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About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1897)
THE HILLSBORO ARGUS, THURSDAY, MARCH" 25. 18I7. THE ARGUS . . CALENDAR HimJ Mon Tlliw WudJJl'liu ( l-'rl J Hut -"n 2 I a T O VJj ' " H 1 fltrjll 12 13" U I 15 I Hi I 17 I 18 I l'J I 20 2122Ji3 I 24 I 25 if 2S !H) 1 31 - - - I'rtlly Mail Arrival: Korenl drove Portland, Way and KaMtern Oorvalliii ami Way Portland i in 7:13 :W MXl 6:0.1 0:00 ParniliiKton and Lunrtd leuvua nt Q:'.'i) a in ami on lviiM at .1:45 p ill mi Tuesday, Oally Midi Ieparture: Pnrtlatiil A Kuntorn via SP a in T:I8 Port via (llriiiMiH, Lunox A lliilhuny 7.M) f orvallls A Way - :) I'ortland it Wiiv - n m 5:( Pnrmt Urnve - :00 iIiiki ami Tlmi-Mtliiv nml HHtnriluv No KnitiUy n in I Ih. PoHtofflue open frnm 7:00 a in to H:0U p in, exuept HnnduyH. H. I". Tiiiie.Tahle: Lv. Ar. 'orllund a m 7:1.1 p m H:W orvallla a m H:M p m 6:0.1 Portland a in H:M) p in 0:00 niiMimiiviue a in u:uu p in v: ii Circuit Court opened again Moiulay willi all jurors present. Julius Weisenhach, of Reed- ville, wan last f rulny presented a Mm Mother and child doing nice- ijri Here is a bargain for boid one wanting a tarm of 40 acres within two miles of this city, Somewhat improved. Fifteen acres heaver dam and swail. Goes at f 10 per acre. John lbach,one of Greenville's rustling farmers, was in town lint week, getting ready for spring work, lie reports but little fall own grain in bis section. E. K. Colestock gives you the best shave in the city. Hair cut at popular price. Try his baths. Don't forget the place City shov ing Parlors, Main street. The 'spring is very backward and farmers are not in the best of humor. There is as yet but very little plowing accomplished. The The fruit crop gives great promise, however, and that r some consol ion .Assessor Wilcox is the man who has the trouble these days. The tax levy is one mill higher tliir. year than last, and the valuations are about the same. Those who drive any considerable amount of taxes to pay and are not conversant with the fa ts, make a bee line from the Sheriff's oftice to see the Ahkus sor. As soon as the figures are made known the complaints cease. --Many cases of ''Grippe" have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. I his preparation, seems especially adapted to tin, cure of Ibis disease. It acts qui k ly thus preventing serious compli cations and bad effects in which this disease leaves the patient. W. E. Brock. The president of The Ilnyal Tailors has just arrived from Chic ago. For the present ho can bo seen at the express ollice where John Brown would be pleased to give the public an introduction am II GliOSED FRIDAY WITH EXERCISES fPPl?.OPl?mT& fT COURT HOUSE portant ruling Monday touching upon school district affairs involv ing the right to vote at school elec tions. Some time early in the month Hubert llingley, a son of Postmaster Hingley, 6f Progress, was arrested and brought before Judge Hicks of this city on a charge of alleged illegal voting at a school meeting. The young man was bound over to appear before the grand jury and that body brought in a true bill. Hon. 8. it. Huston conducted the prosecution and .Messrs. Barrett & Adams de fended. Defendant's attorneys en- 1 1 i i j i. Twenty Three Graduated Speaks i ier,:u B genera u re mm wre , ,, . . . matter was argued Monday after Well For Oar DefmidUwunsel argued: Our Circuit Court lias Been Do- . That t,e iw prescribing a Ing Au linportaut Case Tried ' property qualification for a voter Refarfl The Circuit Court on ' at a school election was unconsti- Monday Last. Hillsboro's public school has explain his business while here i" ! clotted. Twenty-three voung peo- it.. T !.. i.. it.. a ... 4 I I I " ti'riT1 lift. r f Uvt Mongolian! I II 1 ""V." 7:7:" o I... ...II JPfKJU iMilluillun, Vjoi icnHiiiuvni:u solicited. J. M. jlrown, llillsboro. S. H. Dunbar, well known in this county, has returned from Yamhill. He will make the seas on with his black stallion, Oregon, already a favorite with horse breed- i. When you want a first class shave or an up to d:ite haircut re member to call on E, II. Miller, the triMl. harder. Most fash- inabie in the city. School is out and the vacation ahead is a long one. ., -Mrs. G. W. tfohnlinerich has been visiting her parents at Green ville for several days. The Climax mill this week re ceived a new dust collector and bran duster from New York. Schulmerich & Son keep a line of agricultural machinery at prices to suit the times. See them and get prices before purchasing. John Milne shipped two car loads of oats to Portland the first of the week. K. It. Wheeler, the well known Reedyille farmer, was up to the county seat last Friday, enriching the county exchequer witn taxes For every two dollar purchase of dress goods, boots, shoes and fur nishing goods . we give a book worth 25 cents. Schulmerich & Son. I have an overstock of tea, and to the first 50 purchasers I will give 50 cents worth of tea. and a 50 cent English Terra Cotta teapot both for 50 cents. Don't wait till they are all gone, but call early at Brown's Cash Grocery, llillsboro. Magician Hermann's death was a loss to the admirers of the occult and students of jugglery, . .. . - tt Jho for fool luck in the grab bag of politics leads even bis namesake! Bin lie r has surely the magic hand and Brother Tongue can now con gratulate him on his "plum." The Pythian Grand Chancel Jor has sent word that he will visit Glencon Jjodge on r riday night and Delphos, of Forest Grove, will see bun on aaturuay nigiu, M. M. Billings, vice-president of the Union Savings Loan Com Mry. of Portland, was in our city . Monday looaing oui ior loan in L u .... !. u.Ha vestments mi our uiiy urojwri. s Stewart Vaughn, the West Ce 't dar hop raiser, was in town Mon ? day. He states that he believes ; the cieamery agitation at Middle ton will result in the establishing of such an institution. Vaughn i,iwwill raise 6 acres of ,bp&Jib8 yaor County Clerk Imbrie was ab sent several days the past, week, havine been summoned to Hose- burg to testify in the case of State v Batter lee. w.u. Baiter ire, w no worked on Mr. Imbrie's farm had '- been held toi alleged robbery an '' Mr. Imbrie was wanted to testify ' to defendant's good character while here. The state dismissed tbe rvoune man without going to trial -ithe parties to the theft, having been l4ocated by state's evidence of one -i of the culprit? tbe city. It is to tbo interest of all enterprising citizens to call soon. -O. G. Barlow and J. W. Good in, of Glencoe, were in town last Saturday, and drew up their sub scription list for the proposed plank road to Portland. They report ex cellent prospects for raising money enough to complete the road before ' next fall. Schulmerich it Son is the place to buy "a new hat for small heads or big heads. Can fit any mini or boy. They are so small that the most sensitive persons take them, they are so effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why DeWitt's Lit tl Early Uisers are known as the famous little pill. W. E. Brock. A. J. Wilkes, who at one time did business at Cornelius, but who is now in tho dairy business over in Tillamook, was in the city the first of the week. His case in court Iihs been settled without trial. Mr. Wilkes thinks Tillamook one of the greatest dairy countries in the world. r j JC,48. Tumer.of Compton, Mo., writM HK.that after suffering I mm piles for" seventeen years he coni- letely cured them ny using three boxes of DeWitl s W itch Hazel Salve. It cures eczema and Bevere skin diseases. W. E. Brock. Uev. J. T. Grilli n, th aged pioneer, while attending the M. K. Church Sunday last, suffered a se vere attack of epilepsy. To these attacks he has been . subject for years, slid although it was thought w was seriously ill for a tune, be I .! .1 A I . soon revived suuu'ienuy to do re moved to his home. -If you have ever seen a child in ibe agony of croup you can ap preciate the gratitude of the iiiomi- ere who Know mat une .miiiuw Couch Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as it is administer d. Many homes in tins city are never without it. W. k. brock The llillsboro Board of Trade has received fifty pounds of sugar beet seed and is prepared to distri bute the same to responsible parlies. J. B. Prickett, who lives above Forest Grove, and who is a promi nent populist, was in town last week. Mr. Prickett was a candi date on tho populist legislative tick et last May. It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing" can accomplish. Sick headache, constipation, dys pepsia, sour stomach, dizziness, are ouickly banished by DeWilt1 Lit tle Early jtisers. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. W. E. Brock. - -Agitate the bicycle path between the Grove and this place. It will be a good thing for both places Let each one help it along. Lloyd Soehren, of San Louis Obispo, California, is in the city, having recently arrived horn the land of flowers. He is visiting with his sister Mrs. L. E. S ilkee. Don't allow the lungs tobeim paired by the continuous irritation of a cough. It is easier to prevent jonsumption than to cure it. Une Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off any fatal lung trouble. W. E. Brock. The ladies of the Congregation al Church will give a musical con oert at the church, oil the evening of Friday, Morch 2tt. Miss Lois Parker, vocalist and Mrs. F. R Cook, ninniste, ' Admission, ten cents. An excellent program, Remember youscarKHOYe mon ey by buying yourNsew? of Bob Greer. . V The MiBses Go&l andNArohbold have opened dressmaking parlors on Third street between Main and Lincoln. Tho latest styles, and satisfaction guaranteed Torturing, itching, scaly skin eruptions, burns and scalds an soothed at once and promptly healed by DeWitt's Witch Haze Salve, the best known cure for piles W. E. Brock. Paul E. Schmidt, the popular Beaverton blacksmith. .was r i.. .:..! :.. v... .......... i.. ly umrneo in vane'mvoi i Hoover,a lady from Yamhill cj lboir mends wisn tnem an happiness. m pie have graduated a no1 are now prepared to meet life's battle, eith er in the work shops of life, or fur ther training at more advanced schools. The school session was closed at the court house Friday evening by very appropriate exer cises and the school year is now a matter of history to many a pleas ant dream and to others a season of mixed ploHSiire and duty. The court room was filled with anxious friends of the pupils and interested patrons long before the exercises commenced. About 8:00 o'clock the graduating class of '97, consisting of twenty three, fourteen young ladies and nine young gen tlemen, marched into the auditor ium and conducted to seats reserv ed for them throughout the even ing. Hon. S, B. Huston, chairman of the board of directors, presided and in his usual interesting man ner slated the occasion of tho as- i , fi.l e n I scniDiv. iiie ioiiowiiiK iiuiuuers were then presented: Music. ..... Band Recitation "Education". . . Forest Bridges Ilecitation "The Swan Song . ., Elisabeth Koch Song "In This Hour of Softened Splendor" . . . Double IJuartette Recitation 1 he Uoat Race' Alice Merryn an Add ress " A me r ica n Li tera t u re" . , , George Madison Vocal Duet . . Misses Merryman and Poe Recitation "Sheridan s Ride" Estrella Ford Recitation "Launching tho Ship" ...Ella Gates Violin Solo George Madison Address to Pupils and Patrons. . , . Hon. W. N. Barrett Song Male Quartette The programme of music was arranged by the Misses Poe and Merryman and all tbe selections wero charmingly rendered. Mr. Barrett's remarks were pointed and sustained his reputation as one in terested in our public school sys tem. Ihe evening was closed by very appropriate remarks by. ex- Senator Huston The members of tbe Graduating Class are: Ladies: Alice Merryman , rrance Stanley, Elizabeth Koclc, Alice Sandford, Flossie Weather red, Mabel Moreland, Birdie Guentlier. Gentlemen: Edward Snppincton, John Thomas, Forest Bridget, Claud Greear, William Pitteuger. WILL U GET THAT BICYCLE PITH SIX MILES LONG FROM'rilLLSBORO TO FOREST GROVE tuiional. 2. That the criminal statute covering illegal voting did no! ap ply to school elections, hut only to general elections. Mr. Huston contended that the constitution delegated to the legis lature the right to prescribe a i en- eral system of schoils and that governing the voting at a school election was a part of the right so delegated, therefore, he argued, the legislature had a right to say what constituted a legal voter at such a meeting. After hearing all the argument the Court held: 1. I hat. the law prescribing a property qualification was consti tutional, but 2. That Sfction 1846 Hill's Code (criminal statute) did not ap ply to school elections. The Court went beyond the de murrer and expressed his opinion that taxable propeity in a district entitled a man to a vote at school meeting whether or not his prop erty was on the assessment roll. Mr. Huston was seen yesterday and stated that in all likelihood the case would be appealed by the slate, so the question could be set tled for all time. As the case was dismissed on a demurrer the case can be appealed, otherwise it could not have been. Mr. Hii'gley is at liberty and the question of voting at school elections is established Subscription Books are Mow Opeu Aud Building Looks Favorable fythians Have a Quiet Time at Glencoe Many Hillsboro People Present Real Estate Transfers And Other Court House News. unlil the Supreme Court makes corura ruling at least so fur as Washington county is concerned. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. It is now quite probable that there will be built a bicycle path between Hillsboro and Forest Grove. For several months there has been some talk ot such an im provement, and last week the pro moters started out with consider able success. F, G. Mitchell is looking out for the Hillsboro end and he reports that the business men generally are subscribing 4uite liberally. This place, with such help as it can get along the route, will build to Cornelius, the College town to build the rest of the dis tance. It is reported that Benj. Schofield has stated that he will furnish sufficient lumber to plank along his farm and it would ap pear that the rest would be a com parative!' easy matter. It is pro posed to put three two-inch planks lengthwise with stringers at a dis tance of every six feet. If the path is built it will be o! benefit to all living along the route, especially during the wet season. It is said that the putting down the plank can be accomplished by donation labor by residents along tbe line. i In KHl in Jno Dobbin d I c $2000. Htephen Kambo and wfto J A Footeft a J YV Kveritt d 1 c Pem Patton ard wfto Matthew T Pat ton Z.75a aecSl.tlaMw $700. Win D and Oeo If Tavlor to John A Frank i 10a nee 10 t Zs r 2w 11. Robt StephenHon and wfto Win Steph enson 30a aec 7 1 2s r !w I1HO '. 1! Raymond to fiaxton Co-op Mill's Co tret in aec 35 1 la r 4w MOO. PROBATK. Will of J II Freeman filed. Proof made. Hannah Ann Freeman con firmed as executrix. Appraisers, J W Morgan, E J Lyons, and H P Ford. Sale of realty of estate of John Kay, deceased to Melissa Will aud Joseph Atkinson confirmed and conveyance ordered. Also ordered that sale of right of way in same estate be confirmed. Final account of admof Ira Lyon estate approved and closed of rec ord. . Cash on hand $1340.59 order ed distributed amongst heirs. Final settlement of V R Carpen ter estate set for Monday, March 29. Weekly Financial Statement. WASHINGTON COUNTY, 0RKCI0.N. Warrants outstanding, March 17, 1897 pm... $38,951 52 Subsequently drawn ... 28 50 SOCIETIES. Phoenix Lodjre No 34. K of P inert on Mondav evening of each wck iaip ill Maaonic hull. Phonecia Temple No 10 meets on the sec ond and fourth Friday or eaeh month in Maaonic hall. Montesnma Lodxe No 50 I O' . . II'--.. ... o'm-' en lug in their hall. UillHboro Reliekah Lodge No M meat lu (Kid Fellows' hall every Suturdaj. Tuality Lodge No 6 A F A A N meet every Maiuruay nignv vi attwr full moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 81, F.Bstern Star, . meet aecouu ami lourtu luemiuj each month at Maaonic hall. i Hlllaboro Lodge No 61 A O U AY meet every secomi ana inurm Friday in eaeh month. X Washington Encampment No 24 t OOF meets on aevond and fourth Friday of each month. HlUaboro Lodge No 17 1 0 O T mee in Orange hall every Saturday evening. , ft Hillsboro Gr.inge No 78 P of H meet Mid and 4th Saturdays at 12 m. Viola Tent, o 11, K U T il, meets in Odd Fellows' Hall u twooiia ana counn Thursday cveninga ul Wh.h month. Uuby Aswmbly, No. 20, United Artisans meet lira l and tnira i uaay at vuu i si--lows' hall. Of n Ransom Post, No CO, U A K meet at ' I OO F i . all first and tbird Saturday. Lelah Patterson, Estrella Ford, Nettie Shelley, Grace Mann, Mabel Jackson, Ella Yates, Nellie Gordon. George Madison, William Hare, James Sewell, Ralph Tate, The Hillsboro Band bave tak en upon themselves the great re sponsibility of bringing the llext Concert company here, but they say they must at leat see them after reading so much about them fur the past few months. Come to The AkoVs oflke for your job priming 'All work done astily and at prices to suit the tunes. -Messrs. U. B. Good in and R. H. Greer and families spent Sun day last at Glencoe, theguett of the Goodm s. Everybody who heard Judge McKrides decision in the suit brought against J. P. .Young by a hop buyerlciimmission man) feels that Ills Honor has scored a viciory for hop raisers. 1 l-.ese commission men have been taking advantage of the hard times and working great hardships on hop growers Attorney HiiBton, who was counsel for Young, really wanted the case to co to trial but a non-suit was granted and costs taxed to plaintiff. Schulmerich & Son buy goods cheap and sell them cheap. One minute is all the time ne cessary to decide from personal ex penence that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies W. K. Brock. Pythian at Glencoe. Washington county Pythians held the fraternal event of the new ear at Glencoe Saturday night last. Notwithstanding the chill weather and bad roads there was a arge attendance Irom Hillsboro nd Cornelius aud the fraters en- yed themselves until nearly 3:00 m. Sunday. The event of the occasion was the knighting of three squires, Cbas. bhorey, Ira Hay- nam and Thomas rowles. Glencoe Lodge, No 22, enter ained the visiting brethren in the iiosl hospitable manner. Lunch nd hot coffee was served shortly fter midnight. The visitors were well pleased with their reception and all are unanimous that for a good lime one must go out and see the bovs of Glencoe, No. 22, the oldest Pythian lodge in the county. e are much surp learn the extraordinary our band had to use in on cure the company, for M "7 tto f M Circuit Court Geo Wood, Adm'r est II I Dorr, Dec'd v W Band Alice lieauchamp Dismissed without costs by stipula tion. Grand iury reported 8 indict ments. Three indictments against Will H Warren brought forward on calendar, charaed with rape up on daughter. Tleadcd not guilty and trial set for luesdav M cn ou, It Chrisenger pleaded guilty to charge of larceny in store. Senten ced to one year in penitentiary. State v Ralph Moore and Florence Cameron; Pleaded not guilty and trial set for Friday M'ch 2 th. Same parties charged with adultery; Pleaded not guilty and trial set tor M'ch 31st. State v Hubert Hingley, charged with illegal voting at school election. Defendant discharged. State v II B Hollenbeck, charged with rape; Pleaded not guilty and trial set for the 27 th. State v Charles and Janoy Par rott; Plea of not guilty, arraigned on charge of subornation of perjury; Plea of not guilty. Defendant's counsel entered demurrer to indict ment. Sustained, but district at torney allowed to re-submit to grand jury. James M Smith v Wm and Alice Vaughn; Confirmation. Emma Mariner v Mary C Davis. Usborne v J P Young. Dismissed for wont of prosecution and costs taxed to plaintiff. Total $38,980 02 Subsequent redempt'ns. 2977 19 Outstanding warrants at 6:00 p. in. Mar. 24, $36,002 83 Save Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of grain annual ly. Wakelee s Squirrel and Goph er Exterminator is the most effect ive and economical poison known. Price reduced to dO cents. For sale by the Delta Drug Store, agent. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician, Burgeon and Acconcliei" OAoa la HlUahnra numuev. Rjwt- denos aoutn-weat oorner Baseline and Bseond. AUoailsproaaptly attended day r Bight. Nothing Like It. Wilbur's Oil of Gladness rheu matism, neuralgia, toothache, head ache, sore' threat, sprains, bruises, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera infantum for both internal and external use. It will remove more pain and in less time than any oth er medicine on earth. For pain in back, side, stomach, bowels, or any other part of the body it is instant relief. Price 50 cents; Sold by W E. Brock. 9. T. UNKLATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Kastof Court House. Dead Letter List. The following is the list of letters re. maining in the Hillsboro post office un- cluimeu- Y. L. Carr. Adlia Conlee, H. F. Howard. All letters not called for by Apr. 3, 1897, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called tor. H. Schulmerich, P. M An Important Case. Judge McBride made a very iuv Kid gloves, all shades, styles and prices at Schulmerich s. John Dennis is now employed in the Bryan-Laidlaw store while C. h. Deichman is on the circuit ju ry. The shrievalty sent R. Chris. iueer to the penitentiary last week on the committment ordered by Judge McBride. The one year was the minimum sentence and was pronounced after a plea for the court's leniency by Messrs. Barrett and Benton Bowman. Sure Kill Squirrel Poison is guaranteed to kill. For sale by W. E. Brock. N A fresh barrel or. pickles at Greer's. A. George Miller, son of J. C.Mil ler, is teaching the Glancoe school this current term. Michaol Moore recently sus tained the loss of one of his horses and it works quite a hardship on the old pioneer. Mrs. J. A. Imbrie is now at Wildeman, Cal. To her home in this city Mrs. Imbrie recently sent five large palm leaves, each meas uring about two and one-half feet 111 width. Sure Kill Squirrel Poison 5 lbs for 95 centsat Brocks. The Misses Anna and Hattie Moore, of Greenville, are in the city the guests of Miss Alta Lamkin. See 11. Wehrung & Sons ad in another column. They want your trade. Read the ad. it may save you money. A new line of neckwear at Schulmerich & Son. m . Sure Kill Squirrel Poison 20 cts per tt, 5 lbs for.95 cts. For sale by W. E. Brck. , Candidate for Whipping Post. It is not the province of a news paper to publish each infraction of he moral code, but there are coses where to remain silent is an insult to public decency. If the testi mony before the grand jury be true. one j. P. Heckert, a late resident of this town, is not worthy the com panionship of average depravity. His victim is said to be a young girl, but little past sixteen, bright, and ambitious to make her way in the world by honorable labor, and it does seem us though society is painfully direhct in not demand ins statutes to cover such cases. The existence of such a moral lep er is a standing menace to the pur ity of homes and the sooner we pro vide a penalty lot such crimes, tne better. Mothers should not lose this object leBson, and when they observe a man nearly thirty pay ing assiduous court to a child, they should be more than watchful. Such a man is either a knave or a fool. The public press f this county has been too lax in the pub lication of these public disgraces and it is time the people realized it. Our recent grand jury experience is evidence of this. What we need is a whipping post. Seed Wheat and Hay. D. Burkhalter, of Farming ton has for sale about 350 bushels of fine Cbilliclub seed wheat, cleaned ready for sowi.ig, 85 cents per bush el. Also some baled clover hay at market price. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Having sold my business to Mr. L. M. Hoyt, it will be luipera live that all persons having articles left with me for repair shall call within the next ten days and set tie for same All jewelry will be sold at ten per cent reduction for the next few days. All glasses fit ted scientifically as I am prepared with a perfect trial case. Silver ware at reduied prices. Come at once. L. V. Berckmoes. PROFESSIONAL. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, lu Korfan Block, Htlfaiboro, Onfoek A. B. BAILEY. D. D. S. QENTIST Rooms 1 and 'I MorKan-Balley IlUx-k. niLL8P.0R0, - OREOOX. jugs mwm TAOsii k. d. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sure eon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Cbnsultation in French or English. Offloa. and residence south ef Main near 8d si.. UUISiMMU, ur. WILKES BROS. . ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. CoBveyanciM and line man vork a specialty. Lindaay Block, two doors north of the Bostoffloa. Second U, Hlllsbore, Or. JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with S. I). Huston, Union lilook HILLSBORO. - OREGON. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms 0 A ? Morgan lilk., Hillsboro, Ore-., MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTUafiaa OF COURT HOUSE NEWS. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Ci M Stewart and wf to Gaston Co-op Milling Co Ditch right of way Donald McLeod die SI. J VV Baxter to the same same through land in sec 8ft 1 1 a r 4 w 1106. H II Wahl and wf to the same same through same lands property consider ation. S S Lennox to the same the same through name lands $100. Eunice Walker to samo same through same II. Klisha Smith to John Walters Us 14 15 16 17 18 blk I) W Port Heights iflfiO. Jpnet Kirkwood to Mary A Donaldson 10a B H Catching d 1 0 1800. Part blk 6 F ii $800. Frank Vandehey to Brtle Vandohey 45asec30tlsr8w$l. Wnnliiiitrton Co to Everdlne and Par rel Q C It oti and nj 1 34 in Oardeu Home 128. Elizabeth Hackney by Bhff to Wash Co It 30 in nl It 34 In liardcn Home $12. Chna E Todd to Mary Thompson a is eisee'J8t2ur4w$48. Maude Vauehn to J Q A Bowlby 117 8 MkUNPadFO $1. A R Faiino to A J Fanno trets 10-14 and 1, 15 and other ladds in Fruitful Lands $1. W E BeuuehnniD and wf by W N Bar rett aHsiguce to Rmij Se olield all lands iu assignment $3000. J A Bowlby to Koseoe Vaughn uud i Its 1 i 8 and 4 blk U and fraction of blk 10 Dilley II. O M Brune to M T Brune 442 a of Chas and Thomas Stewart d 1 c 7oOO. James Corey and wfto John Beach und E. J. Lyons takes thss mean to advise those indebted to him to settle by the first of April, or the accounts will be placed in an at torney's hands for immediate collec tion. Call mid see Haines & Bail ey's new spring goods. They hav a hne assortment. Farmers, attention! Now is the time to poison squirrels by us ing Sure Kill Squirrel Poison, 5 lbs for 95 centB. For sale by W. E. Brock. A. W. Giesy, a Salein hay, and a prominent Pythian, was in this city luesday. Try Crescent flour. The best is always the cheapest. Ask your dealer for it. Dr. J. P. Tamiesie left last week for Wilbur, Wash., whither he was ctdled on a professional visit. The doctor practiced at Wilbur sev eral years ago. Forest Grove bakers always use Crescent flour. The Argus is indebted to CE. Kuuyan for a copy of the grand ju- rv report for which he has our thanks. If you like good bread you can make it Irom uresceul nour Ask your dealer for it. The private school will com mence Monday next and it is said that it will have over sixty pupils. The members of the band are all wearing broad smiles at the prospects of their treat on Monday evening, but we can all smile as well, for it"t8 open doors to t';-e pub lie. ' On Tuesday, April 6th, J. A Imbrie, executor of the estate of Robt. Imbrie, deceased,' will sell at the Imbrie farm, at public sale,, tbe personal property of the estate. see saie notice in next iiuu. Bert F. Wide) and Miss Mabel I Vaughn have taken out license to wed. 1 .- ' XV Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc . HILLSBORO - OREGON Cor.SdlWash'Ui ) J. NORTHRUP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and 11 accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . . BOOTS Made to Order $5.50 SHOES Bart Sewed $5.00 Wm. Mohrt on Second St. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Don GO EAST - VIA . " America's Scenic Line THE , ' ... GREAT NORTHERN THE LIBRARY CAR ROtTfH Meals in -Dining Car a la Cuilfe. .Rock Ballast, No Dust. Shortest and Quickest Line To St. Paul, Minneapolis, JDuluth, Chicago i...And all Point East:... rhrouffh Palace and Toui rist Sleepers, Dining and Li ..... viaiy vsusci vauon vais. DAILY TRAINS FAST TIME Servlee aud Scenery Unequaled. For tickets and full information call on or address, II. T. Bigle, Agent, Hillsboro, pr. A. H. C. Demdatoii, O V. 4 T. A., Portland, Oregon.