The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 08, 1897, Image 2

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    ' 1
- V
VCnty Official Paper,:
TJi Oaljr Deneeratie Ftper ia ffwh
" InftoB County ... . ..U..
. . . '.. by . ;.
tie Alps MMtg Cwftiy, J
Single copy Ave
, One yw, 11.00.
' SUm MAMtkB Ml M
centa. .
fHs mouths o enta. . .
" Thrae months 3S caata.
Entered at the Post-office at Hillsboro,
Onfon as Second claw mail matter.
TflE object LESSON. . -
The republican leaders at Wash !
ington keenly feel the losses bus
taineil by their party at Monday's
and Tuesday's elections. In this
however they need see no terrors fot
t. the future. . Only I he men; . who
" .were foolish enough, to believe Mc-
... Kinley promises and so voted have
turned. They expected Mr. Mfr
Kinley to give them the immediate
change promised from rostrum and
precs. In this he has failed, as
fvery reasonable person expected
ThereBtiUof the first of the week
is but a gentle reminder that the
Hiite-election pledges have not been
forgotten in the general wave of
prosperity which has not yet struck
even the middle east. It is but a
notice for Brothers Ha on ant
Gage to get the wheels moving as
, speedily as posoible,or expect Bome-J
thing to drop. These are the mor
L als to' tht recent elections; but
should the administration fulfill its
i promises by the time 1898 rolls
found, all will be well for the g.o.
p. But how are they going to do
this? .
The last grand jury made the us-
uai recommendation that a new
jail be built, with the annual con
demnation of the present structure,
The Arqus has marly times' advo
cated tliebuilding of a new jail.bult,,
i cheap and material prices at low
fbb, it would appear that it were
a .
better t go 'Slo-Sithe' nfttter of
4dwg(t tliicbUntV debt? PeV-
liapi it will be. sumaitebefpf
$ood.jime$ will again be with
ard confidence fully restored -aiid
although the lax .levy, is as low as
possible -under the circumstances
many good citizens Jjnd it hard to
liquidate their quota to the county
Verylrue. we have had the iai
full fot several.eks, but Uiis may
not occur again for many years.
' There is io ' doubt but what a jail
is Needed., but this is uol the ques
lion.. ; It is material weight as to
whether or not the expense can well
be met with at this particular time
- The Oregon republican papers are
having a monkey and patrott time
abusing each other. The Portland
Chronicle, a pure and unadultera
ted gold standard sheet, is after all
he ' Coxeyite republican" papers
and u after our own contemporary.
Thiaie the way' the Chronicle rounds
up its brethren who are of the mug
wurap order:
"The Chronicle believes that Hon. H.
W. Corbett still has a gilt-edged oppor
tnnUvand be will embrace it at the oroD
er thne. - In case he is recognized it will
be bard work for some state papers to ex
plain themselves after giving it out cold
that the senate has "refused to seat Cor
bett." r We mean such sheets as the Or
egon City Enterprise, Heppner Gazette,
Hillsboro Independent and CorvallisGa
tette four Mitchell organs."
"The editdVftf the Hillsboro Independ
ent evidently dW not succeed in making
"a small loan" h was after from a Port,
land bank, heact his dislike of Senator
Corbett. There are a few more like the
Hillsboro calf that need branding, and
ft snch purpose the Chronicle is heat
ing its irons red-hot."
The gold standard press ii mak
ing a gneat deal of the fact that Jap
an has gone to. the gold basJe;: jap
an has mt so done, and evei l( t.h.
bill pitBses, ft isW'iiiriibewie'iw:
until neii October Tlie pVnpposed
.law will grant fiw.1 coinage bf Jtofji
metals ut practically &
As to whether or iiutiapan shall
paw such a la Wis forfuture history
to deUrainei i.rthe: banking Hnsti-
tutiona 1 wich; loan the liitle island
country.; its t sinewB '..yaf,:,-nd
which now . hold Japanese apet,
are a arm in desiring the thaugura
tion ofith gold -standard in that
ntffW-f.Wi hwtory
w is wiffiei.eyes,frin( the
.tatnuent that Japan will make
mistue U jSiw. change lier coinage
laws. -Aji urop is today under
the gold standard because her cap
italists practically ontrol all the
gold in the world. The condi lion
of the European masses is sufficient
to warn Japan of its action. It has
no greater reeounes than Spain or
Portugal.and each of these countries
is wallowing in the Bold stsndanl
slough of despond. It is very safe
to say, however, that should Japan
go to the gold basis it will not be
through the wishes of the people at
large, 1 " '
Bf.TH the Mitchell organs in this
county are crying about the defeat
of their candidate. This is certain
ly very foolish. Mitchell is politi
cally dead and buried and that is
all there is to the affair, as J. H.
can't make a populist he isn't Out
spoken enough --and he can't make
a free silver man. for the reason
that tariff microbes have fes'ered in
his hair. But the Hatchet and In
dependent ' really should let up.
The people don't like to see obitu
ary notices running for months af
ter death.
The Oregonian rails at Ohio's
election results and lays the blame
on Foraker and Buahnel. This is
where the Oregonian is mistaken
Foraker and Bushnell are not to
blame. Mr. McKinlev ' Btood on
hie front porch last fall and prom
ised prosperity as soon as the mon
ey standard was made certain and
he was elected to the presidency,
That was nearly six months ago
and the American people are yet
seeing no relief. That ib'what is
the matter with Ohio.
The proposed Dingley. bill will
put the tax on everything the farm
er wears and eats. Now; if it will
be the agency to- give the farmer
belter prices for that which he has
to sell, all will be satisfied. But
a tariff never has helped the farm
er very much. Even last fall.when
we had a seven cent tariff on hops,
our farmers were selling for less
than the tariff rate and the beer
consumption nor the use of hops
had not decreased. ' ' 7
' It will now he in order for. our
gold, standard contemporaries to
tell 'm! that .Chicago is a 'tougn
city" that it is'composed of -bood-
lers etc since it has gone for a nil
Ver mayor and council. We were
just begining to think Chicago was
saintly, Itwas last fall we thought
that place was tough whfen it went
40,000 for. McKihley. ? ; : v
( ; " ' p r 1
Govebnor Lord's message,, after,
several months in brine, has been
taken out of the barrel and put in
type. Thk Argus doesn't publish
it. The governor has had toe many
incidental temptations to change its
tenor by vicious interpolation. We
can't believe it genuine. Corned
beef may, but corned messages
won't, go c'own.
Those gold standard papers
which will this week point to Ohio's
"political morals" as the result of
the election, will be caught and
hoisted on their own petard when
considering the Chicago election.
The figures of Chicago's vote will do
much to substantiate Altgeldl'g
charge of November frauds.
Why can't the old pioneers of
Washington county get together at
Hillsboro or Forest Grove some
time this summer and have a regu
lar jubilee and jollification? Many
of them may not be able to so do
in 1898 .
King George. of.Greece still holds
the fort in Crete and Gladstone has
written another letter. Crete may
yet be annexed.. and Turkey un
done. : " '"
President Mr1Mtil uIm..
self very wise in not making efOiies of
the place hunters. He makes the cong
ressmen and senators stand the blunt of
their rancor by insisting that applicants
lor positions must procure their reco
mendations before the president will give
tuew executive consideration. ! .
' Jas. J. insists that Fitz shall give htm
another chance and Hon. H. W. is de
termined that the senate shall give bim
one more show. .
. 3;-. VJ T.
Canton. Ohio, went , democratic Mon
day last,. This must not W-considered
as a rebuke, J Mr; McKihley, even be U
hi home,, Canton has always gone dem
ocratic except that McKinley was on the
The prospects of a June flood and the
DOSsibte sfeatingr a c.
... .-.n a - v. w. wu-
ator give onr Portland Press something
wuu wnicn to nil space.
" : Prince Georce: nf Rwm U mit,..
posed to European glory at Grecian and
.icuiu expense. t
It would make a stone sarcophagus
Save Your Gash
McDonald Shirts at Lowest Prices.
Overcoats at cost for the next 80 days.
Our atoi-k nf t.ailla anil fluu uluuta
can't-be excelled.
PAina u UK k. ....J t. v...
nun juu(liwr-WV MBUM It, UUI
don't want tt all. Here in where you'll
nave a cuance u save pan or tt Dy ouy
tng at our Hard Tlmea Prices. '
HV Always I.rad inGroctrie.
s-nile to hear some of our Mitchell re
publicans berate the Oregonian. when
even-body know that when that paper
stands out against their state policy, re-
puDitcans can't elect anything. . ,.
What one man can do id a crisis was
exemplified by the recent letters of Wil
liam E. Gladstone, one of the greatest of
living statesmen. His, really, was the
hand which staid all Europe from throt
tling Greece for trying to assist the Cre
tans. . - . . "' V V;
This is the particular season of the
year when the voices of the turtle and
the Dingley bill are heard in the land.
Mr. Scott's idea of the recent demo
cratic victories in the east: "There's
nothing significant in anything except a
republican majority."
There are yet a few of our republican
friends who think Brother John H. Mitch
ell is not dead, politically. Well, well,
there are yet no small number of people
who dispute the rotundity of the earth.
It is enough to make aick man laugh
ye Gods! , Wash Hesin?, the self-appointed
independent candidate for Chi
cago's mayor, received 15,000 votes out
of a total vote of 298,000; God's anoint
ed! But Wash can't see the joke!
A Mighty Builder.
, as an mvigoramr ar.u builder up
of broken down' 'tissues, 'Wilbura
Blood Pun Her cannot be excelled.
If you have pimple or sores of any
kind on your body, by taking a few
bottles of this medicine they will
soon disappear:"" For rheumatism
the medicine never fails. $1.00 per
bottle. For, sale by W. E. Brock.,
Weekly Financial Statement
. , ....
Warrants outstanding,; . ;. I
March 81.1897 p in. ..36.644 73 !
. 1 . . I . . IAI rt l
ouusequenuy urawii ..." Too 80 j
s""; Total.;;.; .... V. $36,013 58 j
Subsequent redempt'ns. , $385 06,
5utslanding warrants at" " i
6:00 p. 11.. April 7, ' 35,628 52
"dwing to Mate,- , -X ..;;!f24,&34 4(r'
Total viBible.debt ... j
April: 74897 . , .. ; . . $60,562 92 1
, :l'ii.hl4aher's note This Amount
win ;oe raiseu by the exMiiHe of re-1
cent term of Circuit Court lindS
county -bills Jor month (f March,
but will be Inwereil by ' tax' collec
tions now beingfmadr.
Spring is here arid the whang
doodle wijl sobiv hesf and the dog
woods put forjii their bloom.
"" ome time, when you want the
ljiews at 2 cents per week, subscrilie.
lion. 'Sam. Hughes; of Forest
Grove, a memberof the last legisla
ture which was no legislature, was
in town this afternoon. Mr. Hughes
characterizes the holdup as an out
rage and in this The Argus agrees
with him. Of course we would con
tend that the large republican ma
jority was responsible and he might
hold dmerently. Hut, however
this may be, we believe Mr. Hughes
tried as best he could to fill 'the
pledges he made . the , people of
Washington county, Jast June.
Chas. E. Hicks, .'the Vancouv
er bandsman, is in the city visit
ing relatives. ; .,
E L. Abbott, after several days
of tribulation, has conquered the
intricasies'of an 1898 model and
now rides hif wheel in a chesterfel
dian manner.
Cornelius district has put its
part of the Base line road in excel
lent condition.
Three Oni
"The CHICAGO RECORD is a model
newspaper in every sense ot the word."
Harrisburg (Pa.) Call. "
"There is no paper published in America
that so nearly approaches th&, itub journal
istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD."-
From "Newspaperdom" (New' York). ; 3
.i-.,. '"-'-',' . ... -.
"I have come to the firm conclusion, alter
a long test and after a wMe comparison
with the journals of many cities and coun
tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes
as near being the ideal dally" jou -na as we
are for some time likely to find on these
mortal shores." Prof. J. 7Y Hatfield In
The Evanston III.) Index. 4
Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions
received by all postmasters. ' Address THE '
CAG0 RECORD, 181 Madison-st.
These Hard. Times tjyBuyinjr Where You Can
Get the Greatest Return for Your Money. . .
Lead all Competition and act the pace. Coifte and aeo thttlr Maninioth KUK'k and lie
oonvinced. Mens' and Boys' clotliliiR Fit Cluarahtoed aiut prloen the lowrat. Com
plete line of Wash (looda, Periwlea, Oil Callooa, Lappet Mnlla, OrRandtm, Deiiietina,
Satteensi, Ducks, Fig-iired Lawns, and Sulttnex and OutiiiK KIhiiucIh. luulim I'mlor
wear and Hate.. A lull line of Cooper- Wells Hosiery. Men's FtirnlNhliiK (IimhIh.
See our Lines
When vnn want a fimt clnaa
shave tir ah -u to date haircut re
member to cull on E-K.. Miller, the
Second, street barber. Most, fash
ionable in the city..
j : BO VIA
Autom NBdrat a tktrh tnd daorlIOB swr
quickly HearUla, riva, wbetbor an InTwtloa Is
protxbl; pMantabt. CoaiamnlnUons tlrlotlr
nnSaMitlal. OMaat mmm? forwourlnt patnils
la Aaartca. W kara s Wsablimton ode.
PMMto ufeni tanwaa Maua A Co. raotHT
bwaUfulIT lUawmUd, larimt dnmUtloa of
ur HlntlSe Jparaal. mckly, term. U.00 itar 1
SLiOMx mooitat. ttpMnwn oupto uid UAIID
Book.oh Patb-tm st trMv xiinm ... .
' Ml Bnmim. Raw Yatk.
Send for free sample and judge thereby.
Cincimlati Enquire
Both - Cash in
Per Year Wl tUlr Advance. '
' The Enquirer is a 9-column. 8
page paper, isfued each Thursday
Largest in size, cheapest in price,
most' reliable in news. all large tvi.
plain print, gbd white, paper. If
our realeri w.aiit another live pnner
the Enquirer is that paper. ' ,
Call or send orders to
::i'i! Ci)
" Kaquire at HE Argvs office.
o 3 128 a;re, highway . running
through venter of place, fiO acres in culti
vation; 2 acre iq orchard, apples, pears
and plnma; 6 room' house; log barn, good
well of water; 50 acres of beaverdam, easy
to put in cultivation; piece well watered
by spring and creek; 100 acres under
renoe; 11 nines rrom post omce, daily
mail: 1 mile from school houaa ami lx
miles iiortli of Hillsboro, . Goes cheap for
Mo 4 A good corner lot on Main and
Third streets, 73x175, with good building
wiereon,suiuoieiorany Kind 01 Dusiness,
and in excellotit repair, will no at a bar
gain for cash ' Part payment and balance
on long time w.ttn security. . .
No 5 nacres; half cleared .balance in
crass. Good house of four rooms- irnnri
barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of
50 trees and various other small fruits.
150 chickens 50 ducks, i-horse -wagon,
a sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers
I horse and farm implements.- Every
thing goes for J650, cash in hand.
Mo 2 10 acres, half cleared, 1 acre bea
verdam, rest slashed and sown to grass,
no buildinm. aroes for Sti5 ner acre. with.
In two miles of Hillsboro, Terms, 400
aown. Daiance in 9 years at iu per cent,
Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is a
part, at same price per acre, including If
cthb i ooaveraam ana Bwan oiearea.
Wanted An idea
KM k CO. Ataet AtKif
m vnn 1
m, WMbiatoo. D. C for UmIt M
im 1M ot two knMfM tavtatloM wmi
Look !
Rare Bargains
"Hi :.
of Boots and Shoes
AI1 persons owing 189C ac
counts and notes to II. Wehrung A
Sons are requested to call and set
tle at once. We must have money
to keep up our stock. . We will not
carry overdue accounts any longer.
e are desirous of trading for cash
to give our customers the benefit of
the lowest possible margin.
Oily wurritnn up to and iiu-luxix-e of
reu. li, iit, are now imvabu) ntlheoMi-n
of city traniturer.llrtwk's UruKSlore.llilla
lHro, ureRon, ami lutenttt willceuso on
Hiimo alter this dute. ,
Dated April 1, IWrT. '
, J , , P.O. MiTcnsi.L,
City Treasurer.
Notice for Publication.
Lanu Ortfi ATt)aEnoN City, Oa..l
' March 24, IMIJ.i
NOTICE is. hereby given that the follow-iii)C-iianied
settler has lileil.notiue of
his iuteiiMon to make hnal piXHifin suit
port of his cluiiu, and that Milil priHif will
be made before the Cimnty Clerk of Wash
ington county, nt Hillsboro, Oregon, on
May 10..1HU7. viz: . . ,
. ;i Kagi,er Sattler, .
H. K. No. R525 ror the W of N K i and
E U of N W 4 of 53 T 8 N R 5 W.
He mimes the following wHiivskon to
prove his'contintum rrsUleiire iihii and
cultivation ol'sukl land, vis:
Nicholas iStnlts, Joseph 8totts, Itmlolph
Voit, Joho Vumlerwal, Greenville, tiro,
2-0. jKoRKST A. MlLl.KK, HcKit'er.
. Notice far Publication.
L'aku (irrn's at Orsook C'tv. Oh.I
f' A ureh in, IWI7 ('
VrOTlCK I hereby giveo that tlw lol
y lowiiig-mtined itttli-r has lileil notice
of his intt-niioti to make final iiroofin sni
mirtof his clui.n. anil that snitl )r.f will
be made bofuro the Register- ajid Iteceiver
at Oregon City, Oregon, on June 7, IHI17,
vis: . .
David G. Lilly,
H. 10. No. 11288 for I he N V W of Sec ."H T
N K6w. '
He names the following' witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vis- '
L 11 Witt, James McClaran, 0o Hen
tlerson, Olenwood, ami Q M -i. ineN, Oules
Creek, Oregon.
1-6 Rout. A, Mu.l.fc, ?1" Register,
: Notice for Publication, 1
I lAMJi Pr.iva AT Ohboo CiTV,'0.i'
'f : uMi 19, IWff.f
NOTICE in hereby given that thefollow-inir-immed
settter has tili-il notive ol
his intention to make final pruy in ruii
port of his claim,' anil that saiil proof will
he made 1efore tliu lh-gister and Receiver
at Oregon t hy Oreguii., on May U, 1I7.
vhts-1 - " ' '''' ' '
' ; Frederick J. Gl-Hih. , ' ' '
U. K. No. 87A bit- the K : (H K 4, of Jc
i and N of N iK,oti-c T I N I! fi W.
Ho names the following; witiTMHei to
prove his continuum) resideiice'iipon and
cultivation ot . said land, yhi
William H fiinple, He'nrv Slooman.Oeo
C Thon aS.Korest Orovr.and Charles John
son, Gales Creek;' Oregon;
l- KobkstA. Mii,i,k. HcKistcr.
Notice for Publication. ...
, . I.anq OrricK at Okkoon City, Oa.i
March in. IMU7 f
TOTICE is hereby aiveu that the follow
iiiK-jmniea seiner lias lileU notice of
his intention to make final proof in iiip.
Dort of his claim . hiiH thitt uuil i .,.,r m ii
be made before the Hefristsr ami Receiver
ac ureon city. Oregon, on June 7. IMVtT,
James MeClaran,
Pro I). S. No. 7J2 for t he N of 8 W i
ami o y,m a v yt oeo. w I ; K n w.
He names the following witnense to
prove his Continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vis:
h H Witt, David O Lilly, George Ten
derson no I) H Miller, all of Glemvood,
l- ' Rouert A. MiLLRii. Register
. , Notice for Publication.
Lanu Omcr. at Obkoos City, Ob.i
- March 17, 18W7.I
XTOTICE is hereliv itiven that the follow
il iiig-nsnied settlerhas filed notice of
nis intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Colum
bia county, at St. Helens, Oregon on May
8,1897, yu:
. Henry L. Keyger,
H. E. No. 9845 for the 8 W of Sec 2 T 4
N R 4 W.
He names the following witnrsses to
prove hiseontlnuoiis residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vizi
i Francis M Parker. Thomas
SaimieLP Balkrd, Olonto Enunonsall of
! .,. " Rohrrt A'.Millkr. Register,
Notice For Publication
' Laud Orrn-B AT Orkoom City, Oh.i
March I9,1897.f
XTOTICE is hereby eiven that the follow
ll iii'g-iianied settler has filed notice of
Ms Hiteution to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said oroofwnl
be made before the. Register and Receiver
ai uregon uity, uregon, on May 14, 1897,
viz; . j .,
V- WUliam H. Blngle,
It. K. No. 1H86 for t.he P of 8 K Vt and N
W U of 8 K W Sec. '2S. 1 1 nrfl w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove ins continuous resmence upon and
eultivathin nl Hulfl InnH. vli t
Frederick J Grlpp, Henry 8looiuan,Geo-.
' . . i.,,,.a ligv, nnu iiiunes
Johnson. Gales Creek, Oregon.
1-6 Robkiit A., Register.
Notice of Final Settlement.
NOTICE is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the es
tate of W. At. Dudney, deceased, has
fllprl ' Ills nnnl uiwniint. u mil, iiiliilnitn.
of suld estate in the Connty Court of the
ataieoi uregon, lor wasmngton eiunty,
and said Court has appointed Monday,
the 12th day of April, 1897, at the
COIirt hntlftA 111 -Ulllllhiitti at Ihu Lih. .V
ten o'clock a. in. of said day as the time
aim inuce ior nearing objections to such
final account ami the final Settlement of
said estate, ,
. . , B. K. PlJBDV,
Administrator of the estate of W. M.
-Dudney. deceased.
Dated at Hillsboro. Oremin.thuitnthiUu
of March. 1897. .,
Yanted-ta Idea 2S
LI., fcua J
M'SMaft.1! yti pi"
The Hillsboro
The Leading Drug
Whora. Drugs. Medicines. Palnta. 01U.8iifS . "".ffl
may be procured at prices that simply distawe wmpotllli
.First Quality in Every Respect
Special Attention Given to Qttalily
and Acciiracy in Dispensing.
; : ' A Full
: : ery,
See Our Large Stock
The Largest Ever
Telephone rrom Htore to Otttt.-e.
' I. K
Beef,: Mutton,
Kept Constantly on Hand.
Highest i.Maiket : I'rice : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle. : Sheen : and : Kor
Cash Paid for Poultry.
Cor. and and Washington Street Is
W. T. Andrews. President.
(lncorKiatc(l JiincH, (KiKt.) ,'
Ko Change of Cars between ; . .
Shortett line to Sl'OKAXK
, Connecting with ."' ' '
ah rail jiourm to
'Trail, KoMland, Mnrous
Nelaon, and all Kootenny
Milling Camps.
For I'uniplilcts and Detailed
Information, write to
Oen'l Pass A item Portland, Orenon,
OrJ. I. Knight, Hillslioro, Ore.
Notice For Publication.
Lakd OrrtiK At Okkhon CityObk.1
reu, ino.
TOTICK is hereby given that the follow -
V liig-iiaiiied suttrer has tiled notice of
his intention to make mil imHif .i,,
reo. mrj.
port of his claim, ami thatsa'id oroof Yll
be made betore the County Clerk ofi
Waliinjfton County ut Hiltaboro, Or., on
P. 0. Filbert,
II. K. No. AW. for the H of 8 K H N K
R 4 W A 1111,1 8 K r N y M"; T
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
a,,III,uI,.. ,.r 1 1 r
W.J. II. Heach, A. Thornbttrg, N. 8.
Prickett and Ira F. Miller, all of Q rcen
ville, Oregon.
SO-fl Robert A. Millu. Register, .
(Succewr to 0 R Mead) !''"
Makes' regular trips to Portland oii
Mondays, W ednesdays. and Fridays, re
turning on Tuesdays, Thuradaysaud Bat
iirilayH. All husliieHs entrusted to lilm
will be promptly and carefully attended
to. reigbt and expross rates reasonable.
Leave orders with film, or at Ledford's
or at Thk A nous.. - : ; .:
' Notice for Publication
' ': Imkd Orntr at Orruom C, Or.C
Ol ICR is hereby given thai the follow-.
fi- -r "B-"raiwremr nas nie.a notice ol
his lntnton to make tinalproofiii sup-
Kort ofhlsolaim, and that said proof will
made bef ore the County Clerk of Wash
ington county; at "Hillsboro, Oregon, on
April8,lJ. vi( . -' .
" WHIIaMd Ci Hultt. a V
H. K. No. 9449 for the 8 K of sec 21 T i
Kit ,W. ,. . . ... .
He names the 'lollowihg witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vis:
u,A.!,.tip,Th?"'"; !.,,r"" Rnglebreght.
William Obrion awd.Thpmas OrovesT ol
tlna Crehlr lira 1
49-U Kobkrt A, Mit.LKB,, Register, ,
NOTICE is hereby giveii that, the last
will and testament of Kinnia Htark
County court of the State of Oregon, cotm
ty or Washington, and that the under
signed has bneirduly niipolnted' as execu
tor of said will, and has duly qualified
and entered upon the discharge of his du
ties. All persons, therefore, having claims
against said estate are requested and re.
quired to present them with the proper)
office of 8. B Huston in 11 illsboro, Oregon.
bliuH -.1 ........ i. - r ... ....... '
nibiiin ni iiiuuiiin iroill unit.
Dated at Hillsboro this February 171 Wlf.
Kxecutor of the last will and testament of
Union BJock
Main HI. '
r. r. A. Uailey
llnialtas and all Drug gliit' Kim t'rii
1. 1 .t
Snpplv of Toilet Articles, I'trfum-
I'stent ftlctlictnes, cnooi nooas, i.ic
of fine Perfiimes
Shown in the City.
HKRHT. I'sor .
Veal and Pork
.ill ;'
4 x mJ: .
I). W.DorraiH-e , Kerr Is
7 ;j,
Notice for Publication, T"
AND OffU'K VrOHKllON t'TV,"(M. ,',,
Man lilst,lHn7. i"
MtiTl;K Is herob)-Klvtui tlial tli follow
ll itit-iiaiuil MBit lor lian Ii IimI miticr nf III
iiiteiitiun to make tiiial proof in support of '
his claim, and that khUI proof will ) '
niade rwlon- tlm Ooutity IMerk nffiiliuiiliia
Co, at 8t. Ilelftis tiKon mi Mo. I.i,
IWI7, vis: ....-
BemU I'rderwitt.
. ,!'?. ii?m u,r ,h lot ' h.t i. w
T 6N R 6W.W ' f N K..?fw M'
)l iiainvs !h follow inif witnrssrs lo
provs lil voiitiiiuitiiH rtfniilnutiuuii ami
ftiltivniitui o'iild land, vis:
Karl I, rlt-ltwarts Olof l Clil.Mln.
Malhcw M JiiIimxiiii it, it I'ftcr Ohuii all f
Kaasey, OrvirvUj ! ' '. '.. t r"
tail Koiikkt . Mu.j.RK. Ki-Khtr.'
Notice for Publication.!;
I.aii Orrii a atiihm.on Cmv. On. i "
N.i.i-i.'.l. . . '''vhruarv ffih, im;. i
Oilth is hireb) kivkii that the follow
iiiK-naiiied svttlrr has lili mlio f
his Intention to make tinal proof in suit
port of his vluim, and that said proof will
be made before County Clerk of Washiiiav
ft".2 "V " ''"'"''"W. Oregon, on Apr. '
i)m Knlka,
H. K mo for the W of N K i and K
Hof N W H of Hco 20T a N It Vfv.
lie names the following witnesses to
pnire hi continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vis:
IXmald Mo lllsii, George Kexsler, Jos
eph Kteiiiiiian and Jacob Dahlndni, all of
Havward, Oregon. ..
50-0 ItoHXKT A. Mll.l.S, ItflfiUlT. '
Notice for Publication.
Imkh Oirn s at OiiniM.x c,TV og ) '
Mari'li III lull"
1 VTOTICK is hereby given hat't e ill uw.
i Ing-imn.ed settler has led m'tiio 7,1
ht l,K..t,.i i,. . " " 1" IM ol ...
,r f iVl- .1, ' '"' .'Tr1 m"J!T
port of his claim, and that Kaid proof will
at Oregon City. Oregon
,rr. iu uesoiivr aim Uecniver
on Juno 7, 1117
Kforffe Hi'mifrsoii, 1
11. K, No. 1 1 27.'. fur I be H i ()f N w ,l
H ' W H of See -it i N R JY uml ..-
e mimes the following witnesses to
prove his eontuiuous msiilonue upon ami
cultivation nl'said land, viz: . 1 ""
I. II Witt Jitines Mi't:iamn,(ireen LHIey.
CttvZ' J,'1U' N'01"""'."'
. liuMCKv A. Miller .UKUu r.-
NoUce iir Publication.
Ntvrxnv iu i . , Mreli 17 IH07!(
OT1C K is hereby given that the fol. .
Imving-named settlor has lileil lotlca
ol hisjntentiontoinakeHiialprooi l i s, ,,
port of hi, claim, and that aaff proof fi
be made be ore the Uegister anjRewWw
at Oregon City, Oreg01f, u May ifim'-
Eben Roberts,
H K. 8879 for the 8 K of 8et, 17 T 4'N. R
He names thn following witnesses t.i "
I ! U JL 7 VIZI ' -.-r
.: :mw A- Mium Reglsten ,,"
. Notice for Publication.
, , Lsi,OrriiR,AT6REtioifcitv, Obi' '
WOTOE I. hereby giveSthe' 'L "
A3 iHg-natnoii seUlee bar tiled SS
his Intention to make Hnal Znfr, : '
.U Ooirt. RegM" ssskSJ
mi ? A1 lt 0wKPj.9n Juno 7, Vw,
.' i ' Jamegrirtn,(,:
Ouardint, of the minor heir, of Henry Mr.
M ' KT A- MlLlERi RglstW, ,c ,
A Visa ' ' ' !;'E .
"Mm. '
A neatlv rnnBiriifitJ r i' J
taw w thin 2 hllr.- A k...i. V..
of.iown. Good 1 fence around iJf - '
HI res
cloneta in residence. 'ai .T
(U" gPOd-tefiair. GoeB ft.r H600
:;flUirfMWhj office. "
rv .4
ii ''
( ,