 600 00 3000 00 25 00 490 58 722 77 293 07 240 60 1906 18 59 20 90 00 495 30 3474 70 , 51 05 790 76 . GOO 00 700 00 3000 (X) 25 00 862 79 699 56 89 41 82 10 708 04-. 49 00 3105 57 3710 02 220 99 ..... 2100 00 50 00 2100 00 1628 90 1280 72 3300 00 17 15 119 50 .7 70 464U bo "1310 55 3300 00 iww ... less than last year. The Assessor's year $2858.86 less was rx tended on alone nearly balance the discrepancy. not included in this statement, as be seen mat me movemner election i - j: ,.i t tnus matting a creuit. Miuwmg oi interest. charges, of course, were the county shows a credit balance IN TREASURY. 30, 1897 $8,539 07 J Zt 87 70 , 18 00 227 38 10 14 L517 43 Joj M 1 TREASURY. i,jw 10 23,283 02 17,480 80 119 50 382 00 7 70 7,270 47 3,848 71 June 30, 1896, $25,817 77 38,590 06 64,407 83 33,400 12 31,007 71 7,143 08 - 1897, $38,150 79 in the cash on hand of this year to e 1 ... A '1' l. , Jnk, ia oi nisi year. iuc waimm u 18 mu iv " Fred Jobe is now employed Portland and The Argus goes him regularly. ' Elegant shirt waist Bets Hoyt's, Second Btreet. Thos. G. Sewell and Miss Clara Forgy, both of this county, have taken out license to wed. People from all parts of the coun ty went to Gladstone Park Monday on bimetalism. Benj. Birdsell wa8 out from Portland this wetlt, supposedly to be in town where a little building is being done. W. C. Imbrie, well-known in Washington county, )ind who is a ron of the late James Imbrie, Sr., is down from Yakima on a business and pleasure- trip combined. Mr. Imbrie says that he notes substan tial improvements down here hut "we are not Yakima and vicinity." Assessor Wilcox has started to work on the tax rolls for the 1897 assessment, the field , work having been completed. J. B. Imlay was in, the City from Reedville yesterday, and reports that a material reduction has been made on the freight rates applying to mill Btuffs and wheat from points on the West Side to Port land. Hillsboro's old rate was seven and one-half cents per hun dred and is now reduced to five anA nno.half Rpprlvilln'fc nlrl ri j.. if. ti;J six cents, goes dow n to four. This is a concession unexpected the Southern Pacific, from WHAT OUR COUNTY mm ml At the July Term of Com missioner's Court. GOODLY LIST OK CLAIMS ALLOWED I Several Bridge Contracts Let. Tran w.ripts I lowed for Actions in Jus tices' Coort. Commissioner Todd empowered to investigate grounds for aid ol Francisco family. Petition of J. H. Stanley et al to clear the Tualatin river of drift continued to July 17th. Robinson, Rock Creek and Gus tin bridges accepted and warrants ordered drawn in payment thereof. H. B Clark was discharged from county poor farm upon report of keeper that he was able to make livelihood. Reports and exhibits of treasurer, clerk and sheriff examined and ap proved and sheriff ordered to file delinquent list of 1896 on or before July 17th. Bridge Contracts: Greenville bridge, bids, J W Goodin $144; L. Sparks $127 and T C Johnson $147; contract let to L Sparks. Smeltzer bridge bids, M S Daly, $81; T C Johnson, $78; 0 R Adams, $89: contract let to T C Johnson. Jones bridge, M S Daly, 64; T C Johnson $35; A S Vaughn, $70; contract let to T C Johnson. Repairs on Tual iitin bridge, J W Goodin, $300; T C Johnson, $448; M S Daly $230; contract to Daly at $230. Claims allowed Glass & Prudhomme sta clerks office. . .' Irwin Hodson Co mtge record rec con Hillsboro Pub Co loo reversible 3" 1250 envelopes for sell supt $4 50 the same for elk pf circuit court $4 50 ten page brief slate v Htngley $10 7 page brief Kirkwood v Fordf7 Hatchet June Commissioners' proceedings A W Sax ton for keep of tilteen paupers from May 1st to July 10 at $21 80 each Return rent of $50 poor faim paid back by A W Saxton J P Tamiisie medical care Saun ders family. Sheriff ol Multnomah county for board and keep prisoner Lou Downs and R R fare Hillsboro N A Barret June services janitor -B L McCortnick June sal and 26 00 2 50 327 10 18 70 30 00 deputy $175 postage etc $4 35 . . . G W Paterson two untresses to sheriff linolium 23 yards $12 50 J C Lamkin coffeepot Saxon$ 25 pans order B P Cornelius $1 50. J A Imlirie sal for self and depu ties lor June $250 postage mes 179 35 1790 175 sages and express $6 50 256 50 A B Cany June sal as treasurer $50 exchange on state tax $x 00 stamps $50 5350 Astin Craig June sal J20 y2 annu al fees f 19 postag-; $470 430 Boge and liiinis lumber dist 5 $15 10 for dist 37 $4 68 1975 C R liloyd lumber dist 53 Daly supt 325 John Heisler six day with team hauling gravel lib 50 repairs two scrapers all for . ist 22 85 alow ed at 1585 Mountaindale lumber Co lumber to dist C E Shorey sup $5 11 to J C Beach sup $7 80 Thomas Connel sup $22 other jurnisnea lumber dis'.ricts $14 85 49 75 Wiley & Dennis double rig 1 00 E J Kuratli 16 day dep assessor 4000 4000 62 50 65 00 78 00 800 185 C A Cavell 10 Wm Pointer 25 " " " A A Morrill 26 " " " (if o H Wilcox 26 days as assessor Babcock Post relief J K Harri son indigent. . . ' R H Greer groceries for Tupper family., Geo R Bagley state v Millspaugh 5 00 v Tom Williams 2 50 v Dave Dunhouser 2 50 v John Fisher 5 00 v John Fisher no 2 5 00 v .'ohn Moore 5 00 v Jas Lee sr 6 20 31 20 5 15 Geo achmeder 091 corduroys lor dist 33 Rock Cre.k Lumber Co lumber dist 13 27 45 52 $15 19 no 14 12 50 55 10 Crane Co bill tor C H pump con tinued from last term 18000 W D Bradford shff sal June 275 postage 4 80 27980 E B Sappington board prisoners as follows: Valentine Baur 7 da 5 00 D Dunhou er 5 " 3 60 G Millspaugh 7 5 00 Johu Fisher 17 days .12 25 John Moore 28 " 2000 lohn Northrop meals for six 45 85 jurors stute v Schleich I 50 U K uioya lumoer aisi 15 1000 Bryan Laid law provision lupper 8 00 2 brooms Barret Janitor .80 880 j B Wilkes bridge specifications 4 00 Patton bros lumoer aist no 0. . . A A Morrill 4 da dep assessor July Dr Ward examination Hamock child upon whom assault was committed J B McNew lumber dist 18. . . . Alfred Stephens 592 curduroy dist 33 Schulmerich & Son oil Barret Janitor Carstens Bros lumber dist 18 23 42 dist 23 22 32 1 B P Cornelius sal as County Judge April May and June 170 11 00 10 00 500 1000 4 4o 1 15 '45 7o rreigm mumpa civ 4 74 174 72 IT Young powder dist no 44.... 1000 T C Johnson Rock Creek bridge 128 00 Gustin bridge 134 00 Robinson bridge 105 00 367 00 Williams & Redmond team to Rock Creek , 1 50 Mountaindale lumber Co" lum ber road dist. Wenger sup. 600 A C Archbold spikes dist 23 9 00 dist 48 200 spikes P M Jackson 1 00 supplies court house .70. . . 12 70 T G Todd 3 da court 9 00 mile age 1 80 10 80 V B Keasouer 3 da court 9 00 mileage 4 00 roads- 1 da 3 00 horse one da I 00. 17 00 Mrs. D. B. Riter indigent...... 500 Andrew Oleson " .. ; . . . , 5 00 Rosa Frost " 5 IjuliaRainey " 500 I John Northrop " 650 State cases and winesses 363 45 1 Total warrants drawn for July t,e. term. 3090 25 ' School superintendent's financial report , for vefl. .. i8q,. Snprinl district taxes 82t 1 Iel general school tax. v - - w . 34930 13403 58 2852 21 Total Applied to county schools general school fund ' Special district funds Total $22428 77 24628 26 582368 30451 94 Probate. Administrator of Christina Hall estate granted order to sell real property of estate. Appraisers of Peter Kindt estate have filed inventory at value of $3100. John D. Rowel estate finally closed ol record July 12th. Property on hand: real estate, $4110; personal property, money and notes, $3450.46. According to will personal property di scends to wid ow and she is to have a life lease of real ty, from which she is to support minor heirs. Nothing Like It Wilbur's Oil of Gladness rheu mutism, neuralgia, toothache, head ache, sore threat, sprains, bruises, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera infantum for both internal and external use. It will remove more pain and in less time than any oth er medicine on earth. For pain in back, side, stomach, bowels, or any other part of the body it is instant relief. Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Brock. Lumber for Sale. We are moving the sawmill out on the east fork of Rock Creek but still keep a good stock of all kinds of' rough dressed and finishing lum ber on hand at old mill site near Hillsboro. Prices to suit the times. Call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. Yard is left in charge Fred Butler. C. R. Bloyd. Men Wanted! Persons desiring work would fe well to call on J. C. Hare, as he can Bud use for 40 or 50 men. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Get yourself a guaranteed all wool suit of clothes for only $6.50. For full particulars call at Brown's Cash Grocery. E. S. Booth, formerly of Winona, Minnesota, has opened a jewelrv es tablishment opposite the bjuik, on Main street, and has a notice in another column. Mr. Booth is Bon-in-law of J. T. Young, well and favorably known throughout Wash ington county. H. Wehrung & Sons are making a reduction in the price of clothing for the next oO days. Stranger in hotel barber shop: "That's twice you've cut me " Bar ber: "Yes sah." Stranger: "If you caii't do better than that you'll drive away customers." Barber: "I ain't had 'sperience 'nuff vet, sah, to shave customers. The boss onlv 'lows nie shavo strangers." That'sthe way with some jewelers thev take advantage of strangers but Hoyt, first door south of the postoffice, on Second street, has had the experience and has but one rule for the customer and the strang erhe treats all alike, equally at.d fairly. Demities, mulls and ducks at H Wehrung & Sons for actual cost the next 30 days. Those who trade with H. Wehrung & Sons know their prices-are the lowest. Those who do not trade with them should know this. The annual coasters are getting nneasy, and Henry Wehrung and wife are the first to make a start. They will leave this Friday morn ing for Newport to spend the sum mer in their cottage. Many others will start after court week. "I crave but One Minute," said the public speaker in a husky voice; and then be took a dose of Cue Minute Cough Cure, ar anA pro lffrwd for ceeded with his oratory ute Cough Cure is unequa throat and lung troubles. Lily Drug Store, W. E. Brock Dr. Ward was down from Forest Grove Tuesday, bidding his friends good-bye. He starts to Alaska at once. The Dr. is a man of many friends and there are none but wish him well on his trip to Alaskan waters. H. Wehrung & Sons are closing out their entire stock of shirt waists. Your choice for 50 cents. It heals everything except a broken heart, may be said of De Witt 8 Witch Hazel halve, rues and rectal diseases, cut?, burns, bruises, tetter, eczema and all skin troubles may he cured bvitquickly and permanently. City Drug Store, W. E. Brock. T. W. Thompson was down from Gaston Tuesday. It was P. T. Barnum who said the American people like to he hum bugged, but however that is it has nothing to do with E. R. Miller's Second Street Barber Shop where vou can gel the best 6have in the city at the most reasonable rate Onlv boot black stand in the city. C, A. Simpson, who was in this county several months ago selling rights for an eastern manufactur ing firm, is again back to the state greeting his many friends. John Griflin. of Zanesvil!, O savs: "I never lived a Niiiy for General sch tax 1995: thirty years without suffering agony until a box-of De Witt's Haael Salve cured my piles." For piles and rectal defeases, cut, bruises, sprains, eeaenm and all Bkin trou bles De Witt's Unzel Salve is nn equalled. City Drug Si ore, W. E. Brock, 68 CONGRESSMEN. Senator..'.;.. G. W. McBrido Representatives j"-T' "; To"?!!" ' I in. Kiln STATE OFFICERS. Governor .. , . Wm, P. Lord Sec. of Stale II. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phillip Melschan Supt. Pub. Instrucl'ns.ti. M. Irwin State printer. . ...... W. II. Leeds ( .Chas. E Wolverton Sup. Court It. 8. Bean ( F. A. Moore Judge 5th Dimt T. A. McBrid Atiorney 5th Dist. . . T. J. Cleeton COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge... B P.Cornelius 4i , ( D. B. Reasoiiei' iA,mmn ... T.C.Todd Clerk .J. A. Imbrie Sheriff W. D. Bradford Reecorder E. L. McCorniiok Treasurer. . A. B. Cady Assessor. Geo. H. Wilcox School Supt .... .. .Austin Craig Surveyor... L. E. Wilkes Coroner .C. L. Large OREGON CITY LAND OFFICE. Register Robert A. Miller Receiver Wm. Galloway CITY OFFICERS. . W. N. Barrett, mayor . . ......Thos. Tucker J. M. Greear . W. H. Wehrung J. H. Stanley . .... R. II. Greer .. .It Waggener . . Benton Bowman . . .F. G. Mitchell . . .. .A. W. Lane (;. . W. D. Smith ... .J..P. Hick, Board of Trustees Recorder. . . . . . Treasurer. . . . Maishal . . . . . . . Justice of Peace SOCIETIES. t Phoenix Lodge Xo 34, K of P inootk on Monday evening ot ea u ween in Masonic hall. Phonecia Temple No 10 meets on the seo- ondanurourtn rnuayoi euen iiionio in Masonic hall. ' K F meet every Wednesday ev- .-. r ' .- - . i, . i 1 1 Hillsboro Kebekah Lodge Mo 64 f - Timlitv Ttdorn Nn RAF meet every Haturoay nigntn or after full moon of each myntli. Tualatin Chapter, No 81, Eastern Star, eueh month at Masonic hall. Hillsboro Lodge No 61 A O V W meet every secoiia ana tonne Friday in oueb month. Washington Encampment No 24 I t uioetH on aeconu anu loanu. Friday of each month. Hillsboro Lodge No 17 I O U T meet, .' RoEfj in Urance nun every aaiuruay ' evening; -;" . Hillsboro Grange No 73 P of II meet 2nd and U!i Saturdays at VI m. - Viola Tent, fto iS, K O f it, meets in.Odd Fellows' Hall un'Nco:wl and Fourth . Thursilaj- evenings ol eut-h mouth.,:. : Ruby Assembly, No. 26, United Artinun meet tint and third Tuesday at Odd Fel lows' hall. . i . . " Gen Ransom Post, No" 69. G A R meet at I OO F . all first and third Saturday. PROFESSIONAL. GEO. R. BAGLEY. J. Tt. BKOWK. BAGLEY & BROWN Attorneys-at-Law . Rooms 1-2-3, Sliute Building HILLSBORO, . OllEHON T. H. TONGUE, ATTOR N E Y-AT-L AW, In Morgan block, IlilUboro, Orflgoa, F A. BAILEY, II. D, Physician, Surgoon and Accoucber . - s 1 Office In Hlf' dence soutn- Second. Allir4.. ... or night . S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C. U. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 4 Ollice ut Residence Kust of Court Home, A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S, it QENTIST Rooms 1 and 'i Morgan-Bailoy Block, ....... HILLSBORO, - OUEOON. JAMS PHIUiFPI TAI05ZX l B. PHYSICIAN AND SUXrSON. Sureeon Southern Pacific tUUroad flaw - Consultation in French or English. OrEof and resilience aouui oi moiu near tfu at . Ulllaboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fin nap work ft specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of tho poatoffloe. Second at,, Hillaboro, Or. JOHN M. WALL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with S. I), HILLSBORO. Huston, Union Block OUWiON, SMITH & BOWMAN, . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Notarial Work and Conveytudng, Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillaboro. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens, Erci, MANUFACTURERS Of . ici L: ' Sash, Dows MuuUiuim Eic HILLSBORO - Cr .it