J THE H1LL8UOHO AHGUS. THUHSDAYFDLY 2, 1896. THE AliGUS CALENDAR Buii Mini Timw Wwl Tbu I Kit (HaT 5 Oj 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lr 1ft 17 pa ltf 20 I 2t '22 2.'t ( 24 2.f ? 27 2H 21 ;( 31 - Dully Mull Arrivals: Formt Orove km 7:13 Piirtliiml, Way and Eiwterii tfcAO tJlemioe p in fcflO i orvnniN nnci ay : Portland :U0 Dully Mull Departures: Portliiinl Eastern via 8 P a in 7:13 Port via Wlnni'iio, Lenox & Ilotlniny 7.00 'orviillln A Wny - H:fi Portland Way - p m 6:UI ForitHt Urove - :00 Pariiilngtou ami Lnurnl Urnves ut 10::t0 u in una arrives ut M:-T p m on Tuusday, Tliursilny unil Nuttirday No Muiuluy malls. Pimtoflli'e open from 7:00 u in 'to 8:00 p in, except Bundays. 8. P. Time Tabic: Lv. Ar. Portland a in 7:ia p m H:! t'orvnllla a in H:M ) m 8:0.t Portland a m 8:.0 p in IHJ0 McMlnnvllle a m 6:00 p in 7:13 Melviii V Case, of Columbia county, -aged 37 years, and M. J oh epliine (Shearer, aged 28, of Dairy creek, thin county, have been li cenced to wed by County Clerk (juodin. - -Purlieu needing piiHtitmge for heep or cuttle hIiduIiI ly to Frank Cota, Ilillnboro, Oregon. Ily next iren8 day llie rnitioiml tli-inocnitio ticket will lie in the fifld. The iwue will he tVe coin nifc of hilvrr ami gold, us ngninit cold only allowed mintage us ex-jm-HHiil hy iIih republican platform. 'I lie iopiiliHt will then probnbl v fillow with a "uiiddle-of-llm-rond-i'ih" tickfi and by July 25th the niinpiii,;ii will tm fairly launched. Thirteen aorus, halt under cul tivation, rest Blushed and needed. Three acren i of heaverdain and vuil. Situated close to Ha He line road between Hillsboro and Foreat drove. Goes at $50 per acre. Call at tliiw oflice, A other denuminatiuna have giviM their views on the subject I'ih Aivenlint idea of Bubbath ii'iil tint LohI'h Day will I present ed at tiV l'oiuliht Hall, Tuerflav unil W cudeiiday t veiling, July 7 1 1 1 and 8ih ' All art in vilwl u liepren cut, '''" ' .. You eau get finer and better dolling it Sc.iilliii'iioli tfc Son t.oiii liny other jilaci to Hie cm it v -'i'li jtii(.ilii( will be cl'i-ed I'riiui I(l;.'i0 lo 4.0O p. in. on the 1' i in tn i.i July. It ii mi id ll.o ii- v.- in.iili-i 1'..fl, I llr mii'i i.nr of tin' Se. icli iiit. will oei'lipy the bui'niiig f irini'iv ii-iii bv die HiizitHi'. mi !(:.!. uiMie f.iniiiliilh known a llie Kn Kit l.ciililiii, -v I. M. Hrnwn ha li!-nK-tl tit' I ill neiVH lui-illfrH Kill W. K. Iiiock will lien-after supply the people With nnig' zincs and iimnililie.. Millalnro youngster nre tak ing advantnge of the warm water of the , Tiialulin th He day, and many are the nportivo bu'h taken in it limpid wateiH. linn T, 11. Ti ngui niaile a lnibiiii'h- trip lo Tilliinimik last, I. I ' . . . . I I ! . . . wei K in ne iiucretit oi a client. The Di ltav hnv received the lifgest lupti)ei)tffii'e works ever brought Ui thi cUrv The Fourth i coming. cin and Fee The Delta' stock liefore purchanirig. War i now on between tlm Ilutcliel and Iinlepeudeiit. Ltt week the Independent c:ine back at ttie Uittcliet.' prior dennnciu- , lion and tlii week it i expected lh yutiiig llntchet editor will ue, i if cnluiuiiH in a vigonum manner. Whit, with a had record to right and the universal dielrudt of the people to meet, besides hnvinj hin adopted puty declare for n money statidaid which he pays is dishon est, the youthful Mr. Craig is find ing out that the road to journalism is not the easiest in the w. rld lo travel. New Good. New Prices.- We re receiving an eleg'ant line of i : W - - J - - i. fiiirinir liiii kii ill iiiht iriiiitiM hi. iii-if'HH -i "I o y n - I " to suit thf times. Call, 'And exam ine our Ktock.V can save you monev. Bryan fiujillaw Co, Cash Stored John Brown, after having for one month assisted postmaster Hchuhnerich to "learn the ropes,' in the office, retires. For years John has been a familiar figure at the delivery window. Miss J owe Scliiilinerich lias accepted a position as assistant. W. E. lirock is now ready to dispense cooViefienhing soda. -1 he supreme lodge ot the U nit ed Workuien recently grained pow er to Grand Lodges to place in use the graduated, or classified assess 1 uient rate similar or like the one now Used by the Knights of the Macca bees. This is by many deemed a wise move aa under this system many contend that the insurance of age and youth will be equalized. Wanted: To buy several se cond hand cook stoves. Call at Bureau of Bnchange. E. D. Thorne is making some ; attractive implements on his Main street residence property. G. A. Wehrung has also improved the looks of his home by a fresh dress ?Uf paint. Many of nur townspeople are now rew ving photographs which me prize drawn through a sub scription to the ban Francisco hx aminer. W hilst thev are not the Quest works of art extant, yet they ! Mease many in the thought they ive drawn something. Shirts! Shirts! I Schulnier ich & ISm will sell shirU of all de scription and pricea. The exotlus to the coasl and mountain:! will commence next week if tue hot weather continues. J. Ronmfey, of Sylvan, well known to Washington county peo ple, is in the ci'y taking in the races. Geo. Elwood, of Portland, has opened up a Burlier shop on Second street in the old Spencer stand. Sue his ad in another column, Mrs. Sarah Collier, wife of M. C. Collier, residing between Laurel and bcholls, died this week after a long and painful illness and was buried in (he Masonic cemetery of this citv yesterday. Mrs. Collier was vell known in thi vicinity and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. Why pay vour money for Wild cat paper when for the same money or less, you can get as good an in surance Hliey as the world pro- luces, for the same price or less, by calling on J. I. Knight, llillslxi ro, Oregon. A. B. Crtdy, id Beaverton, treasurer - elect of Washington county, was in the city yesterday, on his way to the re union at For- eft Grove. Schulinerioh & Son l.nve on exhibition samples of mowers and rakes. Come and examine if you need anything in the line of ma chinery. They sell them cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. They also keep. extras for Ohborne machines. J. If. Smith, of ibe Bacaar, has disposed of his McMiunvillu stock and returned to this city where he will remain with his original busi ness. His many friend are pleas ed to have him with them. Men's furnishing goods just fr m the factory at lower price ban ever at Schulnierich & Son. The proprietor of the Main street shaving Parlors desires lo state lo his customers that Christ mas nr Fourth ot July, St. Patrick' Day or Thanksgiving, day in and out, throughout the year, they can a I Ways have good work. He is here lo slay. Liiliex' and misses' wraps for spring and suiiumt wear at 'chtit nierieli it Son. Clover and timothy fields are down Id the winds anil sun timl haying will soon lie over. The crop ii- unusually large this season. .V. K. lirock can now supply the public with I lie choicest iiiHga zincs and literature. Come ami see for yourself. The Sons of Veterans will go to F rest Grove and att'Uid the re union on the afternoon of the third. An excellent program has been ar ranged and several addresses will be miide. We have the finest ami largest stock of hat" in Washington coun ty at the lowesiy prices ever oflered. Bryan Laidlaw Cq. Cash Store. Tnc concert, or pi uio recital, at the Congregational church Fri day evening last was a great success, a large attendance being marked. The program was full of merit ami Prof. Greene's reputation as both pianist and instructor was well sustained. M rs.- Henry Gardner, of Mount aindale, whose husband was recent ly killed by a falling tree, was in the city yesterday. For boots and shoes in all lines the old reliable firm of II. Weh rung & Sons leads all competitors. When you wantan"uptodate" hair cut, or a neat com fori able shave or both, call at the City Shaving Parlors. Hot and Cold baths im mediate on order. E. H. Colestock, Prop. -rPhoenicia Temple, I'athbone Sisters, of this city, have elected as officers for the next term: M. E. C, Jane Sewall; E. S., Eliza Inibrie; E. J., Elsie Schulmerich; Manager, Orpha Carlile; M. of R. and C, Nellie Smith; M. of F., Elizabeth Conk lin ; Protector, Emma Cars tens; Guard, Elizabeth Freeman.. The temple will iustal officers July 10th. Wash goods of all kinds for spring and summer wear at H. Wehrung & Sons. Henry Vanderzauder, while slashing on the Blanchard place, cut his foot badly with an axe Mon dad last and was brought lo town for treatment. Dr. Wood dressed the injured member and reports a month's rest for the patient, he metatarsal bone being nearly sever ed. .... " Go to H. Wehrung & Sons for your Genla' furnishing goods. They keep the finest line in the county. The first issue of the Pacific Northwest, a beautiful descriptive and illustrated journal devoted to the northwest, has reached Ihk Ar Gi'a exchange table. It is one of the neatest publications of its kind on the coast, and its subscription .-2 ! I i rt pnee is nut ov cenis per year. TIE I'M NOW ON IN EARNEST Two Good Trotting Rac es Yesterday. KITTY KISBAR IS THK WINNEB Takes The Last Three Heats With Ease A Change of Drivers Velo, a Southern Oregon Colt, Wins The Two-Ycar-Olds Purse. The races opened up at the Washington County Speed and Driving Association's track yester day, and what lacked in numbers was made up by the enthusiasm of those present. The fi.st race was trotting, 2:45 class, in which were six entries: Tenino, Convert owner. Naylox, J Beach owner. Ore ua, T. II. McCourt owi.er. Allago Maid, Thus. Tiilbott owner. Kilty Kisbar. (!. Nuylor owner. Multnomah, T. Mushier owner. Naylox had the pole and took tin tirst heat without any apparent effort, although Kitty Kisbar push ed him hard on the last eighth. Kisbar came in second and Mult nomah third. Time 2:40. The se eond heat resulted: Naylox first, Kisbar second and Tenino third. Time. 2:34. When the horses were brought out for the third heat, Nay lor, owner and driver of Kisbar, was substituted by Burke Tongue. This heat changed the order of things tlio result being Kisbar first, Teni no second and Naylox third. Time 2:33. The fourth heat was: Kisbar first, Multnomah second and Tent no third. Time 2:35. Fifth and last heat: Kisbar, Tenino and Nay lox. Time 2:33i This gave Kitty Kisbar the race. She is a very pretty chestnut mare and a Binootii easy worker. She has a two year old at the track, Cordi Nay lor. which gives promise of making a mark in a few years. The two-year old trotting race for a purse of $200, had four entries; Volo. owned by C. W. Kahler. Alniolene, owned by E. E. Statts. Lizzie Cauby, owned by O.J. Smith. Cordi Nuylor, owned by C Nay lor. When I he bell sounded Lizzie Candy wa withdrawn and the nth er three wera started. Volo took imili heats, first in 2:50, second. 2:524, with Almolenn a close see ond. Cordi Nuylor lost his feet several times but as he is laiw colt ami young bis shoeing was very good. The winner, Volo, will make a good record in the future as the little gelding worked up like an old inner and in both heats nevtr lost his gait. . The. running race collies off this afternoon, it be ing . post polled on account of the lutcners of the hour. Crop Report, WESTERN O'tEGON. Crops The warm weather was benefical to all well-cultivated crops, except to lute-sown grain. Fall and eaily-sown spring grain, i. e., that sow n in May and the forepart of June, was injured by the weather. Early grain is heading nicely, but the late giaiu needs rain badly; if ruin docs not soon fall the late-sown grain will not even make hay. Many correspondents report the presence of green aphis on their wheat, and that they appear to de velop with the warm weather. Haying continues, and as a rule, the correspondents report niost sat isfactory results. Reports, cover ing all crops, are good except fruit. There are occasional localities where the conditions sre not favorable The report of one correspondent is here quoted;, it conies from Lane county: "Fall-sown grain is not as good as usual. Spring wheat is poor, and if rain does not soon fall will be a failure, spring oats are very poor. Grass bay not good. We have no fruit. 1 have been in this county for 14 years, and have never seen as poor a prospect." Reports such as the above are very few. and evidently these conditions are confined to very limited areas. The lateness ot the season has been favorable to hay and grain crops, the latter that were sown before March 1, but the season has been generally unfavorable to tree fruit and grain sown after May 1, Rain would be of great benefit to all vegetation; while rain is not ab solutely necessary to early-sown grain, yet it would bo beneficial to all. The warm dry weather has produced rapid evaporation and the result is the soil is very dry; this is especially roliceable in gardens. All gardens need rain, though so far a rapid growth has been made; the cooler weather of today U of great benefit. Corn is usually reported to be making a rapid growth; in this county where warm weather is not common, the warmer it is, and especially the warmer the nights are, the better it is for the growth and development of corn. Potatoes have made rapid growth and this year'e growth are now plentiful in the markets. Late potato-planting i about finished, except on the is lands ami overflowed land along the Columbia, which will not be plant ed until about the middle of July. It is seldom that the planting of some product is not prosecuted durin- every month of the year in Oregon. A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot tage w:thin 2 blks of business part oi town. UikkI lence around lot, good woodshed, and two roomy' &nd Games. closets in residence. Also pump; in good repair. Goes f r $600. In-j quire at tlii office. ;A CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL COURT HOUSE NEWS. PROBATE. The uronerlv of the tKut nf r- r--- - j Erastus Savagr, deceased, has been I appraised at $2402, Petition of administrator of Wm ! Carpenter estate, to sell real prop erty at private sale, granted. I j Real Estate Transfer. Frank A Boss to Cora M Cousin j a a ui i.o4i-.j luainii'i vitllucilB jjUg o o . iio 07-oa 'i'.. !..:.. .... i ! a , .,,,., ,,, S 8 Lenox to J M Partlow pt blk 3 Humphreys' add Hillsboro $98 Mary A Kline to J F Kline pt It! 61 Steel's add Beaverton $1. Marv K Jensen to L S Porter pt blk 23 F G $1000. Marv K Jensen to L S Porter It 12 Fruitvale add FG 50 a $1000. Peter Wikander et ux to Frank Thompson w n w $ ot s w sec 26 t 1 s r 2 w $855. Frank Thompson et ux lo Petpr Wikander nine! sec 27 and s I n e 1 of n e i sec 27 t 1 s r 2 w $1600. David Wilcox et ux lo L T Wil cox und 6 11 in t in la nds owned bv Daniel Wilcox et ux $3000. Adolphus Finney et ux to E L McCormick tret in jinney's add to Hillsboro $100. David Wilcox et ux t Geo A Wilcox et ux und 211 iut in Dav id Wilcox lands $1000. Ella and C L Bem-fiel to Henrv Preston It 3 blk 7 S Park add F (i 1M). Christian Stieukemeier to Anna Marie Stieukemeier D7 a sec 13. 14, 23-24 t 1 s r4 w 81 Wm A Prosser et ux to Walter E Prosser 184 a sec 1 t 2 s r 2 w $700. John Guard et al to Marv E and S L Spencer 43-100 a sec 24 t lsrlw.fl. Mary E and S L Spencer to Ma tilda and John Gaurue 1 a sec 24 t 1 s r 1 w $210. J w Corn.n el ux to Llrich Haas 21 47 a Edw Constable d I c t 1 n r 2 w. . Neva in Kelsey to F M Kelsev n $ of s $ of Go Sigleis d 1 u i 1 s r 2 w and other lands $1500. ' F M Kelsey to Nevada Kelsey Its 1 2 and 3 blk 1 south, coast add Hillsboro $1500. John Freiliuger et al to Leo Sch wa nder s e i of s w i and s w i of seiofsec28t3nr3w$1600. The Verdict Inl The verdict is already in, giv ing to Wilbur's Blood Purifier all that the proprietor claims for it thai, it is t lie best blood purifier and heumatic cure yet discovered. It is indorsed by thousands that have taken it. $1.00 per bottle. For sale by W. E. Brock. Court House Changes. The delinquent lax roll is being niaUm-d for leturning by J. W. Morgan and Max Crandall. bher- iff Fordjwill make his last tax turn over to the treasurer this week and next week the office will pass into the bands of Sheriff-elect Bradford. Clerk elect Inibrie will succed Mr. Goodin, the latter, however, remain ing fur a month in the office. Mr. Cady, of Beaverton will take charge ot Hie treasurer s oflice and in other respects the officers will remain they are for the ensuing term. as CORNELIUS. W H Black of Hillsboro was in our city last Monday. Mr and Mrs Cliallaconibe were visiting Miss Stella Miller last Monday. There was a birthday uartv eiveii in honor of Miss RhodaVickers on Tuesday eve June 23 at the resident of her parents in Cornelius, and a very enjoyable time was Had, YV K Hoffman has moved to the Grove where lie has a position in a butcher shop. Mr and Mrs J R Miller visited with Mr and Mrs Hank last Sunday. Amos McCurdy of Centerville was iu city Monday. Miss Emma Farchild returned home from Hillsboro last Monday where she has been working. Miss Ida Pouieroy visited Hillsboro last Saturday. Lew Carstens was in town Monday last on business. Three couples of young folks went up to Balls Peak last Sunday. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that my son, Freilc Preudenthal, aged 20 years, has this day been by me granted his full and legal 'right to his time until he attains his majority, aud after this date I will yny no bills of his contracting. The pub lic will govern itself accordingly. Mrs. Sophu Brooks. Dated at Hillsboro. Ore., June 18, 1896. July ram WE'LL CELEBRATE : A Good Oration, Races Come With The Crowd and Enjoy Tlie Races ami Have an Old Time Re-Union Hon. T. J. Cleeton, of Columbia County, Will Deliv er The Oration. Arrangements are being made for a glorious day on July 4th. A bur die race, something never yet seen here, will be a great feature, and a , j .. . . , general good time is promised. The lora'ion will be one of the best ever ! ,iui;,.0,j ; uiiuk,. ,i, ,.,: will unexampled and 'people who want to Spend the Fourth to the best of advantage will come to the county seat and he with the crowd. The races at the Fair grounds will be grand and such an exhibition of speed as never before witnessed will be seen. Be sure and come and bring your families with you. A New Departure, Washington county ,is,to have a departure in the newspaper line. G. A. Sanforjlj, of 'the Searchlight, has sold hisjuterest in that paper, and a company has been formed to succeed the business. The paper's politics will, it is said, be straight populist, and advocate the princi ples of the Omaha platform. The directors of the new corporation are: J. J. Seaton. V. B. Swinney, V. D. Hill, li G. Leedv, h. Bailev and J. C. Miller. Saturday officers were elected as follows: President J. B. Pricket; Vic-Pres.. F. M. Heidel; Secretary, E N. Ordwav; Treasur er, E. D. Thome; Editor-in-Chief, W. H. Black; Ass't.-Editor, Ward Swope; Business Manager, J. P. Heckart. The new company will publish in Hillsboro and it is intended that its paper wiil prove a power in Wash ington county politics. Mr. San ford, it is rumored, will go to St. Helens and give the talented J. R. Beegle a Iwist on opposition. Oregon and Washington Wedded. Hillsboro well remembers Mr. John R. Hargrave, who was here last summer uhh the photographic firm of Cliurchley & Hargrave. Mr. Hargrave was a universal fa vorite and made many friends in this vicinity. As a result of bis business sojourn he has lost to Washington county one of its fair est daughters. Monday of this week he was wedded to Miss Fran ces A. Berdan. who is well known in Hillsboro circles. The happy pair left Monday evening for Kei- TROTTING Races ! Races ! Races ! Under the Auspices of the Washington County Speed aoi Driving Association AT Hillsboro, Ore'n JULV 1st, 2d, 3d & 4th FOUR RACES DON'T FAIL Northwest Blooded Trotters, Runners, Pacers, Etc., wiil give an Exhibition of their Speed and Compete for Purses. T nun Hnun PnlnlinnAinn ft-iuiiM iiinv i.riiriiiiin 1 11111 iuui uuyo uuiuui uuui so, Washington, where the groom is eneaced in business. Thus hv Areoaiuid Washington again been weuueei. Seventh Diiy Adventist Meet ing at 'Populist hail next Tii-biIhv and Wednesday evening, July. 7th aim 8th, at :uu o'clock. Sul.jecls: 'Sabbath" and "lairds Day.". All invited. -TheAV. C. T. U. will hold their meetings in the Congregation al church on the fourth Friday of each month al 3 p. m. The Fourth of July will be! fittingly observed at Hillsboro. Be sure and come. The hurdle race at the race track will' be a novelty worth seeing, wiiL.n its -If T. A. McCoutt is down from. McMinnville, taking in the races.' 4 -A great many townspeople are, anxious that the play Damon and' Pythias be again produced in this' city. Perhaps the public may soon he favored with another presenta tion. . The warm : weather has been ery fine for hop culture and the vine is growing nicely. The crop will be better than last year's if prospects go for anything. R. H. Mitchell is no more in the newspaper business, having sus pended publication of the Pittsburg Sentii el. He will probably teach over in Columbia county. Be sure and see the Brownies at the Opera House, Friday even ing, July 3rd. Don't miss this rare treat. New scenes and a delight ful musical program. The cheap rates of five dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage, includ ing meals and berth are still in ef fect on the O. R. & N Cos', steam ers from Portland. Steamers leave Portland every five days. Mr. Lipschotts' boy, wdiose left arm was broken three or ftnir months ago, yesterday had the mis fortune to break the right arm by falling from a haymow. The little lei low had just taken the splints from the left arm and thus to be deprived of his right is rather un fortunate. The family lives near Glencoe. j Dr. J. P. Tamiesie and wife ! Stu dayed at Oswego, returning Monday morning. Teachers from several vicinities of this county will attend the Chau tauquan assembly at Gladstone park, which roon convenes. Edgar J. and Miss Addie Bryan jhave returned home from a six week's visit to California points. Mr. Bryan reports the weather very warm down there and says the air here bracing in comparison. He will sooon be til his old position in the Brvan-Laidlaw store. Was Well Known Here. The people of Haystack, Oregon, have subscribed and had built, a $550 monument to place on the grave of Katie Kehni Smith, the i brilliant secularist lecturer, who I died in that section several months ago. Mrs. Smith was well known in the Willamette valley, and had many friends in Washington- coun ty. RUNNING - EACH - DAY TO ATTEND "" SOCIETIES. ' . ' ;; At Phrenix Lodge No 34. K of P ditrii 3sV on Monday evening of men week 4jf in Masonic hail. Phonecia Temple No 10 meeta on the see on) and fourth Friday of eacb month, in I O O F hall. tgHtl, Montezuma Lode No (SO I O O F meet every Wednesday ev n' ening in their hall. Hillxbnro Relieknh Lodge No 64 meet in, Odd Fellows' hall on the third Saturday of each mont h. Tnnlity Lodge No 6 A F A A M meet every Saturday nignt on or after full inoon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 'Al, Kaatern Star, meets second and fourth Tuesday in each month at Masonic hall. . Hillsboro Lodge No 61 A O U W meet every second ana lounuj Friday in each month. X r.shlngton Kneampmeot No 24 I O O F nieetit on seuend and ! ..rth Friiiuy of each month. ; Hillsboro Lodge No 17 I O U T uicot Ks5D in unnce nail ecry feuiumty eveinii'. HillfCWo Orange No 73 P of meet 2nu nun MHturdavs at l. m. Viola Tent, tin j. K v . I'., meets in Odd Fellows' u . ,i .-nit and rourthj Thursday evening ul month. ltuby Assembly, No. , I: nited Artian meet tirst ana third lu. auy at tdi; fel lows' bail. . Uen Ransom Post, No 68, U A K meet at Grunge all first ami third Oaturuay. PROFESSIONAL. BARRETT 4. ADAMS, ATTORNEVS-AT-LAW. Rooms 6 and 7 Cautral Block, Hillsboro, Or. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, In Morgan block, Hillsboro, OMgoik F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Phslclan, Burgeon and Aoconcher Offlra in TTIII.Iwm t i donee sou tn-west corner Baseline and oeroiia. Aii cans promptly aUendod day or night. S.T. LINRLATER, M.B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Kast of Court Hnu f A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. JJENTIST Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Block. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. JAMES PffllLlPPl TAMEST M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Consultation in French or English. Orflc nu resilience sown OI juaiu near 3d St.. Hillsboro, Or. ' WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work 4 specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of th poatoffios. Baoond st., Hillsboro, Or. GEORGE RBAGLEY ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. 00m 1 A 2, Shnte Block, over Greer's. HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Royal Insurance Company SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Convey Lacing.' Rooms 0 A 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Ore, ' MISCELLANEOUS. Geo. Elwood Has opened up a Barber Shop on Seuond Streot. Haircutting Shaving 20 Cents 10 Cents Two Barbers will al . ways be on band . First-class work Guaranteed FISH MARKET J. I. ROSELAIR, Prop.. HILLSBORO, - - OREGON Salmon 8 and 10 cents per pound. 1. erring, suit, 8 for 10 eenU. i'resh and Salted Salmon Etrffs Con stantly on Hand. is? DELTA : DRUG x STORE :. (Next Door Bryan-Laidlaw Co.) Main Street, - Ilillsboio. A flno lino of Toilet Artidiw, Brushes Combs, Perfumes, Patent Medicine1' and special attention given to Quality and Accuracy. Ctr. SUM,. J J. NORTHROP, and Renovated. A first-class table aud all accommodations for the convenience ofguests. Notary Public ... Loans, Collections FIRE . . AND . . ACCIDENT : INSURANCE : .T- r KTVTMTT irauoroi r ire insurance and Loan Broke HILLSBORO . . forriw