THE HILLSBORO A ROUS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 18!)(!. THE ARGUS ' County Official Paper. s '.. Tfce Ottly Deinoermtie Paper in Wh inf ton Coauty. issued kvery thursday ,. . by . . ThiArps UWm Coipu;, . -toHt'RirnoH pua Single copy f) v coiita. One yar.l.i. S KIk moAtlw U) "e. ' : TKraa omnia .16 oauta. ...Entered Rttbe Put-ofhee at Hillsboro, Oregon, s becotid-clas mail matter. ttntlXU TARIFF LAW. ; , The tariff )eti.u should not I e a wiatferof politics to any extent. The government should have suf 'ticient revenue for its expenditures. When congress meets, inasmuch as the income tax, has neen declared Unconstitutional, that body should Immediately pass a law that will produce as junich tni'5re ,thaii- the Wilson biH s l'lM income tax law would liuv .ui ided -along with tlm . denqcratic measure. There will, or tslitotid be, no opposition to such a 1411, for it is hut a mutter of business to the people. There should be no trouble about such a law passing ioth houses, for a mat tor of expediency, demands it. Pres jdv'iit Cleveland would let it become a law without a 3oubt. - - The only doubt about such a measure getting through congress rests in the probability that some of the financiers may attempt to rid the bill' with a currency meas ure for the retirement of the green backs. Thi. if it be done, will meet with much;vopo8tUon, built is mpnf. tbaH !i1celyf that ho ' such embarrasiiig meftsjjre.yi.U heddr eif io the new tariff .bill. to come. " IRELAND'S HOME RULE. TO. Ireland's hope of Home' Utile will never, be - realized lofig as there is (jivision in the Irish pranks. The Harnellites and nationalists both"1 wkni Hmi6 kulef but between these" two parties tKerteis iirach jSjs Mi jsfori . lrr.bft ty hji .ng'beinee i u; Iri ishtnrn leifao a Vtdjjiji:45ftri.'? can contribution fur the good 6f he cause, and" it'se'rved- the' Irish peo ple righK .-. Whew they enhWntl t united j a. co.nnion . cause without internal bickerings, Ireland will get Home Rule and not till then, There is about ac much .msiwe in the Irish people fighting bi.t anoth er in identical interests as there is 'in the sgficuUtlfarinteTestB of the Unite! Slates being divideh' 'AVhal ifnod for the one is" go8 for the other. , , . -.-. , ' EDITORIAL NOTE. . Asalawver would defiiYc'Supere rogation;" il.iniia stitma; that he would contitiue. to.uct a4he advis or of Mr. McKinley. The AROU i tot- adverse- (o a duty on wool "but insistB "that the farmer is equally entitled tua bo'in ty on wheat. Or is the wheat rais er a popocrat 7 tt the republican, administration fulfillB its pledges and promises, tour years hence there will be no need of a presidential campaign. If it does not, there will be no reed of the republicans putting 'out a candidate. Even Mark Hanna can not save him. , The great dailies of "sound mon ey" extraction stil) keep harping about the honor and intelligence of their candidate and princij les. This prating of virtue will get tiresome after awhile and even believers in "sound money" will think that wrong which heeds' so much self praiBe. ' , '"' ! ' The bankers of New York are candid, enough to acknowledge the truth. . In their recent banquet their toast was: "Here is to Vm. McKinley and the man who elected him, Mark Hanna!" It is evident the people, in the estimation of the bankers, had nothing to do with the election. , It is highly indicative of Ameri can citizeiislup.: and manhood to hold to ft political Iwlief. This is right. But fir people to set up a political standard and then claim ail other as dishonest smacks of the pjracticaj of leading politicians of ihm norm twrmg the (Juvb of re itonstrurtion. The Hatchet last week contained an woptite ebullition on its oVii "6terlinorlb"aiid characler.Its true pjftiUoif to tbe people is shown by it billpreenjtet to the county i-ourhfeR' " O: Ke'd by Craig, . A :.A I l....,' SjoperituelKtriiv, uii. 1 nwvu u to normal rates by Jhe board Mr Craig, tt pnticenietit in your i case means self approvement. It is surprising how a few short months will alter circumstances. Only two months back the Hann people thought the administration was a record of ''Unparalleled dis honor, disaster and incapacity." Now those who swallowed this wan ton insult are "patriots." The pow ers realize already that they may want their help again. Last spring the Oregonian was classing J. H. Mitchell with Coxey and Weaver. This full, by a sud den flop, J. H. became a statesman in Scott's estimation. Now that the legislative session is approach ing the Portland daily will be ex pected to take a position tor or against Mr. Mitchell and all are anxiously awaiting the crusade Give your neighbor credit for be ing at 'least honest in that Which he advocates. He. may not le right. You may differ 'from him If. you do, you naturally do not want your opponents to believe yon dishonest and they certainly have as gixxl right to so think as do you to think they are not honest. Be liberal. There's nothing in being anything elVe'. " ' ' ' The incoming congress owes duty to the people.. That duty is to either pass a revenue bill that will produce enough money for cur rent expenditures or reduce expen ditures to correspond with the re ceipts of the government. There is nothing partisan atbut this prop osition and the people should -make Congress realize the business im portance of such action. ' . If the prea will just let Mr Mr j.Kinley build his' own cabinet the people and Mr. McKinley wili feel relieved. Mr. McKinley has been elected president --and his adminis tration is in; his i own hands or should be. If it be not in his own hands then it will be engineered )y an agency perfedtlyr satisfactory to him. Let him have time and let him build his ow n cabinet. . ? The majority of the voters in Hie producing states supported ' BrjVn and bi metallic standard, riii- cludesv'of course, that se'clvoii of the Uiiited States south i.if t, w-si.,of Penn. It is only when we look at the returns from NVw.jEiigi:ind,New, Vrii-t' iVhft'''Piiiittvlei4iiiii . tlint wiJ i--r---"V" .im"-' !"." . - grow tired ami wi.r4t.: Will the farmers evur havoii voice in leg islation? We thitia''soi-n abjut four yeare, perhaps. ' '''' . , The V'eiez.ueliin; ,quesrion . of, boundary will be, Jwppily., settled.' Whei) the PresWewt Cleveland avus, sent i Englanil ' last spring national )Wide leafi thrilled' to the heart. Yet be1 it said to the shame of American Citizetjsiiip there were even in-the U. S. men 'who deprecated Cleveland's atti tude. : These people were very rich.' "National honor" was not to be prated over. They were afraid of their wealth. . . '.' ';--':' ; M'nat i a travesty on politics would, it be sboufd the Ohiolegis lature conclttde to elect Mark Han na as U. S. Senator to succeed Hon. John Sherman!-. It is known thai M r. Hanna Aould not be averse' to taking the senatorial toga should il be offered him Mr. Hanna could have a cabinet position if he desired it, but he is not the kind of a man to take a subordinate pos i lion w lien he holds one of direct ory power. . , , . It is said there will be an efPnt by Forest Grove pai'tisans to have Mr. Marsh removed "ffoiu the post- mastership of Forest Grove as soon as the new adminislration goes in to power.' It is to be hoped that they will not strenuously oppose Mr. Marsh holding his position during the tenure of appointment as long as he makes a good official However, as a fact, The Argus has hut little sympathy with Mr. Marsh as he was a Palmer man. Hut ev ery man has a right to believe and vote politically as he sees fit."'' If he voted for McKinley he should hold Ins position. If he voted for Pal mer, (which we. think he did) a half vote for McKinley, he should hold his position. If he voted for Bryan, he should still hold his pos ition until the expiration of the time for which he was appointed provided he properly executes his official duties,. ' The struggle of the Cubans for their liberty will now engross the attention of the people of fhe Unit ed States. Mnceo, with a few thous and men not-over ten--lias for many months Hceii maneuvering . . I 1 J 'i I .1 !.' no as 10 num uv uay ine enure opan army, metering iu.a.l, 200,000. Tlrv gnllHul fight 'put 'up ly the nil- tiVetfisJilliiia tWVorrJfttni -pratee and admiration.' In this Christian age, it seems, however, that, there is needless bhiodshed which; amounts to nothing; else but murder. "While the comity of nations makes it sn that interference is a delteate mat ter, yet it seems, st,range;.'th:it coun tries" like"he Uni ed States and Rnhind. should make so much ado about the kiljiftg.of a'Tew ' huttd'ied Armenian! and turn dj-nfeai to Cuba's plea ami fijjiit for lilierty. . .. ... . ' The republican' party ' wilMia've a majority in -both houses in the con xresB.whivh hill snpjH rt Mr. Mc Kinley. Not withstanding the fact that some of this force is made' up out of free silver republicans, the whole duty of the party will mi to" plsce a prottTiivn tariff on nil lines of niaiiufuetiired importations wbich could be brought into coinpcti'ii'oii to the home product. The'-'it!(ple' have voted for u return to the hgh pritectivH Mlicy and even if the Wilson bill be nearly as high !as the McKinley. bill. Congress will owe to the United States bill that is equally as highif iioV; jilgfier, than the McKinley bill. ,' ; Failures are quite, frequmitin-lhe east since the election. Mr. BrVaii can feel gratified that he has missed the opportunity of having then laid at the door f his election.-,VA a saniple'of these fiiihiie. Juk Ab- gis calls to niiud xlifl' Robt. K Joke, a member-of a-mUinlfMeiur- ing firm in the Eitst: whii Was inter- viewedpriot the election, fhe geu tleinan slated that he ha received conditional orders enough to-run hiiu for several months. If ftryaii were elected he said he should' fail becasfe'the ortlers would be with drawn. McKinley ..was elected and four days nft;r., Mr, Joice's firm went to the wall. THOSE 50. CKNT, DOM, AP.S il'; An rjmterestii3"Whi( '"of it he financial iiesiiorV'.itfiie" VneHtS or-rfrt'lrfw'r ol 'w'eiii.Hr ayjuruPM, ponitj Jise'i, tip on lit- -ublifi.if.ptimis Hif .alli'fotro -pioihiothuld;iii -'the future don b!e the ptices 1 f A 893, 4 if., (1 '5. ' 1 11 this eyi'iit f;ii 'nV. 'property ', wotild di-u.bli'. in valu'v, a nd .nnMi.rfd i the iri:duot of lh farm.' fir auriclil tuial, Jam! vaJueMi the" ilollar wouUI l.u' one halt as inucn. "inen we would liaVe "fiftv cent dollars" tra lore, but ''tile farmers ' c'uii utilize these 50 cent dollars 111 the pay uieiit ( I taxes sin! . the improve tneut of .their!.faru8.;ii,As.a matffr of ; fic t ,! however. n e -.looks-'for f "such ( -condition to prevail"1 ak' we 'know, full1 well 'that ' tlie prfce'if wheat this fall., is goyerntil by jhe great shwr'sge jn tiidia. . A full crrp in. that ciiuntry next' year means.' u- decline ' ihs' 1 he 5 price to' n here it has been fur several 'vear? Tae alfiii all, however,. the nbil ity,.ii the consumer Kto. bj!rbut.h the foreign and domestic coiis'timJ r lists' a great deal to do with pri ces and certainly 1he dearness and cheapness; of : niwwy.ihas ; n 'great bearing upofj the mikjng,itr''frarr-' ing of I his ability.; ' Granted, that inotiev is subject' lo li e same , law of fi.uppl v and demand as are, other. things which are for sale this ''50 cent" dollar idea is not well' found- ed. v-;i ;' PAS'S" JUDGMENT: W'lien one reads the below exTrac't from a letter published in the 0ttj gonial!1 it doubt is Iwonght to;tniiVd as to whether the' gentleman in question was any nearer right iii 1896 than was he in 1861 when he took up arms ugaiust his country. The letter in which the extract existv was writteti by a Kentucky, ei-confederute, ton New York bank er and is as follows: "The writer. a Southern 'man by birth, a democrat b inheritftnee, for generations, and an old Confert erate soldier, had to walk uo to the noils this time and Cast his vole for McKinley. Ton can very read ily understand if required some sacrifice and some courage to do it. and there are thousni ds of others just like hini in Kehlticky' wlio did the same thing;' slid that is what has put v Kentucky iii the sound money column. We followed our ctrnvictinns as boVtriiVto'the Souili- erii army: we followed' our cont ic-"" tions this time for onefcotiytty, one flag, and an honest dollar, atid the only reward we expect is that we will enjoy American citizens a part of that' peace' shil ' prosperity which niust come now to the Amer ican petiple as the result of the elec- Hon.' 11 i'i'&W' M yoQVyWP a P'oniiiifnt Portland capitalist, haf written a j letter o th Orfctttitn Hatlw f tie bnnquVt'tn I e tendeml Mr. IlirfCh ill lh Hotel, Portland Sat- erdnv t ight. In this letter tin i eauntUt isilii' vin down to Senator! Mttcheli, ai d the writer insists that the senatorial a.-pnunl must deline himself hj this tnoi ey question-not by an.alhision to ."siimd ' iiii:e " by dei'lariiig for the gold stand ard. This will lie easy for Sena tor M'tcbolla-i-ii godd deal fispr, than it was to-stump (Vreunn f r MeKhilev -.and inteirnaliuiial agreeinent. The letter, howevcrB.hnt, Aifore-rtinner of the- liftle' tistrnctfojis , brother Mitchell j will' e'neounter f'tietwceii now and his ejection or defeat. 'IV Tt k ' Tin rk is a grea( cry' tne J5ast r the retirements -of the '.green backs. J nst whv . thev should tie retired any 'n'iore, 'thai) the .'sjlver liar or silver cert'ihcsrttfs. u;t plain to.see.: Of course it takes a gold ''.dollar to redeenv a "dolfar in greenback and the dollar, in silver the debased dollar floats itself and shall continue to i so do until - - . . .. ... i the Morgans' and Cjews ..of,. New Yrk shall sny that the best inter ests of the country shall demand gold redemption, ,-;Th .bankers of the .east want, no tinkering of, the currency quesf.onniWIesis they' can dojhtj ti u ke,ri.' g tbiiifi-lvea i : CORNELIUS, Ibidnev Clark is.tfawuiK'AVf1 ilit-'K;iirr' iiet has. a wiii- tracl to cut oU cords. : 1 ...l.-'r ,t J-i ml. .' ,;,!.-( ' J IV riy. U11 ta r- mnlV:-1 1 ai 11 a . tkf HillsiMiro were in ih-city Mtniday. '' '.M Conk '.jrpmrmrdJtnm.. Southern Oregoin where b:ha';leen in 'tin- mines.- Me hruuiHFit Vonn' hue lisi'.' geu wLUi bim;..oiie (utuiue.d stSOO anil. one Ap WT ..'hw a laim out ihereSvh'U'h'he will prob ably d. veii. .r?, i!' A feiiUer.'.of iPiiTtlatid is visiiiog With 'biH, paVenb week; ,;' Mrs iM.. CJiirm'tl.i.w Tort land' is visftin'g'iefth he'r jjftitlie'r tide .week. - iie'v Lit true, V.f Portland 1 will hild Qiiarlerfy iivH'tiiVg herO tyi' oa.tu cuiy on ,nu 111 my "$( 'fj.ti.cas .W.'ts attendins! ti) ll.t8v fileW 1 i' T! il Isboj r.'X ednes ti y . Hitil''- Miontgoinery attends to tlie cilice vhi:lf tie Is absent. wtSJW lwuMKi,U.illerJeft on VVeduea. day. iati k.i Tolrlh.iel, wlre sbe has (ifciireu ciiii'lo.vment. , ,, , v Tli.'l O.U'.T.Mfdge'-lWs"rtf-trg"nn- ized for toe wmleY!'''1;",:. ,xtt. ' .r..M!t ' B Luinoiiii's ildet4i:hter eanif out from PokhTirtt ' Wednesday Gen Kirkwnod, of Forest GTove, was'Fh-lne citV 'htedaV. last 1 ' yrlilarris and Mr' DittkeirsiiijWich shipped a car load of jiay to. Port ia..iKi..-iMe6iay.,.- . 1 . i- j' The, latest elee j i;tj M, not pa id is1' 'between' I1 iViive.rov and ..' A S Malekt . If ...MeKiidey was; eleutetl II arch was ti wbtt'l'iitneruy over town, in a wheeL ntii ri;W) tliei) l oni- ei'py, wax 4f ift:. lvM water Arough and Hatch wa-t bnunir water ov er-hiiii' iid1fAIVfyf'was" elected Vice vera., -t T'fCt It. .JKI: if - ". .... )- 1 tf iin:ii.'.,v ','i-- " "'" FROtt wtoft'"1 iu:" Wapato, Lake is. OS a, boom and the new stern wheeler, "Gatni" is expec ted to ma.k daily runfroBi this vicinity to Lad,d und Tilton's landinKoti't'lu Wil iamette, tranprtiig oowfideuce and oth-' fr. liuiinesfi neqessttieSioY '' . Tiiick hunter's are 'hWirrg.Cansidersble sport these' days : and Jorue of our Igcal sDortsrtieil have olacecf Hit order for 100 of Brtce Wlliori's tlec6. ditclts to use on '"' The mill: have started, up,: , 'Jupiter Pluvius hi,heeq. rumii11; nivhtoand day cvtr since the ratiheation. Oil Monday tbe gearing- became.' clogged, resulting ,sqch a,.cttUitx shafts' and. jouf uals that about an inch and half of waste Cover) , th , ;rHund before the bd qoulQ M slittt on. ;. 5 ::' - ' "' H'' V Parson's" staticVt 'to forttan ,!lnt wk J-!uY a" ftisil of ' oftis. Me came back 011 the Steamer. "Gaiton,",. as. the. roaifs wcre too had foV travel. ' ''".'. ,D M Dunbar; will soon endeavor to re call what str.nek tlus.couiity ontNov. ginl..' D M is all, right and ixys-tilere is plenty of fight in him yet and that he' is special'-' ly loadtd Cor gold standard men..: : , ADDITIONAL LOCALS. - ; .' !-.(. . ... .. ' i-! " -".I .-...-.-l . t " ;'.. : i: '' John , AVirtz. w:ib mIimvti' from Forrst (Irnvu toihiy on htieWs". - !...:( t .;' . ' - rnwyr,ri, E. ; Flegel wu in the fity ttKlny on legal buninesH coiieriving the cotiilhg terlhl of. cir cuit. tjourt.. . I t, ,r - 'The ladies of the Christian church will have n ,juhlc iinner nt Ciraiifje ilall i?u T I hh i k Kgi v i i ip day itiid .auptier -jn the owning. Utnner5:;) cctiti; mp-r, 15 cent. . OtiT; pew lino of nil wool stiitn ut eipht dollars niiiiSfifty; ccfitH'iire hiirpninH. ..Ciijl .niil,ciiiew fttiis hcfoie '..'rhank.-plvtiiW. .Only v nl Urviin,. ;Iiaidlnw iuf Gash. Slore. .Seer our one dollar ulaoketH'. lion. S. D. lluctiwi hn hen relaiiwd hv llip dffWi-ft W M chmj of tho 8tat. of . Ortjgoiy ,'v.e. X,, N Stet-veid. Two' "other, proininenl rn niht r,f Uk' Qrpgon hravill .he rtioeitt4,wl oiih Mw Hustdfi. hn.l the prosecution will bUI.v .'.be pr?MlftHftci f" it IAm "J1 vonted hy DintrKt Attorney Lord liallloli Uil 1069 ffSS of Mnllnoinnli, with' oiitfiflu fts-idt- Look ! Rare Bargains a ... ' Enquire at TttK Aunts ollice; No S lliS. ore.. MuUwav runnlns HiWiiVkU I'Oiilerof ptuce. ADuerps in culti vation; 3 iiureft in iireiumi, nppiON, jier UI plums; 0 room Ihkihp; Iok lni, good well of wato'r; .10 neres of lieaverilain, vny to nut in I'liltivntton: niuee Well watuml by ttprjiiigs and creok; 100 neren umler t'enee; U inilm from pout oJUoe, dully mail;' 1 milo from hcIiooI house mut six mile north of HillMlioro, (.loo cheap for cash. No 4 A good corner lot on Main and Third streets. 7x173, with good building tlierooii,Nuititble for any kind of biiHinesH, and In excellent repair, will go at a bar gain for cuili. l'tu't payment und bnlnnee on long time with Hocnrity. No j ll acres; half cleared, balance in grass. Good house of four room-, good oarn and outbuildings, t'iiie orchard of 50 trees and various other smuil fruits. 150 chickens 50 ducks, l -horse wagon, 2 sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers T horse and farm implements. Kvery- -thing goes for $650, cash in hand. No 2 10 acres, half clearod, 1 acre ben Verdam, rest Hlashvd uiid sown to grass, no buildings, goes for fitt per aero. With in two miles of lUllNlwro. Terms, $100 tibwtl, bahknee in .1 years at 10 per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of which iibove la a part, at hhiiiii price per acre, including IS acrea 61' beavordam and awiill cloarod. (Jive the cliolm of. ., . T WO THA Si C ON 77 A' K AT TA I ROUT Great E S p. SPOKANE -; MiSNEAroLia :-- ASU' ST PAUL ' DENVER OMAHA KANSAK CITY . ' ; 1 - f LOW UATK8 TP Abb Kabtkrn 'citika- I J ; : ( - .1 r 11 .-' - Ofif an Strainer,,. Portland Every Five. Day ... .. , ,.v FOR....- ,' BAN FRAKCISCO Kcr full details call pi.or,iidrss: .: ,! WHHURbBURT; Oen'l Pass A pout Portland, OrcfrriiV, OrJ.,I. KiilKht, Hlllsliro.Ore. ,yr. E MeNF.IL, Pres. and Mnnsirer. . Notice for Final Settlement. .' NOTICKilmroby(rlven that the, nn . 'derxiiriied liaa filed Ida final account asadminiHtriitor of the estate of W. A. t'orter. de()aHi'd, in the County oourt of the Stute .of Orejron, for WaHhliiKton Countv, and that suid Court has appoint ed Monday, Dec. 21, the hour of 10. n.ln. tin the time,, for henrlnir objee tlona to surh' fluid account and Xor tlio sottloinoiit thereof. . .v ; Jons M. WAt.i., ,; ' AdmlnlHtrntor of the OBtate of M. A. Porter,- deCensed. ' ",' Piitod at Ilillslmiirt, Wasliltvcton County, Oregon, jthld lUtlt day of Nov,, MM, : . Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE tshoreby jrivi-n' tfiat the un derpinned ailniinislriitiir of the eS- jtate of Richard V alone, deceased, has mod his Html account hm ailn inistrator of said estate in the Couirtji Court of the Suite of Oregon, for WaMhinKton tioiinty, and wild iConrt hns : npiM)intOfl MondnV, Hie ?m d.v. of ,rBoeniberi lwft, at the court bouse 'in' llillxboro, nt the hour of 4en o'olook tt. in. of said diiy aa the tiiilo and pliu-e for hearinir objcwrtlons- to 'hucIi gnal iwcount unci tbe tin;il itettleinent ,oj wild:estate. ' " .. , ! rf ';-', 5 W. H. WKIlRtTNn. 1 Admiuixtrnt'ir of the OHtato of Itichar-d ' Maloni). il'asetl. 1 Dutd at Hillsboro, OrKon, this 10l li day .iff NovenibrltjW,., " .--.-v. ' : - -, Notice U PnblfcaUoK.' ' '.Lanu OrricK at Orkoom C'n.OU .'' -. ' ' Nov. ft, Ami ( VrO I'lCJf If. -hereby given that the follow i.!N ; iiiK-nained etter iiiia. A led noUce,!)! jiis -intention to make linal proof (n. sup port of his claim, and that aid proof Will be made belore the Comity (-Icrk of VViihO iiiRtOn coun'ly, nl, Oreitoji,. on December I!), 1800, vnsi ' : ' -.;: Geo. Hall, ll, K. No. N4fW fur the S K of E '4 tec ,i8'T2'K 'i w. ; ,lt . , lie names the lullowiiiK witnt-HHen to prove hia con'l inuouit residence npuh ami cultivation of aaid land, viz: A lexander Sutton, Henry Milton GragR, ewlon -Woii'cr and William Hay nard, n of Jjilirel, Ore. ' 84-U . HOBKKT A. MlLLtR, Register, ' Notice lor Publication. linv'D OVriOit at OkrooJi Cfitr. Oa.l ...-:). ; '.Oct. 27. lt)0.( ."OTIC-K i hereby jjiyen that tbe folloiy ! iiiu-numud ' a'ettler lia" U'letl notice of ii intention to make linal pronr In -up-port ;f hi I'laiiu, and-that Haid prowf will be made tjefore the HogiHt.-r anil Jleceiver l uraolt City. Ore., on December 13, 181)0, yiz: .. ; '. ... Georgft :Rpkhweln,;. H. K. No. IWIfur-the- KM 8 W i and A of 8 15 K of sec 13 T 4S ft 8 W. . lie iiBineS the followiiiB HnMt to pr.ivelijH ci,MitiiiiKini reiueiii;e upoii and cultivation of aid land. vix,j :-. - 'flioiWa' Pettiiobn mitt C barleitEltlimnii of Veruonln ; 4; Jl Wlch,;bf Mountain dale, and Uo Y W Roifliwoin.of i'ortlaud. S'2-0 HoltrRT A. M il LtR, Uenister. WttitZx PllArvnnlln L All Coin I ITk fl 1U1 HMt Northern Ky The Hillsboro Pharmacy The Leading Drug Whore Drugs, Meulrlnra. Palma. Oils. Si'M.ngiM, llrosliM anil nil Driiugll' Hundrk. limy iiroeurwl at prkea tluil utinplv iHBlimeacumpt'lUhm. - HILLSBORO CITY I. K ItKUH'l'. Ti-nr Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly cn Htccl. Hlubest : Mai ket : Price ,: Paid : for : Tat : Cattle. : Sheep Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREKT, V. T. Andrews. I'rvnutrnl. , , , , , ,1. YMVrtsut. iliy ANDREWS LUMBER CO. ' ( lnciirioiatrd JunfK, 18KI.) " MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDAI.E. ' ' ... ORKCON. WILEY & DENNIS, ZC1T Y LIVERY JJTABLE Cor. aaJ and VVathincton Street, It WH IRE VOU WILL FIND THE IN HILLSBORO. , EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES md DF.liERS, . Til K DKLTA DlilJfi STOHK -- First Giiality in Every Kespect : : Siiecial Attention Given to Quality : : .md Accuracy in Dispensing. 1 : : A Full Supply of Toilet Articles, IVrfum , : ; ery, Patent Medicines, School Rooks, Htc. See Our Immense Stock of Xmas Goods The Largest Ever Shown in the City,1 ' " ; J ' " ' 1 ' I'M- .-' ' t' '" " Telephone from Store to Office. v .; ,;' ;' See that it is ! This is the trae-mark which is on the wrapper (silmon-col- i 6rtd) "of everf bottle cf tl.egen nuine SCQTT'S EMULSION, Be sure tl is ij cr the packaet.and thai! nothing else tj ! is pal.T.ed eff on y,ou when you ask for it. Net .inj has hui miie that equals it to cive s rength and so id flesh ' to those w!.o are run down cr enaci-ted. ', Ybur"doc:cr will tell ycu that it is th: one W for all ihosi . whose weight is below the standard of health. ' k' Put u? in 50 eh. and $1X0 aUa, tad oU by all iSrgitta "i- SCOTr 4 BOWNE, Nt York. - .' (Succe..jr to C If'Meadj l EXPRESS! Muk- regular tripa to I'orlliihd on Mondiiya, Wednesday, and, Krldayi n lui'iiiiiK on Ttiewlii.VH, ThurH(l,viiml Sal uriiti v. All liiiNiunMN er.rriiMti'd to li I'm will l.e promptly and cuielully alicmlcd to. ;' Vreiahl 'mill uxpreaa rat en ii'iiMoimble. I.cuve nrdiTK w llh lilui, or hi l.eill'ord'ii, or at Tub A num. . " ''''-4;- - . - Wanted-ftn Idea Prnteet nor Meant ty may bi Mum ii. .'Lit. ii Dim U B. n Who ean thtak of torn almpK blag to pMmir mil. .uiiii " Mi.i.i.vji... a. i sn, jittur MT. WMhlBfton, D. C, Car lh Ir t,lui prlaa M llt o tw auadmt InvtatloiM u(M, . Notice For Publication. Orru k At (Jrioon ('iTvOmt.i VTOTlflKiK brreby Riven thiit tlio lol Xl lowiiiK-iniincil wtlli-r Imn liled notice of iiif inteiuion lo niiike llniil proof in nop. iiort.ol bif cliii.n. and Unit said proof' will be iniule btlore the Ueisisti r. inn! Kcc.i-iver; nt Oregon City, Oregon, on Dei , 4, ,1'XOil, Viz: .. . ' ' - ThomiiR Kti'l.v, v 11, K,No. 7BI2 lor lie,N li (or Lift 10 15 and 1) of Set 3 T 8 N It w, '. .. ; He n'ainen the folluini: iin.Ve. fi prove hiM uontiiinouH rcsiiicirt-n '-'iiji'oti unit eullivation oI'khUI bunl, viz; . . . , ,' I'elef liiind, llouou I' Mmpwin, Henry Huber, John Oliver, all of Huxlon I nj;m'i. . .' 31-41 , Itoiiy. A, Mh.lhk,, lv'isii'r. ?OK SAIiK-Thrce hniweaand lots on 17 Sniiond street between Main -and WaMblnKton In Hiilaboro. Inquire of F. (J. Mitchell. H rock's Drug Store. Tttana Hiin far lanifaialtiai atvt fn nn.tZS Lt. Z. J5W!9 coa,t AOWAr, Kiw Ton . gldott tmrrau tor taemiaa pawnta In amartta.' pablla br a notice given ft eftlmrut la Iba Iwceri etraitatlnn of an; k world, apienuklir i:iuSr aa theiiM bo v;i-.oo It. at tt. Wae.ute, e?'-'. uatntad.' lo luloli:-:- :;l ww tn the. : ai Mnaawv,Mu Yi CIV. -"""i-.rt'lrf'i. nvsT a co ther .;...' 4 .-:." 8oientlto Amtrlc&n A ABoy fora. ' Ifniun IU(K:k Dr. V. A. Bailey. l'rurlir. Houso MEAT MARKLT. eail ; r!it IHLLSBOUO,' O R KG ON . r BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BS HAD 1 Nbtite for Publicatioa. "' . l.ANu Urru t it iM..K i'lTt: Oi.l i ., Novniilr. ft, )mU ; TOTICK i berrbv nlven that tlm foi.w 1 1 1 . OiK-niuiied willi-r bus II Ud ii.ttid of . Iii" iiitt'.iuMiin to nuikf tlual. proof in up. iiort of Inn cliiini, anil Hint Haid jroo( kJu be inalhi'l-for.lli6 ll)iilr 'liiidrIU'Cf'Ivr ' ut tirt-Kou City. OhiKoti, m Mec, '.-1, ..... il . .... 1 v Hcnrf Thuraianu, Jr., L H. K.-Xi), Will for tlH tt'VVfcc HT it e imniKJ lite loiiowtrg iUiir.t ,(l prove hixsiilttiili.itu r l.l-no- un'on Slid . cultivation of until luml.vix: jt'! I ! lleiiiiiniin I,' ll -iiuiii. Chiirtra L Dcuniii, , i-Haia allTif -llillcy, j Kiir,Jlol and TlifimM'.l V.'!". it, , if. nunr,iA in, I'rop.. t.. : fdhixiiotto, okroom , Freh Flab Conatanlly on IUril. Columbia rvvor Salmon ttnta pw pound. . . i allbni, Hturgeon, and 8mTt. , Crab, Clauia and Oyntera toonler, v Poultry Wanted trJl 1 1. u.-.ui.-t . ,t, . Notice for- PablicatUM.! ' '" JUwpGri'11 AT tlRKMOK CtTT. 0.' : ; Octuber., 6th. lHSO.l i:1 NOTICE in lierehy mven thai tbe followr j"liioimnd Miller haf tiled iiotlcn of : liia I mm i turn tit niakt hnal pniof in aup Hirt of Idii hddilional IloiiicMeiiil-. entry ., aiKMbatKatd priHf willhe inde before lb :oHiity (L'kifk Nidi Wimhin'KMit coutitv t uiiiaiioEo, uiruon.oi) ioiinuv HI, lw,' vii. - - " . ; , ' 1: Elftrldre Cheney. H, E .lllWforlliijrJlJ Ji of ttJSM wf Hao 1A12N 114 W, 7 .... -, ; . 11 - iiiiinet th : following witneifei to ' prove bia cuiitiudoua residence .upon- and culllvatlon of aid hold, viz: ' William M Watroua, John WblU. dloini, 1 H llulluck.allof Mannliii,Oreio.s Albert , -W 1 ilia, of KoreMt drove. ')- ItoacKT A, M i, Register. - I- III I11VV1.V . 1 11)11 , " ' . Notice for PiiblicitloB. ..- . Lab Orripi t Oji Ebon City, On.i ' ' . . Oct.. ar. iH6.f "MOTR-K l hereby given that the uLI'OjJ J.1 ing-nained settler has tiled liWiaWnV -bia intention to make linal proof iu Ou- Vc port of bin claim, and that taid jroof.-tTlr" be 1 1 mile before fimtv Clerk of Tillamoi , count t atTillaihook, OreKon, On Dec ll, ItilMI, vi;-.. ; ., , ', ' -, -' ' Loots A. Olson, I're !).., No; 7971 for tbe 8 U of 8 It W'Hoe, Ut ami .N i of N K See. Id'l' 1 R 7 w. lie iiiiiuef the followiiiK witnawea lb .J prove bill colilinuoim residence upon and cultivation of taid land) viz: ' k f Kred Nkomp, Charley Hester, ()lrk 1iut leyaipl William Kyun, all of TlllamooS,., , Oiioifoii, ' 32-0 RokktA. Minim, RwtlMtr ?''" ' : l;M.lofl, . U'' " ' ''.AiiuOrricR at.0m ' ' ' fit. VOTlfJK t hereby Kiven llirthe''fi)lloi'.'1'.' . init-miiiied nuttier, haa KImI mitiea til October 27. 1.f. hi tntenlion to make linal prouf in fi'jx-", ..luirtof bin cluiiii. and thattiud pmoi mil ln iniidti belore the County Clerk ol Wnh ifiirttm county, ut Ilillaborri.'Or.', oil .Win bur t'.', IMW, via: ,....,.; 'i- :,,,,;. VVHIUm illcr, . . :, ll.B. No. 11.718. for tbe ti H ot 8 R Ht Sec IT 116 W. He oilmen the followliig wilnensn to ., prove Ilia contiulioua residence -upon ana JL'ilUiyation of : ftiiiil. land, vilt !'. '.I.-.S" Mm the w Kni?ertHberner. Ootfriod Rri- , - i fnziihn. iS I'uisloy and tj lIHlddilik uTI of .,,, IJiixtoni Oregon ;!.'!,!;. m i;. ".' ,DS -0 Kouht .V. .!tlt.z, litfctsiet. ' . ' -l-U- r--.I, i....l iy. I. 1. 1,1 - "1 i;' t , Notice for Publication. , '; -kM . .. :!i I.ASii Orrii't.AT 0bn 0iT!'Oi.i l j,- . OrtohfrS7,;lrmf ' if licmhv ifLvaji that the follow- ; inir-miiiied ,!tSPXia tiled notice t Imimontion to nuike Dual proof in uh .. .poririf liUobiiiii.'uiiiIttrSwi'aiWS U H and .. 'Uiatanid- proof will be. Mad belore' ftta ' ' Ooiinty Clurk "if, WdHhiuRlon t'ounty at i-:ri HiiUboro OrtKOii on Dec. IS, tcp ,;vl:.. ,, Ertward Hrnrhet, H. K. No. im for the N KM of M T 8' ':H W. ..... ...... A 'J'.... . He immej the folluwiUK wltursfof t'o., prove hifcontitruoii.i residenta Utioir'aM- '' oiiliivatioirfifsald, Inud.i via: ... .',, a: , .... .',, ?."?:yjii.v!' ' utlflf C W wiwniin rt .Mister, Kpttert .tacob r AllUn, or eieiHviiocI) In. to vutlnjf , ot Viiiu .tlrftC'in fi1iiijjiiii iqttT 22 2t ;' '-'.'"."." .ill!!- ' J ' ' ' " - X