Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1896)
THE HILLSBORO ARGUS, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 18. s 1 i CALENDAR Wuii Moil Tut Wed Tliii Kri j Witt" J J 5 ( 7 8 it) j li 1 12 I la i t 1 15 in 17 I "18 I li) 20 I 21 22 2jl 3Tf -- T t - I - Daily Mull Arrivals: Forwil llnivn . lVirlliiud, Way un I Ktistcrn Cloiiciit - ji, 4'orvalliN mill Way IWllund liully Mull Departures: Portland KiiMtcrn vlu M P in 7:1 6:W fl:l) ii in 18 l'ort via Glcncon, Lenox A Motlmny 7.0H t'orvalllmV Wiiy - 8:l Portland it Way - p III 5;(W Purest Grove - - 0:00 Kni'iiilngtoii nml Laurel loaves tit u III mill arrives ut U:4ft p ill on Tuesday, 'I'liurKiliiy uml Saturday No Sunday mails. I'ostolllce upon from 7:011 ii m lo N:00 p in, except Sundays. . S. P. Time Tables Lv. Ar. I'nrthititl it, m 7:l.'l p in H;fio Corvallht it 111 H-.M p III i:(U Portland it in Hi.MI p in 0:00 MeMinnvllle it in 0:00 p in 7; IH The inside fixtures of BrockV irug store is being revaruinhed and neatly decorated. II. F. lielirens is doing the work. -Hon. V. H. Dillard. of Si. Hel ens, who if) running for joint sena tor mi, the democratic ticket, was iirTli'vity Monday. A The cheap rated o( five dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage, includ ing mealn and berth are still in i f i'ect on the O U. it N Cos', sieam er troui I'ortla'id. Steamer leave Portland every five days. Hubert Walker, recently from Skamania county, Washington, is in this vicinity on business. Mr. Walker is one of the survivors of the Cay use Indian war and whs a pioneer to Oregon, date '44. For years he wan a resident of Gales Creek, where be had a donation html claim. He has many friends in this county. Mr. Walker was H-.-cscur fui' ibis cuuiiIn in the year 185"). when Or gen wu yet a terri tory. '.V, K, llrock can now supply lie public with the ebuieest nniga zinc and literature. Come and see I 'i ynui .-islf. The I'ocloflh'e will be i-loi-ed I Sal unlay .May MOlh, U'twifii the i hn rn of 1 0: '( ) a. in. ami p in Fm e-t. (i rove reiiublicuns slate tl. it Lincoln Laulilin, the Kpulis nominee for CoiinU Clerk, attended uud voted at toi' lirst reptiblicmi primaries h"M at the Grove. As the populis s cmileiuhd at thrir rolivenliiiii thai, only men lih iWi re i-triiiig in the f.iitli sli'.iuiil leieive iioiiiiiiali'in it eii'iiiiily stems i-tliillge Mr. liMlllllin bhollld have been m tuiiiat' il. .you can get extras f -r IV M Osiiulrne machinery at Sciiulmerich A Soti, . I'crry Watson, the Dairy Creek democrat, made this ollice a pleas ant call yesterday. I'erry savs the democrats are "in it." Kuhn, the brilliant and- ver satile candidate for "corner"' on the populist ticket iviih in tovrn the liist of the week. -Huts at Schulmcrich & Sou both great and tmall; fit any one. Tub Ahqub ofiiceisin reciejit of some seeds from U. S. Depart Itieiit of agriitultiire, embracing everything from the Kurly Dutch cabbage to the Bill Nye variety. Garden sas has in consequence fal len 25 per cent. Ira K Timlin and Hubeit Bernard were in the city Tuesday, F0r boots aiiHhoaifin all lines the old reliable Am of II. Weh rung ife Sons leads luNcompetitors. Considerable sickness, colds, fevers, etc, is reported in town. No serious results as yet. School will soon close and child ren will have a rest. Hillsboro's public schools have indeed been under good management the past year. V,; When you want an "up to date" hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave or both, cull at the City Shaving Parlors. nHoI and Cold baths im mediate on order. E. E. Coi.ebtock, I'rop. The strike of the Columbia river fishermen, for 5 cents per pound for salmon, is still on with no outlook for a compromise. Al ready one man bus been sacrificed to the cause, and next winter it ill mean empty stomachs to many fishermen's families. W. S. Vanderburg has with drawn from the stump and will let i J. H. Davis, J. S. Coxey, et al fin- ish his campaign. Mr. Myers, the democratic nominee has not appear- j ed in Washington couuty, up to I date, '; Wash goods ofall kinds for ! soring and suibtndr wear at H. '' Weh rung & Sons, I f r Peter Boscowj has lived in Washington county for over 82 j years; why not elect him Treasure. I 'The Hillsboro delegation to the I I, O. 0. F. Grand Lodge at ABtoria, returned Friday evening and re- ports a very pleasut time and grand ' hospitality accorded them at the city by the sea. W. H. Wehrung received the highest appointive of fice, that of Grand Marshal, By voting for Peter Koseow fur Treasure you recognizeoneof V ash iugloii county oldest fanners. Soda,i)Arkling, iciwfold, and jut-t tlio thing for this tfeMher, at W. ifi. JJrock' i flie populists are claiming everthing in sight, uh usual, hut. the election returiiH will not verify Iheir assertions They will prob ably elect Tbonie by tlie help of the democrats. If elected. Mrs. Tborne will be bin deputy, mid tin Supreme courts coticinlus tliat n wunntii can hold the deputyship. 0 j to II. Wehruwf& Song for , your Gents' furiifs-kjfig good. They keep the finest liift iTrtlie county. Thin election business! makes plenty of work fur the job printer. Curds by the thousands are floating iil'nr V Hultlmrtiin finiinhi h . -1 I . bears the name of some candidate for olliee. ' I lie fine weather of the hint week has given renewed life and vigor to all vegetation. J. H. IVickett, of Forest Grove, wuh in the citv Tuesday to hnnr Mr. Whitehead. Mr. I'rickett is on the populist legislative ticket. Thirteen acres, halt under cul tiyation, rest slashed and seeded. Three acres is of beaverdain and, Btvail. Situated chmo to BaHe line road between Hillsboro and Forest Grove, (ioes at !'5() per acre. Call ut this oflice. A Mr. Yoran, of Eugene, held forth at the court house and went through the Usual rotiiineof dress ing down the dems and pops in good shape. Mr. ItiiHimi. the re-1 publican orator of last Friday night,! iiuve a recitation sustained by J dm Doe ami Richard Roe authorities. Glad will be everybody when this campaign is over and this populist and republican rant subsided We have the finest and; largest s'ock 1 f hiKt-4 in , Washltjut'on cot n tv at the loVsi prices ever oil. red. Bryan LaidlaNw Co. C1H1 Store. W. B. Dillard,' tin democrat nominee for joint sena'or, this din trii'l was in the city Monday. He expressed regret at not being able to actively ei ter the canvas of his district, tiie which he is prevented by the illness of his father, who lives in Virginia. He expects any day to receive a telegram summon ing him in hi- father's home. Mr Dillard is a bright young man and "ill make a good legislator. .1. M. Brown has disposed of his news business and W. E. Brock will hereafler supply the people with I'r.g: iues and monthlies. The populis's and the HUN I'lii'o Reed and Coriw t baud luive fallen out of b'd in some winner. The baud was engaged In play fur the pops when J II. Davi- spoke here ami in some way the bass drummer broke in the head of. the iiig drum. This, it N said, is, ccr aileie, I by many populists as an apparent, insult altbo' ihe bovs say it cost them just .flG to get a new d uui. The truth of the matter is, the head of tho drum was first broken in when T. II. Tongue re ceived the nomination for congress. Men's furnishing goods just 111 the factory at lower prices fr ban ever at Schulmerich & Son. San ford, the populist leader, 1 . ii 1, - .. . r .' T,"V ,mm,u,,l for State Senator, Mose Johnson, i f McMii'iiville and (J. B. Bunyati, went out to Verhoort Wednesday evening to disseminate pure pop uliel ib clrino. You ca:i t . finer and better clothing at Schulmerich & Son than any other place in the county. A number of her friends attend ed a birthday parly given in this city. May 20th, in honor ol the 87t h birthday of Grandma WootN, at the lesidence of M n. C. B. Reynolds. The dinner served was a grand achievement of the culinary art. Thosc.present were: D. T. Phillips and wife; Fred Olson and wife; Madaines Carstens, Job, Corwin. McCulloch, Foard, Spencer, Pence. Jackson, Bailey and Vrooinun; Mrs. llickling and family of Por -land. Why pay vour nyiney for Wild cat paper whenfyr ue same money or less, you can geMis good an in surance policy asr fie world, pro duces, by calling on J L Knight, Hillsboro, Oregon. The first strawberry social of j the season was held at Grange hall Wednesday evening, by ladies of the Congregational church, A pleasing program was rendered, with plenty of music,, rccal and in strumental. Men's white laundried shirts for 50 cents at Schulmerich & Son. Miss Emma Moore, of Port land, who recently gpenta.vreek with Miss Ethel Merryman, of this city, returned to her home Monday. ' .' iNewjGoods. New Prices, " We are receiving . .tip. elegant line of spring; and Ito'mer goodsat prices to suit the times. Call and exam ine our stock. We cuiv save you money. . Bryan Laidlaw Co. Cash Store, v y W. liLrock is noV ready to dispense cool refreshing soda. The populists held a picnic at n:n.... iU:.. iu.ey .uur " " ereign will hold forth at the court1 house. Ladies' and misses' wraps for Bpring and bu turner wear at Schul- merich it Son. , DECORATION DAY WILL BE OBSEIira A R, S of V and W R C Will All Unite. 81'HOOL CHILDREN ALSO IN LINE Line of March to the Cemetery and Exercises in the Pomiooii Con cluded by Addresses in the Af ternoon. . iHscomtimi Uay will be observed : 1,1 l)r"l"r spirit by the three organ j iza lions of ibis city known as the G,tt:,d Army of' the Republic, , Women's Helief Corps and Sons of Veterans, and the soldier dead al the cemetery will lie honored with i tribute of ilowers The program for the morning ex ercises will be as follows: At 8:00 the school children will assemble at the High School build - - 1...1 t.. u ing anil the orders will meet at l(W1Iil , pL..;..i o.uwi... salute will be fired ami the chil dren will leave school, headed by band, march down Fifth street to Main: thence down Main to Third, where they will join in the prce? i-inn. The line of march will thei. Ih' made up us follows: 1. Band. 2. Grand Army Uepublic. 3. Sons of Veterans. 4. Womens Belief Corps. ft. 24 little girls, "Columbia's Memorial "' G 45 girls; 45 boys, marching by fours, representing states of Ui ion. 7. Remaining school children. 8. Citizens. AT CEMETERY. At the cemetery the services will commence by prayer, after whhh the school, will take charge undei this programme: 1. Song America by all 2 In Memoiiam . . Elva Waggener !!. "The Blue and the Gray".... Six girls 4. Decoration Day. Elzora Haines 5. Memory Gems . .Two little boys (i. Flag of 01 r Nation Primary Grade 7. Memory (Jem ... Mabel Gilbert 8. Bravo Heroes Seven GirN i). Decoration of unknown graves by 24 children. 10. Three volleys by Sons of Veter ans under direction of Quar termaster Sergeant 0 B Gates 11. G A B, S of V and W R C dec orate soldiers' graves. A ITKUXOON EX KUCIHES. The afternoon exercbes will held in ihe Warren Grove and will com mence at 2:00 o'chek. Comrade Cliue of tne M. E church will de liver an address- for the G. A R, followed by Second Lieut. S. 1! Huston for the Sons of Veterans. Mrs. Judge Cr tuda'l will make an addres for the Womens' Relief Corps. Miss Alta Lumki.11 will read a poem on "The Bat tle of Get tzsburg" lions, T. II. Tongue and Samuel lliurhes will also be 't quest ed to make addresses. Appropriate Iriuuts, Kit u,i, i.fF,.vr tt-lll ii uiuriv. ,.j f-iii.ifi iii.'iv nil, l-e interspersed Wtwe: add ;i ami esses under the supervision ol .Miss Lulu Waggener. The ollicers of the day are as fol lows: Grand Marshal, W. W. Ann tins; Commander of (J. A. 11. Col. Collins assisted by Oliicer Clias. Bowen ; Commander of Sons of Veterans, Capt. Stanley assisted Q M. S. Gales. The W. R 0. will be coii inand'd by their president. Sunday Evening F ire. Sunday evening last, nbmil 1 1 :C0 o'clock, an alarm was rung from the lire department building, call ing the companies to the residence ol J. P. Hicks, The fire had gain ed considerable ground before the hose was properly attached to, the hydrant, but after a half hour's work the flames were completely extinguished. A defective Hue is supposed to have been tho cause. The total loss is under $200 at a conservative estimate, and is cover ed by insurance. No News of Meek. As yet nothing has been heard of missing Courteney Meek. Satur urday last word was received from Idaho that he had not returned lo his home and the only conclusions his friends can now arrive at are, either he has been made away with, drowned or been shanghaied. In any event it is a sad affair and of the three theories his many friends who knew him will cling to the be lief that he was. taken aboard u vessel bound for some foreign port. The proper authorities have been notified and if such be the case in a few months he may. be heard from. Whitehead's Speech. . Mr. Whitehead, the populist who was imported from New Jersey to stump Oregon during tho campaign, held forth at the Warren Grove Tuesday afternoon. The audience was not a very large one consider ing the fair weather audi the re- f t, . . i..i ...;ti. ' The ' gentle man had with him a number ol the old campafgn jokes which have be- come aged and an immense fund of "ftit" assertion. "For thirteen yeara we had the best times we ev- er kn-w uml during all thin time; we hever caw n hard money doll ,r, I except on the Pacific coast." the! speaker nnid. Occasionally. I...w - ever, b" would lell hi" Midiem-.- that hi party m- the oiv o .,. woicn coiini claim voles nri toe strength of free silver support, and read the Oregonian to support bin Htatement. After calling such gold bugs an Scott, traitors, it seemed rather strange that he shnu'd have used Mr Scot t an authority. Ill whole address was of the Mat npeeie wun t ne exception ol the occasion al mention of free silver. Mr, imcnenii in noi an easy speaker but labors considerably in liis ef- ions, iiih ai(ire.-g really takes one back to the time of the old greenback campaign. COURT HOUSE NEWS. PKOBATK. - - : t Citation ordered issued lo John H. and George A. Davis that they appear in court June 22d and show cause why order should riot inMie to sell real estate belonging to Win. R. Carpenter, deceased. Appraisement and inventory of estate of J W Sappiiigfon, deceased, showing amount of property t' be $5,162.8!). Same examined and approved. ' Report of administrator of estate of Jos Ramsey, deceased, examined and approved. Supplementary appraisement of Martin Mantling estate, showing property to valuation of ,$92 40 not hitherto appraised, submitted and approved. Final account of estate oi August Gambella. deceased, g)tt fcje tdafe day of July. i. K Adams has-been. appwiiiiBed guardian ad litem of Grace .IVifoit' son,, nired 14 years; Hugh Nnlandl aged 3 years, ami Bertha Noland, aged 7 years, the same being minor heirs and the cause continued un til June 2d relative to sale of real estate relative to estat; of M M No land, deceased. LAW COl'HT. Joseph Cuwrse. Frederick Ar nicker, Ernest Geisler and Chris tian Kuher have been grantid citi zenship papers. Sheriff Ford directed lo turn ov er Edwaid Thompson jr and Carlos Franklin Thompson to the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society. . NEW CABES-ClHCflT COt'BT... First National Bank of Hillsboro vs F Patterson, M E Durphy and ill! McCarthy Suit on prntu's- soi v note. Albert Smidt vs G E C'iMirtnev t al. Suit to recover on laborers li. 11, Eva Stewart vs John M SK wart, action fort divorcement... lamella Barrett vsiChasF Bar n-t, action for divorcement. Real Estate Transfers'..,,. Henry Wehrung et-ux tp'Mary Corwin'lOa M Moore d 1 c- is r 2 w mw. Henry Wehrung et ux to W H and G A Wehrung Its 7-8 blk 2 S Coast add $300 . J R Medill et ux to A P Oliver 40 57 a sec 11 t 3 s r 2 w $300. Lucy P Bameard and hb to S Williams 45.65 a R Williams don sec 32 t 1 n r 2 w $2580.' - Mary H Collin aiid lib' to C R Chidson 5 a tret in Geo Richardson d 1 c t 1 s r 1 w $750. O & C R R to Wm Wad hams n e s e sec 17 t. 2 s r 2 w $1. Win Wadhams et ux to John C Hitchcock same $800. John C Kuralii et ux to Fred C Tocile tret in .1 Q A Zacharv d 1 c t 1 n r 2 w $100. J J Morgan et ux to J W Slmte l's and blks in Park Grove and Highland Park add $4500. Sally Harris to Thos Withy combe jr and wf 140 a Phillip Har ris d I c t 2 s r 2 w $1. II S lo Carl Lorenz e 8 w. and w I b e i see 8 t 2 n r 4 w pat. Mrs. E. D. Thorite is quite at her home on Main street. ill Little Cornelius Blaser is very ill and under the care of Dr. Bailey. Firemen, Take Notice! The initiatory work to have been con ferted on a prospective ' fireman this evening has been postponed until after the eleuion so the can didate niay haveVio opportunity to vole. .Prepare yourselves to.lie on hand at special call i;ny time after June 1st. By, Order Degree Com mittee. The ChautauqnaiiB are making great preparations for their annual meeting at Gladstone Park, which convenes July 7th to 17th. This yeai' a greater attendance than last season is expected. Quite a number of teachers will attei.d from this county. ' John Bailey returned home from Palo Alto. California, the first of the week. lie has been attend ing college a I. Stanford and will re turn in September. Mrs. T. H. Tongue returned home the first of the week from a trip to Southern Oregon. ' W. IsNjfrock has theNpuly soda fountain 'p town. DonXt forget thhv f Hon. S. B. Huston will address the vot is of Hillsboro and vicinity ty on Friday evening, May i9th, Vote of the Last Legislature. I , . Summary of Roll Call in tho Last Oregon The Following Table Appeared in the Morning Oregonian of February 5, I8U6, Showing the Individual Vctes on the Several Bi 'is Carrying Appropriations- Huston a Democrat the Lowest and liof. r a Re publican the Highest. IN THE OUSE. a a-s'a s'a a s v. sj xi x w' :! c , K, B - - i. I j!, ir E : !cssi"-2.s.5" a x 1 .2 i ? s ' E. 'lc - I 3D ar -.. 8.: i ; l;i liofer opo u If man . Davis Kurke .-. MeGreer ... . . HillecaH.- , Kineai-Hon Patterson . . . fShiitrum Doon David Colo M vers Lyle Craig w right Smith, Linn.. JJarkley Thompson Dunn Hlundell Coon Sehlbrede. .. Canlwell Tenipleton Long Calvert Daly ... (aurdaue Stanley . - ; Baker . . Cleeton ...... C'ouper .McCraken.. .. (iowily Scott Guild Kevt Smith, Clk:... . . Mintie Curtis Smith, Jos . . . Smith, Polk . Gates Young ,. Burleigh. . . . , each Lester Diinkinun . , . . Jeffrey Stewart Bridges Moores Tigaid Nen Ion Yates Moorhead . . . Va x ion IX THE 01 1 2 3 ES hi 0 2 1 3 w s it X. - 'A "3 a 5,." o a : mi 0 o O 111 o c liutler i aaa a a a a aa tl 477 679 79 i22r3 80 Stciwer I a a a a a a a a a 1.477.679 79 220 243 fO Simon I a aaa aaaaa 1 477,679 79 220 243 80 Alley aaaa a aaa 1 477,435 99 226 243 00 Calbreath aaa a ana aa 1,477,435 99 220.0TO 00 Patterson a a a a a a n a a 1 472 679 99 215,243 80 llaneroft aaa aaa a a 1 472 679 99 215 243 80 Dawson aaa aaaaa 1.466 679 79 211243 80 Maxwell aaaa a a a a 1.462 679 79 2i'5 2t3 8,) I'riee a a a 11 . n a a a a 1 45'l 679 79 199 1'43 80 Haley a a a 11 11 a a a a 1 456 679 79 19!) 243 80 Woodard.. a a a h n a a a a . 1' 156 679 79 11)9 243 80 McGinn aaa a a 1 451 43 9! 194 000 00 Gowii a a aaaaaa 1 437 679 7! 180 243 80 Cogswell a a a a a n a a 1 43 ' 079 79 175 243 80 Gesnor aaaaa n a 1332436 19 75000 20 Denny a a a a 1,20.435 9!! 29.(01(0 King a 11 a 11 n a a a a 219 243 81 219 243 80 llobson a a a aaa 2 4i00(X) 214 (.(VI 00 MeClung 11 11 a a a n a a a 2L100IUO 211 (Oil 00 Beck lev 11 aaa . a a 20) 01 ih 2n6H)i00 Brownell a a a a a :a 2O5V43S0 205 243 80 Siuith.Chivk ... a n a a n a n ..w H"' 2(0 243 80 200.243 80 MeAlister a n a n n a a a a 199 243 80 199,243 SO Smith, Slier a n a n a a a a 19!) 2(3 SO 199 243 80 Vanderberg.... n 11 a n a a a a 190 243 80 190,243 81 Johnson n n aaa a 11 a 71 0.0 00 71.000 00 Holt 11 n a n a a a n a 65 24 Oo if. 243 K) Carter ... n 11 a n a a a 00 243 80 60.243 80 HUSTON 1 n 11 a 11 11 a n a 45,243 80 45,243 80 a" signifies aye. 'n" signifies : Crop Report. WESTERN OREGON: Crops 1 here 18 great virluo i the rays of an Ore on sun This is made evident from the change in tfrejlone of the reports received this week. An increase of sunshine and a much higher temperature has made Ihe crop situtation more hope all. There is an inclination to "go forth in the open nir and list to nat ure's teachings." Very favorable reports come trout all portions of Washington county. A correspon dent from Gales Creek says: ' The weather of the pilot week has been very favorable to all farm work, and to the growth of vegetation.. All grain and grasses are advaucing rapidly under the influence of warm weather." Farmers are sowing oats and planting peas and potatoes. The ground is full of moisture, so that it is dirlieult to plow. Spring grain is being sown. A Marion county cones ponden t says the fa nn ei's will sow grain up to the 10th of June. Tho opinion is more in favor of sowing otits. The ground is so moist that the crops could stand a long period of dry weal her. An ef fort is beiny; made to plant gardens Full and w inter-sown grain has a good appearance, except in low,! damp piece-1, where it has been drowned by ihe rain. A Lane conn ty correspondent says coi u litis been plui led and grain has resumed its proper - shade. In Jackson and Josephine counties grain and grass - es are making a wonderful growth; in Dougla Co. too much rain fell. All garden work is neuiing a close in lite southern counties. A favor - on Appropriation Eilla House and Senate. : s ts'r.F ; g Sf.. kl S- Or. : 5 s K Hi air? 3 a a a a aiaja a a a a a a, a ll,K4fiv4l3 HM, 1587,977 71 a " a a a si la a a a, a a a a l,S4n, 413 u 6K.877 71 aaaaaaBjaiiaaaaa,ii l,.J7,m3 80 570,477 61 a a a a a a ;a a 11 a a a a a Oil S4r,977 61 aaana aaaana aaa 1390.03 60 M1.U77 HI aaaiianaaanaaaaa l.?J.(5 i . Ml.rm 00 una a a aauaaaaa 1.7S0.935 91) 6tti,MM 00 a aaaaaua a a a a a 1,7!,413 U 331.977 61 a aaa aaanaaaua l,7xs.a 9i ail.SOO 00 11 a a nn aaana al aaa l,7HH,9si5 91 Kil.aOO 00 a aa 11 a a a n a u a 11 a 1.7K7.0K5 99 &USM 00 aaa a a a a 11 a aan 1,774,413 60 516,977 61 aaaaaaata aa aa 1,764,413. 60 ."06,977 61 a aa aana aa 1.7J9.41S 60 471,977 61 na a a a naa an 1,722,413 6U 465,477 01 11 a n 11 a n n n a a a a a a a 1.5SH.975 99 2SI.500 00 a a a a aa aaaaa 1,531,413 60 273,977 61 11 a 11 11 a n n n a a a a a a a 1,529.935 99 WiSm 00 aaaaaaananaajaau 1,504,413 (1U 246,977 61 a a a a a a u n a 11 a a a a a 1,504.413 60 246.977 61 aaaaa 11 an ana aj aaa 1,503.935 m 246,500 00 a a a a n n a ,1 a n a a a a a 1,502.5 99 245.500 01) aaa a na a aaaaa 1,502,935 9!) 245,500 00 naaanu In a 11 jaiaia 1,492,935 ')!l 2,500 00 a a a a a n a a a a a 1.4Ht),4l3 60 2:!1,977 61 aa a nana a aaa l,4s,9: 99 1P1.5I 00 a aa aana a ji a a 1.4SR.413 60 2:10.977 61 a a 11 11 n 11 n n a 11 a a a a a 1,4K7,IH5 9S 230.500 00 a a a a n a 11 a n a ai a a n 1,43,935 99 226,-00 00 a a n a a aja a a 1,479.035 99 222 .V) 00 11 a 11 n 1, n n ,j a n a aia a a l,47S,93o 99 2 -'1 :0 00 n a 11 a 11 a n a n a a;a a n 1,474,9:S 9S)! 217 50)00 a a a a Una a a a a 1,468.935 9!)! 211 5i 000 11 11 11 a .1 n 11 n a n a I a a 1,464,935 99j 207 TOO 1 0 a a a a a a 1; a n a a a a a 1,459,41.100 L'01 9.7 61 11 a n 11 11 n n n a n a a a 11 1,458,9:15 Ml 201, 00 00 u 'i 11 n n n n a n a a! a a n 1,457,935 9:) 2 o..r00 0!) n a ai a a 1,457,43 9 2OU0O IO0 a a 1 a a n a n n a aj a 11 1,442.485 99 185 (.00 06 aaa a an a a a 1,438.935 8 lsl.ftiO 00 a a an na aaa I,4ii3.9:i5 9- 17Cr0OU) a a a a H a a n a n a a : a a 1,301,413 tiO 106 977 61 a a a a a n a 11 a n;a 0a a l,:),'ti5 ' 116.5 0 00 . a a a a a n 11 11 a' :iiia a 1,343.935 i-fi 5(10(0 a u 11 11 a iM)a'- !a!n a 1,328,113 70 976 61 a a a 11 a a a a 1 n : a' 11 , a a a 5i.-fi7 6l Wl 477 61 11 n 11 11 aj iajuin a , a n 54 1 590 61 f 40 :00 U0 a a a a a a a ja : n 11 a a a a r-37 977 61 '537 977 61 a a a a a ' a ;a ; a , nj a a a a 531.97 61 531 977 61 a a n 11 a 11 1 n 11 ; a 1 aj 11 a aja a 281 .'00 O 281.510 00 a 11 a a a 11 : a 'n ! a j a j 11 ;i al a 2(65"0U' 2iiii5U0 n 11 a a nn i! 'i i aj 0 ; u ai a a 2"i7i'i0iO 257 500 00 11 a a 11 11 u la: ik in aia a 2-0 5 0 10 2:-0 50UOO a a n n n o n : al ui uj a ai a a 2:!(l MM t 230 500 110 a a 11 11 n n nun 11 -a., a a a 230.500 0. 2 V.i5!0OJ 11 a 11 a a 11 a nja n nJ a a n 2I7 5HI 00 217.AH0 00 11 a a Mia 11 11 jaa 211 977 61 211 9:7 61 11 ain a 1. n 1. nia 11 a1 a a 211,50(0 2U. 00 0.) a ia la a , - a la 11 a'nau . 19J,0Ou liiO.&O!) 0 SENATE. O o n EL w s ir 6? - ? s. 3- S : 3' 3" . a W W 3 3- 35' O 3" 3 0 8 no. signifies absent. able condition exists also in the southern coast counties, while in nAi'l Ii iAn nAiii.liuL: il Imu ,nttiiim.i- too wet j. Fruit's Theie has not been a material change in the fruit pros pects, nor can the true situation b determined until the weather set- tie and the injured fruit has fallen, j The fruit crop is now in 11 doubtful j State. The prospect for tin app'ej crop, is good in Washington county; j trees are still blooming. In the; valley generally prunes are falling; badlv.- Borne rare varieties about! Salem escaped injury, and are hold ing on well. Fears are sharing' 'Ihe fate of the prunes, are falling also, ! rarely an orchard having eseaj ed j Cherries are badly damaged, but j some trees in protected places es- caiied injury and the extent of daiii- j age will not be so very great as to ! prunes and pairs. In Mi.rioti ! county the impression is cum nt that the fruit situation is growing worse. Strawberries are recovering,1 and siuali fruits generally arc lining well. "A good crop of berries am half crop of apples may be expected from Ji sephine couuty ; fruit is still falling. In a few favored localities there will be a fair crop of peaclies; oilier fruit is sttfi'eriiiii from injuries from the weather and their prospects do not improve.' 1 T. C. McNamer, of the Grove, j Thursday evening last lost asmoke' house" -1v lire. John Viiuderval, 1 the agent for thexNew Zealand, took 'charge of the loss and by Tuesday ! mnrnino Mr . UnVmn i-u;.,..i V ' check for his loss. Swift business 1 that. n Phomix Lodgo No34. K of P meetw hjytj. 0 Mondii evening of purh week. m& in Masonic hull. Plionecia Temple No 10 meet on the et oml mid fourth Friday of eneh month in IOOF hall. Montezuma Lodge No 00 I O O meet every v ednesday ev ening in their hall. Hillslmro Rchekah Lodge No 64 meet liv Odd Fellows' hull on the third Saturday of eaeli month. a Tnality Ixlge No K A T A A M meet every Satnnlay night on or after full moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 81, Eastern Star, meets second and fourth Tuesday I11 each month at Masonic hall. . Hillsboro Lodge No 61 A O U W meet every Revond and rourttt Friday in each month. i.:gto:i Kneampmeot No l- f iiteeu 01. biu lu, i,n(. u i' i,i tm-li nioiilli. 11 lo Ijl.lllil: N.l 17 I IHi T meei. ..1.11.1 ' SJ III OF eveim ' tfAHillaboro Grange No 7 I' meet ; J, 2nd and 4ih Saturdavs at ii in. I Viola Tent,' ft o 18, K O T M. meets in Odd I I-ellows' Hall on St-e.n.! and foiirti ! i iiurwla) evenings 111 niont!:. i Kuby Assembly, So. 26, t'nited A : i:tiiiH j meet first and thiril . w. mav at Oi ii 1 1- I lolVH' Hull. ' -. ' ' ! Gen Ransom I'ost. Ko 69. U A H n-ei. in- Grange all ni't anil ttnru Saturday. PROFESSIONAL. BARRETT d. ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. liooiati 6 and 7 Central Block, liillfbon, Ore. 7. H. TONGlj ATTORNSY-AT-L in organ Block, Hillsboro, Or(OB. S.T. LINKLATER, M. B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence East of Court House. A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. J)ENTIST Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Block.. HfLLSBORO, OREGON. r. A. BAILEY, M.D. P. I, BAtUIT, B.S.M.D. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY. Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi dence soutn-west corner Baseline and: Second. All calls promptly attended day or night. JAMES PfflLLIPPI TAMIESIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. Ollice and residence south of Main near 3d St., Hillsboro. Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a specialty. - Lindsay Block, two doors north of thev . postofUce. Second st Hillsboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ootn 1 2, Shute Block, over Greer's. HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Royal Insurance Compary SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyi-acing. Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. FISH MARKET J. D. ROSELA IR, Prop.; HILLSBORO, - - OREGON, Salmon 8 and 10 cents per pound, huning, salt, 8 for 10 cents. Fresh ami Salted Salmon E$rgs Con stantly on Hand. THE DELTA DRUG :: STORE (Next Door Bryan-Laidlnw Co.) 1 . - Main Street, Hillsboro. A lino line of Toilet Articles., Brushes. Combs, Perfumes, Patent Medicines and special attention given to Quality and-; Accuracy. Cor. 2d k Wuh'lov ) J. NOKTU.1ILUP,, Newly Furnishect and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience , of guests. . . . . -1 ."" 7 " 7 ' " 1 - ' Notary Public , . , ... Loans, Collections . . .-FIIIL ..- AND - - ACCIDENT : INSURANCE : . J. I. KNIGHT, General Kire Insurance and Loan Broke HILLSBORO OREGON I'm. Green CARPETWEAYIXG. Centerville, Orccon Weaves carpet striped and measured lo fit any room. ' Prices to suit the haul titutS Wanted-An Idsa tkhik Pfot-ct yrnir 1itM: th-r my brlnic you vmih. Wrlti! jdHN WSODKHatTRM CO., PM A -C m WafMaftoa, t. o fof tMr (1,U m e- udllttof two kandmt Ibtmuom wsstM. Ml .