The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 10, 1896, Image 4

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'Wit vt"-nvm, " " w w-
i mure car in business and how to ap-
r remedies fur th stringency of such
' i . -t. With more care we will have less
, .eoidents, and much U-ss suffering if we
know the true remedy. In the lie Id and
A and bruises happen and brine the hard
time f Jin and safforinij. Experience
j teaches that it is always, best to get the
bt remedy, which is the cheapest in the
- e U liXwricnce points to ht. Jacobs Oil
without question the best remedy for
i, .ich mishaps, being the surest and iironipt
Mt cure. Hutfering brings hanl times
r" even In prosperity. The best remedy for
' ; It is tM aurmt way out of them.
" ' immense deposit of asbestos have
, been discovered in the Ferris rafige of
moontwins in Carbon coop ty, Wyoming.
atanyapoor family that seeks the western
wilda In the hope of winning a fortune, Is pre
served from that insidious foe of the emigrant
aad frontiersman eh ills and fever by Hog
letter's Htomaoh hitters, (o effectually does
. that incomparable medicinal deieuse forliiy
the system stcait!t the combined influence of
a malarious atmosphere and mlasma'tainted
water, that protected by It the pioneer, the
miner or the tourist provided with It, may
safely tneoutiter the danger.
.. There is no substitute for thorough
going, trdent and sincere earnest.
With a better understanding' of the
transient nature of the many phys
j leal ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforloasuiitefforts
'"trhtly direct'' V is comfort in
Vknojyi .Jnany forms of
any actual dis
a constipated condi
fMia, which the pleasant
L family3ative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millionsof families, and is
" " everywhere esteemed so highly by nil
who value good heultli. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes mti
cleanliness without oo,aum
Sljviniine arti-
RTutntfactured by tin Cali
fornia h'ig Syrup Co. only and sold by
.11 reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
v, afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be xjommended to the most skillful
'physicians, but if in need of a luxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
ffigs stands highest and is most hirgely
vted and gives most general satisfaction.
Blood Poison,
Contagious B1ood Poison has been ap
Crooriatelv called the curse of mankind
it is the one disease that nhvsiriatis ran.
not cure; their mercurial aud p
remedies ouly bottle up the p tj
a surely brealrJ"
form, resu fT
ystera,." .;S-Jf
jtf-ominenl a
more virulent form, resif
more virulent
wreck of the systi
Mr. Frank ii.
jeweler at 9 .
Ave., Wash--.rigton.D.Csays:
I was for a lnno
time under treat
ment of two of
the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
but my condition
grew worse all
the While, not-1
withstanding the
Pl fact that they j
'MyW"outhOUar9' '
-"arpeu me inrea
filled witii eating sores; my toiue was1 Dnaer ,ne P?" J,8 , i
almost eaten away, so that for three gneTanoe' 10'000 Kurda ralded the
mouths I was unable to taste any siid Provinoe ol Mamonrel ul Aziz, where
food. My hair was coming out rapidly j they burned and pillaged the villages
and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried tnd massacred the inhabitants.
various treatments, and was nearly dis-
couraged, when a lriend recommended r"oh Would Exclude Our Pork.
S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, 1 1 mass meeting held in Paris,
began to get better, and when I had Franoe, 0f the organized Farmers'
finished eighteen bottles, I was cured j Union, the dealers in salt meats adopt
sound and well, my skin was without s ed a resolutioa in favor of theexolusion
uicuiiau, auu jl uuvc -uau uu return oi
the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life
of misery." S.S.S. (guaranteed purely
vegeiaoie) win cure any case ot blood
poison. Books on thediseass
nd its treat-
tnent.' mailed
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Handkerchiefs for
Holiday Gifts
Are always suitable and wolcome.
Ve have made a specially this li nr. p 7
tjesaon of Handkerchiefs 01 Z3G taCII
and will pay the postage on them to mall
order customers
The lln for ladles' affords choice of
Linen embroidered
N. Linen initial hemstitched
vl.Incn plain hemstitched
t k brio embroidered.
Linen hevstltched
Linen hninjd
1 , Linen Initial V
Krt orders insure agalnsil delsy,
Irom Anlml,oilsvtci -fnm 8K!i' U-"
FOR HAL'fcl B Y TKKoon ANn
"d L;eier gBusrallf. .
sal Housuu bil 'Kt.VM'A' Jrke
, sua, ra
The United States senate began tli
second session of the fifty-fourth 001
grees with crowded galleries and wit';
that accompaniment of activity and u
greeting that usually attends the reap
iembliug of congress. But the cppoi
branch of congress never puts aside it
dignity, and the meeting developed no
demonstrations of dramatio iuterest
The reading of the president's messag-t
was the featnre of the proceedings, aud
beyond this no attempt was made to
enter upon the business of the session.
To many of the fore go representatives
occupying the diplomatic gallery, the
message had special interest and sig
nificance, owing to the part they had
taken in the conspicuous foreign eveuH
to whioh the president referred. Un
the floor of the senate printed oopioa of
the message were distributed, and these
gave the senators opportunity of read
ing. There was a small attendance
after the reading had proceeded beyond
the first halt hour. After the usual
formality of laying the message on the
table, the senate, on motion of Hjle,
While the scenes attending the open
ing of the houBe were both- brilliant
and interesting in the orowda that
thronged ths galleries, and the con
spicuous personages present, the pro
ceedings themselves were dull and
spiritless, being distinctively routine.
The house met, the chaplain invoked
the divine blessing on the work of the
session, the roll was oalled, and a com
mittee was appointed to wait upon the
president, and the latter's annual cow
mnnioation was read. The reading
consumed about two hours. The holi
day nature of the day was saddened by
the announcement of the death of ex
Speaker Crisp, which Turner of Georgia
formally made to his associates. Oct
of respect to the memory of the distin
guished Georgian, the house, after
adopting appropriate resolutions, im
mediately adjourned.
Death In the Tyreneea.
A Paris disptach says that a terrible
disaster has ooourred in the Pyrenees.'
A score of Spaniards, crossing on foot,
had reached Gavarnie, in Franoe, where
they related with apparent remorse
that they bad left a woman, tig;
prooceed, with he;
ountain nasa so that tho
guides were obliged to return to Gav
arnie and wait there for two days.
When they finally reached the ill-fated,
trio, two of them were dead and tb
third was dying. '
The Jury Didn't Bee Him Shoot.
John Thiel, who was supposed tc
have filed the shot that entered the
head of a young girl at a wedding party
in Ritzville, Wash. , has been acquitted
by a jury. It was proved that he bor
rowed the gun, and that the shot was
fired from the gun, but no one saw bim
fire it, and so the jury discharged him
Fatal Ending of a Fued.
A fight between old man Harrison
and his two sons and Morgan and his
two sons, Tom and Caleb, ooourred in
one of the mountain counties of Ken
tucky. The elder Morgan is dead.
Both sons are dying. Both the Har-
rison Dyg also dead
Struck by an Eleetrlo Car.
In Denver an electrio car struck a
oarriage containing Mrs. JohnC. Mont
gomery, wife of a prominent Denver
capitalist, and two other ladies. The
oarriage was wrecked and Mrs. Mont
gomery was bo badly injured that she
cannot recover.
Killed by Poachers.
Count Finiokenstein, an intimate
friend of Emperor William, of Ger-
many, has been mortally wonnded on
his estate. It is sunnosad he was shot
l, - nnnnhan Ho n n
..i-v.i, . j
"cnAV"'owl' wuuuwuwi m Kviiuuuy.
11 ...... . u .. .i -
A Con8tantinPle dispatch says that
nf Amerinan
pdik rjroduots. in view of
the fall in the priotg of swine.
Jumped From a Hoiqi Window.
Mrs. Eliza Cumminga, aged 65, a
Wealthy woman of Hillsboro, O., com
mitted suicide in New York by jump
ing from a third-story window of ho
tel. Tug Edith Burned.
The tug Edith, of Seattle, burned
near Dofttemeyer's point, and is prac
tically a total loss. The teg was act
ing as a tender to a dregder and was
on her way to Seattle.
A llrutal Murder.
Intense exoitemeut prevails in East
St Louis over the brutal murder of
Christopher Ludwig, aged 62, by Harry
Sohroeltzer, ged 28. Schmeltzer struck
Ludwig on the head with an ai, kill
ing him instantly. The murderer es
caped, but is beiug pursued by a posse.
On Ills Way to Mexico. .
Peroival Lowell, of Boston, whose
astronomical researches with reference
to the inhabitability of the planet mars
have oommanded wide attention, is
now on his way to the City of Mexioo,
near where he has erected an observa
tory. He will have with bim in Mexi
oo a distinguished party of scientific
men, and it is the purpose to continue
the investigations in that country for
at least two years, if the climatic con
ditions prove favorable.
Swallowed Morphine.
Lizzie Emerson, a handsome woman,
about 25 years of age, swallowed a dose
of morphine, with suicidal intent, in
San Franoisoo. When discovered she
was taken to the receiving hospital, but
soon after expired. The woman came
to San Frsnoi8co from Seattle about
three months ago. To friends she said
that her husband had died about two
months previously, leaving her with a
little girl to support She oould find
m. means oi supporting herse'f and
child, and beooming despondent, de-
uauvu W ttilQ DO? UIB 1
Old Glory Trampled rpoa by Tarklsh
New York, Deo ?. A letter from s J
American missionary for nearly twenty
years a resident of Constantinople has
been received by Rev. Dr. Strong, sea
retary of ' the Amerioan Evangelical
League, whioh confirms the recent
statement of Rev. Dr. Cyrus Hamlin
with relation to the status of Ameri
cans and the American flag in Turkey,
especially with xegatd to the occasion
when the flag was torn and trampled
upon in an Armenian village. The
letter is dated September 80, and says:
"The rascally police officer, Hassan
Chaoush, who tore down and destroyed
our flag, was caught the Sands; follow
ing the massacre, with f 600 upon him,
obtained from the Armenians on his
promise to save their lives, and whom
he had treacherously given up to death.
Everybody is asking whether Mr. Tor
rill will do anything to vindicate the
honor of our flag, but as yet we bear of
nothing being dona "
Another letter from Constantinople
dated September 80, only five days af
ter the occurrence, says:
"Hasseky, the house which Mill
Gleason and Mrs. Seoleve occupied,
was looted and the servant left in
obarge doubtless lost his life. Men
wearing uniforms headed the mob
whioh attaoked the house and pulled
down and tore to shreds the United
States flag that bad been bung out."
Highwaymen Loot the Office of
Louis Brewing Company.
St. Louis, Deo. 7. Three highway
men, with drawn revolvers, entered
the office of the Home Brewing Com
pany, at 8 o'clook this afternoon, and
held up the cashier, Robert Haver,
kamp, forcing him to hand over f 400,
and then, not being satisfied with the
amount, went behind the counter, loot
ed the money drawers and secured from
$500 to 800 additional.
When the hold-up occurred, there
were present in the office the cashier,
half dozen clerks and several custom
ers. Two of the robbers held the oc
! oupants of the office in line while the
other went through the safe and money
WjjBiJi5wd taken a-il
ucea ropes and
a-teveryone in the
rcquired nearly ten min
utes, and it seems marvelous that they
were not discovered.
Having bound their victims, the rob
bers warned them against making a
noise under pain of instant death.
When the thieves had gone out, one
of the clerks managed to free himself
and then liberated the others. The
police were at once notified by tele
phone. Upon leaving the office, the robbers
mounted a North Broadway oar and
went south when they left the ctrr and
went toward the river. The brewery
employes were unable to give the police
good descriptions of the men.
Plucky Act nf a Woman Who Fonnd a
Man In Her ltooiu.
Portland, Or., Deo. 7. Mrs. E. E.
Liddy of this city, made a plucky cap
ture at 1:30 o'clock this morning of an
aged sneaktbief, who was in the act of
breaking into her house. She was
eating lunch upstairs with a woman,
when she thought Bhe heard a window
raised in one of the side rooms, down
stairs,. and, rushing down, she opened
a door just in time to see a man, who
was half-inside an open window, make
a hurried exit.
The street door was near at hand,
and Mrs. Liddy, who is a muscular
woman, ran out just in time to see the
thief running up the street. The
woman ran after him aud caught him.
"What d'yer want?" exolaimed the
thief, at the same time trying to break
away from the woman, who had hold
of his oollar. "I want you," answered
Mrs. Liddy, as she took a firmer hold
and began walking her prisoner baok
to the house.
A woman in the bouse telephoned
the poliae stition, and when the patrol
wagon arrived, Mrs. Liddy turned her
prisoner over to Officer Nicolai.
Fought a Pitched Battle In a California
Angel's Camp, Cal., Deo. 7. A
pitched battle was fought on the streets
of Angel's Camp this evening between
two officers and Robert Hinraan, the
desperado who is wanted at Roseburg,
Or., for breaking jail and shooting a
deputy Bheriff. Before the constable
bad an opportunity to prepare for Eto
nian's arrest, he broke away and ran
up the street, which was full of people.
The offloers followed bim, flriDg at ev
ery step. Hinman turned and took a
shot at eaoh of his pursuers, but with
out effect. The officers' ammunition
was finally exhausted, and they wore
obliged to give up the pursuit, while
their man disappeared in the darkness.
A posse was organized and sent in pur
suit, but up to a late honr be had not
been found. It is thought by the offl
oers that he was hit by one of the shots.
Spain has fewer daily papers than
any other European country, aud four
fifths of those she has, are owned and
edited by Hebrews.
Bunted to Death,
Washington, Deo. 7. A special dis
patch reoeived at the war department
says the residenoe of Chaplain M. C.
Blaine, at Fort Ringgold, Tex., burned
this morning, and Blaine and his
daughter were burned to death. Mrs.
Blaine escaped. The chaplain went
oostairs to save his dnohter.
Roasting Schillings Best
tea in San Francisco costs
more than roasting other tea
in China or Japan, but it
makes tea better.
You don't have to pay
the difference, though. It
comes out of our profits.
We make money in giv-
Jncy lln nrofite Onrl
ln& UP Pr0ntS- WJULCrl
DLniniiig uompany
tea rranc.KO
The Atbltratloa Agreement Satisfactory
tu tbo Republic
Washington, Dec 9. Secretary
Olney has just received a cablegram
from Senor Andrade, Veneiuelau min
ister to Washington, now in Cataoas,
stating that the Venesuelan govern
ment has accepted the agreement
reahoed by the United States and Great
Britain for the arbitration of the
boundary dispute, and an extra session
of the Veuesnelau oongress has been
called to oousider it. Thus the lust ob
stacle to the amicable settlement of the
dispute will be removed.
The following statement given out
at the state department embraces all
the information in the possessiou of
the department respecting treatment
by Veuezuela of the proposed treaty:
"Secretary Olney reoeived this morn
ing a telegram from Minister Audrade,
at Caracas, in effect that the memo
randum agreed on between Great
Britain and the United States for set
tlement of the Venezuela bound try
question is accepted by the Venezuela
government; that the memorandum
will be published at Caraoas this after
noon, and that an extra session of the
Venezuela congress will be oalled as
soon as possible that the memorandum
may be oarried into effect by necessary
treaty between Great Britain and Vene
zuela. The department also made public the
text of the heads of the treaty, ar agreed
upon between Great Britain and the
United States, showing that the ad
vance publication through the Assooiatr
ed Press was perfectly accurate.
three Men Were Rlow Up
Prairie, Wash., Deo. 9 An attempt
was made here last night to blow up
with dynamite three men who wero
rileeping in the same buiUiug The
men were J. C. and C. L. LaPlant,
owners of a shingle mill, and L. D.
Walters, their engineer. About 'i
o'clock in the morning they awoke, to
find themselves being lifted into the
air. A moment later they oatne dowu
and went Uiruugh the floor with the
bed ia which they had been sleeping,
and the debris of the building fell ou
top of them. The men were partially
stunned, but they pulled themselves
out, and made their way to a neigh
bor's house, a quarter of a mile dis
tant The house was completely
wrecked, with its contents, the tim
bers being smashed to kindling wood,
and the bedding torn to shreds. Under
the floor was a large hole in the ground,
caused by the explosion, and the sup
position is that the dynamite wa-i
plaoed in a bag, poked under the hnus i
and then fired. It whs a miracle thai
the men escaped, everything else be. eg
utterly destroyed.
Crew Went to Rleen and Got
Matters Mixed.
Sao, Antonio, Tex., Deo. 8. A her
end collision between two thronp
freights on the Southern Pacitio ro J
near Waelder this morning, resulted i ;
the death of two engineers, two fir
men and bralteman. Tue orew of thj
east-bound freight went to sleep, whin
waiting on a blind siding, and on wak
ing, thinking the second section of the
through west-bound freight was the
third section of the train, took to the
main track. The weather was foggy,
and the' east-bound freight and the
third section of the west-hound, train
came together a few miles from the sid
ing. A relief train was sent from this city
with a corps of physicians, and the
dead and injured were brough' to Sau
Sensation In a Kansas City
City, Deo. 8. Mrs. Helen
Hartford, of Oregon, na
tional organizer of the W. O. T. TJ.,
created a sensation today while filli ig
the pulpit of the Dundee M. E ohuTch
in this city, by denouncing, in unmear.
ured terms, the acceptance by the city
of a memorial to be erected in the cen
ter of the city to the memory of Fred
Heim, the brewer, lately deopa-ied.
The Heim brothers, who suooeded tneir
father in business, bad drawu plans for
an imposing struotnre, to be erected to
the- deceased's memory, and subsr-
quently tendered it to the city officials.
Today, in the oourse of her sermru,
Mrs. Harford arraigned the city father
for their action, alluded to the mem
orial as a "monument of infamy" and
appealed to the congregation to prevent
Us ereotion.
Flve Negroes Killed,
Little Rook, Ark. , Deo, 9. A spe
cial to the Democrat from Malvern,
Ark., says: "What may be regarded
as reliable information has just been
receievd here that last Tuesday after
noon at a point midway between Cam
den and Beardon, on the Cotton Belt
railroad, a Beotion gang, composed
principally of negroes, with a white
foreman, were engaged in improving
the roadbed when a gang of unknown
persons began firing into the crowd,
killing five of them. The foreman
olaims he did not reoogniza any of the
London Club Raided,
London, Deo. 8. A hundred consta
bles raided the Battenberg Club, on
Qoswell road, at an early hour Sunday
morning, and arrested 160 persons,
including many women.
Great Britain's Wheat Crop.
London, Deo. 8. The Times, in an
article reviewing the offioitU returns,
finds that the estimated wheat orop of
Great Britain is 30,000,000 bushels
above that of 1895.
May Die of Old Age.
San Franoisoo, Deo. 9. The Durrant
murder case came up again iu the su
preme court today, on a motion to dis
miss the order of submission made at
Los Angeles several weeks ago. As
was expected, another delay resulted,
the matter going over for two weeks.
It is impossible to foretell when a de
cision in the case will be rendered by
the court, inasmuch as the case has not
yet been formally submitted, Mean
while, Durrant is threatened with the
frightful possibility of ; dying of old
age behind prison bars.
Beaet with Danger from Wtthoat and
Treachery Within the Camp.
He Is neither a bandit nor a highway
man, a disturber of the peace' nor, 'n
respect to formularies other than the
revenue statutes, a lawbreaker. Iast
of all, perhaps. Is he a desperado. With
in a month of tho present writing a
traveler on one of the Tennessee rail
ways entered the smoking car of the
train. In the rear seat sat an officer In
charge of a "covey" of moonsjilners.
flushed by him ou the niouutnln the
night before. There were twelve In the
party. They hnd yielded without re
sistance to one man, and, most singular
circumstance of all In the South, the
deputy had not fouud It necessary to
put them In Irons.
! At their trial the members of this
party will doubtless plead guilty to a
man, though a little bard swearing
would probably dear halt -of them,
They will beg for mercy or for light
sentences and those of them who prom
ise ameudment will most likely never
be again brought In ou the same charge,
for the mountaineer la prone to keep
his promise.
A venerable Judge, In whom judicial
severity Is tempered by a generous ad
mixture of loving kindness aud niorcy,
and whose humane decisions have
made his name a word to conjure with
among the dwellers In the waste pluces,
tells a story which emphasises the
promise-keeping trait In the mountain
character. A hardened sinner of the
stills, whose first and second offenses
were already recorded against him, was
once azaln brought to book by the vigi
lance of the revenue men. As an old
offender, who had neither promised nor
repented, it was likely to go hard with
nlm, and he begged not for liberty, but
for a commutation of bis sentence
which would send him to Jail Instead
of the penitentiary, promising that so
long as the judge remained upon the
bench he would neither make nor med
dle with Illicit whisky.
' lie won h!n case and was sent to Jail
for a term of eleven months. This was
In summer, and six months later, when
the first snows began to powder the
blenk summits of Chllbowee, the Judge
received a letter from the convict. It
was a simple-hearted petition for t
"furlough" of ten days, pathetic and
eloquent In Its primitive English and
quaint misspelling. Would the goo I
fudge let him off for Just ten days:
Winter was coming on, and his wife
and children were alone In the cabin
on the mountain, with no one to make
provision for their wants. II would
not overstay the time, and he would
"certain shore" come back.
His petition was granted, and, true
to his word, the mountaineer returned
on the tenth day and gave himself up
to the sheriff. He served the remainder
of his sentence, and, after his release,
kept his pledge to the Judge as long as
lie remained on the bench. Llpplncott'f
Stats or Onto, CtTYorToueno,!
Lucas County, )
Fkank J. Chknky nnikds oath that he Is the
senior )iurtnerof the lirm of K.J. chunky Co.,
doing- business iu the eltv of Toledn, County
and Mule aforesaid: mid tfml said lirm will (my
the sum of ON'K IIDNDHKI) HOLLA KM for
each and every ruse of Catahuh that i-antiot he
cured by the use of Hau.'s Catarkh Cure.
("worn to before me and subse.ribed In mv
presence, IhlsSlh day of December, A. V. 1W-6.
i vv-1 Notary I'ltbllc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Is taken Internally, and
sc s directly on the blood and mucous suriaces
of the system. Hend for tcKtimniilals, free.
K. J. CIIKNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
8n'd by driiKHlsts. 7fw.
Hull's Family Tills are the best.
A telephone exchange has been estab
lished in Kioto, Japan, and is raid to
have proved a great success. It is
under government oontrol.
I believe my prompt use of PIso's Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lu
cy Wallace, JIarquettc, Kans., Dec. 12, '05.
Seventy-two races inhabit the earth
and use 8,004 different tongues. There
are about 1,000 religions.
He Walked Behind.
A Japanese diplomat once said to an
American, "When I marry I take
head servant; when you mivry you be
come one." A man who recently vis
ited Japan quotes a remark In a some
what similar vein made by a Japanese
Interpreter. "I sat one dnj," he said,
"nt the door of a dining-room In a ho
tt'l In Tokio where all kind of foreign
ers were staying, and I watched thoni
as they came In. Tho Frenchman
came In with madame cu his arm.
Then the'Engllshman came in so Imi
tating a pompous, self-important per
sonage). And his wife? Oh, she at rue
after him like this (dramattzlngameek
and timid woman following). And the
American husband? The American
husband? Oh, he's not In It. Madam
sails In ahead of him, rind lie Just
walks behind wherever she goes."
Railroad Speed In Germany.
Germany has made some bold experi
ments at railroad speed on the Hue be
tween Berlin and Gorlitz. The best
performance was sixty-five and three
fourths miles, which was twelve miles
better than the highest speed of the
fastest German train, the Berlin-Hamburg
lightning express, which does
177 miles In three and one-half hours.
Ordinarily German express trains make
fort; -eight and one-half miles tin hour.
two ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get thpin... i . . ... .
Paine's Celery Compound Was the Only
One That Succeeded.
The essential difference between
Paine's celery compound and the be.
wildering number of sarsaparillai and
nervines that its success baa brought
into exiBtenoe is that Paine's celery
oompouud furnishes just the appropri
ate nutriment to the exhausted nerves,
and seourely builds up the system
against disease, while the unscientific
remedies confuse and add to the de
rangement of the organs.
Paine's celery compound not ouly
relieves, but effectively and perma
nently cures.
The most permanent and direct oure
for debility, nervous weakness, lan
gour, and a "run-down" condition, is
the strong, reliable Paine's celery com
pound. The rasping, Irritating effect
of a badly nourished nervous system
upon all the organs of the body ceases
when this medioine is used.
Paine's oelery oompouud is the most
advanced nerve and brain strengthennr
and restorer known to medioal soienoe.
The tired, worn-out sufferer, who is
not advanoing toward health, la fall-.
ing back. There is no standstill in
bad health. One oan endure a head
ache or a baokaohe once; one oan en
dure it twice, but the repeated aiok
headache and the constant pain in the
baok and in the region of the heart
must be got rid of. For the permanent
and positive oure ot these unhealthy
states of the body, as evinced by re
peated attaoks of rheumatism, neural
gia, sleeplessness, or kidney trouble,
Cheapest Power
l-i H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gaollne.
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1-4 H. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline.
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1-6 H. F. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
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Make money hy suc
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Downing, HoiikliiB A Co., Chlriign Himrd
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unices in rortismi, uregon.
and Hpokane, Wnsh.
Knitting Yarns lie a
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Ladies' tloorivear welt
Shoes, extra value. 12.40: Ladles' Htmil Itnd
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Japanese, ntiro silk, Handkerchiefs, with Ini
tials, Vks; Ladles' lllack Won! hose, 15c. Mailed
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IWJHP"'1 '' Well,"
an ths Onu Tlm to w.
Only On. for a Dos.
Sold by Unit fists at tSe. a box
BraplM mailt f re.. AddraM
Dr. Bosanka MM. r. Phlla. 1'a.
Many thousand dollars
worth of valuable articles
suitable for Christmas
gifts for the young and
old, are to be given to
smokers of Blackwell's
Genuine Durham To
bacco. You will find
one coupon inside each
there is nothing to be oompared for a
moment with the great discovery of
Prof. Edward K. Phelps, M. D., LU
O. , of Dartmouth medical school
Paine's oelery oompouud.
If you are out of health or despond
ent because of repeated trials of other
remedies, take a fresh start. The brac
ing weather is in your favor.
Here is the experienoe like that of
hundreds of others of Mrs. Lydla M.
Hayden, of Marion, lud.:
"Before commencing the use of
Paine's oelery oompouud I was treated
by many doctors, and tried many rem
edies, but did not get any better. I
named tn ha all lirnlrnn ilnwn t w-a
tired all the time, and my constitution
seemed to be giving out
I weighed ouly 115 pounds last fall
when I oommeuoed using Paine's oel
ery compound. In less, than two
months I weighed 121 pounds, an on
usual weight for me, I have had bet
ter health ever since, and have felt bet
ter this summer than I have for years.
"My little daughter was away from
home on a visit, and came home look
ing as if she had had a hard sickness.
I went right away aud got hers bot
tle of Paine's oelery compound, and she
has had better health since than she
ever hnd - in her life, eats hearty and
is growing fast."
There is no woman, who, in justioe
to herself, oan fail to take Paine's oel
ery oompouud under similar olroum
stances. y
'ii. ei
Kcuuiii uus ana y
Gasoline Engines.
Hercules Gas
....Engine Works
Eoginos, 1 to 200 H. F.
b hi,
GosliMi - '
Par'JinJ, Or.
MMk. A. RUPritRT says: "I annsaclajt tti
tact mat mere i re thousands and thousands ot
the ladles of the United States that would lika
to try my World Renowned FACE BLEACH:
but have been kept Irom doing so on account of
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may have an opportunity, I will mall froa a
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receipt of ito cents. FKKCKLE8, pimples, moth,
sallowness, black heads, acne, eciema, ol lines
ur ruuKunesi, or any aiscoioration or ojsease oi
the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial
expression,) FACE BLEACH removes absolute
ly. It does not cover up, as cosmetics do, bill;
it Is a cure.
Mend for mv book "How to be neautlful." fre
vii niuiiu.jun. Auuiea ail ovuiiauuiuauuu
or call 0D
Room (, Golden Rule Building, Portland, Ot .
Special Terhs to Aoints.
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This circular Is lBsued for the benefit of onr
country customers who cannot avail themselves
of our Daily Bnecial Hales, Send us your ad
dress. You will find both goods and prices
right. WILL 4 F1NCK CO.,
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RUFTCKK and I'ttRS cured; no pay until :
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II In t'.r Bold by dnwglsla. I I
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