THE HILLSBORO AUG US, THURSDA Y, FEBlttFARY 1 1, 181)7. "-9 THE AliGUS . . . . CALENDAR Hun Thus I Wed Tuu Frl Hill 2 Tl if JLLll X. JJ 12 fj 13 18 J9 20 26" 21 1 27" IT '28 15 I 10 I 17 223 I 24 JWlly Mail ArrlvalH: KnrwMl Urove - l'ortluud, Wiiy mill Kuslnrn (iiirvalUH oiid Way I'orllund Dully Mall Departure I'ortlund it Kiwtiirn via N P m 7:13 S:0 (l:UU 7:W 7.00 p m 1'ort i UIkiummi, Lenox A Uethany CorvulliKit Way 1'oitl mil A Way Pore it (Irovo 0:00 Karniington anil Laurel loaves at 10:.'SO a in uuil arrives at U:4A i in on I uusday, Thursday uuil Mutuidiiy No Niinday mall. rVwtolllce opim fniin 7:IK) a in to H:Ul p in, Sunday. S. 1. Time Tiiblfl: r,v. a in 7:1.1 a m H:W a in H:M a in H:00 Ar. p III : p in p in l:00 p in 7: 1 a vortland t'nrvalli Portland McMlnnvllla Hon. R. 11. Good in spent last week nt Salem. The prieu of overcoats has been reduced atrJchulmerich & Son. For sule (iikmI timothy buy nl tins Warren Grove furni fast of town. Willi live churche" in Hillsbo ro, in it any wonder that its mo ruin are good? We have several bargains in lrP88 f?od, especially in remnants, at Schulti'erieh & Son. L. V. Berekmoes, the jeweler, in confined to his room with the us ual cold going (lie round. 0. M. (Jallmvay, aged 42, and Mrs. May Richardson, iiged 32, Imvu taken out license to wed. For the latent styles in Indies bhoes, in button or lace, call at Gregg's Shoe Storo, Forest Grove. The revival meetings at the Christian church are well attended. Elder Pierce is a very entertaining talker. J. A. Hrishine, of the Blumnii-or-Frank Drug Company, was in the city Tuesday taking orders for It ih fi rui. A four horse team, laden with lulled straw, stuck in the mud on Main street, was one of the features of the ut'i k. The personal protierty of the r-stale of V,n. Mauzey will be sold Ht private sale. Enquire of J. A.lm brie or at. the preinbeH. , . .. : ,. Chas. Latteii, of Kherwixtd, wus brought up before the county court ,Ktb." M u a tharge of insanity. J If H discharged. " The west side of (he lliiiley H luilnieridi brick has been new Iv piiintisl to preserve the wall and kei'p out dumpm-M. Judge Alfred Hears, of Port rind. held court for Judge McBride, in this city .Saturday last. Mr. Mc ltriiln was too ill to attend. All old residenters say this lias been one of our most disagree able winters tor many years and that an nrW spring is certain. Hillnboro 4liould lie in pos ition to own the Light and Writer Idant as soon as its option matures, t is a business proposition and a plain one. Paul Fundo, of Beaverton, was brought here last Saturday and ex amined on a charge of insanity. He was taken to the arvlum Monday by Sheriff Bradford.' Jas. Wheeler now driveB the old horse formerly used by the late L. L. Williams, but somehow and some way the combination doesn't look natural us of old. .. Henry Ford wan home from Salem, over Sunday, and reports thai he has purchased some goon mining property in Washington Plate. He will soon visit that see tion. J. I. Knight left Friday eve ning for Idaho whither be goeB to reeain Ins health. He has Dart a very long siege of rheumatism and now thinks the high altitude will help him. Messrs. Buk Tongue and II. T. Baglev will take examination before the Supreme court in the euring, for admittance to the bar. Hillsborois turning out Borne bright young lawyers. Bishop Cranston, a famous M E. Divine, delivered an eloquent eermon at the church in this city a week ago Sunday, rind strange to say, no newspaper in Hillsboro thouzht it important enough to give it passing mention. Captain Pollock, who lives a short distance from Cornelius, is lving very low at, his home, and but small hopes are entertained of his recovery. Captain I'oiiock is a retired naval officer on half pay and had chosen this state from amongst till others to spend his de clining days. The sale at the Hicks' House yesterday was a source of much irratification to Attorney J. M. Wall. A fine set of the ninth edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica was sold to him for 900. The volumns are ' ' bound in sheep and will make a val uable addition to a library and Mr. Wall is seriously thinking of donat ing them to the Pythian library when he liuvs the next edition. . The state senate has thirty memliers and sixty-three clerks a very good proposition. Wash ington county has two members and two clerks. H. P. Ford is a elerk on Revision of Laws Commit tee and O. K. Hughes is scribe for the committee on assessment and taxation. John Collier, of Gaston, was in the citv the first of the week. Mr. Collier has purchased "Prince . ot ales," the handsome black Hambletonian, formerly owned by Thos. Siiin, and will place him in the stud this reason. The horse is a beauty arid Mr. Collier has a bargain. Anyone desiring first class seed wheat of ChillicluborGolden Chuff varieties should apply to William Bchulmerich, Farmington, Oregon. Also thoroughbred Brown Leghorn and Plymouth rock chickens of the mi strains for sab. Eggs from either breed $1.00 per setting. Tho fourth piige contains nn em client article relative to sugar beet culture and tells how Wash ington Kate proposes to encourage the industry. If Oregon will do the same there will be no trouble in the establishment of Mich cul ture here. Banner Tent, No. 44, K. 0. T. M.. of Greenville, will install i.lli-1 cers Saturday night and State Com- manler Sherwood, ot I'ortlanil. will induct the nflk-ers into their chairs. The boys w ill have a good time and invite all members in the county to be present. John Mill., Sheriff of Clarke county, Washington, v. as in the city Sunday accompanied by Mrs. Miller, who is a sister of ex-postmistress Mary A. Brown. Mr. Mil ler is a very pleasant gentleman and at one time resided in Hillsbo ro. . Hon. W. N. Barrett, Hillsbo ro's mayoi, started to Salem Tues day morning with a petition signed by over two-thirds of Hillwlxiro's voters ami property holders, asking thai the propped amendment be made a pin t f the city charier. The commissioners' court made some very severe cuts or road sup ervisors' claims this year, nnd as a consequence there it Borne com plaint. Supervisors are quoted as saying they do not appreciate that particular line of economy. The Oregonian says Mr. Mitch ell has s.-rved himself long enough. So has tho Portland contingent served itself and i's ends long enough for all practical purposes. Now let the legislature organize or adjourn and go home. Ph iiso read apd heed tho fol lowing: All persons indebted to the Krm of II. Webbing & Suns are requested to call' and settle their notes and accounts nt once. This is tl'i lust cull. Pleaso take notice. II. Wehrung it Son. A part v has been in the city for several days with a preparation for floors. Tho material is a sort of varnish which dries rapidly and eaves a smooth hard polish. beV- eral of our business houses have made use of it. There has been some talk of a libel suit against the Hatchet out of a notice of the Blank-Walker aw suit. No one should be foolish enough to commence suit as there is no foundation for a case. The Sons of Veterans' Camp is contemplating a Public entertain ment early in March. The Grand Army Post and Women a Relief Corps will be the guests of honor if it materializes. Next month The Hillsboro Fire Department will elect new officers. As well will both companies. The last year has been a very unevent ful one for the department, very few fires having occurred. The Oregon legislature should compromise on Thos. H. Tongue for senator and allow Vanuerburg to be sealed in tho House of Representa tives.. 1 his is t he best wayo set tle the mud ile. Deputy Clerk McKinney is quite ill at his home, with pulmon ary trouble. His many menus hope he will soon he around and able to attend to his duties. C. M. Keep, who formerly was cashier of the Forest Grove Bank, is making preparations to depart from that city to engage in a busi ness venture elsewhere E. E. Colestock gives you the best shave in the city. Hair cut at popular prioe. Try his baths. Don't forget the place City shav ing Parlors, Main street. ' Commissioners' court adjourn ed Saturday night after a live daB' BeBsion. Supervisors' reports were examined and much other business transacted. , The Washington county legis lative delegation still stands: Marsh, Hudson, Thompson and Hughes for Mitchell and Patterson against. St. Valentine's day will soon be here and the usual invoice of comics and sentimentals will be brought to bear on the general pub lic. Cord wood is being cut by Hillsboro parties at 60 cents per cord. Still, this is better than awaiting "confidence.'' Come to ThS Argus office for your job printing All work done tastily and at prices to suit the times. DAN HID HAS A LIVELY WEEK LITTLE GOD BUSY EDDIGS THREE SitfGE: Saturday The Washington County Mitchell Push Is After Senator Patterson's Scalp The Joint Senator is Very Naughty aud Will Nut Go Into Joint Convention, Everitt Brown. . Wednesday evening, February 10, at 8:(X) o'clock, the wedding of Miss Ida Ellen Everitt -and John Merrick Brown took place at the Methodist Episcopal Church on Third street, in the presence of a large assembly of friends. Rev. C. E. Cline, pastor performed the marriage rites necording to the M. E. service. Miss Zula Warren pre sided at t he organ and rendered tho accustomed wedding maroh as the contracting parties entered the edi- nee. itnue anu groom nere ai'ireu in tlie conventional white ana black. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Brown and company repaired to the h uiie of the bride's father, Mr. S. Everitt, where they were seated to a sumptuous wedding supper. The bride aud groom then left for their home in South Hillsboro where they at once uill resume housekeeping. Thk Aug us unites with all who know them in con gratulations. , Haynie-Thoma. County Judge Cornelius, with his usual debonair and bon homme, at his court chamliers, on Monday. Feb. 7lh, united in wedlock Miss Ella R. Hnynie, a popular young lady of Gaston, and William L. Thomas, a prominent young bus iness man Beavcrton. The happy pair left on the evening train for the groom's home where they will make their future residence. Bun Bledsoe. Two of Buxton's popular young people. Miss Edith Bun, daughter of Charles Bun, and Mr. Isaac P. Bledwe, were married Sunday hist, Feb. 7, at the residence of the bride's father. C.I A. Peterson, Justice of the Pence, officiated. Tho young couplo Will reside near Buxtoiu ( . After Patterson. Senator. Patterson, of this city, is the subject of much abuse these days in and around Hillsboro, by the Mitchell contingent of republi cans and the Independent's col umns. Of course, as that paper condemned gold etandardism in 1895, it has a kindred sympathy with Mr. Mitchell, who has Hopped so many times, that Patterson, as a gold standard advocate, refuses to support him, although a pledge is supposed to have been giveh last spring that Mitchell should have his strength. Patterson, it seems does not deny the pledge and con tended that he whs for Mitchell, until the senator iried to force, a vote in a joint convention which would have an illegal body as part of its makeup. Again Patterson seems to think he is too good a gold standard advocate to v )te for a man who is not reliable on the money question, as declared by the republican platlorm. . lwo years ago, the same repunneans who wanted Dolph elected are now con demning Mr. Patterson because he will not vote for Mitchell, rolitics is a very queer institution and Pat terson will have a time squaring hiniBelf when becomes home. The Mitchell "push" is after his scalp. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. . . J. A. Imbrie informs The Altai's that he will make a public sale of the personnl property of the estate of late Wm. Maustey, on Wednesday, February 24, at tho Mauze; farm. Look out for "atl" next week. , ( The Imbrie hop yard has been rented for a jieriod of three years to John Salzceber, who has taken chargo. This yard comprises about 45 acres and is one ot the best 10 the county, the rental price. is $1000 per year. .. A glance at the commissioners' uroceedines shows that Washing ton county has quite a number of people drawing relief from the county. The list is perhaps larger than for some time, considering the numerical strength at tho poor farm. : Charles A. Williams, of Gales Creek, will prove up on his home stead on February 20th and Oscar Anderson, of Gaston, will claim ti tle on the 24th. The former will be made before Clerk Imbrie and the latter goes to Oregon City. When you are in possession of any news that would be ot value to your friends in, the county, or general public, don't be afraid to drop a line to the local, paper. Mention of building progress, visits to our.couiity, or sojourns axway, all eo to make un a newspaper which lis a pleasure to the public as well I as publishers. Dr. AdkinB purchased a handful of old coins at the Hick's Landlord sale Wednesday. Among the collection was a Portugal cop per bearing date of 1196. This goes back to within a century of Portu gal's, inception and is a rare coin. Some degenerate at the sale said the man's having a coin of such date was no marvel as his name was "Crist." Whereupon, the .cons went, trie whole lot, for a 'quarter in depreciated silver, U. S. Jas. Wythecombe, who lives over in South Tualatin, recently sold to Geo. Chandler, a Baker county stockman, a fine 2-year-old shorthorn bull and four blooded calves at good round prices. This is the kind of farming tnat pays and the sooner farmers, recognize the fact the better off they will be. Washington county is all right when it comes to good stock. r-Westey Boscow has gone into the "old coin business." He has purchased a half interest in Dr. Ad-1 kins' buy at the sale, giving $4 for what cost, the Doctor 12J cents. Doc is happy and Boscow is satis tied. . . .. The Water and Light Co. will soon put new lamps ih the court house and the county will have the meter repaired. With these im provements the bill for lighting that building will be lessened one third. The Rural Spirit advertises a public sale of the horses and colts of Dr. Powell Reeves, to take place at Portland on March 15. Here will, be a good buy for lovers of horseflesh. .. W. D. Bradford, who was at Salem .Monday with an inFane pa tient dropped into the legislature and says the outlook is for no or ganization until Mitchell is out of the way. . . Here is a bargain for'some one wanting a larm of 40 acres within two.miies of this city,..- Sopie$hat improved. Fifteen acres beaver dam and swail. Goes at $40 per acre1 " ' . "'. '-The probability of a ntw coun ty jail this year is not very strong. As. long as tnt old building will an swer purposes, and the hard times continue, the board. "will not build. Messrs, A. B. Bailey and John Gates h&vt not yet started for Southern Oregon, owing to the ina bility of the Dr. to procure a dent ist to lake charge of his office. L When you want, a; first class ! shave or an up t d:i.te ...haircut re member to call ii E. R. Miller, the Seoond street barber, Most fash ionable in' the city. ; ' . ,. . Unless Uiti spring freshets do damage to the bridges there will be but Very little' building expense to the county this year in that line. A delegation of Odd Felloes went up from this city to the Grove today . lo be present at .the funeral of Mr. Hyde, a fellow member.' Mr. Hoberg, brother-in-law J. I. Knight is attending' to the lat ter'a insurance busiiusB while he is absent in Idaho. - ! : ' Ferd Groner was up from his farm last week and reports the roads worse this winter lhan for years. Best elastic for five cts per yard at Schulmerich & Son. Also rib bon all widths at 10 cts per yard. Mrs. J. A' Iuibrie is abser.t for a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. Smith, of California. Mrs T Frank Kelsav is report ed as being quite ill at the residence of Mrs. Ivewton, in this city. Mrs. J. H. Smith, of the Ba zaar, left the hrsl of the week for a short trip to Washington state. Schulmerich & Son will give a reduction of 25 per cent on all capes and cloaks until February ltt. The. former low prict's on our clothing wil) be reduced still lower at Schulmerich & Sim. v i .The I'ojrioU pf America meet every first and" thiid Saturdays, 2:00 p. 111 , at Grange Hall.' Heavy Shpwers have been prev alent since last evening ''and, they are of tlie pe'iiet ruling, order. George McGraw, of Greenville, passed through this city luesday, enrpute fur Portland. .; ( Chas. Hanleyi the ' successful dairyman of Leisyville, was in the city yesterday. ' ' Charles Mitchell, is again able to go upon tho street after several yeeks of illness. A; B. Little, of Ilouhon, was in the citv Sunday, the guest of Mr. h, E. Wilkes. The Rathbone Sisters are soon to have installation with appropri ate cxeicises. ;l . Mr. Hyde, one of Forest Grove's old pioneers, died the first of the week. Mrs. A. M.. Carlile visited friends at the Grove today. The old lady Hall is very low at her home in South Hillsboro. Max Crandall is busily engag ed extending the tax roll. --Ward Swoipe is in the eity 'from Farmington today. Hillsboro stores are slocking up for spring trade. PAYS OliT $4,850.37 PAYS SUPERVISORS ANDDOES ' some: .Pruning On Their Claims. Road Supervisors' ...Cost to Connty Jnst 2,688.75 Bradford's Bond as Tax Collector Fixed at tl 5,000 Literary So ciety Organized in Dist. No. 14. At t the February, 1897, term of. t, Washington county's com - court. .f.U..c.D wa.i0vlCu w.C iviiuw iu . business:;: ... , .Supervisors' Reports. j Reports of supervisors were examined arid warrants ordered drawn for labor in year 1896, viz: Road D No Amt Road D No Amt Labor do $53 50 50 48 95 68: 64 79 5 46 38 64 30 48 5 38 80 48 ' 40 33 S 28 34 44 . 28 57 8. - 2 4 . 6 8 10 12 4 16 . 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 3 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 5 .54 Labor do 46 5 11.50 75 - 108 38 70.75 60 86 (no report.) 68 15 53 61 14 46 69 3i 60 24 50 4250 18 36 18 38 51 42 44 56 Other road claims allowed were: Su pervisor Dist. 19, for material, $4 40; su pervisor 23, material, $1.25; 26, nails, J2.20; Dist. 27, guide board, $2; Dist. 34 nails, $1.42; 38, lbr, $2.40; 54, nails $.35. District 7 reports $1 1 .75 cash on hand; 4. $3-5; 9. $4-6o; 21, $.45; total, $20.30. Recapitulation Road Work. Total amount warrants ordered in pay ment of labor of supervisors: $2688.75; of material, etc. ,$20.30. Cash in hands of supervisors at settlement, $20.30. Costs ordered paid iu state cases. State vs Jane and Chas Parrott; Justice constable and witness fees; $43 .25; State vs Wm Wilkes, same, 8:25; vs Wm Hob ble, 71.20; vsj Churchley, 8.15; vs Geo Righani, 40.55; vs ti l-isner 20.05; vs k CJirisenger, 29.00. Circuit-cour.t-;: state vs Bowloy, witness tees. S07.00; vs vvara the same, 57.60. Total," - $345 5 OTHER CLAIMS ALLOWED;' ; ' ' . SALARIES. ' J A Imbrie..... 250.00 ABCady 5-o E L McCormick. ..;...:. :..'. ' 175.00 W D Bradford 275 00 G H Wilcox '" 78.00 PRISONERS AND PAUPERS' : ' E B Sappington. , . . . . ;.' .V;v.5'Ui;6$.40 G W Patterson ... ........ .'..., 21.75 J R Mays ......' I.05 Bryan Uiidlaw uo. ; i3.5 Mrs L G Sutton 17 00 AO.seu...' 5x Rosa Frost..:. .; 5- Mrs Reuter 5 00 John Northrop 10 00 Tonn ai wilier a.w R H Greer, supplies. 1 55 H Wehrung & Sou do ....... . 7-a5 STATIONERY Hillsboro Pub Co 7-50 The, Argus.. . 2.50 Glass & Prudhomme, Portland 34 12 Meston & Dygert do 1. 25 STATE CASES Geo 13. Bagley Dep Dist Atty. . . ... .60.00 Witness fees Boscow. Carlile etal 10.80 ' ' BRIDGES AND ROADS. J W Thompson .... ... 2.00 C Walter. 2.40 T A Johnson 41-3 Ttgardville L'ber Co 19 30 Art. Owens .v..... ,20.00 Brice Wilson 2.00 CWHerniens "55 J R Mays i.7 L'E Wilkes..' i-5 MISCELLANEOUS J B Matthews Post. GA R indigent 6.25 liet Kansoni rosi u a. k. inuigeiu o.3 Babcock Post do do do 18.40 Geo real, Bounty on coyote scalp 7.5 J T Dorrein, J P Hicks. E X Har ding, Geo C Day and J F Fletcher, each $7 for themselves and assistants drawing jury lists .... 35 o Pacific University, election, rent, 2.50 Light & Water Co, January ch'ges, 39.05 N A Barrett Janitor for January, 30.00 Geo R Baglev, B & G Aid society 7.50 E L McCormick, mil tor stamps 4.30 Riley Cave, supplies court house & J .85 A B Cady stamps treasurers' office 1. 00 W D Bradford ex com't refm sch'l 10.04 W D Bradford stamps for office 1:50 W D Bradford board pr'r Portland 17.75 W D Bradford official expenses 1.70 J A Imbrie supplies for elks office '. 10.97 J. 1$ Wilkes work assessor's " ; . 2.00 T G Todd February com'r services 16.80 1 B Reasouef the same-: - ' '16.00; Julia H Rainey, relief for family, 5- Total ordered drawn for term $4855 37 , Claims continued till next term:--MessingT Bros bill for pauper fly 22.75 G W Patterson charge acct burial 2.30 C F Lord for prosecution Steeves 97 50 W E Brock stat'y bill not verified 7.60 Geo R Baulev bill on state cases 10.00 Calvin Pouieroy bill tor stenog'y 69.00 Andy Johnson account roads .10.00 I D Hite circulntine oetiton etc, 10.00 Austin v.iaig sal anu pernisua Hatchet job office and " 28.00 Claims Disallowed were as follows: Glass & Prudhomme stationery 7.50 A Ambrose paupers and prisonei s 12.00 Hillsboro Publishing Company; .5 Argus Publishing Co reduced la . 2.50 W D Bradford reduction of bill .80 I C Clutter was appointed Supervis or of Road District No. IC Clutter, postoffice, Tualatin. J F Allen appointed supervisor R D No 47, P O, Glenwood. ,S .i . Road No 2, per petition of Schofield ordered opened. R H Walker; Supe'r V order ed to pnicure t, p c-uivcy and replace asf-' ,4 toad as per petition. ' ' jf " . T. WllkesI to meet with view ers, J F CarsteaW, Humphreys and R J Rice Feb 10, to survey nnn view pro posed road No 351.' ' Ordered Recorder of Conveyances to hereafter record plats of cemeteries free of charge .... Bond of Shff as tax collector fixed at $15,000. Petition of Ferd Groner' and 13 others for road location considered. Viewers appointed to meet with L E Wilkes, to surrey and view on said road are S I Ogden, John Kanna and H Lew is, to meet Feb 15th. Reports of Recorder, receipts for Jan nary, $167 15 and County Clerk, (215.60, examined and approved. COURT HOUSE NEWS. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. J C Duke and wf to H B Stevenson It 3 blk 4 Sherwood $400. R S Perkins to T H Tongue 40 a sec I7tisriw$i. J Gaston and wf to Lovina Storey tret Dear Gastrn $100. ' Gerhard! GoeUf to G P C Meier road way in sec 22 t I s r 3 w $1. Sarah Ann Parker and lib to O Brown S3 36 1 1 s r a w $330. JTTAV1 Robinson g w Sargent at)(j hb tQ Mabe, Haynes tret sec 26 t 2 s r 5 w $30. CM Keep to Mary I Smith 8.38 a" sec J t l s r 3 w 12250. John Loftus and wf to acli'l dist 59 1 a t 2 n r 3 w $1. W T Baldwin and wf to Marv L Shep herd pt blk 1 S P ad F G $350.' C L Large et al to F M Wrieht pt blk 20 FG$i. FM Wright et al to C L Large pt blk 20 F G $1. Wm F and Chas Hartramph to Lillie D Banks It 2 blk 7 F G $1 100. Nellie A Campbell and hb to Anton Pf an tier utid int H Buxton d 1 c $300. R S Browne to O M Brunt.- 442 in Chas and Thos Stewart die $7500. John Kay to Joseph and Minnie Atke son 5 a Joshua Dixon d I c $400. Geo Schneller to Kate Schneller es w X see 11 1 s r 2 w $1. F A E Star and wl to B Killen n W H Williams d 1 c $1. PROBATE. Letters of guardianship of HS Shuster, insane, have been issued to W N Barrett. John Mainland has been appoint ed administrator of the estate of Wm Mainland. W D Hare attorn ey. Ordered that Finley Monroe re ceive his share of the eatalc of Dav id Monroe, deceastd. Christopher Helmnld has been confirmed as exwutor ' without bonds of the estate of Emma Stark, deceased. S B Huston attorney. Nels Johnson and M II Tin smug Ben have been admitted to citiwn ship. . . Success to "Subscriber." Hillsboro, Or., Feb. 6, 1897. To the Editor: For the benefit of knowledge, ed ucation and developmenl of intel lect, a literary society has been or ganized at the school house in dis trict No. 14. ! . ' The first meeting took place last Thursday evening and the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. The program consisted of recita tions, oratiens, esfays, dialogues, tableaux and vocal and instument al music. The people of our community are not all dormant. The aged, as wellas the rising generation are putting their shoulder to the wheel and endeavoring to make this soci ety a success, notwithstanding the drprtssion in these glorious united colonies. We are seeking the great and grand benefits derived from obtaining knowledge and education. A Subscriber. A New Saw Mill Company, D. W. Dorrance, S. H. Dor- rance and J. G. Dorrance have sign ed articles of agreement incorporat in;! the Mountaindule Lumber Co. with a capital stock of 8G0OO, divid ed into 600 shares at $10 each. lhe obiect of the businets asset forth in the articles' is In buv and operate aw mills, buy and sell tini ber and lumber, dry goods, grocer ies and merchandise of every de scription; to purchase, own, hold, mortgage, lease, sell and dispose real and personal pro and operate saw mil camps and to nuild :V logging roads; to borroy money on notes, inor eiwes or otherwise, and to do and perform all things neces sary lo cawy into effect the objects aforesaid. . Lincoln's Birthday. Lincoln's birthday. Friday. Feb. 12th, will be properly observed by the ladies, of the Congregational Church, aM the GiVange Hall, in the evening. I lhe program win con sist pf oldJliiiw war songs, peehes. recitalK and tableaiis , Mayor Barrett, Prof. J. PouwH. V. Ariites and Staiilej7ll lieot those making d IdresaaenTnirHLss Vander- sal will I ite ppurii rfOIr. incoTrofavor Suppenrwill be served in tlie tliniilg roombegining at 5:30. 25 cents will admit to luill and table. 10 cents will admit to hall only. Children, half price. For The Board's Benefit. The matter of -a new county jail is bung 'talked, over and extruva gai t plans ;re proposed, some even for a .110,000 brick structure. It would seem more advisable to con struct merely a frame building at as small a cost as possible and put in steel cells for the safe keeping of prisoners. While material iu ex ceptionally cheaper now, it. is also true that money is dearer and tax wavers are less inclined ;oward ex pense Halchet. Sheriff Bradford left Monday morning for .Salem with an insane patient. SOCIETIES. Phernix Lodge No 84. K of P meets on Monday evening of carh week In Mnaonic hall. Phoneeia Temple No 10 mecta on the so. -ond and fourth Friday of each month in .Masonic hall. Moiitesnma Lorigs No 80 I O O meet evnrv Wednesday ev- ?fnv ening in tbeir ball. Hillsboro Rehekah Lodze No 64 meet In Odd Fellows' hair on the third Matiirdiiy of each month. - Tnality. Lodge No S A F A A M meet every Mauirany nignt on or after full moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 81, Eastern Stnr, meets seoond and fourth Tuesday iu each month at Masonic hall. , Hillsljoro Lodge No .01 A O U W - meet-every, sevond and murm -Friday in each month. XWash: FrV. WttHliiiiglon Kucampnioiil No 24 I t meets on second and lonrtu riday of eueh month. . HillHboro Lodge No 17 I O U T meet 3 in Urange bull every Miturduy evening. 2 Hillsboro Grange No-73 P of li meet 'ilia uuil w Saturdays ut VI ni Viola Tent, So if, K O 1' il. meets in Odd' Fellows' Hall on eu-l and Foiirllr 'i'liursilay eveniiiKSOl e.h month. Ruby Assembly, No. I'nited Artisans meet lirxt and third I sduy at Odd Fel lows' hall. Uen KuiiKom Post, Xo 09, U A U meet at IOO F . ull first and third Saturduy. PKOFKSSIONAL. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, la Morgan block, Hillsboro, Orfoa. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Aoconcher Offio in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Real, dence aoutn-west corner Baseline and Becond. AUcai'i proinptly alUuded day or night. 3. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Kast of Court Housa. A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. JJENTIST Rooms I and 2 Morifan-Railey Blwfc. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. JAKES PHILUPPK TiMISSIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ! Surireon Southern Pmifli. RnilrnnH rw. Consultation in French Or Englinh. Ohio and residence south of Main near 3d St., aiiuiuoru, jt. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS aho SURVEYORS. Conveyanolng and fine nap work specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of tha poatoffioa. BaeoDdab, HUUboro, Or. GEORGE R, BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ooin 1 A 2, Shute Block, nver Greer's. HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Royal insurance Company SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, Notarial Work and ConveyL.icing. Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillshoto, Ore, MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS OF Kouffh i Dressed Lumber Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO - OREGON Cor.2diWish'tei I J. NORTHKUP, ! Newly Furnished and Renovated, A first-class table anij SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Btute of Oregon for Washington County. Robert Macinuw,- Plaintiff, 1 V. l. - Hnrti. anil ,' To K. M. Harter nnd Hurter, his wifo, two of the above named defendants: IN the name of the State of Oregon you, and each of you, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the sbovt. entitled suit by Mou day, the 15th iluy of March, 1807, the piime oeuig r,ne nrsi nay oi cue Hum regular term n.II.k,...l,.un,.JP ....... .U ..... t. ui v.v. iiaiiim will ii(r II1U Ml ' vice of this summons upon you;iind if you fail to so appearand unswer.the plain, titf will apply to the court for the rellefde nianded In his complaint, to-wit : For a judgment against you and each of you for the sum of $57 with Interest thuroon at the rate of 8 per cent per unnuiu from AugiiHt 21, 189(1, and the turther sum of $30 attor ney's fees, aud for the costs and disburse ments of this suit: that plaintiff be de creed to have a valid lien upon the real es tite described herein; that plaintiff's limt- ue lureciuveu, uuu tne nuia tnei'om de scribed be sold and the proceeds applied to the satislaction of plauititl''s said judg- uiiiu, i-nti mm, .uciiiu pun luuiariy ue scribed us follows, to-wit : Lots 4, 7, and 12, cf tiiuUtuck's Orchard Homes us plat ted and recoi-ded in tho office of the re corder of conveyances for Washington county, Oregon, and containing 21) acres, and situate in said county nnd state: and for such other and fuflhet relief as to the court may uppcr.r equitable. This sum mons is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon. Thos. A. Mcllride, judge of the fifth judicial district of Ore gon , said order being made ami dated Jan uary 30, lW. JOHN M. WALL, 46-6 - Attorney for Plaintiff. A Bargain. v A neatly constructed 5 -room cot tage w!thiu 2 blks Of btjsiness part of town. Good fence around lot, good woodshrxL : fnA" to roomy closet e in Vepio;cl" ,;i Also pump in gmid repair.- ' Sc $90Q. In j:ir nt this uftl all aeconuM"" 1 ! II M.