-i THE HILLSBORO A KG U 8, TH U ItSDA Y . NOVEMBER H). 18. fHE ARGUS . . CALENDAR Hint T Mum ivuiiii' WolfJ "'i'tiu 10 11 I 12 17 f 1H J l'j 24 "25 Pirt' 22 1.F A Wily Mull Arrivals: Forest (irov -am 7:IB Portland, Wiiy mill Kaatern - 8:W Ulenuou p ui firtXI Corvalll anil Way , - 5:a 'Portland ' fc(W Dully Mull Departures: Portland ICuHtoru via HI" am 7:13 Port .via (.Jlnucoo, ,eno A llctluuiy 7.00 (rvllbi Way - H;f 1'ortlnixl Jt Way p m 6:0H Purest drove - - :00 Furmlnitton unci Laurel leaven ut 10::i0 u in unci arrives ut X:V p m oil Tuesday, , ' Tluirmlny and Saturday No Sunday mails". I'ustofllce open from 7:110 a m to H:00 p in, except Hiindays. . U. I'. Time Table: :--: i ' IjV.' Ar. Yortland a in 7:1.1 p m MM orvallia . ' 'am S:fi0 p in 4:0.1 Portland " a In H:M) p in 6:00 McMlnnvllle a m 6:00 p m 7:13 " Win. llngley, Sr., as in the city Tuesday. He is one of the farmers who were fort u hate enough to hold the bulk of their wheat and rry the benefit ol the advance. 11. WchruiiR it Sons have juet received their full line of dres gouili. Don't fail to calhand ex amine goods and prices before buy ing else whore, as they , defy all C impetilion. Hut little interest seems to be manifested in the joining city elec lion. It seeing to be generally con ceded that poor officers can't be elected in Hi'lsboro, anyway, That ho many of . our hop lirowerssold before the advance in priceB is rather unfortunate. Why pay your money for Wild cat (taper when for the same uidViey or less, you can get as good an in surance plicy as the world pro duces, for the same price or less, by calling on J 1. Knight, llillsbo ro, Oregon. '" It may now, be considered that the election iH fully settled. The wife of one of our stiffest republicans was seen walking on the street) re cently ; with tlie wife of a populist, and both were in "the company of two othtsr women ' whoso- husbands were respectively a sound and free silver deocrt, . - ,?T-.Uiiei & Uiiky ivili not be 'ixrii dersold. 1'hey seller caijh'or pro- ptf and jneet allhoHest competi- itton. ; ri.-y .: r. v-- 1 mL.Wf Hone" will soon cwV struct arot jtw, huge bookcase w l 1 h sliding doors, sltnilat to the one he constructed some months ago; : It will b -placed in (he Jaw 'oflifcetof fiM: Husteu with its conterparl. GeoWan has returuetj from his trip to the. in hies. ,'.',.',,' t If yoitwant to H-e somethinp fiine go twoduors north of the posv ollico. : C&W artd get prices before purchasing clothing elsewhere.1 " -Itobt Walker, of Dairy Creek, was in town yesterday; ! 1 C. Jensen, who for a long time was connected with the, Tualatin Creamery, is now located in Dni mark tvhVre he h.is purchased a small f rni and gone into the dairy btisihem". Me em's times are fairly good in hii native coiHitry atid that lie will rexide there permanently T-Mke a dream or she unent x Berly's "Av Marie.'' AV the Di lta. It is said that the Hillsboro Dancing Club will soon organize tvf tli winter season. A Mew aortinent of hlauket., all stvbw snd prints. We lead tlvm all in best of quality nod low rst of prices, Come and see (is lie f ire you buy. U W'EHittiNQ A Bps. From the .way our worthy con tenipohiry, th InilepeiHlent'talks, it wnld apprar that it owns the cotuiilg grand jury. But it doesn't. 1.. . Kaistelter and family will giHin start for. Arkansas' : to muke that plueo th-ir future, h'me. Jlr; Kari'tetter has been huperimeii enTtrf the Lndil A Uecd fa rrti for aoihe time. They "will make thy. trip by team., w i ' ' Flour is way up, but bread is yet the same at the City l'akery, nod tiie way to- iihprove the other wimY)pcL fnpK)r i to stop and get Ihrea .loaves of nice '"lot bread for a dime on u.tir way liome. '"'he Overland to San Francis' co passed through thib city, Sunday and Monday eveiiihgs on iiccount if washouts on the east si:le . , j : Commencing with Friday morn. ing and lasting until Monday morn ing was one of the .severest storms for year. An. immense amount of rain fell, swelling all the streams bardc full and overflowing. ir In many places small culberts and bridges, were washed out, but none of the larger bridges have been ma- UEl 20 1 21 27 "28 i -r- ; lenaiiy injureu. , . ".y. The . small boy his bten hi. his glory -since snow-tall. Many; the luckless wight there is who has en countered the fVyipg 8iiCtw-ball while Those having root crops on the Jecjtion bottom, were making great 8orta Friday nd Saturday last gut their crop har vested before itie k eofered the ground. John MsstWf baveter 'the lat'of his in wrtfal fe'et of water. -TheY. I'. 8. C. E. of the Con gregational church will give a So cial of Nations at Grange 'hall, Fri day eve::ing, Noveinlx-r 27th. An Ititi'mdiiig program will Iw rtTHifr- cd. Adnitp-t-inn, lOrcntH; rfivHh- niimts, oyhtfi'i', etc, extra. See Haines 3l Bailey lH;f re vou sell your wool. They are paying 12 wilts per lh. fur hret quality. Th'1 Jackson bottom is ugain a lake, being bank full. The water has ris-n earlier this fall than for many seasons. Calvin Pomeroy will have a new trial; ' The .Supreme court has reversed the decision and sentence of 'he Circuit court of this county, ii m I the case will probably come up at the coming term of Court. The cheap rates of 12 dollars cabin and 6 dollars steerage, includ ing meals and berth are still inef fect on. the U. K. & N Cos', sieam , ers from Portland, Steamers leave Portland everv five davs. Grand Lecturer IJerriii, A O. U. W., was in the city the latter part of last week and talked on fra ternity at the Odd Fellows' hall Friday evening. Mr. Ilerrin is a ; genial gentleman and awakens an interest in A. O. U. W . circles wher ever he goes. Miller, the Second street bar ber, still continues In do first chiss work at hard times prices. Shav ing 10 cents. Best in the city. -The Hatchet tells in the last issue, or a partv having "diflicult teeth." What ' next a "diflicult" head? ' ' W. E. McCourt Suudayed in McMinnville, Don't forget John Brown or his magnificent line otc)oUiing sam ples. I he best ever , in the city without exceptions. s The overland, which has been tunning through this place for sev eral davs since the freshet, was sidetracked Tuesdav night at the depot,- It was not on the iroirani but some one bad thrown the switch whether intentionally or in a spirit ot devilment. It is supposed to he the work of boys. When you wantan"uptodate" hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave or both, call nt(tbe City Shaving I'arlors. Hot and Cold baths im mediate on order.' .. E. E. CoIkbtock, Prop. ; The 'first hard freeze of the sea son (ccprred Jask.nigbt. : lee was frozen to the thickness of abut one? eighth of an inch. , Thanksgiving will soon ' nrro , anu iui ryn lire i high too high for. many p Qregdrr. ' 'v i W .! : l. LJJ v here and turkeys are roostinc people lit ? Vy.'lfi. Brock pflii jiow supply the public with tlie' choicest maca- cest maga ifhes And literature Come and see for vourself. "Dad" Simmons, of McMinn-!: viller was in the' dty yesterday. Mr. SiinnHis was hanlly recogni!! el by his olii friends as instead of the smooth; (ae he lhad . always worn, he puslieil front of his chin a beard or several inches. When seen by an' Allans representative "Dad",, was, earnestly Becking for ' conlidenee.j' ;, , .You areJ known by "'lie 'f fume vou use. Ave .Nfat;ij"at the Delta., ...(.y '"-:,' ." 'WThe diicket fiir the S;,ttni of Circuit Court is publislud irt atk oth'.T colunin. The. list of cases is lengthy and the court will contin ue long intoJLec. ' G. R Bagley did business a,' Portland the first of the week. 11. WeliruiigJi; Sous have just received a larg,liiie of fall goods and are selling ,M .prices (,,r cftHh .i :.. . i. Zj.X-i: ....i tnai can iiov iie oupiiuniuo. It is rumored that the friend of lion. G. W. Patterson will push his name for the position of preoi dent of the senate at the- legislative meet this winter. In many of the Bcaverdam lands of the county ' it is, reisVrted that carrots, parsnips and- beets have not been, harvested and are covered with water. - Monday brougbUhe first snow of the season, about two inches hav ing fallen throughout' the day. The case .of John Milne vs Washington . cbunty, anneal on county's award of damages, and! change of venue to Ulackanias, in the nntller of a county road, has been decided. The appraisers' award of damages and ..subsequent continuation by the comity court was sustained. Mr. Milne therefore .receives the $150 first awarded. ;r Hon. S. B. Huston transacted legal business at Oregon City .Mom day. : '"! :' , ; .. ;'"" ' Thoa.'Talbott was down from Cornelius" the lirst of the week Tom says the election didn't exactly suit hini but he is ready for that prosperity.-' v-; ' " Gales Creek must have had it great 'ratification Saturday night. The firing of anvils must have ijeen well practiced for the reports were plainly heard here at Hillsboro. rrMartiii Gindhart is now locat ed on Mr. , Tongue's farm east of town He recently proved up ,on bis homestead near Buxton. Mr. and Mrs,' ft? B. Goodin have Worhed-fim hert oastern Oregon and are at home to their friends, fhanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving day -will he signal ized in llilli-boro this year by the conducting of a union service of ail the churches, in the Congregation al church, at. 11 a ni ,on Thursday, November 2(iih, fy v C. E. Cline preai'hinir the sermon. It is designed to make this Hurt ing thoroughly rejiresentntive in character. , To it are invited all: loniaiiis1s' ami I'rntestauts ami lhos of no i;ii ti; ular failh. .'-.Spec-. inl rniue'st is made that the stores i 1 .. .. . . . anu varum ii:icis oi muhiik-ks Of closed on that day. or at thu least1 lor portion of the day, thereby giving opportunity for employes and employers, business ami pro fessional men, and all others to unite in the profi able task of giv ing "Thanks to trie Ruler of tin Universe" with one accord. K pecially appropriate and lilting, also, would lie the attendance of the school children in a body, as far as practicable. ' Let farmers and others bring specimens of fruit, . vegetables, grain, etc., which will serve, placed5 in a conspicuous position, as con crete illustrations of the never-cea's ing homily of a lovin Providence. A comniiltee will he in waiting at Ihe thurch. before the service,-to receive nil such contributions, and assign them their appropriate place. ' ' ' ' .' ,i .. : i -. .-.i To this Union Thitnkgiviu'g service we invite you all. R L HlIKIXKY. C. K. Ci.iNfi," ;'5 II. L I'katt. A . E. 1 HltiHKS. ; Blood Will Tell. -..The inanv different skhrdisaiW such as ringworm, tetter.salt rheum, erysipelas, eczema, itching or an eruption .of.-lV pinijilcs, pustules, ; blotched, chaps or cracking bpeii-'nf the skin, scrofula, are directly .tlie cause of impure blood. Wilbur's Blood Purifier is acknowledged to be the liest medicine known for any of these unsightly complaints. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale hv W. E Brock. - : The Election. Since so many statements have been 'made relative to the election The Anot's deems it imiwrtant to show how. close the i: race was. al the Same time acknowledging that the popular vote went for McXin ley : werw helmiiigly1; ' It . was a wise jirovihion of our forefathers thai, each state wast made to elect electors and they to go into an elec toral colloue to, elect; a president. The popular vote system would nat urally breed sectionalism and the populous east coiild nt'all limes die late policies' for the sob th and west where lie theagriouliiir.il interests. The election was ii great deal closer, than manv of our fenders might suppose and The Auars de sires to call attention tr the tuh that a "change from - McKin ley to Bryan as follows would 'have1 given Bryan a majority in: the electoral college, i .v (..', ., ' 2000 change Me? tii llryan, O il. 9 13 ,1ft , 4 ,. 3 250 ' " " , " " Kv ' " . " " -I nd. " Ore " " Del 10V)0 1100 500 5500 5XX) 250 " ' , " V,Va;6 " "S.Dakota4 ' -V Wvo. 3 These 57 votes with the 167 of the votes giyen him by states which went safely for him. ' would have elected Mr. Bryan by tine majority. The total number of , votes changed friuj McKinlev lo Bryiin must have reared Lbetlimen'sious of 20.600 di vided amongst the eight ..states as above. A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot taize w thin 2 blks of business part of town, uood fence around good : woodshed,1 ; and two roomy closets in residence. AIho pump in good repair.' Goes ft r 600. In-quir- at this office. ' )',.,: BrWe Wilaon Written Up. Away up in the n ountaim near Wilson river lives Brice W ilson, an Englishman, with his family. Mr. Wilson is well known by many in Hillshonv he having been on the jtlry list a yVar or so ago. He is kuow4i as a ste.idy reliable sort of fellow , a genius and philosopher, II. The livening Telegram of Mon day, this week, had a column arti cle about Mr. Wilson's home ami occupation in the mountains. It seems that Mr. Wilson went on his uncleared mountain ranch with . the desire to make his living from the place without going abroad. He has been working up his cedar into decoy ducks, so says the Telegram, and has made hundreds of dollars by so doing His' market is Port land and San Francisco and as he can set his price under that pf .the manufacturers, he finds a .ready sale. Mr. Wilson also makes gloves from elk and deer hides and occa sionally does a little tanning. He is making a great .success of his ranch and no one can read of his efforts in the backwoods without admiring the pluck and determina tion exhibited, 1 - 1 ; Thirteen acres, halt under cul tivation, rest slashed, and seeded, three ejjs; of beaverdaiu. and atvail i Sitimtori plnuu t.d Ri'iiit li'ne VjW u rove. Goes at W $50 per acre, , Call at this office. COURT HOUSE NEWS. "' KKAl. KSTATK TIIANSACTION8. K'-tco4i Poiiieroy and lib to John I'ninetov 4. IH a He..' Sti 1 1 II t It w tVJU. Otlvo Niinnaii aiid hlitoK S mid W J i Rolinoii it.W a Hoi iiliJiardwiu d 1 c 1 2 t 1 w 1400. K T Mnkliiter to II I. & W Co pt l.lk 3 lllatnm - Jtoljt Walker to Vii tiir Crop St 7-8 a hoc tt n rn w as. " AntiHi Pfaiiner to h C Walker IU 13-14 blk 14 P ad FOfiOt). . L 8 Purler to K W Porter u w 1 n w a it 1 1 1 8rwi;l. UNto W II rer and wf e i e Is 8 and w ) w i aftta a rl Pat . f..i....n A I jr. Porter to A Planner (J C and warran ty deed tnl nivtux and boundn la Buxton dkllnrtw )l'i0. A J Porter to A Pfunner int in above d(!Hcrilwil IhiicIk f.'0lj. M A Powell iivtolveirt by S II Hainiih rea a&siKtiue to EUlu Powell e J 1 5 6 blk Pairvlew add to i4lHboro. AIolta5ti blk 7 Port bind add to Vancouver $42. M A Powell and lib to KtBe Powell sume aw nbove Q C leel t.00 N A Barrett and wf by P J Bailey a aiKiioe to W ll U'ehruiiK niHignee aw J u wia'Ht,2n r;i w and oilier lundx in WiihIi. (!o. by order of Circuit Court. T K Cjirnoilus mini to Win Werner IS a J CortieltuH d 1 c fu-'tO. , K TUHtchne and wf to Perry i ! Hrudley w k s e i a w 1 n e a ife t i n r i w $1,100. S.'iiier to J P Finger 1 1 blk :l S C add to llillHtxir.) ttKXI. J Sheidierd and wf to Eliza Thompson lta 8 11 PruitvaLttadd t iirove Sl'.OUO. II S Selnmtfl und '!' to Harnh Miirslmll 1 2 blk l and I V.i Mk 7 Hyde t'urk $lol). ' K A Hyde uud ; i Hamilton to .Win lieach pari blk rofoat (Jrovs $50. Win leaeh ami wf to J Arnnttroiig name kg above IU2. Circuit Court Docket Gilbtrt llta'ir'V 'Preston Richardson; Paxton & Puddpck for plff and f H Tongue for deft. . . In matter of- es'talc of D M Radley in solvent; T IMWgse for plff F G Oisen va Teler Carlson and Pierre Morrin; T H TiJn(fUe for -plff and K Mon tague for deft. Johii Oloort vs'Pe'fer Carlson and Pierre Morrin;' T H Tongue for plff and R Mon tague for deft. ri i'..(,'v. : ' ! M W Patton admr et al vs Talbot Mil !ler et al T H TeflgWe for iff and Huston and Hare for df ; -. . " "' A bonahue apd Co vs Pietro and A n gto Ambrozi; Starr & Thomas for plff ...iCharlesUWeiti H Hendrix; Mitch ell, Tanner a.MitftkelJ, for plff and Ton gue &. Huston for deft, ; . , , . ' AUgnste Movers ''W'AMgiiit Mevers; S B Huston forplff aJrti T H Tongue for df. 'Pelef Bigakme viiMary I ledges; Stott. Boise & Stott for p!ff t nd R and K B Williams anc S A McN'aiy for deft. . Heurielta H.viriv"Pted Meyer; T H Tongue for plff and;S U Huston for deft In the matter of "the estate of Richanl Morton, insolvent;,? H Tongue at'.or. Patrick Rina vs .Barney Lease, ;!i B Huston for plff aiulT H Touguetur deft. Bradley & Metcaif Co vs T R Corne lius; Euiuions St, Euiuious for plff and T H Tongue for deft. . . .. In the matter of the estate of Donald Mik.nn ;.i... f n t ...... .f, joTiii P Hoffman vs P W Edwards el ux; v J iviciuugnu ior pin. Matter of estate of T R Cornelius, in solv; T H Tongue attor. E Quackenbush va C B Bunnell et al Williams, Woods' 8t Liiithicmii and Snow & McCamant for plff and. MiUei & Mill er loraeu. ,,lV, i..t.ti.Wi: Matter of estate of Annie Wilkes, dec; S B Hudtwia aiid. 15 B WillUmi for plff and r H longue lor.delt. ., ; i- - W T Bunnell, guardian, vs Chas B Bunnell; JolivB and. ddleuian tor plff and Wilier A, MU!tr.lor det. iu.i lames M Smith vs Win and. Alice Vaughn; T H Tongue for plff and C"M luleuiau for (left.i :., .) iliiX Matter of estate of Clus Collins, lusol: T H Tongue attorT Jlalttr ol assignuvent ot N A Harrt.lt. insolv; Bnrret & Adams attor. R Vincetit.'adilir, v Clans schlicut- tug; Barret & Adams and W U Smith lOr plff and S B Hustoji for deft. , ; ,, Matter of assignment of Win Chalmers insolv; T H Tongue attor. Eugene u Vhite vs Kiciiar I Morto-i etal; R R Gillntc ud btott, Botse.a Stott for plff. , Pauline Hull "vs S A Dial and V L Cirl; Gtttnerand Shower fot-plffam) Mc: Dougall, Spencer and Jones or deft. Mary M Shepard. ys .Abne.r Frame et al; Milton M SmitU .fpr, plff. H Welirung ft Sons vs H P Ford; S B Huston and Betitoli Bbwnian for plff and T H Tongue for deft. Matter of assignment of Forest Grove Door and Lumber -QoijT H .Tongue for plff. " ' "' M JSammons va E H Malitz et al; Dell Stuart for plff.. f ' - Matter of assignment O' Wilson Bowl by and George. Stinehcomb, doing busi ness under the firm name ol BoWlby ft Stinehcomb; T H Tongue for assignee.' ' W T Bunnell et.al ,.vs Chas B Bunnell et al; Carev, Idleuiat'u Mavs and ..Web ster for olrf and Miller & Miller for deft. Carl V Witzingerode vs John Long ct al; U S Grant MarqUam for deft. The First National Bank of Hillsboro vs E C Hughes and Mary. M Hngbes; T H Tonirue. for olff- and S B'HAiSlon for Ot.ldeft.,'. .'..i..-. .'!..(.'.- ' t f uao Uood, admr, yd w k uucnanan et ux; Carey, Idleman a Co for plff atld T H Tongue for deft. i ' '1 ' Carrie Jamison vi H E Manning et al; X King Wilson for plff. Geo Graham vs Benedict Thurnher et al; I arret ft Adams and George A Brown for plff. ' .v Miss A E Hell, vs, Alex Chalmers and John Chalmers et al; Barrett & Adams for plff and T H Tongue lor de4t. Martin Foard and Frank A Stokes vs Henry Heguie et al; Starr, Thomas and Chanilierlatn. for plff. ' 1 " S B Giluih vs Bank of Forest Grove, a private corporation; S B Huston for plff and T H Tongue for dett. Elizabeth Shute et al vs Amanda J Sherman et al; T rf Tongue for plff and J W Walley for deft. J J Morgan vs: EC Hughes dt a) ; T H Tongue for ulff; i . . . . , Miss Mary Halter vs jotin ti urooic; W J Rice for plff and Barrett and Adams for deft.. ... Henry Bauer, vs Minnie Kuehuel et al; J R Stoddard for plff. John Johnson vs J W Elbridge and1 wf and Chas P Boss; Caples and Allen for plff. , , , .-. .... C F Plympton vs Eugene D White et al;.Thayer aud McCoy for plff. . Minerva Newton vs Sarah J Grabel et al: T H Toncue for plff and W D Hare, and Geo R Bagley for deft. E G Cooley vs Leander Gray' et al: McDougall and Joi.es for plfl and Realties and Tongue for deft. : W A Goodin vs Mary A Wells; Tongue for plff and Miller and Miller for deft. Richard Gardner vs Elizabeth J Pat ton et al; Graham for plff.. T H Tongue vs C J McDougall; Tongue for plff and Spencer for deft. Chas L Scheiffelin vs Peter Kalch et al; lieid for plff. J J Morgan vs V A Billion et al;Tongue for plff. ' ". M Ogden vs W V Annans; Bagley and Tongue for plff and Smith and Bowman and Huston for deft. - . Katie Bmgger va J C Haro et al; W.hal p. Mnlr mid Miller for nlff. Hems Itectwr vs W RGttrdner, and the Boys and Girls Aid society; Tongue for and Bmith and He"el louden. AniandaJ Shermun et al vs Drnsilla MoLinn at al; Tongue for plff and Huaton tor deft. n1? A. 5dl,y r" Hermau 8udy 8u,tt that the tailnnid company wi.ubl Home A Htntt. ... , . , , . ' , Hnell. eitnue Woodart Co v V M get ie land beyond a doubt with Kobinaon et aljKnow and McCainant for . in three years, title improvements pllf and Walley for deft. al,j nit A brain Hyatt va Annu U Cox et al; Suiilb for pill' and Tongue for dtift. H VV i ; esse va ?! A liiirrett and Henri etta narretr; Whalley and Mtiir for plff. First National liiink of Hillsboro va K V iiiiglieit; Tonirue for plff. . John Northrop va N Berdan etal; Rag ley for pitt und Tongue for deft. Margaret Miller va W W Annans; Hua ton for plff und Tongue for tleft. Ueo N Dru vsC'haa Harris et al; Bagley for plfl. Bobt Balfour et al va Gideon O Bailey et al; Chamberlain for pint. Terna Coatantinl va tiinato Coataiitini; Spencer and Malarky for plff. Albert Smith va O E Courtney; Men- flDiwIull nnrt Huirlev for nllf. John Axpinwalf va Jacob B Foster; Tongue for plff. KLSabln va H C Tupper et a'; Bauer and Green for pill'. Benj Birdxell va Leaner Gray etal; Hug ton for plff. Peter Wlkander va Tbog Hangen and C F Fiihn Tongue for plff. Geo lUibiuson vs W N Fowler et al; Tongue for plff. Union Savings and loan Ass'n v J K Miller et al; Miller and Miller fur plff. t O Thome va I) W Dhondt et al; Hus ton for plff .. Oliver P Newton -vs ,A S Kicbola et al; Tongue for pill'.- ' t he Dundee Mort and Trust Improv't Co Ltd va Richard Williairm; Bronaugh, Fenton and B for plff. . . :' era Snow and H B Huatdu y Edith Monroe and Jai'kgou Monroe e nl; Wal lace Mct.'auiant for plff. " " iGerman Savings ahd Loan; ' Aaa'ri vg William Eisner et al; Smith for plff, T t Newman va John n Uolstruin; j Tongue for plff. Henry andltaynea .for plB. ;.."ilice ,iie rice has la-en lai,i. dor; Bagley fr pill' and Huston for deft, j; fliary -u nuifnea v ienie aiioerzan-; Kt'JacKNiin vs Aiiania .immeiiirani Tongue for plff and li irrett & Adams for deti. . -, Special Sale. ., To make room for Holiday stock, until November 28, the uuders.igjred will sell at 2tfp c discount for eaifh'; clocks. walv.heSj jewelry ofall kinds, musical instruments, optical goods, ttc.,, when 4 purchaser buys in amounts to equal one dollar or. up ward.' Also prepared to make and lit all kinds of rings, sets, etc., to order. Work promptly'' executed. Wood taken in trade. Yours for business,,, . .. - . - ', , .;,' ' 'r' ' - L. V, lerckmoes, v Hillshpl-o, Oregiin. Come Out. Memiiers of all political parties are lequested to meet together at Shute's Hal' on Friday evening of this weekal7:30p m. to commence a serje ofaueelings to discuss ros pective. legislation, both state and national. Theluiig wiiitereyenings will be specially adapted to tlie dis cussion of such ; issues ami it can not fail to lie beniticial to all con-' cerned. A frequent 'meeting - of tins kind will bung out ui.tny ideas niul as all ure inter sted in public affairs this b ushing up against an l:it:o'iiistic ide' s. tn S ' if another's. will, or.ot eh t t he, nro luctive "of much go An, endi'avor will lie made t have a legislature or CiHin gi'ess formed fro.u our leading pol-, ilicians and the isue.4 of the pres ent and future debated. . v: A Lie Nailed.'- ? .Consumtitiou and bronchitis are not bv: aiiv- means the same al though it ia bard to dist nuisi ohe from tlie other. .Hr.iiicliitis is. an; iiiflaiiVinatiiMi of the lining of the j .vind tubes or air' vessels Hf the) iungs, causivig soreness of the same, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, di- thciiity of breathing, spitting of I matter and sometimes blood. ( Thou- saiids die annually with this dread disease. llbur s Cough Cure wfM cure. ' Price 50 cents. For sale by W K .Brock.- ..; ' ' - '' Mitchell and the Quadrant.: ' ' -4 ' Tliere are many settlers up on ' the , , quadrant w ho are wondering Whether Mrlitcbellj the senior ! senator from Oregon, should he be ; returned: 'Will ' luive so ureal a changoHifr. heart as to their rights oirthe hliid in controversy as did he ott the money question. It will he reineniliered that many have made their homes on this now dis puted territory have spent years of toil in i he improvement thereof and ,tbey are naturally interested. One man who.settled on a piece of this land, several years 'ago and w ho has Cleared up 15 acres in the heavy I timber, passeu tnrougn nere aion- day in a prairie schooner,' euroute to "Kansas. To an A nous reporter he said: "Life is too short to wait any longer ott the quadrant decis- ion. , igiii yei x . up there and each year added a trine to the tillable land. 1 am going home to Kansas before I get as tKior as some of my miirbrirra nn e -r tliere. flow poor is thiitr ven turetj our scribe " W ell, I'll I ell you,", was tne response, "ynifn one mai moved away trom up tliere all he had to do was to sling the kid on his shoulder, throw a bucket of water on the fire, call to his wife, whistle for his dog, and he was ready to start." ' i This man further stated that the settlers on the quadrant had little faith in Mr. Mitchell s sinee.ril v on the land ouestion and that manv '(if their number were of the belief Friday Evening, November 20, 1896. Is the date for thd Grand Ball at Hendricks' Hall, Cornelius. A Free Wagon will leave the Hillsboro House at 6:00 p. m. for Corne lius and one will leave Hohbach's Bakery at Forest Grov at 5:00 , ( i - . , ; p. m.' for the conveyance of Ladies. Good 2lu8ic Will be Had. A Cordial Invitation to All. . Oil ofGladneta. Is a pleasant, palatable pn-para-lion, entirely free from all oily tate, and inay be administered internally or apphetl externally. It will. re; move all thai "human flesh i heir t,'' if properly applied, and might be rightiy termed "a panacea for all ills." Price 50 cents For sale by W. 15. Brock. Sheriff Bradford last week served naiiers on over 10( witness. ' es in Multnomah coiintv for the X. N. Sti-eves trial. The case promis es to be long drawn and will create much interest. Please read and heed the fol lowing: All iersoiis indebted to the firm of H. Wejming & Sou are requested to caJKand settle their notes and accounts 'at once. This is the last es. II. Please, take notice. H. Wehrung & Sons. J. M. Brown has disposed of his news business and W. E. Urock will hereafter supply the people with mugrzines and monthlies. Hop buyers have been in this vicinitv recently mskinir . offers : . Vcrv few have sold U.dess their AfM. waii ,ln, er )ntrct. Aa wool i., " Un"er c.J,,"cl- A8, 0-01 i has been ttdvancinir the speculators have been through the state, one having purchased small lots in this city at lOi cents. J. M. Partlow, of Forest Grove, was in the city today. -James, Benefiel, the Portland Horticulturist and Florist was in the city today. He has teen hunt ing np on Dairy Creek and reports a great time in the mud ami rain. . Justice Smith has been trying a case today where a man by the name of Stullz sues to recover for work done on a' Greenville hop house. Tomorrow the Judge will hear the case of state vs Peter Bar ret, charged with threats against one of i is family. ; Max Crandall has been busy copying the tax roll-for Clerk Im brie and is now busily engaged in writing up the bar 'docket of the Cir cuit Court. Tlie tax foil "is a work of, art in the chirographic line "and is a goodly, bight, for anyone, who admires fine Work. . . .-r-M. ...Schuster; end, Grace Day have been granted. liceuee to weti by County clerk Imbrie. , Assesscr ,V'ilox, has in con- i 'unction with" , the equalization oard of the efiiinty,' the other two members of which" are Judge 'Cor neliu - and- .'Clerk Imbrie, filed the rol of the,l$96 assessment iii fhe Clerk's office.. The roli, was sent this eveninc to the office of Sec, of state. The Commissioners' court assisted in the equalization.7 ' -4-Mr. and Mrs. Wrii. Tupper de sire to thank . their'" malty Ii lends for the,serv,it!ee rendered during the illness ami death of their ttifitiit child. ' ' KGPURT Of the condition of the First NaMonal ank of Hillsboro. in tlio State of Ore gon, at the close of business, Out. 6, 1890: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ... . . , . .1 70,811 53 Overdrafts.secnred and unse'd - 84 U H bonds to secure circulation 12,50(1 00 Stocfca, eepurities, etc : . . . . llanking-hotiSH. furniture and 17,105 70 fixtures 4,000 00 8,525 50 7,052 47 1.G08 40 55 80 495 00 S3 !t.,!tWt" u e8aS)'ank". Due from approved 'reserve'1-' CUwaoiher' cash Uems" Notes of other national banks.. ! Fractional paper currency .melt- gl)ecie els and cents., I S,6ti 75 10 t Legal tender notes 2,656 75 Redemption fund with U 8 Treas (5 pur cent of cir culation) 562 50 1120,375 31 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 8 50,000 00 surplus tuna. Undivided profitless expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstand'g Due to state banks and bank'rs 10,' H O 00 8,405 32 11,250 00 2H5 -10 20J 10 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to j rtiflcitog-of dqiosit , Time ceititicates of deposit. .. 24,048 00 0,441 8!) 6,674 04 j ToUl ..1120,375 31 , g i-ate or Okioon, - I j County of Washington, i8"' , J J- D.. Merryman, cashier of the that the above statement is true to the best of uiv knowledge and belief it, iL..,v nuui.in. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Oct, 1890. (Sko. R. BaoIlkv, Notary Public for Oregon. . Cormct Attest: Tnos.H.ToNOUK. )' Zina Wood, Directors. . J. W. SlIUTK, J BOUTS Made to Order. $5. 50 SHOES I!d4 Sewed $5.00 Wm. Mohr, on Second St, Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done tickets, 50 Cents- ' A. B. BEAZLEV. ! - '"' " StKMETlti. "' - Bi PhaiTixr"LolTij;'e"Wt, KofPiiieta Nutj, on, .MmidT evening of eah w n-k l3 in Mawmtnlall. Phonn:ia Triple So to meets on tba . ond aiid t'oirrth Friday oT'oueh inouiti In 1 (Mf1inU. , - J ; ; , Montezuma Lodge No AO 1 10 F meet every Wedneaday euiiiK in tlii'lr hall. , H tltsitoro Kebelutb Lodgo Ko-64 niret in 'Odd Pcllona' ImU oh u,t third Saturday of each month.. Tuality Lodge Mo 6 A F ft A it uieei every Sam may nigat on o,r after full iiiihui of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No HI, Kaatem Star; meets second and fourth Tuesday lit each month at Maaonie hall. - -. ' , Hillsboro Lodge No lit A O C W meet every aoeoud and rourtb Friday in each month. X Washington Kncampmeot No 24 I U U t ineeta on secend and fuiirtjb . Krmay ol each month. Uillaboro Lodge No IT 1 U ti '1' meet in Urange i.Hll etei.i aiuruy evening. hHillabnro Grange No 73 P of t. meet". M Snd and tin Saturdays at Un..., Viola Tent, Ao ii, K u f M. meets in Odd Fellows' Hail on m-vumu and 1-uiirlh' Thursday evenui oi t.b monlli, Ruby Assembly, No. 20, .United Anifana meet lirst and third '1 utuay at Ooo Kl- . lows' hall. 1 " ... . Gen Ransom Post, No m. U A K.icrt at : Grunge . . nil first and third .huturui. PROFESSIONAL T. H. TONGUE, ; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tu Uorzan Block, HiUatera, Ores. F. A, BAILEY, M. D. Physician, 6urgcon and Accoucher - denea aoutn-weat eomar BaMlina an4 Second. All oaila ptomftij alluded da -might - S. T. LINRLATCR, M. B.C. d. PHYSICIAN AHD SURGEON, Offlee at Resideiice Jiastof Court Hwu, A. K. KAII FY. f) 1. S. J)BNTI8T ;'i,.!.. Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Blocif1 - HILLSBORO, ' -: : oitEOON". ' ! JAIffl PHIUJPP1 TiKBSB, 1L D. PMYSICIAN AND SURGEON, - i ; Surgeon Southern PaeiOe Railroad Oa, Consultation in Frenck or Kngliah. Oflle and reakloueesoutli M Mala near Id ati.' BUIaboro, Or.' WILKES BROS.- ' ABSTRACTORS ab SURVSTORS. Convey aooinf aad Am aup wairk wciaiiy. , . Lindsay Block, two 4ooa Mortk of Ik Mooadak,UUUbet,Or. . GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ft. TOliNEY-AT-LAW. , oo m 1 A 2, Shnta Ulock; over Ureer'a. -. UILLSBO,0,. ; ;.( .,' OREGON." Local Agent ,Kpjal lnfurjti;c Coiiiuapjr . SMITH ft BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS' AT- LAW, j Notarial Work and Conveytucing. ltoouis A 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro Ore. ' ' . MISCELLANEOUS: ' '''Vr Garstens KANUFACtUB ERS OF tOUgD Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. . HILLSBORO - OREGON. Cor.2diWui'tM j j. MoaTHaur, J Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table aud all accommodations for the convenience of guests. Notary Public . . . Loans, Collections . . FINK . . AND'-', ACCIDENT : INSURANCE : - J, I KNIGHT, General Fire Insurance and Lean Iirokr . HILLSBORO, .(. OREGON TWO FOR ONE i2iid lor tree sample ana juage thereby, . II Both $1.15 Cash hi Advance Per Year illsboro . Cmcianati Knairiie The Enquirer is a 9 column'! 8 pane paper, issued each ThOrWday. Largest in sie, cheapest in prio must reliable in news, nil large ..l)ipr plain print, gomi white iwperjlf our readers want another live paprf the Enquirer is that paper. " Call or send orders to , , Argus Pub. Co.,