The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 15, 1897, Image 2

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- i
County Official Paper.
Tfce Only Democratic Paper in Wash
H ington County.
The Argas Pablishiog Conpanj.
' Single copv rive cents.
One year, 1.00.
8ix months U rents.
Throe months 35 cents.
Kntered at the Post-omce at Hillsboro,
Oregon as Second clasf mail matter.
FLi'x or hkniaii.
. ' v "Each iay, in a torrent of words.
he Ofegonian, in company with its
metropolitan contemporaries, tells
His that you can't make a dollar out
of "less alue' meaning of course,
tliat silver would remain stationary
tio matter what uses be prescribed.
This reminds one of the old argu
ment produced by the wireheads
against the rotundity of the earth
Why! you poor fool," said they,
"the idea of a man hanging on the
earth like a fly, head down ward 1"
Thus did our dear old forefathers.
fight the law of gravity, and that
their ignorance was excusable, ren
ders the fact none the less amusing.
We are constrained to observe,
lipweverthat there are tho.-e who
do not believe our gold standard
preti editorial writers are so dense
on the currency question as they
Would appear. The most strenu
ous supporters of gold monometall
ism and erstwhile fighters of "16 to
J" are those who for years have
been advocating a protective tariff
that manufacturers might be bene
t fitted by ',-vulue8 legislated." These
writers have the candor to admit
this specie of tariff legislation
gives greater utility to home goods,
forcing relations between seller and
buyer which under different laws
might not exist. This is the key
to all business transactions and to
. all values. Utility is the creator
v 'lit value. Greater use for an arti
cle always means much when the
supply cannot be superabundantly
produced to sate demand. But
our modern currency writers forego
Weighing use and demand, utility
and law of cause and effect, in a
manner as supremely indifferent as
did our antecedents universally in
veigh against the law of gravity.
The greater per cent of value in
gold bullion is caused by its pri
mary money uses. Put silver buck
Where it was and its uses will ab
sorb all that will come from the
tuques. Tli is will take from gold
- its local premium. This will invite
capital here let it be silver so long
as our governments, national and
state, accept it on a par with gold
. both in buying and building capac
Hies, for our manufacturing insti
tutions would be running day and
night to fill orders. Property val
ues would go up, urban suburban
and rural, alike feeling the effects.
Gold would coniiJ)eie Jo be-invest
Prices of money would fall, or
those antagonistic would say
114 VI vv vutnj uiunvf
' we would pay more dollars than
we now do for a like amount of la
bor'8 results. Improvements every
Where, would be made, and we
would not have such marked desti
tution in a laud of plenty. Europ
ean countries would fall into line,
riot because their "financiers" would
desire it for they would notto
get their share of traffic. The poor
people there, who ior decades have
merely existed under a "civilized
lnonev standard," would rule as
they should, but do not.
This perspective will come true
ome day not far distant and then
our gold monometallic writers will
go down in history alongside those
who fought a" globular earth" and
the laWB of uravity. Their flux of
denial will soon have run its
The probability of a war with
Japan over the Hawaiian Islands is
o remote that the - whole affair
would lie abturd were it not for the
fact that we are not wholly ac
quuinted with the modern Japan
ese. With some half baked fool
rit the head of the council in the
"Japanese government, a little in
discretion on part of our state de
partment, augmented by a vain
glorious desire to bluff some tenth
class power, exchanges could be
made that would precipitate war.
AH this, however, and the mere
possibility of such a war, would be
tf moved were we sure that Secre
;inry of State Sherman were of mind
ally sound and of idea foreign to
the'making of reputation on n na
tion silly enough to attempt to go
the gold standard at the immediate
dictation of money lenders. . Noth
ing but ignorance on the part of
Japan and silliness on our part can
furnish business for powder mills.
llie Oregonian. never entirely
e . , ..i..' .
fuir unless it letter serves its own
individual purpose, is descending
to a vulgarity painful to note in
the columns of a supposedly mod
ern, moral and cultured public pur
veyor of current events and ed tori-
ai opinion. vulgar abuse never
has disproved a fact nor made con
verts to any cause whatsoever, yet
such is the master agent today be
ing used by the brightest writers
of anti-silver fame, It is the blud
geon used by the sophist when line
of reason does not exist with which
to combat invading logic.
From recent 'explositorial' utter
ances from our "cultured" brothers
of the gold press, it would seem as
though never was more applicable:
"Whom the gods would destroy
They first make mad."
If bimetallism is so absurdly ri
diculous, these writers must believe
that a majority of our people are
fools to be so easily taken in; if the
idea is repudiation they have a low
conception of native honor; if bi
metallism is right and all history
substantiates the fact wild eyed
ravings and calling of epithets will
not alter public sentiment. Our
metropolitan editors may know
more about connivance in politics;
more about stock fluctuations and
gambling markets; more about
those conditions which favor mon
opolistic interests, than the country
editorship, but any healthy mind
in circles, urban, suburban or rural
retreat, who has any fine sense of
judgment, is equally capable of
logical reasoning upon economic
laws alongside our worthy city pen-
ny-a liners. Therefore when these
monometallists show evidence of
brutal intolerance and brutish im
patience, one must consider tliem
poor instructors and incapable of
intelligible argument. If they are
right they should cleave unto the
"heathens" with tongues of honey
and words seductive and sweet,
likeunto preelection promises.
They should use honied words to
the incorrigible as do ,hey with Pal
mer men, wh.'.ro at one time were
charged by these worthy writers as
being out-and out traitors anil tories
to American interests.
All Hillsboro has purchased tents and
will camp at Forest Grove next Fourth
of July that is to say everybody feels
that way.
Commissioner Todd is of the opinion
that a "fifty cent dollar" is better than
no dollar if he can get it out of the
Pfanner estate.
It would be interesting to know just
what Grover Cleveland, B. A., of Prince
ton, New Jersey, thinks of the proposed
annexation of Hawaii.
Mr. Brya-i has been in Oregon and Mr
H. W. Scott's epilipsy seems to have more
fi.lly been developed, though perhaps
due to the extreme heat.
If a man show soiled linen to substant
iate his perilous position we say if a
man do this, is it instance for the
Hatchet to set the whole populace to
The manifold evidence of flags and
bunting a few days back is ample testi
mony that when Mark Hanna stole "Old
Glory" he did not pocket the now
subsequent and future output. 1
Thanks to our delegation of the last
twenty years in Congress, if Japan de
clares war, the gun boat "Ranijama
townoftheearth" can't get up the Tuala
tin and carry off the county treasury.
Is it any wondr that baseball games
and bicycle races terminate in ungentle
manly conduct when greut daily papers
brazenly call their fellow people fools
and halfwits? Whether are we drifting?
It isn 't every state that has a governor
who, in the short duration of six months,
can appoint a senator in accords with
Lombard street; and to cap the grand
finale, officiate at a Queen'sjubilee dem
onstration and all this by one governor
and he of Oregon.
We propose to be the first paper in
Oregon to recognise Mr. McKinley's ser
vices to the state. He is the first presi
dent who has been able to stoo Max
Pracht's pea :h taster and a grateful
people willingly submit to the expense
attached to the third rate" office required
to do the work. Evidently the electoral
vote of Oregon was not cast in vain.
Many of our "" republi
can organs decry the fact that silverites
criticize the administration and cry hafd
times. Take your medicine, bovs. You
had four years of such howling yourself
and victory followed your agony. Give
us a chance to celebrate, ourselves, and
When we get in, if we don't live up to
our promises, as you have not done, turn
your ammonia guns on us. and we won't
The Hatchet editor evidently thinks
Save Your Cash . .
These Hard Times toy Buying Where You Can
Get the Greatest Return for Your Money. . ;
McDonald Skirts at Lowest Prices.
Overcoats at cost for the next 30 days.
Our stork of Ladies ami Misses' shoe
can't lie excelled.
Come with your cash we need it, but
don't want it U. lloro is whore vou'U
I have a chance to save part of it by buy-
ing at our Hard Times 1'ricea..
fTHV Ahmy Lead in Groceries.
the proper way to build up Forest Grove
is to belittle the county metropolis. This
is very, very wrong and ill becomes so
origin a young man as Mr. Lraig, He
was fortunate enough to locate in a
bright, progressive little city and all our '
people love it but Mr. Craig is making a
mistake in supposing that his people
join him in his vinegary opinions of ev
ery tiling coming from Hillsboro. Our
two cities are the pride of Washington
County, and ut.likeour Grove contempo
rary, we hear nothing detrimental to ei
ther place from the Buxton Machete and
Cornelius Clarion.
Mckinley received strong sup
port in the coal regions where the
strikes are now raging. Lust fall
the coal miners were offered assur
ance of higher wages if they would
cast their vote for the Canton
statesman. They did so, and in re
duced wages andcontinous depress
ion tbX4Mv receive their election
payments. These men are about
all that is left of the g. o. p. and
Mr. Hanna s agent should not be
too hard on them. It perhaps was
not dense ignorance which caused
them to vote the way they did.
The promises caught them and
the were only human, after, all.
The administration promises
"confidence.", The bimetallists of
fer something which history has
esiaunsneu as a success. The re
publicans want Europe to govern
America. The bimetallists want
America to try no such system as
has crippled Europe for years.
They want American legislation by
Americana and for Americans.
Don't waste an, time, but cfioose
between the two.
Real Estate Transactions.
Sophia Backus to Chas Smith lot .14
kouth 40 rods ol iot 80 Tualatin Gardens
Bond fur deed.
Chas Smith and wf to Klizalwlh'
berg lots same as above W L) $.", 0(1
Sophia Backus et al to Ifilizibeih .Vahl
berg snine as above $,'M)
MP Quinn to Calhaiina Qiiiuu tract in
Orange Hall d 1 c Ifl 00
Win Vaugn and wf lv sheriff to James N
Smith 1 19 a of W E Walker d I el200
M Boyd to Kebeuca A Barret n v yt c
of u e of s w ami lots 1, 2 and U see '11
tlnMwSl '
N H Farnliam to Geo E Duvis 130 a Win
Baldra d I c M58
Wary J Buckingham and husband to W
A Burchel 6 a sec 24 tl s r 4 w 213
H A Hogue and w f U: Sanderson' Heed
and H W Hogue tmct in see Hi 1 2 c rl wf 1
Adolph Oiese and wf by slitf to Henry
Weinlmid e u e and e X e Vt sec So
n r 2w
David Uoodsell to J Thorbon Ross nU
John LHicken die $i
Kdgar J Ward and wf to Benj Scholieid
flOOu" or,le''lls Elv- excepting 8 a
August Weizenberger to J Fred Melzor
15 a sec 19 t '1 s r 1 w $725
Geo C Day and w f to Geo P Dav n i
David JScheeilily d lc$l
Geo P to Sarah' J Day same as above
Fanny Weathered and husband to Thos
D Humphreys part of blk 2in Finney addi
tion Hillsboro $242
Resolutions of Respect.
The following resolutions were adonted
by Phoenicia Temple, Rathbone Sisters, ,
Hillsboro, Oregon: I
Whereas, Our Supreme Ruler of the;
universe has removed from our circle:
our beloved sister, Susie Stanl y, on the i
5th day of July A. D. i8Q7therefore; I
kksolved, that while we mourn the
loss which deprives us ot our sister's
influence and helpful sympathy in all
our good works we submit toourdeeo
afflictions knowing that not our will but
thy will be done.
Resolved, That, having been a faith
ful member of the order and this Temple,
and success since its organization, we
feel that we have lost one of the purest
and truest of sisters. , " I
Resolved, That we, as members of
this Temple, shall ever preserve the mem- J
mory of our beloved sister and thnt w :
do most deeply sympathize with All who
enjoyed her personal friendship and ex
tend to her family our heartfelt con
dolence in their great bereavement, and
that, as one voice, we beseech our
Heavenly Father to comfort them in
their loneliness and guide us each
through a life as devoted as hers.'
Resolved, That these resolutions be
entered in the records of this Temple,
and that a copy be s rit to the family of
our deceased sister, and the leading
papers of this county and to the Grand
Temple Kathbone Sisters of Oregon. '
"Farewell, farewell, ilenr aiutar
Our hearts with grief are sore;
But in heaven We hope to moot thoe,
Where parting la no more." ...
( S. M. Greer,
Committee. 1 Ella Huston,
( Jennie Sewell.
A. Thornburg, the rustling far
mer of near Manning, was in the
city the first of the week.
Crops all over the county are
looking very promising even as
well as they did last year.
C. E. Hicks, skilled in the "art
preservative" printing and all
round technical musician, and a
jolly good fellow wilhal, is in the
city visiting relatives.
Don't forgft to call on Dr. C.
B. Brown, the reliable dentist.
, Win. Moore was last evening
tried before Judge Smith on n charge
of assaulting John Northrop. He
was fined $15 and costs. '
Lead all Competition and set the puce. Come ami moo their Mammoth Stock and lie
convinced. Mens' and Hoys' clothing Kit Ouariintocd mid prlcostho lowest. Com
plete Uno of Wash Hoods, Percales, Oil Calicos, I.piet .Mulls, Organdies, Dcmotlos,
Suttoens, Ducks, Figured I.nwns, niul Suitings and Outing Flannel. Ladles Under
wear and Hose, A lull lino of Cooper-Wells Hosiery. Men's furnishing Hoods.
See our Lines
E. H. Suppington bra purchased
Frank Williams' interest in the
Main Street Livery, Hillsboro, and
will take charge at onco.
Where To Get Brick.
Aftoi- Ti,,.u 1 Hi I, I.'i;.,..,. ... , i,-ll,
Alter June loth klin.-nmn s brick
yard Will be ready lo furnish brick
111 anv nnmitilv at. rnuannnb u H,r.
ures. Put in vour orders now.
Save Your Grain,
Few realizo that each squirn
1 dt
stroys if 1.50 worth of grain annual
ly. Wakelee's Squirrel and Goph
er Exterminator is the most effect
ive and economical poison known.
Price reduced to 30cente. For sale
by the Delta Drug Store, agent.
A Mig'ity DuiiJcr.
As tin invigomtor n ml builder up
of broken down tissues, Wilbur's
Llouil Pin KW cannot be excelled.
i If ion have pimples or sores of any
I kind on yotir body, by takinf a few
I bottles of litis inedicii.e they will
soon disappear. For rheniniitisni
the medicine never fnils. $1.00 per
bottle. For wle l.v W. E. IS rock.
City warrants up to Sept. 12,'WH, and
inclusive of No.'a iB and K2 endorsed on
Sept, 12,1, are now payable at the ofctice
of city treasuror.Brock's Drug storo.Hills
boro, Oregon, ami interest will ceaso on
same after this date.
Dated May 0,
City Treasurer.
Notice for Publication.
Laud Officii at Okkoon City, Oa.l
July , 1W.(
X OT1C15 is hereby given t hat the follow
1 big-named settler has filed notice i f
her intention to make final proof in sup
port of her claim, and that said proof will
he limile liAfur, th ,iillltfv rlt.rlr rWnah.
ington county at llillsljoro, Oregon, on
Aug.zi, mil, viz:
Bos i Klink.
H B mn-.o r.,r tl,,, vs ..r u w i ,.r
sec. S and X ii of 8 K 4 of sec 0 T. 2 N
iv i est-.
She names the following 'witnesses to
prove her contiguous residence upon and
cultivation of said lanil, viz:
(J. Peterson, W. .1. Stalev and N. II
West, of Buxton, and M.J. Uleason. of
Forest Grove.
1-8 Roiiest A. Mn.Liin. lleglsler.
' - 91 . uu
to 11 remitting during the next three months.
Regular price. 3.00. Bright, newsy, entertain
ing. An Illustrated journal of highest literary
merit. Send for sample copy.
For the above period we will make the follow
ing prize oficrs to parties tending incashaub
acrlptionn: . . , Y,u
30 subscribera, pair guaranteed road tires. $12 00
15 " Camera takes pictures 4Kx4K 5.00
10 " Cycle Lamp 3.00
5 " Guaranteed Foot Pump 1. 50
1 ' Lightning Repair Tool 50
1 " Aluminum Nam-plate per
sonal name enirravtd 3
For further particulars, address
Tna Cycling West pub. Co., Dknvkx, Colo.
Fine Watch Repairinr a Specialty.
. . DEALElt IN . .
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Bicycles, Sewing Machines,
MUSiCal Instruments
Hillisboro, -
Has moved liiH boot and shoe repair shop
fnto the building one door east of the
1 liarlniicy, on Main street, where he will
i e pieuseu io no good work at
Lowest Possible Prices. ; V
,. ( frnctfcb.or to C. R. Mead)
j ties regular trips bet ween" Port
ed 'ind H ilLshoro. Hauls freight
: Vst -o$ible rates.
Send for free sample and judge tliereby.
illsboro Iris And
lllllill! Milt
Per Year
1 Kl Cash in
The Enquirer is a 9-coluinn, 8
piige paper, iwied each Thursday.
Largest in size, cheupeet. in price,
most reliable in. neivn, all large type,
plain print, good white paper. If
our readers want another live paper
the Enquirer is that paper.
Call or send orders to
Argus Pub, COi,
of Boots and Shoes
Hy virtue of nuaf (edition Issued out of
the circuit Court ol the Stale or Oregon,
f ir Washington County, on t heath day of
July, WKf, in favor of C. P. Cornelius, and
against I'riah Truniho, for the sum of $9 70
costs, and the sum of JtiSUO in 11. S. Hold
' L,,"" wu" Interest llicreon Iroin the 3rd
; ,lay r M llt the rute tmi l(,r
, cent perannuiii, upon a judgment rendered
I " """ " -" 1 ,r iiuisnoro justice
"f Peace and Constable District. i ashing,
tori County, Oregon on the ,'lrd day of
March, 1MH1. and which judgment was
duly docketed in flie Circuit Court of the
Stale of Oregon, for Washington County,
on Ihe 10th dav ol March, lstm, I ili.l on
the lHtli day of Inly, 7, for want of suf
ficient personal property out of which to
make the amount of said judgment and
costs, levy uhiii the premises hereinafter
described, and by virtue and In pursunnro
of said judgment and execution, 1 will on
Monday, the Kith dav of August, WI7, at
the south door of the Court House in Hills
boro, Washington County, Oregon, at the
hour of It) o'clock A M., of said dav, sell
at public auction, to the highest iiidder,
foi cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest of the above named Uriah Truui
bo of, In and to the following described
real property lying, being and situate
in Washington County, Oregon, and more
particularly described as the Southeast
quarter of election 1(1, Township 2 North,
Itange 2 West of the Willamette Veritlan.
Also that certain tract described as com
mencing at a point IK) rods Wt of the
Southeast corner of Section 111 Township
2 North, Kaiigei West, of the Willamette
.i eridan c thence North 4(1 rod ; thence
West 40 rods; thence South 40 rods; thence
East 40 rods to the place of beginning, con
taining 10 'teres, to satisfy the hereinbe
lore men Honed sums, and for tho costs
and expenses of said sale.
Said property will be sold subject to re
demption as per statue of Oregon.
W Itnoss my hand this llth day ot July,
Sherttl of Washington County, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Washington county.
Caroline llandleinan, Plaintiff
John Handleuian, Defendant
IN The name of the State of Oregon:
To John Itaiidloman, defendant)
You are required In appear in tho above
named court on or before Monday, July
Mill, A. I)., Wj7, and answer plaintiff 's
coinplaint.or plaintiff will take judgment
against you dissolving tho marriage con
tract heretofore and now existing be
tween you and her. Published by order
of Hon. T. A. MeBrido. judgn, made
Herein on tno 2nd tiny of June, x.rj.
W. J. mere,
Atl'y Ur Plaintiff.
In the Oii-cui! Court of the St t!c of Ore
gon, tor Washington county
Bertha Wledowitach, l'laintlf!'
v. ,
Iwaae O. C'lom, Dofcm
nut J
To Isaac O. Clout, the abovo named de
fendant. IX tho mime of tho State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you
in the above entitled suit bv Monday .the
lllth day of July, lt7, that being Ihe llrst
day of tho term of said court following
the expiration of tho time proscribed in
tho order for the publication of this sum
mons: anil if you fail ho to answer the
complaint, the plaintiff wili apply to the
court for the relief demanded therein, to
wit: That her title be quiotnd in, and
you be excluded from all interest ami
claim in sniil premises of plaintiff which
at e described as: Koing part of the Solo
mon Kmcrlck and wife's donation land
claim, situated in township one south of
range nireo wostot Willamette meridian,
and commencing at the south-east corner
of a tract of land conveyed by 0 W Pitch
and H P 1'itoh, his Wife, to lloboit Alton
about March, ltiUO, and running tlionce
east along the south boundary lino of
said l-;nicrick donation land claim 10,88
chuins; tbeneo north 9.10 chains; tlionce
west 10.88 chains to tho north-east corner
oflhoRobort Alton land; thence south
H.19 chains to the place of beginning, con
taining 10 ucres.
That the deed executed by you on Feb
ruary 10, 18 1, and recorded on page 193
of iiook 84 of records of deeds of Wash
ington county, Oregon, wherein yon con
veyed said property to 0 O Hancock, be
corrected ho as to describe said land as in
township one south of said range 8 west
of Willamette meridian, instead of as in
township ono north of said range.
This summons is served upon yon by
publication thereof by order of the Hon.
Thomas A. McBride. judgo of said court,
made and dated at Chambers, at Oregon
City, Oregon, on the Ulst day of May,1897.
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
America's Scenic Line
Meals in Dining Car a la Carte
llock Ballast. No Dust.
To St. Paul,
. . , . And all Points East ....
Throtiffh Palace and Tourist
Sleepers,' Dining and Li
brary Observation Cars.
Service and Scenery Uneqnaled.
For tickets and full information
call on or address. II. T. Bi.elev.
Agent, Ilil Inborn, Or.
A. B. C. Denniston,. C. P. & T. A..
Portland, Oreg(ui
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
The L?adin Drug Houso,
Where Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils,
may be procured at prices
Special Attention (liven lo Quality
and Accuracy in Dispensing.
See Our Large Stock of Fine Perfumes
The Largest Ever Shown in the City.
Telephone IVom Hi ore to OIUcc.
I. K
Beef, Mutton,
Kept Constantly on Hand.
Hi(jhcst : Maiket s Price : Paid i for ! Fat : Cattle, : Simp
Cash Paid for Poultry.
Cor. and and Washington Street Is
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the tindnr-
siguoo, administratrix ol tile estate ol
Hunry Gardner, deceased, baa Mod her
final account as such administratrix In
tho County Court of the Mlato of Oregon
for Washington County, and that said
Cnuntv Court has flxnrl Mondnv. the 'imt
day ot August, IMI7, at tho Court room In
lllsboro county and state aforesaid, at of said day iw tho
ttino and place of hearing ohjeetioim to
said tlnal account, If any there lie, and
the tlnal settlement of said estate.
Dated at Hillsburo, this Juno 2I. 1 7.
O. M. Oaiidnkh,
Aninlnlstralrlx of the estate of Henry
tiardnnr, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Washington County,
Sarah C. Miller, Plaintiff
Julius Martin Miller, Defeudai
To Julius Martin Miller, tlie above imni
oi I defendant:
AN the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required lo appear and an
swer plaintiil 's eon. plaint tiled herein in
the above entitled suit, by Monday the lllth
day of July, Ifi7, the same ueing the llrst
day of the next regular term of said court
next following the expiration of the time
prescribed by law for the publication of
ibis summons, and if you fall so tuniiHwiir,
for want thereof the plaititilf will apply to
the court for the rel'.if prayed for and de
niaiKled in her complaint, to-wit; For a
decree dissolving tint marriage contract
now existing between yourself and the
ptaiutilf. unci tbat the plaiutilt' have the
euro and custody uf t lie minor children,
and for such other and further relief us to
the court may appear equitable. '
This BUininuns is served upon you by
publication by order of the Hoii.ThouuiH
A. ride, judge of the above named
court, made and dated ut Hillsboro, Ore
gon, this L'Hud day of Mav, 1897,
10-0 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Slato of Ore
gon, for the County of Washington.
Mary E. Morand, Plaintiff 1
KJniflr E. Morund, Dofondant J
. To Elinor E. Morand, the above named
IN tho name of tho State of Oregon, you
are horoby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed herein against
you In the above entitled court and cause
by Monday the lllth day of July, 18117, the
same being the first day of tho next reg
ular term of said court, and you are horo
by notified should you fail to appoar and
answor said complaint, for wunt thoroof
inopiaintm win apply to said court for
the reliof prayed for in said complaint to
wit: For a decroo dissolving the bonds
of' matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and dofondant, and that alio bo
awarded the oustody of the minor chil
dren, Claude C. Morand and Eva C. Mo
rand; issue of said marriage, and also
that the personal property mentioned in
said complaint be declared to be the ab
solute property of the plaintiff, and for
such other and furthor relief as to the
court may see in meot and, U,
This summons Is published by order of
iiou. xuomug a. Mciirme, judge of said
court, duly made in Chambers at Oregon
City, Oregon, on the 5th day of June.1897.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Sale.
NOTICE Is horoby given that whereas
the County Court of Washl ntrtnn
county, Oregon, did, on June 21,1897,duly
make and enter an order authorizing and
directing mens administrator of the es
tate of John McConkey. deceased, to sell
the real estate belonging to said ewtuto at
in vat o sale, jnow therefore, notice is
loreby given tiiat from and after Jnlv 2(1.
18(17, 1 will proceed to soil at private sale
the following described roal estate be
longing to said estate, to-wit:
The n w i of tho ne of section 2 18 s r 2
w of Wll. Mer. Washington oou-ntv. Oro-
gon, contalnlngW acres.
Terms or Halo one-half cash in hand
balance payable in one year, deterred
payment to be secured by a mortgago up
on the land sold, bearing 8 por cent In
terest per annum.
Administrator of the estate of John
McOonkey, deceased.
Transact a General Banking Business
. Manager
. .Cashier
Moll sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers and issues Letters of Credit
available throughout the United States.
- Draw Hills of Exchange on London,
Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Frank-fort-on-the-
Vam.Htockholm and all prin
cipal cities of Europe.
Collections made on all accessible points.
Banking hours from 9 a in to 3 p m.
Tmiahoro, Oregon.
Union ltlock
Mala Hi.
Pr.'K. A. Ms I ley
Sponge, Pi-indies and all Druggist's Nuidrlc
that simply dlstiinceeiiuclllioii.
Quality in Every Respect
A l-'ull Supply of Toilet Aitii les, Perfum
ery, Patent Mcdicint s, .School Hooks, Ktc.
HKI18T, !'..!
Veal and Pork
and : lloua
O R & W
No Chan
c of Cars between
Shortest I.i iik Ut Sl'OKANK
Counvctiug with
All HAIL HOUTK to . .
Trail, ItiiKolund, Marcus
Kclfini, mul nil Ivi-dciiay
.... Mining Uitnips.
For I'ltn plili is and DctMili d
Information, writi' t .
(Jeu'l Pass Agent Portland, liregnii.
Or J. I. linhflii, IIHIhImivo, Ore,
Cor. mUKi
Newly Furnished
and Renovated,
A first-class table and
all accommodations
, for the convenience
of guests. , , .
Inthe Circuit Court of the Ktute ol'Oregoii
for Washington enmity.
Ijoulse Mssen, Plaintiff.
Walter Nisson, Defendant.
To Walter NisHimthi,
fondant. ' v" l"7
INthenainooftho Htate of Oregon yoti
are horoby required to appearand an
swer tho complaint against you, tiled lit
tho above entitled court and oanso, on or
before the noxtro iulartenn of said court.
h!,;ivit! 'l '"-u tho liUu lny of July,
1897, and in default of an answer to said
complaint the plaintiff will apply to tho
court for tho relief demanded in said com
pliant, to-wit: For a deoroe dissolvlnu
tho bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plalntitl- and defendant, and tho
plaintiff bo allowed to remimo hor maid
en name, Louise aimy, and for such fur
ther and other relief as to the court mar
sooiii meet and oqutabk.
r This summons is pnbllsliod by order of
Hon. 1 nomas A. Ale. ride Judgo of said
oourt made In open court ut Ht. f elens,
Oregon, on the 18thduy of . av, 1897.
. ' ' 'li: REII),
In the Clicuit Court of the State of Oregon
tor Washington County. .
K L. Cudy,
Eva A. Suckuu.
To Eva A. 8uekau,
" Plaintiff.)
the ubove named do-
IN the nhiue of the Slate of Oregon, von
are hereby required to appear and an.
swer the pluintitf's complaint !! led here u
in the above entitled action . i.",...?. S
thlthrln of .lulu law , r. .""'i'"
thfl i All:. .7"" 1 1,18 Ba,,ie D n
Uif i first day of the "ex . regu ar term or
?hldM,0Urt t followliiK theKexpirat o . ot
the time prescribed by law for the ui ,
cation of this sun.iiioi.s, and if you fi t to
nterest thereon at thn v,o.. ru . " '
per annum since February 1, 188S. And that
!fn?teSt"ta ur ""'"aUachea ,
this notion and belonging to you be .. 1
and the proceeds thoTeo? appHed to 1.1
M, 1 1 s R 2 W ; thence south 15.47 ol a to
the section Ine between sections 4 a d m,
north 4lir ,..t Z .iZZ'l " J'.i '"enoo
M-Brirle. Wlirr T of .1 "Oi". ,'-I"om?
court .made and Bated "H, llsbor OrT
Kou, this 22nd day of Mav, 1897 '
fi. It. Hl'C'PAV
Ida .. tin will apply to' the court lKThe re!
het prayed for ami demanded in Ids ooinT
Plaint, to-wit For the sum of lf 3 V L
beginning. c.mtabiTng aH acre, ",e
...Vlr."'?'""8 ,l8 ""ved npon youbv
i'"uiiunbiiiii iiv iii-iinr tit Kn xi r
lo-o Ait.',f;,.Bi.i.X