.... ' THE H1LL8BORO ARGUS, THURSDAV, JULY 2, 18. THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic Paper in Wasta ' ingfon County. KSU Kd" EVERY THURSDAY HT The Irgss Mlishug pmi Ki'uM KtpTtoH rmiA - " single cony tK-tn-ent. -. Oaf vwir.W.W. Six mwiiilw rent. i'hr n ml h as oenttv ' KntM at the Post-office at Hillsboro, ajregon.aasaFowI-clas mail matter. not his full -iuty to them unless he avails himself of this right for fut ure protection. There are many readers of The Argub who should take tnis to reason and profit. It is a business proposition and one that is equally humane and christian. IMMIGRATION SHOVLD CEASE. There need be no fear that "sound money" oVmofraU will vote for the republican presidential nominee. . That little stiletto stab about the '"dishonest" democratic administration will not mako any republican votes out of democrats who supported tariff reform. TUVE POLITICAL ECONOMY. Ti v. political economy is not that condition of national finance in which a high protective tariff muB$ be levied upon imported articles m irder that one stock of national ni " ey may 1 honored at the ex ense of another. Yet, it must be Emitted the "parity business is t!.c real condition that more than j- y thing else, demands a high protective tariff." The gold stand ard an 1 high protective tariff, there Li e go hand in hand The protec tive tariff favors the manufacturer, gives no protection to the laborer, 1 urdens the consumer, while the .gold standard makes the holders of .the yellow metal stand to all -others as does the protected man ufacturer to the consumer and labor er. The democrats ever held that the people should receive protec tion which was protection and now that the tariff issue is settled, the the party will look after the people's interest in national finance. m Every banker and speculator in England want to see the United The time has ten years passed States maintain the gold standard. when foreign immigration was a They know that a statue allowing good thing for America. It had , b,,th niftals jual mintage rights been better were it checked even w;n Wl).)c tt hardship on their gold five orten years before that, ine iu,idings.. forfliffii classes have usurned our . o . fields of labor y have settled on our eminent domain, have forced down the wage scale, steadily year after year, notwithstanding the protective tariff was supposed to protect every-, body, until we are about reduced to an European level. It is high time that something were done, for VERBOORT AND VICINITY. Several of the voune folks of this com munity will go to Portland to spend the Fourth. ... Mr A Smits with a family of eight small children have arrived from the Black Hm Where Mr Smits was killed some tiuieiuc in a saw mill accident. TWO FOR ONE Send for free sample and judge thereby Amis And ii Cincinnati Enpire ii Both Per Year i IK Cash in Look! Rare Bargains I Purest Drugs and Chemicals. Patent Medicines. Proprietary Articles. The Hillsboro Pharmacy Select Stock of Stationery. rarttrnlat' Attention Paid I Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipe. Advance. Tre Enquirer is a 9-column, 8 pagft paper, iscued each Thursday. Largest in sins cheapest in price, most reliable in news.all large type, nlain nrinl. irood white naner. If our readers want another live paper the Enquirer is that paper. Call or send orders to Argus Pub. Co., Hillsboro Ore. The school at tnii place closed Thurs- .i . e . e L.,. uav Willi appropn-re ciciirara. hi in the event of a return o, better Craig deliveretf thedipfumas to the fol time, the benefit which should of ( lowing: William Vender Velden, Joe necessity accrue to Americans will be absorbed by another influx of the Eastern pauper labor. For the pro tection of our people ei.ch alien who has no interest here but that of hire should be sent home. A man who comes to a country but to filch it and eventually rtturn is an element not conducive to that country s welfare. Moore, Adelia Hermens and Helen Al derman, J F Peereuboom has a good second nana bicycle lor sale cneap. John Van Dvke has a kiln of 40,000 1 1 1 : .1. " 1.. r IL. 1-... DrlCK wimu tire rcauy mi 111c mai mi. The people have volunteered to haul gravel to the swale roads near the church THEY NEED NOT TROUBLE. Gold standard republican organs liavefor months been attempting lto tell the democrats how to form a .platform which might possibly ele t their presidential nominee. Cer tainly these philanthropic journals have but the good of democracy at heart in these their kind offerings. But democrats know republican journals and politicians and are aware that they want to see Mc Kinlev elected. They futher know that republicans have little or no uliow for election if democracy goes into the fight as it should. For this reason the democratic party is not taking pointers from McKin lev's supporters. It will go ahead, ntn with the rank and file of people, because it is a party of .the people -no two or three men mortg age a candidate for democracy and then foreclose in national conven tion as did McKinley's managers and those disgruntled hysterical g. o. p. journals which see in a declar ation for free silver, a destruction " w -"'Mr' It is expected that the populist and silver convention at St. Louis on the 23rd inst will nominate Teller, who bolted from the repub lican convention. The populist ex ecutive committee and the populist editors are at variance on this ques tion of amalgamation Lut perhaps not enough to prevent the co-ali tion. If they do this the silver forces will be somewhat divided but not enough to particularly hurt the democratic free silver vote. As a matte: of fact the populists are ex pected to put a "roitldie-of-the- road" ticket at all hazards. 1 he campaign will be a warm one and if McKinley wins the election it will be after a hard fight. Notice for Publication. Land Omcs at Obkcion City, Or.I Mav IS, IHSHl.t NOTICE is hereby given that the Inllow Ingnained settler lias Hied notice of his intention to make final proof m sup port of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before the County Clem 01 w asn ington couutv, at Hillsboro, Oruacii. on July 0. 1896, viz: . John M. Brown, Enquire at The Audi's office. No 3 10 acres, half cleared, t acre liea verdiiin, rest slashed and hov.ii to Brans, no buildings, gous for (htf per acre. With in two miles of HillHlHiro. Terms, Hott down, balance in 8 yours at 10 per eont. Or will sell 40 acres, of whU'h bImivb is a part, at sumo price per aero. Including 15 acres of bcaverdum and .wall elearetl. No S 128 acres, highway running through renter of place, fitt acres in cnltl vation; - acres in orchard, apples, pears and plums; room house; log barn, gisKl well ot water; au acres 01 nenveruiiiii, mr nut ( i.iiitii-ntlnii! iiimw well watered by springs and creek; 10O acres under fence; 1J miles from post otnoe, dally mail; 1 mile from School house and six miles north of EUUiboro. Uoos cheap lor cash. ",'i : No 4 A gooil comer lot on Main and Third streets, TSx 175, with" good building thereon.suitable for any kind of business, and in excellent repair, will goat a bar gain for cash. Part payment and balance on long time with security. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. i . I. K UKU8T, I'sof Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Maikct : Price : Paid : for : rat : Cattle, : Mieep : and : nogs Cash Paid for Poultry. Highest SCHOLLS. Mrs Clara Smock, of Dallas, is visiting her uncle S V Seeley Mrs Estella Groner came out from Portland Sunday to visit with her moth er, Mrs D B Emenck. W J Grimes is visiting his sister Mrs La Rue. Scholls will celebrate the Fourth. W A Prosser and family, of Kinton were visiting relatives at Scholls Monday. A B Flint returned from California last week and reports the weather very warm. Miss Alice Guild, of Woodland, Wash iugton, returned home this week after a months sojourn with relatives at Scholls. Mrs Markham, of Portland, is visiting with her brother, Ferd Groner. W W Crowder end family intend to start for the seaside as soon as possible. Mrs H D Arnspiger is out visiting her daughter, Mrs J S Miller returned home Wed nesday from a visit at Hood River. R Skeels and E Brook left last Mon day for Monmouth to attend the Normal. B E Brooks and daughter Ora return ed home from the seaside last week. Nn t 11 acres: half cleared.balance in j -- ----- . , grass. Good House ot tour rooms; gouu bam and outbuildings. Fine orchard of 50 trees and various other small fruits. ien chickens w ducks, l-horse wagon, H ;,,. la hin.u onml row. t heifers of 8 K H K W of S W H Sec 30 T 8 arm ilements.' Every- H. ;.,,,.. ihe r.dl.vimr witnesses to thing goes for $650, cash in hand. urove bis continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, via: A. C. Archhold, J. U. Magnwer. iiiiam Bouseien, Hillsboro, Oregon, and K. . Howell, .Mountaindalc, Oreuou. 9-6 Kobkht A. Mn.LCH, Kciitcr. mi.Lsiiouo, OR H'iON. W.T. Andrews. President. " H.W.Uorraliee, Sccielaiy ANDREWS LUMBER CO. tluc.iroiiitet June H, IMW.r MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAlNDAt.E. ORRCON". The republicans have the saddle in Washington county, but two years more will tell a differenl story. But one thing -will hold the repnb licans in power. If the legislative delegation will stand manfully fur an equitable eduction in salaries and stand courageously against ex travagant appropriations, republi can power may be perpetuated. The delegation has the ability to do this, but should it fall ut der the control of Simonism, look out, two years from now, for such a repudi ation as the county has never kown- s. 1 j: t fwA W. E. Rrnek has the only wula fountain in town. Don't forget this. Who can think Home iiinDw thlDg to patent? Wanted-An Idea i PMlMt nn. Mm.! th.T mftr hrlus vim wealth. Writa JOHN WKODEKBURN ft CO., Patent Atlor nara, Waahlniton, D. C for their i.8uo prise oiler aadllit ot two handnd InTeotloua wanted. Facts Stronger Than Fictio-. All pains arising from rheuma tism, gout, tni'g'im, toothache, neu ralgia, headache, neuralgic piins, sciatica, lumbago, stiff neck, chilb lains, contused muse'es, enlnrt.el veins and all pains of the bones or Notice for Publication. Land Omen at Okfg'in Citv, ob.i Ju'y 2o 1S!.i XTO'I'ICK is lierebv Kiven that the follow ll inn-named settler has lib d noli ;e of his Intention to miiKe nntti itihh hi ")- iHirt 01 bis claim, nnu ttmi suui i-rnni win be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington couutv at Jlillsboro, Oivon, on Aiif., la, v: Joseph Hickeiibottoiit, Pre. T). 8. No. THOfl. for the X 1 of S K V N K 4 of 8 W B K "4 ol ft H w V r. l4 Pec 10, 1 1 i n o . i e names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and (.iilr.ivution of said land, viz: T. iiii.rv w Khe ' v. " if van nmnconi, Albert Wood, S D 'Sheely, Vernonia, Ore gon. 15-8 Robkrt A. Miller, Register. Notice lot Publication. Lamd Okkh e at Obkuoii City. Ob. i July 'J5, tKi 1 XTOTICK is hereby civen t'htit the follow 11 liiu-nuined settler has tiled notice of his intention to make hunt proof in sun port of his claim, and that said proof will be marie before the County Clerk of Wash ington couutv at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Aug. 8, lM5. viz: George 1 1 Geiscl, H. K. No. 24t. for the W of W V. Sect 21 I 2 N U 5 W. He naincs the following witnesses to proe hi continuous resi lenc upon aid cultiv.it ion 11I Mtid lund, vi: " "nlliiis, K Smith, of Kir Ovpt'in. J Wlls 1. T Frost, ol" (Jules t'r e; Oieo . 15-rt llnsKRT A. Mii.ikb, Uejtistcr. Notice f it Publication. I.akii OrriLK at OuicoiiN Citv, Oil, May 18, imxi.i NOTICT. is hereby nivcn that the foll'in-ing-uained settler hn tiled notice ol his intention to make tinal proof in sup port of hix claim, and Unit Baid proof will be made before County Clerk of Washing ton counH at Hillsboro, Oregon, on July 7, 1890. viz: Kenton h. Phillips, Tn lllo 1Trjr?!r.'r. Pi g) n.,' 3 THE BUFFET CAR KOIJTE 'm w cnoriesi ana uuiuKtbt liuo A j3 -IIKTWKKN K. Mi NKtl., Kece ver. TO THE EAST ....Gives the choice of ... TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES Great Union Northern Ry. - Pacific By. PACIFIC COAST POINTS ... ST. PAUL, AND THIS liAST. CruHsas both the t awiades ami the Uocky Mountains In DAYMOIIT, i.U'orUiag pas senireis tlieopjiorliinity of viewing the Grandest Scenery in America. VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ANIl PAUL ST DENVER OMAHA AN II KANSAS CITY Two trail viaO. K.N i daily from Portland ; one at 11 a. 111 , via Seattle, and oik. at H:4." p. 111.,. .anil Kpokane. Kuns superb eiiuipment, eoimisllngofilliui.g earn, bulfet linliiurren louriNtH sleeping catp, i nr uiiiiqi chip air niar il. coiiliiiniiig litith rotiiti, bur her aliop, eaity chain, rtc. 1 V I I I II V Tl A IT 1 1 i V U 11 Twin Ktcnnisbips "Northwest" and "Xwrthhiml" Uav DnHnh every Monday auit ICrtiiuv tor the "Son," Mackinac Island. 1 let mil, Claveluiid and BuHalo in eonuectiou. with the (Ireat Northern Haihvny Have j on,' ticket read via Nolt'l UkKN 'l KA.M SHIP I'OMl'AN V ami enjoy adelighlful r d free Irom the heataiut JuU Fur tlrk ets and general information call 011 or addresa U. C. 8TKVBSH, O, W. P. A. A. II. C. DKNNISTkN.C. P. A T. A. 012 i''ront Ml.. Seattle, Waah. t'-'iJ i'liinl St, Portland, Oregon. 1,0 W It ATKS TO A t.I KASTKItX CM IKS , ,. n, i if ttnth of the matter h;We""t)regon ian. the New York Tribune, and other great papers are afraid of the results of the democratic convention for it' will mean a smashing of the McKinley idols. Those journals need not worry about the death of the democratic party. It will prove too fivelv for them yet. CO-OPERATIVE PROTECTION. MUwM the'sptit in the dem ocratic party on the money ques tion. They seem to forget that their party is in the same boat Cnlifornia republicans declared for free silfrr, Senator Squires, of Well ington state avowedly a free silver man, and by-the by how about our own John H. Mitchell and Wm. Ellis and Hermann too? Oh, no, they're not split up on the money question. " This is an nge of progress. Whilst but a small per cent of men leave a competency fir their families by reason of non-succefS in business enterprise, there is, under present conditions which furnish a cooper utive means of eeta'e to a man's family after death, no reason why the head of a household should have ti helpmeet and little ones to battle with unnecessary hardships after lie is gathered to his Fathers. I'ro grwsion, the result of years of ex perience, rich in results, has now so , created a condition that the' man of ordinary thysical and mental t health inn retire to rest after a day's hard labor with the fatisfnetory - knowledge, that should death over take him before morning, his family will lie provided for. There are 1. iinv wins in which this assurance! . run lie made positive. Old line life insurance and fialernnl insurance irganiiatioim furnish the basis and k' there js no reason why, when a ninall .'expense each m"uth could H A. Xo. :NS3, for the W Jiotl W $1x1 nerves quickley relieved bjrjtwti'l." !,V fi 'j., 1- , io" Wiibur'fcHr-"" piiw Mtnd - i ki"i . , ....m.Koil, VT: ZJkt&S -t, . ' ijvJ&.K V.' 'K hcnefiel, Samuel Davidson, W .1. ' '' ' Thornbnrg, Perry L. Bcnehel.ol' annln(r, Oca a Strum ? Lave Portland A'rfy Five Day ... Foil ... SAN FRANCISCO F.,r full details call on or iid'lress: W 11 HURldiURT, Uen'l Puss Agent Portland, Oregon, Or J. I. Knight, Hillsboro, Ore. PACIFIC ONIYERSITYiesO tiuu:k 1 oi.i.koi: (ovhskis Classical, Scientific, literary. , SUMMONS. So long as a gold standard pre vails there will be no particular in centive to increase the stock of money. Every dollar of increase, is in theory only, as the gold dol lar must stand for itself and com panions. The lesser the volume the more the gold dollar is worth. Is it any wonder that the banks and speculators in money want the gold standard to obtain. Bridge Builders Take Notice. TI1KRE will be let to the lowest bidder or biiiders at the office of the Coun ty Judge at Hillsboro, Washington coun ty, Oregon, on Thursday, July , 1KX1, atSo'clock p. 111., contracts Un the building of the following b'iilges and tills, to-wit: Bridge across ihe Tualatin river and for a bridge and fill on county road leading from Fariniiigton to the farm of Feid Groner and a bridge or till and bridge near Midilleton and for a till and bridge on county road leading south from the resi denee'of Martin Keiling to the Catholic church, All bidn ate to be sealed. The court re serves the rigid to withdraw or reject any or all bids. Specifications may be seen at the clerks office in Hillshom, Oregon, on and after the 8th day of July, 1890. Dated this June 24. l)1Mi. Bv order of County commissioners' court, 11 P. Cohnkmib, 5 County Judge, After carefully scrutinizing the returns, those populists who assev erated that there was no democratic party in Washington county, must have come to the conclusion that to a baldheaded certainty there is a democratic party and that it polled good a vote, considering the state of organization, as did thepopuisls, ana elected as ti.auv candidates, as well. Major McKinley will probaly Wuit untill after the democratic convention has met before he pub l.l , I.. if A II. ..vrtU.a.iv mnn'a widow should ,"."" 1,18 ieer acceptance. rv. rt to the wnshtub after his death. I W wal some free silver republi if. i (i.Joan vot, and "Mo" thinks he file I" aiiirn, tun iii?v.u,ii-'-r , ii.' j Woodmen, ihe Knights of Pvthius, the Odd Fellows, the Artisans and numerous other orgat iiiions sup knows a thing or to about policy La grippe I La grippe. For la urippe, coughs, colds and consumption Wilbur's Cough Cure has no equal. Nice and pleasing to taste and can he taken by the most delicate female orehild. Price 50 cents. Hold bv W. K. Hrock. 4 8olentiflo American Agency for 4, HIP IM"i4r.W eOPVMQHTa. to.l For Infonnatloa and tret Handbook writ to HUNM CO.. Ml Broadway, New Tout. Oldest bureau for securing pntcnta In America, Everr patent taken out bjr us la brounht bofora th public bf o notice (Iran I roe ol charge lu tua larceit etreulatton of an 7 aclentlilo paper In th world. Splendldlr Illustrated. No lutolfecnt man ibonlcl bo wlUiout It, Weekly. S3.0O KaritljOalxmontha. Addma, MUNN tt CO, imihiMi 11 Broadwor, New York Citr. Ill a--I IJ Who can uanieu-Rii loea Protect 70W Ideaa; they mar brln you wealth. Write JOHN WBDDEBBURN CO.. Patent Attor nan. Waahtnc ton, D. C, for tbelr $1,100 prln oBa? and UM ot two hnadnjl InTanUooa wanted. It is now His Honor the Mayor, Notice For Publication. Land Omen At Oregon City Obk.I . June 4, I8!i.( TOTICK is hereby Kivenen that the lol t-flT"- lh atnte of Oregon lorxne uo,tii.i.;. a. .iijio.. - .,, rSlu tei(,t 'ast Jt Y A W Lninliert, v . 'K., ...U - t .Ot V Oregon. HonitRT A. MiLLKii, lleitcr Notice for Publication, Land OrricB at Orkhon City, On.i May 18, 1 89(1.1 NOTICK is hereby given tout the follow ing iirnied settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in huj- 110rtorh1scl1tn.il, anil mat Bind jirooi win be made before the County Clerk of Wash- niKton county, at Hillsboro, Or., on July 9, 1898, viz: Joseph Hni'Kuolzer; H. A. Xo. 7411, for the S K M Sec Io T 3 SK6W. IIh iiiih the followinir witnessed to prove his continuous residence upon mid cultivation of said land, viz: II. P. Mowed, Peter Lund, John Oliver, John Kuusrh.of lluxton, Oregon. 9-0 Koiikkt A. iu.KR, Kegisler. Notice for Publication. Land OmrK at Orkuon C'TV. Or.i May is, 189H 1 NOTICE in' hereby-given that the follow-iiiit-nained settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Ii mil proof in buji nort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on July , mm, viz: (ieorire Kesler H. A. No. 8512, for the W S K tt K , of 8 W '4 Sect 10 I IIS II 4 W. He numei the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot sain tano, viz: Donald McMillan. John Boos, John Marians and liernmn Hunger.of Hay ward Oregop, 9-0 Robert A. Miller, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Obeoon City, Or, May 18, 1890. VTOTICK is herebv given that the follow- ll ing-minied settler has tiled notiee of 111 intention 10 matte Hum pruor in mji iiot't, of his claim, and that said 11 roof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on July lb, 18SW, viz: Samuel Paisley, H. A. No. 8299, for the K U N W H & 8 W N W beo. 8 & 8 E yt of N E M Sect 7 T2N1UW. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01 said laud, viz , II. T. Buxton. C. J. iiiciidenliall, N. It WcstaudO. II. Hiddink.of Uuxton, Ore, 9-0 Koiikkt A. Mii.lrr Ueglster. IO..I D 1 V.5 ply afield in which any husljiiUv'"r . . .;, , j i It father may, buiH up an estate "tn.,oi, will he both adored which may keep those he leaves, 'used goe. without, saying. -from want, at a very small expense.! With tenure of lile underlain, with; The sooner people stop horrow- s-Hich unequal conditions eiBin, ing from reter to pay Paul, the , trk tyTwiiam Rran, Chnrieg ilaa, a.a arthik llSnl rtllfll WIT H IIVUH HIMlIlffir Will IIH l!H HU III 'if I iVi I ! JJCvC , WlllJIivl vw.--.v, - dependent upon hie pnpport does crown the reeult ol effort. lowing-named settlur has tiled notice of his intention to iniike final proof in sup port of his clai.11, and that said proof will be made bdfore County Clerk of Tillamook County at Tillamook Oregon, on July 20, 1898, viz: Louis A. Obeli, Pre I) 8 No 7971 for the S 8 K M Sect 18 and N N E Vt Sect 19 T 1 ti K 7 . He names the following witness to prove Ms continuous residence upon aud culti jxmter, '''!C ib)isi mook, Oiegor,. iai Rout, A, Mli.lkb, Notice For Publication. Laku Orriric at Orkhon City, Ou.i . av IS. 189A.C VfOTICE is hereby given that the follow Xi ing-iinnied sett ler has filed notice of his j intention to make final proof in support of nis claim, and that said proot . will be made before County Clerk of Washington i.ounty at Hillsboro, Oregon on July lu, icwo, vtx : Herman Leixtikon, H. K. No. 8227 for the W of 8 W & Sec m 1 s jn 11 4 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: William Hart, Amos .-.eH'!. J. A. 8hnr Bustou, Oreat.n.- ' Ueglster, 9-0 Rw..ur A--Mil,llR, Ueglster. T11K At' A IMCM Y pr').iirrs for ChIIcl"' n d jjivi-s a tion tigli Kng licit Kiliti-aiiiin; tlif f! jirnutnviti'ii fur 'JVaching i-r I'ticiinjia.- A.l i-xpt-oM'H very low. Uiiarirf nf roon s nt ImYw'J Hall, to H r uick, tnt.'linlih),' clirlric ligiil ninl lienl '1 he IJnlli-p- Ihiriiiilniy, undi r ext clli-nl n.iniMjii n inl, fur iii.xiios btmrd ami roniu at li2.2) i-r twik. I'miml iu.il riHitn in private fnuiilies. f 2."0 ami iipnafda. Many stu-ilt-nts rt iit riiinns ami bimrd 1 lit-ni.-i 1 ves at a lol.il ein-t nut to ext-ei-d $1 "id er nei-k. The xpriiiK term Ingins April vi Jti:si.1 Wj'HtHlillt' in I it r 1 hH, mcclelland, vs. David T Halstead and Henry II Travis administrator of I lie estate of I Kva llalste.id, deceaNed Delemlants. J To Uavid T llulstead defendant: "N TI1K NAMK OK T1I1C STATU Of . Oregon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit ami Court on or before the first Monday ol the next legularteriu ol said Court, to- it: Mon day, the 20th day of July, A. !.. 1WKI, and it you tail to answer, lor want inereoi, me iiamtin win apply to ine 1 nun mr me re ief demanded in the complaint filed be ro ll, to wit: for a decree foreclosing a cer tain mortgage on the north half of the south west quarter of the north east quar ter ot section townsnin 1 soutn range 3 west of the Willamette Meridian contain ing 20 awes more or less, and recorded in Mooli " v nage Mii ot Mortgages 01 HHii ingtou county, State of Oregon and for judgment fur thosum ot two Hundred dol lars am! Interest thereon fi'oin January 22, 18H2. at 8 nur cent ier aniiuin less the sum of forty-four dollars paid December 7, 1892, and for tlfly dollars attorneys Ices and for costs aud disbursements ot tms suit ami for such other and further relief us the Court may deem proper. This Summon? is served by publication by order of Hon. T. A. Me,H:ide, judge of said court, made and dated April 23, 1HWI, A. T. Lkwis, Attorney for Plaintiff. Koret tlri-vc, (Iri'tiidi WILEY & DENNIS, j filTY LIVEKY STAHLEZI Cor. and and Washington Street, Is lr WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES Hud DRIVERS, Bconoi Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oreciok City, Or. I ay. U, 18IKJ. j NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup. port of his claim, and that said proof will be. made before the County Clerk of Tilla mook County, at Tillamook, Oregon, on June 30, 18110, viz: Daniel Murphy, Pre. I). 8. No. 7874 for the S K of sec. 28, tlsr7w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: William Carver, C P Rowland, William Ryan and V C S Konip, all of Trask, Oregon. fr-fl Robert A. Miller, Register, NOTICE. Notice is herebv given that on the 37th day of April, 1896, there wa a darkbay horse with small white spot in forehead, about 3 years old, weight seven or eight hundred, jumped into my inclosure one mile west of Laurel, I have fed and cared for said horse since above date. The horse will be delivered to owner by proving property and paying costs of teeomg, etc.. F. RlETH, Laurel, Ore. Notice to Stock Holders. MiLLHfioito. OltEOoN. MaV'lft. 1800. To the subscriber!! of the capital stock of the Washington uouuty npeed and Driving Association. "T OV and each of you (ire hereby notl- X fled that tho Board of Directors has levied Assessment No. 2 on said capital stock, tho same being i!0 per cent, of the face thereof. You are requested to call on th" Soemtanr. ke on .wf.'j.loBtes end p&y suit. siSKsrueKt st onci. a. S. Lvoi, Bm. Oxo. R. Baolbv ,8on'y, By all means be economical out don't be too economical where health or Ufa is concerned. The matter of a few cents should never count be tween the old, standard and relUl.e preparations and the new, obscuru, and In many cases, almost worthless substitutes. SUMMONS. lu the Circuit Court ot the Stale of Oregon for Washington county, OruDall l'-ineroy, J'laintill'.i vs John K Ponieroy, I)cfcndiiiit, I To John K Ponieroy, the above named i ditfciiditut. IN THK NAMK OK T tl K STATIC OK j J. Oii'gon, you are hereby eopiniuiidcd j anil reijuiiud to appear and answer the 'cnnipluint Ii lt d against you in theabovo entitled court in the abuve entitled suit. , on or before Monday the aJthdayol' July. iA.i),, 18H0, the sumo being tho lirst day of the next regular term of the above nam . ed court next lollowing the expiration of 1 the lime prescribed in the Order of Publi- cation of this Summons, and If you fail to : so appear and answer said complaint. ! Plaintiff will apply to the Court for there i lief (heroin Di aved for anil demanded, to- Vt'lt;- For a decree dissolving and annul ling the marriage and marriage contract now 11110 neretoiore existing botweon tne plaintiff and defendant aud for a dncre a- warding the cure, custody, aud control of 1. nil nil mil. iti 111 Mm ii, 11 ni.iiir, un nutiinn Of Cod-llver Oil and Hypophosphltes ant to the plaintiff herein, and that .she-' l miii-l, ttia .tin J .11 i sutne her maiden name of Ora Ijc.-I Ititc a u iiiuvii wit oiaiiucttu tut j .1 1 ,"1 . . , ., . . I us. and for the costs and disbursements of umuiia, ui wstuiK m wiiuuren ana ! this suit, and for such other and further Emulsion lf3 adults where the lungs are weak or affected, as quinine Is the standard for malarial fevers, when you go to a store to get Scott's Emulsion, don't be fooled Into taking something else they say " Is just as good." isn't Scott's Emulsion has gained Its repu tation by Its superior merit, and noth ing of Its kind has ever equalled tt Your doctor will tell you that. All druggists aoll Scott' i Emulator Two sizes 50 centt and iM Notice for Publication. Laku Ornt E at Ohhoon CiTr, Or.i N , May 14, tfW0.l OllCE hereby given that the follow ing-namoii settler has Hied notice of his Intention to muko tinal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Tllla niook Comity at Tillamook Oregon, on June CO, 1808, vizi ' J'.'lci Murphy, - !',!'e, P S, S.l7? "r. the VV Kof H W W and decree as may seem mete with equity and good conscience. This summons is published against you by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBriile, Judge of the above named court made in Cham bers and dated the lgth day of May, 1800. Gko. R. Baouy, , Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator! Notice. NOTICK is hereby given that the under signed has been by the county court ol Washington county, Oregon, appoint ed administrator of the estate of George h. Groner, deceased, and hits duly qualillcd as such. All persons having claims against said estate arc hereby no tified to niTMiit th aa.ni to me with prop er vouchers at the law office of H. B. Hus ton, in Hillsboro, Oregon, wllliin six months faun this date. Dated at Hillilmro, Oregon, this 14th day 01 may, imt. W. n. whhhuiiu. Administrator, WM. rUPt'ER, (Succea.jr to C R Mead) EXPRESS! Makes rnirnlui. Irlna to Portland or iMoudays, WodtiowiayM. and Fridays, H W ii of N VV A nf Ui.. ; T i is D w i. - .. ..v., ... , , a n , , luoiiiiays, vy otllieauayH, uuu He names the lollowing witnesses to turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and SalH 'iViiVi. . TV "s'ueuce upon and uraaya. All buslnesB outrnsteu m ', ' -'''' i.'i -nm mtm, viz; i w vuuip oiio imnin Ityau, Ti'usk OrcRon, ituyKBT Ai MlLlKS, 96 '.I Ml, i.HLilu ju uuu. - , i HM Tin nmmnflw unrt nnrnfllllv SttOOOtNU to. Froicrht and dxcresH rates rensoinaWel Louvnoraflrswlthblui. or at Ledrford I oiirter, 1 or at Thi Aoc,