THE HILLSBOKO ARGUS, THUKSDAY, JUNE 4, 1896. 4 i I 4 -5 THE ARGUS . . CALENDAR Kun I Mou Tuoit Wud Tliuj Kri LSiit" rtrT "4" 6 " y 8 1 fig 1 11 1 12 1 13 lT 15 1 17 18 j 19 j 20 2L 22 2.'1 24 " 25 I 26 j 27 h 2ir () - - - j - Ihitly Mail ArrtvulM: Kurmt (trove a 111 7:13 I'lirtlmiil, Way nml EiiHtern N:W Ulmicoe . p in fcou CorvalllM Mild Vy - fi:(W t'urtluiitl - 0:00 bully Mull Dcparturex: Portland & KiiHttirn via S P a 111 7:l Port via (llitiieoe, Lunox A llelluiny 7.00 CorvalliN A Wuv - H:fi0 Portland A Way - 111 fiMUl lAiniNt (trove 11:00 KarmliiKtoii and Laurel Utavoa at KkilU a W 111 nml arrlvxH at 3:1A p ill 011 Tiuiwluy, Tlnirwluy and Hiiturilny No Huuday in itl In. PoHtolllce opou from 7:U0 a 111 to 8:00 p in, except Nondayn. , H. 1. Time Tabl: Lv. Ar. rf"rtlnd a 111 7:1.1 p in :) 'vm1I1h a in :M l m 5:0.) brtlmid a 111 W.M p 111 0:00 jKMiunville a in tt:00 p 111 7:13 I M ieB Anna Solileoter, whose irents live near Vrt Union, was Mantly killed Monday, the result f a runaway. She was thrown inn a cart, struct on a rock and er skull wan fractured. She wuh Jneonscioiis until deatli. ) Wash goods of all kinds for ring and summer wear at 11. l'elirungN & Son. ; Therein one thing certain as tgards the recent election. The tnilints can not claim thin year nit the democrat!) knifed their omini'e8. I Hon. I). Hare visited l'ort And today to see how things are at JiC seat of war, j When you want an "up lodate" jair cut, or aneateoml'ortiihleHhave V botli, call at the City Shaving furlors. Hot and Cold baths ini fiediuto on order. f H. 15. Coi.estock, Prop. Election is over. Now let's ave a limning Fourth of July eel- hratiou. Some one start the ball illiiiK and it cuu he nuidu a cue V'HM. Let each man make himself uoiiiiiiittfee of one to push the lobrutun forward. Line 11 til For booty and shoes in all linen le old ivliuhlo firm of 11. Well ing tfc Swim lendr all c i 11 n t t loin. W. D. Smith was elected jus 1:0 niid r.j, M Illinois cnnMahle X nh llnlsh.iro r'cinct, and .1 Ifjoks. jiidice, and U VV. I ted ihi count ihle in South Ilillxlinni t-tit Srhnliiicrich tV and siiiull; c.ii lit Sim any lMr a id Mr V. I) is id, will s 1 li tivc fi.r a visit to s. York state. You can get extras for 1). M 'homo miu liiiu-rv at Schulmerich -Miss Ella Utility died this iruiug troin aggravated case ot liumonia, Miss Lichty was well fiwu in this county, having glit in the public Kihools for line, Nie was a universal lavorite I possessed of a charming per- lalitv. Her death is a severe Vtk to her many friends. f-W. K. Brock can now supplv I 1 i !.i . 1 I ; . . . " ill ui 10 wiiu 1 lie cnoicest niaga- and literature. Come mid see ".irself. -The 11 1 tint it i of the Hillsboro m School will give a picnic at Warren's grove on next Salur- June 6. A progviiin has been ared and the young people an inte a grand good time, It is hearty desire that nil gr.ul ! of t he G rammer tirade should eir baske. and go along to as Jn making it a day of pleasure ansiiiration. frhe cheap rates of five dollars h and two-fifty sleernge, includ- lieals and berth arc still in ef bn the O K. & X Cos', steam- tun Portland. Steamers leave Jind nvery five days. the little hand of democrats I made such a gallant fight to a ticket which would have j economy for Washington I will soon set sail for a two Bruise in Salt Creek Waters ppulist fleet is ex pec el to )uiich for the same brunch Ih will have illustrious re In company, , w Goods. New Prices. We jtiving an elegant line of Ind sunnier goods'at prices he tiiuefev Call and exam stoQk. We can save you ' r Ji n fi . 1 uryan ijiiiaiaw i;o. vaso limissiouer's court is in ses I will transact a great deal iss before adjourning. Il It. 1 J. ' J l 10 n ill 1.0 inuiiui ivu pun w tits at Schulmerich & Son, half the ballots printed eneral election could be with and then there thousands left. - The law changed 10 that public 1 stav in private pockets (change, pay your money for Wild Lwheirfpr thsame money p can get as good an in plicy as Ihe world pro Dalling,6n iL I. Knight, Oregon. IE. Adkins is visiting ro Urownsville, Oregon. All day today conflicting re ports came in atioiit the congres sional content, but Vanderburg yet leads and will represent the people of the til st. district beyond a doubt. J. M. Drown bus disposed of his news business and W. E. Brock will hereafter supply the people with magrzines and monthlies. Chas. Wirtz. of Forest (rove, is stopping at this city and is an operative at one of the chairs in Colestock's Shaving Parlors. VeHjave4he finest and largest stock of IiKmi'ii Washington coun ty at the Mwhsst prices ever offered. Bryan lyiidlawCo. Cash Store. Mr and Mrs. Judpe Crandall and J. II. Stanley and wife will go to Independence on the 12th insl to be present at annual convention of (!. A. It ', W. K. C. and Sons of Veterans. Thirteen acres, halt under cul tivation, rest slashed and seeded. Three acres is of heuverdam and swail. Situated close to Base line road between Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Goes at $50 per acre. Call at this office. X. F. Smith was able to get out and vote on election day, not withstanding his rheumatism. Where is the Searchlight's ma jority for the Washington county populist ticket, r (In to II. Weliriing & Sons for your Gents' funishing goods. They kicp the finest line in the county. Warren Merchant passed throtmh the city the first of the w- k with 11 drove of beef cattle for Portland market, Soda, sluirkling, Houfcold, and just the thiiiy for this leather, at W. 15. BrcckV v 1 1 - While the eldest son of Wni. Chalmers was yes'erdiiy on his way to Cornelius, his horse stumbled and fell, throwing him and dit-lociitini; his right ankle. Besides this lie was otherwise considerably bruised. Dr. Bailey attended the patient and repnts him getting along nicely. You can get Tuier and better clothing at Schulmerich tfc Son than any other place in the county. John Dennis has returned to: ir;iuu,. 1 ...ill i.o-onft.... reside 1 1 11 ii.ij.ii 'I niiM nin iiriuuisi ivpiuv in this city. John is a geueml favorite ami his ma iy friends will w elcome himself and estimable wife back to the old circles. MenV furnishing goods jut fr in the factory at lower prices ban ever at Schulmerich & Son. Dairy precinct is saved. It elected democratic precinct ofiicers, F. A. UeUcl. Justice of the Peace and John Dooley, constable. Dairy has saved Washington county from a complete disgrace. Here's to Dairy precinct and long may she wave! W. 15 Brock has the unlv soda fountain A ,town. )ou forget this. ; ' The coinmenccnieiit exercises IgUiro Public School will next courses aim nine wi the gruiniuer school studies. Ladies' and misres' wraps for spring and summer wear at irchul merieli & Son. There will lie services at the Evanueliual church next Sunday evening, conducted by Prof. Metz- gar ol the La layette seminary. All are cordially invited to utteml. V. JJroek is now ready to dispense cyol refreshiiiXl,,'!l' Joe Wfnibn is a goial executive ollicer slid will lie the next presi- leut of the Oregon State Senate. Joe is a ctite worker. The Oiegoniitii came very near defeating Ellis. Hud the election been one week later down went El lis' meat house. However Quinn made a good run. Election day cost Washington county for boards, $630; mileage, $41.80; marshals, $18; making a total of $689.80, ard alibis to rind out how many pouulfsts were in the county. " (, -Pennoyer is the next mayor gf Portland and says he will draw on ly hulf the salary. Election day did not come to K. C. Schulmerich without some results which are substantial. It is a big 10 pound boy and Ed. is hap py if he did jiieel defeat 011 the rep resentative ticket. August Tamiesie will wait on the customers and fill prescriptions at Brock's Drug Store in the future. John Duford was in the city Wednesday accoinpunied by his wife. Election is over and all won nds are healed. This was a short and exciting campaign and the majority rules. La grippe 1 La grippe. For la grippe, coughs, colds and consumption Wilbur's Cough Cure hag no equal. Nice and pleasing to taste and can be taken by the most delicate female orohild. Price 60 cents. Sold by W, E. Brock. A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot tage within 2 blks ot business part of town. Good fence around lot, good woodshed, and two roomy closets in residence. Also pump in good repair. Goes for $600. In quire at this office. . -n ..1. Will i--"""". By Hillsboro People in a Proper Spirit. C0UKTENEY MEEK'S BODY FOUND Probably Fell into the River After Dark His Funeral Yesterday Arcident atCoruellus-Hillsboro's New Post Master Takes His Seat. Last Saturday was a red letter day in the annals of the three pat riotic orders of this city which are the outgrow th of the great Rebell ion. The Q orriing opened up bright and clear and early did the G. A. II., S. of V.. and W. K. C, repair to the Grange Hall to prepare pre liminaries to the exercises of the day. Promptly at 9:30 the band at the head of the public schools, marched down Main street coining to a halt in front of the Hall. Here the ehfdren stopped and the pro cession formed us follows: Hillsboro Reed and Comet Band. Grand Army of the Republic Comm. by Capt. Collins. Sons of Veterans commanded by Q. M. S. O. B. Gates. Women's Relief Corps, by Mrs. Judge Crandall. 58 school children earring ban ners, marching four abreast, repres euting the states of the union 24 little girls, dressed in white, carrying fiiwers to decorate the graves unknown. W. W. Annans acted as Grand Marshal, riding a white horse at the side of the column. Rev. Cline of I he M. E. church rode in a carriage, proceding the line. When the cemetery was reached the line was broken and the 24 children, 88 children and three orders, formed in squares around an improvised mound, which was made to repre sent an unknown grave. At this 11 net urn I.Iia exen inc hemm bv P,,,.,, IA i.rniriHm putenilinir viz: ,....,., ,.. r.. c, Recitation In Memoriam ; Elva Waugener Decalotue The Blue and the Gray Anna Connell.Mae HugheB.Rose Cave, Mamie Herat, Lottie Butler, Hessie Arclibold. '. . Recitation Soldiers Brave. .' Harry Bowman Songs and Choruses Flag of our Nation Fav Shellev. Bessie Tiffany, Helen Gates, Vesta Dennis. Eunice Robin son, I'earl Greer, Letly Connell, Clare Sigler and Lotte. Wann, Recitation Under the Flowers Mabel Gilbert Songs and Choruses Brave Heroes . . , . Fay Shelley, Bessie Tiffany, Vest.i Dennis, Eunice Robinson, Pearl Greer Helen Gates, Clare Sigler, Lotte Wann Recitation Columbia Grace Rs Columbia's Memorial 24 little girls dec" orate mound, representing unknown grave Mabel Pratt, Vesta Dennis, Pearl Greer, Clare bigier, bumce kou inson, Fay Shelley, Helen Gates Beg sie Tiffany, Lura.Tupper, Lotte Wann uiaMeirs, Letty Connell, Mane I Donaldson and Susie Gheen. in mo ai vi 1 muni, iu xni. use fiprvicpw were icsnnipH Rev. T liettie "rBoweul,"iuM I., lk o Iko .,.ni.rTi r house, services were resumed. Rev C. E. Cline made a lengthy address on the causes which led up to De coration Day, advising the che, ish ing of the sentiment that il might be the men ns of instilling patriotism in t he hearts of old and young alike. He was followed by Second Lieut enant S. B. Huston, of Gen. Thoin hs Camp, Sons of Veterans, who touched upon the relations existing between the Sons of Veterans and the G. A. R., in a 15miivute address. Mrs. Judge Crandall .then read a paper on the subject of Decoration Day.. Hon. H. V. Gates was called upon and made a short talk, after which Hon. H B. Keuniston and Rev Schofield passed remarks. The tenor of the days exercises was in touch with modem idi ns of revering the nations honored dead, and 1 very body thinks the day was titling and beautifully observed in every particular. Tlu' 'children of the public schools were drilled by Miss Wilcox, Miss Coleman, and H M. Cronkite nnd the jittle ones slKiwed evidence of careful and min ute training. The firing squad, which fired three volleys over the raised mound was one of the teatures of the ex ercises and the marching children in a solid column, four abreast, each one bearing a little banner, presented a unique and thrilling sight. . New Postmaster. Mr Herman Schuln.erich took charge of the postotlice Monday morning and after 1. service credi table in the extreme Miss Mary Brown, stepped out. Mr. Schul merich is a careful painstaking, business man. and will make a good efficient officer. For the first time in its history Hillsboro has a democratic postmaster. Fatal Accident. The six-year-old son of Mrs. Drusilla True, of Cornelius, yester day met his death in a shocking manner. The little fellow had seen men move cars by aid of a ''pinch bar" and while playing in the Cor nelius yard at the noon 'hour, start ed a loaded lumber car down the grade, Evidently he ran ahead to hold the car from going, for in some manner he was run down, one of f the wheels running over him, crush-! ing his left arm and otherwise in juring him. ' His mother, who lives near by ran to his relief upon hear ing his screams. Upon asking him if tie were hurt he replied in the affirmative. Before he cor Id tie taken into the house the little fel low expired. Mrs. True is an esti mable woman, has been connected with the public schools of Cornelius for some lime and this was an only child. Meek Found. The body of Courtney Meek was found in the Willamette river in the vicinity of the Albina ferry. All his money was found on his person and Jiis watch and chain also attached. . He evidently walk ed off the wharf and was drowned without any foul proceedings. His body was brought to this place Tuesday night and buried yester day. This is another mystery cleared up. His family is still in Idaho. The Verdict Inl The verdict is already in, giv ing to Wilbur's Blood Purifier all that the proprietor claims for it that it is the best blood purifier and rheumatic cure yet discovered. It is indorsed by thousands that have taken it. $ 1.00 per bottle. For sale by W. E. Brock. Yesterday's Portland Market Oats, good white, 2627 bu. Oats, good gray, 2rf24 bu. Potatoes fi suck 152o. Onions P sack 5565. Butter, creamery, 2530. Butter, fancy dairy, 20. Butter, common. 15 18 roll. 1 Hay, timothy, 8.009.00. Eggs 9 10. Hops 23. Wheat, Walla Walla, 51 $ bu. Wheat, valley, 54 $ bu. The Following; Tabulated Statement of the Vote by Preoincts 3 S3 CO K 9 it 5 S es c, c 1 1 - 5- 2. ST - a 5 3 AU A roll bold p. . jSiinmcl Hughes r. S B Huston d ii S Hudson r. . . . U W Marsh r .1 It C Thoiiipson r Lewis hmies p. . U .M llldoii p. .... . Ira K Purdin d K M Robinson d. Ed. Sehulnierich d. . Chas L Crocker d. . . .1 A Inibrio r ThmuflH T'lllmt. i neidelD 1 1 n n "' 15 L McCormiek r. T S Weathtrred t. V B S'.vinney p. . . F Thatcher d .... i hos u 1 oaa r P Boscow d A O Brown p. ..... . A B Cady r r II B Keniston p. . . . Robert Thompson d. Geo li ucox r. . . . G I. I'enine p. : . . . . I, E Wilkes r... Austin Craig' r W 111 Ihorne' p'l. , .... Robert Kuhn p (j 1, 1 .arize r Uichard andford d fa" "ii Eiuh quaaLA03L V 68 114 57 78 88 101 80s46 61 ' 32 44 91 92 413 13U4 -"' """42403 118 84L15J. 10 59 75 HOI2I2O2O J-UiOW-gj -gT -27F85 73 59 1037 ...... 66l 38 12 33 12 19 29 55 74 73l 141 50 39 fa 85 100 8 20 251 aol 7 8.s6 GENERAL ELECTION: Tongue is doubtless beaten by Vander burg by a small majority of from 100 to 200. The race in the Sec ond District is between Ellis and Quinn with chances a little in fav- i or of Ellis. Bean is elected Supreme Judge. Real Estate Transfers. . H P Ford, Sheriff. To Mary C PoihemuB w of n e and a e of n w of seo 24 n r 3 w $70U. Anna lUihretal. Joueoree i" uhr 485.50 a of W G Scoggin d 1 c 1 1 s r 4 w 1. v; J It Miller. To Annie Miller lot 6 block 16 Cornt litis $400. Geo Sorensen. To The Citizens Hand lot 45 and s 2 a of lot 46 Gray Ouk U. ! ('has H Goi zenbaeh. To Peter Zurcher 22.40 a of nee 36 1 1 n r 2 wl. L F Fotidray. To 13 O Thome lots 8 and 9 blk 4 of Higuland park add HilUboro $300. Eliza M Parker and husband. To Janet C.rkwood lot 2 blk 23 Forest Grove. Antone Planner. To Minnie Hid dink n e i of so. 6 t 2 n r 4 w $1000. . NOTICE. City warrants up to and inclusive of No vember 8,1893,are new payable nt the otfice of eity treasuror,Uroek's Drug store,Hills boro, Orogon; ainV interest will cease on name alter this date tinted A ay 28, 181)0. F. G. Mitchell, City Treamrer, Have a Plurality on Ev ery Candidate. TONGUE HAS BUT 1540, VOTES The Election Was a Quiet One Vanderbnrg Kan Well. Election passed off quietly con sidering all th ngs and the repub lican county ticket was elected complete. Not a man was there on their ticket but who received a plurality. By Tuesday noon the returns were all in and the hopes of populists were rudely 'broken. They had passed it-from precinct to precinct Monday that their en tire ticket would be elected and the "'middle-of-the-roaders" were in high glee. But as precinct after precinct came in the gloom deep ened. Tongue had a close call in the county running ahead of Van derburg less than 40 votes. The two opposition candidates polled nearly as large a vote as did Her mann two years ago, while Tongue fell behind. Patterson tan well and is elected joint senator. This will give Washington county a representation of five in the legisla ture on joint ballot. The ticket as elected, touching this county is as follows: Joint senator, G W Patterson Senator, Samuel Hughes OFFICIAL RETURNS. The Totals ara Absolutely Correct. K S C5 C O S5 tf- S- 3 :j2 S - J- tf w O a ? 3 - r ffi - M ' ?' s 9- 2L 5 ?"3s. ti- 9 o :. : c I 3 1 : : 2 : i a z s ... 7T f ; 26 56 53 19 U 70 06 91 39 72 54 52 54 57 64 30 33 75 74 54 106 53111 35 100 (T 88 9( 41 71 69 35 fi3 77 79 72 72 8 33 71 98 801407 51 47 6 50 2d 22 75 6' 93 108 5 68 55 63 86 8 25 34 2C 55 955 58 121 39 104 77 95 12'. 5l 10H 84 35 74 82 75 99112 9 a 84 b7 85 1660 55122 39 114 75 93 11. 71 121 96! 39 86 95 77 94 112 9 41 88 89 1714 Sn10 33 97 fiv 101 71 57 108 H8! 35 71 84 51 89 97 9 40 78 .'7 80 1041 32 50 45 21 '43 40 74 62 73 36 42 27 20 45 46 63 30 39 93 46 65 47 59-53 24 37 36 .J4--75 W4-57 81' 63"Uo 58 65 83 30 43 76 94 77 1278 25 52 46 19 38 45 77 58 74 31 39 18 16 41 46 63 20 43 62 36 60 919 49 37 19 47 12 9 51 4, 71 103 40 93 V9 oU 49 33 8 1U 18 64 34 V6$ if 23 44 5 27 h 7 25 29 32 66 33 18 8 26 21 7 10 12 14 18 434 46 37 5 32 6 5 23 42 84 93 26 66 44 19 44 49 7 10 23 48 44 727 13 28 5 25 8 13 1.' 31 24 48 2 36 12 8 26 34 5 11 15 16 5 383 95141 37 119 72 94 12t 66 117 110 33 54 52 58118123 10 37 76 88 1391762 loT ITTlllTrsrTrriTrw--. UaLlJ 1 2 359 25 47 48 26 39 39 6: 53 77TnTjp)-w "U 40122 37 116 76 71 87 44 87 86 41 86 10oTS6Tp-w ft All U 17 1n or. CO an a.l a 10 w AVt II TA OA ;iap. -. 47 58 51 2(i 39 40 70 66 100 55 71 51 48 104 51 75 3) 40 79 77 ijr". . 25 28 7 24 5 14 l!' 35 45 08 2 50 17 4 29 27 c 6 9 16 19 454 "-w, ilil'W 3ft 111 Sfi on 10: 11111 7 A(t 71110 STlilKlia 7 ift 90 Hlo QO1fil)0 22 52 48 21 39 35 70 57 77 49 56 31 33 5b 28 39 28 28 62 75 55 962 40126 36 111 73 93108 54 101 84 41 8'. 93 77 70 76 10 34 80 91 67 1 552 1 18 46 52 25 37 38 4C 'l 96 52 65 8 34 55 40 70 32 36 77 76 601103 63 28 4 26 7 11 32 30 (Hi 2 3 lb 7 16 15 7 10 la 17 17 440 49140 3 JtlO 78 95 11 61122 93 42 i 113 82 130131 7 45 87 IO2 107 1834 60 66 4( 43 54 60 8t 8! 106 56 56 5 48 58 46 66 3d 41 87 83 78 1301 :63139 ( 111 68 84122 6f 139 134 54 11! 119 86134142 13 4S 82 106 100 1976 j 66 85 31 110 74 71 96 6' 110 107 52 91 116 91 74 65 14 38 82 103 100 16391 56 125 56 42 46 71101 9 136 84 57 7t ' 46 53 93122 29 50 94 84 78 158I I'A r.A AA At .In ko e. U At no Ql OR 47 R 5M1 Aft 7C,i fit) tclfleS! w r-r n m.j n iu u,i .uu i v,' ui .v. -a, v.w w iy i v... .v i 66130 38 108 73 90 4. Ill 9.1 47 95120 81 103107 8 41 77 113 '8a 1756 .' 30 oi) 8 3, ft' in 5 48 70 (! 47 at 32 34 8 9 11 10 41 37 cliiS! Three Opinions: "The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word."- j Harrisburg (Pa.) Call. "There is no paper published in Amcriffl that so nearly approaches the tnu jjurnah istic ideal as The CHICAGO, RECORD." -From "Newspaperdom" (New Yoik). "I have come to the firm corcluslon, after a long test and after a widj comparison with the journals of many cities nnd coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily jwnat as we are for soma time likely to f.nd on these mortal shores." Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston III.) Index. ySold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CM'. CAG0 RECORD, 181 Mndison-st. I (II 8 Hudson Represctitati' es ! W Marsh (J R C Thompson i Clerk. J A lmhrie ; Sheriff, W I) Bradford j Recorder, E L McCormiek j Awessor, Geo II Wilcox Commissioner, Tlios G Todd Surveyor. I, E'-. Wilkes Treasurer, A B Cudy Supt Schools. Austin Craig Coroner, C L Large Fourth of July. Something ought to be done, and that right away, about a Fourth of July celebration. A committee with powers ought to get to work and arrange for appropriate cele bration... jji'e will have ilu- rac'S here au4"we will have a' large crowdT The racing program is us follows: FIRST DAY. 1. frottine, two year old $200 2. Trotting, 2.15 class, Altago Maid not barred . $ffiO 3. Running, J daub, selling purse . $125 Vt inner to be aold at auction, for IfiU), if ; forletw, two pounds allowed for each JlflO, ' to $300, then three pounds for each $IU0, to $100. orsea entered not to be sold to carry five pounds penalty. SECOND DAY. 1. Trotting, 2.24 class. $250 2. Pacing, 2.23 class 250 3. Trotting, three year old 200 4. Running race, half mile dash, for two year olds 125 Bred and raised in Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho and British Columbia. THIKD DAY. 1. Pacing race, 2.30 class.. $250 2. Trotting, 2.30 class 250 3. Running, Handicap, one mile dash, all ages 4. Running, halt mile dash, selling purse 150 Winner to be sold at auction for $500.00, if for less two pounds allowed for each $100 to $100.00. Horses entered not to be sold to carry five pounds penalty. FOURTH DAY. 1. Trotting race, 2.18 class $300 2. Pacing, 2.18 class 300 3. Running, mile dash, all ages ire 4. Running, consolation purse, J mile dush. for horses beaten once al lowed five pounds, two or more times seven pounds, purse..... 150 of Washington County . - ' i SOCIETIES. FhcMiix Wlge No 4, K of T meeta on Monditv evening or Cii' lt week in MuMonie hull. Phnnnria Temple No 10 meets o-i tlip'aep nnd and fourth Friday of each month inlOOK hail. Montezuma Loiltfe No SO I O O :35!jj5 K meet every Wednesday ov '?)it cniiiK in their hall. IlillMhoro Relx kuh Lodge No 54 meet in Odd Fellows' hall on the third Saturday of each month. Tualily Lodge No 8 A K A M meet every Saturday night on or after full moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 31, Eastern Star, meets second and fourth Tuesday ill each month at Mtwoniv hall. i Hillslioro Lodire No Kl A O IT W . meet every second and fourth Friday in each month. XV- ashing O O F 1 - Friday 3.V oshington Eneampmoot No 24 I i 11 mecis on second ano jot'.rtn Friday of eiich mouth. liilUbuti) Li ij 1 ... I... nc .. in cii.ii 1. .1 1' I () U T tin ..j aitu. ay Hillsboro (ir..i: .. 1 of meet 2nd and ltd Saturunv..-1,1 I; m. Viola Tent, No 18, Kui M. iti Is 111 Odd Fellows' Hail ou Second anr. fourth Tiiurwlay evenings 01 each moi 1I1. Ruby Aaseinbly, No. 26, United Artisan meet tirat unu third 1 uvUay at 1. uu Fol low' hail. (Jen Ransom Poet, No tj'J, U A R uicvl at Orange .-all first and third bauin'uy. PROFESSIONAL. BARFETT & ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Hikuis 6 and 7 Ceutral BlK;k, Hillsbom, Or T. H. TONGUE, ATTOSNEY-AT-LAW, In Morguu block, Ilillsboro, Oregon. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON, Office at Residence Kast of Court House. A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. JJENTIST Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Block. HILLSBORO, OREGON. r. A. BAIXBT, M.D. P. J. BAH.KT, B.R.M.1V. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucbera. Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi dence soutn-west eorner Baseline and Second. All calls promptly attended day or night JAKES PfflUJPPE TAMIESIE, M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. Office and residence south of Main near 3d at, Hillsboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS akd SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a specialty, Lindsay Block, two doora north of tho yggipoiitoffloa. Sooondat, HUlaboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 00111 1 A 2, Shute Block, over Greer's. HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Koyal Insurance CoinfHi y SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyi..iciiig. Waau Blk., Hillslioro, Ore. HiSH MAKKK' J. 1. KOHKLAIR, Prop., HILLSBORO, - - OREGON Salmon 8 and 10 cents per pound. Herring, salt, 8 for 10 cent. Fresh and Salted Salmon Eggs Con stantly on-Hand. DELTA DRUG :.: STORE (Next; Door Bryau-Laidlaw Co.) Mala Street, Hillsboro,-. A fine line of Toilet Articles, Uruahes Com 1)8, Perfume, Patent .Medicinex nnd speeiul attention given to titiiality and Accuracy. ) J. NOKTHRUP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and , .. , all accommodations for the convenience of guests. ... Notary Public . ; . I Loans, Collections i FIRE . AND . ACCIDENT : INSURANCE : J. I. KNIGHT, General Fire Insurance and Loan Broker HILLSBORO OREGON j Centerville, Oregon weaves carpet strtpea ana measured 10 fit any room. Prices to suit the hard timtf Wanted-An Idea Wno can think of torn Impla thlncr to ratMit? Protect four hhwa: thor may brlog yna OMlth, .Write JOHN WKbDEbbCRN It CO.. Pawal AW. Mr. WadalBftoD, D. C, for tlMlr 91,800 prlaa OuF B4 1U of two koulrtd tnToatloaa waiiCtd. fcfV