THE HILLSliORO AUG US, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 18. N, of n. ry .in ul, IX, Is, VI' r,.r nd th icir of n of y. nit t 10- lo -list '0 flte Old rc- rch n. K. Kl.j i-p-I of ) n' will and en- nr. IT. THE -ARGUS . . CALENDAR Hun Muii I'TuukI Wed -C-IZTX : I I.JJ JL 12 j 13 J4j 15 lT' W I 2l- 22 27 "I 2S , 21) Daily Mull Arrives Jr'ormit llrovf - " w " I'ortliiiiil, Way Bii'l KiikIitii (llclll-OC - P '" ('nrvallU mill Way , Portland Daily Mall Departures: . Portland A Huateni via H 1 n hi Port viu i;icncoe, Lenox A Bethany I'urvHlllH Way 'Portland A Way - P m Ii'tirnut UrilVH - Fitriiiington nil IjUiii-iiI leaves at KfcWI a in and arrives at .1:45 u hi un Tuesday, Thursday anil Saturday No Hunilnv iniill. I'ostoftlec open from 7:01) a in to H;Uil in, except Niiiiuay. H. V. Time Tallin: Lv. Ar, Portland a in 7:l!l P -,hv,.lll u in Ml l m fi:U I'orlliiiiil i P 111 'j1'! McXlinnvlllo u m : P m :! 7:i:t Ki.'in !: ilioo 7:i:i :." ll:Ui THE POPyUSK HAVE NOMINATED Tim Ki-Lpat jli 17 18 2:f 24 I 25" '() Z "-' A Full Ticket is Named and Placed in the Field. that the assessor's salary remain untouched. Nominations were then 0;n:d and Mr. Heckart offered a resolution baring all from nomina tion who had not been at least 12 months in the faith, and that no populist candidate withdrawing be-, I ween convention .lay ami numi n W., CA Vf. J, SJ WlXlWl f I till VTAU V-l." MAYOR AITOINTS AUK CONFIDENT OF ELECTION; he eligible to further nomination for a period of four years. This ! wan voted down by laying on t lie J table, and thuH wan Sanford's chest- nut raker put on the shelf for the! second time. Nominations for; I Mate senator were: A H Mellon-, ! aid. John Pricket, L A Rood, E C IiIIIhIioio ami Immediate Vicinity : Scliulnieric-h, Judge Archbold, Itev. , Capture a Good Many Nomina-: Anderson, Jos Bueher and J J J li - -Sat.fnrd-Heckart Crowd All the populists inwitive-, i ly uecuneii except i ncnei. nu ' Lucher, and Schulmerich'H name I raised such a hornet s hest that at- erans on Re-Union. WILL INVITE THEM TO HILLKBORO Kadly Set Down on. At 10:00 a. in. Tuesday morning, Chairman A. t). Hrown called to order the populist county conven tion. There were present, at that hour, delegate and proxies to the number of 107. lie first stated that temporary organization should be effected and declared iiomina Mr. J. Curran of Rcedville who 1ms been seriousl y ill with pneu- nionia, is rapidly recovering under the skillful care of Dr. Linkiatcr, For boots andVhwes in all lines the old reliable fitfjof II. Wch rung & Hons leadurl competitors. The pong which provoked the most enthusiasm and npplauKe at tluvpopulist convention was thai wh$h bad for its chorus "Mu4 the banks and burn the bonds." Ladies' and missed wraps fur spring and summer wear at Sehul inerich & Hon. At the democratic primary in South Ilillshoro precinct W. V. Annans was nominated for consta- bin. Ah Annans had no vote he was powerless to prevent it but he ;loes not take it as an insult. When volt want an "up to dalf" ,' hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave or both, call at the City Shaving .l'arlorp. Hot. and Cold baths im mediate on order. E. E. Coi.KsTorK, Prop. ., Wash gooiU of all kinds for Paring and summer wear at II. . Vi'ohniui A Nonr. There are some reports preval- .. ent that thi 1J i'lhauy Hand h id did- , banded hut ('lias. Hansen informs :h licit tins is not so. II states the bind is larger ai.d more ellicicnt ' than ever. --Chin i Pheasant egas lor hcceling purposes 'V (i. Mitch -II. i lions open lor temporary cnairman ,;al,i(.lle fr tha nonii outioii somewav he was short of ter some parley be withdrew his name. Judge Arclibold went in on tlie first ballot, receiving 77 votes, llepiescnlative ticket The nominations on the repre sentative tictet were: Win Tipton, of Sherwood; Louis Ennw, of 'I'ual atin; John Pricket, of Forest Grove. On everv ballot Jos Uuclicr was a but votes, nerhatis because he bad so closely allied himself with the Sanford ele ment. County Commissioner But two nominations were of fered for this office, V B Swinney and Wm Schulirierich. Mr. Swin ney came under the wire with 01 votes out of the 122 cat. The elec tion was made unanimous. .County Clerk l..i tliiti nllinu Wtinl KwrOP (if man. Upon assuming his duties as , i'armington, was placed in nomi- executive. Air. heatow mane a neai anil secretary. Nominations lor (he first named as follows: J. i'. Ileck ert.of theHeaichlight; Lewis Ennis, of Tualatin; J. Sea ton, of Sherwood and J. C. Hare, of Ilillshoro Mess rs Ennis and Hare declined and the chairman declared the nominations elided, appointing (1. A. Sanford and Itev. Black as Tellers. The vote vas 59 for Sea ton and 48 for Ilickert. Mr. Brown then declared the and Mr. Seaton took the chair. Ward Swope was by ac clamation I'lccled t.'inporaiy chair All Endeavor Will be Made to Have Tliem Meet Here on July 2nd, Sid and 4-th Pa (rue Promises (iood Weal her. little speech, advising harmony and a subservience to majority rule. By motion each precinct delega tion' selected one of its members to form h committee on resolutions, the result being ns follows: Beaver ton, A W Pike; Buxton, M Burgh olzcr; Cornelius. .1 A Ruble; Colum bia. J Miller; Dairy, W Hill; Dil ley, J Bucher; East Butte, C Elliott ; E. Cedar Creek, W (ioble; (tales Creek, Swinney; Mountain, II B K-nistnn; N Ilillshoro, A C Arch bold; N Forest drove, A V Brown; S Forest drove, It Kuhn;S Ilills horo, O C Zook; S Tualatin, A Mc Donald; Wupato. II Wall; W Butte, W Tru.xlale; W Cedar Creek, J Campbell, Washington. Chas Han son. j After desultory motions a com ' mitlec on credentials was appoint Jed consisting of D Corwin, A 0 Brown, C F Castile, b red Jsuiglioi ...... ,,,! si II Dm. hui- Then fol- inquire ol , ,'()Wt,t ,, Hl,M,iutment of (i A San i ford. I) B Emciick and T .1 Lecdy wan ted Mcn'r ,1'uruisbii'g goods just; ii cuioiiiittce on outer of laiMiiess in the f ic'orv at lio' i-r pi ices i The preliminary woi k being thus ban ever at I'vimlne-neli iv .oo. iilisposeil ul bv renotrKs Wi le inane ny Partlow. of Ilillshoro. which was popllllSl ami the democrat n pojiUUst lllid .ll'ls arc o i i .. i- i - .MC Mil ley ii(l ' " "".'V I , ,, , .i...u f,...,,, uont repul.licns lh.sed I he .., , , tJai:fi,tiii. who huvc a new Kind or mmge, , , . .. . i ni,,,,,r ' , ,r ', stand ;,u"! ' ' n"J ' , !, h.c scats ofi""!'1 l:P- ' Ar'TKUNOON SK88ION. 1 .... iu ...po iicl to1 1 he alternoou session openeu up din ")!) t iflDOO L't- -.1. ers. 1 Kn make loans of on easy terms. -The semi-annual meeting of the Washington County Veterans' Association will be held at Forest drove, May 7th. At this time they will decide on lime and location of the annual e-union. with music bv the dales Creel nation but declined, withdrawing in favor of Lincoln Laughlin. The secretary, was instructed to cast the convention's ba'lot for Mr. Laughlin and he was declared duly elected the Moininee. For Sheriff This ollice stirred up considerable enthusiasm and nominations were off-red as follows: D B Emerick. of Scholia: Win Schulmerich. of FarmiiiL'toii: A .1 Veatch, of dales Creek: Archie Wilkes, of Cornelius S li Diiiihnrr, of Wapalo; ,J C Hun, of Hillsboro; J J Seaton, of Sherwood. All withdrew execut ing Emerick, Veatch and Archie Wilkes. The nominations w'ie declared closed and tbe first ballot re-ulted: Emerick, 5S; Veatch, 8 and Wilkes, 52. At this time a motion to adjourn until evening, amended to extend the time until Wednesday morning. wa voted down. Veatch then withdrew and the chair ordered a ballot, result ing iu Emerick receiving 64 and W ilkes o(i. Emerick wa-i declared the nominee and the convention adjoiirmd Until ediiesd.iy morn ing .::;o. wudxksday's WOliK. . Promptly at 9:30 a m. Chairman Seatoncalled ihe convention to or der, stating they were now ready to eutopic e the nominations. For llccoider For this ollice were placed in nomination: F M lleidel, IIill.-loro; That Man Meeting. At the mass meeting held in the city hall hut Friday even ins en thusiasm made up for the lack of laro attendance. .Mayor doodin culled the attendants to order and stated the objett of the meeting. On motion a committee was appoint ed to confer with the members of the Gen. ltansotn post, who in turn will place the matter before the ex eentive session of the Washington County Veterans' Association, which holds at Forest Grove, May 7. The committee is a good one and consists of the following citizens. the first named being chairman: J. 0. Hare. Dr. W. D. Wood, J. J. Morgan, II. V.Gates, Johnson Free man, E. J. Lyons and G. W. Pat terson. It is expected that the com mittee will have a conference with the Directors of the Speed and driv ing Association to ascertain just what that organization will do lo assist in getting the re union held iu this city and on the dates of the race program. Last year they met here and were treated handsomely, but the inclem ent weather much detracted from the real enjoyment of the occasion This year, however, weather Direct or Pague has been seen in advance and will fill a special order for live ilavs hue weather, a day to come on, three davs for the re-union ami one to return home. It is desired to having arousing time on the Fourth and if the Veterans can be prevail- led on to come Ilillshoro will have mother historical Fourth. Odd, Fellows' Anniversary. The 77th anniversary of Ameri can Odd Fellowship was duly and appropriately celebrated by the Ilillshoro membership Saturday evening. The meeting was held at the Odd Fellows' Hall under '.he auspices of the Uebekah Lodge. There was a very line tiroura n and addresses were made by J. P. Tam-n-sieaiuiT lI.Tbngue. Impromp tu remarks were made by visiting members. A solo by Ethel Morgan whs one of the Natures of the eve ning ami the ins'i'iinieotal music was rendered by the Rowel I family, of Scholls. The attendance Wits very large and after the exercises a delightful banquet, was spread. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. J. B. Wilkes and Calvin Jack were Portland vieitorg Monday ev ening. George Groner, of Scholls, who has been ill for some time, died Thursday. Messrs. Wilkes and Stock well have put in a skimming station at the head of Lousignont lake near the Sears place. From this point the cream is taken to their cream ery at Oakfield place near Green. ville. It was reported in Saturday's Oregonian that Jacob BeiiBch, a resident of Columbia county, died at his home at an advanced age. Mr. B. was for many years a resi dent of this county and was former owner of the Ibach farm. Beaverton will soon have a tent of the Maccabees. This order is gaining considerable strength in Northwest. A number of visitine members from Forest Grove lodge, United Artisans, visited with Hillsboro assembly on Tuesday evening and the rank of rellow Workman was conierred on two candidates. Al ter the business of the evening was transacted all were initiated into the arts and mysteries of the lunch table. The Oregonian recently pub lished a list of pioneers of the Northwest among which were these now located in Washington county: Martha Rhodes, Laurel; m. M. Stephens, Buxton; Darling Smith, Gaston; Donald McPberson, Bux ton; John S. Griffin. Hillsboro, and Mrs. Mary It. Walker, Forest Grove. I. A. Macrum was iu the city yes-.erday. J. M. Brown has disposed of his news business ami W. E. Brock will hereafter supply the people with inagrztncs and moi.thlies. Edw. Hall, special agent of the Connecticut Fire Insurance com pany, with headquarters at Port land, was in the city yesterday on business with Judge Knight. The road along the Witchhazel place has recently been ploughed up and the rains have left it in a very bad condition. Numerous com plaints are being made and those who must travel over that highway are not in a very pleasant frame of mind. They think there was no necessity of tinning up so much soil before the weather had settled. Till? MWHIIPUK! i mi Mi bii i n . ?w ii' riniM mnin! 9itf ft HE IKLUI Everything Passed Harmoniously. Off J. A. IMBRIE NOMINATED CI.EKK The Couvention Hakes Rapid Work of Nominating Were in Session Five Honrs Hughes Nominated Fortate Senator. sociKTIE$. v Pliamlx 1axsc No 34. K of I lnetn on MoihIii-v evening or earn m ecu. in MiiHontc hall. rhonecia Temple No 10 iiieeUon the nii.l and fourth Friday pf wt month in I O O F hall. Montewima Ialtte Nd 50 I O O F meet evrry Wednesday rv- fr pniiig in tiieirnini. HillHboro Itohekiih Lodge No 54 inert in Odd Fellow' 'hull on the third Saturday of each hionlh. iruality Lodije No li A F A A M , meet every- nauiruny ihk" " idn r lull moon of wen month. Tualatin Chapter, No :ll, Kastcrn Star, meets Heeoim ami lourm "i-; each month at Masonic hall. iniL.i .t.i.flim No 01 A O I; W l"":. " .":..,l .nd fourth lllU'.Tfc CIC'J - Friday in each month. i.shiiiKton Kiiciiminncot Nc 24 I him nun i.M.t ... Xi.sliiiiKtoii I'.noumymwM DOK mucin oil e.(lllll i Friili.y "t'ei.i !, 1... mil. .lV.ll. in (iii-i evei.-iu- ,..r.. I,coVeN.. IT I OUT ineet The republican uounty conven tion met Thursday and-, put out their ticKet. a. v. Mir. enus. who : , ,.. ,,mlfiranl!eNo;3 , ,.f i meet was temporary chairman was made Tr -wi and 4in auturdavs in. permanent executive and L. It. Traver, of Beaverton, acted assei retary. At 1:30 the standing com mittees reported and they went to work with a will. NOMINATIONS. 1L Viola Tent, So IS, K O T M. inei in Odd FelloWH1 Hull on fcn-onn am. l'o'..rth Thurxrtuy eveniiis-'H ol rucb inonili. Kuby Assembly, No. 2, I'nited .-rt.sims meet lirst unit third 'l in-sduy at I du lows' iiail. For State Senator The nominee' (J(JM uUI,soni Post, No (. o A it t t ! baud. After this came the report ' B d Leedy, imslon and i', li Jei.-r. !,,f tl i.niiiii.e on vrt dentin Is. of Tiuardville. The result of the tenting in the convention 122 dele L'ates. which was adopted. Th coinmiltce on order ol iiiisint-ss then rcpoited und the motion Ito adopt came up and carried. 'ii.... Ii.iil.ud III. lllt.(illilllfOlt V'llv im ni.'vi i.iv.v. ! -Hats at Schulmerich it Son that nfier precinct nominations had liolh great and small; can lit any I Urn ratified that the convention ad- : u. ti.ll...-' liculu lit. )..-)tt, JOlll II. ITJII I I milc HIV ..... '-Six shaves for liUy cents at the !!:.n Ton Shaving Parlors, most fashiouHhle in the city. We J.ave the linesUiiid l.irgest k id hiMiS in W asli tv at. tlui hnVst prices Bryan Laidlaw Co. Cah Store iytiiii cotin- blfeied. several and when the question cam lo the vote (lie amendment was de feated by perhaps two to one. There oiiginal motion, was then carried. Amotion then prevailed that all nominees must come upon the platform, before voted upon, and make an extemiiorancous -Hon. C. P. Yates did busim ss ! speech that all might, as the mover ' io the citv vestcidav. He StllVS over todav to ho in attendance at the republican county conveuiion. The cheap rates of live dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage, includ ing meals and berth are still in ef fect on the 0. U. & N Cos', steam ers from Portland. Steamers leave Portland every five days TheVHies in iVoofc's display window re attraotingxilie attention of till. Coiue and serf tliem. Itont forget to attend the Band Concert and entertainment at be Opera House this Saturday evening. tfW'. E. Brock can now supply the public with the choicest maga zine.) and literature. Come and see for yourself. The Bon Ton Shaving Parlors on Second street are the most fash ionable in the city. Childrens' ; lmircutting, 15 cents; shaving on Sunday, 10 cents; haircut, 20 cts. r-Hon. W. S; Vandcrburg, pop .uUst noinjnee for congress, this dis trict, was in the city Monday, re turning to Portland in the evening. .Go to II.VeiiruiiB & Sons for your Gents' furMshing goods. They kee.p the fiiieil ltfce in the county. i You can get finer and better clothing at Schulmerich & Son than any olner place in ine county. New Good. New Prices We are receiving an elegant, gne., of r spring annmn&rflH)ds -a pneeB to suit the rituesfNttll Reexam ine our. stock.X We caijsavfr, you money," BryanNliaidliw Co. Cash Store. . v ! , Have younoticed the Jlies in J rOC It S uispia,ywiiiuow i all right. said, iuihe of the calibre of his brains. At this juncluri! it was moved that the present temporary ollicers he made permanent, which carried. All precinct ollicers were ratified. As the committee on resolutions and platform was not ready to re port, Hon. W. F. Timmons, of Cal ifornia, addressed the convention, dwelling upon the murderous and robbing two old parties, giving each such a drubbing that great applause was provoked. Money, he said, required nothing but a government stamp to give it value. Anything having the government stamp and legislated as a legal tender is good money and lie tier than gotu or sil ver. "Three cheers and iv tiger" followed. A motion to go on and nominate the ticket before the com mittee on resolutions reported was made but withdrawn upon .the re monstrance that those on the com mittee naturally would desiroa vote on these important deliberations. As a consequence a recess of 30 minutes was declared. RKBOM'TIONB AND 1'f.ATFOKM. At the end of thirty minutes or der was again called and the report of the committee was read, this report advocated the legislative en actment of a pUy law for the pro tection of the debtor classes and re quired their legislative candidates to pledge themselves to worn lor a reduction of county salaries as fol lows: Countv clerk, $1000 per year; sheriff. $1000; recorder, $800; assessor. $2.50 per dav. It further required the school superintendent first ballot was: Hcidel, tM; Leedy, 17; Jeter, 25. Mr. Hcidel was de clared the nominee, and on motion, was declared unanimous. choice. For Treasurer .. j Nominations: B G Leedy, A O Brown, E II Jeter, 'A L Pike and M Burgholzer. Messrs P.urgholzer. Jeter and Pike declined, Mr. Brown was elected, having received 78 votes to 39 for Leedy. Nomination was made unanimous. or Assessor Nominations: J C Miller, H B Keniston, M II Henderson. J F Havnie, A L Veatch, and B G Lee I dy.' The first ballot resulted in no. election, Keniston receiving 5S votes. On the second ballot there were but three candidates in- the field and the vote was as follows: Keniston, 75; Miller, 30; Hender son, 20. Keniston was declared elected. For Superintendent For this office but two names were mentioned: Mrs. E M Howard Thome, Hillsboro and Miss Annie Luster.of Gales Creek. Mrs. lliorne received 114 votes, the largest cast at the convention for. any individu al nominee. The election was made unanimous. The dog poisoner lias again got in his deadly work. This time it is Deputy Shet iff Bradford's dog and its owner feels quite put at outs over Ihe loss. Ihe practice of put ting out poison is certainly one to be deprecated. Men's white laimdricd shirts for 50 cents at Schulmerich & Son. The Club Dance at the Opera House last Fiiday evening v as a great success. The Hillsboro or chestra furnished the music. A Warai Reception. A short time since Mrs. .las. Lew it. of South Tualatin, was granted a divorce, ai d in a supposable spir it of devilment, a night or two after she was treated to a barbarous ser- , .... , 1! 1 . 1 .1 .. ..I eiiiiue. 1 HIS uiu uui exacuy piensc Mrs. Lewis but she bided her time with much patience. One night this ueek her tormentors return- ed with their brigade and it is re ported that, she fired into them with fine shot. The result is that two of Farniington's young men stand up while they are sitting down to their meals. This, of course, was not a pleasant thing for her to do, but il so, it served the victims right. For Surveyor G L Perrine and Thos. Wilkes were placed in nomination. Mr. Veatch said Wilkes was not a good 'middle-of-the- road" populist and lief and the majorit y of the populists would not support him. .-Bucher defended Wilkes. Wilkes' noun nation was withdrawn and the sec retary was instructed to cast the vote of the convention for G L Per rine, which was accordingly done. For Coroner Kobert Kuhn, of Forest Grove, was nominated for coroner, the rules were suspended and the secre tary cast the vote of the convention for the candidate. As this completed the ticket the next in order was the election of chairman of the county central committee. J C Hare and J J Seaton were placed in nomination but Mr. Hare withdrew leaving Seaton alone. Mr. Hare's lriends refused to entertain his withdrawal Real Estate Transfers. H B Tigard to Minnie D Graham 05 a sec 1 t 2 s r 1 w $1. John F Wilcox et ux to Hettie A Mat tenon 62 a S.E Wilcox d 1 c s. c 17 t 1 S vv $1000 lb nry Vanderander et ux to Theodore Johnson 424 a sec 18 1 1 n r 3 w $15. , J II Lambert to G F Wickland trots 14-15 Peaehvale $600. United Statea4o, 't S Lyon n e sec 35 tlnr 5.w-.pat. U S to John Lippcrt e S e i & s e i n e i sec 23 t 3 n r 4 w pat. Edward M Atkinson, to Anna S Warren Its 1-2 blk.38'F G $1. Edw Swene.y.itt ,tux to Daniel Swenev It 85 Steels add Beaverton. C lLarge to W II Storey und $ int pt H 2 blk 15 F G $225. A Storey et ux toC L, Large pt blk 2 F G $1000. II S to W L Trowe s w J sec 15 t 3 n r 5 w pat. II P Ford, sheriff, to Thus Stew art 5 a McLin d 1 c t 1 vi-s r 3 w & Its 6-7 blk 27 Corrioftus $1100. J P Young iet;iix to S.Young 117 a sec 7 t 3 s p Vw $2000. Chas Ashpoleet ux to Win Jack- son and D R Young s e i sec 12 t 3 b r 2 w and other lands .yUUO. A Kunz (by sheriff) lo Philip Lowengart 30 a Richardson diet 1 s r 1 w $2582. INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE. To the Citizens and vtaert bf Washing ton County, Oregon: they're At the reauest of uiv Mentis I hereby ... ' , , t -v i: . Dfliiniini.ii mvapit an niopnenoeni iamu- to devote his or uer entire time to and upon the ballot the. vote stood ; dgte fof the office of County Ricorderof the office. This, with the indorse-1 as follows: Seaton, bo; Mare, 61. conveyances at the coming janeelection. ment of the Salem state platform, j Seaton's election was made unani-j Dated this a3rdday of!Aprii, l896. ConstllUieu tlie entire report miu iiimuwouu hid uinirciim" v.... i was adopted with the amendment, journed T. S. WEATHERRED. -Measles are prevalent in the city and one or two residences were under quarantine for a day or so last week. The cases are not of se vere form. The G. A. R. post of this city has appointed a committee to ar range a program for Decoration day, which will be properly observed. Thirteen acres, halt under cul tivation, rest slashed and seeded. Three acres is of beaverdam and swail. Situated close to Base line road between Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Goes at $50 per acre. Call at this office. The dog poisoning season is on and the arch conspirator is mak ing sad havoc amongst Hillsboro . . . . i 1 canines. Met ween sirycnnine anu the dog licence, -'Towser" is having a hard time these days. C. B aser lost a valuable dog last week by poison and several others have gone to dog heaven by the same route. Sj-Messrs Berst and Koch have been making some very neat im provements on their meat market fronts. You can get extras for I). M. Osborne machinery at Schulmerich & Son. Tuesday and Wednesday the populists took the town and today the republicans are here, and as a matter of course are claiming ev erything in sight. Tomorrow the democrats will put out their ticket and then all interest will centre in the campaign. Cuba's fight for lib erty will be forgotten, congress will be ieft to its own sweet, will and the interest will all be consolidated on how Pu.ikin Ridge's majority will Your attention is called to the fact that telephonic communication now exists between (he Delta and Dr. Linklater's residence. All watehts and jewelry left from II. Unternahrer with L. V. Bercknioes. will be sold at auction at his store on Saturday, May 9th. at. 2 o'clock, li. P. Cornelius, Auc tioneer. H. M. Cronkile has completed a contract as snpei inlendent of the Newport public schools and has re lumed to his Hillsboro home with Ids family. His son, George Cron kile, was recently married to Miss Leah Mahor, in Brown county, Kansas. The Argtb and Cincinnati Enquirer, an 8 page weekly, both for $1.15 per year. is S Hughes, of Forest Grove, and he was named on tire 4lh ballot Until that time he had been receiv ing complimentary votes, and up on being placed in the field receiv ed 61. The ballot upo. which he was elected was: Hugln's,. 61; Buch anan. 26; H V Gates, 18F S Barnes. 12. For Representatives The nomi inees are J R C Thompson, of Ti gardville; G W Marsh, of Center ville, and II S Hudson, of Gaston. Those placed in nomination were: C F Tigard, C P Yates, (i W Marsh, J R C Thompson, B F Purdy and H S Hudson. The fourth l-allot, which elected Mr Thompson, gave him 77 votes and the sixth ballot gave Marsh 82. This made two of the representative ticket and a mo tion to suspend the rules and de clare Hudson the nominee, he hav- j ing received the largest number of votes next to Marsh, was carried. COUNTY TICKET. For Clerk J A Jmbrie was nom inated on the first ballot, the vote being, Imbrie, 64; Kane. 33,'Good in, 20. Nomination made unEiii mous. For Recorder On motion E L McCornnck was the unanimous choice of the convention, their being no other nominee in the field. For Sheriff W D Bradford, the present deputy, was nominated on the hist ballot, there being live can didates in the field. Result of hal lot: Bradford, 61; J McNamer, of Forest Grove, 37; Bei.j. Pattun, 3; S Meek, of Glencoe, 8; J J Morgan, of Hillsboro, 9. For Treasurer T he rules were suspended and J W Sappington was by viva voce vote declared the i duly elected nominee. ' j For Assessor Two names were placed in the field. The first bal lot was: Geo Wilcox, of Ilillshoro, 81; J S Jackson, of Glencoe, 26; S F Markham, who was a "dark horse" ree'd 9 votes. Mr. Wilcox was declared the nominee. For Commissioner T G Todd, of Forest Grove was the choice. In the race there were; Heisler and McRoberts, of Gales Creek and Young, of Cedar Mills. Mr. Todd was selected on the second ballot, receiving 74 votes. H.isler with- Oi-anm' all first and third Sutnro..y. PKOFKKMIOXAI.. BAHRETT 4. ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Itcomst 6 and 7 Central B'oek, HilLsboto, On T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, la Morgan block, Hillsboro, OrifO. W. D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Chenette Row. Resklenett corner First and Main streets, Hilliborsv Oregon. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Kast of Court House. C. B. BROWN QBNTIST, IULI.SBOUO, ORKGON. GOLD CROWN and BRIDGE work specialty. ALL WORK Oiiarenteed. Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan Block. Office Hours: From 8 A. M. to 4. e. M. P. A. BAILEY, M.D. F. J. BAILBT, B.8.M.D. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi dence soutn-west corner Baseline and Becond. Ail calls promptly attended day or night. JAMES PHItUPPE TAMIKSIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Ruilrond Co. Consult ation in French or English. Ofllce and residence south of Main near 3d St., Hillsboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a specialty. . Lanasay biock, iwo aoon nana w mm poatonloe. Second at., Hillsboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ooia 1 it 2, Shute Block, over Greer's. HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Royal Insurance Company irew after the first ballot. For Superintendent Austin Craig ai d D H Thomas, of Forest Grove: J H Stanley, of Hillsboro, L R Traver. of Beaverton and J T Dorrein, of Cornelius were placed ) before the convention. Craig led from the first and after the second I ballot Stanley, Thomas and Dorrein withdrew and Craig went in on the 3rd ballot receiving 61 and lravtr; nollina 55. For Surveyor L E Wilkes of Hillsboro and L 0 Walker, of Forest Grove were nominated. On the first ballot the first named re ceived 59 votes and Walker 50. Wilkes was declared the nominee. For Coroner Two candidates; Dr. Wood, present incumbent and Dr. Large, ot the Grove. ood withdrew his name and tlie secre tary cast the vote of the convention for Large. The convention then elected a Chairman of the gaunty central committee and adjourned. FROlMIDDLETON. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms 0 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsnuro, Ore. MMCKMiAXEOUS. - FISH MARKET J. D. ROS1CLAIR, Prop.. HILLSBORO, - - ORKGON Salmon 8 and 10 emits per pound. Herring, suit, S for 10 cunts. Fresh and Salted Salmon Eirffs Con stantly on Hand. THE : -X" DELTA DRUG :: STORE (Next Door Bryan-I.uullaw Co.) Main Street, - ilillshoro. rtlcles. Brushed Cotnhs, Perfumes, Patent Medicines ami special munition given to tmality and Accuracy. H Mr. Trotter and wife left last Monday j ' " for their home in Missouri They in-j nd atonniniJ a few davs with a son ill i A tlno line ot lollot -" i I o . Colo. ! The basket social Saturday evur. ng i was a decided success. Only one thing happened to mar the universal pleasure: one young lady bought herself a pair of new shoes just before the exercises com menced and putting them on placed her old ones in a box and threw it in behind the curtain, and it got mixed up with the other boxes and was sold. The young ntau who bought it thought he was sold. The proprietors of the new store re busy as bees gettipg ready for business. Two precinct tickets in the Held and good prospects for more. We shall not come up to the Multnomah ratio of 16 to l that is sixtetii left to one that gets in. Winter still lingers in the lap of Spring and the result is, that every thing in the i agricultural line Is very backward. The republican primary passed off har mouiously (?)aud ihe ring delegates got there all right. Next the county conven tion, and then- Uncle John Winter has been laid up for some time rheumatism. Cor. 2UWdnu 1. NORTH K UP i Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. i Notary Public . , . Loans, Collections . FIRE - - AND' - - ACCIDENT : INSURANCE : .1. I. KNIGHT, NOTICE. City warrants uji to and inclusive of Oc tober 7, 1S98, are nuW payable ut the otHee of city treasurer.Bruck's lrug store, HillH boro, Oregon, and interest will cease on same alter this date. Dated April 30, isyti: F. O. MlTCHKl.L, City Treasurer. (Icneral Kire Insurance and Loan Broker HILLSBORO - - OREGON jrtnll Villll I.I " llil i uiu, t Centtrville, Oregon Weaves carpet striked aud measured to fit any room. Prices to suit the hard time d on , rc-Sat-him nded able, rd't y