II RBADT FOB BOIIMIM. I: ii I St. ;.s, t pi fy&&A WELCOME CHRISTMAS. Thrice welcome, day of days! The skies Ope wide their gates at thy command And Heaven's aubllmeat symphonies , Roll craudlv over ftea and land. The dwa of charity distill Their Incense everywhere, and cornea A unlvetsal Joy to fill The highest and the humblest homes. Thy son doth bless with holler klssl Thy breath a grander these doth hymn! Thy wings do close the black abyss Of evil, and no longer dim Are valleys of eternal peace. Or land where Its. own restores. But akies uncurtained show Increase. Of glory on thy crystal shores! And thou dost light for me again The yule-log on the homestead hearth. The grarea where long the dead have lain Do oped, as a vernal garth. And bloom for me once more the loves That roseate made my youthful days; Within thy firelight lives and moves My mother, haloed with the rays Of Paradise, and as. her twin Lips with the olden fondlings part. And 1. enraptured, cuddle In The velvet haven of her heart, . I see the pail of doubt unfold. And on the pathway of the sun God's finger writes In lines of gold The words, "For Home ana Heaven I one!'- Then, too, thy chimney glow reveals My father's face: the old armchair i again, and Lulu kneels Beside him with her Christmas prayer; The sweet-voiced pleadings uttered d eaaines uttered a are. And grandpa's lips do part to say. "Thank God the gates are all alar Twlxt Home and Heaven on Christmas Dayl" Then, welcome, day of days! Thy dawn Is vibrant with familiar tones, The veil that dims our sight is drawn. The farther shore thy sunlight tones. No growth of skeptic fancy now Our faith In glad reunion leavens. For 'tis engraven on thy brow That Heaven Is Home's, and Home Heaven'sl Century. FELLOW -TRAVELERS. H.K1STMA3 e T e away from home and. the loved ones is a dreary period of the year. At least so thought Chailes McKeena, as ho tra versed the top of his nine c.irs of pota toes en route for the Southern mar ket. He wus one of the you ag dealers, and, as his opra' tions were not extensive it was impera tive for him to personally "fire" his own cars. If none of the potatoes were frozen before he reached New Orleans, a hand some profit would await him there, for there was a big margin just at this time. It was lonesome . work .it the best, not without an element of danger, anil work which required constant attention in or der to keep the fires from going out, Seated before the fire n one of the cars he rested his head on his hands and med itated about his wife and the two little ones. The fire glowed brightly a. id his heart was filled with hope, energy and ambition as he gazed .nto its ruddy depths. The train was speeding along at a normal rate, and the steady rhythmic sound was resumed upon the rail) and then he fell esleep How long he rested in h chair he did not know. Then he came to himself with a start, being r.iaiost thrown from bis chair by a jolt as the train again stopped on a switch. Drawing out his watch he consulted it, and then gave an exclama tion of alarm. He had overslept himself; the bres were probably out by this time; the frost had entered the potatoes, nnd he was ruined. Hastily making his way to the next car, to his surprise the fire In the stove was burning brightly, and the interior, if anything, was too warm, He hurried irj"xt car. . There It wa. tvan in the first car. ,U HUIMCUICUI, commented, pull tnnstache. The next five cars were In a liko con dition and he was Immensely relieved and more puzzled than ever. Who in the world could have fired his stoves for him? He entered the last car, and was surprised to see a tramp seated uear the stove, toasting his toes to his heart's content. "Hello," said McKeena. "Hello,"' responded the tramp to M Keena's exclamation. For a moment they stood there, and then McKeena, waving his hand, said: "Don't mind me." "All right," remarked the tramp, and "HELLO,1 said m'keena with that he seated himself again before the stove. McKeena also drew up . a cbair. Then he took a cigar case from his pocket. "Smoke?" he asked. "Thanks." . After a few whiffs the tramp remark ed:: y "Be you the feller that runs the pota toes?". ' - "I am." McKeena himself lighted a weed and then said: ... , : - ' "Ir presume , it was you who fired the ftoves?" ' aU -1 , Op it IN ENGLAND. AMONG all"Hhe Germanic nations Christmas has ever been the most popular of all church festivals. In England it was, and is, the one great national feast, and in the Anglican church and among the Lutherans of Ger many the exclusion of many minor festi val from the calendar has only concen trated the popular affection upon Christ mas. The Furitans made a vigorous battle against what they thought a supersti tion, and in lt!52 it was ordered by Par liament "that no observation shall be had of the five-and-twentieth day of Decem ber, commonly called Christmas Day, nor any solemnity . used or exercised in churches upon that day in respect there of." A little before. In 1S47, the town crier of Canterbury proclaimed that "Christmas and all other suerstitious festivals should be put down, and a mar ket held upon Christmas Day." But none of these orders had much effect. In Scotland John Knox did succeed in pretty effectually suppressing the observance of Christmas, in the Lowlands, at least, but he simply transferred the popular cus toms and superstitions to New Year's Day. There is an English rhyme of this period that illustrates the popular feel ing on the subject: Ail plums the prophets' sons defy, ALd splce-broths are too hot; Treason's In a December pye. And death within the pot. Christmas, farewell, thy days I fear, And merry days are done; 8o they may keep feasts all the year. Our Saviour shall have none. Ia Germany. At home around the tree, is the cul minating point of Teutonic revelry in Yuletide. The enthusiasm and the senti ment of youth and age have then at tained their pitch, and they are permitted to give full vent to it for the evening. The tree is illuminated at the appointed nonr; stui nignt, holy night, is sung in the domestic circle; sweet vapor of domestic unity is inhaled amid smiles and HER FIRST Voci &ie -New York Herald. "It were." "Much obliged." "Don't mention it. Tou lemme ride and I'll call it square, pard." "Very well. How far are you going?" "New Orleans." Then they both smoked in silence. Mc Keena examined his companion casually. He was a tall man of athletic figure, and it was evident that he possessed enorm ous strength. His face was covered with a bushy growth of whiskers and with eyes about as bright as two coals. He puffed at his cigar with evident enjoy ment. "How's potatoes?" he said. "Good." "Any family?" "Yes; wife and two, and I miss them especially on Christmas eve." The tramp took another whiff, and something like moisture appeared In bis eyes. "I had a wife once," he remarked. "Indeed!" said the other with a show of interest. "Where is she now?" "She was sent to J I mean, she died. She had consumption." McKeena attempted to give evidence of sympathy and. the ragged intruder tipped back his head and his eyes gleamed more than ever. "Had a kid, too," he remarked. "What's become of him?" "He's in the reformthat is to say, stranger, he is now a prosperous mer chant In New York. He lives on Fifth avenue, he does, and has an English coachman." . "You don't tell me?" commented Mc Keena, endeavoring to look as though he believed the other's narration. '"Pon honor." Again there was silence, which was finally broken by the tramp. "Any vittels?" "Yes." ' McKeena produced hli lunch-basket and his visitor ate ravenously, as though he had not touched food for twenty-four hours. "You turn in, pard," remarked the tramp. "I'll keep up the fires." The other hesitated, but finally laid down and took a nap. All the way to New Orleans this programme was fol lowed. Early one morning as the train topped, the tramp said: "Good-bye. 1 think I'll light out before we git to town." Then he turned to the other and hand ed him an envelope. Before McKeena could answer he was gone. The former mechanically handled the envelope and gazed doubtfully at the new, crisp $20 bill and the following message: , "You Did me a good Turn. Bi a Christmas present fur de Kida. i wus feast of the Nativity 'is In Norway, One of the prettiest of Christmas cus toms is the Norwegian practice of giving on Christmas Day a dinner to the bints. On Christmas morning every gable, gate way, or barn-door is decorated .with a sheaf of corn, fixed on the top of a tall pole, wherefrom it is intended that the birds shall make their Christmas dinner. Eveu the peasant will contrive to have a handful set for this purpose; and what the birtls do not eat on Christmas Day remains for them to finish at their leisure through the winter. In France, In Paris Christmas Day Is kept as a religious festival, and many who would not drenm of going to church on Sun days make a point of attending mass on le Jour de Noel, and the bluze of the tapers falls on crowded congregations, men, women and children, kneeling, standing and sitting on the wide area of the Madeleine and Notre Dame. Of late years it has become chic to attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve, and so. pouring down along the boulevards. CHRISTMAS wei Asadm Hard pressed Wen 1 cum to de train an yu Took a stranger In an Nourished Him. Giv mi Regards to de little wife; Like wise de Kids an Bi a Drum fer de Boy. at first i thought I'd Bore you, But I'm glad i diddent Now. i Had de gun on you wen yu com in, but yu were Kerte ous an i diddent Shoot, i wuz thinkin' to Lay yu out an i Ain't sory I diddent. with Kind reggards, From yur ole Pal, believe me, verry Faithfully yourn, Bill McGlnnissy." Bill McGlnnissy was the name of the " HIS VISITOR, ATB B AVENOUSLY." train-robber whose misdeeds had made him the terror of the South. He was wanted for about fifty crimes. The young merchant shuddered and then gazed doubtfully at the new, crisp $20 bill. SURPRISE WAS MUTUAL. Exchange of New Year'a Gifts In the Piffkins Household. HIS is the first New Year's Day In ten years that Maria hasn't quarreled with me about giv ing up tobacco, and now I've done it of my own accord How pleased nnd how surprised Maria will be" Thus Mr. Piffkins -chuckled on the morning of Jan. 1. 7r ', It was customary with the Plffklnses to exchange New Year's gifts and not to make the presentation until after break' tears, and the thus initiated. SERVIANS PREPARING T IE NATIONAL DISH. , , - , mm U WWII T - T1J BIB V nil the world and his wife try to fiutl a place in one or other of the fashiounble churches, and, after the service Is over, nil go round to see and criticise the Creche. In Mexico, The devout of Mexico go to early mass on Christmas morning. The minority de vote themselves to a toothsome break fast, in which tortillas, chile con came (boiled beef nnd red peppers), toiiinlis (corn hnsks stuffed wllh force nieatl, are the leading features. After breakfast come the festivities. These are of all sorts and arc imbued with a religious spirit of almost another ago. In each house, where the residence can afford It, a little nacimiento (altar) Is raised in par lor, drawing-room or library, which is snpiiosed to typify the birth of the Holy Child. ealthy people go to great lengths at times, having a manger and a barn constructed, and hire men to play the parts of the -wise men of the Kast and St. Joseph. Another curious custom consists in friends going from house to house, tap ping on the door, nnd on being asked: "Who Is there?" replying: "The Holy Virgin and Saint Joseph ask lodgings in VISIT TO HIS OI0 HOME 7m Sycww m. a.(w WSIHAnifiie fast. Therefore, when Mr. Piffkins en tered the dining-room, Mrs. Piffkins was apparently unconscious that he carried a bulky parcel, while he in turn was quite unaware that a small, queer-shaped pack age lay beside his wife's plate. "My dear," remarked Mr. Piffkins, as he set down his coffe cup and rolled up his napkin, "during our married life there has been only one serious cause for con tentionwell, perhaps two but no mat ter. I intend to remove that cause." "I have also determined to turn over a new leaf, as you will presently see," and she nodded mysteriously toward the queer-shaped package. "I have resolved during the coming year to discontinue the use of tobacco." And he awaited the burst of delighted surprise to follow. Mrs. Piffkins turned pale, doubtless with joy, replying tremulously: "I can not accept this sacrifice; but I have re solved to yield to your entreaties, aban don society and devote myself In future to my home." "Say no more, Maria, I have hitherto preferred to remain at home in order that I might smoke, but " "No, Silas, it is I who " "In token of reformation I have pur chased with money I would have squan dered on the weed the silk evening dress you so desired," "And I," cried Mrs. Piffkins, "havo also prepared a surprise for you. With the money I had saved to give a reception I have bought you a a meerschaum pipe!" . WHEN THE STAR SHONE. 'Twaa the Signal for Bethlehem's Flret Chrlstmua. Nineteen htiudred years ago, less four, witnessed one of the most remarkable epochs known to secular history, and the most remarkable period of which spirit ual man has ever conceived. It was by the decree of Augustus, then emperor of Home, that the, prophet's words were verified and the Christ born in the, town of David. The circumstances were these: By an official order a census of the tcrri tory of Palestine was called for, and to that end from every part of the province the Inhabitants betook themselves, ac cording to the Jewish custom, to tho town from which they claimed their oripn. From Nazareth in tho north to Bethle hem in the south was a long journey, eighty mlleB over wintry rpadB and up and down the hills of the rolling country. But Joseph, who was as good a subject as ho was a Hebrew, obeyed the command, and started for the city of David at the bidding. The first stop was; probably at the house of Chlraham at Beeroth, which your household," This custom continues for nine days before Christmas to Illus trate the journey of Mary and Joseph to llcthlclifin la Fervla. The Servians have many curious Christmas customs, half pagan, hulf Christiun in their origin. There Is the Itadujiik, a piece of wood, corresponding somewhat to the yule log, cut down and brought into the house with great cere mony, mid tlieu, nfter being basted with honey ami butter, in the hope that bees and entile tuny be prosperous in the coming year, Is burned; and there Is a sort of Father Christmas or Santa Clans, in the person of a l'oluzenik, a specially honored visitor, who is the first person received Into the house on Christmas morning. Then there is the cooking of the national Christmas dish. What turkey is to the American, pork is to the Servian. Even the poorest fam ily will save up all the year round so as to be able to purchase a pig nt Christmas. On Christinas Kve the pig 1 killed, oml on the following day, after dinner has been served and the ronst pig duly discussed, toasts are drunk, anil heroic songs sung to the accompaniment of a one-stringed instrument. The room is strewn with straw, in memory of the stable in which our Lord was born. In Auatrlu. As early as the tlth of November, Vi enna assumes an air of festivity; her citi zens have not forgotten that It Is the anniversary of their patron -saint, St. Nicholas. After a week's intermission, the public squares aro once more cram-, med with booths of nil diniouslons and description, forming regular avenues, crowded several weeks before Christinas with representatives of every social grade. If we take a stroll through the Itiugstrasse, Christmas Eve, we Bhnll find that aristocratic thoroughfare de serted, but all the flats or apartments are illuminated. Christmas trees, loaded with presents, form the evening's chief attraction.' is fifteen miles from Nazareth, where, a thousand years before Huth gleaned for Boaz, and where Jesse and David had rested. The remainder of the journey was made by easy stages, the humblo couple stopping to rest at such quarters as their meaiiB could afford. They arrived in Bethlehem In the after noon and found the little city crowded with a host of people bound on o mission similar to their own. Every caravansary was filled. The streets were thronged with people seeking accommodation, and after repeated efforts to obtain qnurters in the city proper, which numbered at that time only about 3,000 Inhabitants, and was, therefore, unprepared for an emergency of this sort, the footsore wan derers struck out Into the country. After traveling about a mile they fouud the lit tle khan, which 1b now known as the "Chapel of the Nativity." The little Inn which was thus destined to be- famous over .the-hnind world wag set In a hollow over which waved the branches of an olive grove. It was built around a court whose open sides, cut In the limestone rocj, were designed for the stabling of horses and cattle which, be longed to the guests who patronized the ENTRANCE TO BETHLEHEM. establishment. The rooms in that tavern were all bespoken, and the solo place of shelter left to the travelers was one of these cell-like apartments, in which there was neither couch, table nor chair. It was understood that any guests who would accept these lowly quarters should provide their own bit of carpet as a pro-1 tection against the damp and would be content and satisfied with the bundle of straw which served as a bed. These : Vara tlltt ai1fini,nr1lnr, r.9 ,t.n TIHI. ' Mother on the night of the advent of th Son of God. With a very active, energetic working man, or a man of business, a cans or crutch is sign of some in Urinative, but ho will have tu use one or both If sciatica sets in and disables bis hip. Worse than all this, he may he bed-ridden for a long time, and still worse, iiwiv be obliged to resort to sur gical treatment. Why all this should be endured when the tronble can be easily cured must lie hecuuse heiliiu't know that cu. jacons int, me greiu remeiiy ior iwui, is a speciul cure fur Ibis very inuchdreiule ninlaily. It bus proved itself the most southing and penetrating remedy fur reach ing the sciatic nerve and eU'eutiiully curing Its agonies that has perhaps ever been tried. A flowering plant ia said to abstract from the soil two hundred timet its own weight iu water. IIUKNK DOWN WITH INFIRMITIES Age finds Its surest solace In ts benignant tonic Hlil afforded by tlnstntter'l Mtnniarn Hit ter, which coiinterHcts rheumatic sad ma larial teiiileucim, relieves growing Inactivity of the kidneys, sud Is the (incut remedy ex tant fur disorders of the stomsch, liver and bowels. Nervousness, too, with which old people sr very apt to be alll luted, Ii promptly relieved by It, The hnman raoe dollars. is but a oontest of Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump tion cured me of a bad lung trouble. M rs. J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., March SHI, 18115. HOITT'B SCHOOL FOB BOM. This school is located at Burllngame, 8nn Mateo county, t-'ul., In charge of Ira (. lloitt, Ph. 1. It Is nccretiitcd at the State and (Stanford fJnlvertitit)and Isono'of the best of its kind. .Twelfth (emit begins Jan unry i, 1SD7. , ' Stats or On to, City or Toi.tno, u Lucas County, Frank J. Ciienky makes oath that he Is the senior psrtneriif the linn of K.J. Chunky tfcCo., doing bimlucMH in the city of Toledo, County snd Hlstu kforcxiiM, sud that said firm will pay the sum of ON K llt'NDItKII POI.IiAKH fur esch sud every chhc of Catarrh thst uJimut be cured by the use of IIam.'b Catarrh cuns, , FRANK 1. Clft.NK. - Sworn to befifre me and aulcriued li nir presence, this 8th day of December, X, P. 18s. ItMu, I A. W. OI.EASON. I sv. ) , ., , , . Negiry Public Hall's (.'starrh Cure Is tnken Inlitrnally, Slid tela HlriTlly on the blood and tnueotii induces of the system. He ml for testimonials, tree. If. J. CHUNKY s tiO., Toledo, 0, Sold by druKKlt.7fH Hall's Family 1'ilU are the best. ' , ('. A million acres of forest are out down every year to supply European rialway companies with aleepert on wbioh the lines are laid. YOU?, not BUT THE GENUINE MyWWtm a Inside .a.,1, two .... I J , IV, Lf IWWM i 1 J.'" L'v .m. i i wi sum-m a HlNbS Mi Cheapest Power..... IN GUARANTEED ORDER.. M H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gaollne. i t H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. 1-2 H. P. Regan, Gas or Gasoline. i-3 H. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline. 1-4 H. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline. i-4 H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline. i-6 H, P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. i-io H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. State Your Wants and Write for Prices tOS-7 Sansome Street San Francisco, Cal... Gas, Gasoline and Oil Eczema All Her Life. Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonta, Ga., says that his daughter Id, tuherited a severe case of Eclemas which the usual mercury and potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by year she was treated whh various medicine,!, .external appli cations and internal remedies, without result. Hef sufteririKs were -' intense, and tterfedhdition grew steadjjy worse. All the so-called blood remedies) did not seem tc r,each the dis ease at all until S. S.S. was given, when an improvement was at once noticed. The medicintT was continuecd with fav orable results, and now she is cured sound and well, bet skin is perfectly clear and pure and she has been saved from what threat. tned to blight her life forever. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu matism, or any other blood trouble, It is a real blocd remedy and alwayl cures even after all else fails. A F&l Blood Remedy. Take a blood remedy fdr a blood disease; a tonic won't cure it, Our books on blood and skin diseases mailed free to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. SURE CURE for PILES Gladness Comes With a butter understanding- of tlio transient nutuie of the inuny phys ical ills, which vanish before proper cf. forts (feiitle ii ffortNpleuNiinti'lToi tH -ritflitly directed. There ia comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual Hh ease, but simply to a cotiNtiputed condi tion of the svstctn, wniun tuo plousiuit M . - . 1 , 1 U ........ ..i l,'l ..... , wniun mo pioiiHiiut I yrupof Vgn, pruiuisC I y l is why it Ih tlie oiilyNsAsT oiiNof families, uutl ia yi tied so lilirhly by air lumny isjttwvv, nyruMi r ipis, iroiui ly removes. M inn is vt n remedy with mi 11 ions of cvervwhere esteemed h who value (rood health, Its licnelU'lul VIIOVUI BTO uuo w luvk, vnilb 11, iri tile rr Mttindv Utlitt'h nmtitolftii liiti,-,t,.l .... J . . - ' . v. , cleanlineb without dubllltutlnp; the organs on which It acta. It ia therefore all'lmportant, in order to got Its bone tlulul effects, to note whon you pur chase, that you have the ireniiiiio arti cle, which la manufactured by the Cull fornlaKif Syrup Co. only and aold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is rcfrulur, luxutives or other remedies are then not needed. It afflicted with any aVtuul djSHoo, one may be commanded ,Vo; the mistikUlfu.l physicians, but If Id need of aluxntive, one should have the bent, and with the. well-Informed evcrywherOji'liip U ltra stands niirncsi ana is up lurfi Kd and gives moat general utUfuct 3 ()R PEOrT.fi THAT ARE turn i iruovjtiklln nth Ou.Tlnnsto Only on for i Hold by Drusslils aaipiM pisllra fr or. Man.ko MM, DH'Tl'ltB nfl'H,KiciiriHltnopt.f Jli cureii; senu lor ihhik. lilts. man FoKTiai'lti.n, tuis Market Ht Man Fmncl OpIUr.fDRUNKENN VI IWItlC.rJ U 101.B0 ll.jk Sol Van. PR, J.k.BTtPHlNS, U. Tou will find one couti Inside each two ouncei andtwooouponilnald' Av fourouucebm(ofDUick)i ' r,...,.. n .... . ' ' Auruaiu. uuy a oag oi sj - i oalsbrated tobacco and rsad the coupon which gives list of valuable prtneuts and how to jet them. 0 I Pi 9 m i 7 ti i t T" itt i r r anm """" m ii -n r- im i aa Rebuilt Gas and Gasoline Engines. FOR SALE CHEAf Hercules Gas ....Engine Works Engines, 1 to 200 E. F. Clary'sThe Fair 812 Wihlngton St,, Po Hand, Or. 1 SB-Knit Woolen Skirts.worth 2. IBe-100 duten Mcn' Gray Wool Half Hunts, wortlv cents. a.SS-UdleV Well Kid, Khoo gii.i.d value. $m. Kid Body Polls, lVio, ale, iifio ail uretsea Dolls, 8c, 16c, 20o, 'M aid 46c. WHEAT. 3Aak hi'ohey by. suo 1 ccKsful speculation ,ln Cliicwto. We buy anil sell wliont thiii.' Min mwhiiin i-,m iiiiiub niive iweii rnano on nw oeuiiiiiing ny. trailing In futures. AVrJ hi 1 nart CUlHri. Rem nt rnfemr. I4nn H.iv. eral VUarM' uxrwrleneA nn Ihu !liiiuiin Moarri nf i rune, mm u inurnugn knowledge of thermal- Of 'railfl IlrnkerR iiiik. 'iuwi nir. , Hopkins & Co., Chicago Board umuea in I'oruanu, uregon, and Spokane; Wluih, MAILED FREE To any address, our ,", , , ttpeelul Prlea Llat of HOUSEHOLD COOPS, ETC This circular Is issued for tho benefit of our country custninerswhocaiiiiotavail themselves of our Dally Special Union. Bend us your ad dress. You will llnd both goods and prloes right. WILL & F1NCK CO., , 818-820 Market Street, Ban Francisco, Cal. FRAZER BEST IN THE WORLD. AXLE CREASE Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, aotually ; outlasting two hoes of any other brand. Free from Animal Oils. OKT TUB UKMJINK. FOR BALK BY OHKGON AND WASHINGTON MRU CHANTS and Dealers generally. "We will Leave It Entirety In your har..ta." ir yon porehssn HKKllfJr.) Has ok Uahoi.ink Kn taiNM, anWif lt'jes nut do all wesny It will, you tan relnrn It at our ex pense. Bend for Catalogue anil Price List to American Type Founders' Co. Sioond and Slark 8tl., Portland, Or, rital it raiu. I I t n tatima. Brno. uood. ma. Bold by dnnumts. 3L N 1 r