THE HILLSBORO ARGUS, THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1896. THE AIMJUS . . CALENDAR Hun i Mn I Tuh Wed Tliui H'rljNr ; JL Jl. jc zulk ik j0l 11 I 12 I 13 14 1 15 i m rrj lH I 1'J I 20 21 22 2I ,sr," - " '-' - i - - . Dally Mall Arrival! Forest (Iruvn - am 7:1." Portland, Way hihI Kimtcrii :.' Olptii'oo - til f:00 VirvallIx iiiul Way - , : Portland C:W )nlly Mall Departure: Portland ft Kaxtcrn via H 1 am 7: 1.1 l'ort vlatllmiroe, Lenox A Ik'tluuiy 7.0(1 4irvnlliM A Way - :' Portland & vn.v - p in MM Ki treat drove - 0:00 KiiriiihiL'ton anil Latmil Imivp at 10;H0 it in anil arrives at it:4!i i in on Tuowluy, TlmrNiliiy mill Saturday No Hiiiulay mailH. I'imtiillh'u open from 7:00 it ni'lo K:00 p in, except Sundays. H. 1'. Tlnio Tallin: Lv. Ar. Portland H in 7:1.1 p m MiWi CorvalliM a in :to p in 5:H Portland a in in (1:00 McMlnnvllhi a m :' 1' m ":'') Tlie rainy senium, which is Unit pit i t of t he year which should not have hi-en with u in April nnd May, hut wn, hn censed sinee those tall sycamores of Shrrwmid and Middli'tnn, Iter, and Vuujfhn, ' have (iiit coming up to the county sent. " boot nmlyhoen in nil l;ne the old reliiibliMirin of II. Weli I'linj! & 8 ins leuTrt all competitors. T. A. McCntirt,nf McMinnville fpent Friday evening in the city, lie siivh politics iirehadly mixed in Ynnihill munty, tlm isMU' being be tween the republicans and the Union-Bimetallic forces. When vnu wantnn"iiptodale" liuir cut, or n neat comfortnhlH shave or both, call at lh City Shaving Parlor. Hot and C"ld hathn im mediate on order. E. K. Coi.rhtock, Prop. That Mecca of populism, the Feiirchlinht ofl'.oe, at Cornelius, was the other day the wene of a riot between two o( he devotees at the Hln i tie of the Omalpi pint form. Ah it result, niio wan binllv sluiken up, ti-wl rahle S'nitchiiiK. in true'iilisiie tiU. van indulged in inid the hrnior of hoth pirtieiuints forcibly vindicated. One of the 'onlHi.tu.nln. it issttid, -iim thech i-t-Mil rak'-r "f hi b the only n iintl ' I imi. " iw i ..fiioi s ill a k'lnls tor 'I'inK mid dimmer wear at II Welirunj; & S '11. I.. 1'. W. U'liuihv was in town Friday l:t -t . iirinii hi- ivsiieeis In tax enllecmr I'o'd, on a gohi -land nid b.isis Mr Quiiiiln thinki- llillsboro will nave hiren 'endiince hihI hi eniries lit lly .Inly ntC" inei'iiiij!. J I ivoiilUis prpirid n 'iiinke hiati of Jfoin !,oU in U'KtO ni easy term -Mr. U'ehcier, V Portland, i visiting i:i the c.i;y E. ev rtilli Mr, ltt (.lave. Thec'iojip rales of five dollar? ciihin and two-lifiy lecme, includ ing meal and herth nre Ptill in ef 'H mi the O H. & N Coh', HieHiii r Irom Portland. Steamer leave Portland every live day. X. N. Sleeve Im heen trim ferred from Miilluomnh county to t hi city, where he! will have hi rial on charge of Venue. Tin- cae wi I nrohnhlv cumu un at the July (erm or sooner. It will ho remcin liered that he was foil ml guilty of inanhl iiighter hut the Supreme vourt ent the cae hack for I rial Mr. Sleeves think Im will have no tioihleto ewlnhlili hi innocence t ihenext trial, and Hume, Mul. noimih' l)itriot Attorney thinks he will again convic' him. V. K. Brock can now supply the public with the choicest nitiga tineH and literature. Come and Fee lor yourself. A sidewalk is heinR built in front of ihe M. E. liamoniino and a new fence will soon enclose the lot. You can get extras for D. M. Osborne machinery at Schulmerich fc Son. , Thirteen acres, halt under cul tivation, rest slushed nnd reed ml. Three acres is of heavordani and awail. Situated close to Base line - road between Hillshoro and Forest Grove. Goes at IfoO per acre. Call at this office. Warren pohhins has returned from Heppner and is being greeted by his jiumerous trienct. warren will remain here until after the campaign. ' Vl.avo the finesfcnd lirgeet stock ofJnXUin WaslStarf coun ty at the lowest priceVevefflered. Jiryaii Laidlawo. Ciwh Store. N. F. Smith in so far recovered from his attack of rheumatism that he is able, by aid of his crutches, to he out on the street. Tne county court appointed, E. B. Sannineton. son of the late J. W. Sappington, to succeed the father as county treasurer, air. Sappington has filed his bond and ' will attend the duties of the office until his successor is elected and qualifies Why do you sell your eggs lor 9ets when vou can get 124 cts at Dr. Parkers? See his large stock of good!) Quite a number of Washington' county nop raiser have plowed up their yard. Zma Woods will try it another year, and also will Stew art Vaughn, of Middleton.. The mammoth ynrd at the Im brie farm will uUo make another season. U'j to II. Wehrung & Song for your Gents' furnishing good. They Keep the hiieht line r.i the county. Saturday last the republican county central committee nu t and placed on the ticket, to fill the vacancy of candidacy for treasurer caused by the death of J. W. Sap pington, Mr. A. U. Cady ot iseaver- ton. 1 lie) e wen many applicant for the honor of the vacancy nom ination but it i rumored the com mittee desired to heal all the' wounds possible by naming a U. A. H. man and that they acted con siderably on the counsel of their senatorial candidate. You can get finer and better' clothing at Schulmerich & Son than any other place m the county. W. McQuillan was in the city Tuesday, doing business. C. W. Hudson, a staunch dem ocrat from Gaston, was in town Wednesday, communicating with hi numerous friends. Men's furnishing goods just fr in the factory at lower prices i litin ever at Schuliiiench A Son. Forest Grove will have the Vet- eiium' 're-union this year and the citizens of that place will entertain their guest in a royal manner. Forest Grove never does things by halvts. Foliage is very slow iu coming to bud and bloom this spring, it almost seems that the earthquake dropped some of the heut in tiir bowels of the earth further away from us. J. M. Brown has deposed of his news business and W. i'J. Brock will hereafter, supply the people with magi aiiies and monthlies. A. B. Lewi und A A. Phillips, of Cornelius, were in the city yes terday. -Fred Losli and Susan Trtichsel have been granted license to wed hy County Cltrk Goodin. Ladies' und misses' wraps fur -pring und summer wear at iH'hul uiericii & Son. The little piece of poetry in last week's Independent, which ap pealed to the G. A. H. and Sons of j eieiuns voles lor republicans ex died the admiration ot a friend to I'hk Aiuil's and as a result some veise was sent to us. U fills ihe nill, tells the truth and should he read hy everybody. New Goods. New l' rices. We are receNinjaii elegant, line of spring amiommer gotut ftt priceB o Mill Ihe tiWs. Call tud exam ine our st'k.We ctHi hive you moi.ei. Bryan Xaidlaw Co. Cash Store! Altoi.r.ey 8. P. Huston attend ed court at Oregon City Thursday lust, lo appear as counsel iu a road case in which parties from thi county were involved. C. Blaser desires to thank his many friends for their kindness during his recent illness. Men's white laundiied shirts for f)U cents at Schulmerich & Son. Many hundred of dollars will be lost by the onion raisers this year, owing to the latu high water. Take it all in all, crop will all be later thi year than for many years previous. Teachers! examination is being held, with applicants totlie numbtr of 27 -Hats at Schujmerioh & Son both great and small; can litany one, The gentleman on the demo cratic ticket for treasurer is a man well known to the people of Wash ington county. Peter Boslow is a man of integrity, competent, reli able, and if he should be elected will make a good county treasurer. Mr. Moscow is an old pioneer, has lived here to see Washington coun ty transposed from a wilderness lo a commonwealth of homes. Vote for him for treasurer and you will make no mistake. The Independent will print the ofhcinl ticket for the June ele; tion, receving therefor $2.00 per thousand for S4,5U0. The Hatchet bid was $2.25 and the Independent $2,00. V E. Thome will make the run for school superintendeney on the populist ticket nnd if. elected Mrs. Thome will net as deputy. This is practically the same as if Mrs. Thome were running. If Thorne should beelected the schools of the countv will be under ex cellent management. The sneech of Hon. J. H. Dav ison free silver was O. K., but when he ventured on populism and nat ural history he shot widely of the mark. One of the eccentricities was locating the Hottentots in South America. He may as well have located them in Oregon if he were going to leave Africa out of the question. There will be an excellent ex DPI B. Sappington to Suo ceed His Father. USUAL GItlST OF BILLS ALLOWED The "Cyclmie" Reached Hillshoro Hon. H. V. Gates Addressed a Lar(re Audience at The Court HouseReal Estate Transfers. The following bills were allowed: COUNTY COURT. I)BRcaoner '6 .00 Thos G Todd 3 8o .SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT AND ASS'TS. Craig School Sup't ' 39- . VVV.h, LIGHTS AND JANITOR. sume ollice at filing of bond. ind approval Bids filed on AUman Bridge: T Johnson, 344; J W Goodin, $400; M Mead. $340; C True, $33H; True awarded contract. . Hrugger Bridge: Johnson, $389; Goodin. $3o; Mead. $385; True, $404; Mend withdrew and contract let to Goodin. Yote of the Last Legislature. $324; Con- N A Barrett Hillshoro L & W Co . SALARIES. J W Sappington. . . E L McCormick... R 11 Goodin H P I'ord L E Wilkes 30.00 24-15 50.00 17500 250.00 275.00 1790 308.15 STATE CASES Warrants drawn witnesses, e:c. STATIONERY J W Sappington 60 HP I'ord 9-8o R L McCormick 3 00 The Arirus 9 00 Glass and Prudhomme 41.18 Austin Craig &-?5 Hatchet 19-25 R 1) Goodin 5 ' W E Brook 4 90 Hillshoro Pub Co 23,50 ASSESSING AND COLLECTING. G H Wilcux 7-00 RCrandall 39- S H Humphreys 39-oo Win Pointer 33 00 KIKuratti . 7-oo BRIDGES AND ROADS. James Laidlaw & Co 26 50 S W Scelve , 35 00 J W Kyle 5&83 Western Wheel Scraper Co . . . 104.00 H Schulmerich ' 2.50 I) B Reasoner 3 00 TGTodd... 300 Andrews Lumber Co 23-96 ..... 57-50 2.60 ...... 2 00 8.40 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.00 2 00 2 60 2 00 5o 408 Minto Bridge: Johnson. Goblin, $347; True, $374.75. tract let to Johnson. J C GtiHlin. A H Vaughn and C True appointed viewers on re sur vey of Taylor Ferry road. D B lteasoner ordered to investi gate status of survey on certain road a per petition of Snyder and Campbell. The Cyclone Here. Hon. J. II. Davis, of Texas, spoke Monday, at the Court House, to a crowded auditorium. After giving his opinions on party history he launched into a free siiver speech sod handled liissuhject in an able manner. Like many public speak ers, Mr. Davis .doubtless made errors, but taken all in all his ad dress was a good one, and after the democratic national convention meets the national committee will probably have Mr. Davis on the stump advocating free silver. The speaker claimed to have been a lawyer, and says he was one of the framers of the Omaha platform. In thi case, he must have had some misgivings as to hi part in that work as he hardly alluded to anything but the free silver plank. Summary of Roll Call ori Appropriation Bills in the Last Oregon House and Senate. The Following Table Appeared in the Morning Oregnnian of February 5, 1896, Showing the Individual Votes on the Several Bills Carrying Appropriations -Huston a Democrat the Lowest and llofer a Re publican the Highest. IN THE OUSE. S3555?' ;7- - V .b.b s s a; a. a a a - ts. r - - r- si si Si i& L; s 5' w s'ii I r f J-l ; o'Hi o' : 1 2 9 -is: f s'e.3!iSi! "15 ajg gbdo si! f Mi 5j Sljfl1? 1U S: SIS fipjiljfjp! j p.fjl 1,; j s s V. " 2 6 - 2:5 : : a ;4 . ; . SOCIETIES. , n Plwenlx Lm1p No 34. K of P niMi mi !,,iul.i.v Avpulnir of AM'h WMk. In hall. Phoneeia Tem)le No 10 meets on the ei ond and fourth Friday of etieli mouth, in I O O F ball. Mniitemma Lodiw No SO I O t K meet every Wednctnlay ev cnrtitf In their nail. Hillshoro Kubokah InlBe No M met Irw OddFellown' ball on the third Saturday of each month. Tni'.llly Lodge No A F A M. nintit every Satunmy ngm on or after full moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No hi, Eastern Star, meets second and fourth 'iuesday ltt each month at Masonic hall. ; Hillstioro Lodge No 61 A 0 U W meet every secoiia ana lourui.. Friday in earh month. 4 I .Ah ashiiicton, Kncampineot No (1 o F meets on see. 111. unit n, V3 ! Fiicay ;f eat uioi.lh. J.'y Ui'.lslmro l'ilfce No lt i ' ...i.iL.ny 1: Hillshoro Orange N o p of n:e. 2nd and 4.a S..tur(laT8 k. in. -5 3 Jaiiien Younc D C Stewart Wiley & Dennis L E Wilkes J S Jackson OW Marsh David Smith. .- C H Blaiicbard John Vanderbrouk M H Shipley N H Sheid le W N Barrett Moore Ireland & Co. That Silver Mine. There is considerable excitement iu and around Forest Grove over the locating of a supposed silver mine. Ihe prospects are reported us very good and the huge mount ain will be thoroughly prospected. Any uumlier are now out exploring the hill back of the Alexander farm and if their search shall be reward ed with plenty of silver Forest Gro e will be strictly in it. With a great, big silver mine, Washing (n County's resources will he sec ond to none in Uie world and even the iiiot skeptical hope the report is int founded on idle expectations. PKISONKKS AND PAfPERS A W Saxton A O.sen Brvau Laidlaw Co. . W'A Hutchison J P Tamiesie Lucinda Frank H. I. Ford Rosa Frost John Northrop Hillstioro Pharmacy I) 11 Reasoner Mrs Reihter Harriet Lousignont CIRCUIT COURT, W N Barrett A W Saxton Gates Speaks Won H. V. Gates addressed the Republican Club Tuesday evening and the court house was obtained in order to accomodate the large audience. His first re mirks were directed in contradiction to some of the statements made bv Davis, the populist speaker. After mak ing i-omt sp.-iiker s 150.8S 5 ov 14 50 5 00 4 5" i 10 355 5 co 10 CO 7-5 .20 5 00 1500 JO.00 2.20 RKMITTED. Barrett & Adams 59-35 BOUNTY. SP Taylor 10.00 MISCELLANEOUS V 1 Babcoek Post GAR Indigent 49.65 J B Matthews Post GAR indigent 18.45 lieiartsnf countv oHiceis exam ined and approved. Ueport of viewers, judging 1150 damages on road No. 344, Ssehenlle, petitioner rend and adopted. Hoad to open and establish upon pny ment. K Council, J I'each and A JLor doii appointed to assess damages in locution of road No iS. To meet May 22. Relief of $5.00 per month grant ed family of W lteihter. until fur ther orders. Madeline llcnke, James Adams, Peter Peterson, admitted to Poor Farm. J C Clutter appointed to succeed L W Horron its supervisor of II D No 61. Two thousand feet 'lumber and $30 allowed II 1) No 12 for bridges and culverts. 3300 ft allowed Dist No 50; 1500 allowed Dist No 2G; 1000 ft allowed Dist No 45; 2000 ft allowed Dist No 6; $10 worth pow der allowed Dist No 17. T Tucker, J Carstens and John Northrop appointed viewers in re Road No 348, petition of J D Hill and 50 others. To meet May 2i. W'm Shaver, J Burroughs and C F Tigard appointed viewers on Road No 245, to meet May 2(. J Miller, Jas Hansen and J D Rowell appointed viewers on change of road as petition of Geo Taylor, to meet May 22ud. Allowed $15 for relief three months of Harriet and Frank Lousignont. R II Walker, L L Wbitcomb and A Collins appointed viewers to meet . 1 ... I- - muition 01 mtisica laiein .t " on May 29, 0.1 Road 346. petition Onera House to ntttht. Those who " t oi...... ... ..1 of J Bhute, et al. J D Rowell, Seih Seeley and C attended last night speak with nruiaa anil ndolntinil flf th HoiHtV of the artists. Kober to view proposed change of - Minnie W. James, formerly of! Road No 324; May 15. Clark county, Washington has filed j flj B Sappington appointed to fill suit against Ezra V, James, for 1 vacancy iu office of county treasur divorceon groundof desertion. er. Bonds fixed at $40,000. Toas- potnted corn cions the ,-, iiched lo the last legi- latiue ;ii (i his arraignment of the Simon machine was Mich that no ic.-pectalde rej ubliciin who listened, hoiild In v im thing hut partisan ;stn let't with which to pluck up eournuc to vole the republican tick et. Mr. (iatis is a poweifnl tulker and his description as to how the republican machine was manipu lated was enough to convince any man, be lit of politic or no, that a vote for republicanism was a vote against good government. In his remark on populism, Mr. Gates read statistics and quoted eminent foreign writers on the im priictibility of government owner ship of railroads, do. Real Estate Transfers. J Bartok to U S Nat'l Bink It 10 in Grayoak. C Johnson to Sanford McRoe Its 35 3(5 blk 8 west Portland Heights $200. ( C K Bennett to Win Smith It 8 blk 9 West Portland Place $150' Eliza and .1 F Colev to Henry Mandi 11 11 ol the Baruuni d I c $1 Win 1! Fuller" et, ux to Mrs Anna Howell 10 a of L Hall d I c t 1 s r 1 w $500. . Lily R Rowe and hush. To Ar bur K Webb and Mary Har- wick'. 123.18 a of sec 26 t 1 n r 4 w $0000. , ' .1 S Duncan et ux. To James H Kirk. 84 a of sec 31 t 2 n r 4 w $1500. ' ;; Pleasant L Cox To Ca pi tola B Cox. n w i of sec 24 t 1 11 r o w $545, John. McConkey. To Lodenia Mi Conkey. 80 a of sects 2 and 35 t 2 and 3s r 2 w $100. W V Wiley et ux. To W J Van Schyner part of block 8 Hillshoro $900. ' ; Al h Hunter et ux. To Andrew Johnson. 3 a of sec 13 tier 1 w $500. Mitchell's Pension Bill Passed. WASHINGTON, May 13. -The seriate passed Mitchell's bill for pen sioning the veterans of Indian wars. This bill will pension all who serv ed in the early Indian wars in Washington and Oregon, their wid ows and dependent survivors. Her mann has circulated and secured signatures to a petition to Ihe speak er, asking that he -be recognized to call up 11 similar bill in the house on suspension day, or that 11 day be granted to consider the bill. Rep resentatives of 17 states have signed the petition, and a request will now be made to secure consideration of Mitchell's bill, so that it may uot have to go through conference. Oregoniau. Hofer 11 a a'n a a a a a a a a a a $1,045,413 60 $587,977 71 ope an a a aaaaaaaa 1,840,413 flu 5H2,h77 71 , ! utl'iiian a a a a a n a 11 a a a a a n 1,S27,913 00 570,477 1 Davis aaa uaaanaaaaa 1.H6.4I3 00 54-,fi77 fil Burke aaa.i aaaana ana 1.709.413 60 841,977 61 , Melireer an an uaaanaaaaa 1,798,985 99 541,500 UO ililleuas nana a aaaaaaaa 1.79,935 99 532,500 00 Kinearson a aa aaaa an aaa 1.7S9.413 60 531,977 61 Patterson a a. in aaanaaaaa l,7s,93 99 531,500 00 Nhutrum naa nn aaanaaaaa 1,788,935 99 53 1. .500 00 Coon a aa uaaanaaaaa 1.787.935 99 532,500 00 David aai aaaana aan 1,774,413 60 516,977 61 Colo aaanaaaaa aa aa 1,764.413 60 ;06,977 61 Myers a aa ana a 1,729,413 00 471,977 t Lyle 11 a a a a naa an 1,722,4:3 60 465,477 61 Craig a a n 11 an nn a aaaaaa 1,538.975 99 281,500 00 v right aaaa aa aaaaa 1,531,413 60 273,977 61 Smith, Linn 11 a 11 1: a 11 n n a a a a a a a 1,529.935 99 272.500 00 Barkley aaaaaa aanaaaaa 1,504,413 60 246.977 61 Thompson auanaaananaaaaa 1,504,413 60 240.977 61 Dunn aaaaa 11 aaanaaaaa 1,503,935 99 246.500 00 lSluiidcll aaaaanananaaaaa 1,502.985 99 245.500 00 Coon aaaa na a aaaaa 102,935 99 245,500 00 Sehlbrede naaannananaaaaa 1,492.935 236,500 00 Cardwell aa aa anuaaaa 1,489,413 60 231,977 01 TempleUm aa a nanaaaaa 1,488,935 99 2:1,510 00 Long a a a a a n a a a a a a 1,48.413 60 230.977 61 Calvert aaiinnnnnanaaaaa 1,487.935 99 a.500 00 Dalv aa aanananaaaan 1.483,935 99 226,-dO 00 Our'dane a a na aaaa l,479.9:a 99 222 50 w Stanley n a 11 11 n n n n a n a a a a 1,478,985 99. 2.'1 rK) 00 llaker 11 a u a n a n a n a a a a n 1,474,935 99j 217 501 00 Cleotoa a aaa Una a a a a 1,488.985 99 21!5'00O Cooper 11 11 11 a a n n n a n a a a 1.464,935 9S4 20? W) 1 0 Mct'raken aaaaaa nanaaaaa 1,459,413 00 soi.'J 7 6. Gowily ..: n n 11 n n n n a n a aan 1,458,935 99 201,. 00 00 Scott a 11 11 n n n n a n a ai a a n 1.457.935 Mi 2MI.C00 0!) Guild n a ai a a 1,457,43 9 2H 00 11 Keyt aai. aanan naa an 1,442,435 99 185.000 00 Smith, Clk aaaa an a a a 1,438,935 9' 0 00 Mintie a a an na a a a 1,433,935 9:1 176fO0 0O Curtis a aaaaa ana" aaa a 1,361,413 106 977 61 Smith, Jos ...aaaa'anananaaa a l,3(i3,'35 99'0 00 Smith, Polk a aaa an una aaa 1,343.935 99 Ml 500 '6 Hates a a n 11 anna ana 1.328,113 6e 70 976 61 Young aaaaaaaananaa a 599.477 61 590 477 61 Burleigh n 11 una a a naa n M'H1 M0 WW 00 each a a a a a a a a n n a a a a 537 977 61 537 977 61 Lester a aaaaaaan aaaa 531.977 61 531.977 61 Buckiiian a a n 11 a n n n a a n aj a a a 281 MX) 01 281.600 IH JellVey a n a a a " a 11 a a n ala a 25'!0ii 266 5' 0 00 Stewart n n 11 a n n 11 a a n a! a a a 2"7 .rO 1 O 257 f0 00 llrld(;es a a a u n a an a 11 a a 230 8 fl to :ff0 Hia 00 Mmires a a 11 n n n n a n n aja a a 230 500 O 230iHHniO Tigard , a n 11 u n a u n a! a a a 230,500 0.. 23'fvOOT Xealon 11 a n a a " a n a! n ala a n 2I7 5W0U 217.MJO 00 Yates ..aa a nalnn a a 211 977 61 2119 7 61 Muorlieud n a 11 a ,. n 11 n at 11 ai a a m.M 0 211. 00 Ol Paxton ..aaaa a al n a 11 a a 190:.00 0 lM0..r-0i 01 Viola Tent, &o 18, K. O T M. mecte .1. Odd ! K-llovis' Hall on t:end and ri.iirtlv i Thuraday evenings o ecli niontn. Ruby Assembly, No. 26, t inted A lis.ns I meet first and third Tuesday at Ocd lel j lows' hall. Oen Kunsoni Post, No 09. O A K n utt in Orange all lust aim tnirii suturai v. PROFESSIONAL. BARRETT 4, ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Ilixmw 6 and 7 Central Block, llillsliopo, Orfc T. H. TONGUE, AT rORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan block, Ilillaboro, Orgo W. D.W0OD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, , OHice in Chenetto Row. Residence, corner First and Main streets, Hillaboro, Oregon. S. T. LINK LATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oliii e at Residence Kast of Court House, IX THE SKNATE. 0 3 Kl 5 o r . 5 3 V 3 2 o o 9 .12'- 4 !tn It : S " 0 8 n V. Ml C p 0 sr c : o 8 E. t? 0 " . c c . 2. s . 5 c. o' 3 : n w . K . c n 3 Butler Steiwer Simon Alley Calbreath Patterson Bancroft 1 liuvson Maxwell Price Haley VVoodard McGinn Uowun Coggswoll Oosncr Denny Kinpt II ill wiill MrCliiiiK Buckley Browncll Smith, Cluck , McAlistiT Sum li. Slier.. Vamlcrberg .. Jiiliuson Holt Carter Hl'STOfi... a an a a a a t 47 679 79 a a a a a a a 1,477.679 79 a a a a 1 477,679 79 aaa a a a 1 477,435 99 a a a n a a a 1,477.435 99 a a a a n a a 1 472 67n 99 a aaaaa 1 472679 99 a aaaaaa 1 466 679 79 a a a a a a 1 6.' 679 79 a n n a a a a 1 456 679 79 a 11 n a a a a 1 456 679 79 a 11 n a a a a 1' 156 679 79 a a a 1 451 435 9! aaaaaa 1 437 679 7!' a a a n a a 143 ' 679 79 aaa n a 1332 436 19 a a 1,2-6,435 99 a n n a a a a 219 243 8' a a a a a 214 1 00 00 a a a n a a a 21 1 00 1 00 aaa a a "201 0;i w a aaaaa 205 : 43 80 a a n a n a a 200 243 80 a n n a a a a 199 243 80 a 11 aaaa 199 243 80 a n a a a a 190 243 80 aaa ana 71 0 0 (Mi a n a a a n a 65 24 4 00 a n a a a 60 243 80 a 11 n a 11 a 45,243 80! i2243 80 220 243 80 220 243 80 220 243 00 220.(H') 00 215,243 80 215 243 80 211 243 80 2(15 243 80 199 U'43 80 199 243 80 199 243 80 194 000 00 13M 243 80 17 243 80 75 000 20 29.(01 i0 219 243 80 214 C0 00 211 (O'l (Kl 2116 Ml) 00 205 243 80 200.243 80 199,243 K0 199 243 80 1911,243 l 71.000 00 65 243 f 0 60.243 80 45,2414 80 A. B. BAILEY, D. D. S. QENTIST Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan-Bailey Block . HILLSBORO, - ORKOOX. P. A. BAn.IT, M.D. r. I. BAtLBT, B.S.M .IV DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physician, Surgeons and Accouchers. Office in Hllleboro Pharmacy. Resi dence aoutn-west corner Baseline and Second. Ail calls promptly attended day or night. JAMES PULLIPPg TAMIESIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co Consultation in French or English. OlHc-. snd residence south of Main near 3d St., Hillshoro, Or, WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing snd fine map work . specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of th postotttce. Saoondst., Hillsboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 00m 1 it 2, Sfante Block, over Greer's. HILLSBORO, OREGON . Local Agent P.oyal Instirunce Comi any a" Hifrmlics uye. '11" signities no. I signifies alwent. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveys..,cing. Rooms 8 4 7 Morgan Blk., Hillshoro. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. PROBATE. V H Wehrung appoinled nduiin istrator of estate of (ieo Groner, tie ceased. Bond approved. Report of ale ol pergonal prop erty of August Greenbeller, deceas ed, at $51.9U, approved. E B Sappington appointed adm. of estate of J W Sappington, de censed, appraiser. C A Raymond, W 1) Walker and F M Hill. Report of administrator ot God love Litka estate examined, approv ed. Report of the estate of V B Lew is examined and approved. BEAVERTON. B Evans, who has been suffering with an obstruction of the artery of his leg, is quite badly off and his chances for re covery are lew Willie Bougher, whose knee joint was excised sometime ago, is almost sufficient ly recovered to sit up. A B Cady has been nominated for coun ty treasurer by the Washington county republican central committee, and if elected will make a good official. Norman Walters, of Cedar Mill, while wrestling at school sustained.a very se vere dislocation of the elbow joint, and a partial one of the shoulder. He will be unable to wrestle again for a good many days. A union meeting is in progress at the Cong, church and a very large crowd is being attracted by the very fine singing A Davis has sold his sawmill engine CORNELIUS. Col Britton was in Cornelius Monday. Bom to the wife of J H Allen, a son, May the 9th, 1896. Scott Walker, of Gasto.i, was in the city last Saturday. The Lee girls arrived home from Port land last Saturday evening. Jack Neep, formerly of this place, but now of Chicago, arrived home Satur day evening. Miss Cora Merrill came out from Port land last Saturday eve to attend the Drama. The Epworth League will give an en tertainment at the church next Sunday. Some special features will be introduced. Rev Dunlap will hold a revival meet ing at West Union next Sunday. A Tilden, a distant relative of S J Til den, arrived in this city from Indiana with his family. They will make this their future home. S B Smith, populist candidate for pros- ..: .... t?:.j eciuing any., was iu vumcuua rnuav. J Vandervelden.of Verboort.was in the city Monday. Miss Lula Smith and brother, of Gas ton, visitea with u 1 flumps ana taut ily Saturday and Sunday. A A Phillips will open up a real estate office in Cornelius about the 1st of June. J Beal, of Gales Spur has rented the shop near the P O and wt4l mend boots ana snoei at naratime prices. FISH MARKET J. D. ROSELAIR, Prop., HILLSBORO, - - OREGON Salmon 8 and 10 cents per pound.. Herring, salt, 8 for 10 cents. Fresh and Salted Salmon Egg Con stantly on Hand. THE DELTA DRUG w STORE (Next Door Bryan -Laidlaw Co.) Main Strip', llillsboio. A fine line of Toilet 'Article, Brushes Coml)M, Perfumes, Patent Med ledum and npomal attention given to futility and Acvunwy, IS Vote the democratic ticket for the legislature and you will vote for representative people. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of April, 1896, there was a darkbay horse with small white spot in forehead, about .1 years old, weight seven or eiuht hundred, jumped into my inclosure one .;v... r 1 ...,,1 1 ca .1 1 , n , - uuuc wn-. vi u.ttiii. i nuvc icu mm Bliu is placing .v upu a ... .u. n- care(1 (jr said horse iinw gbov(J mcn1, ..The horae will be delivered 'o v.v.ivr b The onion croo hps consinwuhlv 111- prnvitu vroivttv ami pftvitii' c"vr 'o lured in many places along the beaver feeding, etc, I' KikTR, dam by the late rise iu the water. t Laurel, Ore. Cor. 2d & Wash'toQ ) J. NOKTHRUP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. - , . Notary Public . . , Loans, Collections , . , FIRE - AND . . ACCIDENT : INSURANCE : J. I. KNIGHT, General Fire Insurance and Loan Broker HILLSBORO . . OREGON Win. fira, CARPCTWEAVING, Centerville, Oregon. V,'ci.vub carpet striped an4 measured to fit aay room. Prices to suit (be bard timtfl