Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1897)
THE HILLSBORO ARGUS. THURSDAY. APRIL t;. 18!7. r THE ARGUS . . CALENDAR i Wun 1 Mon Tin Wedj Tim 8 mr::..-n Vtl tin 9 I 10" 11 .18 2.T I2 I 13 14 15 1(5 1 17 1! 20 111 22 29 23 Ml 24 "27 28 Dully Mull Arrival T'oreMt timvn Portland, Wiiy anil KHHttiru tlliMicoe t'orvidlla and Way Portland . Dally Mall Ili'pikrturt'M-. Poi-llnnd & Eastern vlu H I m 7:l.'l 6:00 WJ0 P in a m 7:10 Fort vlu (Jlmicoe, Lenox & Hiitliuny 7.(11) TorVHlllH A Wtiv - 8:fi0 Portland Way - p til 5.-IW Foroxt drove - - 11:00 Kiiriiilnuton and Laurol loaves at i:,'io a Mi mill nrrlviw nl 8:4J p ill on Tuesday, Tlini'Hdiiy and Hutiirdity N'ti Hunday. mulls. I'ohUiIIIch open from TM a in to H:W i in, exoept KuiuUyM. S. PV Tlmo TiiWo: Lv. Ar. Portland a m 7:1.1 n tn tcftO orvmuH u in s:;iu in o:in Portland a m H:nO p in fl:0U MttMlimvllW a in 0:00 p in 7:18 -E. 15. Tongue will hold a pub lio sale of ttie Tongue speedy Iwrs s ahd colts some time in May. A now line of neckwear at ftehulinerich A Bon. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Cox, who live acros thrt Jackson bottom, are the luippv parents of a bov, born nil 8th". Holiulmerich A Ron is th pluce to buy a new hat for heads or big heads. Can (it any man or boy. E. DeWitt Commit, the Port land eye and ear specialist, spent the first m the week visiting rela tives at Hillsboro and Glenooe. Torturing, itching, scaly skin 4nii)t loiio, limns and scalds are oolh;d at once and promptly lieuled by DeWilt'o Witch Hazel Halve, the best known cure for piles. W. H, Brock. While the 12 year old boy of W, W. Trucsdiilo was one day last, week, wbileat school, wrestling with i young Mn cf Cha. Johnson, he wax in Homo manner thrown bo that onu of bin 'legs ' was broken junt ii hove I he ankle. A physician from the cily went down to V arm ington and reduced the Iriicture. Tim Iioiihh of Win. II iy. just be low town, cm mil near burning through the result of a defective Hue in the kitchen n pari inert When the blare occurred tliere wan no one present but the women. The neighbor arrived opportunely and extinguished the flanifs after about nix. square feet, of roof had been scorched . Tiris on Monday. IC. K. Tnmer.of Cuipton. Mo., vr rile us that after sull'ering from Vib'H for seventeen years be com- uletel v, cured them by using three buses of DeWiU's Witcb Hazel . JtiilvH, ft curea eczema and severe kin iKceiiHW. W. K. ltrock.4 W. V. Ualstoii. - (be Gimton ,l5onifnee, died at hie home, Tues iiy eyening, of pneumonia. He bad rf Hided in GnHton for about; twenly yearH. He leaves a wife sind ttvti children viz: Frank Kills ton, Yamhill; Samuel llalotnn, Mrs Myrtle Hates, Mr. Fannie Rus6ell, and Mrx. L. Davenport, of Oasto.i They are so small that the most sensitive persona take them, they are so effective that the most obntinatu case of constipation, beaduohe and torpid liver yield to theni. That is why De Witt's I-it-tie Early Risers are. known as the famous little pill, W. K. Rrock., Win. Boucsein has gone to his ranch above Mountaindale to spend the summer. ... ' . ( ., Kid gloves, all sbades, styles and prices at Schulnierich's. County Superintendeiit Craig will in the near future take up his residence in Hilleboro bo m to give the school affairs of the county clos er supervision. , Miss Dezzandorf, a daughter to ex-Congressman Dezzendorf, of Virginia was a visitor at the Tongue residence Saturdays She is on her way to California. T It is surprising what a "wee T bit of a thing" can accomplish, jfiick headache, constipation, dys- "pepsin, sour siomacn, dizziness, are , quickly banished by DeWitt's Lit tie Earlv Risers. Small pill, bate pill. Best pill. W. E. Bmck. ! Hon! (1 P. Yates, of Manninn was down yesterday and reports -j everybody busy in his section 1 I have an overstock of tea, and J to the first 50 purchasers I will give f TiO cents worth of tea. and a 50 cent " i'nglish. Terra Cotta teapot both for )D cents. Don't wait till they. are jkll gone, but call early at Brown's I lish Grocery, tiuisDoro. Wednesday morning of this Uek Jas. Young severely cut his ifht knee cap on a plow. Jas. will nlk on crutches for some days as (. file result ui rue mwiuniu JV m. M. 'Briile is Vie result of his accident. :j having a along, the ri i VmndHonie. tence mint V yecond" street line of his. fine resi- lence. property. y : fresh barrel ot jwckles ut eer's. , I W Frark' Jenkins, formerly well f W,nown in this city, was out from r I'tland Tuesday, bringing, out a plfesician to attend Mrs.' Patter i bJi' iifirth of town, whb is very . lot-,' - .... A trip through Farminulon Tuesday displayed gnat Activity aiming the farmers of that unction. Notwithstanding the fuel that I). Burlthalier in the pn tul father of another 12 pound boy, born Sun day, he was in work up to his neck. fj. U Fchulmerwh has been run nf lift four teams on his mammoth farm. Scbulmerich & Son keep a line T. -1 iw i i nin timer, i;cv I tun II mill get prices before purchasing. A. C. Shute and F. G. Mitchell have purchased the Cornelius bowl itig alley track and placed it in the building two doors south 'of. Wiley's. Here they will give all the Ixiys a chance to knock down ten j ins in the near future. Judge Crandall has commenc ed tearing down the slnu'lures on the site upon which he proposes to build bis brick. TIiiih t'tiee old land marks will be retegated to oh li vion. Remember you x;ataave mon ey by buying yourvewbj of Bob Greer. J. J. Morgan, now of Portland, was out last week looking after his business interests here. ' One minute is all the time ne cessary to decide from 3eional ex perience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. W. E. Brock. The United Brethren had a colored brother out from Portland the first of the week nt their ser vices in the Shute hall. He was a ''powahful talkah" and bandied the "Queen's English" in good shape. --ManycaHes of "Grippe" have lately, beeh cured by Oiie Minute Cough Cure. Hum preparation seems especially adapted to the euro of this disease. It nets quick- y thus preventing serious cap" cations and bad effects in f this disease leaves the luitienttir.L' 1 K. Brock. Jtr:ittnrtnrCTcirnoTil" anouf'bne S. A. Klink, the Beaverton pioiieer, is suffering from throat pa ralysis and is unable to lake nour ishment except through artificial conduits. His recovery is a ques tion ofdouU. E. E. Cobtock gives you the best shave in Ihe city, Hair cut at -popular price. Try his baths. Don't forsiet the place City shav ing Parlors, Main -street. Chan. Bennett, sentenced I" six mouths in the t-ountv jail for defacing a building, was Saturday pardoned by Governor Lord. The petition was iiunienHisIr signed by our citizens, as the boy ws indus trious and his actions more through a spirit of mischief than inalici-. Young Keep, in for the larceny, of a gun, was allowed to depart Mon day, the remaining portion of his sentence having been suspended by Judge Smith. If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup you can ap preciate the gratitude of the moth ers who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as it is administer ed. Many homes in this citv are never without it. W. E. brock. H. T. Hudson, the Portland sporting goods dealer, camu out last evening and went out with some of the boys to try our fishing grounds. W. II. Wehrung has purchas ed a handsome' new roi d cart and is i.ow making early morning trips to where the trout nest. -Haines & Hailey will buy your wool and mohair and sell you good goods reasonable. -Mrs. E. H. Warren and daugh ter Minnie are expected home this evening from their Ca norma trip Mrs. Kennel, of Portland, who has been visiting Mrs. II. B. Good- in, her sister, returned home last evening. Ask your dealer for Crcecent Hour. Once tried always used Mrs. B. F. Flint, of Scholls, is reported as being very ill. -Mrs. Dr. Geiger.of Forest Grove, was in the city this week, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. b. B. Huston. Forest Grove bakers always use Crescent Hour. Try it and you will use no other. W. T. Hume and O. Kendall came nut Saturday evening and the day before Monday were accompan ied by John Northrop and W. E. McCourta to Upper Dairy where the quartette caught dOU. George and Henry Meacha&r?) had a runaway at Glencoe the oth-'l'L, VI uuj nun miu iqouiu it up vuo vioiaa- olition of a comparatively new seed er. Their father was in Tuesday looking for extra. , A, H, 'Garrison tells , us that while hear the Milne farm the oth er day he found in the woods, sev eral pieces of new stove castings, consisting of. lids, legs and other parts. Some one doubtless bad stolen them for future purpose and becoming frightened left them to the elements. Jas. Alexander, brother-in-law of Jos. Downs, has a contract for scraper work on the Goble road. : The' witnesses in the case of State v Moore and Downs cost $20.80; v Moore and Cameron, $23.00; v Hollenbeck, $100.80; v Warren, $124.40; v Parrots, IP119 WitnesMs before grand jury $148.30. w rr Damages From George H. Meyer, Neighbor. HOOKEFE ALLEGES SLANDER. 8vs Meyer has Wrcnlated Defamato- tory Htatements Cliargluff lfm With Having Two Families. Henry Hogrefe, who in 1895 was wedded to Emilie Bebling.aud who lives near Blooming, a sweet little retreat south of Cornelius, has filed an aclioh for if 10,000 damages the defendant being George Heinrich Meyer, of the same vicinity. Plain tiff alleges that defendant has de famed him and wife by circulating false statements. Messrs. Barrett & Adams drew the complaint and Hon. ,8, B. Huston will defend. The case will come up at the next term ol Circuit court. 1 he complaint is as follows: "The above named plaintiff for cause of action against the above named defendant, alleges:' That on the Nth day of June, 1895, the filaintiff and Emilie Behling were evilly intermarried in Washington county and ever since said date have been and now are husband and wife. That in the years 1895, 1896 and 1.897. the defendant wickedly mid with intent to injure and de fame the plaintiff at divers and sundry times spoke of and concern ing the plaintiff to diverB persons, saying that the plaintiff had a wife and two children then jiving in Kansas. That said statements were false and defamatory, and imputed to the plaintiff the crime of polyg amy, and that plaintiff is damagerl UWti tW mile therefrom. That the defend ent has during the said years up to the present time often spokru of the plaintiff with intent to injure and (Icfiiii.e him that he then had a wife and two chi'dren in Kansas, and that he has continued to make such statements and has thereby caused the same to be noised about among friends and acquaintances of the plaintiff and has caused many in his neighborhood to be lieve that plaintiff is guilty of pol ygamy, and has made his wife, Em ilie Behling uneasy and restless un der said charge and has made it com mon talk in said community and neighborhood that the plaintiff has a wife and two children in Kansas. Unit, all said statements were and are false aud .made wickedly, and with intent to injure and dufiune the. plaintiff and that thev have in jured the plaintiff and his cliarac ter in his, said neighborhood and with bis wife, and that he is injured thereby in the further sum of five thousand dollars Wherefore plaintiff prays that he have judgment against the defend ant for the sum of ten thousand dollars and for the costs and dis bursements of this action. Save Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de troyB $1.50 worth of grain annual ly. akelee s Squirrel and Goph er Exterminator is the. most effect ive and economical poison known Price reduced to 30 cents, r or sale by the Delta Drug Store, agent. A New Mill. B. F. Purdy, Ihe president of the Gaston Co operative Milling Companv. was in the city Monday His company will build a mill with a 75 barrel capacity. They have the structure about completed and nearly ready for the machinery, which will soon arrive. They have completed about one and one-half miles of ditch. The null will be running by harvest time. The com pany is comprised of energetic progressive farmers, and will sup ply a great need for that particular locality. Mr. Purdv is a wideawake farmer and as the executive officer of the company, will manage the institution in a thoroughly business manner. Nothing Like It, Wilbur's Oil of Gladness rhou matism, neuralgia, toothache, head ache, sore threat, sprains, bruises dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera lnhintuui tor both internal and external use. It will removo nior rr TJSff DfTlltJ UUUf It is iiiswuf i relief. Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Brock. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. J.'I. Johnson, of Green Mount ain,, better known as "Farmer Johnson'- was down from his ranch yesterday. John says ranching beats railroading and is having lots of fun up in the hills. Capt. J. D. Merryman lost some fine canned fruit out of his cellar the other night and straw berries at that. That accounts, for the Captain's far away look yester day morning. , , Frank Lung informs us that his father has a pocket book which i OO . 1 .1 n..A ... 1 . i n K n n ! IB 44 yemo um mm it 1111,11 nan 111; o d.rr ri. . 1 . itnn nun active service for 12 vears in Iowa' P"ses 2,847, lotal receipts $36,662.. j before brought west. It was made of Morocco leather and sewnl with, fnddler's yellow silk. I" waabrougt to Pa'!ili:'s simov tlnpr in 1887 nod j ivhat is left of it can be Men ut any ! lime at (he houso of W. II. Lung Cmi.eliiiH. Mr. Lung thinN what it. has coiibiinfil wxuM ptiy ninny tuhcripitoui) or even sturt a well regulated newspaper in business It was laid aside the other day for the good it has done, going to its rest on its owner s hirthdav. Seeds of all Greer-V - kinds in bulk at The old pioneers had a dinner at II. W'ehruiig's the other day Sol. Einerick ami wife, '43, J. S. Griflin, '39 and wife; Mrs. Geiger, of Forest Grove, '40; and Aunt Marv Woods, '53 were present. The host and hostess are '52 and '48 comers, respectively. J. S. Griffin is flfj years of age and Mrs. Woods. 103. Others present were Hon. S. B. Huston and wife; Mes dames G. W. Patterson and I). Cor win. -E. R. Miller, has moved his barber shop in the building next to Koch's meal market, where he still continues to give the best shave in the city at reasonable prices. Give him a call. ' . Miss Marie Vandersal has re turned from Salem at which place she assisted Mr. Win, Rasmus, known here, in putting Damon and Pythias on the boards. She has re sumed her elocution class. Trout fishing is all the sport these days. George Ireland has made some splendid catches and he always remembers the newspa per man. C. Blaser has been hav ing great luck. Cal. Jack and D. W. Dobbins caught Dairy dry yes terday. Mike Kelly, the old timer, is reported seriously ill. Kindly dis posed is Mike and we trust his time hadn't come yet, Id on the stree; be true. -Don't allow the lungs to be im paired by the continuous irritation fa cough. It is easier to prevent consumption than to cure it; One Minute Couch Cure taken early ill ward off any fatal lung trouble. W. E. Brock. Arthur Boscaw, of Portland. who has been quite ill with rheu matism, is much improved. His mother returned tho first of the week, fetling she could so do in safety. Judge W. W. Pace, whom ev erybody around bore knows, quiet ly passed awav in rortianci me other day. The judge was a man for whom all had a good word when he was living and -this is a good test of fellowship'. ' " L. V. Berckmoes leaves this week for Montana where he intends ocating. -'Success to him. Schulmerich & Sun buv goods chap and sell tliem clieap. . Married: At the resilience of the bride's parent!. Gales Creek, Ore,, April 11th, Miss. Nellie Mines and Mr. John Proctor, J. 1. Fletch er, officiating. About 35 relatives and friends were present, and after the ceremonv thev were seated to a delightful spread. . Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Vincent, of Gales Creek are the happy parents of a ten pound boy, born the first of the week. " J. J. Karstetter was up from Reedville yesteraav getting out some bills for the Lad d and Reed Co's famous horse, Kahimar. John Winters, the republican warhorst from Middleton, was ui Tucsilnv and savs be. thinks the creamery will be started without doubt. Good for Middleton Show us a dairy cfomiuunitv and we will show a good and prosper ous one. W. E. McCourt went up to his Green Mountain ranch the first of the week some say to find a genuine eagle's egg. No report up to going to press. Prof. Wersehknll was out from Portland yesterday winding up the affairs of his vocal class. . . , Comrade Fulton, of Glen wood was down this morning seeking medical attendance. ? After seventeen years in one location on : Second utreet George Iedford has moved into the build ing on Main fetreet formerly occu pied by tho Home Bakery. u-UlUaaWto, HieToTiuTTTo if Wtwjm of Washington county at Abe close of the school year on the first Mon day of March, 1897: Number of children over four and under twenty vears of age: Male 3,613, Female 2,944, ' total 6,557. Enrolled in school, male 2,239, fe male 2,944, total 4,051. Children not attending any school, 2,158. Value of school houses and grounds $o6,045. . Value of school furniture $10,366. Value of school apparat us $4,937. Average monthly sal ary of teachers, male $33.83, female $29.72. Teachers employed, male 58, female J01, total 159. Teachers in private schools 47. Pupils in private schools 418.. Superinten dent, salary per month $20. Num ber of legal voters for school pur lotaj jr.penses W4.847.42. For the April Term Or dered" Paid TO EXTENT OF NEARLY 4,000 Inclusive of I'irenit Conrt Expenses and Justice Transcripts Couuty Financial Statement. Claims. Allowed at. Glass & Prudhomme 8 qrs ltr and bond record, 440 blank ltrg administration, 100 ltrs testamentary 100 guardian ship, $26.50; 32 blanks (1.05 Moore & Ireland nails rd dist No 18 J B McNew,$6oo.... Western Wheel Scraper Co 2 No 1 drag scrapers $16.50. . . W A Finney lock rec office .50 ' slab steel $3 50 eyebolts .40 drilling .25 J4.65 D S Stepoens rebate overpymt 95 tax. Geo D Barnard pens $1.50 mem book $1.7$ postage etc .21 for clerks office .. H Wehrung & Sons acct Tup per tndse and prov Irwin-Hodson Co supplies clrk rubber bands $2.75 eyelets $3.60 paper fasteners $2.00 js.35 N C Lilly tndse to Francisco family $5.00 Seth W Seelye lumber dist 41 Babcock Post indigent J N Reid $47.00 R H Greer groceries for Oscar Tupper family C R Bloyd Imbr poor farm . . . W E Brock sta co officers $6, med dept sheriff .25 janitor comb .25 $6 50 Williams & Redmond surrey County coutt $3.00 team to poor farm Circuit court $2.50 Geo R Bagley as asst dist atty State v Warren $5, v Hollen beck $5, v Parrots $5, v Woi da ts, Moore & Cameron $5, $7 55 6 00 16 50 4 65 a 25 3-45 1 75 8 35 5 00 7 20 47 00 75 12 00 6 50 5 50 r.y'' - v Moore & Downs $5J-,-!,w Holmes $2.jQj t)Pm jr5o-Hing lev charges cont'd 67 5 auies W Henry stiff Yamhill serving subpoenaes lor this court 4 75 50 00 36 00 9 00 3 30 81 00 A A Morrill 20 days field work tor assessor Win Pointer 12 days same as above Dr Wood examination Rosie Warren $5 visit W H War ren $2 Parrott family $2 $9 B Matthews post relief G C Thomas G H Wilcox 27 days assessor E h McCornuck rec lor Men $125 deputy $50 stamps etc JS 4i8o t8o 00 Is A Barrett janitor Marcn . . . 30 00 Iiryan-Laidlaw Co clothing tor Neep boy n custody) $1.50 oil for ct h by Barrett .20 blankets for prisoners $5.75 nrov Tupper family $4-9 . . " 35 E B Sappington board prison ers lui-55 "7 55 2 So The Argus March proceedings Tualatin Hotel board prison ers $1 dinner jurors and bail iff Jts-bailiff disallowed. . 4 00 4 55 50 00 C R lilovd lruhr dist 15 $2.16 lmbr dist 35 $2.40 A B Cady Mch sal treasurer. . I A Iiubrie Mch sal clerk and deputies 5250 stamps J15 exp ..SO telophene $1.25 256 75 W K Frosser bounty tor coyote W O Hochen house rent for a 7 5 county charge $5 (j Canning Co nails road dist Dhondt supervisor disallo'd S Hughes & Son nails dist 22 Hillsboro Pub lo postals tor county omcersfii otner sta tionery for same 4iS 50 26 50 John Northrop meal jurors and bailifl Circuit court $9.75 bailiff disallowed 9 00 45 7 85 C A Cavell 18 days assessing. . Mrs D Smith lmbr for Darling smith bridge W D Bradford shff sal March and deputies $275 other ex penses $16.95 391 95 J T Young powder to supervis ors GW Mclrrew fio 50 Thos Connell . 10 00 Cal Jack 5 20 Geo Galbreath . 1000 J BMcNew. ........... 600 Wm Nelson ... : 1000 R Jorgenson 10' 00 FSchoen 10 00 SWSeelve..... 1000-8170 Honeymay DeHart I drag sera per for dist t $8 10 five drag scrapers 40 90- 49 00 Hatchet: printing March pro ceedings $2.50 500 lists schl clerks $2.... 4 50 Austin Craiif sunt Mch salary $48 81 continued by request J R Mays & Sons provis fur nished Dan Bones ......... A S Hatch repairs on scraper rddist 30 $7 B P Cornelius sal Jan, Feb and Mch $175 freight on scrapers .90 R R fare child to B & tt A Society .85 stamps $4.25 ' telephone .50 J P Gardner & Son repair road scraper dist 55 TG Todd 4 days court $12, 181 50 mileage $1.00 D B Reasoner 4 days court $12, mileage and roads $6, tel'ne .50, mileage $4 John Northrop care county chg U Reuter county charge A Olsen county charge Rosa Frost county charge. . . . 1$ 80 22 50 IO 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 co Julia H Rainey county charge 10 00 tTTrflti rttMMfrf Officers reports C March $250 55; recorder's $220 80.- Approved. P M Jackson appointed supervis or vice Thomas Tucker resigned. Ordered that county make quit claim deed to U G.Gardner of blk 5 Pleasant Home. L E 'Wilkes, R Connell, John Joos and H H Hall to survey and view and assess damages in re-petition for public easement),t) meet April 18th. Surveyor to meet on April 12th with John Bellinger, 8 Reeder ond A Baker to re-survey road No 20. Surveyor, Cal Jack. Chas John son. andvW m view cont'd Ik. w and r NOTICE TO FIREMEN. Notice is he.ebv given that a joint meeting of the members of Hook & Ladder and Vulcan Engine Companies will be held at the De partment rooms on Thursday even ing, April 29, 1897, for the purpose of transacting such department bniess us may properly be brought before the meeting. W. V.-WILEY. . . . .Chief. Dead Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the HUlsboro post office un claimed - MrJHColson, Mr James Hattan, H F Howard, Mr S W Jackson, E A Williams, . Mr C H Richardson, All letters not called for by Apr. 24, 1897. will oe sent to the dead'' letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for.. H. SCHULMERICH, P. M. A Mighty Builder. As an iiivigorator and builder up of broken down tissues, Wilbur's Blood Purifier cannot be excelled. If you have pimples or sores of any kind on your body, by taking ;'a few bottles of this medicine they will soon disappear. " -For. rheumatism the medicine never fails. $1.00 per bottle. For sale by W. E. Brock. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. For every two dollar purchase of dress goods, boots, shoes and fur nishing goods we give a book worth 25 cents. Schulmerich & Son. Tuesday evening, April 21st, the elocution class conducted by Miss Vandersal will give a recital at Grange hall. The class will be assisted by other local talent. One of the fpntnrPB will rm club 0 win or. r 1 - 1 e iiSjl' John kmnryffiinrwrifiT.f' mixed up yesterday morning over road work. These warm days seem to be rather rough on our sedate old time citizens. "Argify" at a dis tance, boys. It's much better. Alec Jackson, who seventeen r eighteen years ago was manager of the James' farm, was in the city this week from LaGrande After this week all eastern mail will arrive here on the morn ing train instead of in the evening. . We note that W. E. Brock has been installed as Exalted Ruler of the Heppner Elks. Mr. Maus. a Black Hills min er, has been visiting at the residence of his . brother,- J. Maus, of near Centerville, for several days. Judge Dessy, of Multnomah county, has been recommended ,by the Oregon delegation for the ap pointment as minister to Hawaii De in y is one of the corruptionists who tried to get Mitchell through by book or crook. Such appoint ments would naturally give the sil ver, people much giee. However, those who are close to the adminis tration say Denny will not be ap pointed. VERBOORT AND VICINITY. Mrs P Spierrings is taking treat ment at the Portland Hospital. George VarideZanden has gone to California. . It is reported that a son of J Suesbaur recently broke his arm. Mrs P Jansen died Friday last. She leaves a husband and thirteen children. The remainr were inter red in the Verboort cemetery . on Monday, in the presence of a large concourse. Her daughter, Minnie Jensen, of Portland, was present at the burial. . ... " (5519) PURE BRED CLYDESDALE 164 hands high, 7 years old, weight 1800 lbs Dark Bay .stripe in l'uce.iefl hind foot while Will stand the season at Ladd & Reed Farm - 'REEDVILLE, ORE. TERMS, $10.00 to Insure. NOTICE Great care will be taken with all mares brought for service, but will not be responsible tor accident. Ladd & Reed Farm, Owners. Jos Caldwell, Mgr T WO FOR ONE Aw -iicir.iiiiie .At i tJ' Both S1.50 (3sh in' rVdvance. Per Year Tbe Enquirer is a 9-col'amn, 8 page paper, issued each Thursday. ffl ARAB liHLHm trill 3 oOl i Largest in size, cheapest in price, most reliable in news.all large; type, plain print, good white paper, r our readers wantanot tier live paper the Enquirer is that pnpcl". . ,, Call or send orders to Argus PUb. Co., SOCIETIES. - , a -Pheenl Lodjto Xo4. K of t nmu v5t on Mondnv evening of enrh wevV ft&i in Manonie hull. - - W Phoneeia Temple No M mewls on'Uie ' ond and fourth Friday of each month" In Masonic hall.. ., Mjmlezunia ijhIkr NnJU LO O 1 - k ........ .r...-iir.wi;iAuriB3i ... ' S'vvm . eilO'H in .liieir noil. Uillsboro Rebekali-Lodge No S4 meet lu Odd Fellows' ball every SulurUn. , Tnaltty Lodge No 6 A F 4 A 11, meet evory Htiiuruay nigni tiiw, after ftill moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 81, Rasters Htar, meeta second and roiirtn uvesuay in' each month at Masonic hall. ' k HUlsboro Lodge No 01 A O U W, meet every second ana founn Friday in each month. X Washington Kncampment No 24 I J O F nleets on second and fonrtlt Friday of eaeh month. - ffiv Hillsboro Lodge No 17 I O O T meet, Eta 'ill Ur'auge hall every Huturdayi w evening.! UiUaboro Orange No 73 P of H meet 2nd ami 4Ut StUuranvs at vi in. ' Violu Tent', No iV K U X it, meets in Odd Fell9a' Uah uii bvcu'ia and Fourth Thuraday eveuinxii 01 ucli munth. Kuby Assembly, No. 2i, United Artisitna ' meet nrst and third Tuesday at Odd Fl--V lows' hail. . i i ' , - : , f 1)8 Gen Ransom Post, No 60, O A R meet at , be IOO 1 . uH lint aim third Saturday. .1 . . PROFESSIONAL. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, In Morgan Block, jl A ' F. A. BAILEY. 1' Physician, Surgeon and ( Office in Hillsboro PhajwaeL denue soutn-west comer Bv oecond. All calls prompt)' r night. fB.c.m URGEON. nee at East of Court House. A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. QENTIST Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Rlock. HILLSBORO, - ORKC.ON. ' JAIES PHILUPPI TilBSB, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Oo, Consultation in French or English. Offlo and residence south of Main near 3d at.. HUlsboro, Or. , - WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a specialty. Lindsay Bloek, two doors north of Um poatoffloe, Bwaondst HilUboro, Or. JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with S. H. Huston, Union Block IUU-SBOltO, - OUKUON. SMITH & BOWMAN,' ATTORNEYS-AT LA W . Notarial Work and Conveyuicing. " Rooms 6 A 7 Morgan Bill., Hillsboro. Or. MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS -OF & Dressed Li Sil?""' Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO - OREGON j - Newly Furnished ' "vfs . .and Renovated. ' A first-class table and - ' all accommodation .i for the convenience - , of guests. . . . BOOTS Made to Order $5.50 r SHOES Hand Sewed $5.00 l Win. Mohr, on Second St. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Don GO EAST VIA ,-: "''."'":. V' America's Scenic Line -"' '' THE ' - ' . GREAT NORTHERN IVY THE LIBRARY CAR ROUTE Meals in Dining Car a la Carte Rock Ballast No Dust. Mini Ck ...And alt Potnrt Through Palaee andTo west Line Sleepers; Dining and Li brary , Observation Cars. DAILY TRAINS FAST TIMK Service and. Scenery Unequaled. For tickets and full information Call oii or address, II. T . to nlsv--.,?. If Agent, HilisiKir. ur. A. U C. Dttuiinton, 0. P. k T A v. r,'" Portland, (Tregun. , tn In iW Ijstrict -,k .it a fail I L I ' - 1