The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 17, 1896, Image 3

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: 0 i
Hun Mon Tumh Wed Tliu t'rl Nut
11 I 12
Th jirr
iF 14 T T? j
r 21 22 2:ij 21 j
27 2s "m :to ) :n I
Daily Mall Arrivnls:
Hormt (Irov
Portland, Way ami Kaxlnrn
CorvulIU and Way
p in
I'onumi .
Dally Mall DepurtiiicH:
Portland & Kiinturn via S 1 n in
Port via UIimii'iiii, Lonox iV. Htitliuny
(.'orvullU & Way
I'lirtlaiid & Way - p in
7: Hi
r oroai urove
Piiriiilntrton and Liuirnl limvim at 10:: 0 a
nt and arrivim at 3:15 tu on Tutmduy,
Tliiirniliiy and Nuturdiiy
No Sunday mailt. PoNtollleo open from
7:00 a in to 8:00 p in, except Huniluys.
8. P. Time Tubloi
IiV. Ar.
vorlland a m 7: HI p in HiftO
Odrvalll-i a in H:o in MP-
Portland m H:.'U p in l:0ti
MoMiiinvlllti a in HMIO p in 7: la
W. II. Wclirimn mid K. J.
LyoiiK made n bnxiiiosN trip to l'ort
1 h tid toliiy.
A new unwind machine (orciile
very cheap tit the II il lnltoro Bazaar.
J. I. Knight is confined to his
room with an attack of rheumatism
which is giving liini considerable
trouble. J. V. Morgan in ncling
an bailiff during Ihh iiLhi-iich.
Setfaines Bailey before you
Hell your wool. They are paying
12 cents per 11). for Urol qtiulily.
V. II. Bumc, who is now run
ning out of Taconia bn tho N. 1'.,
the other tlay Kent to W. V. Wiley
a (Inn thoroughbred .Scotch setter.
HThe canine was lost last summer
uy the mike nl Dumtochty when
on a tour of the northwest and Mr.
lurns bought him in at Admiralty
Sieztire sale at Tacotna tho other
lav. . .
Those wisHinV Xtuas cards for
school or 8undajehonl clnsfes will
nd excellent vftlaes i the Bazaar.
V- K. M. Foudray returned Tiies.
't morning from his trip to Cal.
1 w.m :.. i...... !. ..i-.ii. .:..i..
win luniniii ncre inut'iiiiiif ly,
M Brhpk'aji4n antlter
A parly havii g 40 acres of
lnnd with a neat little dwelling
1 hereon wants to borrow ifloO on
:iine at once. Apply at this otliee
ime at mice,
ir particulars
I Don't use
Don't use
riui and obnox
I'HH odoM th
ind offensive
tXywr friends. Ave
Marie at the
I The Crrtnd jury turned in its re
Vjshrl Tuesday nnd was discharged,
i V-OnThos. Conuollv. who was
4t the oily du.ring the Sleeves' trial
lltempti'd Monday evening to de-
art without extending the glad
and of payment to mine Host
orthrou of the "llillsboro. Tin-
tndlord Caught him at, the train
.. i i .i i.i i
iiu miiuB uii! ivooiu ou escape sin-
nder an overcoHt its security.
Please read and heed the fol
iwing: All iersoiin indebted to
ie lirili of 11. W'ehrung & S um tire
I nested tu call and seitle their
ites and accounts at onco. ' Tliis
the last cull, 'lease take nol ice.
Wehrung & Sons, .
Groncoe Lodge, K. 'of P., at
,s lust regular meeting elected of-
fcers its follows for the term com-
fencing Jan. 1st: C. C , V. IS.
ays: V.C.,A.l Lulher; M.of W.,
, P. Cornelius: Prelate, VV. T.
ndrdws: M. of E.. J. Joos: M. of
vfV. P. Freeman; K. of It. nnd 8.,
V. Good in; J. G, A. Gordon;
1 it m . I
jl u. aim irusiee tor inree years,
iP. CorneliUt. This Indue isine
If the oldest nnd siromreet in the
The nl
delicate it
iearance of t
s goods at the
Delta is a
exhibition of
Ihnt beauty
Jeganco at the
resent day
ecu red for a
liere trifle -1
ries of the Century . . - ..
It is reported tin the Grand
urv bus made a speonl report to
lie Coinmissionere1 . Couit, relative
b the bond of the county Treasur-
r, They recommend, so Hos said,
ht) bond b' raised to $50,(Hf), nnd
hat sureties on same be required
,t) 'iuutifv before thu county cturt
ks bail iionjtrrest," as required by
lit statute. The present Domns
totln accordance with law, v
vlyClosing out salts of capes, jhfcVl
NSt and niacklntoshes. SeMi
J... ll m,.l nfntlS for $2, W
t .miBll B .... ""-'
IliBve reduoed
IMstin itiiil'
niir nil wool HAltt
-Laidla U
-T,, nittht8hortlaf.erthefc,'r.'U",''j:,!!8daV evening
- . -i .n;,
midnight llOlir a iuuereni -H.K
firhBll and live Buccessiye shots! I hotographs will bo made nt
from revolver brought out a
inembers of the componv lV. Ti f;
scene of a ftre on 32nd tttl MuUi.oTP seo our sumples. Hours, 8:00
mah street where the Traveler., to 10:00 p. ui.
Rett Hotel in located, The esUVMrs. G. V. Phillips, of Salem,
Uubr were chiefly in the city the first of the week
W tliA 00 t. Ttnfl
-.'AW euhi.. l'iaT,?-T
. ri.Tn ill in
(Vrtu lite r n
. Ule an
. 1J n
! II,. - ,!
"B '
.- -ii
ii "enl.L' lira .7"
e 111 " Pestrv
1. eje Bjyngl
Mm. Sarah J. VYilliiiinf, and'
family denim to in this way thank
their luiinv friend who Imve as
Hinted during the illness ami demise
of the hliwlmnd and fMln-i', I,. L
Williams.. The kindiy cervices of
the l.O. O. K. receive 1h- eHpueial
gratitude of family and ivlutiveH
Eighteen or twenty solnml
imiieM if live Miss Maggie Nmthroii
" np'M';''lv evening in !
"i ii n i in i i in i a v. i in' t'vt:-
hing win ihorniigliiy enjoyed by
ill present, the more ho bii'itiMe the
surprise huh ci'inplele, the hnstfts
having no idea of tli viit.
The llillsboro I'-aziiar bus a
Christmas "nd" in another column.
The Bazaar line a tine stuck and
wants 10 dhpnstt of it.
The Buxton Mnehetc says:
"Bill 8y ken, of the qund'ant, came
into town vt'B'oiilu v tninning,
i i .:.. i. .i
nun uriiiiojf i hit jtovm i' inriii. ii;iii
won the land cut, proceeded to till
up on niouii'ain new. no men
Hold bin claim for !j 'i 'U nctciitdi and
H'aiteil for Havana to challenge
f I n . . '
then 1
t I M a. . I i
V ever to a four route bunt, dim
. , li t .. w 'hinki'v.
K. U. Miller, the Seeoiid .Street
Barber, atill conliiiiies to give tlie j
best shave in t lie cil v for onlv ten
centij. When you want a good
luiretit or a shave give him n call
-I). M. C
ill, lit -
dault. publisher ,f;
Illi) luuepeudeliKleparten lnnl wee
for-Fresno, Cal. whither be went to
visit witli a daughter. His visit
will hoof short duration.
A hiirdsome nnd complete
stock of jewelry at L. V Berckmoes
The Sleeves' trial is about over
The evidence is all in and W'edni'H
day the state opened its argument
before the jury. I he case has been
a closely contested one hy counsel
on both sides and the closing ad
dresses t the twelve men who are:
to give their verdiot are listened to
with bated interest. District At
torney Cleetou made the argument
for the state and he was followed by
Jas. McCain and M. L. Pipes for
thedelensn. ' This morning McCain
finished and then Mr. Lord will
close the case. The jury will very
likely get cane by night.
Here is a v'haiK'e "r -ill. Those
who make a f0 centiurcba-e will
be given any 5 tvntarticle they
choose at the llillsboro Bazaar.
The K. of P. and Baihbone
Sisters of llillsboro tall; of having
public installation.
Tho KG I'M elected officers last
Thursday evening, With but one
or two exceptions the same were re
elected. "
--Our prie are liiWerrthan the
lowest in Cejiulni'l Toiledeases, A u
tiix'sph Albums, Mirrors, and etc.
W. K Brock.
Pal Powers, well known in thU
county, having at one time lived in
Cornelius, was in the city from
Portland the Inst of the week,
,I. V. Corey canie in yesterday
from Greenville to reMtrt today as
a juror, lie says tireenviiie i-i still
the same thriving lit, In place.
The roadtvav next to the west
aide of the Brviii.-I.aidtuw store is
lining planked for the .convenience
of custom !. with te mis.
When youi(e looking for
some'. hing nice fo Christmas go to
An old gentleman from near
Scholia was last week brought be
fore the county court on a charge
of insanity. He w ill be kept under
medical treatment for a lew days
to await developments.
; -The Wgest slock t Perfumes
in the oityXat Brock's
- .
Tho social and entertainment
given bv the Eastern Star in the
Mason's Hall last evenim; was we
attended and nn excellen't program
was presented.
II. Farnhiim.of the Meek Plain,
lias Uam very ill for some time and
is not expected to recover.
Bob GreeVv,aljays has been
and is now the ch&HjH'St on Xmas
candies and mi,-.
"Rlinrtv" fliirrnl ulll of the
... '.-pfira in iiio icicwfs
m 'V H"i city R ev-
V , i ""sin wnsattS'
rillll Ill'tllUll II I tl. ! Dltll, ! I..
. ,. ..v owi.ic .fun;, . j JWt!
wassoniettung locking. Cai0 ,, ..... :. ii , .
iiiiniiitib nani nitiiMivii, lie la )n
the cooler lor attempting todefraud
a hotel man out ot his hoard bi .
Piov. JS. C. Cline spent Wednes
day ii the metropolis on business.
FincsKsWk of tildes nnd eifi
books in th) citv at Btock's.
The ineuibers of the llillsboro
- CaslBeed & Cornet Band made their
ader. W. J. Wail, a mx-sent of a
ofl0')"" imvuiiK..
few f opera Ivotise at night as well as
tHL.endant nLJM funeral nft, her
i r i h
h made by
lie opera house are
$1 per dozen. Hours.
to 10:00 p, m.
ginlhratcUi J
ea a .useful
est styles in
ft wear call at
presl Grove.
HIIH'W lriV'Cl
1 1 .
The South Tualatin Creamery Rum
With Two Tin UHand l)oll.irs Lhhm
Will IMiuild nt Onr.e A Hale
Old Ki tiiuekinn, Henry Tucker.
The wbeelH of litigation move
hlowlv and JiiHtice tmmetime.4 goes
ilHtruy. but more than one quadrant
settler lalieves that life in worth
j J vl II CI
l( it1
since Monday's decision of
j. . ..i:.. ii :..f I....,: 17. .n..
oiiior (ihipih; Viuci uuniice ruuer,
at anliini'ton, 1). C, Mondav of
.'lin l-. IfllllliT lllllllll. 11113 Vllllll r
,i ,i , ., ,r, ...
deeiMon that ibeO and C. and Ore.
, i -i i i i i
(-ciitittl railroads had no claim or
title to the qnadrHiit laniN a larjje
pm of which are in this county.
These lands were settled in kihI
faith by homesteaders before the
land went into liiiu'ittiou ami a few
' I'iili (1 f'tllM t lll .! I I t'l 1.1 ll !.!- 1 ..I It IliLl
'.(ill' ll i Hi laintain v 1 ' 1 1 I ill 1 1 1'
- .,.) ... .,,...(,,,. ,., luA...
I il f 1 1 - 'CI...
II. M n ,-l.ll.MI JI llt.Ml Jmili ill.:
case hung lire for several years, once
being by the U. S. Circuit Court at
l'oriland decided in, favor of the
government The railroad took the
ca-e to the Circuit court of appeals
and this decision was reversed. The
government took the case to the U.
S. Supreme Court 'with the result
that Uncle Sum hold. the title to
over 20I),UUO ujrcB. In this county
and adjacent there are some four
or live hundred settlers on these
lands, who are made hupny that
they on n iiejw exercise their riuhl
of homestead Those who have
paid the rail mad for lands will get
i heir money refunded. Thidis wel
come news fir them.
Grand Jury Report.
In the Circuit Court of th s stale
of Oregon, for Washington county.
To Hon, Tims. A. Me Bride, Judge
of the above entitled Court :
We, your undersigned Grand Ju
ry for the Nov., 1S96 tern of said court,
beg leave to present this, our iiuul report,
and respectful') represent that we have
carefully - investigated all charge of
crime presented to us or within the
knowledge of either of us and have re
turned into this court 18 true bills and
5 not true hills.
. We visited the county poor farm and
found il well kept and in nood condition,
Hut would recommend that the dining
room ol said poor farm be not used for
a sitting .mil smoking room by the in
mates ilwrol. And we would further
recommend that the graves upon said
poor farm be in some maimer fenced
for 1 heir protection. .
We have visited the county jail and
the same dees not in any manner meet
our approval, and we would respectfully
recommend that a new jail be built at
this time, for the reason that building
material and labor are cheap, and a new
jail building would not at this time, cost
nearly as much us the same building
would have cost two or three years ago.
lint we find said present jail as well kept,
and in as good condition at the present
time as the facilities thereof will permit.
That we called to our assistance, as
experts, N. Macruui and William Moore
to examine accounts ol the uilkTciU
county olliduls. who have made report
to us that they have found them correct
urn! with balance on hand as per state
ment made to ns by them, .which state
ment is annexed to this repjrt, and
made a part therof ,
We have visited the offices of the
County Clerk, Sheriff. Recorder of Con
veyances, Treasurer, Assessor and Sur
veyor, nd found the books of all the
said officials neatly and pioperly kept
with the exception of the County Treas
urer, and we recommend that the Coun
tv Treasurer start allof his accouiitsanew,
from Ian. tst.and that thereafter he bal
ance all of his accounts the first of every
month, and be more caretul in regard to
errors of charging sums to the wrong ac
counts, and charging accounts with wrong
We found all of the county officials
courteous and kind, and also find new
systems and methods arc in rise in the
different offices, w hich improve and aid
officers to expedite business of the coun
ty. ,.
Ami now, having completed our labor
aftera session of idays.we most respect
fully ask your Honor to tie discharged.
Dated this 15th day of Dec, 1896.
J. R. Bailev, Foreman,
and D B Roe. C L Rosander, V. H Pur
diu, l'rank Sell, W S Ingles and J I Wa
rner. - '"
The experts report of the Treas
urer's office is not very exhaustive
and the debits and credos, when
balanced, do not correspond with
the amount of cash oi hand. Ac
cording to these, the 'Treasurer h;is
on Wnd $1034 mete than there is
demand. The cb on hand, how
ever,eorrespoiij with the cash book
and is, viz 2915.4S in the
bank and 432.20 in warrants the
equivalei'of cash. In a few words,
at tho ti'iie of experling, the Treas
urer hvil on hand, cash, lp2!J15.4H,
the came balancing with his cash
booi';. but the amounts to the cred
it of the several funds show only
$2313.63. This leaves a discrepancy
of of $1034 so far ns the total of the
funds isconcerued. . The figure bal
ance which is not there was not
found by the experts as thev sim
ply struck off a copy of the Treas
urer's receipts and disbursements.
The public will remember that
the County treasurer Iiob accounted
for every dollar of his keeping. The
trouble is,- the balances to the ered
it of all funds, footed, show $1034
lees than the actual cash (in hand,
so, if 'he charges and credits made
ly the experts lie correct, Mr. t,ady
would have 11 drawdown of that
amouiit.,. But as his cash book bal
ances with cash on hand the trou
ble is not proper credit to account
or accounts. Tho experts should
have found out to which Particular
fund thin ?10."M nhould be credited.
The botdtH of the Treasurer's olliee
badly need systematizing and there
would be no trouble.
An A nous reporter yesterday
sient several hours on the Treas
urer's cash book and general fund
account, checking each dollar re
ceived and paid out. Deducting
from the credit side of the ledger.
(ilii'h nitmliritu iiw urA tint. Pfiti tr
c,'"k , !Hvm...l. the balance of
I general lund eoneHiondH w iihlbe
amount of cash on band w ithin a
very few cenls which could be
foil ml by clone analysis. By this
balancing the countv fund will be
swelh'd to about double the amount
the experts have charged against
the Treasurer in their report. The
Treasurer is now remodeling his
books and will take bis balances as
left by the former comity treasurer
and make a set of entirely new ac
counts. Mr. Only seemed very
willing to help'THE Akgub and pro
duced vouchers and stubs for all
cheeks and receipts, which tally
with the various other 'nttics and
bis own accounts. The only trouble
was in the general fund and the er
rors made could easily have been
made by those who claim to be
good business men. Of course be
feels the censure given him by the
grand jury, as would any one. 1'h'
experts, the Treasurer ihiirk. did
lint treat him exactly right, and he
.-eerns to think that they did not
understand iheir business quite as
well as they should, or they would
have told to which fund the $1034
should have been credited. Mr.
Cady says his books are open to
any reputable citizen and he invites
inspection. Heat least ' has the.
satisfaction of having kept his cash
account in excellent order.
Creamery Burned. '
Last Thursday evening, about
midnight, the South Tualatin
Creamery was burned, eillaijinga
Iocs in the neighborhood of $2000
to the owners. The fire was the re
sult of a defective flue,.' which that
dav had set the wall on fire. This
was extinguished, or .was. thought
to have been, and the Hue repaired.
Some iye coal must have been
slumbering in the siil, or wall, fi
nally breaking into- a blaze, with
the loss of the building' The cream
ery was daily making about 200 lbs.
ol butter and while, the owners are
rebuilding, which is now . under
way, the patrons will - take their
milk to the Fahninglnii institution.
In about three weeks the new build
ing will be ready for business.
Messrs. Kd. Hchultnerich, Julius
Asbahr anil others twn'ed the busi
uecsiiud it was located on theSchtil
merich farm south of, town. : T-hese
gentlemen are lliorougu business
men and their success ot. the past
is a gtniran't v that 'even a "-.'J'itJMO.
loss will no" deter theni. frp.ia.t fu-.
Mire enterprise. ' ' ..
Kentucky's Native.
Henrv B. Tucker, father of Coun
cilman Thus. Tucker and a resident
of his hou( cbold,celebrntcd hin92ud
birth anniversary Saturday, Dee.
12lh. The aged gentleman enjoys
very good beaith and ge,i around
quil sprightly. He reads the news
pn pcrs clearly with the aid of glass
es and takes great interest in nation
al nnd public affairs. He is a
strong partisan on the McKinley
ridi of the question and was Im
mensely pleased when the returns
cante in in November.
Mr. Tucker is a native of Adair
county, Kentucky, and comes Ironi
a family noted for longevity. One
of iiis brothers lived to the mellow
age of 100 and Mr. Tucker hopes
to have three ligur, carved on bis
head stoiie. As he is in good health
and is not declining at ail, his
hope will doubtless be realized. He
came Jo Oregon in 1852 and' was
one time tho crack shot at turkey
shoots in this section, 'V-cn outclass
ing Thomas, ids son. :
Saved TllcirSon-
Hartford, Wash., Sept, 25, 1893.
Mr. L. Wilbur, Snohomish pity.
Dear ir: We wish to add a .lestir
... e ... .... - it'-ot...
tnoniai in mvov 01 your w )vk
Blond Furifier. two years ago-thiit
sunimer our son JUnest, .ageil. lq
years, became affected with chronic
eczema caused ny . impure Dlood.
We secured the services of the best
physicians, and all agreed, that
ids case wasliopeless. After spend
ing a huge amount of money, this
way, we concluded to trv vour rur
ilier, of which, live bottles complete
ly cured him, and eradicated every
taint of the dreadful disease. When
he commenced taking your medi
cine' his Itody and limbs were liter
erally covered with large ugly sores
and the muscles of his legs had be
come contracted to such an extent
that the poor boy was almost bed
ridden. Last year scrofula symp
tom appeared again. ", Wo immed
iately ordered a few bottles and
gave him. Now ho is perfectly
sound and well. We cheerfully
recommend the Wilburs Blood Pur
ilier US being the lest, blood medi
cine on the market. It should be
kept in every home. Respectfully
yours, ;
Dr. A. II. Kddy, '
Charlotte G. Eddy. .
Note Dr. Eddy is a retired phy
sicium well and favorably known
throughout this seclio.i. A testi
monial coming; from such a source
speaks, volumes for the etliciency of
Wilburs Ulood ruriher.
Rubber boots and oil clothing
atbchulmericu tk Bon.
AN estimate: in
ioUnd numbers
County Paying Interest on a Goodly
Sum Large Amount of Delin
quent Taxes Which are Son-Col
lectible Circuit Court Expens
es Yet to Come.
G H Wilcox 69.00
J A Imbrie. : S3-3o
A B Cady 50.00
E 1 McCormick 178 50
W 1) Bradford 276 50
Craie, School Sup't 74 35
1 1' Miiriin ift CO
j . --
J M Jones 16.50
Glass and Prudhomme '5-75
Hiilshoro Tub Co ia.35
W E Brock 7.05
The Argus 5.00
Wm Pointer 1. 20
RCave '..".' , .25
N A Barrett ' 30.00
Hillsboro L & W Co 36.14
WE Brock 11.25
J C Clearwater. .. 1. 00
John M Miller 2.00
E B Sappington. , . . .' 22.10
Cap'es & Thomas 2.25
Bryan Laidlaw Co. . .". 3-t.oo
W U Hare
60 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
Ed Hall.ast
A O.sen
Rosa Frost
Mrs Reuter
John Northrop. . .,
Geo V Patterson
Wiley & Dennis
W S Hudson
1. 00
Caples & Thomas 10.85
Wm Frazier
John Northrop
R Waggener
RW McNutt.
W M Jackson
Albert Dethlefs
5 00
Constable, Justice amj'itness .
fees in J P court. 150.40
D B Reasoner-
Thos G ToiK
S W sseciye .''...'
R Cave....-
V M McCleod & Son .
l)avid Smith. . :
DC Stewart :...'..
M H Shipley
Patton Bros.
Mrs V T Buxton.
Andrews Lumber Co
Wiley & Dennis
Williams & Redmond
A L Stephens
Chas Hiatt
H L Smock.
C V Hendrix..'
W D Hare
Ja Youmr
C W Hermens v
L G Wtidewitsch
L, E Wilkes r,
Isaac Leisy
J H Powers ,
Cass Garrigus
7 80
14 02
9 80
1 -5
5 5
9 20
How The County Stands.
It is of interest to nil taxpayers
to have some idea of the county's
standing relative to its debits and
credits, and Thk Anatis, hav
ing been importuned by some of its
subscribers, has made some inquiry
into I he hooks of the various offices
and lipds, barring slight errors and
and omissions, the following eon-
lition: (round numbers) The county
had warrants outstanding and or
Jcred drawn, Dec. 11, 1890, in the
.1... 1 -.Mv 1. .1 .
sum 01 .Tol.ow. 11 owes uie
state 011 baclv tax, $7.1-13.08, exclu
-ive of interest. To onset this int
erest hearing debt, as neurits could
ba ascertained, there was about
$1200 in the hands of thu treasurer
which could be applied. Besides
this, there is-a-bout $4500 back on
Celluloid, Albums,
A Full Supply of Toilet Articles,
Perfumory, Patent Medicines, Etc,
i he Largest Stock in raiiigtoii County
at Prices to Suit Kvepy One
Before Purchasing Elsew here Call on
J. C. Clark,
Low prices rule;
Come and Examine our Large Stock of
Holiday Goods
Including all the Latest Designs in
fMlnlniil PflMftliiin (ta 'and Mplnl Prnk-.
Gift Books, Bibles, Xmas Cards, Perfumes, etc
W. E. Broc.,
the 1S30 tax There i-. due the j
county mi delinquent Uses. 1111 -'.
the year 1S, nearly $40.000, ' bu t !
onlv a small portion of this will ev
er be collected as the greater part
came in under, the old mortgage
lax law. The county holds tax
titlu deeds to several hundred dol
lar's worth of tux lands, probably
lets than $o00. Tho gieater part
of t'nis, especially where the lots or
laiidn are worth more than tho tax
es and costs against them, will h?
redeemed before the three years
will havv expired. The state tax
for 18'.)G Hould have practically
been liquidated but for the apnii"-,
cation of a remittance of $(1700 to
thu old back taxe of several years
ago. The reWttfince was made
with tho intent by applying same
to the ' tax, but it 110 special re
quest was made, the state treasurer
applied it to the old inoVhtedue.
The legislature may tl'is winter
pass a relief bill remitting the old
indebtedness of the several counties
by virtue of the old mortgage tax
law, a::d if it do, this county may
be able to get the sum mentioned
applied on the 1896 tax. ,As th..
matter now stands, IState treasurer
Mtlscbam last spring wrote Mr.
Sappiligton the credit would lot i
The present Warrautindt bledjess
is arrived at by t e foiiowifig fig
ures and they are comparatively
correct : V. "
Warrants tmti landing
Oct. 1st $25,17'l.i!5
October Warrants $1934.50
November . ' $2708,29
Dec. waran'ts. drawn ami
ordered up to the 14i h'. 1633.81
Warrants redeemed, $874.35
Cash in county fund
to apply on above 1200.00
. $2074 35
Dec. 14 totst warrant iu-
debt.d'ness...,-. $29439 20
To the above will be added the
expenses of the- present. JUwni' of
Circuit Court, but this' will not be
vey large as Multnomah county
Will re-imburse for the Sleeves
trial. 'Probably the warrants to be
issued against this county's indi
vidual court exjienses, grand jury
and all, will run very close to $2000
The delinquent taxes, the court
hotlse and jail and the poor farm
constitute the county's assets.
Sixty Dollars Refunded.
This paper last week published
an account of the employment by
the grand jury. of two experts to
check up the county books and
their receipt of double the implied
contract price by misapprehension.
According to the jurors who spoke
to the analytical accountants, $2.50
per day . each was to have been
paid.' When the bill was audited
by thu grand jury's foreman, the
word "each" was overlooked and as
a result the county paid $120 and
mileage for 24 days labor instead of
$60 and mileage." The Argus was
subjected to considerable criticism
for having made the mutter public
but it gave both sides a hearing in
the article and has nothing to retract
Subsequent to the publication each
of the experts refunded $30.00, if re
ports are true, and the matter has
been satisfactorily settled. The af
fair caused a great deal of comment
ns all parties concerned were quite
The matter of amount per diem
for such work has been discussed
by many lately and it is hard to
find a business ni who will say
lhaO$5 00pef day is too much for
competent work of this kind. This
does not enter into the merits of
this cuB3, if, as the grand jurors as
sert, a specific amount was agreed
-Richard Connell was in I In
eity Tuesday and reports that Con
uell Bros, have not sold their wheat
yet. They have over 5000 bit.
stored in the warehouse at ihe de
pot and think the cereal will yet go
higher in price, and certainly no
Scrap Books,
All Kinds of Celluloid Work
Boxes, Christmas Cards, Etc.
The Widc-a-Wake
beiore Buying Elsewhere
Pluenlx Lodge No M, K of P meet ,
Njt on Mondav evening of each Nk
nffjf in Masonic hall.
Plionecia Temple No 10 meets on the lee- v
ond and fourth Kriday of each month '
in .Maaoiiit- hall. -
;;x-s'- Montezuma Lodge No SO I O O
"3H5iS? V meet every Wednesday ev-
ening in their hall.
HillslHiro Itehckah Lodge No 54 meet in
Odd Fellow a' hall on the third Saturday "
of each month. -
Tnaniy Lodge. No t A F A A M
meet every .Satiinlny night on or
after full moon of each month.
Tiinlatln Chapter, No HI, KuMern Star,
. meets second and fourth Tuesday iu
each mouth at MaHoiiie hall.
-L't, Uillsboi-o Lodge No 01 A 6 U W
3.1 ,MW't every second and fourth
'!SSJ Friday in each month. '
. .
5 iVaHliington Kiicumpmenl No 24 I
" u i meets on secmia anurourtii
Friday of each month.
.Hillsboro Lodge No 17 IO(J T meet
111 orange tiall every Haturuuy
nillNlro Grange No 73 P of 11 meet
iml uinl -i.'i Jmiuriluvs at U 111.
ViiilaTeiu, .No,. K o f meets in Odd
ryllows' ilul! oil S-rtM.l and Fourth'
1 liurwlay evenings 01 rac'.i month. '
Hubywmbly, No. an, United Artisans
meet hrst uud third l usdav at Odd Fel
lows' ball.
! Kunsom Post, So m. OAK meet
IOO F all first and third fcuturdav.
In Moigan Block,
Ulllnboro, Otvob.
Itiysiclan, Surgeon and Acconcher
Oilce In Hillsboro Pharmiwy. Kesl-"
dene aoutn-weat cornor llassline and
Becotd. AU calls promptly attended day
Ofliee at Residence Kast of Court House.
A. B. BAILEY. U. D. S.
Rooms 1 and 2 MorKitn-Dailey Hlock;
Sureeon Southern Paelfin Hull
Consultation in Treiicli or Englinh. OlDc
nd resilience south ot Mam nar 3d U,
Conveyancing and fine map work
Limlnay Block, two doors north ot th
postoflice. Beooiidit,, HilUboro, Or.
ooin 1 A 2, Shute Bloc, over Greer's.
I.ocul Agent Hoyal Insurance Ccnifuny
Notarial Work and Conveyt..iciiig.
K 001ns ti it 7 Morguu lUk., llillsboro. Ore.
lioiifli (S Dread Lumber
Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc.
Cor. 2i
Newly Furnished
and Renovated.
A first-class table and
all accommodations
for the convenience
of guests. , . .
Notary Public . . .
Loans, Collections . .
General Fire Iiisurum-o nnd Loan Urokcr
Send for free sample and judjjt thereby.
Doth n -g iK
Per Year
Cash in
'' Ti e Enquirer is a 9-column,
imgo imper, issued encli iThursdny.,
Lnrgest io size, cheapest in pricV,
most reliable hi news.all large type,
plain print, good white paper. If
our reader wantaiiother live (aper
the Enquirer is that paper.
Call or send orders to. "
Argus Pub. Co.,