The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 26, 1896, Image 2

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County Official Paper.
The Only Democratic Paper iu Wash
ington County.
BY -
Tke Argns Publish? Compaay.
Mingle eopv tv s lik.
One year,
Bix months I! rout.
Tlime m.mtlis 3S cnte
Oregon, as becond-cla mail matter.
Oregon bl'lH needs a registra
tion law. In tlie interests of pure
eleetinnifrhe next legislature should
paes euch a law. There is no par
tisan tinge to the need or demand.
It in a matter of justice and justice
only. The law shou'd apply to
country precincts a well as to
cities and villager and no man
diould vote at Male or national
elections whosn tonne is not on the
preci ict register in the precinct
whsre hi desires to oast his b:il lot.
It i-t to lw hoped that the next leg
islature ivill have a registration bill
offered. If it is offered," it should
pass. If it be defeated those who
have voted against it can have sev
eral, rear. to explain their action.
Humm nature is-human nature.
The prejudice and splttim exhibi
ted hv one part of mankind to
ward the other part. Thi preju
dice is the great barrier to progress,
individually, or ub well as nation
ally A new idea which has any
thing revolutionary to present cus
toms, at first meets with ridicule
which is inspired with envv-ia not
tolerated, is defined as based up
on theory and therefore faulty and
must be put down. A striking in
stanco of this was given history
when the philosophers told the
world that the earth was spherical
in shape. Learned men denounced
the idea. Priests called the new
doctrine ungodly and fought, it us
hard as some of our divines did the
bimetallic standard in the year
1896. Hut after a time it was
proven to the satisfaction of all
that the earth was not flat and that
so-called 'scienott" had brought to
the world, another jewel I of know
ledge. It seems ptrange' that humanity
should be so bitter over difference
of opinion in this age of reason but
that it goes to extreme goes with
out saying. A decent toleration of
opinion should exist. No great
moral or national reform was ever
accomplished withoutagitalion nnd
discussion ami it has I wen the 1 ink
of toleration on the one side, and
the apathy of European peoples to
strike for the right of frea speech
and a free pres3, that makes liA for
commoner east of tho Atlantic
little better than servitude. But
the worm will turn over there some
dar and then look uut for lively
scrimmages. The age of intoler
ance will soon be a matter of his
As the Oregonian has been un
kind enough to assert that a great
er per cent of illiteracy prevails in
the sections which gave majorities
for Mr. Bryan, it is worth while to
call the venerable editor's attention
to the fact that nearly all the in
dians who voted, were for McKin
ley. There is food for reflection in
this extract from the Chicago Rec
ord, showing that illiteracy supreme
went for MeKinley and one can
draw his own conclusions as to how
those not quite so illiterate as poor
Lo exercised their voting privilege.
Thk Extract.
"The agents reported, too, that it
would be unwise to attempt to
persuade them, because they wt uld
!e apt to go tho other way if they
1 bought any one, particularly a rep
resentative of the government, was
attempting to coerce them. A cen
tury of negotiation has taught them
that they can make Uncle 8am pay
lor whatever they have that he
wants, and if the agents had
suggested that the govern
ment would like them to vote
on way or the other they would
have demanded a journey to Wash
ington, a powwow with the great
father' and an increased allowance
of rations and sniiuitns. There
fore no mte in authority dared at
tempt to use any influence, But
arrangements were made to have
them plentifully supplied with lit
erature and pictures, with which
they were greatly pleasrd. Thoy
took i decided interest in Xhn dis-
. 1 .1 1 1
cttssion, and on the theory derived :
fro-n their own experie-ice that :
sold in worth more than silver they ;
PAMtue gold bugs, and voted for
MeKinley When thr rtstilt wns
lt-arne;i at some of tin? aencieR the
Indians wlioopetlit n) with honl'tres,
war diinci'H, jo fen.-.! anil nil the
other traditional demonstrations
of triumph."
The extract i? from the pen of
W E. Curtis! n (I is tni; ho; native.
From it id derived the rihtrul in
ference that no tii'ti:j.d made:
by agents to have them, vote fur
Hryan and that the a.saults of pin
turea were fr MeKinley's In-ncfit.
I.- it any wonder that the Oregon-
I ian in feeding the democratic admin
about intelligence?
It will be remembered that "Hon
est" John Burdsley, several years
sgo, stole over one million dollars
from the city of Philadelphia. He
was tried, convicted and sentenced
to 15 years imprisonment. He bus
served five years and now he has
been pardoned. The man who
Heals a sack of flour, a pair of shoe,
or a little something to sustain life,
goes to the felon's cell and stays
oat his allotted sentence and conns
forth despised, while social ostracism
meets him everywhere. "Honest"
John will have access to the homes
of the WaiiRinakers, the Quays etc.,
without stint, i'ennoyer has been
censured for pardoniog a poor tliii-f.
Pennsylvania's governor receives
silence from the great daily papers
and ' Honest-' John is a martyr.
To the "uneducated," '"guileless"
and ''unsophisticated," who have
recently received such great on
slaughts from our gentlemanly
metropolitan journals, it appears
that the Pennsylvania governor
has placed a premium upon ''great
grand larceny," while the "poor
thief must be stretched with a
piece of hemp. The Judicial mind
of that governor must be akin to
that of Imperial Scott of the Port
land Bank journal who sees crime
iu poverty and virtue in affluence
Who will be the firt U. S. Sen
ator from Cuba? And who will get
the post otlice at Havana?
The first congressional district
ent for Bryan. How does it feel
to live in an annrcliietic district?
Texas will hove given U". J.
Bryan 175,000 of a majority over
MeKinley by the linn; all votes arc
in and certified to.
Turkey has been deca; itated by
Uncle Sam, hut not on account of
the Armenian outrages. It is all
because of Thanksgiving day.
Banks are failing throughout, the
east since election. Confidence dix s
not seem to do much tow; rds keep
ing up institutions of this kind.
T;iere must be requisite capital or
they must go to the wall.
Tax payers of Oregon are in hope?
the next legislature will let them
down easy. The last session whs
severe on property interests and if
the coming legislative body follows
in ils tracks it will be rather expen
Portland is shipping a larger pro
portion of the Northwest grain crop
than ever. This but substantiates
the fact that Portland is the port
of the Northwest and railroad or
no railroad to Astoria it will al
ways bo the great jobbing center of
tho Pacific Northwest.
JSd ward Atkinson still keeps up
his half-witted crusade against
"half-wits." Edward thinks epi
thets are arguments. 'Another stage
of degeneration in Edward's men
tality will cause him to believe that
a good sound string of "cuss words"
will help uut the gold mononetal
lie cause.
Frances Willard is making a
great many ridiculous assertions
about the White House bill of fare
and menu after Mr. and M re Me
Kinley beeoiua host am) hostess.
She laya there will be no liquor on
tho premises. Frances says a great
many things these days that are
strange and unaccountable.
The New York World still keeps
up its farce by asking Mr. MeKin
ley about the trusts. The World's
Pulitzer is worrying about
tho trusts and Mr. MeKinley
has a right to worry still less about
Mr. Pulitzer' thrusts. They helped
to elect Mr. MeKinley and won't
hurt him even after his inaugur
The Tonen's system of land rec
;ords has been declared unconsti-
tutional by the Illinois Supreme
r.., tk .
vourt. I he system was of peculiar
, . , , ' ,
b(?liefil ,0 t,,e Poorer a,ld ''
lAnf holders, hence the court must
nullify. Every" reform that is en
aettd into law which gives benefit!
to the ' d generate," "um duca'i d," j
"ignorant"' fanner, in some way be
comes ''unconstitutional." If this
goes on some desperado will steal
the constitution and we'll have a
new one.
If Spain could only secure the
services of M. A. Hanna for a few
weeks he would have the island in
a state of subjection. It wouldnt
take Mark to buy up every in
surgent on the island.
If the United St ate do not. soon
take a hand in the Cuban aliUirs it
will at least be ten years before the
Cubans will gain their liberty and
kill one another off Uncle Sam
should step in and set Cuba free by
hMk or crook and then inside of
two years there would lie no more
than let men on the island. The
rept will have Ix-en utilized iu ferti
lizing the soil in the settling of in
ternal insurrection. We could
then enforce the Monroe Doctrine,
lay claim to the sugar plantations
and provide more offices for our
Senator J. H. Mitchell would
not declare himself hist Satmday
night at the Hirsch banquet. John
H. bos the more friends for not
falling into the pitfall set for him
by the Portland barking fraternity.
The only politic thing for J. H. to
do is to tike election if be petit
and stay at home if he be defeat
ed. After having made so many
public declarations ns a bimetallist
and then having supported McKin
by in the recent campaign, the pub
lic would not know how long he
would stay by a public statement
if he should make one.
Judge M. L. Pipes is now an
"honest saint." Lust spring he
trained with Multnomah "repudi
iiiioni.xts" and made a try on Un
democratic free silver ticket to suc
ceed W. T Hume. Then the good
people of Pi riland had the strange
sight of a man on no "anarchistic"
platform a ''dishonesl"platform
going about and telling them that
he wauled to honestly run the Dis
trict A Morney's ofl'.ce. When the
presidential nominations were made
he "flopped " Was it because he
thought the democratic adminis
trillion bad been so bad that the
name "democrat" was bound to be
Tins congressional district went
nearly COCO for Bryan. The re
publicans probably polled their
best possible vote this vear, on
tho pre-d.leutial election, and two
years hence with a fair field it will
lie a fight to the finish. : The sad
dest thing of the whole affair is that
the farmers of ihis district won't he
able to borrow any money - it i 1
all go to the second district, which
went for MeKinley. The vote for
Bryan was over 26000, some 7000
in excess of the Vauderburg vote
last June. While Bryan's vote was
but less than one thousand of the
total Vauderburg and Meyer's vote
of June last, the republicans made
the unprecedented gain of over 5000
This looks rather strange as what
was considered a full vote was
polled last June.
CesGEiCss will convene in l)e
cemlier and there is much conjee
lure us to just what will be done
by that body before Cleveland
goes out of powtr. Possibly under
a period of better times the Wilson
Bill will provide sufficient revenue
for governmental expenditures and
if it will, the rates on the bill will
not be much inrcensed by the Me
Kinley congress. There are many
who think a revenue hill will be
passed this winter but us Cleveland
would veto any measure which
smacked of protection, nothing may
be done. There is one thing cer
tain. If the coming congress will
do nothing to relieve the pressure,
it rniglil its well go home after hav
ing the first roll call. .
The annual fn'ce of Thanksgiv
ing proclamations 1ms been accom
plished. In all the world there is
perhaps no greater travesty on the
relations of the poor and needy to
the rich and affluent, (lover mrs
who do not know the feeling of nun-1
ger who must work up an appe
tite viu with each "other iu bidding
the people be thankful while their
constituency in part are living in
(lie Thanksgiving days of the past.
Many are out of work and out of
provision but they can hujj this
fact to their bosoms while the na
tional honor has been saved.
Tut Editor of the Hntchetwema
to be spoiling for a quarrel with
his fellow republicans.
uHue he take a whirl at Or
Wood, the chairman of the Conirul
Committee, in which lie calls (lint
prominent, republican an "unhappy ,
accident of lust Juno's convention." j
Perhaps those little slips which the
chairman forced Mr. Craig to burn,'
long about last June, have much to1
do with the dissension between t lie
two politicians. 'Twas unkind fori
to force the young man to ride in
the chilly night- over Wahi igton
county roads to undo betrayal.
The Arous U wondering whether
or not the next legislature will :
iCnact a Registration Law;
Cut Down Appropriations;
Cut. Down Otlicial Salaries;
Elect J. H. Mitchell Senator;
lied uce Taxation;
Remember its pledges
Will it be the sumo old legislature
that has for years met and adjourn
ed and been designated "the worst
we have ever had." Let all tax
payers hope it will lie an inovation
in the way of legislatures and earn
the money it will cost the people.
The active .movements iu the
United States Navy Yard have led
u any to anticipate" war. No one
need in the least be alarmed as the
possibility of war is as reninte as
cun be. In ihi age wealth lomi
u.itcs the spirit of governmental
action and it is only when a pow
er is about to lose some valuable
revenue producing territory by rev
olution that the war dogs are turrr
ed Lose. The U S will have to unless something extra ardii a
ry turns up. The wealth of the
country will not nlloiv it.
Tiieiii: is moro in tiuiff legisla
tion than thesin. leid nof inciden
tal revenue and proicttion. A
hih protective tariff is protective
of trusts anil ii'otiop' lies and is the
most iniqiiitiioiis of class legislation.
But the people have voted for a
high tariff aud they should get
what tiny want. It nnit'ers not
whether tlie platform on which Mr.
MeKinley was elected was a high
tariff platform or i.ot, the people
voted fir a high tariff the old n
publiean larifl' and they should
have it. , -
The necessity fur good roads iu
Washington comity is a growing
one and should receive more atten
tion than it does.' The country
roads in this section, are, iu the
winter, almost impassable for heavy
loads. .As the largest of our local
county ta x is payable to the keen
ing up of our mad system it would
appear that more interest should
be manifested by tax payers in this
important proposition.
The California airship is a suc
cess provided it cun be safelf land
ed. The Oreg.miai' wiU be very
envious should uranky voluptuous
California claim tho honor of build
ing the first airship to successfully
plow the atmosphere. California's
people really average with any in
the union and as for that, it can
truthfully be said that in science
they can give the Oregonians' field
points in all tilings.
Ik the United States expects a
greater genera! prosperity the huge
farms in emy state in 11st be cut
up into smaller ones so there will
bo large owners hip, numerically.
France is a nation of small home
holders and nowhere is there such
general prosperity amongst the na
t ions' husbandmen. Great fBrnv
ers mean too much hiring and to
little independence for the laborers.
with wnai urnanitv arc our
great city papers telling the farm
er elements of their' ''dishonesty in
voting tor .Mr. Hryanl lhe next
thing we shall know our city con
temporaries will be telling the
farmers when to thresh pop cm
and how to busk pumpkins.
1 on
f Vf "V-
(From Date to January 1, '98.
Rare Bargains
Ike ri'Dpertici For Sale, Qpaf
I' in
Enquire at TtiK Autifs otlice.
No 3 128 acres, highway running !
throiiKli center of place, oOm-res in enlti-1
weuoi uur; .hi aerosol nenveruaiti, easy
to put In rnlttviition; place well wutereil '
ly HpriiiRN mill creek; 100 acres under I
fence; 1 miles from post olllce, daily
mail; 1 mile from school house and Nix
miles north of llillslioro. (Joes cheap lor
No 4 A good corner lot on Main and
Third directs. 7ixl7a, with (food liuilditiR
thereon, suitable for any kind of liusiness,
and iu excellent repair, will go at a har
Kin for cash. Pari payment uml halunce
on long tinio with security.
No s u neres; half cleared .balance iu
grass. Good house of four rooms; good
barn and outbuildings. Pine orchard of
jo trees and various other small fruits.
150 chickens 50 ducks, I -horse wagon,
3 sets siugle harness, good cow, 3 heifers
1 horse and farm implements. Every
thing goes for 650, cash in hand.
No 2 10 acres, half olonrod, 1 aero lia
verdam, rest shislicil and sown to grass,
no luildings, goes forjfci.'i per acre. With
in two miles of llillslioro. Tornm, gUM)
down, balance In 3 years at 10 per cent.
Or will sell 40 acres, of which aliove is a
part, at same price per acre, including 15
acres of beaverdam and sw all cleared.
. . . .Gives Hie choice of ...
(It 111
Or fan, Steamer
Portland Even Five
For full details call on or address:
Oen'l Pais Asent Portland, Ort'KQii,
Or J. I. Knight, HlllHhoro. Ore.
E. McNEIL, Pres. and Manager.
Notice for Final Settlement.
VTOTICE is hereby Riven that the nn
11 rlermgtied Iihm filed his final account
nM Administrator of the etnte of W. A.
Porter, deceased. In tho Count v nnnrt, or
the State of Oregon, for Washington j
iminiy, ann in in sum iwiri lias appoint
ed Monday, Dec. 21, lHDH.nt the hour of
10 a. in. as the time lor lieurinir objec
tions to surh final account and for the
settlement thereof.
John f. Wu.
Administrator of the estate of W, A. Por
ter, deceased.
Dated at Hillslioro, Washington County,
Oregon, this lilth day of Nov., 1H0B.
Notice of Final Settlement.
NOTICE is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the es
tate of Richard Valour, deceased, has
filed his final account as ailn inintrntor
of naid estate in the County Court of tho
Slate of Onijfon. for Washington county,
and said Court hiis appointed Monday:
the 21st day of December. IK!, nt the
court house in HilHboro, at the hour of
ton o'clock a. m. of said day ns tho timo
and place for hoaring objections tori'h
nnai account and tne iiiihI seitlemeiit ol
said estate.
. , . W, H. Wkhriino,
Administrator of the estate of Richard
Malone, deceased.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, thislflth day
of November, 19.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Obwion C'tv, Or.I
Nov. ft, 18WJ 1
TW'OTICB is horeb given Unit the follow
XI iiiK-named settler lias tiled notice ol
his intention to make final proof iu sup
port of his eluim, and thai said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Wash
ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on
December Id. im. viz:
(. Hull,
JI. K. No. mf for the H K '4 of 8 K W sec
lT28 It Z W.
lie names the lollowing witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Alexander Sutton, Henry Milton GrapK,
Ncwtoir Won er ami William Jiiiynnrd,
all of Laurel, Ore.
84-0 Koiikht A. Mii.lur, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Offick at Okmon Citv, Or.i
Oct. !47, 18!.f
JYOT1CIC is hereby given that the follow
XI inir-named settler has tiled lltittcA nf
bis intention to make final' proof in suii-
Kirt of his claim, and that said proof will
i made before tlie ltcgist.-r and Receiver
t Ore; on Citv Ore.. 011 Doceiulmr IA ihim
viz: :' '4j... i -,; . ,.
Gt'orsri Rcichwciii,
H. K. No. lu;il for lhe KV 8 W y. am! "V
4 of 8 i; y, of see l.'J T 4.N It 8 W.
He. iiuiiies the lollowinif witnesses to
pr.iveiiis continuous rcsidenee tioon audi
cultivation ol said laud, u:
lhomas Pettiloliu snd (,'hnrles Klnh mini 1
of Vcriionia; 0 H Welch, of Mountain
date, and jeo 1' W Hnichwein.of l'ortlund.
82-6 ItomtRT A. Mii lkr. Kegister. 1
Who eu think
or some Impti
tblnff to n&tMit,
lfdiiicu nil lUtid
Pmtwt your Idwui- thav m
WW tm of (wo haadnd tnnmUoM mM,
' bring jroa wciith.
CO., Potent Attor-
v t.. JSUV1
Northern Hj
iiifii i)i
1 11 u hi m
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
The Leading Drug House
Where Drug, Medicines, I'alntM. OHM,NHinges, ltrushes iohI nil Druggist's Ninu'Wct
may lie procured tit priceo that simply distance competition.
I. K
Kept Constantly on Herd.
Ma.kct : Price : Paid : for
Cash Paid
W, T, Andrews, President.
(liic.orioiuted June S, lSllil.)
Cor. and and Washington Street, I
. First Quality in Every Respect
: : Special Attention (liven to Quality
: : and Accuracy in Dispeiming.
! ! A Full Supply of Toilet Article, I'erfum
! ! ery, Talent Medicines, School Itookj, Ktc.
See Our Immensa Stock of Xmas Goods
The Largest Ever Shown in the City.
Telephone from Hlore 10 Olllce.
The f ami'y circle
fs never so happy
after the chain Is
broken ard a link
taken. So::.e family
chains are ttrony,
others wcalt. Have
you a good family
history? Or is
tiere a tendency to coughs,
thr at or bronchial troubles,
weak lungs? Has a brothir,
sist r, parent cr nr- re'ative
had co-suTotion? Then your
family chain is weak.
Str nrt'-enit. Take SCOTT'S
Emulsion rf Cod-live- Oil
with Hypophosphites. It
makes rich blocd, ve s strength
and vi-ror tD v oak u-gs and
run-down onsHutiors. With
its aid iUc system throws off
acute coughs and colds. It pre
vents the chain from freaking.
Sl-?.ll we tend you a book about this,
free? ,
For s:!e by ill druftjlsti at 50c. and in
SCOTT & BOWNF, Ntw York.
WM. fUPl I'K,
(Sucee..jr to C R Mead)
Makes regular trips to Portland 011
Mondays, S cdncsiliiys, and I'ridttys, re
turning on Tnt-wiiiys, Thursdays iiiwl Nl
unlavs. All business ciilrtislV to him
will bo promptly mid uHrelullv sltcmleil
to. Freight Hin! express rates r'eiiwiiiHlile.
Leave orders with him, or t Ledford's,
or at Tiik A noes.
Wanted-An Idea I
Who can think
or kim limine i
UllD to batontf 1
Protect your Ideaa; tl
an. Waahlniton. D.
unng jrou wmltn.
fiW A1?,:
aad Hit of Iwo bundnd Invaniloiu
Notice For Publication.
I.akd OrriiK At Okmon CitvOri
i let. in I sun
TOTICE is hereby given that the loi
Xi loHUikT-iiamed settler has lilcil notico
of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his cliii.u, ami that said proof will
be made b dure the Register ami Receiver
at Oregon City, Oregon, on icc. 4, 18U6,
TliomflH Keely,
II. K. No.7ia for the fi H ' (or Lots 0 10
15 and 1(1) of Sec 3 T 3 N It fi w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his cont initio, s residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz-
Peter J bund, Robert T Simpson, Henry
Huber, John Oliver, all of Illusion Oregon.
81-6 Roht. A., Register.
tOR SALK Throe houses and lots on
Senond Btreot bntweon Alain and
Washington In llillslioro. Inquire of F.
C. Mitchell. Rrock's Drug Store.
, . wvrisnniTl, ato.
Tor lnfnrnullnn mmA u J?. .
1JUNN coViM Boadw7t7ksw VoS.
Oldaat bnraan tar smnirlna; pntcnM In Amerka.
a?fZ,HihTt u oM.bT u " Bronnht before
lfc pul.lio bj t n'.uoo glren frae otoharg la to
elrenlitlnnofMy vlentllle paper tn the
ye.-.rit!..aslxmom Art7rM, it XV" A LO
"" ww,il.Wtfost?itt j
I gdeatlflo Amoricanj A
Union lilock
Maui Mi.
Dr. V. A. Huileyt
Proprietor. .
Veal and Pork
: Fat : Cattle. : Sheep
aud : Hags
for Poultry.
1). V. Dorm in t, Ki m I a i v
Notice for Publication.
I.ANIl OFNl'K AT (IliluoX t'lTV, )K,
.,.,,,,... . . November, ft, lKnyf
JYOl 1( h is hmehv xiveti lUaiUw follow
11 nig-iiainml settler has Hied nuli-e nt
Iiih internum to make llual proof in uii
jiurtor his claim, ud that on id proof
he made before the Register and Ueopiver
til Oregon City. Oregon, on Dee. 'U, IH!M
Henry Tliumaiiii, Jr.,
,1f:-N',.-lW'frlha.i W of Beo HT
I a u ft .
uaiuus lhe following ftitnrimes to
prove In-continuous, rcsidenc loiiut and
utilinatioii of said lumi.
lleiijaimn (.' D miiiIs, Churles I D01..1I.
Karl Hall mid Ihomu .Suiu all of Dillrv
1H-H JtonKKT A.Mn.i.rK. lUginler.
J. D. HO.SEl.AIlt. Prop.,
Fresh I'ish Constantly 011 Hand.
Columbia, river Salmon 8 els per pound,
i alibut, Sturgeon, and Smelt.
Crabs, Clams and (ystoratoinlor.
Notice for Publication.
Land Orrn a at oiikooh Citt, 0a (
Niveirif- 1 ,0ctVlr. . IHW1. f
0 1 K IS is hereby gt veu that the fidlow-liig-iiained
sulller has filed nnllee of
hh intention to make html proof in sup.
port of his additional Homestead entry
and that said proof wllllie made before th
ll"" Clerk of WnnhliiKton county al
linisooro, Oregon, on November 21, IWI6,
Elbrldgel Cheney,
ut a nTw!'10 8 K y ot 8 K x of H,e
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vie:
William M Watrous, John While, Ilomeu
V i1,"' !' '.of '"""'"K. Oregon. Albert
W Mills, of Forest Urovo.
D0-B ItoBMT A. M11.1.KR, neglvter.
Notice for Publication.
I.AD Office at Omchor Citt, Oa.i
N ,.,..,,, , . . , Oct. 27, lMtW.f
01 llh is hereby given tliatthufollow-ing-nanied
settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in sun.
purtol his claim, and that said proof wilt
bo made before County Clerk of Tillamook
county at Tillamook, Oregon, on Beo. 12,
ii'tw f lil i
Louis A. Olson.
D' H- N'- 7971 for l he S W of 8 K U See.
"i"! uiu louowing witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon aud
cultivation of said laud, via;
Fred Skomp, Charley Hester, Clerk Had
ley and William Ryan, all of Tillamook,
Oregon. '
82-61 Rouiat A . Mn.r.rR, Krgltr
Notice for Publication.
La m Office at Oricuom Citv, lia.i
, . October 27, lSM.t
01 is hereby given Dial the follow
ing-niimed settlerhas tiled notice of
hiu intention to make linal proof in su.
port of his claim, and that stud prool i tU
be made belore the County Clerk uf Wash
ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on De
cember 12, IKM6, viz:
William Geller,
II. E. No. It71. for the 8) of 8 K H of
See I T 2 N R 5 W. '
lie names the following witneisen to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Matthew KngcrUbergcr; Oolfried Iteis
eiizahn, S Paisley andU Hiddink all of
Hiuton, Oregon
32-8 , Rohert A. N ti,i.ra. RegiUcr.
I',? Notice for Publication.
rJ'f,: "JJ l'4-t Okpice at Obeuon City, Oh.i
NO 1 1CK is hereby gilTr,1?uTme follow-lug-named
settler has tiled notice of
; his intention to make linal proof in m,,.
' port of his claim, under 8cc 2"W K S and
thai said proof will be made belore th
County Clerk of Washington County at
. Hillsboro Oregon on Dec. 12, itwe vi:
i Edward Hughr-a,
If. K. Ko. 7656 for tlie N li of ijec U T 8
l N R 5 W.
I Ho names the following witnesses to
j prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
', W!",I!"I,,,H L8''''. Robert K Varley,
vo,u, ,n r ir, urugon
3S ft Roukrt A. Mil LRW. liegiatca.