The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 18, 1897, Image 3

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Sii iV "i 'MTy ll1!' JL Sf.f 0"''''' u ' J 'Fri x'ftii't
14 I 15
J J.
112 fiF
19 20
f if
I -' I "-
lally Mill I Arrival
forma (Jrovo - a in 7:18
FortUnd, Way and Knalern H:fiO
tllenemt - m
l'orvlllN mid Way WW
Portland :
Dully Mull l('iurtiirN:
Portland Kashira vlu H 1' a in 7: lit
I'ort via Himieno, Lenox A Hollmiiy 7.IK)
C?orvMlll A Wuy , - S::)
I'ortland & Way - - p III
KoroHt Mruvo - - l;0it
Farnilngton unit Luiirtd ltmvu. nt 10:W a
in anl arrives, at 3:46 p m on Tucwlay,
TlmrHilHy nnil Saturday
No Ntinduy huIIh. 1'oStolHee npnn from
7:00 a in to S:U0 p ni, exrwpt NundayH.
S. P. Tlnio TaliUi!
Lv. Ar.
ortland hi ":W P :M
itorvalll , a m :) p m 6:W
Porliiinil a in H;M p m :0U
MeMlnnville a m MW :. p m 7;l
J. Teuscher Jr., one of Wash
ington county's well known teach
ers, was in "the city Friday laat.
II id ut present located at IIiIIh
dalo, where lie has charge of a
Superintendent Craig wan in
tint city Tuesday, on business con
nected with hie ollice. Mr. Craig now
carrie1, his office books with him,
whiciu makes school business a
pleasure to ull school district ollicers,
aslhevcan do business whenever
and wherever they tind liim.
Here is a bargain for some one
wanting a lurni of 40 ncres within
two miles of this city. Honiowhat
improved. Fifteen acres beaver
dam and swail. does at T4U jer
acre. -
- -L. Reynolds, the Bethany doin
ocratie warhorse, was in the city
Tuesday. Reynolds says that even
some of the McKinley men out his
way are kicking.
The Independent and Aiutt's
were the only county papers which
last week contained Mr. McKinley 'a
inaugural address. The muchly
van iMtmmMisL a weekly paper
j!ulimft. t he county superin-Aldrgj-M!)
mention of the ad-
i -To
cure all old sores, to heal
an inuoieni ur,-r, or 10 speeiiy
cure piles, yon need simply apply
x n.vL'ln'. i'ii..i. iru.ui siuio ik.
ftilsrrdina'M uiaeic
W I;. hroeK. xm$k ...
U I ... ....! ....... 1. .1 -,,.L
f ii livened by ' Mr. Dickson's team
running f.oni Koch's butcher shop,
it having been I'rightencil y a pass
ing ilmy. The horses left part of
the wagon at the depot and pro
ceeded on to , Jackson's bottom
where they were stped and
lro" jht back. Damage about $12.
Win. Josse, tlw Lenox dairy
man, was in the city Inst week and
reports having received nearly $36
each for the product of his fourteen
cows. This is the kind of farming
that pays.
Absolutely pure. perfectly
harmless and invariably reliable
I are the qualities of One Minute
f Cough Cure. It never fails in
i . . . .I,
colds, croup ana iudk irouoies
Children like it because it is pleas
ant to take and it helps them. W.
K. Brock.
Al. WirU, of Dilley, is now lo
cated at Mouutuindate.
Col. F. V. Drake, a prominent
attorney of Portland, was in the
city Monday-attendant at Circuit
Court. Mr. Drake is an enthusi
astic bi-inetallist and is with a
considerable degree of interest
watching the cause of national
events. Many will remember the
Col. as having made several very
able speeches in this county last
autumn. , :
When you want a first class
shave or an up to date haircut re
member to call on E. It. Miller, the
Second street barber. Most fash
ionable in the city. ' .
The manyi young frierids of
Miss BiiBtow, teacher in the Ilills
boro public schools, tendered her a
"very pleasant surprise Monday eve
ning'at the residence of Mrs. John
MltSfera. . Music and games made
up a delightful evening.
if i ne ureBOiiiun ih ihiuiiiiiik m.
L. Pipes, wnoin Hillsboro people
':t. mill rAinnmltnr nn nssr:!iit.n counsel
in the defense of X. N. Steeves, to
succeed Judge McKenna, who left
a United States Circuit Judgeship
to accept a position in McKinley's
cabinet. . .
The thrifty young redwoods in
front of the Recorder's and Clerk's
office in the court yard have beeii
trimmed by Janitor N. A. Barret,
in order that light may properly be
let into the ollice windows. These
trees were set out several years ago,
the donation of John R. Potter, the
J. R. Bailey, the prominent
Buxton rancher, was down to this
city the first ot the week. This rust
ler has a thrifty young orchard of
sixteen hundred (rets on his ranch.
It is coniiMised chiefly of prunes,
four hundred of which will bear the
coming season if late frosts do not
interfere. He already has seventy
acres under cultivation and is each
year adding (o his plow land.
Robert Edmondson and Miss
Ruby Williams have taken out li
cense to wed. Miss Williams was
under the ae of consent, being but
seventeen, but C. II. Edmondson
made affidavit that she had resided
this countv the past eighteen
months; that her mother was dead:
that her father had not been heard
from for at least twelve years; that-
she hud no guardian; whereupon
Clerk Imbrie issued license.
"Excuse me," observed the
man in spectacles, "but l am a
surgeon, and that is not where the
liver is '"Never you mind where
the liver is," retorted the other.
If it was in his big toe or his left
ear iievwtts l.Htle EarlV Itinera
would reach it 'and shake it for
him. On that vou can bet vour
gig lamps.' I V.rY). Wk. '
Isn't it about time to know
whether Hillsioro is going to do
anything towards a celebration on
the Fourth of July? Are the sol
diers going to have their re-union
then, here,, afterward, or there I
Borne one should find out and re
port to the pi ess.
Mr. (ieorge Carletoii apiiears
to lie somewhat unfortunate. After
having been confined to his room
for several days.he felt well enough
to taki the air, and was out Friday
morning last, on the Jucksou bot
tom where Dixon's runaway team
came running by. Uarleton in en
deavoring to snp them, slipped,
fell and sprained his shoulder quite
Schulmericli & Son is the
(dace to buy a new hat for small
leads or big htttds. Can fit any
min or boy.,
Uncle Billy Annans has ttuit
farming and is now doing honors
as bailiff in elm r go of the Circuit
Court room, during session.
Mrs. J. I. Knight returned last
Saturday from Boise City, Idaho, at
which place bIic left the genial J.
I. recuperating as rapidly as expec
ted under the influences of the pure
mountain air of that region.'
Fifty pairs of live Mongolian
pheasants wanted. Birds to Ik; in
good condition. .
solicited. J. M. Brown, Iliflsboro.
Mrs. Prof. Lake, nee Maude
Pitttenizer, is at present -visitina at
The Grand Jury is Grind
ing Away.
A Local Auxiliary of
Home Society Oregon's Pythian
Grand Chancellor Here.
founder of Porter's nursery, near
jForest Grove. Mr. Portefl 'h? notr
deceased but his monuments are
still growing tributes to his public
Machinist W.J. Benson has
been up at Carstens . Bros.' mill
near Manning this week making
repairs on the boiler."
Miss Elizabeth Milne, who is.
' t. i , . f .1. ..
attending scnooi at jmouiuoumi, vis
ited with her : father over Sunday
returning Monday, , , -it m
the home of lief mother. '1 Her -sis
ter, Miss Mamie,-who has been vis
iting at lhe Lake home in Antelope
has returned home. I rot. Luke and
wife will now reside in Portland.
1). B, Kuierick.'of Scholls, was
a visitor to thecoti'nty seat Tuesday.
He tells us that the Seelye mill,
now under lease to C. R. Adams, is
running right along. Adams has
put a burr flouring mill in connec
tion with the luuitermill and has
been turning out a product meeting
with great satisfaction in that sec
tion. This last acquisition is of de
cided benefit to Scholls farmers.
E. E. Colestock gives you the
best shave in the city. Hair cut
at popular price. Trv his baths.
Don t forget the place t uy Fhav-
ing Parlors, Main street.
Hon. T. A. McBrido is of the
opinion that the demands of neces
sary legislation will force Governor
Lord to call an extra session, there
are numerous reasons wnv some
thing should be done one of them
being the fact that Circuit Judges
throughout the Stale can get no
pay for their services until an ap
propriation is niaue. two years
will be a long time to wait, but the
judiciary is not alone in ' the pre
The president of The Royal
Tailors has just arrived from Chic
ago. For the present he can be
seen at 'tne express olnce where
John Brown would be pleased to
give the public an introduction and
explain his business tfhile here in
the city. It is to the interest of all
enterprising citizens to call 6oon.
Hon. S. B. Hus'-on attended to
legal business in Portlai d today.
I have an overstock of tea, and
to the first 50 purchase) I will give
50 cents worth of tea and a 50 cent
English Terra Cotta teapot both for
50 cents. Don't wait till they are
all gone, but call early at Brown's
Cash Grocery, Hillsboro.
Mrs. Ballard and two children
leave next week tor California. She
is a sister to County Clerk Imbrie's
Ulrioh Kauipf, the Glencoe
cheese maker and dairyman, was
in town this morning.
' B. M. Collins, of Gales Creek,
is in the city, and is one of the jur
ors in the Circuit court. Mr. Col
lins is in favor of having the Veter
an's re-union at this place this
summer, and informs us that the
executive committee ol the associa
tion will meet in Beaverton the first
1 hursday in May to decide Upon
location: He tells as that the in
augural ball at Eli Smith's, Gales
Creek, was a great success.
lhe do suv that the many
friends of Eb. Foudray will soon
be pleased to learn that he likes
Hill$boro bo well that he has de
cided to permanently locate."'' 1
The regular March 'erm of Cir
cuit court convened Monday morn
ing with His Honor T A McBride
on the bunch. Juror list was call
ed and M S Shipley was excused.
The grand jury wa drawn, viz:-N
Berdan. A B Todd, T G Meacham,
Robert Alexander, Abner Briggs,
John Her and A Gordon. The
court appointed Mr. Briggs as fore
man of Hume. ' '
' E B Yongue was allowed to ap
pear for Attorney T H Tonjnie.
A T Knox was appointed bailiff
to have charge of the grand .jury
am' W W Annans wa appointed
bailiff of court room.
Petit iur ira were all excused un
til Monday next.
Smith v Courtnev. Case dismiss-
ed, ... . .
Brugger v Hilderbrand; judg
ment by default and $100 Att'y fee
Kirk wood v Vail; judgment by
default and $50 Att'y fee allowed.
McNutt v Pomeroy; judgment by
default and attached property or
dered sold. -
Confirmation of Shff't, sale: As
pinwall v Foster; Beal v Harper;
Robinson v Fowler; Constable v
Tower; Lord v Hendricks; Wood
ward v Bowlhy.
Sheriff directed to execute deed
in re Richard Lardner v Elizabeth
J Pat ton; John Aspinwall v H C
Breedeu etal.
Report of Assignee of Bowlhy and
Ktinchconibe filed, showing record
of business up to reb 8th.
Sale of real prouerty in re T V
Thompson v Estate of Edward
Webster, dee'd. confirmed; alsd R
E Randall v Chris S Peterson et al
H McArthur v N H Farnham et
al Deft's Demurrer over-rulled by
consent of counsel, and decree
granted plaintiff.
E A Hyde v C C Chipman et al
Default and Decree.
W O Donelson v A A Witham et
al; Default and Decree, and W P
Lord v Wm, llorner et al IJelauit
and Decree. , . . i .
Grand Jury returned two tru
bills aeainst Chrisenger. Arraign
ed and defendant will plead Thurs
dav morniiiB. Benton Bowman
appointed to defend.
Judgment against Jos Gaston in
re Gaston x Aplin modified from
$440.80 to $241.
Mr. E. Wood, of Tigardville,
was in the city today. He leaves
Monday morning for a trip east af
ter a thirty years' resident; in this
county.- - Hr goes to Can a da.-after
visiting a brother in Minnesota,1 re
turning to Oregon in . about. Iwo
months. Mr. Wood crossed" the
plains twice, once in '.C4, and once
in '69. He tells us that the Tigard
ville flouring mill is running right
along and turning out good work.
the Children's ; 1 stockholders oi tne first
Rational lianK have voted that the
institution go into voluntary "liqui
dation. Stockholders representing
$50,000 were present and i3!).0QO
of this voted to go out of business
Prosecuting Attorney Al
: - leges Subornation
$724.40. Petition granted to ad
ministrator to sell for cash the per
sonal property, at private sale, at
not less than appraised value.
Final settlement of R. A. Car
penter estate continued until March
Weekly Financial Statement
BROUGHT BACK FROM PORTLAND I washinoton coi:nty, orkoo.n.
1 ' iv ...... ..4...'j:
i w nrriiiiin imiri.Hiiiiii,,
.$39,117 12
. 0000 00
... , .j March 10, 1897 pm
H. Bums GU 1400 Damages Subsequently drawn .
rrom h. vvun or h. m. . -i
Abbott Probate Reeord. " Total ...... , . . $39.1 17 12
Subsequent, redeinpt'ns: 60,
It is very likely that Mr.--J.-W.
Shute will start a private bank al
though this is not . authentic. ' .. '-
-"Soothing, and not .' irritating, -
strengthening, and not - weakening,
small but effective such are the
ualities of DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills. W,
E. Brock. : :v
There was no circuit court yes-
terdayj Judge McBride evidently
celebrating the day in honor of
St Patrick. Monday next the ju
ry trials, on Criminal cases11 will
commence. ' - .- .
Mrs. . A. Rhea, of Heppner,
ho has been at the hon.e. ofher
brother, Dr., Adkins, during 1'ta
recent illness, left Monday morning
for her home in Eastern Oregon. '.
Scaly eruptions on the hedd,
chapped hands and lips, cuts, bruis
es, scalds, bums are .quickly cured
by DeWitt's Witch, Hazel, Salve.
It is at present the article most
used for piles, and it always cures
them. W. K. Brock.. . ......
Itisreprted that Chas. Parrott ' "fc ..' ","18- '
,A !f.. M ..,0, hail n an. i V '" "T- 1 fOn,;,oi Oi.
pear before the Circuit Court toj V; V-''d UtUrLteV-'
answer. a charge of alleged larceny
f money from the residence Jl .
aJ Allen, attempted to vacate Tues-1 claitnect-
day. . getting a far as Portland,'! Mt Edlilnm, Miss Mary Lunu. ,
where they now live. The District1 Mr. Olof Nelson, Mr. Olmstead,
Attorrev feared this was their pur-1 V. Shellhamei , Mrs. a. C. Wallace,
pose and had them held at that)- All letter, not callid for by Mar. 27
.city, . Officer Bagley brought them j J&gJZZJ&
out .lust evening. Ihe rarrotts j ietter called for.
claim they were not- trying to get . 11. Schulmerich, P. M. -awav.
On Tuesday, the District 1
Attorney filed an information Save Your Grain,
against the Parrolts, alleging that pew realize that each squirrel de-
rhtnlx iMAge No 34. K of P inert
on Monday evening or eacu er
in MiiHonic hall.
Phonocia Temple No 18 meet on the es
onu ami rourin r ricinyoi en-n imnun
in Mawniic hull.
jwiij.' Montezuma IxhIl-b Na AO I O O
jjih V meet every Wednewlny w
ening in their hall.
HilUboro Rebekuh Lodce No 54 inret in
Odd fellows' hull every Salurdu.' .
Timlity Iodge No 6 A F A A Jl
meet every niiiurumy nigni un ur
after full moon of eat-h month.
Tualatin Chapter, No 31, Eantern Star, ,
meets seeona ana loiinn iiienuHj. in.,
each month at Masonic hall. ,
;Hilllxro Lodge No 1)1 A O U T.
meet every se-on(i anu lonnu
Friday in each nionlh.
tt auli in gtoii Kncainiuienl No 4 I
V meets on set-onn anu ion nn
riday of each month. :
Hillaboro IxKlge No 17 1 0 G T meet
in Urange uall every iSaturday
Ruby Assembly, No.fli, United Artisans
meet nrst ana tniru 1 urHtiay ui una rei
lows hall.
they had solioited one W, 'I. At
kihson to falsely swear he had pur
chased from them, early in Janu
ary, liayand potaoes,pay ing there -
fors $23. . The Dist. Att'y alleged
that such alleged false testimony
would have been' material to the
case of State , vg Parrotts wherein
Allen was prosecuting witness.
Judge Smith thereupon issued a
warrant for their arrest and it was
upon this information that they
were returned. - ;
Hen Kanaom Post, No m. ii A 11 meet at
IOO V . ull tirstiinj third Saturday. . ..
A Local Auxiliary.
Hillsboro now has a local advis
orv board to the Oregon Home So
cietv. which is a state branch of
the National Children's Home So
ciely. which, within several years
past, has found homes for nearly
8000 children. The oflicers ap
pointed are:
President. Mrs. E. M. H. Thome,
Vice-presidents, Mesdames A,
Waggener and John Masters
Secretary, Mrs. E. O. Jlrown.
Ireastirer, Mrs. J. M. ureear.
The mission of this society is to
find homes for children, by way
legal adoption, and in tins manner
many orphans are annually louno
care winch otherwise wouiu u
county eiiarpes. " Persons desiring
children for adoption may apply
the Board, or address the State
Sup't. I. F. Tobey, 309 Mnrqua
Building, Portland, Oregon.
The State Board now has one
bright little girl," four and one-half
years old, two boys aged eight and
one Feven, ready for adoption in
good families.
Oregon's Grand Chancellor.
Hon. Turner Oliver,of LaOrandet
Grand Chancellor of the Oregon-
Knights of Pythias, visited this city
Monday evening and - spont , the.
time profitably with the boys of
Phoenix Lodge. He makes one of
the best Grand Chancellors , the
boys have ever had and all Pyth
ians speak very highly of his abili
tv and enercv. Mr. Oliver is a
prominent merchant of LaGrande
and. was ft.r two terms . County
Clerk of Union county, lie will
return to this county in about
three weeks, when he will visit
Glencoe and Forest Grove lodges,
and perhaps deliver a public ad
dress tinder the auspices of Delphos
lodge at the Grov9.
, Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank our friends
and acquaintances who so kindly
assisted us during the illness and
death of our beloved husband,broth
erand uncle.
Mrs. M. M. Abbott,
' ..' . E. L. Abbott and family.
Eugene Jackson will soon leave
for the Okanagan country, where
le has been for several years hut
past. - 1 ' -H
l esterday was nt. ratrlCK p
dav and there was the usual ri lim
ber doing honor to the patron sdint.
The old way of delivering nies
SageB by post-boys compared with
the modern telephone, illustrates
the old tedious methods of "break-
ne" colds compared with thefr 'al1
most instantaneous cure by U)ne
Minute Cough Cure. W E. Brock
Mrs. Susan Brown, of this City
is now being visited bv Mrs Dr,
C. B. Brown, of Boise, where the
Doctor is doing nicely in the prac
tice of dentistry. '
Georco Wann and John Saxton
departed overland Monday tor tli
Southern Oregon mining district,
where they expect to develop. some
thing rich before snow;- again , flies.
Warm is no stranger to that .part nt
the north ffest, and, feels reasonably
sure of his ground. Success to them;
The length of life may. "be in
creased by lessening its ilkiigers.
The majority of people die; from
lung troubles. These may w avert
ed by prouiptlv using One Minute
Cough Cure. W. E. Brock.
-Attorney J. M. Wall and Dep
uty Dist. Attorney Bagley went to
Beaverton luesday and tooK, tne
deposition of Mrs. Dr. P. M. Rob
inson in the case of Mrs.,:M. A.
Danks vs F. J. Williams,Copsfable.
This case is up before the Circuit
Court, and Mr. Robinson was too
ill to attend.
The many friends of D&-.J. E.
Adkins will be pleased to, learn
that he is able to be around ) again
and will soon be at his ollice, :
Come to The Argus offiee for
your job printing. AH work done
tastilv and at prices to suit the
times. . ' . ;''
Settled Without Suit.
W. H. Burns and wife came out
on Monday evening's train and were
guests at the home of W. V. Wiley.
When Mr. Hums left this city last
autumn he went in the N. p. train
service, running on freight out of
Tacomato Ellensburg. . One night
while the train was running thro'
one of the numerous tunnels in the
division, a lock, loosened by thejar
of the train, fell, and struck -Bums
on the head, giving him such an
uglv wound that he has since been
unable to perform manual labor.
As soon us he was able he came
U Portland arid look charge of the
Quitnby Bar. - The other day the
Northern Pacific Claim agent paid
him $400 as damages for the injury
received, and this was accepted by
Hums. rather than to have a long
drawn law suit with the company.
Death of M.M.Abbott
M; M. Abbott, one of Hillshoro's
auiet and unostentatious citizens,
passed away Sunday at a: an p. m.
after n several weeks illness super
induced by consuniplion. He was
buried Tuesday in the Masohic cem
etery, under the auspices of Tuality
Lodge, A. K and A. M.. Deceased
. 1 A A - A
whs a . native. 01 rayetie county,
Iowa, where he was born in 1854.
He ctuue to this state from Nebras
ka in 18!)0 and has been a resident
nf Hillsboro ever since. He leaves
a wife and brother in this city to
mourn his loss. Mr. Abbott was a
man of verv quiet disposition and
w as u 1 1 i v ersal ly respecte d .
Art Shutrt is handling bicycles
manufactured ,by an old Hillsbard
boy, John Haller, of Chehalis. '
- Prof. Green's flass in music
gave a very interesting recital at
the residence of MrB. W. H. Well
rung" last evening.- -k
The old lady was righ when
she said, the child might ilie'if i hey
waited for the doctor. She saved the
little one's life with a few doses of
One Minute Cough Cure. She had
used it for croup before. W. E
Brock. ,. ;(bi! .
Rev. Wolvertbu',' son-it) Jaw of
Judge Humphreys, was in the city
the lirst of the week and then pro
ceeded on up the valley. Mrs. Wol
verton lias been visitiiig liere for
sometime. ... ;,f V
T V: ThomnRon. the' old DiO-
neer ranoher. iind W. F. RaYstcinlbf
Gaston', were in-the city5 thertirit of
the weeK; Both were uown.-e pro
bate matters. - ...
Mrs. L. A. Whitcomb and little
daughter were out from PortlL the
last of the week, the guests of E.."L.
Abbott and family.
Al Luther was down from
Mountaiudale the first of the week.
Jas. Sinnott Sr., who, it is said,
is a candidate for the Oreaoit S
Marshalship, was in the city this
morning, fixing up political lences
On TueBdav last while the lit
tie 4-year-6ld' daughter of Mrs
Thomas BellinRer, of FofestGrove,
was carrying in wotnl, the little one
slipped and fell with hex urden.
A pail of Bcalding watet" Vas1 iri her
pathway and in this her hands and
legs were budly sealded.fiTltere is
no alarm as tu tier not. recovering.
W. H. Bums left. this exiling
for Portland Where he; l)8 i isi'
tion at the QiVimby House. - Bob's
Hillsboro friends will be pleased .to
Bee hint 'twere and will not .fail p
call on him wheii in the rhet'ropolis.
Borri, MondayV March 15, to
A Kaufman and wf to Barbara Boland
andhd80usec35t2srlw ft.
B Birdsell and wf to P L Spencer It 29
Spencer's Hd JM
P L Sriciu'er to Hand Ellen Schairer 1
2 Spencer Hd 1000.
H UnrriH to Cecil Bauer nnd 6-9 of IXte
of J C Barnes d 1 e II.
T Mansfield and wfto H Harris und4-9
of same fl.
A Hexter and wf to Cecil Bauer nnd 1-9
in same $1.
Harry Taubenheinier to Cecil Bauer
und 1-9 dodo 1.
JuliuN Ach to Cecil Bauer und 1-9 do do
l. -
W J Smith and wfto Mary Biifllngton
40a see .HI 1 2 8 r 1 w !.
Cecil Bauer to T Mansfteld 40a sec 2 1 1
s r 1 w f 1.
Sum nnl Rincenthaler and wf to Oer
Cong Ch 'Cedar -Mill tret in Lew ut Day d
Annie Wnlf and hd to Oeoree Humes
31.24a in Herman Harnes die $00.
Am'uudn KdtvardH and hd to Archelons
and Phoebe Godard swj sej and the elO a
of sej awl 'Hie8t2A r lw sua U7UU.
H Chrisenper nnd wfto B O Thome Its
11 12blk 5 Thome ud libo If 10.
M H Preston and wf to E W Haines it
3blk 7SPadFU 100. ,
Gs Hartiampl to T K Walters and C I.
Hanks, pt hlk7F O 3(X.
Mary Buftington to Hannah Smith
same as above $1.
H Unternaher and wfto Silas U Hull 1
2 blk 5 Kinney's ad Hbo $1 00:
Frank Ditvton to Neflie Daylorrwi sw
1 sec, t. 3 nrSwqcd l. .. .
J V Poke and wf to Chas E Bennett It 8
blk 9 West Portland 1.
B H Walker to Mary Donelson sel nw
and nel swl nnd nwl sel and swl ne sec
16tlrw 830. ,.
J Shurlz nnd wfto H Riddy wl nwland
nj swj sec20 1 1 n r 4 w S75.
Cecil Bimer to A L Hexter 10 a sec2 1 1
srlw 81.
Cecil Bauer toJ AchlOasecStl s r 1 wfl
Cecil Bauer to 11 Taubenheinier 10a in
do do y . ."'
. Cecil Bauer te Edw Weiulandcr 10a see
itlarlw ft.- ' '
' Cecil Bauer to H Harris 10 Sec 3 t Is r 1
w 1. . ...
PBOBATB. . ...
Petition granted that the execut
or of the estate of Christiana Hall,
stroys $1.50 worth of grain annua
ly. Wakelee's Squirrel and Goph
er Exterminator rs the most effcet-ive-and
economical- poison known.
Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale
by the Delta Prijg Store, agent.
A Bargain.
A neatly constructed 0 room cot'
tage within 2 blks of business part
of town. Good fence around lot,
good woodshed, and two roomy
closets in residence. Also pump
in good repair. Goes ft r bOu. In
quire at this office.
1 W. T. Gardner, superintendent
of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society,
of Portland, was in the city the
first of the week, an attendant at
Circuit court.
Hon. T. II. Tongue will have a
horse sale before many weeks
Quite a number of his blooded
young stock: will be amongst those
to go.
Rev. A. W. Snider will preach
at the Baptist Church next Sab
bath morning and evening, March
21, 185)7.
Quite a number of Hillsboro
people were much interested in the
Carson City fight, eduesday, and
as usual, there are now many try
ing to explain whv Corbett was de
feuted. Before the battle there were
only-six or seven Fitzsimmons
men in the town, but since the re
suit has been announced it has been
reasonably hard to find a man but
who thought the Australian had a
- - . ,i .
great cnance 10 win. it is not ex
pected ihat the Washington county
grand jury will find a bill against
th two pugilists.
For every two dollar purchase
of dress goods, boots, shoes and fur'
niching goods we give a book
worth 25 cents. Schulmerich fe
Son. . .
L. A. Whitcomb was in the city
today, visiting with relatives. M
hitcomb has been working for
the Goodvear Rubber Company
but will open a photograph gallery
in Portland next week.
Judge Crandall will start put
ting up his brick some time in May,
if weather is allowable and mater
ial can bo procured. Klineman will
soon start up nis c-ncK-yaro, aim
the competition to fill the order will
rest between the Klineman, Sewall
and Phillips yards.
Schulmerich & Son keep a line
of agricultural machinery at prices
to suit the times, bee them and
get prices before purchasing.
Sheriff Bradford will this wetk
turn over about $7000 to Treasur
er Caily, and this will eat consider
able of a hole in the warrant debt.
Hillsboro Grange 'o 73 P of H meet
2nd anil tin Saturdays at iz ni.
iola Tent, foi. Ku 1' il, meets in Odd
Fellows' Maii M itxifl anu fourut
Thursday eveninns ol t.h month.
' In Morgan block, -
F "A. BAILEY, 21. D.
Physician, SurReon and Arconcher
OIBce In Hlllabnro Pharmacr. Rati.
dence aoutn-weat corner Baseline and '
Second. All calls promptly attended day
Office at Residence Kast of Court House.
A. B. BAILEY. D. 1). S.
Rooms 1 and '1 Morirtin-Bniley TlUx'k.
Sureeon Southern Pacific Railroad Oo.
Consnltation in French or English. Olfler
and reaidenoe aoulh of Main near 3d l
uuuiDoro, ur.
Conveyancing and fine map verk '
Lindsay Block, two door north of tbau, ,
fosloffloa. Second HUUlraro, Or. , ...
Office with s: II. Itiiilort'-UVst"-' V-p"
Notarial Work and Conveytucing.
Rooms (i A 7 Morgan Blk., Hillslioro. Ore.
Carstens Bros.,
, - .V .
RmH DnsMi Likr
Mouldings, Etc. ,
Sash, Doors,
the wife of H. Dilberger, of Laurel, ."deceased, sell the personal ifoper-
.1 .1 1 I 1 .1 .1.. ... C i ..Kl.y. mm n.itiatu
a son.' Moiner ana cnua are uo-
ing well. ,. . ... ...... ...
E. 'U. Tongue js- ctindutig
the congressman's law jiractice dur
ing his absence at Washington.
ty of saivie at public or private
sale for cash in hand.
. Inventory of estate of Vm. G uth
rie, ' deceased, filed 'py appraiserg
howtng property amounting
Kid gloves, all shades, styles
and prices at Schulinerich's.
Upon information sworn to by
H. L. kocher. alleging that the de
fendant had sold lianor contrary to
the state statues, one John W'oidn,
of Sherwood, waB yesterday brought
to this citv upon a warrant issued
out of Judge Smith's court. His
examination will take place the
last of the week unless the grand
jury takes up the affair.
C. V, Hudson was down from
Gaston Monday, on the petit juror
venire. He reports that Hon. H
S. Hudson is still confined to his
room and thai he does not seem to
gain strength at all rapidly.
Schulmerich & Son buy goods
cheap and sell them cheap.
V. N. Barrett transacted lega
business at Portland yesterday.
The public school closes this
week The closing exercises will
take place in the court house Pri
day evening, and the band will be
in attendance.
Married: At 1he residence of
W. J. Ritchy, in Hillsboro, Oregon
Mrs. Racbael Mead to Mr. Thomas
McFadden, of Multnomah county
Rev. Shelly ofhciated.
Messrs. Ralph and John Moore
and Mrs. Florence Cameron and
Lulu Downs . ere i ndicted by
t he erartdiurv and at reigned Thurs
dav mornine. charged with lewd
cohabitation. They will plead Fri
dav morning. His Honor appoin
ed Atlornev Wall to defend John
Moore and the Pawiis woman
SHOES Hand Sewed $5.00 '
Wm. Mohr, on Second St.
( 1 '' - ' " -
Kcpairlne Promptly and Neatly l)one-v
VIA- '
America's Scenic Line;
Meals in Dining Car a la Carte
(k 2d .Hot
Newly Furnished
and Renovated.
first-class table and
all accommodations
for the convenience
of guests. ...
BOOTS Made to Order $5.50
Rock Ballast.
No Dust.
Mest and Quickest Line
To St. Paul,
...And all Pointt Eat.
Through Palace and ioqi
Sleepers, Dining and Li
brary Observation Cars.
Service and Scenery Uiieqaaled.
?, For tickets and full information
call on or address, H, T. Bagley, .
Agent, HillslainvQr.,
A. 11C. Deiii.iston, C. I. A T. A.,
PortknTi); Oregnii.
, 1.'