THK H1U.SU0U0 ANGUS, THURSDAY, JUNK 18, 18. -, THE ARGUS County Official Paper. Th Only Democratic Paper in Wash intrton Connty. ISSUKD EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argns Pabfiskiag Cotpuj. i'kx-riptioii riua Mingle r'.v riA wilt. (IM yeas, ft .Oft. Six mouth i-enta. Tirwi tuimtim .16 casta. Kntered at the Post-omce at Hillsburo, Oregon, eo.iid-clas mail matter. THK CAMPAIGN The ridential campaign lias priiH niiti it muf t ' 8aid to have feature ditinctively ita own. For thr venrs the republican party haa avowedly leen wh'bcating a re turn to the McKinley tariff law. Yft, with all the exhortation cap it hie by its multiplicity of journals a) strongest party exponents of public Hie. the old party has sud denly found ou the tariff issue is one of the past, j I The result in Ore gon brought the first lights which Middenly dawned into a day of ac knowledgement that the people are exercised over the money question, and in one way or the other, want it settled by a, distinctive issue. Thus are the republicans forced into-recognition ofthe question which k supreme to all others and it has -fund itself lost to its gods -of pro tection. The party, of course, ad heres to the gold standard, as its chiefest representation lies in that section of the nation which sup plies the middlemen of money brokerage. The .democratic party will declare on free coinage of: silver and after their convention is held will commence a campaign which will be remarkable future history. The fight between the two old parties will be interesting and waged relentlessly.' Thus will every gold etandard man and free silver supporter have a qhance to vote his sentiment and thejesult is shroud ed in doubt. The republican party will make is chief i fight, for ?pro taction" and its defense will be the attack of the democratic free silver plank. It is needas to say which party will receive .the most votes from the laboringvand producing classes. The democratic of course. A PARTY' USES. .t"5! w ll wf "voters. ms"'0 to belive. . Parties are formed only t hat regularity and order may obtain in, bringing representative people together .that theynnay meet on conimo,B: ground and discuss t he needs of he whole country, No party can live for any length of time if it seek to formu late a program for the people, re gardless of the nation's desires. Only as a party obeys the., coin - tyonwiilof its adherents, gap it Uye, aud only bo long can party name and organization exist. If a political party is in the interests of its supporters it is representative of people. This is why the democra tic party so long has endured and its chiefest reason for, existence so long as the nation .shall obtain: The old democratic party , -has al ways been opposed to paternalism, and for the people. Nfany times it has nearly broken with its, own dis sensions but each tituehas it sur vived to fight for common interests. '" ?he present pituation of the party m ,,, ia the result of a protracted fight which has waged inside the .dem ocratic ranks for years ' an,d: years and all the power of ;, federal -op position has not changed the .senti ment or action of the party's major? ity. The democratic party. iB.too near the people and too democratic o die. there is too much need of "a party of the people to meet Sim', with a people led by a X ie of self seeking politi- Krnley, et al. I. I) DEMOCRATS. t jket average 1069 acf fididiite and the tatic tf iverages in like $S. leaves a pi urn- v vote, f r the Wn the county, inKnuuilier of dpluniing about Tig up a ticket, no such right m. 'abused Itevond jnpulist organ )pse name wns jpulist couven gaffed. The tlitfd to find c v- a place to rest their weary heads and they found it by putting up a ticket, working for it, and going down to honest defeat. And by the-way, had they had one-hundredth part of the organization of the of the other two parties in the coun ty, they would have come in a good second, if not the wivChers in one or two instance. These complaining populists should bear in mind that democrats have rights as well as adherents to others parties. The republican national conven tion wants the gold standard per petuated that is to say, the dic tators of the party do and those who were in touch with the pro ducing and laboring elements were promptly sat upon. . For years and years two or three men have dictat ed the money policy of this nation and these same parties have full control of the republican party. The recalcitrants who have dared to oppose the gold standard and advocate the admitting of both metals to the mints on equal terms have been whipped into line. They are not in it. Men like de Young, of San Francisco Chronicle, explain their adherence to the party, after it has issued a platform diametri cally opposite California's republi can state platform, by saying that "protection" is first. This natur ally leads one to doubt sincerity of political convictions. Even so, 'such men and their economy' is but an empty dream and partisa n platforms easy couches on which to lie. The democratic party is synony mous with the masses of the peo ple. This is, perhaps, the reason why there is generally bo much dis sension as to what are sound issues. The people form the party and it is principle to contest inside the ranks for what each 'individual holds as correct national doctrine. This is in direct contradiction to the republican party whose leaders and political peddlers formulate platforms and seek to instruct peo ple how they should vote" to' puj their candidates in power. " ' The Independent's review of Rev. Craig, of the Hatchet, is cer tainly ft thorough one, and Gault evidently has burned all bridges behii.d him. The Hatchet Is ex- pecte4,.K"'','5',Tl4 mv w iiKicpenaent jealous of it its new fledged rival crotner uaun will nardly care much ' about such a taunt, but would ' probably rebel should the Hatcbet say the Independent man is jeaious oi tne Hatchet man's reputation. Major McKinley is" quite will ing to oe president, so much so, indeed, has he 'desired to be the re publican candidate, that he has been willing to ride on any plat form, ' gold standard, free silver, straddle or otherwise. Surely this exhibition of "sterling" judgment should commend itself to a people of intelligence.' McKinley is not contending ( for a principle it is the presidency be is after. . ihk, .uregonian oi tins morning m y . .... says qf the republican tariff plank "This is a sensible compromise be tween me old prohibitory tariff and a Wiff-for-revenut-only ideas," ' This a very honorable and frank admission that McKinley is not an ideal candidate unless it be in the Sense that He is willing to run on an' kind of platform whjcb will uenver tne presidency. t , , , .. . . .. i Those resolutions, put out by, the coaitnittee at St. Louis give Groyr Cleveland s administration a spank ing slap in the face. While Mr, Cleveland may not personally agree with the next democratic platform, which will be for allowing silver access to our mints on an equality with goldj he will hardly be forgiv nig enough to vote for his McKin- leyite detainers. Mb. Cbaio has filed his accept ance of the office of school super intendent having taken his ac with a Multnomah county nota.y public. This is ra ther a peculiar proceedwg but it is Hum, niwejy me youJg man who tands to the head of our school system wanted to go before an officer who was a stranger to his methods. It is very foolish to accuse .dis honesty of those whf differ -from you relative to whaf i,the best financial system for this govern ment. Men are not , mipnoaed to 1 'Ik. I isr think alike on these great questions and it is foolish to charge dishon esty and the like simply because your neighbor holds a different view than do you. Neither Cornelius Wash ington county went populistic as predicted , by the Searchlight man, nor will theUittle anarchist walk on any one's political grave unless it be thst of whom'1 he sup ports for office. Nothing could win with such a barnacle and incubus pretending a support. The Independent, which in 1894 was flirting with free silver and with great gusto was howling at the gold bugs, is now rabidly for the gold standard. It is guided only by partisan instinct and be lieves this better than any fixed principles. The republican so-called "pro tection to the laboring classes," un der present immigration laws, is rankest kind of nonsense, It is simply like a man trying to row a boat while his anchor is securely fastened at the bottom of the stream. The republican platform will grossly "slander leisure" in attempt ing to inform people of the United States that the democratic party is responsible for the result of 30 years of republican rule. Politicians will take a great fall in Novemlier next. Tom Reed has found out what it means to have Maine for a parent state. If Reed would but have taken Greely's 'advice and gone west to Ohio some years ago he might have used his autocratic gavel over the whole country. Mayor ex-Governor Pexnoyer will give Portland a good adminis tration and will not only do this but will lend a spirit of confidence to all of Portland's business inter; ests. : , . . ., Or what particular benefit is a "principle" unless you coiieisteyjiyj.' and intelligently work, to push it to the front? . Pacific University, . Pacific University, at the Grove, yesterday had its acedemic graduat ing exercises. Kight young gentle nilHl H d"'l M '- T' Mr l i'iii.1;" r " T it " and the ei essays and orations by tli class were well received. In. tin evening the Alumni Associatioi held its exercises. H. W. Scott. the Oiegonian made the principal address and was followed by Rev. Ellis, Hon. T. H. Tongue, J. I Whalley and L. C. Walker. Facts Stronger Than Fiction. All pains arising from rheuma tistn, gout, megrim, toothache, neu ralgia, neaoncne, neuralgic ohiiis, Hciatica, lumbago, stiff neck, chilb lains, contused muscles, enlarged veins and all pains of the bones or nerves quickley relieved by using Wilbur's Oil of Gladness. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by W. K Brock. NOTICE. v ! . ; 1 1 .. "uutt is uereoy given mat my son, Frank Freudenthal, aged 20 years, has mis uay oeen Dy me granted bis full and legal right to his time until he attains his majority, aud after this date I will y no bills of his contracting. The pub lic will govern itself accordingly. Mrs. Sophia Brooks. Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., June 18, 1896 OMfSHlun -Zl fVS&V9 tn Hud book wrfts to ' " W ml BSOABWiT,' MBW YOB OMsst bnwu for snnrtnt patent la America, Mm pabUo bj a souee flrn tm oteaug la lbs ISIS- KS"' " Ktsatue psper tn Hi "SB aVwM b without It. Weekly, S3. 00 s Ml llJOHxraonitiv Addicts, MtJVirS CO hsusasss. St BfufjdwajritsW York Cltj, Notice to Stock Holders. HlIXHnORO. ORKOON. Mnv lft IHQit To the subscriliers of the capital stock of win ti uRning-uin loumy npeed and Driving Association. YOU and each of you are hereby noti fied that the ifoimi nt III levied AHHesHinent No. 2 on fuilii onnltul stock, the aiime being '20 per uent of the face thereof. Yon are requested to call on the -Secretary, tak rt certiticates and nav twin MHNPBuniA" 2i w.a s ' um-Ui i s au. J . Lyons, Pres. Glip. R B -AOLBY ,Se!'y. Notice For Publication. IAkd Orricit At Obboon CityOre.I Illliu 1 ItKM f NOTICE Is hereby giveneu that the lot-lowiliE-nainnd settlor hns liliul nnt.i ol his tntemion to make final proof in sup port or ins claim, and that said proof will be made iMfom rvnmiv r'lorb nf 'r;n.....V,i, County at Tillamook Oregon, on July 20, IWUU VIZ! liouis A. Olsen, Pre D 8 No 7H7I tor tha a 1 a v. 1 m andNNK6ectlT18K 7 W. He names the following witness to prove his continuous residence upon aud culti vation of said land , vii - Clark Hadley, Wjlliam Ryan, Charles Bester. and Gabriel t;ahriiii.ii ..1 ivn.. mook, ()regon. 12- Jhnrt. A. Mm.t.ks, Iteftistcr. jP WtRtHIO AwrkM It vmsuasj ATSMTBL TWO FOR ONE Seud for free sample and judge thereby. And n Both Per Year AM i K Cash in tpl.l 0 Advance. The Enquirer is a 9-column, 8 page paper, issued each Thursday. Largest in size, cheapest in price, most reliable in news, all large type, plain print, good white paper. If our readers want another live paper the Enquirer is that paper. Call or send orders to Argus Pub. Co., Ilillsboro Ore. Notice for Publication. Land Orrii'i at Okkcion City, Ok.I May 18, lM.t NOTICE is hereby giveu that the following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make ttnal proof in viv port of his claim, and that said proof wilt be made before the Countv Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Uregoi: on July 6, 189S, via: ' John M. Brown, H. E. No. 8721, for the N K 8 E M N U of 8 E M, A 8 E of 8 W yt 8c 30 T S He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, vis: A. C. Arehbold, J. C. Maunder. Williuni Bouscien, Hillnborv), Oregon, anil K. . Howell, Mountaindale, Oreyou. 9-6 Kobkbt A. Mll.LKR, li('Kistcr. Notice for Publication. Land Omca at Urkuoh City, Oh.1 May 18. m. NOTICE Is hereby Kiven thai the t'.illow-iiiK-named settler hits tiled noti :e of his intention to make Him! prunl' in sup- JL. nf u:.. ..i..:... -...i .i . . iwibm uio viaiiii. nun iiiiii !aiu. (truiii will be maae before the Uonuty t.lci k ol Wash liiltton county al ilillsboro, Uivfion, on July 7, 1896, vw : Joseph Hickeiibottoin, r re. u. o. i.u. no, uir (lie . n 1 ui n i NK!nf8WHK of N W K 8 W of Ci K'i Sec 15, T 4 IN KU w. I e names the rollowiuK witnesses to prove his continuous resilience iioou aud cultivation of said html, via: . . . Thomas H, I.avend"r, Joeh, A. Kveritt, John I). Baker. Earnest UiiuW.of Vnioi ia, Oregon. 0-0 Uohkbt A. MaLKR,'RxlsU..H 1 Notice for Publication.' ,; " ' ' I.a lit) Ori li b at OMfurts Cirv! " '.' i ' ' . Miry ,'l8iw. i NOTICE Isihereby (riven thai the follow-ing-nomed settler hus ti It'll iiutire of his inffentioli to make linal prnol in sup- ..- ..r,I.In .J., : ... : t .u... f ...'ii iNl moi ; ins iJimin,' nun iiini aiii jinioi mil oe mane ueiore tne ;ountv t. lerk if Wash iugtoit county at Ilillsboro Oregon, on t July I, IWUtt, viz: j. v. laiiy, H. E. .No. 67!Kl. for the SKW ofN K u- Sect 12T1NU6W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said hind, vis: J. V. Utterly. J. T. Fletcher. I...N. Witt, S. Culver, of (Jules Creek, Oregon. 0-l IIohkkt A. liegister. Notice for Publication. ll ing-named settler lias lllixl u'otli-eol his Intentiiiu to make Hmtl rfinf in niiii iiort of his claim, and that Haiti proof will oe maae oi-iure bounty vierk oi aslilng. ton counry ui ilillsboro, Oregon, July 7, 18HH, viz: Benton L. Phillips, H A. No. 7853, for the W of S W yt Met: Id T 2 X K 4 W. He names the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon mid uuivivniioii oi siiio iauu, vis: (.'. I,. Heiieticl. Samuel Uuvidsun, W Thornbtirg, Perry I., lienetiel.of iinning, vregoil. 0-6 Robkrt A. Mim,kk, Uegister Notice for Publication. - . Land Office at Orkhox Citv, Or.i Jluv 18. NOTK.'K is hereby given tlmt the follow-ing-nanied settler has tiled notice of bis intention to make li mil proof in sup- tiort of his claim, and that mud proof will le made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on July 11 , in li w, inuu, viic: Joseph Burtrhnlxer, H. A. No. 7414, for the S K yt See lf T 3 M It 5 VY. lie names the following witnesse tc prove bis continuous residence uuon and cultivation of said land, viz: H. P. Stowell, Poter Lund, John Oliver jonn uausch, or mixton, Utvgoti. imi hohkkt A. I lt.i.KB. Uegister. Notice for Publication. Lakh Office at Oheuon C'tt. Ob.I ltuv in. IHImi 1 XTOTICK is hereby iriven that the follow 1.1 Ing-uamed settler has Hied notice ol his intention to make linul proof in sup- ort of his claim, and that suid proof will e made before the Cnuntv Clerk of Wnsb. ington county, at Ilillsboro. Oregon, on July 9, 1896, viz: George Kesler II. A. No. 8512. for the W U 8 K v.. A E U iubwk aeci xi l K4W. He names the following witnesses tn prove his continuous residence noon and uuitivauon oisaia iana, viz: Ooiiaid McMillan, John Boos. John Marlensand 1 erman Hungcr.of Hnvward. ifri-s'in. tMi Robert A. Miller, Register. Notice for Publication, I.anii Office at Obkook City, Ob.I Mav IK iNflH.l NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of nis intention to make final proof 111 sup port ol his dm 111, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington countv. at Hillsboro. Orevon on iuijr iv, inm, viz: 1.. 1.. ... tutu, 0 Samuel Paisley, H. A. No. 8298. for the K U N W U A S W T2NNR 4 W' & 8 K V f K K SeCt 7 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence unmi mwl cultivation of said land, vut. 1. jjtixton, c, J. iVenuenliaJl, ss. 11. west aim u. it. Hlddink.of Buxton. Ore, 8-6 Robert A. Mii.leb Register. Notice For Publication. I.ARB OrFII'I AT Oreiion Citv, Ob.i X uv IS ItKM f lOTICKls hereby given that the follo'w i.1 ing-uamed settler has riled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of " iim, aim mat Baiu prooi win be made before County Clerk of Washington County at Hillsboro, Oregon on July 10, 189B, viz: Herman Leistikon, H. . No. 8227 for the W of 8 W X Sec 28T8NR4W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resident upon and cultivation of said land, viz: . William Hart. Amos Mead, J. A. Shep-, aril, of Greenville Oregon. H. W. Tolke, Kuxton, Oregon. 9- Rorist A ., Register. ' MillM) Ailmis " wiooaii Enpire Look! Rare Bargains These Properties For Sale Enquire at The Akgus office. No t 20 ai-roH, aitJoinlnB city llniiu, sidewalk within one blix-k of nrty. 16 aorea cleared, nnest quality of bottom land, 4 acres lieiu-h, tine site for Imilitinir ptirpoaes, some timber on same. Will Bell lit a body for UlKIO part down, bal ance on time to suit putvhsMur. Or will subdivide so aa to give part cleared bot tom and part bench, tn plats from 2 to ft acres, at $125 per acre. Here is a chancs tor a good neat little home whUth. pan be made self sustaining Investigate before some one gets It. . On lm market for short time only. No S 10 acres, half cleared, 1 acre bca veiiluni. rest MlaHhetl and sown to grass, no buildings, goes for ItU per acre. With in two miles of Ulllsboro. Terms, fWO down, balance tn 3 years at 10 per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is a lart, at same price per acre. Including 16 acres of beaverdam and swail cleared. No 3 128 acres, highway running through center of place, 50acrea In culti vation; 2 acres in orchard, apples, pears and plums; U room house; log bam, good well of water: 30 acres of beaverdam, easy to put In cultivation; place well watered by springs and creek; 100 acres under fence; U miles from post otllce, daily mail; 1 mile from school house and six miles north of Ilillsboro, (iocs cheap for cash. No 4 A good corner lot on Main and Third streets. 7Jxl7 with good building thereon,uitahleforany kind of business, and in excellwnt repair, will go at a bar gain for cash. Hart pay incut and balance on long time with security. No 5 la acres; half cleared, balance in grass. Good house of four rooms; good barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of 50 trees and various other small fruits. 150 chickens 50 ducks, 1 -horse wagon, 3 sets single harness, good cow, j heifers 1 horse and farm implements. Every thing goes for $650, cash in hand. . KiMiiNKIl,, lieoe ver. TO THE EAST . . . .dives the choice tii TWO THA NSCONflNRKTA I. ROUTES Ij. - Panic Ry. VIA "IA AUL KANSAS CITY LOW RATKS TO AlA. KASTKRN C IT IKS Stramer Leave Portland Krery Fire Day ... FOR.... SAN FRANCISCO l'Vr full details coil 011 or address: W H HURI.bTRT, Gen'l Pass Agent Portland, Oregon. Or J. I. Knight, Hillsboro, Ore. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stutc ofOregou for the county, of Washington A W Litmbert. Pluintfn", ) vs. Duvid T Halstead and Henry R Travis uduiiuistrator of the CHtato of Eva Halstead. deceased Defendants To Duvid T Halstead defendant: IN THK NAMK OK THK 8TATK OF Oregon you lire hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled ngitiust you in the above entitled suit and Court on or before the Hint Monday ot the next teetilur term of suit! Cuiirt t IV.IV1I.! Mill,. day, the 20th dity of July, A. 1)., 1898, und 11 yuu inn 10 answer, lor want thereof, tiie plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded 111 the com plaint Died here in, to wit: For a decree foreclosing a cer tain mortgage on the north half of the south west quarter of the north east quar ter of section 25 township 1 south range 2 west of the Willamette Meridiun contain ing 20 acres more or less, and recorded in Book " Y" page 248 of Mortgages of Wash ington county. State of Oregon and for judgment for the sum of two hundred dol lars and interest thereon from January 22, 1892. at 8 per cent per annum less t.ho imi of forty-four dollars paid December 7, 1892, and for lifty dollars attorneys fees and for costs and disbursements of this suit and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem proper. inn oujiiiiiuii? in ncrveu ny puDUCallOll by order of Hon. T. A. McHride. InHm ,.f said court, made and dated April 28, 1890. , a. t. i,ewis, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Land Ofkicb at Oregon City, Or. .1 av. 14. IHIXt. XTO'fICK is hereby eiven tlmt. thof.,1 l,i. XI ing-named settler has tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Tilla mook County, nt Tillamook. Oreiron. on June 30, 1896, viz: Daniel Murphy, Pre. D. 8. No. 7874 for the NK V of sec. 2H. 1 1 sr7 w, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence unou and cultivation ol said land, vii; milium v.arver, u 1- itowiand, William Ryan and I'CS Komu: all of Traslc. Oregon. 9-0 RoBKnr A. Mii.leb, Reglsto. NOTICE. Notice is hereby sriven that nn thp 91th day of April, 1896, there was a darkbay horse with small white snot in forehead about 3 years old, weight seven or eight hundred, jumped into my inclosure one mile west of Laurel. I have fed and cared for said horse since above dnis. The horse will be delivered to owner by bv ' uiuviug prupen v ana paying costs feeding, etc. K. Rieth, Laurel, Ore im i9)ftiMr 111 I f & I HSX Mm I " "BBBSEf Purest Drugs and Chemicals. The Hillsboro Select Stock of Stationery. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. 1. K IIKK8T, 1W Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork 'v Kept Constantly on Hand Highest : Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : rise Gash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREET, W. T. Andrews. President. I). W. Durrani, rirrrslsrv ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (IiicnrioiAteil June N, IKffl.) , ' MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDAI.K. - - - - OREGON. mux -IIKTWKKK PACIFIC COAST POINTS ... ST. PAUL, AND THK HAST. t'rosses both the Cascmios aml'the Bocky M omiliti nt in 1AY I, Hi II I , sRiudiui nas. senders the oiHirttinily of viewing- llie Grandest Scenery 1 A 1, .. .. , " "" , ""v n. in , v,n ni'nuir, anil ooe SI S:Vi II vlit (). K.A N.aml H)iokuiie. Huns miperb eiiiiiinviit. consist ittg of illiiinir cui 1 1 wn i.rnin (in i v tr. , ,,rt .. one uurary cars, paiuce snu npiiolslenu tiiuiiBls' slfetitng cars. The hliBet Tars ti ,r eis 01 elegance anil comlort. coiitainiiiK THE UAGNiriCENT ;rwl." ';'';fl'i;'Nill'ft" aiiil "Xorthlan.l" leave linltith every Mon.lsv sad ! 1 , M.?rtl''',rn '"ii-,),, Have your tickets mul via NttUT IIKIIN hlKAM els and ipnierul iiil'oriiiatiun'ciilloii or sdilress .... unit ,'iijiij 11 uriiiiuui C. HTEVK.NS, O. y. I'. A. ttU rVont St., Seattle, Wash. PACIFIC DNIVERSITYl TIIKKK ( 'OI.I.FMK I Ht'ltSKX .Classical, If lireintrcg fur ' Ail expert, vhv low. Htmnl ut u'7ti;r, nan, m to 4 pi r week, inclixline fhctric !Klu i l(.t. 1 lie Colleg,. Dormitory, limit r pxt t llmt 11.11 nictni nt, fur nixlies board nml imM, t 42.2") r wwk. I tun id m! room in private families, 2."0 antl ii)mhmIb. Mny slii tleritB rent rooniK hik! Itotird tlieiiifflven nt total post not 10 cx.wi i.i)W per wit'k. 1, 16!)( for particulars WILEY k DENNIS, ZZZC1TY LIVERY STABLE Cor. and and Washington Street, li WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES tod DRIVERS, Emulsion Is the standard emulsion the world over. There la not a man, woman or child who Is run down or emaciated or haa weak lungs that Scott's Emul sion will not benefit. When you ask for It you will likely be told by the druggist that he has an emulsion " Just as good." It is not true. No emulsion is as good. Scott's Emulsion has bene f.lod millions of people. Ask your druggist if he can refer you to a single case that has been helped by the unknown emulsion he sells, and If so, we will .wnd you a book giving thousands of cases. You want the standard; not something t.iat nobody knows anything about. 6 All druS(r.t, Scott's Imulsloa. Two slics-,o ceiitsand li.oo. SCOTT A BOWNE, Carafe, New Verk Notice for Publication. AND OrKK K AT OWMION ClTV, OB.I Nm, . ' , , lay 14, I8HG.1 O lICK is hereby iriven that the follow hi 1 l"K-lll'"ed settler has tiled notice of ZZJ ", "! prHr 111 sui- K V L l,""a Umtl'd proof will o inane Deiore the County Clerk of Tilla- 111 June CO, 1890, vie r 1 ll' miuinook u Oregon, on John Marpliy, wm,P 50.;,7872 f,,r th w X of 8 W yt and WW oINWW of Sec -i T itl R 7 . He names the ti,llnin,. . H"'Xe"i!oiitiiiuous residence inm.., itii I nr.. us 1.1. . "wnuouB m f cultivation of suid land vf-' ' I ' !"' rver y. 1'. Rowland, F. C. 8 Komp and William Ryan.Trask breKon I Konntr A. Mti.tH, Ucylfter uiii; n.. . - .' m.. Patent Mediciaas Proprietary Articles'. Pharmacy Partlralar Attention Paid K Physicians' Preprint raiuuy necipes. IIILLNROKO, ORKtiOK. THE BUFFET CAR ROUTK ; rim ( Shortest and Quickest Line a. in America. at tl a. in , via Heal tie ui f 1 .. r- u .1- 1 lit, consist of illiiing cum, II. P.l'l 1 ha lt..H.. . 111., iiiHi-1 bath room, barber slum, insv chairs tn 1-IiIm IV.iu I'p...., !...., ...1 .lll Fur I irk. A. U.i DKNMNTttX.i;. '. A t. A. I'll Thiril St. I'lirtlnml, Oieyun. Scientific, Literi CoUrtii- at .1 eric n it. .,.,' 'llie opring term Imhm r rntit Niuti mltiretiH. April sr. thomas McClelland, Fort'ht (irnve, Oregon. HAD SUMMONS. in the Circuit Court ol lha Stale of Oregon lor Wahlnton cmnily, Ora Dull H'-uieroy, I'lalnlitr.i vs '. .lohii 10 I'onieroy, Defundnnt.i To John K I'onieroy, the nhove iiiiiikmI tlcfeiiiluut. TJIJi NAMK o'li" 'rnir. wri'i'if hit Oregon, von Hn hi.iai... ..n...ia.i ami reijuired to uppoar and answer Hie complaint tiled aKalnst you In the above entitled court in the above entitled suit, on or belore Monday the liuthdayof July, A. l., 18IW, the same bcintt tbollrstday I of the next rKiilur term of the above nam ed court next following the expiration of j the time prescribed in the Order of I'ubli : cation ol this Summons, and if vou fail to ! SO atlDeiir i.nrl u.u. ..!,! . I..!... .. . rf ... ivu, l-.f,,,UI1l1. Dl : .A 11. "n'nci cniu vuillilll.i.i , riBliitlft will apply to the Court for Uioi lief therein prayed fornnd dumanded, town:- ora decree dissolving and Annul ling the marriage and marriage contract now and heretofore existing between the planitifl and defendant and for 11 decree a warding the euro, custody, utid loutml of the minor children of plaintitt and defend ant to the plaintiff heroin, and that she iv mnne her midden name ofOra Dell Hack lis. und for thecoHUand (lishitrMiiir.nt f tnis suit, and for such other and further decree as limy seum mete with equity anil gtmd conscience. This summons is published ugalust you by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge pi the above mimed court made tu Cham bers mid dutetl the t9th duy of May, lW. Om. H. Baulky, Attorney for Plaiiititr, Administrator's Notice. "VfOTICK is hereby given that the umler- . ,.rS115net' nuH bee" by tlia wunty oourt ul vyaHliiiigton county, Oregon, uppoint- uonunistrutor ot the estate of George K. Uroner, doceased, and has duly qualillcd u such. All pemoiis having claims ?!i !i18. Bui(l estule ul' hereby 110 tilled to present the same to me with prop er vouchers at. the law office of H. B. Hub ton, in Ilillsboro,. Oregon, within six months from this date. Duted at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 14th day Administrator. WM. rUPPER, (NucoeiMjr to (! K Mead) EXPRESS! oiuKes tegular trip to Portland tm Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re- l,i..V. . uoBu3f, iiiuriKiayaauii ejat v.B. Au otiHinew onirusted .to him win 11 will 1)0 DioniDtl v and earntnllv tnml.H Ieaye orders wlfh film, irees rates reasonable. in at Thk A (tin's. or at Ledfonl's ' 1