Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1897)
tHE HILLSBORO ARGUS, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1897. THE ARGUS County Official Paper. Tk Only Democratic Paper in Wash Ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY Tk Argas Publishing Company. KUB.'U'niPTIOM PRlCB. Ingle copy Ave miu,' One year, fl.ofl. His, inontlis Oo ranta. Tbre month 35 cvuta. Bntered at the Post-office at Hillsboro, uregon as second clnsr mail matter. OBSTACLES! IN THE WAY. The gold standard papers are now telling the public that good times must not be expected as a re suit of the present contemplated tanff bill which is now before con press. These editors and their in structors are well aware of the shameless barefaced deception last fall practiced upon that clars of peo ple which requires some one else to do its thinking. These falsifiers forget that last October they prom ised all sorts of prosperity should McKinley be elected and they now are "wise in their generation" by attempting to lock the stable doors before the stock is missing. They may succeed in deceiving the peo ple again and they may not. Many votes were cast for McKinley be cause of promises from reputable journals and. statesmen high in theircountry's counsels. The pros penty was to come at once they said, prior to November. Prosper ity will be slow in coming they now say. Be this as it may if prosperity does come, they will re 'main in power. But the present tone of our metropolitan gold stand ard press is such that it betrays the existence of a doubt more, the knowledge that good times can not come. America, on the same financial highway, must sink to European conditions. To revert to the tariff proposition too much tariff will mean but little revenue and too little tariff will mean pree nt conditions. , The McKinley ad ministration is surrounded by con dition; very unsatisfactory and it will indeed require great statesman ship and diplomacy to overcome the obstacles which stand in the way of pledged prosperity. REGENERATE GREECE. The "Concert of 'Bondholders" has no terror for the plucky ruler of Greece. The occupation of the Cretan harbor bv the allied powers is a miserable failure and the fight for liberty will go on unless inde prudence to Crete is granted. To what degradation has our European neighbors fallen? To think that little Greece, fallen from her' high estate oY ancient times, should still lower fall, and breed condition which might deprive the Roths child of his pound of flesh 1 While the great powers an patriotically . supporting the golden power be ' hind their thrones, Greece rascally takes advantage of her position and tells Crete that her people shall be free from Turkish rule even if Tur key's power to pay her national debt shall be impaired. Greece's , ruler will go down to history as a tyrant aye his name will go down to oblivion along with the rebel George Washington, the outcast LaFayetteand the modern Lincoln. 8uch wholesale flouting of the moneyed kings jn this enlightened . age is certainly a sign of degenera tion. But let us have a plethora of such degeneracy. LONDON TIMES WEEPS. The London. Times thinks our semite, by its action on the rejec tion of the arbitration treaty, has struck a blow at the confidence of the American people. The Times errs and badly errs. The Times should know that Americans see more iu diplomacy than a mere . businesb agency. The senate has shown a confidence in republican institutions has shown that its confidence in the American people is supreme. The United States cao do her own arbitration and twice has she settled her differences with . England itself, with credit to American judgment. At the time our national liberty was sought ov er one hundred years ago, but one nation in Europe favored our inde pendence and that one God save tb marlc waa England's bitterest enamjr and had a motive in its ac tion. Let judgment and states- - eunchip be our Arbitration and . - when tbeae fail, adopt the only ex- .-fjiit left foroil'le assertion of what we deem our rights. REPUBLICANS, 66 AND SILVER MEN 34. Let it not be forgotten and no reasonable pen-on desires it shall that there was a large majority of republicans in our last legislative fiasco. Let it be remembered that the seiiiilnrial tight divided tl.eit - . rarces ana rauur than bive theoth er faction a temporary or perma nent advantage, each held out to the bitter end. Let it be known 1 J ....... once arm ioraii that the state watt in the hands of the republican pol itioians who were booming or op posing certain people for office and doing nothing else. Who, then, held up the legislature? Why did not those of identical party faith get together on organization and effect legislation? Because that would have meant the downfall of one of the other factions in ojen fight. It was simply a fight be tween Simouites and .Mitciieliites and for this the state of Oregon had an election in 1896! The Oregonian is a great paper but its positions are sometimes very ridiculous. It constantly cranks about the new journalism, abuses sensationalism and the like, preaches about the immoral ten dencies in the germ of such literary productions and then turns to the windward, publishes a detailed ac count of tbe Corbett-Fitzsiumions' fight and in tho same issue publish es an advertisement for Dr. s quack remedies which is too vulgar to enter any hom or public li brary. For consistency, which is three-quarters of an inch thinner than a case knife blade, commend us to the "staid" old Oregonian. HISTORY BLEMISHED. The Pacific Journal is about as badly off on Oregon history as it is on the money question. This is the way it izes up the situation: Gov. Lord's annointment of, H W. Corbett as U. S. Senate, it taking tbe view that tbe legislature of Oregon had a chance to elect and failed to do so. However since then Senator Dolph has died which leaves a vacancy that Gov. Lord can fill, the legislature not being n session, so that it is very probable mat Mr. Corbett will yet the seat after all. GRAND JURY REPORT. To the Honorable T. A. McBridc'. Judge of the above named Court: We, the undersigned erand iurv ror tno M'CMotff ,term of said court. make this our final report, and re spectfully represent that we have carefully investigated all charges oi crimes presented to us and re turned into court 14 true bills. Sev eral other cases have been brought before us, but we find the evidence insufficient to justify the returning oi mi inaicimeui into this court. We have visited the county Door house and we find it well kept and everything in good order except the pump, which was out of repair We recommen-J, that a good force- pump be kept in good working or der at all times. mr. Jii. Ueichman was em ployed to examine the School Sup erintendent's hooks, ami ins report is herewith submitted. We cannot too strongly uree that me method of keeping the books of the School Superintendent, as recommenned bv Mr. enforced. We have examined the books of the several different officers of the court house, and found the books neat and properly kept. We have visited the county iail and have found it kept in as good a condition as its overcrowded condi tion would permit; but we consider its accommodations are entirely in adequate for the needs of the coun ty, and we recommend that the county provide better jail accom modations. We believe that if bet ter accommodations are not provid ed, the county will be liable for damages. We believe that owing to the low prices of material and labor, a better timo could not be had for the construction of a new jail building. In the crowded condition of tho jail, the inmates are liable to sick ness, and the countv probably for damages. It would also be much more economical to keep prisoners in our own county, than to send them to Portland for keeping. At this time the jail is full, and the officers find it necessary to quarter prisoners in the court-house, which is destitute of such accommodations as are required; we think the mat ter urgent and necessary, and trust that the county officers who have the authority, will attend to the matter at once. " " Now having completed our labors we resnectfu Iv reoucHt in 1m Win. charged. Abneh Briqgs, foreman. N. Bebdan. A.B.Todd. Alex. Gordon. T. G Mbacham. Robert Alexander JohnC Iler riaius .i U!lli. .f m,i i lated At Hillsboro on this 24th , Save Your Cash McDonald Shirts at Lowest Prices. Overcoats at cost for the next 30 days. Ouratockof Lmlios and Misses' shoes can't be exeolled. L Come 'ii r1,wh-W6 V.oed don't want it all. Here it where vou'll have a chance to savo tiart of it In- Imv. iug at our Hatd Times Prices. We Always Tsad in Groceries. dny of March' 181)7. expert's repobt. To the Honorable Grand Jury of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, County of Washington: I, having been employed by you to examine the books and accounts of Austin Pi-Hicr CVimitv,wl Hnini...J.nt l i-....- . that I have carefully examined the the hooks of the office and find the ! accounts kept in a very crude man ner. I Jacob Penning, of Glencoe, was in I would recommend that accounts the city lhis week be opened with each School Pis-1 Will Miller and Gus Freudenthal will trict and with each fund that the different accounts be dedited and credited with their several amounts, 80 that any account Will Bhow its true condition at any time. I also find where certificates have been issued to teacher and war - rants drawn in favor of district school clerks there is frequently a stuo marked "spoiled " or "dupli cate." ' I find that the money coming in to his hands prior to January 1st, 1897, has been paid to the Countv Treasurer, but that he has neglect - eo to nie two duplicate receiutB with the Countv Clerk: the first dated September 2nd, 1896, for $29, the second dated January 8th. 1897, for $18. 1 find $-14 cash in his hands at this date. Respectfully submitted, C. K. DEtCHMAN. Dated March 20th, 1897. A Mighty Builder. As an invigorator and builder mV of broken down tissues. Wilbur's Blood Purifier cannot be excelled. If you have pimples or sores of anv 1 1 1 , 1 ... aina on your oouy, by taking a few bottles of this medicine they will soon disappear. For rheumatism the medicine never fails. $1.00nrr bottle. For sale by W; E. Brock. ;; . ' Resolutions of Respect. The followiuL' resolutions were udoni. ed by Tuality Lodge, No. 6, A. F. and A. M.,ou aiarch jo, 1097: Whereas it has pleased the Sunreme Grand nianter the universe to remove by death from amongst us our late be. loved brother, M. M. Abbott, now there fore ucii Resolved that we bow submissively to the will of Divine Providence and recog nize that his ways are cast findimr out And while we realize that this lodge has lost a faitlitul conscientious member this community an honest upright citizen and friend we yet mourn for. our depart ed friend and brother and grieve to know that we shall meet him no more here below. Resolved that while we shall be cheered no more by his kindly greetings in our lodge, we rejoice iu the hope that he has been translated from this imper fect to that all perfect Grand and Celes tial lodge , above where tbe Supreme vjmuu master or me universe presides Resolved that we will ever hold in grateful memory his honesty, integrity and noble qualities as a Mason' and citi zen and his prompt performance of ev ery duty that we commend his sorrow ing relatives and friends to Him who alone can comfort in affliction and who alone can bind up the broken heart; that the secretary of this lodge be directed to spread a copy of these resolutions upon the minutes of the lodge and to furnish a copy to the family of deceased and also to the local papers of this city for publi cation. J. D. Mkrrvman.) Chas. Bowkn, Comm. H. Wkhrung. J CONTRIBUTED, Shall we meet above our dear one Shall we clasD him to our breast. Will he know iu Heaven his mother As lie mingles with the blest? Will he wait there by the portals With bis welcome greeting kiss? Is his loving hand now beckoning, vn; Ange.s ten us tmsf Will he welcome us with music To his own celestial home. Is hit dear voice gently calling icar wne, orocners, sister come. Oh, we miss him at our fireside Wbeu we see his vacant chair. Oh yes, our dearest brother we miss you everywhere. (A whisper in answer from the Spirit worm.; Yes, up in Heaven you'll meet me You can clasp me to vour breast. And 1 know uiy dearest mother as 1 mingle with the blest. I will wait there bv the portals Till you all shall enter in. To my heavenly home of splendor 10 a worm mat s tree trom sin. Yes with music you'll be welcomed To our own celestial home" Aud as Angels now are singing Dear wile, nrotners, sister, come. FROM MIDDLETON. Pursuant to notice there was nubile meeting held at this place Saturday last for the purpose of .considering tbe start ing of a butter and cheese factory. The people were enthusiastic and mean busi ness, as an inducement to a creamery man they offer a three year's lease of the Middleton -Preserving company's build ing near me aepot. 1 nis Dunning bus a brick basement ample supply of good water, and plenty of room for all pur poses, a ten-horse engine (j. I. Cast)with "eil'ng rea'!y rrhea!.wofieri8iiiBdetoanvrtsion.:',;,! worthy fwnni. ' sible creamerv carties who have hud ! practical expenencc in . that business. The people further agree to furnish suf 1 These Hard Times by Buying: Where You Can Get the Greatest Return for Your Money. . . H. WEHRUNG & SONS Load all Competition and set tlio puoo. Come and see tholr Mammoth Stock ami bo convinced. Mens and Hoys' clothing- l-'lt'Umi'rtiuoxl and prices the lowest. Com plete Hue of Wash Hoods, Percales, Oil I'ulicos, Lappet Mulls Organdie, Unmet im, Sttttocns, Ducks, Figured Lawns, and Suiting and Outing Flannel. Ladies Undor wear and Hose. A toll lino of Cooper-Wolls Hosiery. Mou's Furnishing Hoods. See our Lines ficicnt number of cows the first season to pay on a small scale, and to increase the number of cows as fast as they can until the full capacity of the creamery would be reached. Any parties wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity shoulrtattend the next meeting which will be held at the Middleton Pickle Fac tory, Saturday, April 3d, at a:oop. m.,or conimuuicate with John Winters, Sr., of I Middleton. CORNELIUS. sUrt for Idaho Wednesday Gns Seidler, of Portland, is visiting his : ""uer r nemier i William McCurdv and wife passed I through the city Saturday enioiue for : v-,;nierv,lie- ! Miss Katie Muhly is on the sick list ut til rrtdirlnoj .f M T-;... n II. Scott Walker, of Gaston, was in town this week. A caucus was held at St. Joseph hotel Wednesday to nominate a second city ticket. The following were put up: HI - T ' 'Sturdevant. Geo Kno'bioch. as Hatrh . -iu uiaiuiics; L-ouncumen, a 1 ud Wm Ehiert; recorder, A A Phillips; " Mrs Geo Sanders, of North Yamhill. came down Saturday to visit a few days. A caucus was called one day last week to nominate city officers and the follow ing ticket was named: Mavor. IT Dor rien; councilmen, T H Miller, G Vickers, Thos Talbot and Wm Ehlert; recorder, m 11 nenucrson; treasurer, K A Clark Mrs D T Phillips fell and hurt lerself one day last week but is about well now, The public school will commence next Monday with Vv S Gordon and Stella Miller as teachers. Miss Emma Miller came out from Port land Friday to visit her father, J R Mil ler. Alph Neep, who left here on account of ill health, is at San Jose and is im proving, so it is reported. OBJECTS TO PETTY CASES. Thinks They are Brought for the Fees ill Them. ; Every county newspaper and every taxpayer under whose observation it comes should denounce and protest against these frequent petty suite cases which seem to be brought solely for the ices involved. The majority of these cases are brought by irresponsible part ies who have nothing at stake and who pay no taxes to support our county ad ministration. In some instances the complaints are sworn to by the grossest violators of the law, in having run ''gal Ion saloons," where liquor is sold with out liiense, and where young hoys aud sometimes good men are enticed and doped, losing their money. -, Only last week there was a cas brought from Sherwood to the county seat, not withstanding Sherwood has a justice and a city recorder, and beside, the' erand jury was lu session at the time and could have looked into the .affair The com plaint ullevreil violation of the license law, waa signed by H. L Kocher and tneinturinatiott was against John Woida. The defendant was brought before the justice, several witnesses were examined, aiid after the facts were ascertained, was dismissed for want of jurisdiction. The taxpayers . will, of course, foot the bills. It seems to me that were justices were cautious and would tax the costs to the complaining witnesses., where there is not sumcient evidence to convict, there would be a vast reduction in the number ol these cases and a consequent lighten ing of the burdens of our taxpayers. We are willing that each man, woman and child shall have the fullest measure of legal protection, let it coat what it may, but the present situation is such that malicious prosecution can thrive to the detriment of no one but those who pay the taxes. We protest against this whole sale, concienceless wasting of public money. .1 . Vox Porvtt. Middleton, March 23, 1897. Made a " rum-Over." Sheriff Bradford made a "turn over" of $9937 30 to the treasurer, Monday, which will be distributed to various funds as follows: County fund. . . . .$6040 12 School fund , 2852 21 School districts 689 61 City of Hillsboro. 254 80 Forest Grove 91 14 Beaverton. . , 9 42 Total.... ..$9937 30 Reward! Rewardl Wilbur's Cough Cure positively cures la grippe, coughs, colds, hoarseness, whooping cough, lung and throat trouble, and consump tion. Can be taken by the most delicate fenaiile or child. Every bottle guaranteed to cure. Price 50 cents. For stile by V. E. Brock. The first spring weather came the hrta nl the week and the rain 1 waa verv warm Tbara is Km was very warin. 1 Here is but very little plowing done yet and all crops will go in late. Trees are com- ..u..:. . , l I ,1 a . , ineilCing to bud the last few day?. t n. . ... . J II. Mimicy will now take several n.onths vacation from school labor, and expects to go up! lo Eastern Oregon and settle no some land business some time in April or May. Mr. Stanley has iVen at tit l.ful of Hillsboro years andlms " . I -.v,d0 of -ii kind-Nh. buik at Greer's. ... of Boots and Shoes Benefit of Hillsboro Heed and Cor net Band at Optra House on MONDAY, MARCH 20. All persons owing 1S9G ac counls and notes to H. Wehruiig fc Sons are requested to cull and set tie ut once. We must havo money to keep up our slock. We will not carry overdue accounts any longer. We are desirous of trading for cash to give our customers the benefit of tho lowest possible margin. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERsT Notice is hereby given that on and after March 5th, 1897, taxes for the year 1896 will be due and payable at the otlice of the county shrievalty in Hillsboro, Oregon. VV. D. Bhaikoho, Ex-Officio Tux Collector for Wash ington County, Oregon. Dated ut Hillsboro, Ore, this 25th of February, 1897. Notice for Publication. I.ahu Orru-i at Orioos Oty. Oh.I .t arch 1!, 1HH7 XTWICEIs hereby Kiven that the lol i.1 lowing-nained settler has liled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his cliii.n. uud thai said proof will be made b.fon the lieejsU'r and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on June 7, 1807, viz: David G. Lilly, II. K. Xo. lia for the N W 0f Sec 34 T 3NK8W. lie names the following witneses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said html, viz - I. H vVut, James' MoClarsn, Geo Hen derson, Glenwood, and O M nines, Galen Creek, Oregon. . l-t Rout. A,, ltegisler. Notice for Publication. l.Asr Ormi atOkkuos Citt.Os.I arch 19, lW.f NOTICE is hereby given t hut the follow. iilK-nmm-d setiler has tiled notiet of his intention to inukc riiiul proof in tiin uortoflii i:laiin,aml Unit said proof will he in:lde before the Keirisler and Iteeeivar at Oregon City Oregun.. on ilay 14, 18V7, viz: FrroV rirk J. Gripp, 11. Iv. No. S7 for the H ofrt 10 i. of Sen 2 ami N of N K of rteci'7 T 1 N K B W. He names the following vritrespes to prove his continuous residence ution and cultivation of said land, viz. William II Kinitlc, Henry Slooimm, Goo C Thou as, Forest Grove.anil Charles John son, Gales Creek, Oregon. i-t Kokkkt A Mti.i.r.a IteKlster. Notice for Publication. t. On. i March 19. l.Mtrt.f ""OTICK is hereby Riven that the follow- i In-iiauieU settler lots liled notice o his intention to make final proof in aiii. port of his claim, and that aaid pi-oof will le inaiie liefortf the Kepisttr ami Ueceiver at t.'re. on City Oregon, on June 7, 1W, vis: James McClarsn, I'ro I). S. No. 7MB "Tor the N X of 8 W t and 8 X of N W Hno. 17 T 8 N R 8 w. lie names tbe following wilneHNea to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: L H Witt, David G Lilly, George Hen derson an cl J) II Miller, all of Glenwood, Oregon. 1-0 Roskbt A. Miller. Reiiter Notice for Publication. Lm Orrict atOrkuon City, Or.i March 17, M)7.f NOTICK Is hereby given thatthe following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his eliiitn. and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Colum bia county, at St. Helens, Oregon on May 8, 1807, vix: Henry L. Keyser, II. K. No. 9S4S for the S W of Sec J T 4 IS It 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove discontinuous residence imon and uiiitivuiioo oi ihii iniiu, vis: Francis M Parker. Thomas Solomon l.. I.: .1 r .. .. : j .tu. ' Samuel P Ballard, Olonzo Kmnmiia, all of vernonia, ure. 1 ft ItossRT A. Mii,i,f. Register. Notice For Publication. Lakd Orrin at Orkuon Citt, Or.) .: arch in. i8$)7.f NOTICE Is hereby given that tho following-named settler has. tiled notice of his intention to make nnal proof in sup inrt of his claim, and that said Droofwill be made before the Register aud Receiver at Oregon city, Oregon, on May 14, 17, viz: William H. Ringle, H. E. No. 11480 for the S M of 8 IC V. and N W yt of8 K H Sec. 25, 1 1 n r 8 w. lie names tne roiiowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence unou and cultivation ol said land, viz: Frederick J Gripp, Henry Hlooman, Geo 0 Thoinns, Forest Grove, and Charles Johnson, Gales Creek, Oregon. l-o kobkkt A. mii.lkh, KeglHter. Notice of Final Settlement. 'I0TrcE hereby given that the un- ' ueraignocl administrator or the es- tllte of , w nudner, deceased, has filed hii SL??,0 his final account as administrator estate in the County Court of the 1 . . .. tr. i . V . . w"'B. 'r iwiungioii county, and said Court has appointed Mondav Mho 12th day of Annl. 181(7. at Hi court house in Hillsboro, at the hour of ion o'eiouK a. m. oraaiu day as tho time t&F said estate. .... B. V. PtTRDV, Administrator of the estate of W. M. Dudnov. de(-eased. Dated ut IliHsboro, Oregon, this 10th day of .March. 1)7. . ' 1 Wanted-An Idea &3m8?&rs!& 1 The Hillsboro Pharmacy The Loading Drug House Whore Uropt, McdicincM, Valuta, Olla,NmnBea, HuiNhes and all Druggist' Sundries may !o procured at prices that tiimplv distance coiiipellliou. THE DELTA : : Special Attention Given to Quality : : and Accuracy in Dispensing, ! : A Full Supply of Toilet Articles, I'erfum : : cry, Patent Medicines, Si'l.ool Hooks,;iitc. Se8 Our Large Stock of Fine Perfumes . The Largest Ever Shown in the City. Telephone rroni Ktore to Ofllce. i j - -. . . . - ' i U- JiiL- .ut HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. 1. K JIKIIST, I'sor Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Maikct : Price : Paid : fur : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : aud : Msgs Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREET, WILEY & DENNIS, CITY LIVERY STAHI.K Cor. and and Washington Street Is WH'iRE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES tod DRITERS W. T. Andrews, President. 1). W. Dnrraiirs, KecrsUry ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (lueorpoiuted June S, fS03.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDALK, i . OREGON. THE OU EAT GOLD s SILVER . COUNTRIES 0K BRITISH COLUMBIA AND. EASTERN OREtiO.N ABE ALL REACHED O R & N No Change of Cars hetween BAKER CITY SPOKANR PORTLAND and Shortent Line to SPOKASK Connecting with All 11 AIL ROUTE to . . Trail, Holland, Marcus Nelson, npd nil Kootenay Mining Camps. . . LOW RATES and THROUGH TICKETS For Pamphlets find Detailed Information, write to W H HDRLKI RT, Oen'IPass Agent Portland, Oregon. ' Or J. I. Knight, Hlllaboro. Ore. Notice For Publication. Land Ornt-R At Orkoon OittOhr.I Keb. 27. lsi7. NOTICK is hereby given that the following-mimed settler has Hied nolim ..f his intention to make final proof iu sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of wasninjrton county at Hillsboro, Or., on April I, 1807, viz: P, C. Filbert, H. K. No. BflHO. for the 8U of 8 JC U N B H of 8 K and 8 K !4 of N K See 12 T 2 N It 4 W, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous, residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: W.J. R. Reach, A. Thornbiirg, N. 8. Prickett and Ira F. Miller, all of Green ville, Oregon. W-fl Kossst A. .Villus. Register. WM, fUPPER, (8ucoe.or to C R Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, V ednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All buslneas entrusted to him will lie promptly and carefully attended to. t reight and exproas rntea reasonable. i.eave ornors witn ni un, or at Ledford'a, or at THB A ROUS, v Notice for Publication Lasb Orrics at Oriwoh Citv, Or.i OIICK is hereby given that the follow-ing-nained settler hns filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clork of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on April 3, 1897, vis: William C. Hultt. H. E. No. 0440 for the 8 K A of sec If T 1 N Rft W. He names the following witnesses to prove ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Antipas Thomas, Herman Englcbreght, William Obrion and Thomas Groves, of Gales Creek, Ore. 40-8 RorkrtA. Mii.lki, Register. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR. NOTICE is hereby given that the last will and testament of Emma Stark tor Of said will, and hint rinlv nnnlliu and entered upon the discharge of his du ties. All persons, therefore, having claims against said estate are requested and re quired to preaent them with tbe proper vonchers, to tho undersigned, at the law office of 8. B Huston In Hillsboro, Oregon, within six mouths from dale. Dated at Hillsboro this Februarv 17, 1807. Executor of the last will and testament of uas Deen nuiy aomilted to prolmte by the County court of the State of Oregon, coun ty .of Washington, and that the under sicnod has been dulv anooinlnrl us un. Dr?f. -y DRUG STORE .First Quality in Every Respect HILUWORO, OKKUON. Notice (or Publication. ' LAsnOrnt-M atOrkoom drr, Oa. ( Jk-v Keb. IS, ISUJJ,""1 .V OTICK la hereby glvan tliaajtfra.C (" ' J L ng-namedieltlerhaii lil4 liu- .1 , inle 'onto imike final proof! ' -T his Im, and (hut aid prwi j.,,1!?:' " mudei vre the County Clerl'lifToluma' v' Cn, at Helens Oregon on Anrit ,,?,-.9" 1817, vis: W ?v.jJ" Bendt redersnn. '. K. No. tt for the lot 4, ec 7, lot 1, sac 18, T ft N R 3 w and N of N K of smi IS f 5 N H 4 W He names the following witnesses' tit prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vir: Karl I, Schwartz, Olof Cheldelin Mnthew M Johnson a. il Peter Olson all of Keasey, Oregon. 4!Ml Rohkht A. Mii.t.rH. Kesltttr. Notico for Publication. I.A.iii Orrit t at itiisooN Ciir. Ha I , , Pehrnary ifTt It, 1817. t O rll. I' Is hereby given that the f.rllow. ing-uained settler has tiled notlceof Ilia Intention to make final crm sui.. port of his claim, and that said proof will he made before County Clerk of Washing ton cotmt at i illsboro, Oregon, on Anr. 17, 18D7, viz : 1 Otto Ktilka, If. B WIW for the W U of and K H of N W H of Wee "0 T 2 N It 4 V. He iiimies the following witnesses prove Ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Donald Mo ..illan, tieorge Kessler, Jos eph Hteinmati and Jacob Dahlmleu, all of Havward, Oregon. 150-8 Rohkrt A. Mti.i.ia, Register. Notice for Publication. I-anii Orrrcs at Oiiriis Citt, Or.) Nn-rwv i March. Ill, HH7.'f Ol K K w hereby given llivt ihv follow-ing-naiucd settler has hied notice ol his intention to make tinal proof In HUt). port of his claim, and that said proof wOl be made before tho Register and Receiver K0" (;f)-. Oregon, on June 7, I8TI7. Oeorge Henderson, II. E. No. I I27A for I lie 8 U of N W u mMI N X or h W X of Sec 1 it N R V "tl e names the following witnesses lo prove hi. continuous rei.lnc upon and cultivation ofsiiid land, viz: I. II Witt James M.-Clai-aii,Oren Ullev Olciiwo,d,and John MtCluran. of Creek, Oregon, 1 " Riisknt A. Mim.zr .Register. Notice ipr Publication, I.AM) Ourn at Oasons Ctir. Oa.l OH( K Is hereby g Ven thnt tho f -lowing-named settler has tiled tl of his intention to make li nal proof In sud nortofhls claim, and that Baft proof wilt be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on May luw' Eben Roberts, H.E. 8170 for the 8 E X of 8e,.. 17 T 4 N R He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npoiTIiid cultivation of said land, viz 1 nd I. Hagert, J A McDonf,d. Vernonia. J A StVZrrA n,""('ro. nd Thomas Brown. 01 ruiont urove, urecoii. l-fl Rohkiit A. M ni.Ki Keglster. Notice for Publication. Land Or mi atOriooh Citt Or i VTOTICE Is hereby 4,JS& iH. J.1 ine-namnd settlor 01" his intention to make tinal proof i. a!, port of hir claim and that wi Uroof wK viz; j 1 . 1 "o June 7,1887, James McClaran, Guardian of the minor heirs of Henrv Mr. Claran, deceased, 7 H. E. 11288 for the N U of 8 E W il u ,j otXRX of 8ec ITtCs BeW 1 8 H He names the following wUnanm. In prove his coiSrimi,ut..sidv51ce Z, and cultivation ofsaid laiid, viz: 1 H M J,ayid I-itly, George Hen. 1-8 Rqsrst A. Mulbr, Register. A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5-room cot tage within 2 blks of busi nnaa rtart of town. Good fence around lot, good woodshed, and two roomy closets in residence. Also nnmr. ,n K00" fepair. Goes for $600. In r 1 ' ,1 iKiunia sr,iaeoease(i. (JllllV at this office. 1