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About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1897)
.at THE HILLSBORO ARGUS. THURSDAY, JANUARY. 14, 1897. THE ARGUS . . CALENDAR Hun ioT lL 24 31" M" Tilt's J Wwl JTrhilJ Frl LjsTi'f 18" 19 20 J 21 2h"f2i 27 2HW f 30 a in y in lnily Mull Arrivals: Koreai Orovo I'lirtlmul, Wiiy iiinl KtiMtorii (ileUI'IIO CorviilliH ami Wny I'ortliiiul Dully Mull Departurca: . Portland .t Eastern vlu HI' a in Port vlu Uleneoe, Lenox it liotliiuiy t'urvullm tV Way l'lii tliiml A Way - p m Kureat (Irovii FuruiliiKlon and Laurel leaven at 10::.0 u m ami arrives at .1:4.1 p in on luoKduy, 'I'liiii'Kilav mill Nntimluy No Hilliduy iiiiiIIh. I'imtiitlli'ci oi(ti from 7:00 a in t i:W p m, except (Sundays. 8. I. Time Tallin: I,v. Ar. Portland a m 7:1.1 p m H:M Oorvallls m w0 V m o:im Portland a in K:.i4 p m H:lW MeMiiiuvlIlo a m o:iki p 111 uw 7:l.'l K:'pO .r:(i0 MM U:(W 7:l.'l 7.00 H-Ji) 6:0.1 :00 IS i0 I S400; The U'tnsLituro mt Monday morning and the senate proceeded to organization by electing Jos. Si iiinii I'ii Milciit df :lnit body. Tint House Ii.ih been in cotiHtatit tur moil iiihI up to 1 1 1 ih morning had fnileil to I'lftt a Hpfiikt'r. The rea Foil of thip ih supposed to bo the fight for tho speakership. Jona tlian Bourne, tin.' trim silver repre sentative of I'mtlaud is supposed to lie tightinii Mitchell and he wants JHILE fjtfY m ue gpcHKf r. no si'eniM in imve the lead over the rf ull icn n asni rniit Benson. The house is under temporary organization only and is stormy in tint extreme Thus three days have passed away with noth ing done, except in the fen ate. It in now thought Mitchell will have a hard light lo win. Joint insinuation by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Just .Satur day resulted in thu instruction (if ollicers nH follows: Montezuma lodge; N. (L, K. Beamish: lit. Support, 1). (!oi win : Left, M. M. II spit' tfwllv HOUSE BROKEN INTO FOR THE rIGriT Mas II Ih Host and Hostess For The N'ltflit Arrested and They are Held to Appear Before The Next Grand Jury Board of Equaliz ation Meets. i kent in everv home. I yours, Dr. A. 11. Eddy, Charlotte 1. Lddy. Note Dr. Ei'.dy is a retired phy sician, well and favorably known throughout thin scctio.i. A testi monial coming from such a source speaka volumes for the efliciency of Wilbur's Blood Purifier. DO S SOCIETIES. Pliumix .mV'o No M. K of P meat Wiy. Pointer in at Ka em to at tend thu legislature as a member of the third house. Representatives Marsh and HudHon.of this county, are train ing in the Mitchell crowd. Thomp son's notue doiB not appear but it ix more than likely, if reports be true, that he, also, is a Mitchell nan. The price of overcoats has been reduced at Kehtilmerioh & Hon. John C. Her and .Stewart Vaughn, the two t nil cedars from the Ceilar creeks, were up to the county seat the last of the week. It is said that the experts de ny having refunded $30 each to the eotintv. Bo that as it may the treasurer's books (show lhat fbO has been refunded by account of expelling books. The former low prices on our clothing will be reduced still lower at Schulmerich & Hon. J.I. Knight is on the mend, bin many friends will be leased to leurn. lie will be conlined to hit room for a long time yet, however, us hi flection is one in which a reliinse would be daiiijeious. J. I. is missed vervi much in llilluboro Wm. Itasinus. who nut the play Damon and I'y thins on I be bon'tds here lust June, has been elided reading clerk of tho House of Hepret-entalives. Mrs. J 11. Smith, of the Baz aar made a business trip to Port land Friday last. Best i lastic.l'ni live cts per yard hi Schulmerich & Son Also rib- bun all widths allO cts per yard. H. P. Kurd is an active mem her of the third .house nl Salem (Jlenryisa pretty hik1 legislator Saturday last. Isaac Allen, who lives ncHr Ileedville, came to this citv and renorled that some time Bridges; V. (i., 11 L. McC.irii.ick ; ' during tl)fi wcek lfu,r TuifWjay hiw Wilkes and J. M. (ireear; See., D.M. ! 1,0,180 h,,d b,el1 "r,,,r,", Rml $4H) V. (lault.Treas., J. 1. Knight; War-,'" tkt!" from a yeasl can dor, Cal Jack; Con., I). McCamish; which was concealed in the bottom Kiubt and Left H. 8., Jas. Young; 0f a trunk", the game ' having been and W K. Thome; I. and 0. (J.. 0(.ke(l TuuH(av ie hd last neen o. ii. nuinpnreys ami a. oiiiht; Chap., R. II. Greer. Rebekahs: BOARD OF EQUALIZATION N. (i.. Mrs. S.J. Williams; V (r . Lizzie Wilkes; Treas., Betty Greear; Sec, Ella Blidues. M. M. Bloch was out today trying to get thu commissioners to decide on allowing 40 miles to wit nesses from Portland on the Steeves' trial. The Multnomah Board de cided they were entitled to but 18 miles, each way, Mr. Bloch says the money and bad locked the trunk. Since then Mr. Allen had not seen the money. Friday morn ing, so ho says, he discovered that the house had been entered during his absence Thursday night, the lock of the' trunk broken and the money taken. Warrants were issued for Chas. Pariott and wife, who for several the auditor mid commissioner from ,uonths had lived near Allen's himself and knoas a thu g or two about legislative bent. The young men and boys of this city are having great fun these evening's in the Hhute Hull, hold inc mock courts. As so many want to bo ollicers. lawyers and judges, there is hard woik to find defendants. - Saturday night the wourt wus in execrable humor' over tho alleged smoking of a spectator and ordered the court room cleared, That court is altogether too fastidi ous and should be defeated at the next election,. -We have several bargains in dress goods, especially in remnants, at Schulmerich & Son. Commissioners' Court met again Tuesday morning to com plete the business of the January term. Tuesday morning the ground was covured with over an inch of snow and winter has since been reigning supreme. The Parrott couple leave four or five litttle children at their place of abode, which will have to be cared for by the county. J. A. Benson and wife returned to Cottage Grove, Tuesday after a soioum of severaL days in this city, occasioned by the illness of the late Robt. Imbrie, father ot Mrs. Benson. Remnant sale! Remnant sale! Our bargain counter is full of bar gains in remnants and winter goods. We'are selling many lines of lirst-class goods at closing out prices?-also best granulated 6ugar, 20 pounds for $1. Arbuekle and Lvon coffee two pounds for 85 cents. Call and see us, Bryan-Laidlaw Co, Cash Store. Washington county's jail being in no condition for a woman pris oner. Sheriff Bradford has taken the . Parrott woman to Portland where better accomodations exist. Geo. Wilcox, of this city, is the possessor of a map of the Unit td States, which is a thing of beau ty and a joy forever. All the gov ernmontal surveys, townships and m tarv and Indian reservations are draughted and it is a veritable encyclopedia of information. It wus.. printed, by theAJ. S, General lano uiuce, r -E. R. Millefftf ie Second Street Barber, still coiiffnues to give the best shave in tlje'city for only ten cnt. When "you want a goon haircut or a ehave give him a call. Portland, who were out here last week put in their bill for mileage at 42 miles and it was allowed by Norlhrop's court. This looks a little inconsistant ai d as though the commissioner and Auditor were asking for privileges the common herd, they contend, should be de nied. This statement . however is iteinea lv some tvno say iney are in a position to know. A. Neep, a lad of 18 years, was Tuesday broiiuht before Justice Smith charged with the larceney of a gun from the slaughter house close lo the long bridge. Tho b.iy pleaded guilty and was sentenced to nine months in the county jail. Tho usual sentence for such a crime is one year hut on account of hi: youth the sentence was not placed up to the limit The gun was the property ot'C. Koch, the 2nd street butcher. A finftyiissorlmeut of candies in pound lioxes at Brock's ' T. C. McMainer, of Forest Grove, leaves this week for Mex ico fur permanent location. Mr. MeXainer is a native of this county and I'is many friends like not to sec him leave. He will endeavor to go into 1 1 1 i-hi ping business, but will first go to Irapiiato. where Richard J. Wilcox is located. J. W. Morgan has been assist ing in the county clerk's ollice for several days. TheJiUdiesofthe Congregation al ChurcVgiv,noticevVriit they ... "V - . W . . 'i will eelebniX. Lincoln f oirtUday f2thii suiwi uppvopri- ate Fixei State Tax at Four Mills And Adjourns. The State Board of Equalization has concluded its labors and set the levy at four mills. But little change was made on Washington county's assessment. A slight raise was made on livestock and merchandise was placed 10 per cent higher than fixed hy our county assessor. The total tax to go to the state from this county will be $17,9132, as compared with $20,180.80, last vear. Our as sessable properly for the year 18SI6 is $4,447 830 against $4,204,346 for J A Imbrie... IX 1.1 T.imt. vpur linwovpr th ? VmV AFTER A BUSY MEET THE Tftf LEVY DECIDED ON A Loiif? List of Claims The Circuit Court Kills are Audited Super visors Appointed Probate And Other Court House News. CLAIMS ALLOWED. ASSESSING AND COLLECTING. G H Wilcox. J B Wilkes. . SALARIES. 78-50 3.00 50.00 Last year, however, the ? ,s" state tax was four and eight-tenths w d Bradford. . '. . .... ...... 286.85 mills, Multnomah was raised con- B P Cornelius.. . .! 180.25 siderably and there is talk of that prisoners and paupers county and Marion refusing to sub- jcjnM,, 100 it t Vwi inv T will ItA -tkanririiJ J " ill ( V J tuc n A ivniii v mow t vj OppintOtl ... ............ 59 -5 that while our assessable property Kate Patterson 16.00 is higher this vear than last, if the JR Mays.;, 4-3 levy for school", indigent and coun- Bley . ll f ty be the same the lax roll will yet be lower by If 149 than that of 1895. As to whether the lew will be high er or lower is a matter of future history Unless a new jail is con- femplaled the probabilities are the lew will be the same or lower. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. r..i,.. .... mariner The county court has adjourn ed '"for the 'February term. Asa Convin is again able to be on .the streets. C. E. Deiehman has recovered from his attack of "grip." The A. 0. U. W. Installation on the evening of January 2nd was a very pleasant affair.- When -wantine fine candies call at W. EjtBrock's. . He has the finest in the citv. ' ' It Iuib been two years since Dolph was defeated and , Mitchell was responsible for the sentiment which caused the revolt against the venerable old man. Dolph is now trying to get even. Peter BoiCow,one of Iliilsboro's well known citizens, has been con siderably iudispoped for some days, but is now improving. Schulmerich & Sou will give a reduction of 25 per cent on all capos and cloaks until February 1st. Theodore Ilickey, an old res ident of this city, was here Monday from Portland, w hero he holds a position with the S. P. R. It For sale Good timothy hay at the Warren Grove east of town. place, and at times worked for the old farmer. The Thursday after noon spoken of Mrs. Ptmolt went up to Allen's and induced the old gentleman to go down to their place about one and a half miles dis tant lo spend the night as she said her husband wanted to talk with him. He went down and slept with Parrolt, who, Allen says, got up two different times in the niht. Arriving home the next morning he missed the money, search for Ins beiim impelled by the sight of a broken window pane in the kitch en. Allen told on the witness stand that whoever got the money miittt have rau-ed the window to make (be entrance. Footmarks were visible at the kitchen window, which, he stated corresponded with one of Mrs. Pwrott's shoes, subse quently found at Beaverton where the woman had' purchased a new pair. Parrott and his wife-were brought up Saturday night and Judge Smith set Monday for hearing. Parrott was placed4 in jail unit the woman was left at a hotel under guard. Dep. Dist. Attorney Bag ley o ened tjie case for the state, Monday morning before Jud" Smith, Hon. S B. Huston appear ing for the defense by court, appoint ment. Allen was placed on tlm stand and related bis loss after which Mr. Cady was sworn and staled that bo bad, at his store at i Beaverton, sold lo Mrs. Parrott, $600 worth of merchandise, on Sat urday; that she left a pair of old shoes; identified the shoes; also slated the woman had purchased a to money order and had given him a $20 gold piece to change.' Cim slable Williams testified that the one of the shoes found at Beaverton exactly fitted the track found tit the kitchen window of Allen's res idence. " Neither defendent was placed on the stand and Attorney Huston moved to dismiss on grounds of in sufficient evidence. Judge Saii tli thought differently however and ordered both be held under bonds of $600 each, to appear before the next grand jury. Parrott, it will be remembered, was once before the courts on a charge of larceny of beef, from which he was acquitted. The de fendsnts were taken to jail and will endeavor to give bonds. of AWSaxton 59-35 Bryan Laidlaw Co '. 24.70 Mrs L G Sutton 26.00 AO.sen.. 5-00 Rosa Frost 5- MrsReuter 5 John Northrop 10.00 John M Miller 4-00 j M Miller..... I. STATIONERY HillsboroPubCo.. 9-50 The Argus. ; 5 00 FUEL, LIGHTS AND JANITOR. Monteiuma Ixulw No SO I O O V meet every ' ' YVadnesday ev ening in tlieir tinjl. llilluboro Kebekah Lodge No M raeot In Odd Fellow s' hull on the third Suturdar of each month. , I 7.1-v, deceased. Prool of will by subsr-rib- ! ' ........... I. r,..- 1 TM.-. n wiiiic-Mta. 1 i-lCi ivi.v.ov anil i :ms ! Stewart. Legatee 01 will aret wa-.,.. M,ukv M,in. ..f axi wart I Martha MauM-y, the wife of deceased, j in Mammic halt. $.1000 in cash the same in full of Dower, Ph(mociaTen)pi0 No ,0 moelaon the ao. I and claims, together with all household on(i Rn(i fh Kriday of each month lutiiuuit, juucuiua iuoani, inw jidu in -Maawnie lliill. zey, Mana Ueugle, Anna Imbrie and Mary L Smith, children, to receive share and share alike, all realty of estate, and residue of personal property. Sale of personal property of estate of TJ Booth, an insane person t for 170.35 approved. Ordered that guardian pay for feed and care of Uaui not to exceed $18.50. Guardian of minor heirs of estate of H Behlin?, deceased, authorized to borrow $1100 on said estate. Estate of God love Litte ordered clos ed of record as soon as Administrator deposits with the clerk $184.23 and heirs have receipted for same. Administrator of estate of A Hartwei ger ordered to make sale of real prop erty for ' cash down, balance payable Sept. 1st, 1897, per cent interest. A' Tuality Lodgn No 6 A F k A M nnet every Saturday nujnt on or after full moon of each month. Tuulatln Chapter, No HI, Eastern Star, meets seeond and fourth Tuesday In each month at Masonic hall. Hillsboro Lodge No (il A O U W meet every second and lourin Friday in caeh month. Washington Kncanipuieiit No 24 I U U ( meets on second aim lourm iday ot each month. N A Barrett : Hillsboro L & W Co ELECTIONS. H E Burchell...'. C. H. & J. ACCOUNT. The First National Bank this city has decided not to go in to voluntary liquidation. Directors elected: J. W. Sbute, Berj. Scho lield. John Foo'e, Zina W ood and R. II. Walker. The Board elected Shlite, president, Sehofieid, vice- pits., and J. D. Mcrryman, cashier. s Wiison'. Mrs. Alaiissa. wneeicr, wno bridges and roads. died Tuesday night was 74 years of wilev & Den)lU age and 'a native ot Jientucky. one 1-1 i, Smock came to Oregon in Ao with irer P P Reed husband and took hp a donation 111 Clackamas countyr Seventeen years Jru"" ii. ico they moved to Fai mingti n, Carstens Eros. . i-oiinl v. ll-'r" Husband died C W He"T'Ti.. in IKWt 5 Sim 'leiiVua h sons and 3 M D K&Un .; 1 i. CWHermens.. uaugiiieie io luuui 11 uvi iudo. I R Mays - Please read and heed the fol- J B -Wilkes-. . . . lowing: All persons indebted to '' miscellaneous the firm of H. Wehrung & Sons are n Matthews Post GAR indigent 10 32 requested to call and settle their H H Smith .-. 18.00 notes and accounts1 at once. This Geo K Bagley fines and col 12.00 s the last cell. PJtiase take notice, school superintendent and ass'ts 3000 5'-4" 2.50 2.50 4.00 25s5 150 14-75 Audre ws Lumber CO John Heisler 18.25 3230 -.: 7.60 75-25 8-55 8.35 . 1-65 4.00 I I...W ehruug x aons. Crai school Sup't . . . .... "Expectation , is the: limit 01 state cases attaiiltuent, will ie the subject at Constable Justice and witness the Conttreiiatioiial Church next Sunday morning, by Rev. E. T Hughes, pastor. The evening will be taken im in a, continuance ot the rending of the serial story. ' Bom. Jan. 11, to the wife of John Crocker, of lMouutiiindale, a son. Mrs. Wheeler, mother of the Wheeler bovs, died Tuesd. y even- fees in J P courts. CIRCUIT COURT. 46.90 3 00 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Fred Meyer to A C Paulsen n w - sec 32 t 3 11 r 2 w $1800. A C Brown and wf to E C Brown st a in A C Brown die $855. 1 F C Varner to A G 1 utel n w n w Xec7t3riw $700. H C Jurgenson (by sheriff), to Robert Johnson, guardian, tret in Orange Hall d 1 c $1950. Wm B Edwards and wf to W J Miller swneXcci7t2sriw $1100. L B McFarland and wf to Lydia A Hyde 100 a in n e pt sec 16 1 1 s r 4 w$5oo Lorenzo Patrone (bv sheriff) to W W Catliu, receiver. Its 12-20 Inc Steel's ad to Beaverton $4000. Leopold Dietz and wf to Ferd Opitz Its 1 to 35 inc in Brugger tret sees 18 18 1 1 n r 1 w q c $1245. 1st Cong chch F G to Maud Vaughn s n It Buxton cemetery $2 50. Anna M Hart to Wm Hart Its 55 56 Steel's ad Beaverton q c $1 W W Catlin, receiver, to Marie House Us 12-20 inc Steel's an Beaverton $1200. RD Wheeler and wf to Rasmus Ter- gi'iison e 'i It 9 Wheeler's sub div $120. THE LEVY. Later: The question of lew for the year came up this afternoon and as the taxable valuation was larger than last year it was sup posed as low a levy as last year's would be sufficient. Sunt. Craia .vas present and quoted the statute to show that over $21349 must la- raised for schools, which would mean at least a 4.8 mills school lax. There seemed to be a general feel ing by the board to make a low- levy but this put a new phase on the question.- Finally however the board levied the following tax: State 4 nulls. School 4 8 " Indigent 1 " County 6.1 Total 15 mills. The tax lew of 15 mills ought to satisfy the most economical tax payer in the state. The levy will bring in to the treasury, funds dis tributed, viz: County. $27131; School, f 21,349; State, 1177.91.32. .Hillsboro Lodge No IV I OUT moot in Uranye liall every Saturday evening. Hillsboro Gran Re No TJ P of H meet 2nd and Ii '1 Saturdays at 12 nr. Viola Tent, INo l, K O 1 M, meets in Odd Fellows' Hah 011 !-rM.--d and Fourth Thursday evening 01 eaii month. Ruby Assembly, No. 2(1, United Artisans meet first and. third '4 uesday at Odd Fel lows' hall. Oen Ransom Post, No 69, O A R meet at IOO F . all first and third Saturday. PROFESSIONAL. RWacgeiii-r 6.00 John Northrop 6.00 W U. V ood 2.00 Cests iu Oregon City Road Case Ira Bradlev . -2 tAThornburir 12.00 int: at 6:00 o'clock at the home of , . & . ... ..... t it t.. ti. Hatchet A II Sehofieid. Geo Dooley Claims Disallowed And the Lord spake unto Jos eph and Johnathan. At Salem -Hon. G. W, Patterson, of the State Senate, has been appointed committeeman on: Revision ot Laws. Railroads, Enrolling of Bills, and Public Instituti6ns and Build ings. Rev, C. E. Cline assisted by Rev, T. A. Starr, of Forest Grove, is conducting revival meetings at the M. E. Church this week. Prof. Greene, of the has a class taking lessons on stringed instruments anil the students are making excellent headway. Win. Guthrie, of Laurel, died the first of the week. ,' Tho commissioners have al lowed all circuit court claims with the exception tho witness' fees in the Ward and Bowlby claims and a few incidental reductions on the Sleeves' trial witness fees. For the latest styles iu ladies, shoeB. in button or lace, call at; GreggB Shoe Store, Forest Grove, cine on the market, A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5' room cot tage within 2 blks .ot business part of town. Good fence around lot, good woodshed, and two roomy closets in residence. Also pump in good repair. Goes fcr 1600. In quire at tins ollice. Saved Their Son. Hartford, Wash., Sept, 25, 1893 Mr. L. Wilbur, Snohomish City. Dear Sir: We wish to add a testi monial in favor of your Wilbur Blood Purifier. Two years ago this summer, pur son Ernest, aged 15 years, became affected with' chronic ecxema caused by impure blood. We secured the services of the best physicians, and" all . agreed, that his case was hopeless. After spend ing a largo amount of money, this way, we concluded lo try your Pur ifier, of which, live bottles complete ly cured him, and eradicated every taint of the dreadful disease. When he commenced taking your medi cine bis body and limbs were liter- erallv covered with large ugly sorea and the muscles of his legs had be come contracted to Buch un extent that the poor boy was almost bed ridden. Last year scrofula symp toms appeared again. We miinea her son-in-law, L. U. Ingram. The remains were taken to Farniington today for interment Mrs. S. C. Kennel, of Portland, sister of Mrs. R. B. Good in, is in the city the guest of R. B. Goodin and wife. -Mrs. J. R. Beeide, of St. Hel ens, is in the city visiting with her mother, Mrs. Has. A party havii g 40 acres of land with a neat little dwelling thereon wants to borrow $lo0on same at once. Apply at this ollice for particulars Jos. Cawrse has sold his farm at Cenlerville to a German. He received $40 per acre. Mrs. Harmers, mother of Mrs, Jas. Corey, died this week after an illness of several days. --Mrs. W. H. McEldowney, well known here, is receiving treatment at the St. Vincent hospital in Portland. The only place on "- .the west 29 u'ia n.UW.. nni rr..t fl-nitu nrlllf. 30 . . . t' 1. ). ' es is at dtock s. Western Wheel Scraper Co. 1300 11.46 21.00 16.00 ROAD SUPERVISORS APPOINTED. Dist. No. Name. Post Office F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician, Burgeon and Aeeoucher Office in Hillnhnm lk,.m.n c denee aoutn-wntt unmar thufin. Becoud. Ail calls promptly attended day or night. 8. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence KastofCouM House, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 it 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Geo. Galbreath, Tualatin A.C.Hall, Sherwood S. W. Seelye, Scholia Calvin Jack, Fartnington Grant Mann, Hillsboro T. W. Thompson, Gaston J.W. Tigard, Tigardville J. D. Hite, Progress R. Robinson, " F J Kiiepper, Beaverton K.Jorgenson, Reedville Nels Hanson, Cedar Mills Wm.Nelson, Hillsboro Peter Morris, Bethany Thos Tucker, Hillsboro Thomas Connell, Glencoe SamMoen, Centerville I. B. McNew, Greenville JW Marsh, Greenville A. T. Knox, Forest Grove Ludwig Kohler, Gales Creek lohn Heisler, Uales ureeK W.M.Jackson, Dilley Donald Martin, Gaston lohn R Bailey, Buxton A Storey, Gaston H Dilberaer. Laurel C Dhondt, Forest Grove -The Knights of Pythias of Phoenix Lodge held a public inslal lation on Monday evening, when officers Were installed bv District, Deputy George Schulmerich. A delightful program of recitation and song was interspersed with tho in stalling and after all was over, J. P. Kennedy, of Portland, addressed the assembly in a short but telling speech. Ollicers inttalled were: C, C, A. M. Carlile; V. C, A. Long; Prel., E. L. James; K. of R. andS., Jas. Cave; M. nt A , II. T. Latham; Inside Guard. J. F. Carstens; Out side Guard, Albert, Latham. Geo. Schulmerich ami L. W. House suc ceeded themselves us Masters of Finance ond Excheequer, respec tively. --The schools of this city will give v.a literary entertainment at the eoUi'Hwnso to-morrow (Friday) evening. v "Pres. Chapman, of Eu gene, and Pres. Campbell, of Mon mouth will be present, and make addresses. Open at 8:00 o clock. The M. E. Church revival now lately ordered a few bottles and ', on m this city, veceivea an unique gave him. Now he is perfectly ' "ad" yesterday by an abbreviated sound and well. We cheerfully ' Parade. All are invited to come recommend tho Wilburs Blood Pur- and hear. ilier us being best, blood -modi : Tho ' Houna of Representative It should bo has elected no speaker today. Geo Hellaire, Glencoe C W lames, Cornelius Sam Ornduff, Laurel lohn Johnson, Portland Frank Bradley, Greenville Chas. True, Middlcton F. Schoen, Cornelius Chas. Mockler, Tigardville Holverson, tarmington A.S. Vauahn, Middleton R H Walker,- Cedar Mills J C Beach, Glencoe J. Palmateer, Reedville 11 H Hall, . Glencoe Thos Williams, II Chrfllacunibe, Cornelius T A Fowles, Mountaindale las Mavs, Glencoe A A Morrill, Gleuwood TJ Gregg, Mountaindale S. B. Heycock, Fir M T Bates, Gaston Geo. Boland, Tualatin David Wcntjer, Lennox M S'Dailev. Hillsboro 1). O. iateventon, Sherwood C. E. Suorey, Mountaindale Geo. McGraw; Greenville I. -H. .Powers, C. Blanchard and Wm. Bagley appointed viewer to meet with L. E. Wilkes on change of county road No. , Jan. 20, at lo a. m. The Hatchet and ARGUS were award ed the county printing for. the current year. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan Block, Hillsboro, Orfoo. A. B. BAILEY, I). 1). S. JJENTIST Rooms 1 and '1 Moriran-Bniley Block, HILLSBORO, - ORKON. JiXES PHILLIPPt TAM12SIB, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, f Sureeon Southern Pacific Railroad Cm. Consultation in French or English. Offlos and residence south of Maiu near 3d mu. uiiisooru, ur. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS, Conveyancing and fine dd work a pecialty. ijinaaay mock, two aeon aorta or tb poatofflot. baoond at HUUboro, Or. Common Council. Iliilsboro's counsel met at Citv Hall Tuesday evening and trans acted the following business: The recorder was instructed to draw an ordinance relative to con htruction of sidewalk on third street; Beginning at center of block (.Sim moils addition, and running north to Oak street, lhis was in re sponse to petition and will be pre sented at next meeting. The street committee was in structed to look into condition of underdrains relative to sewage and nave sewage piper disconnected I his committee was also ordered to repair fire bell so proper alarm could be sounded in case ot hre. The City Attorney was instruct ed to draw an amendment to the charter, providing for the author izing of the sale of six per cent bonds for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years, as they may see fit, in a sum not to xceed $.50,000, to be issued for no other than these purposes: 1st. len thousand dollars to pav off present warrant indebtedness. 2nd len thousand dollars ot said sum from proceeds of bonds, to apply to the full payment of the f 10,000 worth of water and light bonds. ' 3rd. The remainder of said pro ceeds from said bonding, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be applied to the purchase of the interest of the Hillsboro Light and Water plant, when vity s option matures. The city is to be prohibited from incurring a warrant' indebtedness to exceed $5000 above bonded in debtedness to be incurred by the provisions of this amendment. The city council, after having been petitioned by majority of prop erty owners along a street may compel construction and improve ment at expense ot tho said proper ty owners, said improvement lo be a lien on property until paid. The city is prohibited from mak ing any street improvenieuts(ex cept street crossings and intersec tions) at its own expeiise, Note. It will be understood thot if the Board of Arbitration on val ue of Water and Light Co.'s inter est decide it to be 0b' than to re quire bonding in said sum of 50,000 to meet ibe provision? of his amend ment a less amount shall be sold. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. oom I A 2, Shnte Block, overGroor's," HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Koyal Insurance Coin any SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and CoaveyL.iciug. Rooms OA, 7 Morgan 111k., Hillsboro, Ore, MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS?..!!. . Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO - OREGON HilkWn HniPt, UIUOUUIU UVUUVjj. NORTnat Newly Furnished yf and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. ... Subscribe FOR THE ARBU $1.00 COURT HOUSE NEWS. PU0l". il tuonertv of L L Williams lo Johu M Brown at a dis count of 25 per cent, appraised value.ap- proved. i T A TrnVivio AvnK rnnfirnu'Vl Ra L-XcCUtOt ot Inst will and testament of Wm Mau-.; $181.10, Multnomah county will soon draw a warrant in favor of this Clubbing Rates county -for expenses of the Sleeves trial " The whole case has been set tled and notification is only re quired to get the necessasy war The receipts of the county clerk's office for the month of Deo. w.;jre $158.25;' recorder's; office, With all Leading Papers Vanted-(.n Idea ifkfrt PmtMst your Mfns! thw may bring job wealtb. Write JOHN WliDDEl'.etJKN CO., P.iwnt. Attor neys. WafitilnitUiri, D. C tor tlwlr Sl.UiO irl otter u4 list ot two bundled (aveutlout WfcaUa.