Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1897)
THK HILLSBORO ARGUS, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, I8'.)7. THE ARGUS . . CALENDAR Aiin" Moijj Turn j W ed Tuiij 'f'rij Mill i:; H 1 15 l m fT ih J itf 2Uj21 22 "23jjl,ffljl '27 2H "gn ') 1 - - a in P in 7:1 MHI :) u m 7: IB Pally Mall ArrlvulHi Kormt Grove I'ortliuid, Wny utul Kiwtorn lllxnvoo i'orvnllln and Whjt lrllMid lully Mull DepartureM l.iHl,inil A KimtPNi via H P Port vluUldiiiMMi, Lenox .v. llotlmny 7.0" roi vnlllHA Way - : Portland & Way - ill 6:(ia ForuHt (Hove - :' r'nrmlilgtoli nntl Laurel leave at IftifO u in mill arrive ul 3:4r p in on mummy, Thiii'Nilitv nnil Nuliii'iiiiy No Holiday nintlM. IVmtiilllre open from 7:00 a in to H: p in, except Hiin.iHyH, S. P. Time Table: Lv. a in 7:1.1 H III :(i0 II in N:,'4) a III 0:" worllund Corvullls I'lirtliiinl M.'Mimivllln Ar. p m 8:W p III A:(KI p ni I:(KJ p III 7: lit Auk your dealer for Crwuent Hour. A typographical error marie the Maccabve picnic at Greenvillo read to occur on Juno Hth. It phouW lmve rend June lltli. -Mr. Dinanian, of Klickitut cutintv. Washington, visited lust week with the Bewail brotherH. Storm porches over Brown's grocery and Blazer's resort help out the Second street bumnesB quarters, -Don't allow the lun8 to be Un paired by the continuous irritation of a cough. It is euBier to prevent consumption than to cure it. One Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off any fatal lung trouble. W. K. Brock. Johannes Bchleich had her second trial, last Friday, for assaulting John McCalen. A jury in Judge Smith's court decided she was guilty and a fine of if 20 and cost was imposed.. Screen ilimrs at Carstens Bros, '(toventy-five ci'iils, complete. V-Attorncys J. M. Wall and L K- Adam) visited St. Helens Sunday, taking the bicycle route. --Messrs. Parent and Larson have completed their contract of raising the court nouse ixnler and next winter the heating room will be free of surf.ico water. One minute is all that is ne cessary to decide from personal ex perience that Uue iMinute cougii II. Dilberper, the Litntd fiirm- er, was in the city vi-nti-nhiy and tePs uh that J. Mainland is build ing a fine new burn. Mr. Dilber- gi-r Hilvines us that "the manly art ii untuning Dome of Lmircl s young athletes to action and thnt not a few twisted noses is the re sult. A. I'. Luther was in from near Mountuindiile yesterday and tellx us that Arcade nchoul district, No. oil, will soon build a new school house, 24x30. Bid were opened last Saturday night and I'Iioh. (.oo.lin was the lowest bidder on price of const ruction. Ladies' spring Oxfords in the latest st vies and colors Tan, Manic and Ox " prices 1 .00, I 50, 11.75 and 2 00. Call at (Jregg'g Shoe Store, Forest Grove, Ore. Many canes of "grippe" have been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems es pecially adapted to the cure of this disease. It acts quickly thus pre venting serious complications and bad eff- cls in which this disease of ten leaves th patient. V. K. Brock II. S. Hicks writes his father from Mutt, California, that he will soon lie running an engine in a saw mill near that place. 8. A. I) Meek, of Olencoe, was in the city yesterday and says they badly need rain out in his vicinity. it is surprising wiiat a "wee bit of a thing" en n accomplish Sick headache, constipation, riys pepsia, sour stomach dizziness, are quickly banished nv DeW itt s Lit- .1 n t i i 1111 HP lie r.ariv tuners, nniau inn. naie pill. Best pill. W. E. Brock. Elmer Gardner and Albert Peters, who have lived north of this place, left last week for Baker City to try to find remunerative employ ment. Next Thursday night, June lOlh, the entire Kire Department will meet at the hull to drill will the hose cart and other apparatus. All are requested to turn out. If vou have ever seen a child in the agony ot croup, you can ap preciate the gratitude of mothers who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as administered. Many homes in this city are never with out it. W. E. Brock. X -11 7 1 firt. ftl Bargains ! Bargains ! ! Bargains ! H Our Stock (if Spring and Summer Goods is Now Complete Consistioi of Hals Caps Knots Shoes Meu's Hoys' Children's Clothing Ladles' (i eats' Furnishing: Goods Motions Luces Wash Staple Ladies' Liiibroidery Goods and Kliirt and Cycling Fancy Waists Kdtfinifs Cloths - Groceries Ladies' Collars Cult's Seek wear We Still Continue To Sell - Goods at Prices . Lower Than - Anybody We buy for di; we sell for cash; we can sell low! Come and see us. On every purchase of $15 we will en large to lile tir.t any picture in Water Color or Crayon. ' Klegant frame in finest artistic work worth anywhere (10 for $2.85. See sample in window. BRYAN LAIDLAW CO. CASH STORE, Hillsboro, Oregon. Those in the $3000 Mark for 1896. COUNTY PYTHIAS PICNIC ASSURED Will Probably Hold at Cornelius The Fraternity Meets at Glencoe. Other News of the Week. .m Cure does what its name implies, Brock. , .. . -Hon. V. D. 'lars departed the first of the week for Millwaukee, Wisconsin, where he will represent Oregn in the .Supreme Lodge, A.O.U. W. Hon. W Colvig.of Jack' sonville, is the other represenutive, They aro so small that the most sensitive persons take them, they uro so effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, headache and M-rpid liver yield to them. That is why DeWitt's Lil tie Early Hitters are known as the famous little pills. W. E. B'ock. The Si hamberg crossing of the Tualatin will be bridged this sum mer. See Haines & Bailey before selling your wool. Much work is being done on our county roads just now, and the dust is growing deeper and deeper. C. L. Hinman.of Forest Grove, has put in a fine stock ot saddles. Don't fail to see him. Miss Laura Nicklin, of Mo- nville. was the first of the week !. ' . r T I f .lest at Mrs. J. u. L,aniain. Jl r E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo., ,rites us that after suffering from piles for seventeen years, he com pletely cured them by using three boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures eczema and severe skin diseases. W. E. Brock. The strawberry searon is on but the crop is not overly large Saturday last they were going at seven lidxes for a Quarter. The hot days of ist week burned many patches quite severely. Warren WilliatnB and family have moved out to their fa. m to snend the summer. Warren says flat fishinn is good in ms neign lorhood und invites us up to oaten trout. ' ? Torturing, itching, scaly skin eriintions. burns and scams are soothed at once and promptly healed by DeVitt,s Witch Hazel Su ve. the best known cure ior Hies. W. to. brocK. John Masters lias the largest straw berry patch in the vicinity of HtlUboro. It comprises about acres, iheie are several larger, however, in the county. Loren Jackson has returned from his trip to the Big Bend country. lie was at Wenatchie on the line of tho (Ireat Northern and says that Webfoot is away ahead of that country. Hon. W. N. Barret was up to dales Creek Monday and delivered the memorial address to the old veterans of that section. Call and see Haines & Bail ey's stock of gents' clothing. We have some odd and broken lines in men's and boys' clothing at less than cost. Come and see them. Schulmerich & Son. V. Cimino. the old silver dem ocratic wiieel horse of Tualatin was in the citv tins morning am' says Br' an is the coming man and that his principles are the coming laws. Good fur Cimino! He tells us fur ther that he believes the people will throw away partisanship and vote tor principle hereaf'er. Thos. B. Perkins, once in busi ness in this city, but now of Grant's Pass, is now in the city renewing old acquaintances. -Wo don't advertise to t-ell some goods below cost, and make an out raeeous profit on other articles but expect honest profits and give hon est dealing in return. W e sell just what we advertise and just as much as you vant. Brown s Cash Grocery A. Ackerman $355 Isaac Allen 3330 John- Armstrong , 3755 A. C. Arch bold 3065 Hooa and Hcitzhansen 3520 Louis Daicliers 3215 A.iC. Brown 3700 C. B. Bunnell 3655 Geo. S. Campbell 3345 Francis Chalmers 33H0 Mary Vinson 3200 Rufus Wagener 3015 Wash. Co. Fl. Mills 3170 Wm. Wilson , , 3330 Juber Wilkes 3075 K A. Wolf 30X5 J. C. and C. L. Woods 3140 Win. Bagley 3320 J I). Hates 397s Chas. Bernard 3145 Geo. Biersilorf 3000 Ilenj. Btr.lsell 3720 I'. W. Chandler 3400 Chan Ho 3600 W H. Connel 3705 B. P. Cornelius 3960 Constance lJuktns 3320 H O. Davis 3525 B .K. Denny 3800 J. H. Ellers 3270 John Elsmerr and Co 3235 S. Emerick 3035 Horace Farnham 3070 Rosa Gerrick 3550 H. H. Cordan 3395 Peter Gotleif 3000 E. W. Haines 3340 G. W. Hale 3265 R. W. S. Hamer 3120 Wm. Hay 3700 W. N. Havnam 3325 Martin Hermans 3790 A. Hill 3495 Geo. Horn'juckle 3235 Georgia Hughes 3705 Lucimla Jackson; 3S60 Peter Jansen 3290 H. B Johnson 3440 Isaac Leisy 3050 Wm. H. Lung 3875 Mary Robinson 3585 Lillie Rowe 3300 J. H. Shock 3600 John W, Sewall 3495 Little Joe Simon 3050 J. M Simpson 3555 j. H- Smith 3150 J. C. Smock 3550 C. H. Spence 3000 Thos. C. A. Spielman 3000 Albert Stewart 35 Anthony Tongue '. 3690 Wm. Vanrtervelde 3250 Heirs W. Vincent 3485 M. E. and C. Lystrup 3455 John Lord 3500 E. Manning -. . . 3720 W. H. and E. McEldowuey 3025 J. D. Merryman 3535 Betsy Miller 3990 E.L. Naylor 35 Mary R. Nixou 3550 M, H. Tattou 3140 R. S. Perkins 3395 W.W. Pur lin 3430 Martin Reiling.. 3055 II. I. ReilniK 35 Larkin Reynolds 3585 Where To Get Brick. After June 15th Klineman's brick yard will be ready to furnish brick in any quantity at reasonable ng tires. Put in your orders now. Sixth street to cat. h a car. A west bound car was just passing Sixth street, and Mr. Tongue, not noticing east hound car No. 14, of the Fourteenth street line, which was almost to Sixth street, ran to catch the west-bound car. It was growing dark and the grlpman did not notice the man about to cross the track ahead of his car- until almost on him. Then he shouted a warning, but it was too late. Just as Mr. Tongue stepped on the track the east-bound car struck him on the leftside. He fell into the fender and was thrown from that on the street, by the side of the track. Gripman J. Jones brought his car to a stop immediately, and, aided by some people who saw the accident, carried Mr. Tongue into Harper's drug store. Sena tor Hawley, who was in the party, saw the crowd gathering, and, fearing some one of the party had been injured, went over to the drug store. When he saw that it was Mr. Tongue he at once asked that an ambulance be sent for. The Emergency Hospital ambulence was called but by the time it arrived Mr. Tongue had recover. d conciousness and asked to be sent to Providence Hospital. A carriage was called, and, accompan ied by Sergeant at-arns Russell, of the house, Mr. Tongue was taken to the hospital. There he was found to have received two very painful cuts, one on the left cheek and one over the left eye. His left aim was badly bruised, but no bones were broken. His injuries were dressed and the surgeons do not appre hend any serious consequences. rivers and rive transcontinental lines are tributary to Gladstone Park; East Side Electric and South ern Pacific railways run directly through the ground. Rales on the motor line: 25 cents the round trip from Portland; 10 rides, for 25 cents from Oregon Cily Southern Pacific 1 fare. When purchasing a ticket take certificate from the ngert; this signed by the secretary, C. H. Dye, at Gladstone, ecure8 i fare on return Will be at Gladstone Park on July 12th. Nothing Like It. Wilbur's Oil of Gladness rheu matism, neuralgia, toothache, head ache, core throat, sprains, bruises dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera infantum for both internal and external use. It will remove more pain and in less time than any oth er medicine on earth. Kor pain in back, side, stomach, bowels, or any other part of the body" it is instant relief. Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Brock. WILL LEOTURE (IN BI-METALL1SM This Year's Chantauquan Organized on Brilliant Lines Array of Gifted Speakers and Lecturers. How Blooded Horses Sell. The Rural Spirit bus the foil nv ing to say of the recent horse sale in this city: "Hon. Thos, H. Tongue of Hillsboro, sold at public auction last Saturday 18 head of horses, mostly young stock, 3 and 4-year-olds. The sale was held a'. the fair grounds, and was purcy u locai affair. No buyers from the outside be ing present, and those that were there seemed to have come more from curios ity than for the purpose of buying. The prices were ridiculously low, considering the breeding and condition the stock were in. A limit seems to have been set on each head offered, regardless of the real worth ot tile animal. A good, large promising 3 or 4-year-old sold lor no more than an old broken down brood mare. The sale, however, was absolute and every one offered was sold, and Mr. Tougue has the satisfaction of having the confidence of the public in this respect. The sale should have been better attend ed and the stock sold for more money than it did." T. M. Word and wile spent Saturday, and Sunday with Mr. and ..Mrs. J. W, Morgan ana me gentlemen went out to Sam John 'sou's place Saturday and caught 80 nice trout. Mr. worn is wen anon o ere and travels for a San t ramus clothing house. VKVank Grabouski. living near , Ninv, died Monday evening and l)r i.". k later was called Tuesday J a post mortem examination Ihy reK,sl 0f the deceased's Bomm- V Doctor found that death waB catty by general demuty. deceased Ln had heart trouble and -Sard "meMiiin-like" substances Were foindn one of his lungs. fli,ibo!fct - Km 1011 a miner 111 lars bygfrnevhieh pr.hably uc Vnts for the oNrangernent. Ian V Portland ia having a great sensation over an alleged cnnspir icy to rob the registry department of the postoffice. A man, Gautier by name, has confessed tho scheme and alleges thnt detective Charles Holeapple, well known in this county, whs ono of the co-conspira tors. The many friends of Hols 11 mile are firm in the belief he is innocent and hope that investiga tion will bring him out with nyiug colors. Miss Edna Magee and brother, both of whom reside at Coos Bay, were in the city the past week, the guests of their aunt, Mrs. S. H. Huston. Go to Greer's for beehives. It was P. T. Barnum who said the American people like to be hum bugged, but however that is it has nothing to do with E. R. Miller's Second Street Barber chop where vou can get the best shave in the city at tho most reasonable rate. The city council met Tuesday night and allowed the following bills: Marshal's salary for May, $20: Brvan-Laidlaw, street work by Bancroft, $2; C. R. Bloyd, lumber, $4.89; Light and Water Co., bill for May $105 80. A motion was passed instructing the recorder to. draw and report an ordinance requiring a qarterly license ot ifo.uu on dowi ing alleys and nickle-in-the-slot machines. Greer, Greear and Stanley voted aye and Tucker, Wacizenor and Wehrung oted Hirainst it. The recorder, acting as mnyo", cast, the decisine vote in the affirmative. ;, Knights of Pythias of Glencoe. Glencoe Lodge. No. 22, Knights of Pythias is doing its share towards Wltfthinuton Uountv I'vtiiianism Saturday evening last V N. Hay mini, a prosperous fnrni'-r, living near Greenville, was knighted and the occasion was a sigiuil for Pvthian gathering that completely caotnred the little town, nil is boro. Cornelius and forest Grov contributed to the assembly am. after the work of the evening was over an elegant lunch was enjoyed and "Good of the .Order was th zenith of speech making. The ru es were suspended and visitors allowed to vote on a pro uosition of a county Pythian picnic to held in the month of June. It was unanimously carried and next Monday delegations from tho coun ty lodges will meet in-this city to name date ana piaee 01 picnic. 1 is generally understood that Cor nelius will he tho Uivimnious choice. How It Occured. (Washington Post, May 2a.) . Representative Thomas H. Tongue, of Oregon, wno lives at 1014 riuecmu street northwest was knocked down by car and oaintullv injured near the cor ner of Pensvlvania avenue and Sixth street about 8 o'clock last night. He re ceived a number of severe cuts and bruises, and but for the fender would have been ground to death beneath the car. Mr. Tongue had been with a number of Senators and Represenatives on a sneclal excursion to Charlottesville and Monticello. When the party returned last nieht he left the train slinhtly in advance of them, as he was in a hurry to reach home, and walked rapidly up New Store, Schulmeriih & son have opened an implement house in the brick building under the Masonic - Hall here they will keep a full supply of binders, mowers, rakes, harrows, plows and cultivators, lhey will carry the Osborne Machines, they being the' Washington County alien ts. lhev will also carry extras for machines and binding twine. ADDITION AL' LOCALS. The Workmen's picnic June 4. Strawberries went up to six boxes for a quarter Monday. Neckwear for ladies and gents Latest designs and prices the low est, fccinilmench k ou. W. 0. Donelson is building a new ham on his property in South Hillsboro. Iluines & Bailey have a fine assortment of cotton and worsted dress goods. . , Hon. Thos. H. Tongue has so far recovered that he is able to at tend to his duties at Washington, 1). C. Attorney Mendenhal!, brother ofE C, of Portland, was in town yesterday on business connected with the circuit court. Rilibon all widths, 10 cents per yard at Schulmerich & Son's. Photographer Bennett lias taken a very fine piaie of Madge and her ten puds. The pictures 1 1 are very nice ana can ou seen i the W iley & Dennis stabies. Haines & Bailey are always ready to buy wool. Call and see them. Yes! J. C. Hare's mill has about live days run ahead, on spec ial orders. This time last year it was buBy every day even under Cleveland administration I ''p-r-o-s-p-e-r-i-t-y." Hats at Schulmerich & Son's. All styles and sizes. Geo. H. Wilcox is the proud owner of a fine rose bush which is; have been extended now in bloom and whose profusion of roses covers tho entire front of ubound on every hai.d The Fourth "Annual Assembly of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua is about to optMi. with the most brilliant program in its history. E:ich day has its celebrity,' and. some of them several. The list in eludes such names as Edward Page Gaston, the traveler and journalist who was for some years a member of the American Legation in the City of Mexico and a warm friend of President Diaz; Miss Ida Benfry, the famous story teller of Jsew York Cily who is described as "yout-g, pretty, magnetic and en tirely capable." Miss Be. try was one of special attractions at the Chiiutnuq.1 last year; Dr, A. W Lamar ot beorgih, the southern or a lor whose depiction of life in Dixie have moved multitudes to tears and laughter; Miss Jessie Ackerman of Chicago, whose remarkable achieve ments us round-the-world mission ary of the Y. T. C. U. rank her second onlv to Francis Willard; Miss Ray Frank of California, who ctiioys the unique distinction ot be ing one of the two Jewish lady rab bis in the world; Joaquin Miller, the world famed "poet of the Seir- ras,'' Charles Edward Locke, of Portland, r.ho will tell the story of his trip to Greece; Earl Cranstoi the new M. E. Bishop d the North West who will deliver thellecogni lion Day address to the Chautauqua graduates; Chaplain (J. 0. Batetnan of the United Slates aruiv who comes to us from Fort Sherman Idaho, and tells us "How they hold the fort;" Bishop Samuel Fallows of Chicago ami Dr. Geo. l. rente- cost id New York, late ot London two of the distinguished orators who have been invited to the coast to address the National Endoaver convention at San Francisco and will come to us from that engage nient; Roland D. Grant of Concord N. H., known tar and wide as one of the ,.reatest orators who ever came to Oregon; Doctors A. A Bennet and E. P. Farnham of Massachusetts who are making a tour of Ihe coast with Dr. Grant. besides an array of the best Ore aon talent. On Monday, July 12, he day preceding the opening of the Chau tauuua assembly. Hon. William J Bkyan, late candidate tor the pres idencv, will speak on the, Chautau qa grounds. While this is entirely distinct Irom the assembly, H, never thelesi: gives our people an op portunity to hear one of the great est men of the day. No doubt thousands will avail themselves of the privilege of coming one day earlier to hear so distinguished an orator. We shall be .glad to have as many of our campers already settled on the groui as possible. Admission 2oo. Gladstone Park has the largest auditorium west of the Rocky mountains, seats 3,000 people, 14 acres in the shade, camping privi leges unsurpassed, restaurants, postoffice telephone on the grounds, transportation facilities by water, steam, electricity, bicycle and buggy; expenses the lowest of any assembly 111 the world; pro gram second only to the great New York Chautauqua V2 departments of instruction, speakers of national fame, scenery that invites the tour ist from distant lands, waters from the snows of Mount Hood, fishing within sight, 10 minutes ride from the falls of the Willamette rest, recreation, amusement, culture, all these and more cluster around and center in Gladstone Park. Does the fastidious guest wish a luxrious hotel, Portland is 40 minutes away; dots he want a sylvan camping spot, it is hidden in yonder glen; does he seek the wild flowers ot na ture, Gladstone is a natural gar den; can he spare but a day from business, Gladstone lies between two cities; does he wish to visit the metropolis, Ins road runs through Gladstone, so near is Gladstone Park to the advantages of both city and rural lite. Ihe water mains to meet in creased needs and improvements 28 steam Business Men's Carnival. The carnival lust night and this evening wa3 a splendid success. Nearly every business house in the city was represented and the mana gers felt gratified at their success. All impersonations and characters Aere ably represented and to say which was the best would be far fetched. All did nicely. The band was in attendance and the drill un der Miss Vandersal'8 direction was simply superb. Besides the pio graii) there was a recitation by Alice V elming, a duet by J. H. Stanley and Elsie Schulmerich ai.d remarks by Rev. R. L Shelley. Publie Ball at Bethany. The new Bethany Hall, situated three-fourths of a mile from Betha ny, will he dedicated on Saturday evening. June lzth, by a grand ball. Ihe Bethany Orchestra will furnish music and A. Hanson and It. Forestal will act as floor manag ers. 1 lckels tor the dance, ol) cents. Supper extra. A splendid time it guaranteed. CONGRESSMEN. Senator G. W. McBrido , ,- I...T. H.Tongue Representatives j Wl. Ellis STATE OFFICERS. Governor. Wm. P. Lord Sec. of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phillip Metschari Supt. Pub. lnstruct'ns.G. M. Irwin State printer W. II. teeda ( .Chas. E Wolverton Sup. Court R. S. Bean ( F. A. Moore Judge 5th Dist. . . . .T. A. McBride Attorney 5th Dist. . . T. J. Cleeton COUNTY OFFICERS. ' Judge B P. Cornelius I). 15. Kensoner T.G.Todd Cnmm'rs Clerk Sheriff .T. . . Reccorder . . rreasurer. . Assessor School Supt Surveyor.. . How Schulmerich & Son Sell. 3 cards hooks and eyes ' 25 oil silk lines. . ... . ..... Shirt waist sets .... . . ' . . . pencil tablets . .4 . . 20 yds bleached muslin . . 1 2 papers of pins 05 bottle of mucilage Oo Good shoe brushes 10 Cloth brushes 15 Can opener 05 ace, per yard 02 ltdjbon, all widths, per vard . 10 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. J. A. In. . ir rv n 1 V. T. MoPri,i,lZ A. B. Cad .:Geb:"HTWilc6k Austin Craig .....L. E. Wilkes Coroner C. L. Large OREGON CITY LAND OFFICE. Register lloliert A. Miller Receiver Wm. Galloway CITY OFFICERS. mayor Fucker Greear W. H. Wehrung J. H. Stanley . . R. II. Greer .R Waggener Recorder Benton Bowman J Board of Trustees f..W. N. Barrett, m Tho8. Tu J. M. G Treasurer Marshal Justice of Peace . F G. Mitchell A. W. Lane . . W. I). Smith .. ,J: P. Hicks SOCIETIES. Phoenix LoiIrc No 34. K nfP meets. on Motulav evening 01 eacn wees in Musoniu hall. Phonecia Temple No 10 meets on the see ond aiiu tourth rioay ot eaeii inonin in Masonic hall. His residence. ' crS of the CollUiihin m1 Will... Beehives at Greer's. Sunday morning various pr rts ot the county were vi.-iled bv slight rain. In some places it was sulhoient to lay the dust but Hills boro and vicinity were left out Our people are now debating wheth er or not it ''rains alike 011 the just and unjust." The 80urestand best vinegar in town lit Brown's Cash Grocerv. T. A. Ritchie, of Greenville, is working hard to make the Macca bee picnic a success. June llih is the date and Greenville the place. Ihe county membership will be fully represented and the day will be passed with games, music, ad dresses, etc. 20 yards bleached muslin $1.00 at Schulmerich and Son's. The council has granted the Water and Light Co. permission to remove some of the outskirl lights to the celebration grounds, lhey will he replaced as soon as the Fourth is over. Mr. J. C. Clark and Miss Sus an Danforth, of Forest Grove, were united in marriage yesterday and took' the evening train for a trip to California where thev will spend their honeymoon. Mr. Clark is oi)e of For. st Grove's popular and old time druggists and groom and bride have a large circle of friends. Parties desiring to have refresh ment stands 011 the fourth of July grounds are requested to mak ar rangement8 with John M. Wall, Secy, Committee. M. M. Bridges,the Climax Mill man is doing business in San Fran cisuo this week. Ground is being cleared for the Schulmerich brick, on Second street. Rev. Geo. H. Brown, of Port land, will occupy the pulpit of the Hillsboro Baptist cnurch next Sun day, morning and evening. On Saturday evening June 12 at the Hillsboro Opera House, Miss Vandersol and pupils assisted by the very best local talent will give very enjoyable entertainment. One of the special features of the evening will be a Torn Thumb wedding, in which two of Hills boro's prominent little people will participate. Another feature will be a minuet dance by one of the pupils. Full programme will be given later. Mr. Andrew Richardson, of Newcastle, Washington, and Miss Nettie Thomas, of Beaverton, were married, Wednesday, June 2, I89 at the hon e of the bride s p irent Mr. Richardson is a prominent young business man ot his tow and his bride is one of Washington county's popular young ladies The Arou8 wishes them happiness Today and tomorrow the county Congregational Sunday schools are holding their convention at Beaverton. Their basket dinner at the church was one of the fea tures of the day. The school house, on Iowa Hill, south of Ibis city, was last Friday night the scene of a very, clever program. Miss Martha Trav er, the teacher, conducted the af fair in a man net creditable to her self and pupils. Af er the exerchv es were over the assembly indulged Montezuma Lodge No 50 I O O fg5L?S- F meet every Wednesday ev riW1' ening in their hall. Hillsboro Kebekah Lodge No 64 meet lu Odd Fellows' hall every Saturday. ft Tunlity Lodge No 6 A F A M cVr meet every Saturday night on or after full moon of each month. Tualutin Chapter, No 81, Eastern Star, ... .. . 1 1 1 ... V. rP. w.u.l ,nr i,i IIIUKLH BCUUilU UIIU luuim ,uwuJ each month at Masonic hall. & Hillsboro Lodge No 01AOU W nieei every seeoiia uuu irarm Friday in each month. XWaahington Kiieauipiiienl No M I O O F meets on second and fourth Friday of each month. tgfitL Hillsboro Lodge No 17 1 0 G T meet C2y in Orange hall every Saturday Vsy evening. HllUb ro Grange No 73 P of H 2nd und llh sjaturnavB at li 1 11 - . An K K II T V.. meets ili mid DoTimi""" Violu Tent Fellows' llu.i oil Scund Thursduy evemiino ol tui.1 mouth. Uuby Assembly, No. &i, United ArtiBana meet tirst and third l'uesday at Odd Fel lows' hall. Gen Ransom Post, No 60, G A K meet at I O O F alt tirst and third Saturday. PROFESSIONAL. UKO. R. EVOLEV. J. N. BROWS BAGLEY & BROWN. Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 1-2-3, Shute Building HILIBORO, - OREGON T. H. TONGUE. A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ik Morgan Block, Ullbiboro, Oregon. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accouehcr Iffice In HUliihorn Thirmim. PmL dence soutn-west corner Baseline and Second. All calls promptly attended daw or night. S. T. LINK LATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Fast of Court House, A. B. BAILEY, 1). J). S. QENTIST Rooms 1 and ' MorKtin-Bnlley Block, UILLSUORO, - ORKGON. . JAMES PHILUPP1 UM1ESIK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Rtdlrond Co, Consultation in French or English. Olnes. and residence south of Main near 3d st.. Hillsboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work specialty. Lindsay Block, two doom north of th potoffloe. gsoondsU, Hillsboro, Or. JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office With 8. II. Huston, Union Muck IIIMSISORO, - OREGON, SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS. AT. LAW, Notarial Work and ConveyLjcing. Rooms 0 A 7 Morguu Blk., HHlsboro, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS, Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS Of lioiiih i Dressed Lento Sash, Door$, Mouldings, Etc. l!