THEARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic Piper in Wash ington Count?. ISSUED EVEKY THURSDAY BY The Arps PaMtshiitg Conpa&y. subscription riuca. Single copv Are cents. One year, $1. 00. Six months 60 vents. Throe mouths So cents, 1 , .j. , . Entered at the Post-oftice at Hillsboro, Oregon, as feecoud-clas mail matter. HARVEY 8KK8 IT NOW, TM Oregoiiian, the Koran for Oregoq. republicans,, occasionally, while-trying to., make a point for its single gold standard advocacy, tell the truth. Its Monday issue fcays "How are we to protect our selves against the low prices, and the subtle, inces8ant,and,as it were, the quadruroanous activity, of the vast populations of oilier countries, ( with which we are brought, by mod-1 methods of THE H1LLSBORO A ROUS. THURSDAY. MAY U, ISM. Look ! The npresentativetieket is the peer, in personality, if nol better, tlinu any other ticket in the field. Ira Purdin, E. C. chulmerich and Dr. F. M. Robinson are good men and will vote, if elected, to reduf-e state and county expenses. Vote for them and save your jacket books or vote for republican o-mill state tax and no laws. Ix this issue The Ai:ois dike pleasure in presenting to its read- Democratic Ticket State Ticket ern meinoas of communication, imo acuve competition 7 Ul high eis a record of how the legislators tariff do it? Out of what resources. ' voted at the hist fsim, iv... .... I men, are mgn wages to be paid and propria! ion bills. That was the ' high prices maintained in the U. S., famous rei.nhlinn, since our products must be sold in , which was pledged to economy and the markets of the world, at the reform and with pardonable pride world's nrixuf! ' .i . . . i . . T ium rUD" 18 reqoested to note ims is vnat lHK Arovs has, that it remained fnr.U,wt i For CMigressmnu JKFF MYERS of Linn County. Supreme Jiuljfo J'0. BURNETT of UorvaUis. District Ticket lo sustain railroad commissioners? Who r tlie rail road eoniioisMon er? and how do they setwi the jieoplc? They ride along at a slow rate of speed, say 4 or 5 miles an hour, and insiMt the hridwa and i track. Now, do they carry a crow! bur, ax, and pick, and examine ilie bents, and dig out under ties to timl j nut if thpv . ... -wuiiii, rs nivy ride in a car on a hot day in cuiti mer with the doors open for the ben efit of their health? Its !) out. of a 100 that tiiev i.wup i.oi n.,,1..., bridges or eulb-rtsor dig out under .l,toVlkffi mili'Vt! , n. ! II u I luuii i in tit I - - " 'v' Iimiuire at Thk Akoiis oTn-e Purest Drues and Chemicals. Patent Modil Rare Bargains I The Hillsboro Pharmacy Select Stock of Stationery. Parllrnlar All.uu.,, o,,.. PI'VS Irian' I'.,...,,...;. ... 1 "' Ka nilv I ... . ""I'MOl.K.J - - - - i j.i n. it city limits, k in property. stated time and again in reply to the republican press' statements that the democratic tariff has ruin ed the country. The fact of the vote for lower appropriations than any other member in th assembly For Joint Senator W.B.MLLARD of Columbia County. District Attorney J. E. HEDGES of Oregon City. County Ticket State Senator 8. B. HUSTOX of Hillsboro. For Representatives IRA K. PURDIN PR. F. M. ROBINSON" ED. SCjTJLM ERICH County Sherift" lOS. TALBOT of Cornelius, County Clerk CHAS. CROCKER of Hillsboro. County Cominiraioner F THATCHER of Thateherville. County Assessor ROBT. THOMPSON of Cedar Mill. County Treasurer PETER ! OSCOW of Hillsboro. County Coroner DR. R. SAXDFORD of Oleneoe. County Platform. Whereas, the existing depressed con dition of the country demands rigid econ omy in government affairs, we hereby condemn the last legislature for its wilful disregard of its pledges for economy and its failure to repeal the laws creatine useless commissions, and we pledge the candidates nominated by this convention to favor reduction of salaries in all de partments; state, county, and municipal. And whereas, as the excessive salaries ot the present paid to ourcounry officials render taxation a!most confiscation, we most heartily endorse the action of Sen alor S. B. Huston in H,. ,;., -rJil.:" .i,.. , - "-'"5 i salaries of the several county offices of Wash ington County as introduced by him in the session of the legislature in 1803, bv which there would have been a Mvine !n"'pTrs 5f this county of "o annually; and we demand a reduction of the present fixed salaries of said county offices as follows: C.ounty Clerk and de. puty $2000; Countv Sheriff .nJ JI500. gible to the ofhee of county school superintendent. This makes the populist candidacy vacant and Mrs Thorn will doubtless lake the initi ative in drawing down from the ticket. This decision is looked up on by Mr. Uraig's friends as a God send and f pecial act ot Divine Pro vidence. The Supreme Court of this statu matter is the republican tariff laws has decided that women areinelli torced the cultivation of cereals in other than American dominions for the reason a high tariff militated against successful interchange of products on a basis that that was in any measure reciprocal. Other markets were sought and produc tion was encouraged everywhere to supplant the American supply ButThe Oregonian, with full knowl edge of these conditions is working tor the success of a high tariff law in antagonism to its honest com prehension of economic detail and law. Why does the great daily do this? Because, one must think, the great republican organizations pav for the expressions of the metropol itan press, lhis does not, of course, apply to the country republican press, for these country editors, like sheep following the Dell, must need follow even if the grass be short and the range more or less barren. Just at the present time it would seem exceedingly appropriate to have an interpretation of the law of our state in regard to the granting 01 teachers' certificates. The law plainly states that applicants for first grade papers must have held third and second grade papers, had a certain amouut of experience, and obtain a general average of not less than 90 per cent. It also states that an applicant falling Wow 70 per cent in any one branch shall not be granted a first grade paper. If our laws are worth passing and being allowed a place on our stat ute book, they are worth enforcing,,' nemer 11 nn a matter of a public! oflicialorprivatecitizen. When iiiil nmtlifimit A-,.. : . ... .1 ...... iciiiucaie rails to come up to the required standard there must be some good reason for raising her standing so as to grant a eertihcnte. In our last examina tion, it is said, an applicant receiv ing an average of below 80 and fall ing below the limit on two branches was granted a first grade certificate; while one making an average of n- Doveau was denied a certificate Why this discrimination? The facUhat Mr. Cady was put on the republican ticket in the in terest ot and tor the purpose of Keeping the old soldier vote, should lose him the election. A 'man should be elected n his merits and should not go into office on the strength of a political makeshift which was really made to hold the old soldierjrote for Hughes et al. It really does pay to be runuine new republican newspaper in Washington county. Messrs l.nrire and Uraie. of The If.-ii..i.t both on the republican ticket but iur some reuson m. , nn f..H was left out in the cold to browse alone with the populist and dem ocratic press. Give us your jJsjP Uault. The many friends of T. g Weth ered arc working hard to elect him Recorder of Conveyance. In t lie field ugainst are tir0 ymig men, both popular in iheir parlirs. T. S has, however, the confidence of the whole county and even tlnihe who will vote against him speak, of hin. in highest pruise. the tie to see if a spike is holdinz J" "erea eleuml, fluent quality of bottom' it. .But they will receive their mo,, : Zlll '"wif, ' ey just the same, .We have no sell in a body f,. sawo-part down bal usefor them whatever. Vote for .Til"! I'"10 lo sult i'rehwr. or will men who will work for the tax pay . ZXTZ 'rlZl ers or our state. Voters! will you ! J0' Ht '-6 '. Here is u elmn.-e 1 vote for republicans? or will youfe oie lor a man line .Mr. Huston who ","" ?"u it. On the market for a ui.,1... -. will wort fnr Hm ..fl.:. !rt tiiiift only. . Holiest pie? I would suggest that our ren-1.,.. 1 10 "'''eN, half .louiod, 1 acre 1 . . !! verilaiii, rest nIiihIkhI anil mnvn In irp.. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARK3TJ J. K IIKKSl, I'koc Beef, Mutton, Veal and Por reseu tatives and s.ate senator would ' Xli:i.Sp,"iW,rVi work to pass a law, giving the pen- i '," two ""Ihw f lillHlHro. Terma, SIUO pie a chanod to pay their taxes twice iXt !" ."."."f ' a year, so that the burden may not Prt, at mmiw pi-u-e per acre, Iiu'IikIIiik 15 irrra 01 neavordaiii and awail cleared. 'J8 aeroH, liiifliwav riiiiiiinir aerea in orchard, applr-s. be so heavy 011 the tax Pavers." An illliclnitinn von r I....,.: I ll No 3 this vear aaaMtaP.! t'r,t) I "yfrof pirn. aOaeres in Cllltl- r. ' , .. , l y ' "v,r 1 " ! aerea in orrliard, apples, pomn after taking out the expenses of: ' I'l'ims; room liousej loB burn. Rood raising a crop, which generally sells SWtife in the lull, how much is there left y srinKs and ciwfc; lao aeren " under for me after paving the tax on it? '""IT .,!lil.!'s fr"" l'ONt "'e, dully Xot nn ,.nf ' tL o !!!m.!'. .! '".. -".'.'!!. s.,'',"' house and six .. ..... mr . iiuium inn iiori.ii 01 iiillslKiro. (loos etit'iin lor fu..tu I).ii.'i ...... !.:..! 1 .1 puuli 1 1..VVC Kept Constantly on Hand. Mai bet : 1'i ice : I'aiu : for : Fnt Cattle. : Sh..... r Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STUKKT, . HILLSIIDKO, ami : j OUKtjoxJ V. T. Andrews. President, 1. V. DurriMicc SVcri MOUNTAINDAl.K, are actua miles north of iiiiui Don't you think under these . CM!,ll conditions our conntv ollirra No 4 A muni I'fblilAr lotno f.,:., 1 entitled to work for" a reasonable rt!B1St& T and in excellont repair, wiil (w at a har-l! Hit 1 I L'uin lor ens 1. l,t .....11. 1 it lllii . I'".' mmi III u 1 H' 1 i.' on lonjf tiiuo wilh sci'iirity. ; No s 11 acres; half cleared, W.uu-c in ! V I Kr,,ss- lood house of four rooms; j..)0d y ANDREWS LUMBER CQ Vim;(iimiiui'0 JUIIOS, 1SI. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. ORKCON payment for their services? Votkus will you send the G. 0. 1'. hack to the legislature to make l.iws for us as I hey have been doing? Or will you send such representatives dm irn anil fintliiMl,liii,,fl 1;:... t 1 S. B. Huston, 15 Sclmlnierich. Ira S trees and various other small' fruits I'lmiin and l)r, Itobinsou. men of '5 cl"fke" 50 ducks, i-liorse waeon. ability, and who will make their ? ?, "'K . '1Hr,le?s- S0"1 cow. 3 heifers voices heard .from one end of the tbr'ch TOad. legiiiuvB 11:111 id me oilier Kead what a republican says about. Mr Huston in the democratic conven tion. ! Gentlemen in I will say to you -democrat or o- pies party -I don't understand whv you should leave the parly on ac count of the hard times which have been upon us during the democratic administration. I suppose that von are aware of the fact that diirinu the last year of Pres. Harrison's ad ministration the hard times were with us, aihI when Pns. Cleveland took the office iIih government vaults were practically empty, ami the country's nrosneritv si'ulcmir Because Pres. Cleveland is f. r a gold stxndard is no reason in niv opinion for the democrats to desert ie party. I can not see bow w- will better our conditions by voting e people party or republican ticket. Our democrat slate conven tion went fur free eoiiuiL'e l(i to I ami that is all the propl..' party can ilo. I here is no doubt bu' our niui.uia! coiivention will o,. i,i !e same. Will Vou Vote fordemn crats? Or will vou vote Po- paopl. s' -republicans who have left the re ublican l iirty f r the sike of of nee. Ihtnk well before vou vni. . This is l ho situalion and "problem we are called to lace in tbe year lS!fi. Tiios. Talb:it. Dated at Cornelius, May 13, '96. 'J'.. .li M;il,, hcee v.r. TO THE EAST ....(lives (he choice of.,,, TWO Til A XSC0NTIN1CKTA I ROUTES L nii-n SPOKANE MINNEAi'OUS AMI ST PAUL 3 THE HUFFET CAR KOUT luilway g Shortest fl.Tiil Oninlrcof T IIKTWKKN PACIFIC COAST POINTS . L'l" t 1 t ..... ot. Paul, a IN l) THK EAS'j un.n 1110 t ltM;M ,,d th llocky Monnluin. In tAV I Kil.t Ml-ll I'MI'M I till , 1 1 it 1' . I . ' " 1 ' " v -el"" " , 01 icwiiiK the uft'urfliiig ..firrat Koribein liy. Grandest Scenery in America. Two tmlim iln-U- iv t..i 1 I'l'iaiy cam. mluc. Hll, ii,,tl,,P , ,,', , 'l , , ' , , "'" K' dlnihg; cirx, 'hntt vou "u o'"1 ...i ; a!M,;:!:::Tx..H,,!:rt,:.,.x; r; u'" TIIL' P V!l.nnn 'm ' " 1 ii ii uiAuirit-niM wini 1 lie (iriMit iNoiihcni l;nilu,.i 11...... "o, .Mill, ........ . . . . I M M , I I I Vi lli' T II- Lulu .1 ..I.. V- , . 11. OIILT i.lHir. , V ,111, ,,i,. ,1" i:..i.,,,., , " " ' I 1 , X S I I. A lUnimii, ',-n.. " . . " ""u i" iM.-tl .l,,m. .'- .,, v. ..., K"iiunu iniiiriiiniiiia call on or mlibes., U. C. 8THVKXS, (i. W. 1' mi Kront St.. Seattle, Wn'sli. A. It. (', DUN'Ms'i'iix t; iV.,. PACIFIC ONIYERSlTYse DENVKK OMAHA A.NU KANSAS CITY The arraignment of the last legis lative assembly by Hon. II. V. Gates, in his Tuesday evening speech should beenoutrh Recorder and deputy ' any taxpayer that as a matter of We further demand of our legislature protection to his assessable nrorwot ir K.SiS" t f r b!;Ca" Ca"did thelegi, the improvement ot the public roads in I ,H"ure 8n"li not be returned. If such labor caTfcTonve be elected, In order that we may have an ecofiom- th(s SCe,,e8 ot two years ago will be fcal administration of state government reueateil T..J . ,7 we demand that the u,f I?",,' Tew&- laxpayers should throw fcS?rW be kept 1trict? within th "Way the Partis"ip and vote for I elti interests of I pensation for any duty or service impos ed by law upon such officer shall be re pealed. ... ir j. . . ' ...... ..l.i! 1 . . v---y''wion, tne aomes- denied bv the rm..,Ki;.. H,t iwu,- , . commission, the Horticultu-1 .1 --r Kmn press or 1 . " " "6 """iioaieu lor ser rrrin;rT.r,1!wsc.reatin8t ifanyaii in this IV 'I1 t0 ' democrats of i. .ZA7r.;ZL r": "1C suPP" 01 the, county wants trim rbf. 1...1.....1J """"'"Bom county tor their sun- . : "coiiuum : i,,,rt ., i ii . .1 , , .' ' uniers wno eel na who A t . me wiioie county. Thestatempnta of Mr. Gates as to the action 'jfTtairp" reoublica 11 IpcrislalMi-u ...III ' . . i Myrtle J. Webster has filed suit against her husband Will J. J Webster for divorce. They are trom Yamhill county and thenlain tiff states that her husband has de serted her 111 addition t: being an opium rieiia. The case of state vs J. Dillerv et ux was tried Wednesday by a jury oeroie jtnije Knight. The jury brought in a .verdict of guilty of trespass against Dillery and acquitted the other pnty. Judge Knight imposed a fine and costs a mounting to W..H. Morgan, the democratic candidate for constable in North Hillsboro district, will make a good officer if elected. Frank Williams, is his opponent on the republican uwrcu nun j. v,. winneiu runB on the populist platform. Lea vit Days LOW liATKS TO Abb 'KASTKHN CJITIKS Oman Stramn-i Portland ICvrv A7r. ... FOR.... SAN FRANCISCO K;r lull dtitails cull on or lul'lresa: W H lUJKbBl U", (ien'l I'asn Aftmit Purtluiiil, Oregon. Or J. I. Kiiijfht, Ilillslioro, Oio. Tli HICK Clll.t KOK ( uniKKH X Ifll Kdueutioi, Classical, Scientific, IiteiarJ efatvs f C-lleiro ,v , Urn I-) piepai'ali Ul .1 1 1 . I 1 ' ' r- I, . II ,1 t, 1, 1 . r.. T. 1 ' Ht o lot 1 nicnint; ,.. II. II. v- to 4-1 p, ,' uu-UuUuf ,-!,,.;, ,i ,ttJ$S 1 he Lol.g.. )nrn v, ,,,), , ,,Xl ., . , u I )Y , "i "m.i ., st .2.-, ier h.k ; :r , i. . .'ill u 11, 1 ...... ... .1.. k ili'llls rem r., - Ii 1.1 .. '""oysiu t.,,.v I I ... ' " ' " total cost ; . " t'ri "''X' ii:e snr in? ti.r.o Oil hi 1.111 I .... 1 . . p.'i'i? 1 ' """" or 1'iiian.giie mlari 1, IS'JG ess, Dot April THOMAS McCLELLANO, ''"rwt Orove, 6reK..n. SUMMONS. In I lie Circuit Court if U,e Htnte ofOreKon ioi ths comity, of Washington A V Lambert, I'laiiitlll'. 1 VR. Diiviil T IIulHteuil niul irn.,, n Tru is adiniiiistrator of the CHlate of 1'iVU HulatOad. llttl'l'iiiiHil lll..,l ,, . J'VIVIIIHIIIlll, To David T Halstvad ilofeinlaiit: fhoa, r. Cakes, Henry C. Pnyi.. A state and district fairs hvPi'0t-ewagainst aU "Pproprialions by the legislature of this state for the iinnnr J Z 11 , , ", nlena"ce ot col eges re- " SeS9Ofk,0r Sectarian deiiomina nous, exeentmcj School normal That, having full confidence in the patriotism of our citizens and in their states and the constitution of our state we view w,th regret upon the part of tie so called "reformers and good govern- mon'J JZlT pSu discord a montr ouraoennle anA ; hgion with politics and business andX nounce such atteniDt i,n. 1 , . wv xx, ioijinougn ihev want a sheriff good clean men. an. will ui '.i.. , , enn r " ""vimjfu inn ihhv, ana letnocrinii- , - - ...LJ 1.1(71 iu the utmost confidence of the peoph irrespective of party or creed. The "depreciated" dollar which Mr. Gates spoke about Tuesday evening, does not exist. The ma terial out of which the silver dollar W made is at this time; in equal amount as contained in a violation of our constitutional richulN'ot an eauivaleiit. bm (I,- I..... (ove vi society. We further endorse the principles ex pressed in the state platform. F nerioiore. j ii one instance a man wae murdered in his own house, buried in a manure pile, and the murderer allowed to roam around at his leisure after it was ffenemllw pretty well known that he was the man wanted for the-ci ime. He was even allowed to leave the country We are all well aware that Wash, county has been republican for the pasi twenty hve years, and the G 0 Honry C'. limine, liaciover. ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE. j..ii . .... onar wouia then be a "depreciat ed" rlnllor n...l 1... i . . . At me request of my friends I hereby v the a inounce myself an rnHnj. r.V: J? ' 1 le O. P. has hiwn in r..ll ,.... ! . i ....,', ii , i " "oivroj linn gressional law made the silver coin ,m8 ru t'e countv to suit it. secondary to cold coin and 1 J8elf d not the ueoole. f . doing destroyed a primary use of P I,1 ei,,ocrt n'l people's silver. Mr. Gates LDil ,2 ?n I Rf f'1"' mi,,,led republiou... g state that .Wb ! V"teM n,e" in ,he C0IiK elec- sta e that w th free coinage, a silver , tion, who ill work for the interim i.rt - y. uie taxpayers of Washington Co Pullman ; Sleeping Cars ciegant Dinini Cx Tourist Sleeping Gara T PAUt WNNfAPCttS DUIrUTJL ; f Attao 1 CR0OK8TON WINN PEO HELENA ?nd BUTTE TN TIIK NAM 10 OF Tllifi STATU OF M. Oreiion vim lire hamliv mmiinj jienr mill aiiMvcr Ihecomp'luint tlWt aualiiHt you in the almvo entitled N1,lt, me nrm Monday ot the next H.r., 1 8,1 !' u"l"'. K'-wit: Mom- iuwui uuy oi .1 my, A. I)., it WILEY & DENNIS CITY LIVERY STABLE"! Cor. jaj aaj Washington Street, Is WHERE YOU "WILL FtMn xur " ,?. . ItAMS THAT CAN BE HAUf EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAM, GOOD BUGGIES .Dd DRIVERS, Hi,,,., ... """i ""' nlanrtuTwU iT. VK! W ""! etdeniunded ... U,o com.,lm,,t tiled here in, to wit: lor a decree foreclosinir a ner tuin iiu.rt(ruK on the north ball of U,. south west quarter of the north east, Mmu. ter of section 25 townshiji t south nn west of the Willamette Lri.hun . iNtf 20 fU!fRtt mnm i laa 1 - V ; - -.,,. j, omm oi ureifon an. m ju(lKnient for tlmsimi nrw h. ,i . ' . ' ar land Interi'st thereon from January & im, at 8 iier cent er ainium less the sun i ui loriv-iotir no ni'a i,i, ,1 n, n ...... Court may deem proper. C taicl court, made and dated April S, mm. A. i. 1.KW1S, Attorney for Plaint ill'. TWO FOR ONE (TMWlPi f SUMMONS. I Is the standard emulsion the vcr.d over. There is nnt J ''wultiJwirt ot the Stme ..."On-jro -. .. fiiwii i-ii,i I y , J Melvin Th"i'ii, Allen M Thorn, lo Alice M Tlmni, deleiidiint, t'liilntilt'.. Del'niidnut.i the iilmvo naini'il IoJJIK is,'VS115 OK THK 8TATK OF tnan woman or child who Is I TjM fr run down or emaciated or ha Z '..! II "L "ht 4 r ttf llin i,uJ "wtiiK"N Ul 11171 Mnwii . BUU WV" 01 8111,1 crt next flm-;i..i :v i "i,ru in uiu it lit? pre- 1 , :3v."u.b..'''" i,i? u , , ,. ' v '"HI ULIUII UI U IK SUIIIIIKH1M imtl fVdll full mm.. ) j:r Mld 0,,nTplt Ihi PIS wiii S ,," '."B lor the relief therein "I iiiiu nemuiiileri Send for free tample and judge thereby. And II i I shorn fom ,v . V , V All liU uiirnniiti Rmuimfi Kan w liuuMii jm m ' "'lUiaiLU III II'IU lit I III lurl I V. . n wn "ihiuvh i: ri, i rim ..!... -i!n..i vcc.;ii;ng3tt Scott's Ernul- -7 '"F l p'-r n-l nt k fu' .... !..'' '"'''ii the mime beinirfiii tl,o Hivt ,i,iv " uuueiit, wfien .you a for it you will likely 'p, ;'d y the druggist that emulsion " Just as 30 jV . It Js not tnn M emulsion 13 as good. ..Gpottlsfmubion has bene i..24mlntotacf people. Ask your-druggie if he can refer 7cu tcra single case that has been helped by the unknown emubio.n he sells, and If so, wwi:lMnd you a book giving r Till ""in f.t 11 a o iC T 1 i zs- 1 ou want ho -anaard; not something t.iat nobody knows anything Urn he niai'iiaue iiiwl J,. ' .r .r . (.T hHii,, 1,;. ....... mkv vuinrtnNrnim .: li nite, 'iB",(,d. court i.iarle In t'hmo- " uy or I'cbruary, Ini ii, rHOuaH CHICAGO inmiriM M.,ir -j . 1 - JJaluriEV Of IWiim o f 1 : -. ..v..u nn iiiucuennpiii l onrii. - mm 1 iievHr run u it U SH r J nniit.1,, . 4 1 . w.. i 1 , OTMIlLIf 111 niluTitli ou nre aware of the fact that many have to mortgage their honieB . l m'mev to pay taxes. Tl.eA8HiiiFT0N "iiwionai legislature of '95 voted taxes Upon our iihihiIa ii,.if ......... . y IIIHV lilO.1t J TO Both fa 4 i fcr rash in .TT I 111 " - " Per Year' 1 'ui vnuui- Co,eyaceSat and fought the w v ci VOIH lor n I ;. senator. t.h Dated this 3rd day of April, 1896. T. 5. WEATHERRED. 81)011 r cnlo IV, jwiu.Kiratic ticket. Every man on (tle ticket in worthy and honest. PHILADELPHIA NEW VORK I0ST0M AND AU "ejoitiy uh the records will nhow. and now the G. O. P pie to send back reuuhlicans f,,.. ,J Vot- lubl ien np 1 P0INI8 EAJf ,d SOUTH '" i'lf'.nuii'.loii. time ft-.niv m -ikKi'iN cjili 1. a or i-itti ! tiprt vote for more appropriations, ers! will you vote for reini t. D, CI!:.." 255 Mwrison Mtreet Advance. Tl e Enquiror is a 9-columii. 8 page pnper, issued each Thursday. Largest in size, chenp-st in price most relialde in news. all largo type' plain prim, good vrhiti. papr." If our rciiflors wimt aunt iir live u-.nw( the Enquirer is thin paper. ' ' Call of send orders to """-.ocenuainl .n BOWNC1CheB,lrt.(N.wYor NOTICE. 3ko. W. ..)oHlIH. W. W. Annans has tiled his "tceptanoe of the nouitimtion for conslablo on the democratic ticket mcmuin llillBhoro pr-ecinet. "iy Administrator' Notice. N0.? ,lHJ""?by K'.ven that the under, oi wfiil ?.lh"" b6l!" '" county court ed adinl.. L." ""i"'.' 0reK". Pl'illt- riu 1ilStlutor.,)1 tl,e "tato of Geo me K. ai ra il i i 1 h"s qt'H'ijled UKUint A All said person litiviiiu cliiiin i-iHiiie nro neretiy no- XTOTICK in h.k . .. r"1 '? present the same in .,. .. ii I, ,.,.. 11 warrants miZ.P' h " ! ?!.voHolrst the law of H ' .....vat uiiiir ri f 1.. Mill. 111 iidi.i. - - the countv tJniV ...1' m.'!,u. J this date.. v iiiiu iniHrnur m untetn i . 1895, are now eeiie on same after April 2 M 1 . .. . oArriNoroH, County Treusurer." fi-tf A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot- t.t 1 1 1 III ! I ''I 1 - ' V ' '""w. round lot (,'ou woousnpn, and tivo Hillsboro. Oregon,- wi'tlii'n six llllL t h a H.i i on?avd lS Uhwii,'w0ili tbie 14th ,lu-v ouiay, lsiK), W. 11. Wminumi, Adniiniiftrittor. (ilOuls 1I-. y, (..',1,., part lot, roomy. wm. rupi m, (Succejr to C K iMaadl KXPRESS! IliilsnoroDffl. i(,,Ifl. itt iliis olliM," V I n - HUH tlBlflll Ui (Mill PrnW'11 ",,rl carefully attended l.nii 4 ZTLZi ixW r."te rwwnahji. ' or at TitK A lwji'i, ' "r "H.oni a, y