THE HILLSBORO ARGUS, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1897. rilE ARGUS . . . CALENDAR Nun j' MonJ Tutw j Ved Tliu ) i'rj j Hat 2 8 4 5 T7 8 !)( 10 Jl J2 J3J 14 lif 10 PL !i-2L 2(Lil( 22I HO 81 - - - Dully Mail Arrivals! j Forest Urove Portland, Way and Eastern I tlloncoe i Coi-vallis mul Way P in ; I'orlliinil :w ' Dully Mall Departures: ' I'ortland A KaMturn vlu MP am 7: IH Tort vlu aimiooe, Lenox A Bethany 7.00 Corvallls Way - H:H I'ortland A Way - m Ml.) Forest drove ... :oo Vurminirton and I.aurnl loaves at Kh.'H) a f m ana arrive at .'1:45 p in on TuuMilay, Thursday and Natnrday ' No Hunday mails, l'ostolllofl open from 7:00 a in to 8:00 p in, except Sundays. ' f 8. P. Time Taliloi f l.v. ' Ar. Vortland a in 7:1-1 p in 8:ftO Oorvallis a in 8:60 p m 5:0.1 Portland ' - in 8: ' p in 0:00 McMtnnvllle a in (1:00 p in 7:13 -The State has just completed a brief on the appeal from the decis ion of the Circuit Court in the case of State vs Hubert Uingley, who was charged with illegal voting at n school election. It will be re nieinberM that the case never went fo a jury, but that Hingley was discharged upon demurrer and non suit. Don't allow the lungs to beim paired by the continuous irritation of a cough. It is easier to prevent consumption than lo cure it. One Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off any fatal lung trouble 'V. E. Brook. Mrs. A. A. Carter, who twenty ears ago lived in this city, has been here lately, calling on her old time friends. '' Mr Frank Welsh, I) D. 8 ,nnd K. Do Witt Connell, M. 1)., of Port land, came out on their wheels Sat urday evening and were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wood. One minute is all that is ne cessary to decide from personal ex perience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. , W. K. Brock, ; ; The Independent now comes to ho lro!it a id tells of a "diplomatic Corpse." This reminds one of John H. Mitchell. t There is a move on foot to have A 1'ension Board of Examining I'hy- tjieiun. and Surgeons for Njislnng fou counlv. 'Ihe Forest drove k I'ont has selected Dr. (5. W. Cole And the Hillsborn I'osl has selected prs. Tamiesie and Wood. The y . fiosts have forwarded the petition t lo Congressman Tongue, who will I endeavor to have the appointments t ... .'.itL C inuue f Screen doors at Carstens Bros 1 K-ventv-live cents, complete. 1 The Countv Treasurer is now I paying warrants indorsed prior to i Aug. 1, ISM. A baud (.( about 500 muttons w,is takeit through this place Sun day last to Portland. They had . ; I I ........... neen piuaeu up in minimi cuuhij John Bri6hine, who has been travelling for Blumaer-Frank Drug Co., has vacated his position and purchased the Ward Drug store at Forest (irove. Mr. Brisbine is a popular young business man and will get his Bhare of business. They are so small that the most sensitive persons take them, they ure so effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to thorn. That is why DeWitt's JH tie Earlv Kisers are known as the famous little pills. W. E Brock Mrs. Julia E, Flint, wife of Uenj. Flint, of Scholls, died 'Ihurs day evening.April TJ, ana was uur ied in the Brook Cemetery on Sat urdav. She accompanied her bus band to Oregon in 1869 and they have since resided on their diUacr farm in this county. She leaves besides her husband, two sons; . A B. and H. L. Flint, who live on the ' farm. She was a woman beloved . arffi respected by all who knew her Wednesday's Oregonian repo. ts that a woman styling Derselt Jen nie Smith, at Oregon City, has caused one J. A. House to be ar rested for appropriating a $5 postal order belonging to her. . House is , a college bred Texan but is aDUictea to drink. The officers at Oregon City claim the alleged Jennie Smith is Mrs. Neep, of Hillsboro and for whom the authorities have a war rant of arrest on a charge of adult W. E. Pruyn, who is now at , Klamath Falls, gratified hiB friends in this city this wetk bv shipping eight tine trout caugnt oy nun in Klamath Lake. The shipment weighed 22 Dounds and that partic ular trout to which the editor of Hillsboro's religious family weekly . fell heir, was two feet in length. It is expected that Mr. pruyn will soon be shaking handB with rome of our Washington county boys who would like to catch a full grown trout. Those sent were rather undersized as compared to the general catch. !; Ladies' spring' Oxfords in:-the latest styles and'' colors..' faii, B)ac:k and Ox Blood. Prices $1.00, $1.50, , '11.75 aud $2.00. Call at Gregg's 'Shoo Store, Fdrest Grove, Ore. V F. Owens, the Cedar Mills nwavering democrat, was up Mon- ay and made tbii ollice a pleasan' Crop will soon be sowed in i vicinity, . Torturing, itching, scaly skin motions, hums an4 scalds are illicit at (i nee una promptly it'itli'U in' Mew ill, vuteli Hazel al ve, Hie bent known euro for len. W.'K. Urock. 1. A. AlcUuurt and wile came own in mi fllcftllnnvillo oundi-v, id with Jan. Alexander, of Port- mid, were gutsls at Mr. and Mrs. 08. Downs',' A fresh barrel of pickleB lit Oreem. Benton Killeni tjie great Mo- Kinley man of Portland, and who wiib a ranch near Greenville was i the ' ily riaturdny. While here Mr. Killcn was telling one of lus publican friends about 200 voles ie(KillHn)hud "focused" at an elec tion in Buker county. lien ton is tl rat -class material for a Ilannacrat. -It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing cf ii acoiiiuplir'li. Sick iu'filache, conslipatioti, dys ooDHia. sour stomach, oixzinecs, are uicklv banished by Hewitt's tie Early BiHers. Small pill.. Safe pill. Best pill.- W. K. brock. F. Thatcher, the rustling farm er of Thatcher P. O.. was m the city Saturday last "Ladd" Elliott, who lives be tween this city and Scappooxe, last week killed three la-urn, tutohing them in traps, He cold -n of them in Portland for $15. Mr. Elliott is brother-in-law of Wes. Btilmond, f this place Go lo Bob Greer's for land plaster If vou have ever seen a child n the agony of croup, you can up- ivciate the uralittule ot mothers ho know that Ouo Minnie Cough Cure relieves their little one hs quickly as administered. Many omes in tluscitv are never witn out it. W . E. brock. One of tin neatest farms in his count v is that of Ira E Purd He has 430 acres, all of which but about 100 acres is under culti alien. There ure twenly-five acres f orchard, of whii h 1500 are bear ing prunes; 600, Bartlett pears; 300, hemes and ouu apples. Mr. rur in has a dry house constructed for his prune yield but in a year or so will have to enlarge. Mihs Marv Walker, of Beaver ton. was in the city Saturdft' last . . . . i i; A ll tl lie guesi oi ine .mesi s Atcnooiu. Asbury Kirls,..wbo has been working for the Western Mill Com iimy, of Portland, ami who lonner- v eonducied a store at Cedar Mills was in town the tiret oi me wtek. Many canes of "grippe" havi been. cured by One Minute Cough Cure. 1 his preparation si-enis es pecially adapted to the cure of this isease. H acts quickly llius pie v e 1 1 1 1 1 1 if serious comiMiealions an bad eff cls in which this disease of ten leaves tin patient. W. E Brock John Beauchaiv.p, who for eev eral months has been working for the Northern Pucihc, at Lester Washington, was iu the city last week visiting relatives, Madtfo, the big St. Bernard, is the proud mother often hoe blood ed pups which can be seen at any liinu at ilev and J'ennis barn Phis is larger than her family of ast vear and is nrobahly due t change in the national administra Hon. Independent please copy E. K. Turner, of Conipton, Mo. writes us that after Buffering from niies for seventeen years, ho com nletelv cured them bv using three boxes of DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve It cures eczema and severe skin diseases. W. K. Brock. J. W. Corev, of Greenville, has nurohased the liquor store td C. ftl Johnson, at uornenus ana win en gage iu business at that place. II. B. Luce still continues his office iu Portland as Dairy and Food Inspector,' but eays he shall not mandamus Kincaid to draw the warrants for his salary. As this is an important office Mr. Luce will doubtless receive his compensation Orchardists in this county are highly elated over the fruit pros peels ana the prune crop oias iui to be unequaled by former years Both Mr. Purdin.ot near tne urove and Mr. Luce.of this place, con tern plate shipping their prune crop to the East freshly picked from the trees This will save the expense of drying and they claim they can realize a better profit. A bran new stock of whips at C. L. Hinman'B. A good whip for 10 cents. . We also have a complete line of harness, both hand and ma' chine made, at lowest possible prio es H. M. Croukite has returned from Newnort. having concluded his school principnlship at that n ace. He is now busily engagea in fixing Up his residence grounds Glad to see him back. Haines & Bailev are alway read v to buv wool. .. Call and see them. The band will give a concert Saturday evening at the court bouse band stand. AM lovers oi gooa mu BUTflhould turn out. LjiIrs';.M. M, . P-atton, of Patton valley, was adjudged insane Mon day of this week and committed to the asyluni. Bargains! Oar Stock of Spring and Hats Men's Ladles' Notions Laees Wash Staple Ladies' Caps Boys' Ueuts' . Ladies' Knibroidery Uiwds and Collars Runts Children's Pnrnisliinr Shirt and - Cycling- Kancy Cuff's Shoes ClothiiiK -.Goods Vaists Ed s: in if s Cloths Groceries Neckwear ... . In Fact we Have Just What You Want at Lower Prices Than Anybody iu ...i.. t.... ill itn 'M y-Ullestmlleo 1 00 A viIh (HiikIihiii. . I 00 id 1 iu, n ydad'MMl I'tdloo 1 in) " viU iiiinil iriiiirliiiiii 1 wo A y(ln ()o(i HliirtiiiK I 00 A yilH niuiieiiixi iiiuhiiii '. .. t ' A yuH uuum vuum i w k kj for casli; we sell 1 HAN IS ohn Fisher Got Away With the Chickens. HE LIVED NEAR CENTEBVILLE Thought He Had Killed One of His Pursuers and Li ft For the Hills. Is Still At Large and Armed. The man who last Tuesday night tole the chickens from the Thom as farm near Beaverton has been identified although he is still at urge. His name is John Fisher aud he lives on a small tract of and recently purchased fro.n the ate M. Wren. Thursday morning ast, Mr. Huff, of Centervillc, came to the oily and identified the team as belonging to Fisher's wife, who s Mr Huff's daughter. He stated that never before to his knowledge ad Fislier done anything dishon- t. Fisher, he said, had arrived mine late Wednesday night iu a state of intense excitement and had told Mrs. Fisher that he hud stolen some chickens; that the owner had pursued and shots had Leen ex changed; that he thought ho had killed a man, and that he must inmediately leave for cover. He then took his Winchester rifle and mde for the hills. Mr. Huff came town the next morning to see what whs the true state of affairs. Sheriff Bradford allowed the father-in-law to take the team home The fugitive has so far evaded the jeers. Ihe neighborhood at ten erville aives Fisher a good name so far as his vicinity record is con erned. Ills said Fisher represent- I to his wife that he had a conled- erate in the chicken thievery. Nothing; Like It Wilbur's Oil of Gladness rhcu matism, neuralgia, toothache, head ache, sore threat, sprains, bruises dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera lnluntum tor both internal and xlernal use. It will remove more pain and in less time than any oth r medicine on earth, for pain in lack, side, stomach, bowels, or uny other part of the body it is instant relief, rnce oO cents. coiu by w. Brock. Dead Letter List. The following is" the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed' E Brickley, Mr John Bubb, Clias E Dixon, Mr F Grimm, Mrs J J Godman.Mr Samuel Gibbert. AU letters not called for by May is, 1897, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged ou each letter called for. . H. SCHULM ERICH, P. M. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. -John J. Keiff and Hattie M. Hughson have been granted license to wed by the county clerk. A Georgia girl recently under went an operation in which her skull was split that her brain might expand. Gault should advise this process to the many people 01 vt asn inalon county who read his point ed articles on prosperity. More than this he should advise auric ular repairing so they can hear a jingle in a man's pocket forty rods distant. Seeds of all kinds in bulk at Greer's. John Cornelius and C. M Johnsonof Cornelius, were down yesterday. John is still in the sil ver faith with his usual earnest ness. . E. R. Miller, at bis new Sec ond street barber shop, continues togive the best Bhue in the city at reasonable rates. Hair cutting 25 cents. Most fashionable in the city, Pague,, iu his latest report, says of Western Oregon: "With few exceptions, the correspondents report fruit prospects never so good as at present. Equally as good reports are made concerning the erain crop. The dry, northerly winds have dried out the ground and more rain would be beneficial Fall and winter sown wheat and oats have excellent color and fiii6 erowth. Early sown spring grain is growing finely. Late , plowing and seeding continue; except on the lower lands, seeding will be nn ished this week." -R. B. Goodin and wife return ed Tuesday evening from an over land trio to Monmouth whither they went to visit the daughters Bargains!! Summer Goods is Now narPuM. nt w, ,n. ii large toiite size any picture in water . '.j . r, Colon or Lravon. Klavant frame tn finest artistic -work worth anywhere f io lor 2 5. see sample in window. fur cash ; . we can sell '"' BRYAN LAIDLAW who are attending the normal. Miss Estella Goodin is also at Monmouth's normal. ; Remember you can save mon ey by buying your ;beeds of Bob b reer. Asistaiit District Attorney Baglev went to Middleton yester day to take a deposition in the cane wherein an endeavor is being made to straighten out the tailgle caused by the acts of R. H. 1 yson. Mrs. J. C Hare is spending several days with relatives in Port land. E. E. Colestock gives you the best shave in the city. Hair cut at popular price. Try his baths. Don't forget the place City shav ing Parlors, Main street,. Talking about the ingenuity of latter day inventors and mechan ics; Jii ley Wave's lather, 4.1 years ago, made a thong bottomed chair and today it is as good a ever and is used every day in the residence of Ira E. Purdin. . .. Ask your dealer for Crescent flour. ' Forest Grove last week had an innovation in the line of a visit from two Tillamook runaways, a voung school girl and a boy some years her junior. Ihe tatner ot tne eir: nas taxen tier nome 011 1 1 1 1 .1 1 11 . the boy is yet in the county; The. girl says she ran away to'avoic school examination. She "'evident ly didn't know we, too, have school examinations over here. ' Two daily passenger trains are now run between 1 nrtland and Umatilla. No. 4, the afternoon train out of Portland, is a new through train to Spokane, and ar rives at Umatilla in the evening', continuing to Spokane via Wftllulii, without change' of (vars and connect ing direct with Spokane Falls & Northern train for the Kootenai and Great Northern east-bound fast ex presi Great Northern Palace and Tourist sleepers are operated daily1 on this train. This train-Is the connection for Heppner Branch tr;iins from Heppner. jc. and 11 branch lines north of Walla (VnIla. No. 2, the evening trainput of Por land, is slil the through east lotind connection of the Union Pa illc, but now runs via Pendleton and not via wniiuia, connecting with Oregon Short Line east-bound Hver at Huntington. Pullman and Totiristsleepers, also free reclining hair cars, are operated on this train to Chicago-via Granger and Omaha. J. I. Knight, Agillt. -Liquor Licenses have been granted E. J. Lyons and W. V. ilev for a period of six months. All sewage drains running into the city nnderdrains have been' order ed disconnected by the Marshal. -Every body uses Crescent flour. Try it. -It is not yet' definitely decid ed who were the stakeholders at the Milcliull-Corhett fight al Salem, Oregon, last spring. Messrs, Shute and Foote are now conducting a private bank. J. W. Shute is President and A. C. Shute is Cashier. --See Haines & Bailey before Belling your wool. Paran Steeples is quite ill with a complicated attack. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Burns are out from Portland, attendant at hiff bedside. A petition is being numerous ly signed to have the post office changed to the west side of Second street between Alain and Washing ton. Dr. 0. B. Brown is now at La- Grande and will soon locate in Port land. - W. H. ' Vehrung and 8. B. Huston will represent Montezuma 1. O.O. F. 111 the next laranu Lodge. J. I. Knight, Hillsboro's pop ular Insurance man. did. business in Portland Monday. The Veterans are holding an executive meeting at Beaverton to day. 1. Superintendent Craig will hold "Teacher's" Examination at Forest Grove, commencing Wennesday, May 12th. Mrs.1 Dreschel, of Portland, is in the city the guest of Mrs. W. H. Wehrung. A warrant has been issued out of the county court for the arrest of John Fisher who stole Thomas' chickens. It is now said that Fish er was not shot through the arm, the ball passing only through coat sleeve. Bargains!!! Complete Consists of ? ?ranulted wiKar. ...... 09 m H) Arnui'KD-a or L.ion coiree i uu fltlm Beat Java.coftee 1 00 20 ton Beatrice.; 100 15 Cairn tine tomatoes 1 00 8 (;n table peaches ..... 1 00 US Cans corn. 1 00 low! . Come and see us. CO. CASH STORE, Hillsboro, Oregon. Ford's ; Valuable Interest In Washington. JQHND EOSELAIR ENTERS DENIAL Young- Washington County Lad Ar rested In Portland And Sent To The Boy';and Girls' Aid Society. Henry P. Ford has returned from a visit to his mining properties in the Pierre Lake country, near the Washington state Northern bound ary, more commonly known as the Colville district. Mr. Ford sides interest purchased in a mine being operated, a one-quarter inter est in each of the mines "Lucky Boy" and "Shamrock," which have ah abundance of ore undeveloped. The ore in these assay over $20 per ton which is a great showing. These last two mines were located byCapt. Nichols, a Montana miner of exper ience. Mr. Ford was very fortunate in his association with Nichols and in all probability his find, will be one which will make both of them rich. Mr. Ford says he would not take $5,000 for his interest in these properties, undevoloped as they are, and eleven miles from rail. Another Boy Gone Wrong. Leander Nordyke, a 16 year old country boy, found himself in jail with a charge of larceny against him last evening, only a few hours after his arrival from his home in Gaston. Nordyke was arrested by Detectives Welsh and Maher on complaint of Miss Lucinda Hollis. ter, who accuses him of stealing her pocket-bonk as she was about to leave for Stella on the Potter. Miss Hollister boarded the West Side train at Forest Grove yesterday af ternoon, bound for Stella, by way of Portland In the same car were young Nordyke and his brother, whi Were coming to Portland from Gas ton. When the train- reached Portland Miss Hollister got off at Fourth and stark streets and start ed for Ash-street dock. Young Nor- dvke followed her, entering the sa loon of the Potter just as she laid her purse, which she had been car rving in her hand, on a table. The hoy seized the purse, rushed out of the saloon, and jumpu g on board the Ione.which was moored between the Potter and the dock, ran across, the deck, leaped ashore and disap peared. When the lady had recov ered from her surprise, she went to the police station and reported the matter, and Detectives Welsh and Maher soon located the boy and his brother, Leander was taken to the police station, where he admitted having taken the purse but claim ed that Miss Hollister had dropped it on the steamer, and that he was hunting for her to give it back, but was unable to find her. He hac two watches, a quantity of trinkets which he had bought in Portland, and $56 in money, when searched. The money he says was given him by his father before he left Gaston. The boy has a bad record in his home, and the disciplining he will get before lie gets throu h with his present trouble w ill no doubt do him a world of good. Oregonian. To Whom it may Concern. , Certain persons have for the past few months been telling cer tain false and ' injurious things about the treatment of J. D. Rose- lair toward his wife and children, among them that. he is starving his baby (an infant ) and many other such thing'!, concerning his family, Now, we the said J. D. Roselair and; wife take this opportunity of 'saying-to the peop'e of Hillsboro Oregon, and the public generally, that --"myself and wife are acting strictly according to the orders ot Dr. J. P. Tamiesie of this city in the care of our baby, and we de nounce such reports as false and scandalous, and if any person has cause lo believe thty are true, we invite them to investigate, and state that our home is open to all honest and well meaning persons' for the purpose of investigating thesecharg es, and we invite such persons to either investigate and prosecute or forever keep their peace and allow us to pursue our way unmolested. J. I). K08ELAIR, Mrs. J. D. Roselair. A Question Answered. Buxton, Or., May 8. 1897. Er. Argus: Ib a man necessarily a criminal his because he lives in the mountains, ' hub a sick wie utiu no meut in ine house and kills a grouse out of seas on? MotJNTAjXEER. Ans.Legally, yes. PUBLIC SALE Of Roadsters and Standard Bred Filleyi. A chance to buy a first class driv ing animal, saddle animal.or ouu ft brood mare at your own price, ., I will sell at public unction at the Hillsboro fair grounds on Sat urday, the loth day of May, 1897, twenty-three(23)yoiing driving an imals and standard bred filioys an'iP saddle animals. All broken to drive double and single. The sale will be absolute, in liy bidding, and every animal offered for which a bona fide bid is receiv ed, will be sold. Sale will com mence promptly at 10 o'clock in the morning, and be completed in one day. Terms of Sale Six months' lime will be given on approved paper, drawing interest at the rule of 8 per cent per annum. Five percent off for cash. Sale to m without reserve. THOS. If. TONGUE. . Real Estate Transactions. . Artolph Fueirv et al to Chrixtian Reivh- en 185ft sq ft in J Zachary d 1 c 140. Arcme utmpoeu ana wrto uan Uirsen 1 acre are 82 t 2 r 1 w $25, John Campbell to Carl Larsen 10a same as above Si 0. Cephas Eisenhauer to A via Holce and hd It 8 blk 4 1 home's ad H bo S?50. J hos Holce and wr to Cephas Kishen- hauer 20a nee U 1 2 n r 8 w $250. John Aspinwall to Hans Kliandnr about I 10ia near Ame s Chapel $500. C U Reisner by suit to J P Mohrman It I s blk 5 Sherwood deed. J K Marley to PH Marlev all trcta own ed by him in Wash Co $1. John Turner and wf to Thos Cox Dt It 3 blk 28 F O $500. Win Whitney and wf to Anton Pfanner nwi nwt sec 11 1 ! n r 4 w $4U0. J Walker to Belle Walker ot blk 11 waiKerad r u mo. Henj Uirrtsell and wf to Archbishop R C Oregon John Elliott d 1 e l. o and UMBWtoW 1 w nils sef sec a 1 3 n r 3 w $ ao. James Smith to M H Shipley 1 .81 a in Aivtn smitti d 1 c $1. sheriff's debpson foreclosure. A H Bond to O W Collins g 40 of el swl sec 34 1 2 g r 1 w. (iideon Bailey et al to WJBurnes Trus tee 100 a sec 24 1 1 s r 1 w. E J Patton et al to Richard Lardnnr lao a sec ho 1 1 sr 4 w. II W Dhondt et al to B O Thome 217a see 14 15 22 and 23 1 1 n r4 w. Jacob Penning and wf to Geo Graham 12 c n llendrix die. i , V. S. PATENTS. TJ S to Julius Wedekine nel nei sec 12 i z s r w rat. U 8 to J B Reynolds swl sec 27 1 2 n r 4 w rat. U S to Brica Wilson nej sec 28t n r 5 w Pat. t, . U S to Astimust H F Wulf ei seVi sec 21 and w sw nee zs 1 3 n r 4 w Pat. U H to uornelius kelson swi sec 28 t 3 n r 2 w rat. . PKOBATE." Amy I Patterson has been co.i-1 firmed as Executrix of last will and testamentlv.oi,.Sarah L Patter son, Deceased. Johr Sewall, Loui Manning and R B Collins appoint ed Appraisers. Appraisement of Thos Bellingher estate approved at 9 5581.51. Part of the personal property of John toerBter, deceased, .has been set aside to widow and the balance will be Bold at private sale, Citation has issued to heirs of J McConkey to show cause why es tate realty shall not be sold. Set for June 7, 1897. Citation of like nature has also been issued heirs of U. 8. Jackson, to be heard June 21, The Jesse Cornelius estate has l)een close I of record and division of if 1706 made amongst heirs. Save Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de- stroys $1.50 worth of grain annual- ly. Wakelee's Squirrel and Goph- er iixterminator is tne most enect- ... .... ive and economical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by the Delta Drti Store, agent. Latest News. McBride succeeds Squire as Pa cific Coast Committeeman on Nav al and Coast Defense and the Sen ate defeats the arbitration treaty bill. The Greeks yesterday repulsed the Turks with great slaughter. The fate of Greece, so far a con quest is concerned, hangs on the battle which is likelv to be fought today. the rains last night nnd line morning nave uoue mousanus i good. The Misses Kate Rose and Eda Adams are doing dressmaking at the home of Mrs. E. C; Brown. There was considerable light ning Tuesday night. A large tree near P. Watson's place was struck and demolished. Weekly Financial Statement. Washington county, orhoon. Total Warrant and State Debt Close of Business April 28. $51,714.78 Warrants Subsequently drawn, ' 29.00 Warrants ' Redeemed, 1,401.88 Face of Debt Hay Oth 9:00 a. m. 50,281.80 - (5519) PURE BRED CLYDESDALE Mil hands high, 7 years old, weight 1800 lbs Dark Buy .stripe in fnce,left hind foot white Will stand the season at Ladd & Reed Farm RKEDVILLK. ORK. . TERMS, $10.00 to Insure, NOTICE Great cure will be taken with , all mares brought fur service, but will not be responsible for accident, I nrlrt A RamI Farm UvmK lno Htililnull Mm I ww v nvvu ft win., unuviu uw vumnvn, ALA M . 80CIETIK8. PhcenU Lodgo No 84. K of P meet on Monday evening 01 eacn weon in Masonic hall. Pboneoia Temple No 10 meet on the ej ond and fourth Friday of caeh month - in Masonic hall. Moiitexnma LodRt) No 50 I O O F meet every Wednesday tv wirs eniiia in thelrhall. Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 64 meet in Oild Fellow ' hall every Saturday. Tuallty Lodge No 6 A F A A M. meet every Baiurmiy iiik aflor full moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 81, Eastern Star, IlieeiS 8PCOIHI H1IU iuuj-iii luvmmj .,, each month at Masonic hall. , Hillslmro Lodge No 01 A O U w moot every second ana lonn-n Friday iu each month. Xv ushini OOF Fridaj V ashington KncauipmcM No 24 I meets on seconu uuu imimu riday of each month. f5V Hillsboro Ilge No 1" I OO T meet lEftSJ in Urange nail every- cwhuim.j cveidiiji. fHiMsb'roOrangcNotaVof U meet 2ml anil Saturdays at 12 in. Viola Tent, :w K U I 11, mets In Odd FclloWH' lu;; on mwja and .found Tliursiiay evciunif ot unit-month. Uuby Assembly, Xo. 20, United Artisan meet first and third '1 uesday at Odd Kl lows' hail. . ' Gen Kunsoni Post.Ko S0i G A R meet rat 100 F . all Hrstaud third Saturday. PROFESSIONAL T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, I u Morgan block, 'HiHaboro, Orsgm F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Acconcher Office in HiUabsro Pharmaer. ' Resi dence soutn-weat corner Baseline and Second. AUcaUapmmptly attandodday nignb S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Kant of Court House. A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. QENTIST Rooms I and 2 Morgnn-Bailey Block. HILLSBORO, - ORKfSON. ., , ' , r . JiMffl PHILUPPI TAKIS8IE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bunroon Southern Pacific Railroad Gov vonsultattonin u rench or English, utile ana residence souia or Main near 3d sk, uutsDoro, ur. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS aud SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and Ana man work a apocialty. Lanoaay mock, two aonra nonn or tn poatoffie. Second St., HUlaboro, Or. JOHN M WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ofltce with S. 1J. Huston, Union Bloelt HllXSBORO. OREGON. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTfiDWPVC AT T AW 1 X A " Man. Notarial Work and Conveyancing., Rooms a & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Or. MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS OF A WnnwiJ I limLn U KV 1 LU UC - " 1 . Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO - OREGON Cor. 2d & Wuh toft J. NORTHRUP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . . BOOTS Made lo Order $5.50' SHOES Hand Sewed $5.00 Wm. Mohr, on Second St. Re,,airinS Promptly and Neatly Dona GO EAST ;.' via . America's Scenic Line GREAT NORTHERN MT THE LIBRARY CAR HOUT1S Meals in Dining Car a la Carte- Rock Ballast. No Dust. To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago ...And all Points East, Sleepers, Dining and Li. brary Observation Cars DAILY TRAINS FAST TIME Service aud Scenery Unequaled. For tickeU and full information call on or address, II. T. Bsgley, - Agent, Hillsboro, Or. A. B. C. Denniston, C. F. & T. A., Portland, Oregon. Shortest Quickest line