MIND YOUR EYE. What Ton Ptaonld Avoid If To D nlra to Preserve Tonr Rlftat, ' Ai nature ho endowed each one of 11 with only one pair of eyes and will Dot duplicate them when injured, the following half score of "don'ts" should not only be indelibly Impressed on our memories, but be religiously remem bered: Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson, professor of ophthalmology In Trinity Medical Col lege, Toronto, says: "Myopia being es sentially a condition due to abuse of the eye, one is constantly obliged to say don't to patients. It occurs to me that It might be useful to put these pro hibitory rules in aphoristic form: "1. Don't read In railway trains or In vehicles in motion. 2. Don't read lying down or in a constrained position. 8. Don't read by firelight, moonlight or twilight 4. Don't read by flickering gaslight or candlelight, 6. Don't read books printed on thin paper. 6. Don't read boobs which hare no space be tween the lines. 7. Don't read for more than fifty minutes without stopping, whether the eyes are tired or not 8. Don't hold the rending close to the eyes. 9. Don't study at night, but in the morning when you are fresh. 10. Don't select your own glasses at the outset. "It would almost seem as though some of these rules were too obvious to require mention, but practical experi ence shows that most people abuse their eyes Just In the way stated. "In short, anything which tends to in crease thequantity of blood in the organ favors the Increase of the defect, lead ing In extreme cases to detachment of the retina and blindness." Canadian Lancet Or Court Then win. Now comes the word of another dis covery, which if troe will eicel in in terest and importance the celebrated dis covery of Roentgen, the X rays. It is aid that a photographer named Rogers et np a postage stamp and fixed his gaze upon it for a moment Then a pnotographio plate was pnt where the stamp bad been. For several minutes the photographer fixed his gaze intently upon this plate and held his mind in tently upon the image of the stamp at me same time. When the plate was de veloped, two impressions, one for each eye, were fonnd upon it, each distinctly resembling a postage stamp. And this Idea can thus be cairied ont ad infini tum, it is claimed. A poet can dispense with ibe pen by affixing upon the sensi tive plates the beautiful images that arise in his brain. Criminals may thus be forced to yield np the secrets of their past lives. The lover can give proof of his faithfulness, and so on into the in exhaustible field of the marvelous. Of course there will be skeptics on all this for awhile. Cincinnati Times-Star. Kerosene's Many Uses. Kerosene oil is in a house for many purposes besides burning In lamps.' It Is said It will take iron rust and fmit stains from almost any kind of goods without injuring the fabric. Wash the stained part in kerosene as you would In water. The spots must be washed In the kerosene before they have been put Into soap and water, or It will do no good. In washing windows or mirrors, If two or three teaspoonfuls of kerosene be put into the water the work will be done more quickly and with better re sults. Ita Cheapness Proved. The argument from experiment or ob servation, known as a posteriori, Is II lust rated by the Chicago Inter Ocean: Mrs. Nuwed I am certain that beau tiful vase the Carters gave us when we were married must be very inexpen sive. Mr. Nnwed-What makes you think so?" Mrs. Nuwed-Bridget has dusted It four limes, and It's not even cracked." How nice and easy a thing is when you hear some one tell about It; how difficult It afterwards tuyns out to bel COLUMBIAN PRIZE WINXERl. CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS WERE GIVEN Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. 0ATAL0QUB9 ON APPLICATION PStaU CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO, CHICAGO. ILL. UR8EST MANUFACTURERS OF IMS HHP ORGANS IN THE WORLD. CaTeats-and Trade-Maria obtained and all Pat ent business conducted tor MODCRATC ftt. OunOrriccisopposiTcu, S. PATcnvOFrter and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington, i Send model, drawing- or photo., with descrip- Xtion. We advise, If patentable or not, free of J charge, uur tee not due till patent Is secured. I A NWfirt, ',' How to Obtain Patents," with coat of same in the U. S. and foreign countries I sent tree. Address, C.A.CNOW&CO. b mrnmn omir usuiaiiia r e. 1 F Best Remits prore Rood's Pa-sarartlla the beat blood pot fler, ipt aerand nerrotoule. In tact Sarsaparilla ts the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists; tl. Hood's Pills cure all Uver lilt. 23 ceuta. Iowa almost from the data of its ad mission has been called the "Hawkeye state." Hawkeye was the name of a noted Indian chief. The Elkhart (Ind ) Telephone Com pany is retailing "helloa" at five cents per day for residences, and seven cents for business houses VALUABLE FRANCHISE SECCBED. The faneb.1s of nT digestion-one oi the most valuable In the jilt ol medical science can be wimi by any person wise enoimh to One HoMeiter's 8 onafh B tiers, either to sup press growlim dyspepsia, or to unroot It at ma tttilty. liillims, rhrnmatto and fever and ague sufferers, penons trouhled wttli nervousness, slid toe constipated, shoiild also secata the health Irani bite by the same means. Pure lead has been found some thirty feet nnder the gronntd near Chester, 111. A company has been organised to mine it. t DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED fly local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portb n of the ear. There la onlv one way to cure deafuess, and that la by constitution al r mettle. Deafnes is caused by au InAamed condition of th mucous lining of Eustachian Tube. When thla lubegeis Inflamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness la the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to lt normal coi dttion, beiriigwill be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are rauad bf catarrh, wbloh is nothing hut an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will gire One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by Druggists. 7Sc. Hall's family Pills are the best HOITT'S SCHOOL FOB BOTS At Barlingame, San Mateo County, Oal., is one of the moet thorough, careful and practical "Home Schools" to be found on the Paottio coast. It prepares boys for any university, technical school, or for active business; is accredited at the State and Stanford Universities, and nnder the able management of Ex State Superintendent Ira G. Hoitt. Ph. D., ranks among the first Bchools in the Unite 1 States. Re-opens August 4. Mining and Scientific Presi. I never used so quick a cure as Piso's Cnrertor Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box 1171, Seattle, Wasn., Nov. 25, 1895. FITS.-AU fl-a stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Iteatorer. No fits after tl e first day's use. Mam-Ions cures. Treatise and 2 00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline. Ml Arch SU, Philadelphia, Pa. Tbt Gskmia for breakfast. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of (rood health. and the system ia regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely vsed and gives most general satisfaction. Contagions B'ood Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It is the one disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial and potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent Jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave., Wash ington, D.C.sayj: I was for a long time under treat tnent of two oi the best physi cians of this city, for a severe case of blood poison, but my condition grew worse all the while, not withstanding the fact that they J charged me three 1 ,w uuuuisu uuuais, ry My mouth was 1 1. 1 1 filled witn eatintr sores: mv ton true was almost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible fix. I bad tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I began to get better, and when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return oi the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life of misery." S.S.S. (.guaranteed purely Vegetable) will cure any case of blood poison. Books on thediseass ana its treat ment mailed free by Swift Specific Co., Blood Poison. T dpi i ir nr 1 1 AN EVENrNQ LULLABY. i i i The day is done and in the west The afterglow is gleaming; And sweet the nestlings are at rest 'Neath downy wings are dreaming. The owl hoots In the thicket drear. In the elm his vigils keeping, While mother slugs in tones so clear And baby lies half sleeping; Sleep, sleep, gently sloop," ' While the owls thoir vigils keep, Idly dreaming, Moonbeams gleaming While my baby lies asleep. The soothing notes in cadence fall. And vesper bells are ringing. Dear mamma sings a madrigal While baby's arms are clinging. Nocturnal winds are howling drear And rippling waves are flowing, Still mamma sings to baby dear Sweet love seeds softly sowing. Sleep, sleep, gently sleep, While the stars from heaven peep; Wake not, dearie, You are weary. Bleep, my darling, gently sleep. WITH HIS OLD LOVE'S EYES o, I do not admire the 'new won an at an," cried Major Ashley, be tween the whiffs of ft cigar. "How ia that?" Inquired Lieutenant Bolton. "For my part I thinn a girl iooks awruiiy jolly seated on a bicycle, or piaymg crlcfcet. The Major shook his head. uive me me girl of twenty years ago, womanly and modest The girl of to-day I do not care for; she Is far t bold and well masculine." Charlie Bolton laughed heartily, -LtfOK Here, Major," he said; '111 hot you anything you like that you'll end oy marrying a 'new woman.' " "I shall never at all, Charlie, my boy. I have cared for but one woman In my life, and I do not think I ever (hall another.' Charlie rose and went over to the Major's side. "Forgive me," he said, "I am afraid 1 nave recalled some painful memory In your life. I might have guessed yoa una a reason for remaining siutle." "You are right, Charlie," he replied, "by saying that you 1 ave called up painful memory in my life, but do not apologise for doing so. Sit down, lad, and I will tell yon all about it this memory. It was nineteen years ngo,' Degan the Major, "when I first met Alice Dare I had Just reached the age of 21. She was 18 and very beauti ful. 1 think I fell .in love at first sight. -one was witn ner mother at a gar den party, where I was also a guest bhe wore a simple white dress, with a cluster of golden-eyed marguerites at her throat, and a large hat trimmed with the same flowers. "After that our meetings were fre- CHARLIE BOSB AITD WEIfT OVER TO THE MAJOR'S SIDE. qnent She used to manage to steal out in the dusk of the evenings to meet me, her cheeks all aglow with blushes "One evening she came, not with her usual quick, light step, but slowly and sadly, her beautiful eyes full of unshed tears. "'0, Eric,' she whispered, ahaklnsf like au aspen, 'you you and I are to be separated. My parents are forcing me into a hateful marriage with o man whom I abhor. I believe my fath-ir Is In his debt, and unless I consent to be his wife my parents will be ruined and homeless.' "My. Indignation knew no bouudi. I refused to give her up. "'It Is a cruel sacrifice, she said, yet it must be made. I cannot see my parents ruined. I must save them.' "Then I got angry and accused hr of not loving me, of being a flirt; but all the while I knew that I was wrong, knew that her whole heart was mine. She did love me truly. Yet her duty to her parents stood before her affec tion for me. "We parted, both broken-hearted. I never saw her again. Two years later news came to me of her death. She died, leaving a child a girl, twelve months old. 'That is my love story,' Charlie; it happened nineteen years ago. I have never loved any woman In all those years. I don't think I ever shall." "Just the day for a 'spin,' " said Eric Ashley to himself as he mounted his bicycle. "I'll take a Jolly good turn round the country, have lunch at a wayside inn, get back in time to change and catch the three o'clock train for London." The Major had cot swept, well the previous night Thoughts of the past had come crowding through his brain, banishing sleep until long after day break. It was scarcely six o'clock and the air was glorious. The birds were sing ing their sweetest, and all nature was fair to see. The Major had rlddeu about six miles, when he saw ap proaching him another machine. As it came nearer he could see that its rider was a shabby, dlrly-looklng man, with steel-blue eyes. The bicycle was a very handsome one. But nt a second glance Eric observed that It was a lady's. In an instant it bad pass ed him. Five minutes later, on turning a bend In the road, a sight met his eyes which caused his blood to run cold. There upon the ground, with her arms extended, lay a young girl. Her face was deathly pale, and a dark blue mark shone out upon her forehead With ghastly vividness. he was attired in t cycling costume. of dark blue cloth, and a little peak cap tay a rew yaws distant It was thetace of bis dead love. lie stooped and pressed passionate klssen. upon the pale Hps. Then he pulled his brandy flask from his pocket and poured a little of the spirit through them. Presently the girl's eyelids quivered. "Do not fear," cried Eric, gently. "You are safe. Are you feeling better?" "My head," she breathed faintly ;"the pain is terrible" Then, suddenly re membering, she cried wildly: "That man, where is he? O, pray don't leave me, I am so frightened." To delay medical aid would perhaps prove serious. He scarcely liked to A SIGHT WniCB CAU31CD HIS BLOOD T RUN COLD. leave her while he rode off for a doc tor, yet what else could be doue? Stooping, he lifted the small form In his strong arms and bore her gently to the roadside, where the grass was growing fresh and green, and the hedge would shelter her from the sun's rays. Ten minutes later the Inhabitants of the next village were surprised to see a gentleman riding a bicycle, In his shirt sleeves, stop nt the doctor's door. "And to thtek that sweet girl is my Alice's child, Charlie, my boy, cried the Major, 'and should be residing close to me for two years with her father, and I not know It." "Fate, Major, fate," said Charlie Bol- ton, prophetically. "She Is a little darling," went on the Major, "w'th her mother's angel face and charming ways. What a brute that man must have been to have struck her such a blow. I hope the law will pun ish him as severely as It con." "I am surprised at the young lady's father allowing his daughter t skir mish the country alone." "Her father! Bah! He does not care that." said the Major, snapping his fingers. "She told me herself he was scarcely ever sober, and her Il'e at home was wretched." "Poor little thing," cried Charlie. "I say, Major, I have thought of some thing awfully jolly. Why don't you marry her, eh? But, perhaps, Major, you have a great objection to marrying new woman. I remember you said once that you did not admire her." "Jessie is not a 'new woman,' " cried the Major. "She certainly does ride a bicycle, but In everything else she Is womanly, modest and sweet.' "And you are In love, Major, without doubt No, don't deny Ir. You have been an altered mnn since the day you found Miss Jessie Insensible and hurt on that lonely country road." At three o'clock that afternoon Eric presented himself at the house of the girl he loved. He found her leaning back in a large, cozy chair, with an open book on her lap. "I am so glad to see yon, Major," she said In her simple, unaffected way. "I was feeling most dreadfully dull. Papa has gone to the races. I don't tblnk I am very bright My head aches a good deal," she replied. Poor little head; I am so sorry. If you had been well enough, Miss Jessie, I should have asked you to have given me your advice upon a very Important matter." "My advice, Major Ashley! I am afraid It would not be worth taking." . "Oh, Indeed It would," cried Eric. "Then please tell me all about this important business. I feel quite curi ous," said she. "Well," he said, a little nervously, "the truth Is I am In love with a young lady, but I am not certain about her affection for me, and I should like you to tell me whether you really think It Is possible for a girl of 18 to love a man of 40?" "If I were a man and loved a girl I should go straight to her. That Is the only advice I can give you, Major." Then I will,' said Eric, springing up and seating himself on the couch be side her. "Jessie, It is you whom I love love to distraction. Will you be my wife, dear? That Is, if you care for me well enough." Jessie did not seem at all surprised, for she put her two little hands upon his sleeve. "I knew It was me you meant all the while," she said, blushing. "You silly fellow I" Codfish. The dressing of codfish Is an opera tion requiring skill and rapidity. A man called the "throater" cuts the fish's throat and rips It open and passes it to the "header," who removes the bend and entrails; the "splitter" then splits the fish open and takes out a part of the backbone, and the "salter" piles np the fish In tiers in the hold f the boat and . I salts them. " WKLL, THB TRUTH IS, I AM IS LOVK." mm CELERY COillWC Tit tist Bemed; In ibe Ws.U (ikts riil( Will. There Is one true speoifio for diseases arising from impure blood and a de bilitated nervons system, and that is Paine's celery oomponnd, so generally prescribed by physicians. It is prob ably the most remarkable remedy that the soientifio research of this oonntry has produced. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth college, first presoribed what is now known the world over as Paine's oclery compound, a positive cure for dys pepsia, biliousness, liver oomplaiuts neuralgia, rneninatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. Fur the latter Paine's oelery oomponnd has succeeded again and again where everything else has failed. Professor Vanghan olaims to have Invented a telephone by whioh conver sations can be oarried on between New York and London. The peat bogs of Great Britain and Ireland are estimated to contain fuel equivalent in beat producing to 4,000, 000,000 tons of ooal. MANUFACTURE OF CANES. Grown, Boiled, Warped, Fired, Pot- ished and Ornamentoil. The manufactures of canes reveals an Interesting process connected with a growing Industry. There are sev eral large factories la Philadelphia and some In New York. These hare recently been established. The enne la grown mostly In Austria, France and Japan. There are numerous spe cies, among which are the Conito, Co rine, Penang, Bamboo, Furze, Wham poo and the Welscliel, Many chuck lino naitlv ahnnorl ntlillA ni...um it 1 th Lfil .i, ,.-.: placed over a large steam vat Cloths are wrapped over the sticks and they are left In this position until the wood has become perfectly soft and pliable at the end, where It Is Intended to form the handle. Having reached this condi tion, they are taken out separately and placed In a vise, around a mold nt' whatever shape it Is desired to make the curl. While the cane Is grasped tlKhtly In the vise, the upper end Is placed In a steel spring having a cast iron handle, which Is drawn sharply around, warping the cane at this point into the precise shape desired. When "FIRINO" A CANE. taken out of the vise the handle Is tl' with cord, to prevent It from strain enlhg out to Its original shape. After It has Iain for some days In this condition and the curl Is permanently formed, the cane Is thoroughly sciib bed In a hot water bath. The next step Is to either put It In the stain box or to finish It In some other desired man ner. In the staining process quite a degree of skill ts required, because If the cane Is colored In a tasteful shade it will meet with a readier sale. To achieve this result the mixing of acids and color In the staining compound must be very delicately done. Some of the canes, Instead of being stained by a liquid, are "fired," This opera tlon Is performed by moving the cane backward and forward In a gas Jot flame, elongated by means of a blower, which forces a current 'of air through It The work has to be done very care fully by hand, so that the heat pro duces a uniform effect upon the wood. Then the cane Is ready either for var nishing or polishing by chemical proc ess", whichever It may be. After It Is polished the cane goes Into the hands of a trimmer, who pre- fa nrtULISf. pares it for whatever additional orna mentation It is to receive. The handle Is then carefully shaved down to Hi the silver plate, which will be soldered onto It, and the foot Is shaped ready for the ferrule. After this manlpula. tlon the cane goes to the flnlshiug de partment, where the silversmiths put on whatever trimmings are required. Uncle Bob I hope, Tommy, yon are a favorite with your teacher. Tommy I think I must be. She can't seem to jet enough of me or she wblildn't keep me Is. so much.-Harper's Bsur. f TIIB FE If r Not BUT THE genuine: mm mm Best Quality! Largest Size! Lowest Price! (15) The Quaker I im kl. II Mmlia at noma Dry Ntnam llnths nt ll.imi. - qfcPZ Haggle' Soientifio, Durable, Cheap, Heat, light, Portabli, Simple. Folds Into Small Space. s PERMAWEWT AND VALU1ELE LUXURY SRNT'COMI I.ETK with mil lnstr rtlnns.m Receipt of Sit Dollars (0 00). &'?o!! QUAKER BATH CABINET C0.,S2:.&?S: Loonl Agents Wanted Everywhere. USieral T. rms. "T777"efTr A. " T T1,e Tery remarkable snrl certain V V nj.j rolief given 1 woman by JlOURE'8 tne name of Woman's Friend. It is ful in relieving the hnpkiu)ia hu.i.,,1... which burden and shorten a woman's ITZiirn I0',1 ltydl Klve health Seaside and Country Gowns need ' Duxbak BIAS VELVETEEN BINDING on their skirt edges. It is rain proof, sheds water and never turns grey. If your dealer will net supply you we will. tampht thawing hbeli and material! mallid frtt. M!lHFmt?M "'rnak'ne "J1 ,Ey." "aw book by Miss Emm, M. Hoopar. of th Lscllsa' Homa Wnl. sent lor 25c,, posiago paid. ' ' S. H. & M. Co., P. O. Box 690, N, Y, City. AGENTS WANTED, IA or Gentlemen, In every town, for oneof the best selling nrtlfilcs made, VttA by every mnn, woman and child, Fredericks tanlUrf Tooth Itrunh with Endorsed by rill the leitrllni nlivuldans and oentists. Bend 15o. for ami li. Retnilsfor 26o 81M20 Market Street, Ban franclsco, Cal. 1)0 !UU M 0 Mil M V.VS " - ' liif( country ngencli-s. We are offerlna wnnd'r , 1 inaitremenis for the hnu.lllnK of the RtnndHrt Sewing machine. Anjbo.l, with .. rn sen mem nt the iiricea we qmite, nnil we gimnintf e everv niiii-hln. old. Write us ft" full ptllc,il"r" "o f.".iT.,!,tJr.'''? Initl.','n ",e 1,adfl" c"- No Is t he time totakenn thownrt. ami youcmi a.1,1 rnaterlmlv to ur Income by d' -lint so Art dress-, Stnmlnr.1 8el.. Machine Co.", 145 6th at., Hnn Frnnclscn, C'nl. SURE CURE for PILE Pi lopi Iwh- -M. WtM as. BrnasliUoriMll. DB. IIOSA.VkO. T'klluw lhk.ia. In writing to advertisers don't for get to mention this papsi. ,- FOR CHILDREN TEkFHINQ . B I ti Y,W Bfe I "ls- . - - - Ton will And one coupon Inside each two ounce Lug and two coupons luslile each (bur ounce batof Uluck well s Durham. Buy a bag nr this celebrated Uibtteco anil read tits ooupon-whlob. jives a list of vuluuble presents and how to cot them. Bath Cabinet Mrilliul.il ttMlha nt Himia, MUntnir llih nt Kmuft uiuAi.i,u ke,m,ux iiaa Riven uniformly success and weakness life. Thousands ol nd strength fl" FOR PEOrtETHAT ARE SICK or irfHRLfi?"' Weill" ESpKLIVER pills en ths On Thing to use. Only On for a Dose. Bold toy Crust tsts at 8So. a boa Samples mallni free, aildma Or. Bounkt Med. Co. FhUa. Fa. tbis wbat ails you?! Rare yao a fnllnf J of weijbt la tbt ' Stontsih Blunting anerentlntr llclcli' liiKofWInd-Vomlt-i Ins of Food Witer brash HuitaVrnj Bod Tsits la ths ' Mouth In the Mora. ! In -Palpitation of the Heart din tnllls-t tens.cn of Stomach Cankered Mouth I Ons In the Rowels ( Loss of Flesh . Fickle Appetite Depressed, Irrltnbls ' K Condition of tns Mlnil Hiilnci: Hendnche Comtlp. I Then you bars aUon or Dlarrhaar i DYSPEPSIA mwt Dyspepsia Cablets, by mall, prronid. on recalnt of f fllARI.KS lUMSRT. )lt1 Tlnnnrlnl K.. Vrtrfc i ' ."?": "J snirpn il hnrrlhlT Mm dnnoiiats. hull .iiiK6rslnliliiUi.tiikenarioriuiials.httvi!ureilmo."l aikkk MKDICINKCO., 16 it Chambers St, N.T.' FRAZER AXLE CREASE BEST IN trIE WORLD. I wt;rIng)ulltlosflreumiirpSfell,ai3ttially outlasting two hoxes of ny nthir brand Free umn Animil Oils. OKT THIS UKM7IMB1. FOR BALK BY OREGON 1NT1 Per-WAS'HNf?TON M at K CHANTS" snu tiealers generally. LJ In ttma. Bold by draajista. ff N. P. N. f. No. 669.-S, P, N, TJ. K. 788 4: 4 f : 1 M h I