The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 11, 1896, Image 2

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County Official Paper.
The Only Democratic Paper in Wash-
iiigton County.
Mnwcmrrios PWOB.
Single eopv five cent.
One year, $1.00.
Six months GO centa.
Tl re inont lis 35 ceuta.
Entered at the Post-orhce at Hillsboro,
Oregon, as Second-clas mail matter.
There is now no doubt but the
democratic national convention will
declare for free coinage of silver
Tins will bring the old party, which
has received the abune of the re
publican prei-s for republican mis
govemuient rapidly to the front.
Whilst it may lote them the New
York electoral vote, it will carry
enough states to give Major Mc
Kinley a close rub on either a strad dle
or gold standard platform. The
republicans are anticipating
this and McKinley's managers are
strenuously trying to effect a strad
dle on the money question. It is to
be hojjed that both partiep will de
clare in no uncertain terms on this
question as it is now the issue be
fore the people. By declarirg for
free silver, the democratic pa. ty
will lose many votes, but the de
fection will more thai; be overcome
by the silver element of other part
ies which will come to its support.
It is reported that the 1st Dis
trict congressional election will be
contested by the populists. If the
ballots lire again counted, they
claim they will find evidence of
fraud. If Vanderburg has been
elected, the vote will show it, and
populists are determined, so they
say, to have the matter investigat
ed. ThB republican party shows itself
in a very severe strait. The St.
Louis Hotels which will harbor the
white delegates have refused to
shelter the blacks. Something will
have to be done, as the g. o. p. needs
the negro vote.
A populist vote has a right to be
counted? If there 'u any crooked
work in this district, it should be
exposed. However, no matter
what the facts are, where the con
test is so close, the side beaten
cries fraud.
. Tm Sean hllght, a populist pa
per published at Cornelius, is after
the "trimmers" in the populist
party, It seems to set itself up as
the Koran for populism, and prr
baps it is right.
The old democratic party which
republicans and populists have pro
nounced dead, bids fair to this fall
prove a lively corpse.
Secretary Carlisle stemslo have
not made a success in his Kentucky
monetary speeches. Kentucky sends
a silver delegation to the Chicago
The erudite editor of the Hatchet,
in his last week's issue begs the
question for one of his misdemean
ors which was nothing more nor
less than a betrayal of those who
should be by him classed as friends
in a common principle. His sub
ject matter, in his "explanation,"
was the instructions purported to
have been sent out on Friday eve
ning and Saturday morning prior
the election, from Forest Grove by
a secret organization known to the
world as the A. P. A. The repub
lican managers in some manner be
came apprised of the movement and
forced M r. Craig, it i's reliably re
jxirttd, to go about the county and
gather in the clandestine circulars
which Itore these legend:
"Put an X between these num
bers and the names following them.
)o not make any mark on the bal
lot nor scratch out anv names.
14. 18.
20 or 21 (oik of these)
22 or 23 or 24 (one ot these)
25 r 20 (one of these)
28, 21). 30 or 31 (time of these)
ilS), 41, 44, 48, 55, 57,
M) or 60 or 61 (one of these)",' ;
Mr. Craig's explanation in part
"A story was in circulation on election
morning that the republican nominee
for school superintendent was attempt
ing to knife the rest of his ticket. This
itory was used in the different precincts
and wherever there were none who un
derstood and could explain it had a
marked influence.
"The origin was that an organization
1ad ordered slips printed giving a list of
candidates who were being opposed be
cause they were claimed to be in symr.a
... irh its rrincioies. This list ron-
Ubed all and only these and was made
uo recardlesa of membership or party.
some several candidates were named.
"A few of the members misunderstood
the slip thinking it to be a ticket for
them to vote. This was contrary to the
principles of the order as it aims only to
disseminate trustworthy information re
garding the position of candidates on
certain questions and to control no one's
vote. To prevent misunderstanding one
man took on himself the responsibility
of calling them in and destroying them
though he was not responsible for their
issue. Of course to the uninitiated the
matter could not be explained and a few
personal enemies saw their opportunity
to obtain revenee bv misrepresenting it
and improved it, working busily all day
circulating the report."
Just how the youthful conspira
tor, who took a nomination from a
party which he afterward tried to
betray, and to certain extent suc
ceeded, can take the position thal"a
few of the members" understood
the slips to direct a vote is beyom
all conception. That he, himself,
Mr. Craig, sent out the circulars, is
very reasonable to presume, when
it is known tnat he knew where to
go and find them, when forced by
colleagues. Mr. Craig brought the
circulars in and burned a part of
them in this citv. The gentleman
must think the republican manag-l 01 r, yet they had the desued et
era a set of fools and the mneral I feut to cemin ten- lh V0.
public even worse, to think his
... . .
pseudo review contains truth. The
instructions on the slip, applying
names to the numbers which were
to le voted, direct to cast a ballot
for Gaston; Vanderburg; Hansen;
(Patterson was scratched through
with a pencil mark) or Patterson;
Laughlin; Emerick; McCormick;
Cleeton, Hedges or Smith; Todd;
Perrine; Craig; Kuhn, Large or
Sandford. It will be noticed that
Tongue, Huston, Imbrie and Brad
ford were to be tabooed while the
saintly Craig (slycoon) was to have
an x before his name. The cir
cular was very favorable to the pop
ulist ticket and to come from the
agency of Craig was gratitude in
great measure, for what republicans
have done for him. No one thinks
the A. P. A. as a whole had any
thing to do with the matter and
under th3 circumstance the rising
young politician and journalist
must rest under the stigma of try
to poison the goose which was in
the act of laying him the golden
egg the county superintendency.
His conscience hurts him, hence
his letter.
Continued from 3rd page.
ing to work at his trade, that of a
carpenter, he sold the land and
went to Hillsboro, purchased prop
erty and for the past 25 years has
been engaged in the carpenter busi
ness. Six children have been ad
ded to the family in Oregon: Frank
died when he was thirty: William,
who is now a farmer at Gaston:
Helen, now Mrs. John Northrop, of
Hillsboro; JNancy Elizabeth, now
the wife of John E. Zimmerman, a
Washington countv farmer; Anna
Eliza, now Mrs. Henry Behrens, of
Hillsboro; and the youngest, John,
is single. Mr. Beauchamp has been
a strorg republican since the or
ganization of the party, and he has
been an industrious man, and has
much valuable property in Hills
boro, and a good home ol his own
building. He is a member of the
masonic fraternity. Both he and
his wife are members of the Metho
dist church. They are worthy
pioneers and they have the good
esteem of all their friends and fellow-pioneers."
The above biography was written
in 1893. Since that time Mr.
Beauchamp has been several
months in Eastern Oregon for- his
health, which has steadily been
failing. About a year ago he re
turned and has been under the
doctors care since. His remains
were buried Saturday in the Ma
sonic cemetery.
La grippe! La grippe.
For la grippe, coughs, colds and
consumption Wilbur's Cough Cure
has no equal, Nice and pleasing
to taste and can be taken by the
most delicate female or child. Price
50 cents. Sold bv W. E. Brock.
i ...... ."ryu ""u lrT nwiaoooK wnte to
KUNM CO.. Nl Bkoadwat, Niw Yomc.
Oldest baiMU tar vwurin ntta in ln.j.MM
Every patent Uken out by at li brought before
ue puulo by notice siren tree ol charge In the
TujeH elnratatton. of ny aclentUe paper In the
eEar Illustrated. NciTutelllseiU
man hotild bo without It, Weekly, 3.00 a
year; $1J0 alx month Addim, mjtfT o
Vusluhjuui. 3U1 Broadway, Mew York City,
Robt. Chrisinger
Paper Hanging
4 Solentiflo American
i ABency fof
n.t ijrv
and DeCOratinff rOTK:K Is hereby givenen thut the' l.')l
0 J.1 lowing-nunieU settler has tiled notice
Sample Book brought to house on appli
cation and paper sold at Portland
wholesale prices.
Oregon ,
Wanted-An Idea I
Who eta think
at torn limp!
thing to patent?
got -row mm. nJ SJ? wffj!
you WMUtB.
"atent Attor-
A Republican's View of the Election
A pron inent republican was
asked this question the other day:
' To what do you attribute the de
fection in Mr. Tongue's vote from
that of Hermann's of two years
ago?" He replied, "There are, 1
think, several things. A large num
ber of free silver republicans voted
for Vanderburg, preftrring free sil
ver, from a populist standpoint, to
a protective policy, and a very
much lurjier m mlx-r f deni'icrats
voted for Vanderburg on the suniv
lasis, because Mr Myers made no
canvass of the district ami it ap
peared to them that there was
st mething wrong. Again, persons
who presumed an authority in the
secret society of A. I A. issued two
'i ; circulars, one blacklisting Mr.
Tongue and numerous other repub
i' i
lican candidates; the other direct
ing members to vote for Mr. Van
derburg and other populist candi
dates. These circulars, I am told,
were not sanctioned by tlu mem
bers of the A. P. A. and were in
.A I..:... .1.- - e . l
wl Iimu" U1B P
i i li,.;. ...oi.
ulists also industriously circulated
reports that Mr. Tongue was a Jun
ior Order member, and in this way
he lost many votes. Again, the
republicans were too positive of a
large majority and allowed Mr.
Tongue's canvas to go by default,
while the pipulists made a tremen
dous fight all over the district;
traded local candidates, everything
in fact, for. Vandi rburg. In this
manner he received many votes
which were by no means populist.
The secret silver societies also en
dorsed Mr. Vanderburg, and this
threw many votes from Mr. Tongue,
in this comity alone, emulated at
perhaps lb() votes. In this county
Mr. Tongue must have lost to Mr.
Vanderburg at least one hundred
or more party votes which went to
the populist nominee outside of the
former reasons given. You see Mr.
Tongue has practiced law here for
25 years and as' he is aggressive in
his zeal to a client, ho has made
many enemies, having brought
about an average of 100 suits m
the various courts, annually. This
one cause, at a reasoi able estimate,
gavti Tongue 100 less and Vander
burg 100 more in the county vote.
1 litre is, ot course, an increase
in j opulism, the frt-e silver people
ot all parties young for amlrr
burg, thinking that issue para
mount to all others, being led to so
think by Weaver, Davis et nl.
Mr. Coxey, who was an unwelcome
in ruder, did not have a suflicient
canvass in the stale to set forth
clearly just what the true strictly
populist paper currency idea is.
The Oregoniau also hurt Mr.
Tongue in its extreme views and
when 1 come to think of the meas
ures and combines nuaiust him, 1
am rather inclined to be proud of
his election, eve.i if his plurality Js
less than a hundred."
Real Estate Transfers.
Sophia Brooks to Johnnie C
Brooks 3.81 a of S Emrick d 1 c t 1
s r 3 w H.
U S to David Wilcox n i of s w
i of sec 8 t 3 n r 4 w pat.
U S to .Her very S Sturdeyaiit
n w i of sec 26 t3 n r 4 w pat.
U S to Silas A Bowers e -J of s e
i of sec 8 and w of s w of sec 9
t 3 n r 4 w pat.
U. S. to Hai ry Slooinau s e of
n e i u of s e 4 and s w 4 of s e 4
of sec 17 t 3 n r 4 w pat.
Thomas 15 Cornelius and wifn to
E C Brown nil their iu't in estate
of Jesse Cornelius dee'd .v200.
U S to Fred Dingman n e $ of
sec 20 t 1 n r 0 w pat.
J A Huford and wife to Mar
garita Beil 2 a of M Wren d I c t 1
n r 3 w 500.
Roderick Martin et ux to Donald
Martin w i of T B Speaks diet 1
s r 4 w.
L F Graham et ux to Sir Ed
wood Fry 160 a of sects 25 26 and
35 t 3 11 r 5 w 1.
Roben A Patterson to Kate Ap
plehagen n w 4 of s e 4 of 11 w of
sec 16 1 1 e r 4 w.l.
Robert H and Gertrude L Hein
back to Minnie Heinback e 4 of lot
4 of r-eo 1 t 2 n r 5 w 1.
Jasper G Ranes et ' ux to E A
Hyde and H Hamilton 140 a of
Davip Allen d let 1 11 r4w $1334.48.
C C Chipman et ux to Pheohe B
Woodford part of blk 25 F G $800
C C Chipman et ux to I'heohe 1
Woodford s e 4" of sec 28 t 2 n r 5
w $1000.
Notice to Stock Holders.
Hli.i.siK RO, Oukoon, May 19, ISfMI.
To the subscribers of tho capital stock of
the Washington County Hpeed and
Driving Association.
YOU and each of you are hereby noti
fied that tho Hoard of Directors lias
levied Assessment No. 2 on Biiid capital
stock, the same being i0 per cent, of the
face thereof. You aro requested to cull
on the Secretary, take out certificates and
pay said assessment at once.
K. J. Lyons, Pres.
Oko. It. Kaolky .Sec'y,
Notice For Publication.
I-anp Orni'i At Oregon CityOhr.)
ol Ins intention to make final proof in sup
port of Ma clai.n, and that said proof will
be made bjfore Countv Clerk of Tillamook
County Ut Tillamook Oregon, 011 July 20,
18U0, vki '
Louis A. Olsen,
I're J) 8 No 7971 for tho 8 U 8 H U Sect IS
' n 'A n k sect 19 t l s u 7 s
He miincs the following witness to prove
vation of said luml, vV ""-",
Clark 1 adlev. Wiff "i..
T-!x., .....1 n'i...:.,.
mook, Oregon.
la-ti iioht. a.
M 11,1.1:11,
Send for free sample and judge thereby.
Per Year
Qi iK Cash
rpl.lfj Adva
The Enquirer is a 9-colunin, 8
pa(j paper, issued each Thursday.
Largest in size, cheapest in price,
most reliable in news. all large type,
plain print, pond white paper, if
our readers want another live paper
the Enquirer is that paper.
Call or send orders to
Argus Pdb. Co.,
Hillsboro Ore.
Notice for Publication.
Land OmcK at Orkiion City, Oh.I
- May IS, l.SUii.C
ATOTICK is hereby given that the follow
li ing-iiniited settler lias tiled notice of
lu.t intention to make luml pivot 111 sup
port of his claim, unit that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Wash
ington countv, at Hillsboro, Ortjjo;: on
July , WW, via:
Joint M. Brown,
H. 15. No. 8721, for the N K V 8 K Vt N U
of 8 K i & 8 K W of 8 V 4 Sec 30 T 3 X
U 8 W.
He name the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence Umii and
cultivation of said land, viz:
A. 0. Arcbbold. J. C. Magruder, William
Rouscien, Hillsboro, Urt'on, and K.
Howell, .Mouutaindale, Orevon.
Sr-6 Kobkrt A. Mm.lkr. Hegister.
Notice for Publication.
Land Okkicb at Ohkook Citv, Or.)
May 18, 18ll.(
X70T1CK is hereby given that the follow-
Xi ing-nained settler has tiled notbe of
Ins intention to make nnai iroot in sup
port of his claim, and that said inoof will
be made betore too t'ounty t lei k ol ash
iiigton county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on
July 7, 1890, viz:
Joseph Hickeiihottoiii,
Pre. D. 8. No. TlKKI, for the X W 1 of 8 K W
N K of 8 W i 8 K H of N W 8 W W of
N K U 8ec 15, T 4 a K H .
; e names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
uiotivniioit oi Niiui juiiu,
Thomas . Lavender, Joseph, A. Kveritt
John 1). linker. Kurnost Uiuuer.of Vernon
ia, Oregon.
0-0 . Koiikkt A. Miller, Register.
Notice for Publication.
IANiOrriix at Oreoon City, Or. i
Mav 18. 181HI. I
ATOTICK is hereby given that the follow-
li iiig-named settler lias tiled notice of
his intention to make nnal prooi m stiji
port of his claim, and that said proof w ill
be inane before me oounty cierK ol wasu.
iiigton county al Hillsboro, Oregon, on
July 7, I8UI1, viz:
J. P. Mlly,
II. E. No. II7H0, for the 8 E K of X K 4 ;-'ee,t
11 T 1 X I! 5 W.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
J. K. Latterly. J. T. Fletcher. I,.X. Wilt,
8, Culver, or (r:iles (.reek, Oregon.
(Hi IIoiikkt A. M I i.i.l-R. Itegistei',
Notice for Publication.
IjAsu Okfk-k at Oueoon Citv. Oh.,
Mav 18. ISIW.1
VTOTIC'K is hereby given that the follow-
11 lug-named settler lias lileo notice ol
Ins Intention to make tinul proof m sui
port of bis claim, and that said proof will
lie made before County Clerk of Washing
ton count.) at llillsuoro, Oregon, on
July 7, IHtlil, viz:
Kenton L. Phillips,
II A. Xo. 7H5S, for the W of 8 W i Sec
IS T 2 N 11 4 W.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
(', 1 1. lieueliel. Samuel Davidson, W J.
Tliornbiirg, 1'erry L. Heneliel.of anning,
IMI Rorkbt A. Miller, Register
, Notice for Pubiicr.tion.
Lash Oi'Tice at Oiikoon Citv, Or.i
May 18, 1WW.(
XTOTlt'E is In-ruby given tliat.tlie I'ollow-
XI ing-nenied aet tier has filed notice ol
Ins intention to make lmal prool in sup.
hurt of his claim, and that said proof will
be made betore the County Clerk of Wash
ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on July
a, i sua, viz:
.loaepli Bni'ffholzcr,
If. A. Xo. 74H, for the H JC Kec 15 T 3
K 11 il .
He names t lie following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
II. I. Stowcll, I'eter Lund, John Oliver,
John liausch, of lSuxton, Oregon,
fl-0 Koiikkt A. illkr, Kegister.
Notice for Publication.
Land Offick at Orkoon C'Ty, Or.I
May is, 18IHI f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler lias tiled notice ot
his intention to make Until proof in sup
port of his claim, and that raid proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Wash
ington county, al Hillsboro, Oregon, on
juiy a, mm, viz:
Georjre Keslei
H. A. No. 8512, for the W 8 E A E M
ol s v t sect m t K4 W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his com unions residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Donald McMillan, John Boos, John
Martens and i erinan Hunger.of Haywurd,
IMI Horkrt A. Miller, Register,
Notice for Publication.
Land Okkicr at Orf.oon City, Or.)
Mav 18. m.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the follow.
Vi ing-immed icttler has filed notice of
ois inieiuion io iiiaxe nnai prool Hi pui
port of his claim, und that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Wash.
ingion couniy, ai jiuiSDoro, Oregon on
July 10, 1800. viz:
Samuel Paisley, ' .
II. A. No. 8290, for the K N W ii&S W
'A N W ii 8KK of N K Sect 7
i 2 fs R 4 W.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz ,
H.T. Buxton, C.J. .Venclenhall, X. It.
WestaudG. It. Hiddink, of Buxton, Ore.
9-fi Kohkht A. Millkr Kegister.
Notice For Publication,
Land Offick at Orf.oon Citv, Or.i
N ay 18, IMKI.f
011CE is hereby given that the follow-ii'g-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be.
inaue oeiore iounty i;ieiK or Washington
County at Hillsboro, Oregon on July 1U,
18'JO, viz:
Herman Leistlkon,
H. E. No. 8227 for the W X of 8 W V. Seu
20 TUN 114 W.
He niiines the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of nw land, viz: !
wiiuain iiart, .-linos veuu, J. A. H mi 1
ard, of Ureenvillo Oregon.
v r .
a. vv. loike,
l.o, i-ter A. M Itviuinr
Hillsboro Ap And n
fiiiriiinati Eiiiirell
Rare Bargains
rn. . n i' n n i
loesc rropicsror m
Enquire at TliK Aitui's olliee.
No 1 '! iicres. mlioiiiiiig citv limits. I
slduwalk within one block of property.
in acres ciearwi, niiesi oiiainy ot nottoin
land, 4 acres bench, tine situ for building I
ournoNO, some timber on same. Willi
sell In a body tor MKH) part down, bid..
auco on tune to suit purchaser. Or will
subdivide so as to itlvo part cleared bot
tom and part bench, in plats from 2 to 5
acres, at ia per aero. Here is a chance
lor a tfooil neat little home which can be
made self sustaining Investigate before
some one gets it. On the market for a
short tune only.
No 2 10 acres, half cleared, 1 ucre hen
yprdain, rest slashed and sown to grass,
no buildings, goes for $V per aero. With
in two miles of Hillsboro. Terms. IOO
down, balance in ;i years at 10 per emit,
vr win sou i acres, oi wnicn anove Is a
part, at same price per acre, including 15
acres of beavcrdam and swall cleared,
No 8 128 acres, highway running
through center of place, 50 acres in culti
vation; 2 acres in orchard, apples, pears
and plums; (! room house; log barn, good
well of water; !I0 acres of beavcrdam, easy
to put in cultivation; nince well watered
by springs and creek; 100 acres under
funco; 14 miles from post ottlce, daily
mail; 1 mile from school house and six
miles north of Hillsboro. (Joes cheap for
No '4 A good corner lot oil Main and
Third streets, 75x175, with good building
thereon.suitable foruny kind of business,
and in excellent repair, will go at a Imr
gain for cash. Part payment und balance
on long time with security.
No s 12 acres; half cleared, balance in
grass. Good house of four rooms; good
barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of
50 trees and various other small fruits.
150 chickens 50 ducks, l-horse wagon,
2 sets single harness, good cow, 3 hellers
I horse and farm implements. Every
thing goes for $650, cash in hand.
K. Mi NEIL, Itece ver.
... .Gives the choice of ..
Norllicm Ry. - Piicillc By.
Qr.i'an Simmer
Leave Portland Every Five Day
... FOIL...
F,:r full details call 011 or address;
Oen'l I'uss Agent 1'ortlaml, Oregon.
Or J. I. Knight, Hillsboro, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the Hlatc of Oregon
for the county, of Washington
A W Lambert, Plaintiff. )
David T Ilalsteiul and Homy 1!
Travis administrator of- the estate of
Kva llalstead. deceased llefqndants,
To David T Ilulstead defendant;
Oregon you are hereby required to a
pear and answer tho complaint tiled aguinst
you in the above entitled suit mid Court
on or before the first Monday ol the next
legular term of said Court, to-wit: Mon
day, the 20tb day of July, A. 11., lWHi, and
ifyuu fail to answer, for wuut thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief demanded in the complaint filed here
in, to wit: Vor a decree foreclosing a cer
tain mortgage on the north half of the
south west quarter of the north east quar
ter of section 25 township 1 south range 2
west of the Willamette Meridian contain
ing 20 acres more or less, and recorded in
Hook ' Y" page 243 of Mortgages of Wash
iiigton county. Httite of Oregon und for
judgment fur the sum of two hundred dol
lars und interest thereon from January 22,
1KM2, at 8 jier cent per uiinuin less the sum
of forty-four dollars paid December 7, 18!I2,
and for II fly dullura attorneys fees and foi
costs and disbursements of this suit ami
for such other and further relief us the
Court may deem proper.
This Hamilton? is served by publication
by order of Hon, T. A. McHririe, judge of
said court, made and dated April in, IHIHI.
A. T. Lkwis,
Attorney for i'luintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Land Ofi'iob at Obuoon City, On.
ay. 14, 18!.
NOTICE Is hereby given that tho following-named
settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and thut said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Tilla
mook County, at Tillamook, Oregon, on
June 30, 18W, viz:
Daniel Murphy,
Pre. 1). 8. No. 7874 for the N E of seo. 28,
1 1 s r 7 w.
He ninnes the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence noon and
cultivation ol said laud, viz:
William Carver, V v Rowland, William
K yan und F C 8 Komp. all of Trask.
(Hi Kohkbt A. Al 1 1.1. mi, Register.
Notice is bcrpbv wivf-n llint r, t!, in.
day of April, 1896, there was a darkbay
llOrRe Willi Snmll whllP Html 111 fnr1,aa.l
about 3 years old, weight seven or eight
iiuuurcu, jumpeu into my inciosure one
mile west of Laurel. I have fori and
cared for said horse since above datei
The horse will be delivered to owner by
proving property and paying costs ol
feeding, etc. V: Rieth, .
Laurel, Ore.
Purest Drugs
and Chemicals.
The Hillsboro
Select Stock
of Stationery.
1. I IIIOUS T, l'Kr
Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork
Kept Constantly on Hand.
Highest : Maiket : Trice : Pit Id : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Ho
Cash Paid for Poultry.
W. T, Andrews, President.
(incorpouited June 8, I SUI.)
I umv 8 Shortest
Crosses both the Cascades and the Itocky .Moiintttins in UAYLIOHT, affording pg.
seiigcis tlieopporiuiiily of viutving the
Grandest Scenery
in America.
Two trains daily from Portland ; one at
via t). It. is. and .Spokane. Ituns superb eouipuielil, consist Inn of dining cars, nutlet
library cars, palace ami upbolsten d louiiMls' Hlicpinu cars, The bullet cms are mar
vels ofelcKiince and comfort, con tui ui iik bath room, burlier aliop, easy chairs, etc.
Ml' I,1 V ffl
" Twin stcamsliips "Nortliwesl" nutl "Northland" leave lluluili every Monday and
Kilday tor the "Moo," Mackinac Island, Dt ti'oil, Cleveland ami llntliilo' in connection
wiili the (Ireat Norlliern Itailway Have yi Mr tii kels n ad viu-Nol!'l II K It N KTIIA M
Kll II CUM I'AjN Y and enjoy adelinbiliil ride lice fioiii tile lieut und ditsl, i'or licli-el:-iiud
pcneral iiiloiiuulioii capon or.addiess
li. C. STKV1CSS, (i. W. 1'. A. A. U. C. DUNN ISTHX.C. 1'. ,v T. A.
tili b'n.nt Ml., Seattle, Wash. U Thinl Si, ..i tlnnil, (Ircyini.
T I li K K l OU.KGK ( III ltHKH
. . . Classical, Scientific, literary,
rpiIK ACADEMY iufparrs fur C'.IIhl'o a-d givi-a a tl oiiicti hlrg
lisli Education; llir'lat iremiiiii.iii for Tranliinn or lWiiti-8.
A,l 'XiciiM'S vcit Imv. Dniinl rmin.K at Uir LaditV I
llall, ij'3 to -f4 per ick, iiii-ltiilinc et ctric lilit 11 mt Iu-hi,
The Collegia Di.rii.itni v, uiuli 1 exi cllci,, nl, fur
nish. bun nl aid mom al i2.2o erti. IWd and
ruoni in priviite funiiliiH. ,$2.i".U unil iiiiihIh. Many otn
ileiitH n-nt rooms and lininil 1 Ih-iiii-i-J vk 11 1 11 total cost not
to fX'Tcd $!..")() itr week. The spring term Iwginti April
1, 18'J(J. For pariictilarH or cataloiitic iiddn ,t.
thomas McClelland,
Forest (liovi', Ofi-iioit.
Cor. 2nd anJ Washington Street, Is
II ff ;vWt?7i.u I
A smart Broadwav, New
York, druggist has
this sign hanging outside
his store; it marks the
new era of drug selling.
Is it any wonder that he
has to enlarge his quar
ters, that his clerks are
busy, and that his store is
one of the most popular
along the leading thor
oughfare ?
You can afford to trade
with a druggist who gives
when you ask for it."
Notice for Pablication.
1,anu Orni K at Orkoon City, On 1
r.... , ....... f
, , if, iron).
Olltlii is hereby Riven that the follow-
I ncr.., it, .! 1 11,. 1 ..
. ... omiri 1111s 11 U Monro ()
his intention to make final proof in mip
port 01 Ins clniin unrl tl.ui :,! , c ...'11
be made beiore the County Clerk of Tllla-
llloot IVtllntv nl 'I'll! ....I. "
June 110, W;'vi.i 011
John Mtirphv.
Pre D 8 No. 7872 for the W i of 8 W W and
W W of N W X of Hec T 1 H I! 7 .
He names the following witnesses to
prove liiscontinuous residence noon and
cultivation of said land, vis: P
William farver, C. p. Rowland, fl,'. c.
8 Komp and William Uya ! rusk OrV'on
0-e RontBT A. M11.LKK, UeAster
Patent Medicines,
proprietary Articles.
Particular Attention l'Hld to
Physicians' Prescriptions mid
Fuinily UeclpeH.
J). W. Doriam e, SeeietHiy
and Quickest Line
II a. m , via Seal lie, and one at 8:45 n. ui..
In the Circuit Court ol Ilia Stale of Oregon
lor Waihliiuton county,
Ora Dell I'-ineroy, s riaiiitill.l
vs ' J.
John K I'omeroy, Iiufcndant.l
To John K 1'oineroy, the above noincii
Oi'eoii, you. lire hereby commanded
and reouired to appoar and aiiHwer the
- 11, cv, uuiiidi. juii in 1 no aonvct
, entitled court in thu nbovif entitled unit,
(on or before Monday the UOthdavof July,
, A. 1)., 1S1KI, the same IxriiiK thellrHtday
I of the next regular trm of the above nam
ed court next following thu expiration of
the time prescribed in the Order of Publi
cation of this Summons, ami if you fail to
so appear and answer said complaint,
Plaintiff will apply to tho Court for there-
lief therein prayed for and demanded, lo
y it : ii'ora decree dissolving and annul
ling the marriage and marriage contract
now and heretofore existing betweon the
plaiiitiil'and defendant and for a decree a
warding the care, custody, turn" control of
1 tbc iiiiiiorc.hildren of plaintitt and defend
unit to the plamtirt heroin, and thatslm re.
Slime. hll- timwli,,, iiiima ,.rn, l,..n .
us, and lorthecoHta and disbursements .,f
this suit, and for audi other and further
decree as may seem mete with equity nn4
good conscience, . 7
'ityis ia published against you
by onto of Hon. Tbos. A. Mellride, Judge
m the abowe named court iimde in Cham
bers and diitoil tho luth day of May, I80B.
V Ojso. II. Baulky.
J Attorney for Plaintiir.
Administrator's Notice.
MOTICK is hereby glvunthatsthe under
1 i.rS'KL,!e(1 1,UM UBtm 'y lle eouiHy court
oi VVaHhuigton county, Oregon, aipoi'rlt.
J admin strator of the estatS of Worm 1 E?
Uroiier. deceased, and has duly quallMcd
m,inLt ; m" ler8""' havhiK claims
igaii Mt Ntt, ,)f(tute Hro h(jr .
t iled to present the same to me with prop-
e ' vouchers at, the law nlhee of 8. B. JliilT-
L 11 1 1 1.1?' ,i Oregon, within. Hix
mouths from this date.
of fild !u1IIilhbHr"t Oregon, this 14th day
of May, mo, w ,f vVkiibuno,
, Administialor.
(Siicceor to V It Mead)
Mlll.-B Hnm.l.. ...1 . .. .
t7. " r-ortninri on
to 1 1S 0,'lfi'layHt and Fridays, re
J , 1? a ,Tn,eNd!,'H' Thiiind.yi and 8at-
UlUaVH. All bUNillnHH onl.Fn.liiJ l him f,. .M.nmcBn uiurunioii 10 aim
to v. V,ru?ptY ami caroftilly attended
to. l raiaht uml avni-nu. JL ui
p nnnou ...114. (.1 . ... ..j
. ... H III) .
or at The Anous.