i ! I f 1 I i t i , ! ' III II.,! I I i 1 11 it THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic Paper in Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argus Publishing Conpaay. subscmptiok raio. Single copy five ceil . One year, 1.00. Six months rtrt oents. Thro mouths 36 canta. Entered at the Post-ofhce at Hillsboro, Oregon, as sjecoud-clas mail matter. THE HATCHET'S CONSISTENCY. The benign and sacerdotal pub lisher uf The Hatchet, the Hermann "Organ," in his last issue, because The Argus had commented upon the inconsistency in that particular jwper, saw fit to bury The AsGi'sin an avalanche of satire, even going so far as to accuse us of populism. If fiet coinage of silver, the Ameri can product, constitutes populism, then The Akgis has a "populist glow," and The Hatchet, which is and has been free and unliti hed, i6 to 1," is in the" white heat ol populism. There are two kinds of consisten cy. One is from principle, the other from prejudice. If Thk Ar gus ever intimated that any one lied it stood ready to prove the in timation or assertion. lfTubAR GU8 has used invective, it was calied for and used in the relation that the ''exception proves the rule. The Hatchet is not consistent to it-t-elf or its friends, laying aside its inconsistency to principles, and its course will be eagerly matched by those interested in ihe coming cam paign. The Oregonian has read free silver from the republican party and the state platform will be an tagonistic to that quantity. The Hatchet, will be consistent with its past policy of consistency and en dorse that platform or The Argus will admit its error. The Hatchet is protective tariff. Free and un--r: iinaited coinage of silver and a pro- .-j. tacihe tariff are constitutional op posites, so the Hatchet is not con sistent. The learned editor further men tions "crumbs" which The Argus gets from the Sheriff's office (The Abgus has published 3 or 4 Sheriffs sales in 16 months) and seems to feel grieved. The Argus did not blackmail the Sheriff into this pat ronage. It was from democratic clientage. The Argus further has the county printing but tliis the priestly young journalist forgot to mention. This paper is the only democratic paper in Washington county, The Times being self-admitted, and advertised, independent. As to the policy of The Times' pol itical utterances, this paper is yet under the impression that its"judg ment in politics is veek." The Hatchet is consistent in one thing at least, and that is misrepresent ation and in another but that is - not this story. GRAND JURY REPORT. The Grand Jury report is one of no mean latitude and covers a good deal of ground, stating many truths and offering some excellent suggestions. After reading a few reports of such bodies, this one is refreshing, not alone for its literary points, but for its open candor and freedom of utterance. As the body had no political majority, the re mark that ante-election promises were ignored by the last legislature is trite, true, and springs not from prejudice. It is a good report, take it all in all, and The Argus is pleased to publish it. Each man, woman, and taxpayer should read it not once .but two times. Of course, it will be open to strictures by many, as such instruments gen erally are, hut in the "motivelpri marily" The Argus is. pVas'ed to coincide. ' There are occasionally 'son e queer things in politics. An lul dressed envelope, the chirography of hich was recognized, was shown an, .Aug us reporter the other day and the contents of the enclosure were tracts showing what Dinger Hermann is doing at '..Washington. The envelope bore - Hermann's "frank" and the address was clear ly in handwriting precisely like the cure something for nothing by in suring property not his own and trying to collect the loss occasioned bv a subsequent fire, none of his "crying tracts" have befit received ! An e"Kr'a". uen,t last Sat; J 6 ... 1 urdav the band and the lvceuni. A at this office. Evidently the an-j fine program was rendered. archistic chap did not appreciate! The debating society adjourned last . , , ,. .. . . I Wednesday for the season. A special the publication of what was Con- j debate was had between Rev P DeRoo tained in the Circuit court record. ! and M J Gleason John Verboort is now on the sick list. With the Omaha platform hung', Djna Hansacker is home from Port . , .... , land- up by the gambol joints, properly, Miss Theres ReiH has aivestea oi us niae ana aisemnow- elUd, leaving nothing but the solid flesh the creation gained from the democratic pasture, what will the j faction of the populist party which has fought the brains in its organi- xation, dor I ney predominated for awhile in Coxey Armies and the like, but their prestige will soon be a thing of the past. Gen. Weaver stated a truth the other evening when he said ''the republicans killed prosperity, threw the corpse into the lap of democra cy and then shouted murder!" Hut The Argus thinks he stretched his imagination when . lie said Cleveland pleaded guilty. Cleve land is not in the habit of losing his head. The large majority of the demo crats in the United States Senate voted for free silver. This is a fact that has significance. It means that the democracy will declare for the white metal, and it further means that the party's majority still holds for the "dollars of our dads." The McKinley protectionists will find to their sorrow that their "slogan" will not rally such sup port as they have presupposed. Here in this state the people are earnest in voting men in the legis lative halls who will first consider that home interests are paramount. When anyone reads the obit uary of the democratic party it would be a good idea for the reader thereof to first get the physicians death certificate before proceeding. Democracy can not die because it considers the wants of the people. COUNTY NEWS CORNELIUS. Chas Hancock sold a tract of land last week to Chas Anderson of this place. The wedding bells may ring in this city ere long if we be rightly informed. H H Hendricks is under the weather this week. Pete Jacquot and Sol Emrick left last Monday for the Wilson river. N J Goodwin did business in the city from Glen wood Wednesday. Dr Bowser was in our town from Hills boro Saturday last. E N Ordway, of Hillsboro, was in the city Saturday. Mrs Fred Shoen visited Forest Grove Wednesday. Geo Sanders did business in the Grove Wednesday. Max Burgholzer passed through the city on Tuesday enroute for Portland. Grandma Neep is slightly indisposed this week. Jim Sness and Chas Henderson were home from Cedar Mill over Sunday. Johnny Brooks, of Perrydale Oregon, has opened up a barber shop in the St Joe Hotel. He come well recommend ed as a good workman. Our republican caucus was held Wed nesday and the following delegates were elected to the county convention: G W Marsh, E H Walters, Geo Han cock, G Hale, Mr Shoen and T E Corne lius. Alva Phillips was in the city from Glencoe Saturday. The S P Company are painting de pots here this week. Scott Walker was in town from Gas ton Saturday, Miss Cora Merrill is suffering with a felon on her hand. Some of the young bloods of Forest Grove were arraigned before Recorder Dorrein last Saturday for disorderly conduct and fined. Pate Wells and wife and her mother visited at the Grove Saturday. We hear it rumored that Cornelius is to have another livery barn. CENTERVILLE. The Sunday school is preparing for rvaster services ano are engaged on a fine program. We hear that G W Marsh will he a candidatefor the legislature on the rm puuncan ncitei. Mrs Armstrong lias returned from the iMenaiem where she has been visiting. Mrs Fanny McCurdy leaves Wednes day for a visit with her mother at Rose burg. John Fisher leaves Fridav for a bear num in me woast Kange mountains. Longfellow day was appropriately ob served by the school children Tuesday by the rendition of a fine program com posed entirely of Longfellows poems. Jim Young and J E Wilson were blast ing otuuips for iam Moon Monday. ' ''-'- closed down until af- .11 this new Sich THE HIULSBQRO VERBOORT AND VICINITY. Steve Stoltz and family have been visiting in this vic'nity from Portland f&V several da vs. roruana tor an indefinite period A STITCH IN TIME. Washington county had a school superintendent preceding the pres ent incumbent who was behind in his accounts with the institute j funj ad the same was paid into lhe treasury bv warrants deducted from his salary. The fees received by hint for certificates and permits granted were the property of the county institute fund, and upon ac quisition should have been turned over to the county treasurer. The practice of public officials not mak ing immediate turn-over of such funds is a system to be deprecated, and should not be tolerated, es pecially when such officers are not under bond. The present incum bent has made no turnover since December 17, 1S95, and he has drawn his salary right along. The County Court should see to it that the county's money is in the prop er place. Loose business methods are just as culpable in one officer as another. The treasurer eivet a bond for the faithful keeping of ptioiic money, and that is wheie the money should be held. COMMUNICATED. To The Editor: A short time ago the Indepen dent contained an emphatic denial from H. V. Gates, that he ever re ceived any money for the enrolling of a certain bill, the nunilier of which is to me at this time forgot ten. As Mr. Gates claimed Mr. Ford, the republican sheriff of this county, had circulated the story, and Mr. Ford had previously de nied having said such a thing, it is very peculiar that the legislator should hae taken so much trouMe in entering the public prints. The bill, which in some manner was lost while in lhe hands of an en rolling eoininilt'. was not. it is stated u;on good authority, h-gallv enrolled and signed before tin leg islature adjourned. If Mr. Gules were so virtuous how is it, that hn did not tell the public, at once about the crooked work of enrolling the bill in controversy, anil the signing of it by both the -peakcr f the house and president of the sen ate i.Qer legislative adjournment? Certain it is, as chaii man of the en rolling commitee, Mr. Gates must know more about the bill than his late letter in the Independent would imply. There are a great many of his admirers who would like to have him clear up the mys tery and tell just what he knows atfout the bill which was legally passed lost, and why it was lost, never fou.id while the legislature was alive, and yet signed and brought before the governor. Kekdvilm. March 21. 1896. CALIi FOR CONVENTION. A Democratic Convention for Ihe County of Washington is hereby called to meet at Hillsburo Oregon, on April 7, 1896, at 10:0o . m. in 1 he Court House for the purpose of electing 6 delegates to the Slate Convention to be held at Portland, Oregon, on the 9th day of April, 1896. The convention to consist of 71 delegates to be chosen by the various precincts at the rate of one delegate at large, one for every 10 voles cast for Congressman in 1894 and one for every fraction thereof over 5. ,The number for each precinct are numerated as follows: Precinct. JVu. Me.a verton s 5 Heavei'dam :.',..' 6 Buxton , 9 Cornelius. , , .(j I n.l l!.. . )ZTn.T:n: linn iruiir vtok ij West Cediir Creek. ..3 IJHirv. . . , , (5 Dilley . .I East Hutte.. ... D South Forest Grove ,4 North Forest Orove 5 Gales Creek 2 North Hillsboro. .5 Mouth Hillsboro. 5 Mountain ; , 1 South Tualatin 3 j B'"e..; 2 Wapato 01 Washington , 2 Primaries are reconimemleil to hold their meetings to elect, said delegates on Tuesday the 31st of March, 18WV By order of the Central Commit tee, dated this 17th day of March, 1896. IRA. PURDIN. I J. M. Wall, Ch'r'n Pro Tern Secretary. A ROUS, -irflUKSDAY, MAKOH 24 1896. Notice for Publication. n i Lakb Orrica at Onions Citt, Oh.I Kjh.35, 1SW.( XTOT1CK is hereby tri veil that the fotlow- 1 ing-iian.ed settler has tiled notice of I nor intention to make tinal proof in sui- port of her claim, and that said proof will j be made before the County ('lurk of Wash ington nuiiitv at Hillsboro, Oregon, on May 7, via: i r AA 4 it il I ! iircj a lie lie in-1, , h. sJ, tor me $ 11 e fee 11, 1 e ia See T2 S, It 4 V. She names the following witnesses to: prove her continuous residence iion and cultivation of said land, viz: X S Pricket, A H Fhipps, It 8 Mullock and IS L Phillips all of Muniiing, Oregon, 50-4 ICobkkt A. M11.1.RK, Register. Notice for Publication. Jakd Ofkh- at Orkoox Citv, Oh.i Keb. 25, ISUU NOTICK is hereby given that the following-named settler I111.1 ti led notice of his intention to make tinal proof in suj port of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before the Register and Receiver U. S. mw Olllce at Oregon t'ily. Ore,, on May 19, 1W, vix: Joseph Miller, II K. So. Ktt4. for iie S E of Sec 10, T 3 S If 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said laud, vii: Charles a axon, of Glencoe. Oregon, Albert Kahline,of Portland. Oregon and Ambrose t'ox and Jack Hobble, of Mountaiudule, Oreiion. 50 4 Rokkht A. Mii.i.kr. Register Notice for Publication. Lou Omi at Okroon City. Or. ( Feb. l!7, IMHi. I OTK'K is hereby given that thefollow XI ing-nained settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on A. ay 7, IfH5, vu: Ueorge Goos, 11. K. No. 7t0, for the YV H of the S V H and S M 8 W !' of Sec U, T S N U 4 V. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John H Kennedy., Amos K Mead, John l.lppert and I'eter Sfittg, all of Greenville. Oregon. 50-4 Robert A. Mii.i r.R, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICK :s hereby g ven that the un dersigned has tiled her tinal account as administratrix of the estate of em y Dentin, deceased, in the Countv court of the State of Oregon for Washington county, and that said court has appoint ed the tfird day of March, lKi, at ten o'clock a. 111. us thetiine for hearing objev tions to such tinal account and for the settlement thereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Febru ary ID, imi. Bkrtha Dkmix, Administratrix of the estate of Henry Dentin, doc-eased. Notice for Publication. l.ANU OrFICK AT OHKOON f'lTV, Oil.) Keb. 'JO, lwm.t ATOTK'K is herebv given that lhe follow 1 inn-named settler has tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof in njv port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County t.'lerk of Wash ington countv. at Hillsboro, Oregon 011 May ti, 1S1KS, viz: Olof Sumlberg, II. K. No. s:8. for the Nli N W J.; and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec. ,'ii, T 3 N ltauge 3 W. lie mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. Henry Ilaker. S. lined, Charles Wedberg and Oust Kngestrooin, all of tilenwood, Oregon. 49-6 Uoiikrt A. Mii.lkr Register. ANDERSON & TUPPER, '(8ucceb..jr to C H Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All business entrusted to him will he promptly and carefully attended to. Freight and express rales reasonable. leave orders witn mm, or at ljedtorrl's, or at thk A Rous. OAVflTfL In. . I. . DtaiCN PATKNT. COrVKIOHTa. mta. Wot Information mnA fmn Handhnnk w r ta tn MUNN CO.. MI Bsoadwat, Niw Yowr. Oldest bureau tot tecnrlnf patents In America, Every patent taken out by u In brought bcinr publlo bj a notice given frae oictawna lu tii Utrgett efiwilstt , of any KlenUfle paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. Mn lutelliifiit man thould be without It. Weekly, 3.O0 yeari SI JO tlx month. Addrww, HU.VN tc CO. rviiLuaxBS. act Bruadway, Mow York City. ftioa, F. Oakea. Hnrv C. Pavne. Henry C. Rouse, Kecievara, HORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. R U N Pullman Sleeping Cars blegant Dininn Cars mmm . ' . Tourist , Ma . Sleeping C3T3 T PAUL Wlf'NrAPt tis 0ULUTH ! fAaao Gn..Np foim CHUOKSTOM HELKNA red BUTTE THOUGH ' v 1 TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK " I0ST0N AND A'.L POINTS EASI tn l SOUTH For inloriiiation. l iine card;-. llcUels, i-iii. i.n or i he -1. D. CL'AIiM&M. .r.t, C?r!. .; lOP''l..Jn .($' 25.". i: rrlHtm Strert. jk SclcntiHo American Ascncyfora 1 w riv I Dl - w m Look ! Rare Bargains n, 1 11 1 i'i iiiiiim iiiv run I; 1 IVUtlUW IV Mil Enquire at The Allocs othVe. No 1 'Ai acres, adioiniiitr citv limits. sidewalk w ithin one block of property. ! Hi acres cleared, finest quality of hotioin land, 4 acres hunch, tine site for building : purposes, some timber on same. Will j sell Ina body for juuuo purt down, bal-1 anceou time to suit purchaser. Or will i sulxlivide ho an to give part cleared Isit torn ami part bench, in pints from 2 to 5 acres, ut f 1-5 per acre, Here is a chance made self sustaining Investigate before some one gets it. On the market fur a short time only, for A triHMl ll.nil lloln lntl.ta. t.-ltt.tl, ..., lit. No 2 10 acres, half cleared, 1 acre verdion, rest slashed and sown to grass, no buildings, goes for Sirt per acre. With in two miles of Hillslioro. Terms, $1110 down balance In 3 yeurs at 10 per cem. Or will sell to) acres, of w hich iilsivp is a part, at sumo prico per aero, including lb acres of beaverdain and swail cleared. No S VJH acres, highway running through center of place, SO acres in culti vation; 1 acres in orchard, apples, pears ano piuiiis;o room noiisc; log narii, guou 1 well of water; !M) acres of boavordaiii, easy to put in cultivation; place well watered! bv Hlirincm and crocK! 1IN1 iieren iitiiti.rl fence; 1 miles from )Ht olllce, daily j man; 1 nine irom senooi House ami six miles north of Hillslioro. does cheap for cash. No 4 A good corner lot on Main and Third streets, 7."x!7. with good building thoreoti.Hiiitulilcfoi'any kind of business, ami in excellent repair, will go at a bar gain for cash. Part payment and balance on long time with security. No 5 12 acres; half cleared, balance in! grass. Good house of four rooms; good barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of; 50 trees ami various other small fruits. 150 chickens 50 ducks, I -horse wagon, j a sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers : I horse and farm implements. F.very- j thing goes for $650, cash in hand, I FT 1C. Mi'NKII., lieee ver.. TO THE Gives the choice of.... TWO Tit A XSCONTIM'X TA A ROUTES Great Union Northern Ry. - Pacific lly, VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AMD ST PAUL DENVEK OMAHA AND KANSAS CITV LOW UATKS TO ALt, KASTKKN CITIK8 Ocmn Simmer Portland Every 1'ite Leave Day ... FOR... SAN FRANCISCO Fct full details call on or address; W H JiUKLbl'ttT, . Gen'l fast Agent Portland, Oregon, Or J. I. KnlRlit, Hillsboro, Ore. Notice For Publication. Land Orrn I at Okehon City, Oh.i Feh. 1!), iK'dl.i N'OTICK is hereby t;i veil that the follo-intt-naimitl settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, under Sec. 2SU5 Revised HlHlut" of the 1'. H., and tliut said proof will he made before the Register and Receiver V. N. Land Olllce. at Orecou Citv. (m emi on April 9, 1S!HI, via: Chas. H. Welch, II. H. N'o. 10X04 for theE i X K y. and E S E 14 ofMco. in, T 4 X It 0 W W M He names the following? witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Thomas Pettijohii of Kuusey, Oregon. Pulon Clarke . " C II Wheeler Clatakanis " Oeo Riciiwiue Jr , ontaviila" 49-0 Rohkkt A. Mii.i.er, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon jui vv nsjiingioil county, G Melvin Tli'-rn, I'laintitf.) Dofendant.l Alica M Thorn, To Alice M Thorn, the nhm- defendant. TN THE NAME OF THE HTATK Olf A Oregon, you are hereby commanded and required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above e.iuufi. eoi.rt 111 me aDove entitled suit, on or before Monday the 20th day of July, A, 1).. IHIKi. thesamn beinuon tlm Hrui of the next regular term of said court next scribed in the order of publication of this summons and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed for and demanded, to-wit: That the tnarriatre and niarriaun loiiomim ine exoiraiioti 01 Mtnim existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved forever, and that such other and turt her decree be made, as may be equitable and for his costs. 1 his summons 19 published against ynti 1? the above named court. n.nHp 1.. niiu.,,. hers this !th day of February, IH96. UBO. VV, r, .Iosbph. Attorney for l'laintifl'. Notice for Publication. Lasd Owce at Okesos City, Ob.i NOTICE is hereby given that the following-itemed settler has filerl l.nt rA nl nis intention to make tinal proor In sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on Mav 8, viz: ' Henry H. Winter, H. E. No. 8953, for the 11 e Sec 2!) T 2 K R 6 V . .. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: MSB Haycock. O A Haycock, M B La throp and VV . Vcnahlo, all of Fir, Wash ington county, Oregon. WM Rbmr A. Mrr,t.its. Register. i IL. 0..L 11 11 ST Save Your Dollars. By buying your Harness, Leather Finding, Elf, at the Farmers' Harness Shop Repairing a Speoialty-Prices below Ccmretition Terry C, l ull, Hagley llulldiiig, Purest Drugs and Chemicals. The Hillsboro Select Stock of St&tiOIlCry. . . . . HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. 1. K IIKItST, I'hop Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Muikct : Price : I'uid : fur : l'itt : Cuttle. : Sheep : ami : Hue, Cash Paid MAIN STKKKT. W. T. Andrews, president, I). W. Dnrraiivr, Nerrrlaiy ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (Incorporated June H, IMCI.I MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOU NT A I N I ). 1. 1" , -THE BUFFET CAR ROUTK M, H -TK- riiImvM Khnrfpsf nnrl fliiipVacf Tina d--ki;i3 I lll:HVKI.N PACIFIC COAST POINTS . . . ST. PAUL, AND THK KAST. Crosse both the Cascade mid tin liockj MuuiHains in DA V l,li UT, affording hut. sriigiiiR.lii opisHituuty of netting the fst l'Qnrl d- i i - m rwo trains .lady from Portland ; oi: nt II a. 111 , via Seat tin. ,me at 1. m viaO.K..t N., t,.e uits hoptrh eumpiin-nt, eousist Ihgul ilintiig cr, l.nllri ll.iary ears, palace and iiplmlslerc unst-1 sl-cpi,,,, ems. 'I be bull,., V ir- uls ol tilrgancr ami conilorl. coniaiiiing ImIIi h.om. larl.. r shop, , sv elmir- etc .Tu'insleanisliil.s '.Noril,,,!''!!!--! Xorlhland" leave Ibiluili every Monday l-.relay lor the ,, " M.iet c ,l. Dhioh, l let. lar,,! Hn,l oil do In u.i, IIII il.Ml A.N and ) ad. Ihilul ri le 1 1 .... fr,n the heal and .In. I For lirk. elsnnd aeiieral information eiiliou or address It. C. STEVENS, (;. W. p, . ilia Front Si,. Seatlli'. Wash. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY? TIIltKK I OI.I.KOK (Ot'ltSHM ... Classical, rnilK ACADEMY prepares for College M;t n Ihoroiio, .. Iish kdncalion; ,e best .remralb,n for T.mehinu .r ItuMi, Ail exjwiifPH veiy low. I!ol I'i ' j, ,'i , pel' week, itirliiilinp eleelnV jK Hn, lt.a(. . ... v,o wormitnry, under Hip 1)1 III lllSlll'H . ... , ,' private fannli., i 2...0 III 111.11 '.Kill. Ill r. inn ::"v.:,T7,-::,Hi',,,l,,,:,,,il.:, il, 189G I";.."' l,lr ' l"or parlicnlurs or , . & '... Notice for Publication. LaxI ()m, K AT oarnoN Citt, Oh.i NOTIflfL 1 1 H'eh. 10, 18(lli.( f . ! ". reliy 'ven Ht the follow-ng-iulaied settler has filed not ce of 10 '""ke Proof T, ,u Hiles 8. Collins, cultivation o1 s'!!!!'!18 ri,si(lt,"; lon and Oatis Haycock Charles .ic.ki H H Batemait. f 1' ir. Oregon. W H Lyda 47-C 1Mbt A. Mii.lsb, Hegisler, LandOkkir atOhmon citv, Oh.i v .. . , I , '"ell. 17, 1KIW. prov"rmal,tei-,iVOn ,,11,t ' P- celved from' the Hiirvavnr 11! re: Oreann iin.l 1, i ln7"r t'Olloril of uregon, unu ni jmi0 , lm ' clock a. m. of said dav w i Vi . ,., be offlcially flldl I ' hisoni.ilil. 1 iW" therein embra.id "g '! " ,"." '""' try on and afto said date Jt Ct U' en" " UawoWat, itoeeiver. Notice tb Stock Holders. Hillnmoiiohboon, Mar. 18, 18IW.' the WaHlilngtii County 8peod and Driving Association. " YOU and each of you ro hwoby noil- i . J1 llM tlv ""ard Uirertora has levied Assessment No. I on said oapltnl stock, the same being 20 per .wnt. oi the race thereof. on are requested to call on the Secretary, tako ontcertillcatos and pay said assessment at once. - . E. J. Lyoks, Proa. C. w. nnriKOND, Nt;'y-Treas. (J1TY LIVERY STA15LEZZZZ Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Ia WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD I IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, Meeoiid NlriH-t, iiuiMis.ro, Oregon. Patent Medicines. Proprietary Articles. Pharmacy I'm it ic 11 1 a r Atleiillon paid in I'IivnIi'Ihiih' l'i'i'srrlilions ami Family Kerlpes. for Poultry. Illl.l.SHnKO, OKKtiOX. OKIvC.ON. o. - im itt r 1-1 xy-K ' ws A. H. C. li:NXISTo,C. '. X T. A. ii third St, Portland. Oreii-n. Scientific, Literary. 1 V.nt- u-iiiesa. ,,.,,1 rooms nt tl.H Ladies' ex- t Umt inaiuicemei.t. fur. V .! 1.1 ...... . II 1 I 1 1 iionrti niiu 11 ml iii.viili.Ih !VI.,., h t mi ,lt sl'-MU term U'lrina A....II at,, I, , ,.u,d,esF THOMAS KcCLELLAND, Imi rest Grove, Origmi. DENNIS. Administrator's Notice. Administrator's sale of personal prop erty of the late Martin Manning 011 his premises on West Dniry Creek, Saturday April 4th at 10 a. m. One brood marc, 3 lour-year olds, 2 three-year olds, a two year olds, 1 yearling, all of Percheron i mare and some of the colts full-bloods Mock, 2 fresh cows, 35 goats, grain, ma. chmery and farm implements, harness, books mid household furniture. Terms: under JSio, cash; over $ 10, aecercd ttoh at 8 per cent, from date of sale, patao.a' t . 'J 961 Ant0" Mwer, Administra. tor, Forest Grove, Oregon. . Notice for Publication. Land Orncie at Orkoon (.Tt, Ok.i NOTICE is hereby given that' the fiXw. IIUt-llaillMil sett i . - s Inlention to make final proof in sup- C ,nlll1-,cl'li,.,!,!', ihatnafd proof will be made belore the (;ounty Clerk of Wash- GuHt EiiKegtioom, H. E. Jfo. 8KI2, for the K uy y ,t ,! lots 1 and 2 See 80 T 8 N, 1?5 V, mi hK,l.M. loll"wlK witnesses to . Hftiiry Cjliot ifiintTherg, ill, Charles Wed. oregn ',i'leiiwood. 41)0 A. Mili,h Ri,, . "" ... A Bargain. 1 ''' A neatly conetrutj s r-- lane vrthin i blksol bUBincef Prt of! town. Good fence around lo, , good woodshed," and two roomy closets In rodnce. Also pttmjv in good repair. Goes Iter 000. Iu quire at this office. f At u f