THE HILLSBORO ARGUS, THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 18. THE ARGUS County Official Paper. .The Only Democratic Paper ia Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argus Publishing Company. wunscRi prion mica. Silicic ropy five cent One ywir, jl.Olt. Six months fit) cents, ''hrn months So eeat Entered at the Post-ottice At Hillsboro. ' Oregon, as second-clas mail matter. ; AX INTELLIGENT COMPAKISOK. Those who are in favor of the! single gold standard are always ...-Sf .1 1 1 V 1 quoting Mexico's silver dollar's val-. nation in U. S. Money, and telling This is known to be a fact and yet about the Mexican 50 ot. dollar. If . legislators are to a great extent ob a comparison of Mexico and Mex-1 livious to its importance. Herein icau money be an intelligent one, and one tln.t will bear logical scru tiny, then The Alters will be gold staudard, and till tliW is proven, it will he for free silver. Mexico is a I ucational attainments, such as small country, beset with inierna- j would be a credit to one, to waste t tonal strife and insurrection. Its; his time in the office. The office public and private improvements j should be an important one. As ' are not at par with any country of the position now is, no man of schol e.iual resources. There is much arly attributes can afford to give mixed blood, and blood that is not J the office a thought. The present of the best parts. The finance of; stipend makes the office only the the nation is found not well engin eered in system, when a close study is made of its monetary condition It contains about 12,000 people. It &s an entire circulation of money to equal alnut $5.00 per capita. Of Ibis two millions is uncovered notes; five millions, gold, and fifty mill ions, silver. Mexico' 8 'national gold debt is $10 per capita, or nearly double the whole amount of its circulating medium, to say nothing of individ ual indebtedness to foreign capital ists. The country's resources are not particularly well developed. The people are not constitutionally energetic. Take the United States with the grandst resources of any country on the face of the globe and we find: A total per capita of nearly $25 in money, of which over 600 millions is gold, over 600 .Billions silver and about 450 millions of uncov ered notes. The national debt is about $23 for each inhabitant. The nation has an energetic people and public improvements, as well as private, beyond all comparison 5 br with Mexico. ConsiderHMM- tion of Im-"" ' " ,.MM(t to piace ' ( wrf system in the scales -With the others. DON'T WANT FREE SILVER. Free silver democrats who be lieve populists are in favor of free coinage are invited to read what the Washington county populist leader Baid in a recent issue. Dem ocrats should remember that the Searchlight man was endorsed by the populist county central com mittee kt summer as a laborer worthy of thair hire, and that he is not in the best repute at present with his party goes for nothing. Head what the Searchlight shvs and then put up your ticket and fight for it in a manly way: Allee same Lincoln. IN after years when the peoples' party of the State of Oregon re alize the position thev have beeu placed in through the influence of James B. Weaver there will be ' weeping and wailing and gnash ing of teeth." I shall not sulk in my tent, but I see in the near fu ture a more secure binding of the chains of slavery upon the American people than any ever experienced before, and here, and now, I want to register mv ob jections to the political methods adopted by the gentleman from Iowa. In time to come, brothers, remember that G. A. Sanford used every means in his power to prevent the fate that is sure to over take the peoples' party. The destinies of the peoples' party has passed from the hands of honest men into those of political wire workers and spoils hunt ers. Searchlight, April ist. SANFORD, 8KB A GRAVE. If the peoples' party del egates at St. Louis are fool ish enough to listen to the siren song of the silver singers and eliminate one or more of the demands of the Omaha platform, they will march through a slaughter house to the op en grave of their party. Searchlight, April ist. A QUEER SITUATION. While some republicans me in histriotmly trying to inuke believe that the taiiff legislation in the Ciiiise, of hard times it is laughable to contiler just what they are do ing in congress. A bill was passed '-ly the lionise and sent up to the senate. Here it was ridered by a free coinage amendment and sent back defeat at its source. The peculiar thing about the whole, i affair is the fact that the senate committee, which sported the atvendnient,. was republican ami; no attempt was made to bring the bill, with its strictly tariff features, up to final passage or defeat. This was supposed to be the issue tar iffand yet it retrained for repub licans to consider that issue subor dinate to that of coinage of silver. With the republicans in power in the house, the honest thing to have done would have been a test of the . naked bill. The free coinage rider j was a republican measure and yet j some republican papers are claim-1 ing free silver is not a part of their economics. AX IMPOHTAXT OKKICB. True and representative citizen- ship is to a large extent dependent ; . . i II- 1 1 ' upon our system of public school Washington county, where we have over 15,000 inhabitants the salary paid the county school superintend- lent would not justify a man of ed- legitimate prey of the unqualified hence it is unimportant. Educa tion is practically the only imperish able legacy a parent cau leave his child and it would appear that our system of public schools cannot af ford to degenerate. At present the office is not sought for, and, neither will it be accepted, by a desirable candidacy for the reason that elec tion would mean a pecuniary sacri fice. This county could and should pay its county superintendent at least a stipulated salary of $1000 per year. Everything is "free silver" and "gold standard" on the streets these days. Partyism is forgotten for the time and it is a matter of fact that the free silverites have the majority. Populists will, as a rule, throw a way the "Josses" of their patty's tradition? and spout on silver, and the democrats, nine-tenths of them or more, are talking free silver, and free silver republicans are very nu merous. The latter will not con tribute much support to the silver vjUt as one or ttdx11? 1U mISU,'!""Vv mri'tnat tariff is the j tlrWf " " I - riVVir paramount issue. It lakes just suoh eloquence as Mr. Tongue has to wean them. Pity he isn't a free silver democrat instead of a '"sound money" republican. The "Bay Conference," of San Francisco has suspended Uev. C. 0. Brown from the ministry after a council from his own church con demned yet condoned his conduct. Such men as Brown, who, it 'ill be remembered, paid money to a pro fessional blackmailer, have no right to occupy pulpits and he can now go to the blacksmith's forge and prepare himself for a like fire iti a grfater capacity. The Oregonian is fighting Ellis, the republican nominee for con gress in the 2nd district It says nil "sound money" republicans should vote against him, tm he is a devotee of free silver fanaticism. Harvey should remember that a large per cent, of his republican brethren are followers of Pennoyer on the silver question. The great Washington county re publican "Josher," Mr. Gault.of the Independent, has forgotten that at one time he could write the word "gold bug'' with great avidity. This was when Mr. Tongue was writing silver articles for publica tion, just before the last lepislature convened. Sound money republicans may abuse Senator Mitchell all they de sire but it is a fact that he votes and works on the silver question as a majority of Oregon's population would have him, And this is not what Dulph did. A Senator is sup posed to represent the people; for that lie is paid $5000 per annum. Who, in the end, will pay for nil the election expenses of this state ? The taxpayer, of course. Pin this in your hat and then remember what the lust republican letrisln- uie iitisi repuuncan legtsia- tltre did and what it did not do. mm p,., ,! , . -li . Pennoyer beyond a doubt. He will "....mio ncAi, iinivoi win lie, make a good officer as did he an' executive of the state. Gkovkr Ci.KVEi.ANn hu jiiiiyed havoc with pension i.illx. Congress recently passed a bill al lowing a photographer, who had never seen action except to photo graph it, pension, and as ho had never enlisted, the president's veto followed. Another hill, allowing a soldier's widow, met his veto. The soldier in question was not a pen sioner, but his wife was destitute. As ho did not die from any injur- ies sustained while in the service the president relates that the 1 lowing of such measures would op en the doors to ension abuses. It will now be in order for republicans and populists to howl over his ty ranny. The populists will, it is said, ,m,Ui,h tle;r mwlini and organ fo ' the Searchlight, ask tree silver re publicans and democrats to go to their primaries and take part in their county convention. This, of course, will be an invitation to be come a populist as they will put out a populist ticket. The Akoi's is impelled to believe that all free silver republicans might fall over each other in falling into line in populist camps, but all democrats who believe in democracy will go to their own primaries and send met', to Hillsboro, May 1st, who will work to the end of a reduction in state and general expenses. The taxpayers nay for services rendered by public servants and the one who generally nets on pub lic questions as desired by his con stituency is a safe man. Whether a constituency be right or wrong, its majority should be represented by its public servants by a vote in accordance to its will. CALL. POK CONVENTION'. A Democratic Convention for the County of Washington, Statu of Ore gon, is called to meet at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Friday, the 1st day of May, 1896, at 10:30 o'clock, a. in., in th Court House, for the purpose of nominating the following officers: One senator, three representatives, one county clerk, one neorder, one sheriff, one treasurer, one assessor, one commissioner, to serve four years, one school superintendent, one suiveyor, or.e coroner, and to transact Mich other business as shail propel I v come before the uoiivtiiii turn. , . mi MW-tul' nmt'iatis The wiiTnt'irrSW W7 ..J6tiwti Ty the several lie " .Tl ... I ! F. ........ IT1 I It: 1 n il P ll II I t Ml 7 - Beaveidau 4 Beaverton . . a Buxton .2 Cornelius (S Columbia h Dairy (5 Dilley 1 East Butte 5 East Cedar Creek 3 Gales Creek 2 Mountain 1 North Forest Grove 5 North llillsl'oro 5 South Forest Grove 4 South Hillsboro 5 South Tualatin 3 Reed ville. 2 Washington 2 Wapato 2 West Butte 2 West Cedar Cre. k , 3 The siniiu being one delegate at large from raeh precinct, and olio delegate for every 10 voles, and one for every fraction of 5 and over thereof, cast for congressman at the June election 1894. Primaries are recommended to be held in the several precincts on Wednesday, the 29th day of April, 1896. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 14th day of April, 1896. By Order of Com in. GEO. SCHULM ERICH, J. M. Wku.y Chairman. Secretary. Yesterday's Portland Market. Oats, good white, 24 25 ) bu. Oats, good gray, 2324 $ bu. Potatoes sack 152o. Onions sack 55(065. Butter, creamery, 2530. Butter, fancy dairy, 25. Butter, common. 1518 roll. Hay, timothy, 8.509.00. Eggs 10. Hops 23. Wheat, Walla Walla, 57 $ bu. Wheat, vallev, CO $ bu. Bridge Builders Take Notice. TIIKItE will belet to tho lowest bidder or bidders at the office of the Coun ty Judge at Hillsboro, Washington coun ty, Oregon, on Thursday, Mav 7, 181(0, atilo'elock p. m. .contracts for the building of the following Midges and lllls, tu-wit: Bridge and till known as tho Bruinor , dge ai"1 1,11 8lld f"r H bri(1Ke H,11 " known ,l3 the AMmim bn(ge nn() u f'',' u.n,fl repairs on (he Minto bridge. I All bids are to be sealed. The court re- serves the rig'it to withdraw or reject anv ! "mil bids. Specilications may be seen at I anrl!2f '.ifif PV, 0,f,"-v' 'lm- me clerks omce in Hillsboro. Oreeon. on Bv order ' County 'connnissioners , Cmne. TWO I Semi for free sample and judge thereby. And I'cr Year J 1 1 0 Advance. Tl e Enquirer is a !) column, 8- pajje paper, issued each Thursdav. Largest in sue, cheapest in price, most reliable in news. nil large type, plain print, good white paper. If our readers want another live paper, the Enquirer is that paper. Call or scud orders to Argus Pub. Co., Hillsboro Or. Notice to Stock Holders. llii.i.snoiio, Ohkoon, Mar. IS, lSDrt. To the subscribers of the capital stock of the Washington County Speed and Driving Association. VTOl' and each of you are hereby not 1- X. tied that tho Hoard of Directors has levied Assessment No. I on said capital stock, thesaine being - per cent, of the face thereof. You arc requested to call on the Secretary, lake out eertilieiitcs and pay said assessment at once. K. J. Lyons, Pres. C. W. It"KiMOHt), Kee'y-Trens. Notice to Taxpayers. The tax roll for the year isai is now de linquent and the properly on winch tuxes are as yet unpaid must, according to stat ute, be advertised and sold. The ollice of Sheriff is now preparing the list for publi cation and all who desire to save costs and interest are requested to c all at once at the ollice of Shrievalty and pay said tax es. ' II. 1'. r'OHl), Kx-Otlicio Tax Collector for Washington county. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this llithduy of April, 1HSX1. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the county of Washington. Mnry C, Klavel. George C. 1 l-'lavel, Nellie Flaw I and I Katie Klavel, I'laintitts. j vs J..T. Morgan and H. I'. Cor- ' uclius as assignees of the estate of T. K. I' solvent; T. U. Cornelius, J. J. Morgan and Hubert I in brie, Difenoants. BY V1IUTK OK AN KXHCl'TION, judgment, order ami decree duly is sued out of and tinder thff seal of the above entitled Court, in the above untitled cause, to me duly directed dated the 'JHth day of .March, l.SiXi, upon a decree rendered and entered in the said court on the ,'IUth dn. of July, isi,i, in favor of the above naiiu-d plaintiffs and against the above named ile lendants, for the sum of thirty-eight hun dred and forty-nine dollars ($:iS4i)j u ilh in terest thereon from thertutli iluy of July, 1.S1I5, at the rate of ten (1(1) per cent, per an num, and tho further sum of lifty-sevcn and forty-live hundredths dillars(j.iT.i") costs and disbursements, and also the costs of and nnon said writ, cine- inaniling me anil nmintllg JUH)l-tdi sale of ( blkiwittKtamiftmi f-Q-l 1 4tttSekauiW' ttSekUiKy.fAVlfdlill,'!..!!, Mate ."l!" 'levniii'il aw loluiws, naine tyFThiit eeiuiin lease an. I leanehold es tate exeeutrd and on I lie I'l li iia ol llecember, I.S75. by i lie Oregon (Vntrn'l Itiiilrond Company to 'V i. I'orneliu-., for the term ol oinu.v iiine t.iil) year-, from .sunt December l-Jth, 17,". in and to the. de pot grounds of said coirpaiiy at Hie town of Cornelius, Uivjioii. w iiicii preiuNis are more particularly described us a tract "I land 12(0 feet luiijiaiul ill) feet wide, ami designated .itid marked on the recorded pl.u of said town ill the ollice of the hYcoriler of said Washington county, ns the depot urounds for said company. Said lease and leasehold interest conveys the. warehouse on suid grounds ami also the exclusive and kIoriku rights at said town ol Cornelius, as well as other privileges mare fully described in said lease, which is recorded on pane 7.4 of hook ' A" .Miscel laneous llecurdx of said Washington enmi ty, (Jregon, in the otlice of the Recorder of siii.l County. Now, therefoie, by virtue of said execu tion, order and derive, and i i compliance with thecomiiiiin. Is of said writ. I have lev ied upon, a. 1. 1 will, on tbu 4th day of May, lsilii, at the hour of ten (10) o'clock a, n'., at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Hillsboro, said County, and State, sell at public, auction, subject to le deinptioii, to the highest bidder, lor Unit ed Slates gold e. in, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the above named defendants, or cither of them, bad on the date of the mortgage to plaintiffs herein, namely, the Ist day of April. 1HX5, or since had in and to t he above described real property to satisfy said K.xeciition, Or der and Oec'ree, interest mid cost and nil accruing costs. ..illsboro, Oregon, April 2, 1WKI. II. I'. 1'UltI), Sheriff of Washington Co., Ore, , y W. U. Huai kouii, llepuly. no, V. Oaken. Henry C. Payne, Jtonry C. Rouse, Kecievw Northern pacific r. r. N Pullman I Sleeping Cars Elegant ! Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars T PAUL V'N'NFAPCLIS OULUTH ! FAROO CR0OK8T0N WINNIPEG HELENA titd BUTTE 10 CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHIU0ELPKIA NEW YORK 80STCNAD A'.L POINiS tASI . I SOUTH Kor inl'orttution, litne .'imb., tniipv 40, .b.l.ei-., cui: on or w in A. D. CHAR! ft;!.', M, fisnl. i.i 25B Morrison Street. n IJ mi n i n n i n ... l' n ...Hi ''liniU'UK YtW VI i ' T 1 II 111 I I II VOl 1 1 V'I'V I I it0 I Ul Mill V. I II V 111(111 1 1 lillllllll V, ii i iniiiii i iiinni LiOOK ! Rare Bargains I 1 1 IV II II IW I Ul UU Enquire at Tim Aruis o!Hi. No 1 ai acres, iidjoutinvr city limits, j sidewalk within one block of property, j Hi acres cleared, lines! ipinlity of bottom ! html, I acres licin-li, lino site i'or building 1 purposes, sumo timber on sumo. Willi u.ill in I....K- .... -2-, M Uk .I....... I...l unceoii timo to suit" purchaser. Or will subdivide so as to give nart cleareil bol- loin and part bciirli, in plats from 2 to ftl acres, at sli'i per acre. Here is a chance for a good neat little home which can be made self sustaining Investigate before some one gets it. On the market for u short time only. . No 2 0 acres, half cleared, I acre bea verdaiu. rest slashed and sown to grass, no buildings, goes IbrJU-'i per acre, With in two miles of Hillsboro. Terms, tlK) down, balance in .') years at 111 per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is a part, at sumo price per acre, including IS acres of heavordani and swail cleared. No ;t ins acres, highway running through center ofplace, oiiacrcs in culti vation: 2 acres in orchard, lointcs. nears and plums; tl room house; log barn, good well of water; .'SO acres of hoavcrdam, easy to put in cultivation; place well watered by springs and creek; 100 acres under fence; 14 inihw from post ollice, daily mail; 1 mile from school house and six miles north of Hillsboro. I iocs cheap for cash. No 4 A good corner lot on Main and Third at reels, 7oxl7.', with good building thereon, suitable for any kind of business, nnd In excellent repair, w ill go at a bar gain for cash, l'nit payment and h.ieinr e on long time with security. No 5 u acres; half cleared . baliiei e ;t. grass. Uood House ol tour rooms, barn and outbuildings. I'int oreb I'lfUi . L- 50 trees and various other small b ut 1 so ettiekeus .souucks, i-norsc w;u-. I -horse j sets single harness, yood cow, 3 heil. l horse and farm implements. live r v thing goes for $650, cash in hand K. .Mi .NKIl,,! vei. m f -is 7 - Trt (Jives I he choice of TII'O TRA KscnxriXRM'A I ROUTES Vai..wi is aHlv ' WM. -fk - ol UlAiN 1L DFNVFK OMAHA AM' KANSAS crn MIXXHAl'OMS ANb ST PAUL LOW RATIOS T(l A 1.1, 10 A ST K It X C1TIKS Or.ran Nti'iimert l.eovc. Portland livery ''ic.J Dayh ... l'-oll... SAN FRANCISCO l'Vr lull details call on or address: V II'RT, (ieu'l I'uss Agent I'orl land, Oregon, Or J. I. Knight, Hillsboro, (Ire. Notice for Publication. I, ami Okki. k at Okmion C'itv, Oh. 1 K'.b. 25, ll(!.( NOTK'K is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled noli -.o ol her intention to make final in'ool' in sup port of her claim, and that said tu'nol will tie made before the t '.unity Clerk of Wash. I ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, 011 1 .nay 1, nuo, vik: Lecy A. Keneflel, II. E, No. 8572, for the e 11 e See It, e seKS'ec 2 T 2 N, It 4 V. She names the following witnesses to prove hercoiitinuoiis residence upon and cultivation uf Haul laud, viz: S 8 Pricket, A il I'hipps, K S lliillock and 11 I, Phillips nil of .Manning, Oregon, 50-4 lloiiKHT A. .Mn.l.Eii, Register. SUMMONS. ' j In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon j for Washington county, I (j Melvin Th' 'u, I'laintiir. Defendant. vs Alice M Thorn, To Alice M Thorn, the ubove miincd defendant. IN THIi NAMK OK TIIH STATU 01 Oregon, you are hereby coniiiiiiiiilcd anil re.piired to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court in the above entitled suit, on or before Monday the 20th day of July, A. 1)., 18W1, the saino beingon tho first day of the next regular term of said court nex't following the expiration of the time pre scribed in the order of publication of this summons and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed for and demanded, to-wit: That the marriage and marriage contract now existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved forever, and that such other and further decree be iniule as may be equitable and for his costs. This summons is published against you by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above named court made in Cham bers this 20th day of l-'ebruary, IH!)(I. OKU. V. 1". .IOSKI'11, Attorney for riaintilf. Solentlflo American Ayeney for fUwin. TRtna yinvt. OISION PATINTS, OOPVIIIOHTB. mtn. or lnrorniMion na rree HanamaK write to MUNN ft CO.. 861 Bkoadway, New Yobic. Oldeit bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out liy ub Is brought before the publlo by a nutiae given free o charge iu tb wnrest oirniisMnn or any w-lfntllw parsr In die world, bpleniliair Illustrated. No lut"lli.- iit man uioum be without It, Weel:ly, M.wna fiw,fiuHAii.m,.n, a'iiiipm, Jiu.l 1 K J PIImishem. HO I t'."'ndway, New Vorlt City. auMUMBjai!; EAST urn rx ni-- Purest Drugs and Chemicals. The Hillsboro Select Stock HILLSBORO CITY 1. K Beef, Mutton, Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : MaiUet : I'ricc : Paul : fur Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN ST UK KT. IHU.SIIoliO, V. T. Andrews, Prrsiilrnt. ANDREWS LUMBER CO. ( liicoi-poiate.l June S, I ;-!.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAtNDAI.Ii, OKI-CON. r'TIIE JHJFFKT CAR UOUTK as '5 Shortest and Quickest Urn " IIK'IW PACIFIC COAST POINTS . . . ST. PAUL, AND Till' FAST. I Crosses both llie t a" a-'es ami the llocky Moiuiiains in H.VVl.liiUT, seiners llieopportuiiity ol Mowing the Grandest Scenery in America. 'I' wo train- daily from I'm :la ml ; one nt 1 1 it. m , via Sent lie. ami omi at M!i p. in., via (). li. ,v. N. nml . pok.iuc. Hum. Miperb pit nu-ii I , eousisiliiK of dining can, bull.ii libraiy cars, pMh.ce am! u phoUion d tout ists' sb i pnu' cms. 'I he bullet cms are miir. vels ol'cU'K-iic.- .mil eoinf n t. eoiilatiiii.K bat li room, narber shop. euv chairs, elc. L)i.ll.IF!! 1'win steamships "NouPwcm'' ami "Nor: lihni.l" i.-nve Ibiliuh every Momlav nod hriday lor the "Soo," Mai I nine Island. Hi tioii. CIcM iacd and lliillahi in coiini-ctmn with the (ireai Noriberii lut.lway Hav v.-tir r ad via Xnl.'l II KltN MKAM hllll' I'OM I'A N ") amlenj.o a deliuhi till ride tree IVom the ben I ami dti-l. Kor tick ets and general iiilormiilion cali on or adi'.res.s It. C, STKVUNS. (i, W. !'. . Hia I'Vont Mt., Seattle, Wash. Tlirk'K ( HI.I Classical, qpilK A('ADKM V prrpnres for Collet..' il 1 lislt Kilurutiwii; tin- l.ct 1 M' iti. i, I'.o ..1 . . j.. -11-ri- 0 ion. 1 ,Vil i.v ... 1 1 Hall, ,. tn p. r week, I lie v. nil. go unriutnl V, 1,1 ll. !...( I!( t, n.iilm; 1 n . I I, llir I'isli.-s hour. I iiihI i'i 11! I '!') ii wnl. I 1 m. mil Minn ill pniite fnniiliis. 2.."iC mill lipemils. M.m y slll . I. -bis r. in fi.i.ins uiiil In hi 1 il t h. iiim-Ivi's nt n c,'n p, (, t.i ex'wii irl.;0 per week. The spring term li. gillh .(,n 1, 1 V.Xi Kur pnrticiihirs nr ciitnlotiic iiddrefH. THOMAS McCLELLANP, Kiifesl ( ; nivi', llvii, WILEY & ICITY LIVERY STABLE Cjr. 3ai anJ Wachitijton Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAM BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES aud DRIVERS. to your docior fcr advice ; ho Is the best man to tell you whr.t medi cine you need. Go to your druisi for your medicines ; he knows more about drugs than a dry-goods man. Slick to your doctor and to your druyjbt If you're a sick man, but ('on' go to your druggist for advice, espcel- -1 ally If your doctor has told you whit to get. If your doctor tells you to get Emulsion It Is because he knows of scores of cases which have been benefited by Its use ; because he knows that It hus a record of more than twenty years' results back of it. You have no rlht to let your drug gist advise you against this prepara tion and Induce you to try an obscure medicine, the value of which Is doubtful, for the sake of the few cents more he may make. Let your tailor, or your butcher, or your grocer, fool you If you will, but when It comes to a matter of health, get what you ask for. All druggists sell Scott's Emulsion Two sizea 50 centa and $..00. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all coiin-v warrants endorsed prior to Nov. II, 1895, arc now payable at (lie ollice of tho county treasurer and interest will cense 011 same after April 2f, IrjWI. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Apr. 23, ia. J. W, 8a phi no rot), "-'f Count v Treasurer J A Bargain. J A neatly rongtriHiteil 5 mom cot-' tiuje within 2 blkn of biinineNs nnrt i in town. Ijoou lenoe nrottnd lot, good wooddhi'd, nnd two roomy closets in residence. Aluo pump in good repair, (tops for If BOO. In quire at this office, , . . . ' Patent Medici neg. Proprietary Articles. Pharmacy I'll it leu I nr Atti Mlir 1 1 j, I'liYHii'iiiiiN' '. - 1 1 in n ni,, I ii in ily Itecij i MEAT MARKET. ItKUSI , l'lior Veal and Pork : hit : UlUe. : Slimi : ami : OUKliON. KKN II It. .1 J I H!r ,, A. II. C. HI'lN X IS TiiN.C. p. ,v T. A. l-'rj. I bird Si, Portland, Oiepm. KC i ol !im:s Scientific, literary. I'l V" 11 I I I e:ifiii,y . r I ; - i i ess. miiii 111. 1 ri.i n s ::l 'hi urn 1 ... I :l ' I.. I u-idndiiie 1 1, i t 1 i- , 1 , ,, ,n, DENNIS, Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. By vnmio oi'' an cxiocrnos, decree and order of sale, issued out of iii' ('ircuit court of Hie slale. of Oregon, 'r nisliington I'ouniv, in favor of lleurv triiiicr, I'lamtilf. ami agninst .Minnie M.e.lincland I lull k Kuelinel, her liiislmml, .Siitherlaiiil, Anion icke, A !S Wilcox, 11 A dllottand K X Kuelinel. Defendants, mr llH' siiin of l-'ifty-oiie and tweutv-livo iiindiedllis Dollars t$,il.'2 ) costs, aiid for lie liirther niiiii of Seven Hundred ami I'-ight Dollars, ($7iih) 1!. . Ko.l coin, with uterest there it the raleol Kiglit (H) per cent per annum, from Hie ld dav of March IN'HI, and for the costs and expens es of sale and of said writ. Now, therefore, by viituean.l in pursu 'inceol snid judgment, decree and order of J!!.?. " Jlondny the It b day of May, MM, at the south door of the l.'ou'rt House, in Hillsboro, Washington Counlv, Oregon at tne hour of ():IX) o'clock, A. tf.. ol mud day. sell at public, auction to the highest bidder fur cash, all of the rfiflit-v-itleand interest of thoaliovd named de enilaiits, and eueli of (hem of, in and to the lolloH iiig described real property, to- The south half of ihe west three-oiiiirters ol the northwest quarter of the southeast .jiiar er ol hcetiiin f.'our, Township Two hotith. hangeone West of the Willaini-"' eri.iian containing lilteeu acre,, all -iiate in Washingloii ( ounly, Oregon, to "litis y the hereinbelore named sums, und lor t he costs ami expenses of said side, huh property will be sold subject to re rleiuptiiiii us pur statute of Oregon. Witness my hand this Itlsl dav of March il i.riir r, , ll.'l'. Foul), hhe dr ,,f Washington Coimly, Oregon. bT"m,A"'. Attorney for I'liiintiu, Land Ofkich atOiiuoon Orrv, On. I .. arch, 17, 1HHI1. Notice Is lmrohy Ki von that tho ap proved plat of the Nurvey of Township lln oe North, Range 7 Wont, has been re ceived from tho mirvoyor lleneral of Oregon, and on Jum, m m llt ) n. clock a. m. of saiil day wild plat will bo officially fllod In HilHollleoiind thelund therein embriieod will he miblpct to en try on and after said date. Uoiimtr A. MiM.uit, Uegistcr. M. Uai.i.ow.vy, Keeeiver, t wm. ruiiTu, 4 (Hucceir to f! Mend) EXPRESS! Mttkos rPffllltir triiw t. is.n i .... t . I V . ' l" 1 DILIllllll (l .Mondays, Wednesdays, und Fridays, re turning on Tuesdiiyi,, Thurndaysiiii'd Sat. in P' A" ,,1,ml,"'ss Pidrustod to hiui will ho promptly and eiirefullv alleiided to. t- reight and exiiross rates rensotnible. I.eaye orders with fill,,, or nt I.edford's, orittTuHABcivts. '