! " I ' it f 1H AH ml the Dollar Qoastloa. Z have a friend whom I shall ventar to. call "poor artist," for I kpow thai he is poor and gets his living, such as it is. hy painting. I cannot pretend to jndgo his work, but I have had ample proof that he iB devoted, laborious and will not sacrifice his convictions for gain or popularity. Perhaps he is not so sin gular in this, but w hat, as my t xpericnc . goes, is a peculiarity of his is that he is not in the habit of cursing the "Phil istines. " E view seems to be that, as ho paints to suit himself, it does not comport with his self respect to blame people whom his painting does not suit for refusing to buy it or for being un able to understand it My friend, as I have said, is poor and is likely to re main so, but he appears really content with his work and his relative poverty. I confess that his attitude is a comfort to me, and that in his patience and modesty and generous fidelity to his ideal ho is a model whom some other artists perhaps artists generally might study with advantage. He puts into his work the best he has to give, and that, in substance, is what the great critics have insisted is the source of the greatest value iri art Of conrse a man's best, so far as concerns his talent, may be much or little, but whatever it is he will hardly get it into his work if he is thinking chiefly of the money return or if he is habitually resentful because he does not get the money return. Scrib ner's. In Pretoria. It is a gray day, with a soft, soaking drizzle of rain, good for the long parch ed crops, but somewhat depressing to the spirits and curiously in harmony with the general prospect of affairs. Yesterday's dazzling sunshine and trop ical heat, though tempered by a pleas ant breeze in the afternoon, culminated about sunset in one of the magnificent storms which take place every now and then throughout the rainy season. In a few minutes, as it seemed, from the time when we had first noticed that clouds were gathering the sky was black and a shrieking wind was whirl ing clouds of yellow dust from Govern ment House down the whole length of Longmarket street, blotting out trees and houses on either sida Then, after a pause, down came the rain mingled with hailstones, some of them as large as marbles, which rattled on the zinc roefs till between them and the thnn . der one could hardly hear one's self speak indoors. It passed almost as quickly as it had come, leaving the Eluices in every street roaring like brooks in spate, gardens sorely damaged and great holes washed here and there in the roadway for the corporation to fill up with broken shale. London Speaker. The Cathode Ray. It may be briefly explained, without going into the details of a very techni cal subject, that ordinary light is re garded as due to vibrations which are at right angles to the direction in which the ray travels, but that, in the mathe matical theories of light, other vibra tions, in the direction of the ray, are indicated, though wholly unknown in experience hitherto. If the new rays prove, in fact, to be of this character, bo as to realise indeed the long sought longitudinal vibration, the discovery is of the first importance in science and will hardly find it! equal in interest since the discovery of the law of trravi- tntioTi. for it revenlq n. note mnrl va.x. ti.ll t.f fi.ma unr'- - : -f.-.-i.jraimae the .wwr rTtgETEfflce. Professor A. '.'',W.1tVrright in Forum. The Desperate, British torpedo boat de stroyer, designed and built by J. Thorny croft & Co., ran a preliminary trial on March 17, obtaining a mean speed of four runs ou the measured mile of 81.035 knots, or 35 statute miles. The speed was taken by British admiralty officials, and is the highest on record. The Des perate is the first of the new class of 30 knot destroyers that hns bpen tried. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WIKXERS. CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO ! TTAGE WERE GIVEN Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION PUIS, CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO, CHICAGO, ILL. LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF EMS AND ORGANS IN THE T and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-1 nr huaincss conducted for Moderate Fee. !oun ornci is OproaiTt. U. 8, patent Orr ice and we can secure patent m less tuue than tlwse Send model, drawing or photo., with descnp- Stlon. We advise, if patentable or not, tree oi; a a.u.wLrT "How to Obtain Patents," with colt of sanwln the U. S. and foreign countries sent free, jiaarees, 3.A.orjow&co. omar. Washington, 0. C. -rT s 21 Kays 01 tent and trial prove Hood's Saraaparilla to be hneqaatled for purityirt the Wood btc.nso Mood's Sarsaparilla b the On True Blood Partner. All druggists; tt Hood's PlltS cure all liver 111a 24 cents. THE ELECTRIC SUCKER. A Owaui'i Account of a Wonderful Fish Found In the Mil. In an article in Ueber Land und Meer on "Electrical Phenomena In the Animal World," Dr. Frolieh tells about sucker first found in the Kile and its tributaries by modern scientific men in 1881, but well known to the ancient Egyptians as the "sucker thundercr god," being worshiped as such in a sucker god temple in the city of the thunder sucker, or Oryrrhynchos. The reason they called it the thunder suck er, instead of the "thunder fish," was because they knew of another fish, known to the English speaking people as the eleotrio cat (fish), to the Germans as the Eitterwels, or the shad that makes one tremble. It grows to a length of about a foot, of which the head and nose take up a quarter, and at the deep est part measures more than a quarter of its length. Just why the modern scientifio men did not know of this fish before is a question a layman finds it hard to an swer except that the sucker is a bottomy fish. The old Egyptians probably learned of the animal after a Nile flood, when some philosopher was meditating over a mud puddle left by the receding wa ter. He saw a funny fish struggling in the water, and, out of a - desire for knowledge, reached for the fish and touched it If there were any disciples of the philosopher hard by, they proba bly saw the philosopher act surprising ly as the stoio Indian did when he got hold of a galvanic battery. Thereafter the fi'h was worshiped, having a name which associated it with the "thunder gcd of the skies, " although the ancients knew nothing of electricity according to the learned of today. A peculiar thing about the various electrical fish is that should one swim, even at a considerable distance from a human bather, the bather would know of its proximity by an "electrical sen sation, " while many of them have bat teries actually fit to kill a horse on con taot Thece fish are far ahead of the hu man beings in the matter of weapons, "for they stun their prey at a great dis tance in the water. " THE RETIRED BURGLAR. Not Often Beat ly Frightened, bnt Now and , Then Perhaps a Little Startled. "I don't suppose a man in my busi ness is apt to get frightened very much," said the retired burglar. "He's all the time expecting things to happen, and he's always on the lookout for them. Still, I suppose that any man, unless he has an absolutely cast iron nerve, and such- men are very few, is likely at times to be startled. I know that I am. For instance : .... fi t "I went into a house) after groiwik rCness Mncte I found an open 1 had located from the outside of the house the windows of the room that this door opened into, and when I struck the door I knew where the bed ought to be. It was there, and I went along the side of it until I came to the head. I found a chair there with a man's clothes piled up on it I picked up the trousers, and as I began to feel in the pocket br-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-rl went an alarm clock on the bureau, not a foot from my head, and out of bed jumped a man, bumping square against me, of course not knowing I was there, but knocking me endways and tumbling over on the floor himself. "I certainly was startled by that alarm clock, make no mistake about that, and I have no doubt in my own mind that the man that jumped out of bed was startled when he fell over me, but I didn't stay to ask him about that "New York Sun. The Dear Old Lady's Mistake. Old Mr. and Mrs. Sbumanfrom Bryan went to town, and in going to the hotel for dinner saw a crowd around the jus tice court The old couple, with pardon able curiosity, inquired the cause of the gathering. They were informed that a man was on trial for beating his wife. Edging their way through the bystand ers to get a look at the prisoner, the old lady whispered to he husband : "What a murderous looking creature the prisoner is I I'd be afraid to get near him." "Hush r warned her husband. "That Isn't the prisoner; he hasn't been brought in yet. " "It isn't? Who is it, then?" . "It's the judge I" Atlanta Constitu tion. ' This world is like a mint We are no sooner oast into the fire, taken out again, hammered, stamped and made current but presently we are changed. Decker and Webster ;, -. RstSPONSIVK BOTH TO HARSH AND BWKKT BOUNDS, The nerves are often painfully acute. When thin 1b the case, the best thing to be done Is to aeek the tonic and tranquilising assistance of Hostetter's stomach Bitters, a superb nervine. No less beneficial Is It for dyspeptic, bilious, malarial, rheumatic, bowel ana ki'iney com plaints. Use with persistent regularity. A wineglass! al before retiring confers sleep. "The giraffe baa a tongue eighteen Inches h lung, Bam jnra. uarrui. "auu luuna uu. ii vf ol(i tt, too," snapped Mr. Oarrill, who had had fits Am tT.fl. Journal of KtdlriM rroi. w. s. Feeke, who makes a specialty of Epuepsy, nas Wltnoui doubt treated and cur- ed more cases than any living Physician; his success is astonishing. We have heard of cases of so years' standing enrea oy him. He publishes a valuable work on this din. ease, which he sends with a larra bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may send their P. O. and Express addrost. we an viae an one wishing a cure to addreu FroLW. B.r; t. v., a cedar su aew isra SURE CURE for PILES in.SlS.EO'1 PILE RE I ftoH Blind, hieriltuic or frou U11ug rii:IIIIIMNM M PILE I . anu i fura u& Sli. BOnaKKO, ralta,!. ..Ti.l..IT.- 7. H. SUPPOSE WE SMILE. HUMOROUS PARAGRAPHS FROM THE COMIC PAPERS. Pleasant Incidenta Occurring the World Over 6a y inga that Are Cheer ful to Old or Toons Funny Felec tiona that Everybody Will Enjoy. A Familiar Make-L'p. Mrs. Dlx I wonder what present my husband will bring me to-night? Mrs. Hicks What makes you expect one? Is it your birthday? Mrs. Dlx No-o; we quarreled this morning. Tld-Bits. So Did He. Mrs. GriniMe (to her offspring) There you go, tracking the floor all over with mud. Didn't I tell you to wipe your feet before you came in? Johnny Oh, nobody's blaming you, ma; you did all you could. Boston Transcript. The Great Unwaehed. Teacher Suppose you were a king. Tommy, what would you do? . Tommy I'd never wash uiy face any more. Woonsocket (K. I.) Reporter. Which la Beatr ' Professor Which will you take this term, psychology or ethics? . Student Use yourown judgment, pro fessor. I've signed for first bnse with the 'Invlnclbles' after I graduate In the spring. Texas Siftings. The Common Experience. "It Is queer," said Mrs. Bloocher, "that a man can take enough Interest In his wife's letters to open them but not enough to mail them." Indianapo lis Journal. To Fit the Occaaion. "Dear me," said the lovely lady, pet ulantly, "those are beautiful verses you have written about me, but It hap pens that my hair Is dark-brown In stead of golden." "Haw! By Jove! So It Is," said the petted society poet. "Well, there is only one thing to do. You must have your hair ' bleached." Indianapolis Journal. Human Nature. Nothing flatters a man more than to read In some authority something that he thinks he has thought Truth. Bicyclea that Fit the Ridera. This Inve lb," - ,av World. -r ."(Solicitude Reclprocrted. "Father," said the boy, "what is the difference between a poet and a poet laureate?" "My son," replied the parent, "it seems that the poet laureate Is one who has had only a mild attack." Detroit Tribune. Memento of Hubby. "I presume you carry a memento of some sort in that locket of yours?" ' "Precisely; it Is a lock of my hus band's hair." "But your husband It still alive?". "Yes, sir; but his balr is all gone." Tit-Bits. A Good Wife. O'Hara She was a good wife to me, poor woman ! Many 's the word of good advice she gave me. McGoogan Throe for ye, an' many's the time Oi've heard her advisln' ye when Oi lived In the house beyant, a mile up the road, ochone! Truth. Candor. He I am told that your admirers' name Is legion. She (blushing) Oh, no, Indeed, his name Is Jones. Brooklyn Life. Crushed. Garrulous Boarder For ten years my habits were as regular as clockwork. I rose at the stroke of 8; half an hour later I sat down to breakfast; at 7 I was at work, dined at 12, ate supper at 6 and was in bed at 0:30; ate only hearty food and wasn't ill a single day. Sarcastic Boarder Dear me! And what were you In for? Pick-Me-Up. ' - She Fell. J She felL . r Love of finery turned her head. Her head was turned to enable her to see the other girl's finery and Bhe did not observe the coal scuttle some body had left upon the sidewalk. De troit Tribune. . Dense Ignorance. "Ignorant!" said the present friend, speaking of the absent one. "Why, I don't believe that fellow even knows how to start a balky horse." Indian apolis Journal. 4 t$ Forbidden Fruit. f' She (looking at the strawberries) What lovely fruit. I dont believe I ever saw them finer. He (looking at the sign-Why, my dear, those sour little things wouldn't bent to eat! New York World, Punishment Daughter Oh, mother, my husband has again come home after midnight; It Is the second time this week. Mother That's bad. We must make him give that up. Daughter Certainly. We have to find out something that will frighten -film something terrible. Do you snow trhat? I'll tell him that as often as he stays out late you will come to us for eight days. Boloud Istok. An Kasy One. "Mamma," said Eugeue, "I know how chickens get out of the shell; but how do they get In?" Exchange. After the Accident. Dr. Bleeder It's broken, gentlemen! It's brokeu! Prof. Speeler (who has fallen) Vat is broken? Der violin? Dr. Bleeder No, your leg. Trof. Speeler Oh, I dhought it vos der Instrument. Two College Oraduatea, The Rev. Dr. Discord Why, dear Jack, I am glad to see you. You are looking so well. What have you been ! doing? Jack Seraggs Pitching for a league club at 5,000 a year. What are you i doing? i Discord Preaching for a chapel at ; $500 a year. Texas Sifter. j A Compromise, Johnny I found 50 cents this morn ing. - Mamma What did you do with It? "Jlmmie Watts was with me and I gave half of It to hlra." "What made you do that?" "You see, neither of us licked." Win nipeg Nor'-Wester. Doubtful piety. " ' ! A little girl went to church with her mother one day and knelt down to pray fervently as soon as the service began. After church her mother asked: "What did you pray for?" "Oh, I was asking that church might soon be over." Tex as Sifter. Indifferent. A great talker had ensconced himself in the study of Laplace, the gr mathematician, who went on with work. After awhile the visitor marKea: . mmt4$ "You are,. bM"" " ""i5f .finnugr Fllegende Blaetter. Two Feet More. "I'm afraid that this bed is too small for you." "No, it Isn't; when I am In it there will be two feet more!" La Caricature. Her Safety. Harry Get on your bike and try it again. Miss Quick Indeed, I will not I know when I am well off. Philadel phia Item. Experience. Singleton So you can't come, Jack? But a woman's "no" often means "yes." Mrs. Henpeck Not after marriage, sir, never! Truth. Not Much Reality There. "Well, at any rate, professor, I have the bump of imagination, I hope." . "Well, yes; I think I may say your brain is principally imagination." Lon don Fun. Same Old Fad. Mrs. Duknne The women of differ-' ent cities have their own particular fad. Mrs. Gaswell What Is the women's fad in Chicago? Mrs. Dukane. Husbandry.-Pltts-l borg Chronicle. The Editor's Anawer. " Poet (to editor) I send you a poem,' "Why Do I Live?" Please answer. Editor Because you send your poem1 by mall. Texas Sittings. Fashion's Changea. Mr. De Style Why, my dear, I'm glad to see you so composed. When I left this morning you were weeping and tearing your hair because Fldo was sick. Mrs. De Style Well, you see, Just after you left Mrs. Tlntop came In and told me that dogs of Fldo's breed were going out of fashion, so I dried my tears and kicked him out New York Weekly. : , At a Photographer's. Lady I want to have my photograph1 taken, and I want to have this little boy taken with me. Photographer We make an extra charge, madam, when two photographs are taken at once. Lady Oh, hut I'll keep the boy In my lap. Fllegende Blaetter. t Unpleasant. j Proud Father Yes, he's got his moth-' er's eyes and his mother's mouth; but I'm afraid he's taken my worst fea ture. Grandmamma (on the mother's side) j Yea, and unfortunately he't put it right In ths, middle of hit facsl Punch. I J JUDGE OF THE 'SUPREME COURT. Congressman Powers Enthusiastic Over Paine's Celery Com pound, the Greatest Spring Remedy. t Judge Powers, who today represents Vermont in congress, entered the na tional house with a magnificent reoord as lawyer and judge of the supreme aVlfc t9 VaTM(MII tj. i. . . t j ... 0,i., He iS a fine type Of the OarCi learned, New England lawyer. . P 1 i 1 'Though but 66 years of age, he was a saMOlb V( laiaUani i , 4 f a 5" T-5 .s--sJu botsV Be Bat Meft esMor, ' a- member of the oostitutional convention and of the state senate. In 1874 be became judge of the supreme court of Vermont, and reamined on the bench nntil 1890, when he took his seat in oongresa. Judge Powers presided at many of the most notable trials in the history of the state, and is the author of many of the most important opinions to be found in Vermont reports. No judge on the supreme bench in any of our states has a reputation for more clearly and unimBtakably expres sing his opinions. His unqualified in dorsement of Paine's celery oompound in the following letter is as straightfor ward and concise as any one of his HOITT SCHOOL FOB BOTH. BuBMiroAMS, Cal. "This excellent institution closes Its fifth year accredited at both of our universities. Kx-8tate Superintendent Hoitt is well known in educational matters. The men tion of his name as master of the school is a guarantee to all who know him, that none but first-class teachers are employed and that the school under his management ranks among the first of its kind. Nowhere are boys better eared for." San Franoisco Call. Piso's Curs for Consumption has been a family medicine with ns since 1805. J, B. Madison, 2409 42d Ave., Chicago, 111. Dr. Peters, the Afrioan explorer, is about to undertake a new exploration of Somaliland under the auspices of a number of wealthy Amerioans. HOW'S THIS.T We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the anderslgned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry oat any obligation made by their Arm. WKST&TBtlAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WiLDING, KlNNAN & MARVIN, W holesale Drugnints, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood aud mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's family pills are the best. FITS. All fl s stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No (itsafter ttieflrat day's nse. Marvelous cures. Treatise and t'i 00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Bend to Dr. Kline, ai Arch lit., Philadelphia, Fa. TsT Gismia ior breakfast. By a special permit, and in mailing packages approved by the postoffloe de partment, bacteria or disease tissues may now be sent through the mails to United States or munioipal laboratories. 1 f flaaSaSlaSa1WMMINSSaaMtl i''1 I If ' Blackwell's Genuine BULL DURHAM Ton will find one eonpoa Inside auh 1 ounce Ba a bag, read us eonpoa and sea bow to thoughtful charges to a jury! House of Representatives, 17. S. I WashitiKton, D. 0., Feb. 10, lRM.f I have for several rears been am nam ted with the medloinat qualities of Faine'i oeUry oomponnd, and can enthusiastically Lt-Hnrxa as a unmlHn in man naa.a f.ir I i . t, . r . which its use li recommended by its pro prietors, n. itKsar tow ma, 1st lmii. v t. statf spnnl oars to ww w and regulate their nerves with Palne's oelery compound. It is plain to any observant person that the best remedy for nenralgia, persistent headaohei and snob like indications of low nerv ous vigor, is the one that most rapidly and completely nourishes the worn oat parts. It is not in the power of any , other remedy to do the vigorous work of Paine's oelery oompound in strengthen- ing the jaded system, andjn bringing it back to an energetio, healthy condi tion. The real danger that stares siok peo ple in the face is the putting off at tending to siokness and disoai, and letting; 'slip these health-inviting One Cup One Cent Less than a cent in fact and all Cncnx pure Cocoa no chemicals. That describes Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, - Dorchester, floss. t v,a .v, nr i7 i i , which burden and shorten a woman's unman taaf fw In. It It. Ill ! "7 " w K've uBttim ana strength and make life a pleasure. For sale bv all drumriHts BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., tZXZ'. TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. Everything for the Printer. mrs. wfNsurars 6aN'; FOR CHILDREN TEETHINO rr sale brail UrarsU. S Cat. a kettle. , FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE 8ICK or 4S?.Don Feal well," DR. SUNNS iiiiph nisi at luraovEoLIVLtl riLLO l th. One Thine to use. Onlv One for Dnia. Sold br druggists at 9 Bo. a box Sample. Free. Adclraas tha BounkoMed.Ce.,I'liila. l a. This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. btf and two coupons Inside each K ounos bag, sot your soars of 250,ooq la prassnts. USsMsttsaSfckjK spring days, when everything to strong ly favors gotting well. Thit greatest of all spring remedies is doing an aJ tonishing amount of good these dayt among sick people and those so ml-invalids who are "run down" by tba long, trying winter, or worn out and afflicted by disease. The soul and life of sound health it i: t JykjM4 t nmvnni av.ti.mJ , ',V . found repairs tha va in. ny in as notnmg else oan do. - It is the one certain and per manent cure for sleeplessness, hysteria,' nervous debility aud exhaustion, rheu matism, neuralgia and the various manifestations of an unhealthy bodily condition, such as languor, nervous ness, heart palpitation, loss of flesh and mental depression. With Palnea' oelery oompound, re turning strength and cheerfulness soon how that one is undoubtedly on the right road to health. Paine's celery oomponnd is the one real spring remedy known tod it y that never fails to benefit Get Paine's oelery oompound, and only Paiues' oelery notnpnnnd if vou wish to be well. 'iJio verv I'ttUiurkuliln and rf.rtam relief given woman by JlOOKE'8 ua.unu aaaiau i nas given "Cv ?,fa TT" "d . . .. .inOUSanaBOI Second and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OR.... tNswtat ails yon? ! Have you a feeling J of weight In the Stomnch niontlng ( aircrcnriiia nclcu. Ingof Wind Vomit-1 Ing of Food Wntcr- 1 brash Heartburn Bad Taste In the ' Mouth In the Morn ingPalpitation ef S thcHcnrMuetoms- tension of Stomach . Cankered Mouth ( tias In the Bowels i Loss of Flesh , Fickle Appetite , Depressed, Irritable ' Condition of the i Mind Dlulnese ' Headache Conitlp- I Than you hava auon or uiarrniea? DYSPEPSIA tmHi a,? m?7 wm' Tbe 00t PtlT can "' umtri.-.HH(i CQUipiajOt U JkKer'i Dyspepsia Cablets, uy mall, prepaid, on recelot of a cenre ('RA11I.KS ItAMSKT. IlnlAl TtnnA(1 Vte. VMb J I '."I" ."J. i"lrc(l liorrlbly from dviimnsla. nnll , AOKers iaiieu,tokeiiaflrmeala.havenii.lma."1 ACKI1R MEDICINECO., i6a is Chambers St., N.V.' AGENTS WANTED, Ues or Mm, In ovary town, for one of the best, selllnft articles marie. Uted by every man, woman and child, Fredericks e anltary Tooth Mr.i.h with lonnne Cleaning Attachment. Knrtoised by all the leadina physicians and dentists. Bend 1 So. lor sample, tta tails for 260 and otHs. WILL 4 FINK CO Market Street, Ban Franoisco, Cal. tTSiii8 ft Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I Hms aoia sy orguna. HkgasaaPBBkBV slsaBaaBBbb. afl lir ,i liSiL i r J N. P. K. TJ. Ko, 664,-g. F. M. V, Ufa 1U j