The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 09, 1896, Image 4

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    if i the Royal Baking Powder to be the Strongest
and-Purest Baking Powder before the public.
Tha Minis tars Fnrnee Fir.
Plumbers tell soma laughable stories
about people who don't know how to
ran furnace and steam beating plants.
"We put in a furnace for a minister
once," says an Auburn plumber, "and
the next day he came down and kicked
about it He said that it wouldn't bum,
and he either wanted it taken ont or
put in working order right away. 1
went np, and after examining the chim
ney carefully I looked into the furnace.
What do yon suppose the trouble wasf
Well, sir, the minister had been trying
to heat the house by bnilding a fire in
the ash box. "Lew is ton Journal.
Alarmed For Bla Safety.
The Professor's Wife The profi
is in the laboratory conducting tome
chemical experiments. The professor
expects to go down to posterity
(From the laboratory) Br-r r-r- bang I
The Visitor I hope the professor
hasn't gone. Harlem Life.
There are some infirmities that only a
surgeon's knife will relieve, and mostly
ttriotly because of neglect. A neglected
nerve pain may become so chronic as to
cripple, and this is oiten the rate with
Sciatica. If taken in time, it it easily sub
dued, like other nerve pains, and vigor and
health are restored. Thousands of cases
have been treated by the use of St. Jaoobs
Oil, with the result of a prompt and per
manent cure and restoration to heakh of
the affected nerve. Ftople cannot be too
careful with their nerves. There is too
much to suffer to admit of foolish neglect,
and the simple thing of getting a bottle.ol
St. Jaoobs Oil and applying promptly may
save rears of misery and perhaps years oi
crippled condition. Let this warning serve
to show wbat can be and what ought to be
done without delay in an attack of this
Driven to Bay: A. I knew your father, the
old toap boiler, very well. Parvena Ah, yea;
toap boiling wat one of hit bobbles.
Stats or Ohio, City op Toledo, (
Locai Couhtt. I
Frank J. Chikit makes oath thai he Is the
senior partner of the firm of 1. 1. Casasv A Co.,
doing business Is the City of Toledo, Cooaty
and State aforesaid, and that said Una will pay
the aim of ONX HUNDRED DOLLARS tor each
sad every oaae of Catarrh that oaaaot be eared
by the ass el Hail's CaTAtaa Cuas.
worn to before ate and aabesribad la sty
pretence, this Itth day of Deeeaaber, A. D. IMS.
( -Vrr ( A. W. LKASON,
IKXI Notary rablle.
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally and
acta directly on the blood and staeoot rarfacee
of the triteav Bend for testimonials, free.
F. 1. CHINK A CO., Toledo, a
Bold by Druffttti, 76s.
HaU'iKemUy Pills are the best
Tit Gain si tor breakfast.
(fs very remmrkthlc remety, let A nr.
TBBNAL sad BXTBRNACmu, and wa.
derail la its sulci sctiea fe rtlltri 41 ttresa.
Pa Ittm KM !! sure ear for Sere
fTSf ClThroat, Ceaahe,
Chilli, Diarrhea, DreoBtarr, Cram pa.
Cholera, and all Bmtl tomjiotnli.
Meaaeee, Mea Headache, Pala fa tha
Baeh or Side, Rbeutothn and Nearalala.
Paln-KUler lmSSi
MADE. Itbrtnse (peAfysnrf aanaaiuml nltmr
Ereni Sa'T C"
PAn.fVr the wen Med sad
rlUUm.IUCr trusted Mead of the
, Meehaale, Farmer, Planter, Sailer, and
d toft le ant lateraallp or exteraailp
. r rtalatr ef reileC
' W iJa-Mfcuu, by Jfiirtonortoj, by AflnUMrt, ty
MtcKmntu, by Miran 4n HotpUoU.
C mr MVKmrmooY.
Dm Im MMimm b) a Medicine Chan hi
s-ajjj-rvjjjbj lumr, .Dd nw tmi
Mere port without a supply of It.
rno mmuy can anora i
No family can afford to be without thta
tanluable remedy In the houte. Ita price brine
It within the nach of all, and it will an Dually
aare many timet Ita coat la docton' bllla.
Beware of Imllatlont. Take BSBS Sal tttt
asasist "jraasr wavis,"
Illustrated by 6 dolb with si dmiu, snlti, 9S hats,
and 8ft other articles, furnishing the ladies with the latest
French fashions as well as toe children with an amusing toy.
WayS tO
Blsckwell'i Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C, and the
Fashion Dolls will be sent you postpaid. You will find one coupon
inside each a oz. bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ox. bag oi
Blackwelus Genuine
Durham Tobacco.
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
Aa aaaa aiata aa aaaa aaaaiaai.ak
K a Br unnor
"V3TT"TV IF yV TVT 100 ver7 remarkable tad certain
W K--"- sT FX relief jriven woman by MOORE'S
it the name of Woman's Friend. It li
ful In relieving the backaches, headaches
which burden and shorten a woman's
women testif
tifv for it. It will give health and strength
life a nlearare. For Bale by all druggists.
EB-FRANK DRUG CO., Pobtland, Agents.
and make
Chmisttyt Citt 0 Pharmacy Dep't,
Twe Keataehlaaa Eater lata a Queer Coa
tee. One of the most novel and interest
ing events in sporting circles which has
occurred in Lexington for some time
was the banana eating contest between
two prominent young men of the city,
Messrs. Qarrett Welsh and John Luby,
which took place in the fruit stand of
Mr. Fugaazi, ou Main -street, the other
night. The contest was the outgrowth
of some remarks made some time pre
vious on the capacity of the contestants.
Each bad friends present who were
backing them clear off the boards.
The summary is as follows : At the
drop of the flag Starter Dan Crow sent
them off to a good start, with Weleh a
half banana in the lead. He led Luby to
the quarter, where he was overtaken.
At the half Luby had 38 bananas to his
credit, with Welsh a close second with
88. Here Welsh went ont after the mon
ey, and at the three-quarters it was
Welsh by eight bananas, but Welsh was
showing signs of distress.
Turning into the stretch, Lnby'a Jock
ey, McQurk. went for another stalk of
bananas and succeeded in nosing out
Welsh in fast time. Time: Luby, 64
bananas; Welsh, 61 bananas. Both ran
a consistent race, and with a better
Jookey than McGInnie, Welsh should
have won. Both were sent to the stable
to rest up. They are entered for another
stake race next week, and the betting
on the event promises to be spirited.
Lexington Herald.
Here is the regime of a royal invalid,
as we must still call the empress of
Austria, for she is far from robust. No
meal is allowed to be partaken of later
than 7 o clock p. m. A couple of eggs,
milk in some light and wholesome form
and a aingle plate of plainly- cooked
meat form the simple meaL Eight
hours sleep every night is insisted upon.
We must not be misled by seeing in
the papers that the empress appeared at
state banquet, for she does so when
necessity requires it, but without par
taking of a single dish, her frugal re
past, ordered by her physician, having
been eaten in her private apartments.
Lot Fuller Is Coming.
Loie Fuller it coming over for a flying
visit to America to show New York the
wonders of her latest European success,
"Salome. " Theotber day she cabled W.
A. McConnell, her agent, that the had
accepted an offer of $10,000 for four
weeks in New York, and wonld be over
very soon. Mr. Stevens, her personal
manager, will make the arrangements
for Miss Fuller's engagement, whioh, it
Is supposed, will be played at the Olym
la the Faee of Death.
Striking originality is granted to few
in this world, bnt of Martha Evarts
Holden, popularly, familiarly and affeO'
tionately called "Amber," it was the
chief distinction. It was the unexpected
and the daring that "Amber" always
did. "Amber" thought and "Amber"
wrote. She had the courage of ber con
viotions, and if the conviotions were
queer sometimes they were nttered just
the same, and the queerer the louder.
And if "Amber" saw fit to change ber
convictions at any time the change was
boldly chronicled in no uncertain tones.
Her last words to me were striking,
as all ber words had been. Trying with
the impotent, foolish bravado we iin-
fiertinently healthy ones assume in face
of the majesty of death, I uttered some
stupid sentences, as we do, intended to
be comforting. "No, I know I am going
to,die," the said, looking ine fairly in
the face and speaking strongly, "and I
am not afraid, but yon will admit that
it is a solemn time with me. " It made
one's feeble attempts to be cheerful seem
so frivolous and empty I I was setting
my flimsy standard for support and
making vain boasts of help on the
ground of a warrior who had already
made the fight and was wonnded to
death. Chicago Times-Herald.
f Sand 6 Coupons, or
Bmi lO Genu without an;
1 coupon,
I.IAbniNCnl cost...
potud, orioou
uauuis av .n 1 u 1 uau Kivtm
uniformly success
and weakness
life. Thousands of
The howeU act the part ol s tcarensor. inaa
mneh at they remove math of the debrte, the
waste effete matter of the tyttem. Wneu they
trow idle, neeleetful of duty, it U of the atmoat
importance tbat they thotild be Impelled to ac
tiTity. Uoataiter't Stomach Bitten effects thta
desirable objeot .without friplng them like a
draalic purgative. The Bitten it alio emraclout
tor malaria, bilious, ayepepue aua tiauey
Mamma Yon know. Johnny, when mamma
whip her little boy, she due it (or hie own
good. Johnny Mamma, 1 with jroa didn't
hluk quite to much of me.
FITH All Pita atoooed free bT Dr. WMaa'a
nil MarT Battoror. No rttt aftar the a rat
day's a. Marvelous oures. Tratliee and p.00
trial bottle free to Fit eaaea. 8ad to Dr. Kline,
Hi Ares. 84., Philadelphia. Pa.
Anxiously watch declining health of
their daughters. So many are cut off
by consumption in early fears that
there is real cause for anxiety. In
the early stages, when not beyond
the reach of medicine, Hood's Sarsa
parilla will restore the quality and
quantity of the blood and thus give
good health. Read the following letter:
"It is but just to writs about my
daughter Cora, aged 19. She was com
pletely run down, declining, hid that tired
feeling, and friends said she would not
live over three months. Bhe had a bad
and nothing seemed to do her any good.
I happened to read about Hood's Sarsapa
rills snd had Jier give it s trial. From tha
very first dose she began to get better.
Alter taking a few bottles she was com
pletely cured and her health his been the
best ever since." Mrs. Addib Peck,
12 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y.
"I will say that my mother has not
stated my case In as strong words as I
would have done. Hood's Barsaparilla
hat truly cured me and I am now well."
Coba Peck, Amsterdam, N. Y.
Be sure to get Hood's, beet use
Is the One True Blood Piirlflf r. All druggists, ft.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
u rsil rePureV vegetable, re.
nOOCl S HlllS liable and benellcial. 880.
What K. T. MoOlnnie Bsja or the Big
Bosemaa Tunnel Fire.
B. T. McQinnis, a capitalist of Mont
real, is in San Francisco. He recently
came over the Northern Pacific road.
He says that the great fire in the Boze-
man tnnnel on that road is one of the
most extraordinary events ever coming
within his knowledge. The tunnel has
been ou fire for over three months, and
all efforts to quench it have proved un
He was told that the fire was first dis
covered early in the morning of Sept.
IS last. The immense amonnt of wood
work in the tunnel furnished abundant
material for a big fire. At the end of
three weeks the tunnel was a roaring
furnace. The fire started about the mid
dle of the tunnel, which is almost a
mile long. Within a few days the smoke,
traveling half a mile to either end of
the tnnnel, issued forth in dense volumes
day and night.
Mr. McGinnis says that the immense
quantities of water poured into the tun
nel did not seem to do any good. The
tnnnel was then sealed np in the hope
of smothering the fire. A few days ago
the tunnel was opened, and the fire
seemed to be burning as hot as ever.
Mr. McGinnis says it has been sealed
up again for an indefinite period,
Meanwhile the company has built a
switchback across the mountains, and
in that way has been able to rnn its
through freight and passenger trains.
Ban Francisco Examiner.
national Board of Trade Inaugurate aa
AggreattTe Campaign.
Resolutions adopted by the national
board of trade at its recent annual meet
ing declare in favor of 1 cent postaga
The board appointed a committee of
three to agitate this question. The mem
bers of this committee are Finley Acker
of Philadelphia, Silas M. Giddings of
Brooklyn and Blanohard Randal of
This committee has opened headquar
ters in the board of trade rooms in Phil
adelphia and is investigating the gener
al subject of postal rates. It is sending
inquiries to mercantile and trade organ
izations all over the United States for
the purpose of securing their suggestions
and co-operation.
It ie shown by the committee that the
average cost of carrying mail matter is
8 cent a pound. Letters pay 32 cents a
pound, while second olass matter pays
only 1 cent A reduction of letter post
age will necessitate an increase in the
rate of second class matter and the pos
sible exclusion from the mails of cheap
novels, whicn are mailed as periodicals.
The promoters of the movement desire
also the abolition of the franking priv
ilege. Pittsburg Dispatch.
An Indian Taboo.
The penalty for violating, even un
wittingly, tbe tuboo of a gpns is a visi
tation of sores, livid spots, Inflamma
tion of the eyes, and even blindness.
The In-stitasuuda, or Thunder gens, do
not touch reptilos, toads, or beetles.
Some years ago the vegetable garden
of the Omaha mission was visited by
the potato bug. The good missionaries
in charge engaged the children in the
work of extermination by offering a
bounty of five cents a quart, solid meas
ure, for defunct bugs. As the extinc
tion of the species became imminent,
some of the young wits adulterated
their bugs by the addition of spurious
beetles. About this rime one of the lit
tle girls became suddenly covered with
sores. Her parents, hearing of It, en me
In consternation to the mission. She
belonged to tlie Thunder gns, and the
fhlld's bug Income ceased at once. She
had unwittingly been carrying on a
traffic In her taboo! Century.
A taint,
Japan has ordered the largest battle
ship in the world, and it will soon be
launched in England. It will be paid
for with Chinese money', which illus
trates the fact that a nation without
warships must build them for some oth
er country. St. Louis Globs-Demoorat.
Waltar V Compare Ita Paat a ad
Preeant With Sorrow.
"Wbat is the matter with the United
States senate?" What, indeed? If the
trnth must be told, it is a body in deca
dence. The moral and intellectual tone
of the senate are both falling far below
old time standards. Men who have been
ouly ten years in Washington, daily at
tendants npon the sessions of congress
aud familiar with the characteristics
and capabilities of most of the individ
ual senators, can easily make a com
parison which is odious to the seuate of
tbe present day.
Those who have been in Washington
IS or 30 years, as have a number of
writers for the press, look back npon
the seuate and the senators of that day
almost with tears in their eves. Then
the senate was, indeed, "the most dig
nified legislative body on earth." Such
its members are still wont to term it,
but the words are sarcastic Then every
member of the seuate was a man of na
tional reputation.
Ndw there are ouly a few senntors
whose fame really extends much be
yond the borders of their own states,
and in many cases their reputation is
as politicians or speculators or money
makers or for something besides states
manship. Where are the Conklings, the Thur
nians, the Fesseudeus, the Wades, the
Becks, the Trnmbulls, the Sumners, tbe
brilliant, broad aud able men of this
day? One hunts almost in vain for them
in the senate chamber. There are sena
tors of ability and high character, but
the dry rot appears to be in them, and
tbe pall of partyism, of narrowness or
of slothfuluess seems to be hanging over
one and all. Rarely, indeed, does tbe
debate rise to a respectable level. If tbe
crauks are not exploiting their single
ideas, the brawlers are engaged in per
sonalities sadly out of place in the sen
ate. Tbe upper branch of the American
congress has fallen ou evil days. Wal
ter Wellman in Chicago Times-Herald.
Hareh d the Data.
The annual Tuskegee negro confer
ence will convene at Tuskegee, Ala., on
Wednesday, March 4.
Rev. William Young, of Oiwego, Telia
a Reporter Hit Secret of Good Health
Will Surely BeneBt Kveryoue Who
Follow Bit Advice.
From the Timet, Oiwego, N. V.
Probably no man is better known or
more highly respected in Oswego, N.
Y., than Rev. William Young, of the
Methodist church. Mr. Young has not
a conference appointment, but holds
responsible position with the Oswego
City Savings bank, where he has been
a trusty employe for the past twenty
In the spring of 1894 Mr. Young
looked as if his time was limited and
that he would be laid at rest with the
great majority before the snow covered
the ground. But, instead of failing as
predicted, be soon gained a more
healthy look and appeared stronger,
As the months went by this improve
ment continued, until now he is as rug
ged and apparently as healthy as a
yonng man of thirty, although his
gray locks denote a more advanced age.
A Times reporter determined to find
out what had made this great, and it
might be said phenomenal change,
oalled upon Mr. Young at the bank
and put the question direct and received
the following reply:
"In truth I am a changed man, and
I owe my present good health to Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. In the spring
of 1894 I was all run down and had
commenced to think tbat my time
had come. I had to be prescribed for
by physieians, and although I received
temporary relief, the same old trouble
came back again and I was worse than
before. I had no strength or appetite,
and physically I was in a miserable
oondition. After my work I would go
home, but the general lassitude whioh
hung over me left me without any am
bition, and when I wonld go to the
table to eat, my appetite failed me and
I would have to leave without taking
hardly any nourishment My kidneys
were also badly affected, and I was in
utter despair. One day, here at the
bank, I happened to pick up one of the
local papers, and my eye fell on an
advertisement of Dr. Williams Pink
Pills. The advertisement gave a de
scription of a man who, affiioted as I
then was, had been cured by using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. I was not a be
liever in that kind of doctoring, but
conoluded as a last resort to try a box
of the pills, making up my mind that
if they did not help me I certainly
would not be injured any. Going
to a drugstore, 1 purchased a box of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and commenced
taking them according to directions.
Very soon after I began to feel better
and I saw I bad made no mistake in
trying the pills, and before the first
box was emptied I felt so much im
proved that I immediately purchased
another. I had taken seven boxes of
the pills, and at the end of last sum
mer I felt I was entirely cured and
discontinued their use, bnt always keep
a box handy if occasion requires. I
am now entirely cured. The lassitude
has left me, my kidneys are all right
and my appetite well, you shonld see
me at the table. I am a new man
again, and instead of feeling like a
man of fifty, which is my age, I feel
like a youngster of twenty, and I give
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the full
credit for this great change. I have
recommended these pills to several of
my neighbors and aoquaintanoes who
have ben relieved of their complaints. "
William Young, being duly sworn,
deposes and says he is the gentleman
referred to in the above interview, and
it is true in every respeot
William Young.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 25th day of May, 1895.
Bernard Gallagher, Notary Public
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all
the elements necessary to give new life
and riohness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They are lor sale by
all druggists, or may be had by mail
from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com
pany, Scheneotady, N. Y., for 60 oents
per box, or six boxes fur 2. SO.
Eminent Methodist
Trouble by Paine's
Rev. Zephaniuh Meek, 1). D , is a
household name all over the South.
Since 1867 he has owned and edited the
"Central Methodist," the leading pa
per of the Methodist Episcopal ohurch
in the South. He represented his state
at the General Conference.
He was one of the Kentucky com
missioners at the Chioago Columbian
Exposition. Daring his ministry iu
the South he has built and dedicated
five ohapels. He writes from Cations
burg, Ky., where his home it, as fol
lows: "I have'used several bottles of Paine's
celery compound for nervous trouble,
resulting from overwork, and with im
mediate effect, as well as permanent
benefit. It is the best nerve tonic that
I have ever tried. It has also been
used in my family with great benefit."
Tired out, half-sick men and
women need something more than a
mere rest They need a positive un
mistakable nerve food; they must have
a reserve of nerve force to draw from,
before their heads will cease to ache
and their nerves oease to tremble with
It is estimated that there are over
ten million nerve fibres in the body.
So long aa these minute tissues are
kept fully nourished, one lives in bliss
ful ignorance of any such thing as neu
ralgia, headaches, or even a nervous
system, bnt let one become "run
down" and the nutrition of the body
get low, and every one of these myriad
fibres becomes a "live-wire" within
the flesh, Headaches, nenralgia, rheu
matism, and other forms of nervous
ness and debility result directly from
a famished nervous system. Paine's
celery compound is able to correct
this faulty oondition. It builds up the
nervous system and sustains, it. The
brain at once feels tbe strengthening
effects of the superb nutriment There
A. D. 1780.
Try Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoa and
Chocolate and you will understand why
their business established in 1780 has flour
ished ever since. Look out for imitations.
Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass.
If you want a sure relief for
Iran, nse an -
Bear in Mind Not one of
tations is as good aa the genuine.
In an unoccupied territory to 'alto
order! lor
BuBtlen can make big wagct,
a tror them C
Af IflKct them, planf
el1Vkltheni. They are the
ft a JT standard seeds every"
s where; sown by the'
t k i&neesi yittuiciB iu luc wuriu.
np Whether you plant 50 square feet
of around or 60 acres, you thould I
I nave verrjr'tseea Annua) ior no,
ine mom vaiunoie dook ior lar- ;
men ana gardeners ever given
away, mauea iree.
Detroit, sueiv.
Divine Cured of Nerve
Celery Compound.
are thousands of men and women
today who have been enabled to keep
vigorously at work, who must have
given up but for Paiue s celery com
pound. Nervous affections are a warn
ing to busy people.
At the earliest sign of reduced nerve
foroe, inability to sleep, laugour, or
a gloomy habit of mind, everyone
should look immediately to the nutri
tion of their nervous system and to the
purity of their blood. Paine s celery
compound will attend to both of these
urgent needs more thoroughly and
more speedily than anything else in the
world. Paine's celery compound is
not to be confounded with the common
preparations, the sarsaparilla aud the
nervines. Heiug the dimiovery of a
man of science, Prof. - Edward E.
Phelps, M. D , LL. D. , of Dartmouth
College, it has the support of the best
physicians; they prescribe it univers
ally; and the many sick persons made
well by its use proves that that support
is merited.
To the great majority of business
men a vacation, to say nothing of three
months of complete inactivity, is out
of the question at this season, even
when their braius demand a complete
rest and their nerves ache and threaten
them with prostration. Now, there
are hundreds of business men aud hard
worked professional men in this city in
just this oondition. What are they to
no? Those who are tired out, "rnn
down" and debilitated at this trying
season will do well to read some of the
straightforward aud convincing state
ments from the men and women who
have been cured by Paine's celery 00m
Nevons weakness vanishes before
Paine's oelery compound as mist before
the strong, health-giving rays of the
sun. Convince yourself of the fact at
once, if your health is at all impaired.
pains in the back, side, cheat, or
the host of counterfeits and Imi
,,,, , ..,
niE AERMOTOR CO. dott half the ttnn
wiuumm Duaiaen, Mcatitt n oat reduted tot ootl at
ma power to 1 .fl what It watt It bat maai bran ok
m a. - hoilMA. Mnit mnnllM ta mtmA u-. i
4 'Witt jour door. It can atu. doit run ab a
- - uetter article lor let, mooarthu
wnv. w Mvan .". inn umiu tUH
AhH t. .1 " .
1 Geared, steel. Oalranlatd-after
-7 Completion Windmill. Tlltlni
ayand Plied Steel Tower,, Steel Buai Saa
: f ramee, steel Feed Cutler, and Feed
VI Grinders. On application it will name on,
ui ui wow arociet mat it wui rurnleh and
jtnnarr 1st at 18 toe uauai slat matai
Tanks tod Pump, el all kind,, seal for oMalosua
Bmj Im. . hk IuIkH Bill . .
. awH as, riliawit MTON, VIMS
' ' r " ''ruirt-.U. SSOeataakattU,
1 -
N. P. N. U. No. 844.-8. F. H. TJ. No. 721
ImtllN riah baiein.
he middle Ba. and through- s
ti.a twrind of the European predomi
nance of tbe church of Rome, the neces
sity of providing a proper snppiy 01 nun
for use ou Fridays aud during Leut did
...,,K 1.1 m-niita a tnecies of fish oulture.
That this did not exteud to fish hatch
ing, but stopped short at inclosing ana
regulating the supply of fresh water
to us nrobable. At the
same 'time, the Romans were at least
acquainted with Ibe securing or oyster
.....f ami from this to the artinoial
hatching of flsh ova does not seem a very
long step or one that may not reany
taken . The probability is.
however, that the cost of such artificial
ly produced fish would have been far be
yond the pursed 01 ine niuiutuue, eun
the wealthy had viviers and ponds iu
which they kept their own flsh for their
owu use.
The exteut to which they have gone
.,, hn Indued bv the svsteui in use
among the monks of the monasteries and
the great seigneurs or tne oontiueui,
which wss also introduced luto this
country, probably by the Normans orig
inally. The absence of proper convey-
anues for the supply or sea nan to tne
i,,iiwl nnrta of the couutrv made it im
perative for the various proprietors to
meet tneir owu ueoeHsnioe. ui num au
they did not fail to discover mat certain
fltflina rnnnired a particular kind of
"oultoh" upou whioh to fix their spawn.
As the snppiy of this material was an
acknowledged necessity this may be
considered the first step toward flsh
hutching. Scottish Review.
Gertrude Hopkins,
Miss Gertrude Hopkins of Cleveland
was recently appointed official stenog
rapher of the Cuyahoga oouuty common
pleas court She has been engaged in
stenography aud typewriting for four
years. Slsi has reported a number it(
important cases in the courts aud hlkj
earned the reputation of being ontJuf
the most proficient stenographers in the
oouuty, especially at court work. Miss
Hopkins is described as a pretty and ac
complished young woman, who keee
house iu a cozy little home for two
younger sisters aud a little brother, their
pareuts being dead.
Margaret Seymour Hall.
Miss Margaret Seymour Hall, daugh
ter of the late Rev. Dr. Charles Hall,
the venerable lector of Triulty church,
Brooklyn, has Inherited her father's lit
erary talent. She is an indefatigable
worker, particularly fond of the study
afforded by travel aud of utilising the
impressions and knowledge thereby
gained. Miss Hall is New ork corre
spondent of a Hebrew newspaper, the
ouly one of ita kind published iu tbe
Holy Laud. It is named The Hind the
auoieut name of Palestine.
Rolen A. Whlttl.r.
Miss Helen A. Whittier of Lowell,
Mass., is president of the uouipsuy that
operates the Whittier cut tun wills, lo
oatud on the Chattahoochee river, sis
miles from Atlanta. Ou Jan. 0 she
presited uu electrio button and put the
spindles iu operation, opening another
industry for Uoiirgia and (living employ
ment to between 300 aud 400 persons.
The building of the mills was begun liml
spring. They have 10,000 spindles and
one of the best equipped plants iu the
She It Not a Whaalwomaa.
Mrs. Lynn Linton, whose admirers
say that she is a severe oritio aud oth
ers that she is u chronio grumbler, is
oritioisiug or grumbling now, as prefer
red, over the bicycling oraze, whioh has
swept over England, aud which K
calls "a cross between the tight rJ
aud the treadmill." It is, of courier
ueedless to add that Mrs. Lynu LIutou
Is not herself a wheelwoinan.
I'reparlnR for tne Crowds.
Both St. Louis aud Chicago hotel
keepers are preparing for the conven
tions with soldier-like promptness. It
was as though the order were given:
"Prepare to chnigel"-rhlladelphla
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