THE HiLl,SiU)K() ARGUS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER"' 2(5. 18'. THE A KG US . . .. CALENDAR jSun j'Mim Tuck Wed 'lint r'rl Km" ;l i Is i t i V Tt " I " 1 11 13 1 L M ia j n I is id ) ai 1 2:1 ' C-i-f I iy af I M I L Dully Mall AiTiviil.c Kni-ual (Irnvc . am 7:1.') Portland, Way and Kmsloi n H:M tllnm-u in tentl !orvallU and Wuy - MM J'orlliuul ' - 1I:0U Dully Mall Ifc-ptirttircir. Portland lCuHtirn vlu HV a in 7:l!t l'orl vlu Hlmipnm, l.enox & llelliuny 7.() CorvilliiM M uy - M;:l Portland Way - f m &;).! KuriMt Wruve - - fi:U) J'iinniiiifton and Liinnil leaves ttt KIM) u iii and at-rlve lit IMS p m on Tuoadiiy, TliuiMiliy uml .Saturday No Kundny malls. l'ostnluVii open from 7:00 a in to M:00 p m, except MuinUyit. N. I. Vlina Table: Lv, Ar. "Vortlmid tit 7:1.1 i ui fciO Corvnllnt a in S:,'l p in t.iKt ;T.n tliiml a in H:'iU p in (WW .Mi'Mliinvllle amtttw p m 7:I.H -The average Hillsboro man must lie cxcuumi fur hiii tinir lo usk I - - n III" editor of the Iudeciideiit li:w it feels lo live in a precinct and con gressional dm: till iMitii of which are anarchistic. - Please read and heed ihu fob lw i 11 j: All persons indebted to i In linn of If. Wehrung A Sons are ' requested lo call und seitle their,1 notes uml mtj uiiis hi one. This; is the lust et l. Please take nni ice. II. Wehrung A, Souh. j Tin; City council will meet for tlm last time lift. i- election on Sut- j unlay, Nov. 2Sth. Atlortiev Langh-v was down from I'nrest drove Monday attend- COURT HOUSE NEWS. I'KOUATK. illg ttt legal IlI'MlUSK llOUSC. I Kx press your individualii y ly j J. II. Freeman, of this city, i using Ave Maria, Hi the IK-Ita. j died at the home of hi mother I -Horn, Mnn.lav, Nov. 2-tr.l, o'?r,v M 'or.,inK. For several L (J Walker has bee, anpt'd guar- ' ' wife of (i ll.t.u nr..r Cen- i " . ' 'f " "'ru tiv MaiKirono.tiiH,,n.iii,ii ; ai h vrudu.tlly -ha-l ht-en gelling tlmn of Hn.n at.d .ttaln of Mary , U rv.lle, d-uj-httr. , weakpr w;ipr Jr alkt-r. ThankHKivitijc tiny coince toivuma native of this county and IVrnoiiiil .roterty of Henry Gnrd-! """O' l"'l'l tiii yelir with hut lit-1 wan a univermil favorite. Up to nei eftitteset nll to w idow ttiui lieirs ! tlmnkfnl for. Hut here, eighteen nionlliH aai hit aeneral in Oregon. nmiiMKFt ur (armrK, . heaiih hat) Wit very Rood and he an are ante to imve liieir turkey hilt feel thankful th:it lliiiiKsare no worse. A new new'ng machriir for fale very chiap at thfl IlillBiioro Hanar. a ti..... ... i. ,..i..... ...i.;.. i. ,on of Oervane .11 i ,,m, nt(j,(!tioilH ()U,f UiM1'e a part '"" e8ta,u cl,,H'(1 ,,f rword- of the hill of fare ai the Tualatin, i.,.....i ,.r t .,!..,.. :..,. 1 ..... i..... I .., it .... t i... ..1 j lciltrib "I aj'pi airiTUIII i rilll H' rriri II (V IMIIII llltr IJilir-l, l.l.'ill A praiHeinent of ntiile of Kinnia : ii Hfuch, detieaffd filed und approv- ' ed at $450. 1 Report of K Savagu eRtat'' hIiowh tlmt administrator han allowed cliiiniH to extent of $1514 !)'!. ('hriritniatt ls ;.r! heing placed in chow vviinhnviH very early lliif m'Hson. it the court , heirs' inten.'Kl in Max Hehlintf est. 1 aerosti the Htrod to the alley hack to ok if -I - Approved. of J. 1. Knijjlit tt olliue Ihehirdf Ileal cRlateof Ira I. von deceitned. I . " "e" Kepi wen ti ordered sold on following tenon: ! in tilt; air. Tile) wdewalk on Wathinglon tttreet in front of Mra. I'atteiHon'H reuidontie is heing thoroughly re newed, a iifuuk needed improve luent. - The iCulhern Pacific will, ii in deported, htyon it the West StJ in excellent nluipe. H. Wehrunn it Souh hav jtiht received their fall line of dreitx $oodH. IJon'tfitil to rail and ex ninine good uik) priceH helore Iaiv ing dIbb where, 11 ti they defy all omprtilioii. l -Jnd(je Mcllride in In tliovitv jpr the Nov. term of court; M r. Mo Jlrido ih one ot tuoe who Uiiukh that protection hue more to do wiih Mr, McKinlcy'tt elecUon than the imoney quertion. J. V. Corey, the Green' ille fa vorilc, in pendiiiK a few days in city, and is felting in thttjury hnx. Why pay your money for Wild cat paper when for the same money or Icsh, you can get an good an in surance policy art the world pro 'duces, for the Hume price orient, hy calling on J. 1. Kuighl, llillxbo' ro, Oregon. CongreKsinan-elect TonKiie'n alary will commence npit March. Wtl unleie an extrn M'ion ltd held, fll' will not sit in congress until )xt December. The law provides Wiat congressmen shall receive, mil itry from the March Hucceedini.' fiieir'elctliDn. T 1 1.. :..., f. n..:i.... .:n ,.i 1 iininrnit limir mil 111 1 i. uo t 1 1 nprjold. They sell for cash or pro-rduce-and meet all 'honest cmrijwti- Hon. Farmers comn enced fall plow ing tiink week and if the weather holds ffV will get in considerable fill whr J I Itefure the 1st of Decem ber. J. C. Her w up from Sherwood this week attending Circuit Court. A new assortment of blankets. all styles and prices. We lead them all in best of quality and low est of prices. Come and see ub be fore you buy. If. Wehhuncj A Son. A large number of Hil Inborn yonth were taken before the grand jurv Monday and Tuesday. It is supposed some one was interested to ti lid out w lo re liquor h id been procured which had caused foinel' JvKe minors a varioloid of intoxioti-tion. Mine Il.tst Northrop, of the IJTotel Hillsboro, had a 40 pound Mi Key lor I Irmk-'giving tlinner, tuning his tables today. ' II. Wphi una A Son hnv just Wfiteived a larte line of fall goods (tiel are selling it prig's for cash ,th it t!itn not be duplicated. M in Atratha Powell is attend ing school' in JS Hit Portland this winter. J, M. llrowu bus disposed of hia news business and W. K. Brock will hereafter supply the pettple with mngMitictt and inonthlies. It is quit likely that every hop yard of any importance in thin! and J. C. Her county will becultivated next year, owing to the advance in pi ice. I) ti. Kay and Arvilla K Hal stead have been granted license to wed by Clerk Imbrie. Thirteen acres, halt tinder cul tivation, reft slashed and seeded. Three acres is of beavcrdaiu and swail. Situated close to Base line ro. I between Hillsboro and Forest (Jrove. (Joes at $")() per acre. Call at I his ollioe. one half price to be cash, and one! You wil liod the u-uai iiio if half on lime to bear interest at 8 Xmiis goods ill the Ifiizuar. P''r ct'"'- I Ort'ing to the inclement wetith- IUCi:iT tot'KT ;T the meeting at Shute's Hall last Judge, T. A McBride; Clerk, j. ; lday nil.t was not largely attend- 1 i...i.u. ii.,;r.ffJ 1 1 v. etl ttioi an oiv.iiiizalioii was not ef- was a stout -looking healthy ap pearing young man. Consumption was the cause of his demise Mins Marie Vandersal is in the city from Salem to spend a few days with friends. spent in h-aring motions and 'he! tli-jstsal of equity cases. The grand ' jurv is m follows: J. R. liitiley.i foreman ami S. Ingles, D. 15., J. Wi-,mer, V, L. Kosaothr, Walt-j er Pti'iiin and nnnk Kills. After the venire the grand jury at outre went to its room antl with the as sistance of District Attorney Glee ton commenced its duties for the term. The shooting match e; town yesterday was well attended A. A. Phillips, of Cornelius, Card of Thank. The undersigned take this meth od tif thanking the many friends who their assistance and ,! sympathised with lis in our late ast of! fn;,.,:. ... 1 ,. mij'i- iihi, nv niiif-ii our ot loveu father was removed from his place among us ifecleij. Another meeting will be )ltA lii.Y 1 W Roht Imbrie v John W ilson, ' Ev,.rv,H1,h. i!lltMest.'. i'n public af foreclosu.e; tlefault a.xi decree. ( fuirtl-Bluiul.l tun. out as . there will I. Rrnckler v R M JasersMi. ,e maiiy questions of puMie inter H It Davis v F C Johnson. jest to dis uss htf.ire the winter is (ioodsell vCB Hunnell. over- R Imhrio v Peter and jCatrina! The cheap rates of 12 dollars Abphimalp. cabin and Gdo lars steerage, includ- R II Walker v Joseph Ciwrse, ! '"!$ un als and b-rth are stilh inef-confiriii-t.tio.if. fci'l 011 the O H it X Cos', siean. jt;rslro:ii rnrthind. bleamert leave ' Portland every five davs. Hlivitri,V n.ghn is 'in the city on the 'jury list. Stewart is su preme in his Tuith (hat McKinley will give us good times again. Don't f irget John HrrWi or his line tlf tilothrwc sam-i . .IV pies, l o btft err uy trws otty WlllWHH4eillons. ' The casn of the assignee of t.,...- ..1 .... u I.' M Hughes went to trial yesterday, Uns was thecaso wliich as Iried at a former session of coiirt'tnd wherein eltiven "stubborn" jurors held unit against 0110 lovel headed reaspner, rceulting in;a (lis- agreement. Thosn whhinii Xmas cards for school or Sunday schontclanses will: find excellent values at the Bazaar. Mr.-and Mrs. Sam J. McEI- downei' are the parents of another uov. born November --111). ine young inaii arrived in time to par take ot Thanksgiving turkey. Mltss Pomeroy, of ForeetCjrove is now employed as stenographer in u- law oflice of Oeo R. IJagley. ifV-Musio chitins JitSSUrfW, ft daTnty perfume fascinatet, Ave Ma ria is dainty, at the Delta. J. Freeman did 'business at Portland yesterday. V Mef!rnm. of Forest Grove 'VLand Mr. Moore, of Greenville, are 111 the city and will expert the counly books for the grand jury. J. Vandorwal waB if the city yesterday from Greenville, having !brotigniii a cargo of fine Thanks giving tffit. M-trried: At Fittest Grove, Nov. 'J.'drd, at the resilience of the bride's lather, Mr. Mile. Waters and Miss Rachel M. Patterson. Water pis's were frozen up yesterday morning in several resi dences. From this on care should be exercised in turning the water off over night. Farmers are plowing these Jays but as yet no fall wheat bus been sown. The Y. P. S. C. 15. of the Con gregational church will give a So cial tif Nations at Grange hall, Fri day, November 27th. An interesting program will lie render ed. Admission, It) cents; refresh menu, oysters, etc, extra. Our new line of all wool suits at eight dollars aniTlifiy HMi'ts are bargains. t!J.ill andlgct newssuiis before Thaiiksai vjiig. Only at Bryan l,aidlawU?ii Cash Store. See our one dollar blankets. John Jvarstetter is not going In Arkansas as quoted in last week's Akckis. The rniort crew out of Mr. K a rs tetter having inaile a cver for his wagon, a la "tuairie schooner." He will stay in Wash ington county. Hon. T. H. Tongue attended the banquet tendered Hon. Sol. tlirsuli, at the i'urtla.iu last Sat- airdny night. If you wanV.tfi ee something fine go two doors'iiorth of the post ollice. Call and get. prices before i . .. i . 1. .. . 1 1 purcnasing coming eptewnere. Criminal cases are at a dis count at this term of Court, there being no trial yet 0.1 the docket from thi-eouunty. W. D. Phinney has lteen suf fering from a rheumatic suttke for several davs. f . . Flour is wiry up, .but Wead i yet the same at tin City' Rnkery, and the way to improve thfl other wise good sopper is 10 stmi and get three loaves of nice hot bread for a dime tin your way home, Mrs. Garvin-Stewart, of Glen wood, has returned from a visit to tht east and passed through to her home Tuesday .morning. Ken Hay lost, one of bis fine black 'horses the other (buy. The animal had one-of its leg-i broen bv a. 'kick from another horse and was shot to end its suffering. W. KUroek can now supply tho public with the 'choicest niaga- xinefeand literature. Uuuie and see ibryferself. J. j ......Morgan wrh out from the metropolis the Litter part of the week. .1. M. Partlow was down from Forest Grove rtne oLher day. He states that, W. J. w siill up at Ku plec.'in the bunch gms region. When vou wantan"uptod!ile'' hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave or both, cull at the City Shaving Pal lors. Hot and Cold baths im mediate on 'order. E. K. C01.K8TOOK, Prop. Miller, the Second street bar ber, still continues toxlo tirsPRfliss work at hard times jirices. Shav ing .10 ocnts. Jiest in the city. C K Deichuim v J R Millar. Geo N Driver v Charles Harris. Ringv Lease; dismissed without costs to either party. Newton v Grabel; teport of refer ee confirmed. German Loan Society v W Eis ner et ux; decree ordered. Robinson v Fowler: decree ot foreclosure granted. Patterson v McLejd; decree as per stipulation. Balfour v liailey; default and tle cree. Goodsell v Bunnell, admr; de cree. II R Davis v TO Johnson; de fault and decree. Lena Uuckner v Japersoir, de fault anil decroe. Newton v Brown; sheriff ordered to make deed to heirs. PL Willis v Portland Pressed Brick Co; decree granted. $000 at torney fee. Assignee's p tition to sell realty of the insolvent Barrett, estate, granted. CON KI H M ATJON . Thornev Dhondt. First National Bafik of Hillsbo ro v Hughes. Jamieson v Manning. Hyatt v Cox. Nikander v Hansen. Schiichting v Schlichting. Lanvltert v Hals lead. Driver v Harris. McQuillan v Miller. MlSCICI.IiANKOlSH. Louisa Arnicker v John Arnick- er; clh'orce grunted. M A Danks v F J W'illianiB, as; CMi.stalde, daiuagrt.A; demurrer ov-' erruled and ten days to anstver. First National Bank of HiHsbo-. to v Hughes. Morgan A Rogers; re ceiver ortlered to sell accounts. Estatu t f Klias Newton; sheriff ordered to execute deed to heirs. John Dennis v J J Morgan et al, action for money; default and de cree and sheriff ordered to sell property attached. H10AI. K8TATK TBAN8ACTIOR8. Win Leacli itnil wf to John Armstrong pt bllt 25 K G $413. Thomas J Clark anil wf to Austin Til (U'u 30 a in Pairchilil tl 1 c t 1 n r 4 w Juoo. Vtn L Curtis ami wf to Nellie S Crow 3 a in -VVtn Stokes it I c t l n r 3 w $300. E .A hildy anil wr to Julius u Marli nazzi 14 u in sec 21 t 2 s r 1 w $1010. Thoa J Clark and v.t to Trustees O & W E Church of God .' a near Lousig nontlake$i. Eva R Blank and hb to Belle Watts in of E'.kanuh Walker d 1 c $400. Joint Schleich & wf to E J and Cath erine Schleich conditional deed to 100 a in t 1 n r 1 w. J Giislou and wf .to .Lori 110 Storey Uct of land in Gaston f 100. .Etta B Bill to Ernest anii Eva Everest k e H-mc .19 t I s r 4 w $2aao. jolni Horstmau and wt lo l,oiii&a a MiUr n It 4 blk 37 F G.&as. Allien Wachlein and wf to school ilist 52 small tret in-sec 27 t I b r 3 w 1. Geo X Kititon and wf to Carlton Tup- per pt of D McLeod d 1 c 82 97 a $1. was down this morning. Two men were brought down f.i'in Buxton the first of the week chirgcd with breaking into the blacksmiib's cabin near that place. Remember the Social of Na tions al ihe Giane Hall this Fri ll ty evening. A. H Reaiiics, the Portland attorney has moved to Jacksonville, Southern Oregon, where he has formed a co- partnership with W. N Coivig, one of the best lawyers in that section. Mr. Reames was originally a Southern Oregon man and will get his share of business. sniiirnK? I'lneelt Irfxlgo X11H4, k ntV niMt. cm .-tiLiilav enn, eaen WM in At:iM(.nie I111II. Uoiiei'iu Tvm,itf No 1U ineetn on th. Me- oittl au I toitn.i r relay ui mu-u uionut In 1 U tiH.l. ( Moiiteiuina lj.ile No 60 I O O." V tnoet every Vt ednestlay ev. i-"- eniiiir tit tlitir hull. 1 llillslmro Kelieka.i litlue No M meet lit - Udll I'CltlX. h' null Ml' ttlUU StUlUHj i Ol'tlHUll inoinli. ' 1 Tuality Lodre No 6 A 4 A M ry iiioet every Satutduy iiltlit on or ul'tvr lull moon Dl i'm li uiotith. Tualatin C'hupter, Io :il, KumWui Star, meets second and Iuitli iiiiuiltiy ill euch uiontli ul Manuiiie liall. Hillsboro, Nov. 20th 1S06. J. W. M ICHALEC LOPKMA A Ml KR SON Anna Hoxzaik Fhancks Gheei. HUls'.'oio Lodge No til A O U W ineei every second ana louttu 1' inlay iu eai'li month. t Hsliingion Kueauiptniot No V4 1 mu'Vis on neculiu ami toui(u 01 euch uiontli. XA anhiiigi 11 O f 1 f riuuy Attention, G. A. R.I The annual election of ollicers of the General Ransom Post will oc cur at the Odd Fellows' Hall on the first Saturday in Decern her, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. All members of '.he Post are. requested to be present. e Hillsboro Lod;o No 17 1 U ti T uiet in Uratijo Lull eety ft-.tuiuuy evening. &IlitUbiro Grange No 7a V of it meet M "ud 4i'i b.-turdays at 12 in. Viola Tent, Ao. K K 1 it, meets in Odd Follows' 11.; ,rtiv-it and 1 uurtli Thursday evetitnA i '.i u.ouu . Iluby Atiaeinbly, N. 'Hi, tnited Att.simif meet lirst and liiud 'i uui.v at Oi.c i 1 Ions' llttil. lien Hunsom I'ost, No Wt. U A H 1. n 1 t Grange nil rim and luiid fcuturuu.. DEATH OF J. H. FREEMAN A Lie Nailed. , .Consumption and bronchitis are not lev tw means the same, al though it is'hard M distingtrish onei from the other. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the wind tubes or air vessels i f the lungs, causing soreness of the same, Some few (.use-e of typhoid fov- !co, pi,re t,ruHtt hoarseness, dj e reported 111 -the vicinity of i,tli(,uity ,()f iUroathiaig, piU,ing of er are Laurel Max Friendly, the vveterun wool buyer, was again in this vi cinity thiB wcok, making purcuft eB'for'fais'lirm. Seo Haines Bailey before you sell your wool, They are paying 12 cents per lb. tor nrst quality. The talk-of putting in a beet Btigar-fACtory at -torest Grove and at Tigardvilie should receive agiui lion. Hillsboro is a central loca tion and as we have a creamery plant hete-the two could be easily run in conjunction. -Let Hillsboro shake its. lethargic hwaittwes self and get down to business. t matter iiiid.soinetiiiies blood. Thou sands die annually with this dread disease. Wilbur's Cough Cure will cure. .Pdmo 50 eerite. .Ear. sale hy AV.32. Brock. Dead Letter List. City election is drawing near tnd there is but little notice taken by property holders It is siid that there is strum: opposition to the charter being amended so thai proper'y holders will hate to in. prove the stnets iiuiii.iL'eni .. their real estate, Whether or not this will he an issue i a question. People desiring to tinier jewel rv of L V. BereRinaes for llolid iv gills ate reciucsieti to call al once. The time issimrl until the Hoii lays come, at id all orders should be placed al once so that eiigraviii on rings etc, can be coniplettd in pleutv of time. Come m wiih your special orders. Here is A. chance for Tlue-e who make a cent pitcha-e will be triven an'v 3 eentiwicle tln-v choose at the hillsboro Bazaar. In lb matter of the S'ate vs Bancroft, the grand jury returned a not true bill Ii will be r nn in be red that the defendant was ar rested and held for breaking ini the S P. d"pot several mouihs ago. Mrs. CJeo Sanders, jif , North Yamhill, and a daughter .of A A. Phillies is visilinx with bin. at Corneiiws this week. C. M. Joh.kon, of Cornelius, had the misfortune to fall and se verely sjti'MMi his ami while Ijghl iiyz ibis lamps from a chair one evening kst week. Wm. McLin, last week, killed an Aretieowl which measured live feel, across the wines. This specie of bird is very rare iu these parts and is vry beautiful, being 11 snowy white. The Puhlic school al Cornelius is procressing finely under the management of Prof. Dorrein, Mrs. Darrein and Miss Miller. Judge A S.vcek, of the Port land Municipal court, spent Friday forenoon in the city, returning on therfreight. He was here 01. legal business. The'Oreeon Citv court allowed Mr. J. MUne .14(10 instead ofSl.TO us staled in last, week's Augus. The tni-Kttik-e occurred by an inter pretation ul an Uregonian article which stated llnit the court affirmed the action tif the County Court at Hillsboro. -'Friday last the northwest hail another 2-inch snow f'aU. All day j Saturday it rained and much sur face water was the result. No (I a m 11 go diiie:allhough the streams were kept well up. A few tlays of weather like this and there .will be good skating on the bottom. I. B. Darity was in from Gleneoe this week, an attendant at court. ill. is. reliably reported thai the .grand jury .will atliinpt to lern whether it vvas levk of .nonet or lack of confidence which caused a cessation o'1 .work on the Artoria- (icblc Mad. T1k: .'Metves trial has been set lor next Moiitlnv, Nov. 30th. The cuw has.ell 'cited consii.'erable curi o4if' stil fjlie ituial tvill be largely attnkfl. . Wo wero irt 'Fo'8t Giove and noticed Haines & htiley are al ways busy; they ha,ve seven sales .men and none of thchi idle. The Secret mitt-tt die y carry a large stock and sell 'reasonable. Haines & Bailey at Forest Grove is one of Abe oldest establish ed business hoiMeB in that city antl ds doing ii.iiiiimise business; em- ploying seven clerks. Occurs Early Thanksgiving Morning. John 11. Freeman, well-known in Washington enmity, died at an early hour ibis morning at the res idence of his mother, Mrs. H. A. Deceased wa6 a native of lids county ainlgrew to manhood near this city. His generous im pulsive nature made and held him a large circle 1 f friends. al years he has studied dentistry and was about to take his degree when ill health overtook him. He had been a member of Phoenix Lodge, K. f I'. f r some time. Mr. Freeman had the appearance of unusually good htaltli until last spring ttht n an attack of pneumo nia undermined bis health so that he never recovered, consump tion selling in. Deceased was 2H years, 7 mouths atxl "3 days in age when ht passed to the silent beyond from whence none return Returned From Alaska. D. McCaiiiish ami Andrew Mil ler returned Thursday last from an i.ll summer's visit to Cook's in let, Alaska. In company with Geo. Miller, they left Hillsltoro early last rpring and arrived in the In let late in April. For several weeks they prospected and then came back this way from the Inlet 150 miles where they went to work for a Boston Company w hich is mak ing preparations tit do some exten sive mining next year. They worked for this company for about 80 or 90 For sevej- 'days at tf-3.00 per day and then left for Oregon to spend the winter Mr. McCamish stales that his health has been much improved by his trip. He says there was one little settlement of Russians near where they Inst were, who had farms on which they raised vege tables and kept a few cows. These cows, he savs, are stunted little creiitureK, not. standing much high er than our yearlings. Grass grows very abundant up there and the settlement and plenty of milk and butter to sell. The Blooming Bloomers. When the tireizv blooming b'ootners are'Uinvei'Sdlly live y,o, how will Inilors the creases iu tiiem, uc should like to know . When t!te htiby's head is nodding and it wants lo take t nap, how can mamma hill her her darlttiy in tier bifurcated lup. How can Bridget slioi the chicken with no skirl lu tiup or llin, when the cei.tures a'giui),:,ny iu the garden ia the spring. Rut the question most annoying that our speculations catch can she vie with man tn action when he got to strike a uialvh. Elvira Bug, in Exchange, A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot tage trthin 2 blks ot business part of town. Good fence around lot, good woodshed, and two roon.v closets in residence. Also pump in good repair. Goes R. r $600. . In- qum at mis ollice. PROFESSIONAL. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Iu Xorgan Block, II llUboro, Or ifon. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician, gnrceon and Accouiher ffice In Tllllahnm Vtonnsm dene, aoutn-wert corner iJaaell'n. and Beeond. All oaJta promptly atUudtod dar r night. 8. T. LINK LATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SUKCEON, Ottlcs at Residence East of Court House. A. ft. li.IM Y, I). I). ti. QBN1IST Rooms 1 and '1 Morgan-Bailey Block. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. A Dairy Coimtry. It would appear 1 lint the people of this county are not alive lo the adaptaliility of stsil and cliinate for daiiv purposet.. The most prosper ous tarniors we have are those who are interested in the dairy business. It is just as expensive to keep poor sock as it is to keep goal strains and the difference in the profits of one year alone ill about pay the difference in value between a poor cow and a good didry animal But ter has always a market and if the price is somewhat low in summer (he extra price of winter more than makes up summer values. Where many of our farmers tire running eh at a loss or standstill in raising grains,, they civld be mak ing their farms paying investments by slock in it: then, wiih good dairy strains. What this county needs is a few good co operative eream cries where- pntimns find sale for their product and receive the bene fit of the creamery profit nt the same time. Ttw time is coming when we will have- many of these instilutims. VERBOORT AND VICINITY. Mrs J Van De Zamlen is quite ill Misses Charlotte and Theressa Reiling expect to return to Portland this-week. Mr A Van Handle, of Greeu BayrWis. is expected here soon. Walter Bernurd'saiid Mr Van De Zatt deu's houses are midway under construe tion and this weather is not very favor able for building purposes. V Crop has bought the Boh Walker place one mile east ot ureenvnlle. Bloi 4 Will T1L The many different skin diseases such as ringworm, tet ter, Bait rheum, erysipelas, et zema, itching or an eruption of pimplee, pustules, blotches, chaps or cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are directly t he cause of impure blond. WHbw's Blood Purifier is n-cknowtedgwl to be the best medicine known for any of these unsightly complaints. Price $1.00 per bottle. For mile bv W. E. Brock. JiMS PHI HIPM T1KISSIE, K. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. BorfeonSonthm Pacific Kailrood On. CousulUtion in Frenca or Engllidi. Ofllo and aoulh ot Slain Hour Sd ak. UiUauoro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fin. map work ipaclnlly. Ltndray Block, two doora north ot Ihm poatomc. NtooiKl ti., HilUboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ouBi I di 2, Shut Block, war Greer.. HILLSBORO, OREGON, l-ueal Agent Koyl limarattee Ion wy SMITH et BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveytacing. llootus ti A 7 Morgan Bkk.,, Or. Oil of Gladness. For sale 52 acres 1 mile East of Forest Grove.occu pied by R. M. Breretnn. 42'ae-ies in cultivation 12 to 15 acres ii bear i eg orchard. Good house am? barn. Applvto-R. Livingstone. 224 Stark Street of Portland. G. A. Sanfiwd, of the Celunv bia County News, spent Sunday in the city from St. Helens. MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Bros.. MANUFACTURERS OP Hobiu I Md Lumber Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO - OREGON Cftr.2d4Wts.'tti I Ji. HORTHRUr, Newly Furnished and Renovated. Administratrix' Kotic. NO'ftCH is hereby given that the under signed litis been by the county court A first-class table and all accommodations foe the convenience 06 guests. . . , Washington county, Oregon, appoint cltttiniwlrnli'tv nt rl,,. nctljit.n m Mennv Is ft pleasant, palatable prepar.'l-; Gardner, deceased, ami has duly uuiililled Notary Public . . . L;a ns, Collections ,. . FIRE AND ACCIDKNT 1 INSURANCE : tion. entirely free from all nil v taste.1 " .8Ucl1- A!' 1J""V"1S huving claitn , , 1 1 .' 11 ' : against nam estaw are- mreoy no-, and may re ivtinnnistereil li terna!lv j tiiit.,1 to present the same with prop-l or applied cxtemallv. It will re-; er vouchers to the undersigned! withm six! 11 .1 . .,t ... ' 1; i, ! 1 ' months front date Iwoeof, innveall thai human tiesn is lifir y, Gardner. ' to.'1 if propel Iv tuittlieil, and lrHiflit ' Adiniuistratrix ef ih estate ol Henry (loneral Kir. Inmuance and Loan Broker ' ' r '. 1 iy 1 1 r,..,..J u IJOUI.rx... ,. .,1,1 v I li'iillll'eil tor ""loner, iei;riieu, vuimi IIUtH.iV UI1JIII1 It p.llMll'11 IOI H,u,)7,l, ,l.w ( Xi.w.. I.SHtl. ! o , .' r J. I. KNIGHT, bv W. E. lrie 60 cents. For sale Block. BrLlSBOROr - OREGON Grand Jury at Work. The Circuit Court commenced its November tern on Mmnday monv ingand after the grand jury was drawn, Monday and Tuesday were BOOTS Mailt to Order $5.5Q SHOES Dill Swei $5.00 TWO FOR ONE Wni. Mohr, on Second St. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Dow Send' fcr ft ee antle and Judue thereby. Times are Hard ! if llswrt) ita up And Mil 111 ft Cash in Advance. Siwi tlm ,inm ull.of V V. ttrnoll The followitie is the list of letteK re-... 'mt. ' ' juaining in the Uillsboro post office n- ,' 'VJ sitsi, on tinuuior iclaimea-' . ; page. o0.' , ; .'n Ne'li Phillips, of Corneliue, All tetten not called -for by. D0C.3. j,, Iy1,lnid letter called for. 1 leave her rorm. H. scaPHtaaicH, P M. j Uorn. To lh(; w.Te ff y NVm, Circuit Court adii.urned lust eve- G.toliu; at Gieruoe, a joiiWeBley Aibums Kur. Fuw Liue uf UibLwt m Jiutluced L'rUa s uing to convene Friday uioming. ' Btice fiowdiu, i' ' Eoa't throw Money away on Cheap, Worth less articles, toot go toW. E. Brock's and buy a r i..,a,it TOwlr Vtt o flforarlorri Aiithrvr" frw ft. TTnl- Both uiipjk&i. y iTuia. wj wvu"v. w - jef Year' i tn Tliaanf ftamofhinP" TlfteflTlt, will last A. o o - The Kiiquirer is a cehimn, 8- life time and cheap, uqjne ana inveswsaie. While Stock is Complete Also have in stock a complete line of Celluloid Toilet Novell itB, I paga papfir, issued each Thursday, j Largest rn ixe, cheiiaesti in price, linnet reliable-iii news, all targe type, i plain print,. good white paper. If I ont readers wanit another live paj rj j the Enquirer i that paper, j Gall or send' orders to- i Arg us Pub. 0on