7 The MILLSB6R6 VOL. 3, ; IIILLSBOItO, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARC J I 26. 18. NO. 1. TELEGRAPHIC RESUME Events of the Day in a Con densed Form. OF INTEREST TO ALL READERS It. mi of Importance From Domestic and Foreign Souroee Cream of the Dispatches. Two young men, named Montgomery and Fox, rival in a love affair, fought a duel with revolver on Birch oreek, Alaska. Fox received two wounds, neither of them fatal. Complete arrangements have been made by the Prlnoeton Athletio Aso oiation to tend a team to represent America in the Olympian games, to be held in Athena, Greece, April 8 to 11. A Cairo dispatch ay the Egyptian troopa have started (or Wady Haifa, where the entire Soudan expeditionary force ia expected to assemble April 1, when the advanoe on Dongola will be oommenoed. Kid Thompson, oonvloted of partloi panoy in the Rosooe train robbery, waa sentonced by Jndge Smith, in the Lot Angelea superior court, to be hanged at Folsom on May 32, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'olook. The case of the United 8tatea vs. the state of Texai, involving the owner ship of Greer county, has boen deoided in favor of the United States. Justioe Harlan handed down the opinion. The oase involves 1,600,000 acres. The New York Herald oorrrespondent in Rio Janerio says that the Brazilian government will present to oongress an agreeement with France upon the ques tion of the contested territory in Amapa, on the border of French Guiana. A powder mill whloh gives employ ment to seventy-flve men at Kiflon, , Ulster oounty, N. Y., blew up. The , mangled bodies of lvin have beon titS 1 PH-n same mill ftJ'ago. killing Mayor Broatoh, of Omaha, Neb., has sent out letters to 600 mayors of oities in the trans-Mississippi valley, asking them to present the matter to the coun cils of their respective municipalities, and nrging the adoption of resolutions favoring the exposition that is to be held ia Omaha during the summer and fall of 1808. In Chioago, J. J. Colvin, a promi nent manufacturer of galvanized iron oornioe, was superintending the work of the new station on the Lake-street elevated road, when the temporary soaffold on whloh he stood was struok by a train, and he was burled Into the street, being almost instantly killed. Dr. Brown, of San Franolsoo, has been acquitted on the charges of im morality and censured for nnminister lal oonduot. He oonsiders himself vindicated of all the charges preferred against him. The Congregational oounoil has been in session for the past three weeks trying the charges against Dr. Brown. nre in unnton, wis., mnioted a loss of from (76,000 to 1100,000. The large stock of general merchandise of Crosier Brothers is a total loss; also the Y. M. C. A. fixtures, and the . buildings and stooks of several other firms. The fire is the seoond one which has oocurred reoeutly, and is believed to have been inoendiary in its origin. The Kentucky legislature has ad journed, after a sixty-day session. The legislature failed to accomplish the two important aots it had before it the eleotion of a United States senator and the enaotment of legislation to save the state's flnanoial reputation. Gover nor Bradley has refused to order a ape oial session, and the state is in a bad way. The United States supreme oourt has reversed the deoision of Judge Maxey, of the Texas federal oourt, in the oase of Consul Ornales, of Mexico, asking for the extradition of oertain men claimed to have been engaged in the Gar a insurrection of 1801 and 1893. The deoision has the effect of holding them subject to extradition. . Chief Justice Fuller read the opinion. Senator Mitohell of Oregon is pre paring his report in favor of an amend ment to the constitution providing for the eleotion of United States senators by direot vote of the people. At its last meeting the committee on privi leges and eleotions, by a vote of five to four, ordered a joint resolution looking to a ohange in this particular to be re ported to the senate. It is Mr. Mitch ell's intention to press the resolution for consideration. A sensation has been caused by th announcement made by M. Berthelot, minister of foreign affairs, in a Frenoh cabinet meeting, that he had asked the British ambassador, the Marquis of Dufferin, for information regarding the proposed advanoe of British-Egyp . tian troops up the Nile, and had point' ed ont to him the serious oonaequenoes of suoh an advanoe. This warning note may be a preliminary to a more deoided step. In Kalamazoo, Mioh., non-union molders who had taken be places atrilrino- tiair- men at thf IOUjbA Olarage Son, attacked two union wilder trtm an adjacent foundry, and of V aMaoked by a big orowd " .J. 'J ?a Elders who were lying In were arm tnem. Thn "on-uniou men fight that ?i'i1h baM- and ln thB nth -i'head open and two -;7. :!uw.Te9 woken noses. m n0 :'Ve,0,te' from an ault on i non-union mm,!- 0n Saturday night by atriklng molders. The non-union men were finally vanquished. The race lor the Hlrosh cup in Nice, a total diatanoe of thirty miles, Satan- ita won, Ailsa seoond, Britannia third. The schooner Noyo, from San Fran olsoo for Fort Bragg, collided off Point Arena with the steamer Pasadona. The Noyo was damaged. The German reiobstag oommittee has concluded the first reading of the sugar bill, and fixed the import duty at 40 marks per 100 kilos. Ex-Chief of Polioe Thomas M. Speers died in Kansas City of heart disease, aged 60. He was ohief of polioe in Kansas City for thirty-two years. The miners employed at the Win- tbrop mine, in Isbpeming, Mioh., quit work, because the management wanted them to work ten-hour shifts, Instead of eight. The Prlnoe of Monaco has renewed his concession to the Monte Carlo Casino for fifty years, on condition that his annuity be inoresaed from (300,000 to (400,000. In San Franolsoo, C. F. Mars, a lathing oontraotor, was assaulted and beaten by strikers, who claimed Mars was working for less than union rates. He died from the effeotsof the injuries. William Q. Judge, of the Theoso- phist S wlety, died in New York, after an i ln iss of two years. He has been since the death of Mme. Blavatsky, the most prominent Theosophist in this oountry. A Washington dispatch says the or der soon to be issued drawing into th civil servloe a large number of offioers of the government who are now except ed is still under deliberation by the president The strike of the special order, or oustom tailors, is already praotioally broken. About forty of the shops olosed have opened, the oontraotor having signed the oontraot drawn up by the men. The strike begun with a reportod number of 8,000. - The big suit of Swift & Co., the Chi oago paokers, against the Grand Trunk railway, whioh has been pending since 1892, was dismissed by stipulation. Swift & Co. sued for 1800,000 on ao oount of alleged exoessive charges for freight on shipments east from 1887 to 1889. The scheme of adding the latest weather forecast to the regular post marks on letters will be oommenoed by the postofflce department July 1. Application for this servioe from over forty postoffioes have been filed, and It will be introduced in Chioago and other large oities. News ha reaohed New York from Luayra, Venezuela, of the bursting of the magazine of the Venezuela war ship Maraoale Ayaouohe. Eight men were killed in the explosion. The re mainder of the orew were rescued by fishermen. The warship was burned to the water's edge. A dispatch to the London Globe from Cairo says the Kalifa has proclaimed a Jehad (holy war) against Egypt, and called on all dervishes oapable of bear ing arms to enroll under his bannir. It is said Osman Digna is to leave Casaala and join the dervishes now mustering at Dongola. In Chioago the oupola in the shed of the iron foundry on Ashland avenue fell from its supports. Molten metal was hurled in every direction. Miolael Donovitoh and Peter Rovitoh were fatally burned, and Edward Dlvis, Miles Conway and Alexander Cameron were seriously injured. 1 That trade between the United States and Asia is increasing is indioatpd by the heavy trans-Paoiflo mails now ar riving and departing. The steamship Viotoria that sailed from Taoomi, car ried the largest mail ever taken tut by a Northern Paciflo liner. Thert were 46 saoks of papers, amounting to 2,650 pounds, and 6,600 letters. In Cleveland, O., the fishing tugs Jessie Enas and Helene went out on the lake, and after gathering th nets, set out the night before, started baok. When outside the breakwater, a bliz zard struok them and they were soon hemmed ln by dense staokt of loating ioe. The powerful harbor tug Baoon forced her way to the reaoue, aid, after a hard battle, brought the Heiene in. The Baoon put baok to resouetbe Jessie Enas, but the effort was finely aban doned. The British ship Auldgirtl, whioh arrived in Cork reoenily witt a oargo of wheat from Portland, Or., reports having passed in latitude 6(108 south, longitude 71:81 west, two lirge ice bergs, about five miles long aid about 600 feet high. On the following day, in 66:87 south and 68:06 .West, she passed eight icebergs from one to twelve miles long, and from 100 to 700 feet high. There were light northeast winds at the time, and fine weather, The ioebergs were right in tie traok of ships. Edison has succeeded, with the aid of the Roentgen ray, in penetrating the human body with the naktd eye, the successful experiment hiving been made at last He looked into the lungs and heart, and examined the arteries, muscles and blool vessels of one of his assistants. Wiih the pow erful oathode light plaoed behind the subject he looked througl a screen of prepared ohemioala, and is said to have plainly seen the woiing of the various organs of the body A boy named Swinehetrt, 18 years old. was Mrruted in Burliigton, Ia., as' the leader of a gang of yotthful ruffians who attempted to burn jlive a small boy against whom they lad a grudge. iney persuaded the little fellow to en ter the cellar of an emrty house and then tied him seourely U a post. After torturing him with tales of deith in various forms, they set fire to the building and ran away. Parties passing w the fire, broke in and extinguished it and rescued the almost unoonsoious earn, tied in the eellar. Progress and Doings in the Pacific States. CONDENSED BUDGET OF NEW8 From All the CHIm and Towns of th Feel no States and Territories Washington. The grip is prevalent in Rosalia and vioinity. Governor MoGraw was a visitor at the normal school at Cheney last week. About 100 saoks of potatoes were shipped from Cowlitz oounty last week, about 600 sacks going fran Lewi river and 600 from Kelso. Very few oriminal oases will be tried at the present term at the superior oourt of Linooln oounty, most of them havisg been oontinued till the next regular term. The union revival seivioes at Spokane have olosed. Eleven hundred and sixty-six oarda were handed in with the nime of those who are anxious for their souls' welfare. Judge C. M. Kinoaid, of Colfax, says that the oold weather did not hurt the squirrels in the least; that they are as fat and numerous as if they had been stall-fed all winter. After paying all the expenses inot- deat to purchasing the army post, the Spokane oommittee had left 7 per cent of the oash subscribed to return to those who donated it m Borne of the Indians on the Colville reiervation have been angered by ama teur prospectors staking off as claims the well-oultivated garden patches of the members of the tribe on the reserva tion. The tails of 1,600 squirrels were laid on the commissioners' table in Spokane one day last week. They were taken up in the regular order of business, and the bounty of one cent piece paid. Formal notice has been reoeived at Walla Walla from the interior depart ment that the land for the site of the United States penitentiary has met with approval, and that the purchase prioe will soon be forwarded. Two renegade Indians, known as "Billy" and "Diok," brothers, were arrested in Walla Walla on a oharge of attempted arson, in having set fire to the large barn belonging to "Boston Charley," who lives near Walla Walla. The town of Marcus is booming, a barber shop, saloon and restaurant be ing among the new enterprises, while East Marcus is forging ahead with a new blacksmith shop and saloon, with several other new business ventures in sight King oounty's delinquent personal tax is now (81,849.46, and there is no immediate prospect that it will be paid. The collectors recently sent out by County Treasurer Maple gathered in about (6,000, and about an equal sum was secured by letters sent from the offloe. Mrs. Posey,, a Leavenworth barber's wife, suooessfully performed a very diffioult opeartion oh a ohioken last week. The ohioken had swallowed a toadstool, and it was notioed that in a day or two its orop blaokened and the fowl seemed siok. Mrs. Posey opened the orop, oleaned it out and sewed it up again. The ohioken is now in bet ter shape than ever, and ia taking the oure for the toadstool habit C. S. Moore, sentenced to Walla Walk from King oounty for burglary, has been pardoned by Governor Mo Graw. Moore escaped a few year's ago and went to British Columbia. He re turned of his own aooord on oondition that he would be released at the end of his term, as originally fixed. His time had really expired and the par don was only the oarrying out of the agreement made at the time of his voluntary return. A Mr. Crilly, of Blaine, has been making experiments with fir bark, with a view to utilizing it in the manu facture of useful and ornamental ar ticles . He has a polished block of this material oovered with a coat of var nish, whiob, for riohness of oolor and beautiful markings, is truly admirable. For dock oases, glove, handkerohief andoollar boxes, etc, this material would work up well, and would be a novelty whioh would secure a ready sale in the notion stores of the East Colonel Molntyve, an irrigation and oivil engineer of Seattle, is the invent' or of anew system of wagon roads, whioh he thinks will revolutionize country travel. He oalls it the "steel wagon road." He got his idea from observing that the drivers of every vehiole seek the street oar traoks in preference to the best gravel or paved street Mr. Molntyre estiamtes that the oost of single-traok rural steel roads will not exoeed fi.ooo to (2,000 per mile, irhile the oost of maoadamiced wagon roads average over (6,000 per mile. Oregon. Clatsop oounty ia about to oall in its warrants up to July 1, 1894. Trout are taking the fly in the north fork of the lower Coos river. A farmer of Lake oounty says that he expeots to shear 80,000 sheep this season. At the last term of oourt in Baker oounty no oirminals were sent to the penitentiary. The firm of Shea & Co. has pur chased grounds near Albany and will start a oreamery. Captain Waud has informed The Dalles Chronicle that the dredger will open channel entirely through the locks within two weeks, so that boats may pas. S. Merton, of St Paul, Marion oouunty, has contracted 10,000 pounds of hops at 8 oents per pound, for five years. An ordinance forbidding women in saloons and providing punishment for its infraction has gone into effeot at Astoria. It is proposed in Pendleton to or ganize an "artesian water" club, to raise funds to bore for artesian water in that vioinity. Harney oounty theepmen will drive a great many band of their sheep to the railroad before shearing, and thus lave freight money on the wool. The steamer T. M. Richardson ha taken the plaoe of the steamer Volanta, destroyed by fire last week, and is car rying passengers, mail, etc, between Newport and Yaquina City. The Oregon Central & Eastern is making arrangements to run a mixed train from Yaquina to Detroit, in one day, and back the next, one of the trains now on being dispensed with. A lot of salt marsh lands in Warner valley, Lake oounty, was sold recently, under the saline aot, and purchased by a man who will erect a refinery and manufacture salt of a first-class quality. Several counterfeit (6 pieoea that have been ln circulation in Baker City have been turned over to the deputy United States marshal by the business men who took them in the course of trade. Pendleton bicyclists have started a good-roads campaign, their first objeot of attack being the highway to the Uamtilla agenoy, whioh it is desired to put into a permanently good con dition. Hops are very slow In Washington oounty. There are several lots scat tered through the oounty whose own ers are holding for a higher prioe. Two oents were advanced on two car loads recently sold. The sawmill of the Oregon Lumber Company at Baker City has resumed operations. A large supply of logs i on hand, and there will be nothing to prevent a continuous operation of the mill for many months. About (11,000 has been paid into the oounty treasury, at Grant's Pas, a taxes thus far. The total amount to be collected from taxayen of Josephine oounty for all purposes is (43,000. Of this the O. & C. railroad is down for (7,601.18. Gilliam oounty farmer do not be lieve fall gra'n was injured by the late freeze. The ground was oovered with snow, which protected the grain from the oold. Everything indicates that that oounty will produce an immense yield of wheat this season. One hundred and eighty-seven of the 1,700 taxpayer in Benton oounty have so far paid their taxes for 1896. ,It is asserted by officials that penalty is to be added after April 1, and that after that date county warrants will not be aooepted in payment of taxes. The Astoria & Goble Railroad Com pany put twelve men to work grading through the marshes below Bureau's mill, near Clatskanie, reoently. This is an experiment whioh the oompany is trying, in order to know if the road oan be put aoross the fiat at that plaoe. Some years ago Mr. John Reeoe, now of East Marshfleld, lost his wife, leaving behind a little girl which the father was illy prepared to oare for. As he determined to leave the oountry, alter due deiibeation the ohild was given to a well-to-do oouple who were ohlldless. A short time ago the foster mother died, leaving the daughter (70,000, and now the death of the hus band Is reported, and the young girl is heir to an estate estimated at over 1,000,000. Idaho. The powder house of the Sandres' mine, near Burke, was blown up last week, and not a vestige of it remains. All the windows on one side of the oon oentrator were shattered, but fortun ately no one was injured. Charles Wells, living aoross the river from Fort Sherman, has instituted suit for damages against Colonel Hall, the oommander, and Lieutenant Brown, the quartermaster. In harvesting ioe for the post the military teams oross a narrow neok of Wells' land, and he wants (600 from the government for the passage of the teamrs. The work of constructing the irri gating ditohea on the flats aoross the Snake river from Lewiston is the most important faotor in the develoment of this oity and immediate seotion, says the Lewiston Tribune. All of the pre liminaries have been arranged and the oontraot let. The Western Lumber Company, of Portland, with whom ne gotiations have been oarried on for sev eral weeks, has been given the oontraot for the lumber (Oregon yellow fir) to be used in the flumes. About 1,500, 000 feet will be used, and more than 100 cars will be required for its ship ment A special boat will bring it up from Riparia and unload at the mouth of Asotin oreek. Montana. President Hill of the Great Northern railway, has purchased 300 aores of land on the west side of Great Falls. This will no doubt be made the termin al grounds of this oompany. It is said that the VJvim Lumber Company, which ia the trust oombina tion controlling the output of Flathead oounty, has been awarded the contarot for furnishing the lumber for the Blaokfoot agenoy at a price of (19 per 1,000. feet Should the long-contemplated rail road be' built into the old deserted mining oamp of Castle, there will be a genuine revival of mining interests at that point The hills surrounding the old town are full of rioh quartz veins and it requires a railroad to make the ores available. MUST MAKE ANSWER Self-incrimination No Reason for Refusal. DECISION OF THE I'PPER COURT Rights of Courts to Compel an Answer to Questions In Interstate Com ueree Matters Sustained. Washington, March 26. A deoision was rendered by the supreme oourt of the United States today in the oase of Theodore F. Brown, involving the right of the oourt to compel an answer by a witness to questions in interstate commerce matters, notwithstanding that he may plead self-incrimination as a result of the answer. The deci sion was opposed to Brown's conten tion, that he was proteoted by the con stitution from this requirement, and the deoision of the oourt below was affirmed. The opinion was handed down by Justice Brown. Justioes Field, Shiras, Gray and White dissented, holding the constitutional provision was sufficient to relieve Brown from all requirement to answer. This was advanced on the dooket of the supreme oourt on motion of the attorney-general made at the instance of the interstate commerce commission. It was considered a test oase, and the olaim was set forth in a letter written fur the commission that a large number of similar cases must wait upon its final deoision by the oourt The case came to the supreme court on an appeal taken by Brown from the deoision of the circuit court for the western dis trict of Pennsylvania in refusing to grant a writ of habeas corpus, and arose from a proceeding by the inter state oommeroe commission against the Allegheny Valley Railway Company, of whloh Brown ia an officer He was a witness before the grand jury for the commission in this oase and refused to answer oertain questions propounded to him, on the ground that in so doing he might inoriminate himself. He was then proceeded against for oon tempt of oourt, found guilty and sen tenced to imprisonment Brown pleaded his constitutional right of si lence, but the staute of February 11, 1893, requiring answers in inch ques tions, was invoked against him and held to be valid by the circuit oourt In announcing his opinion, Justice Brown said the question involved was as to whether the law of 1893, specific ally relieving witnesses in interstate commerce cases from prosecution, when they reveal faots whioh might inorimi nate themselevs, operates to take from witnesses in such oases the privilege of silence as guaranteed by the constitu tion, and the conclusion was that it did. He said this aot was in the na ture of a general amnesty in such cases, and had been so regarded and upheld in half a dozen decisions in the iitate oourt. HORRIBLE STORY AGAIN TOLD An Armenian Refugee Tells of the Mas saere In Marsovan. New York, March 25. Mharim Dal matian, an Armenian refugee who re oently escaped from Turkey and has just arrived here, said last night: "The massaore in Marsovan oocurred November last. The first thing done on the morning of the massacre was to put a guard of Turkish soldiers around the American college. This was to protect the college from attaok. Two or three houses In the town In whloh the naturalized Amerioan oitizens lived were also guarded. The Turkish sol diers began by killing in cold blood all the Armenians whom they found in the market They did this partly with guns, partly with bayonets and partly with hatchets. - "TheV j killed all the Armenians whom '.cey found in the streets. They did not, however, enter any Armenian houses, exoept four, where several women were assaulted and killed. "Meanwhile each of the five mosque in the town had a Turk crying out every few minutes that the Armenians were saoking the mosques and killing the Turks. This added greatly to the publio exoitement and added the Turk ish populaoe to the soldiery. "Over 1,000 persons were killed in all the massaores in Marsovan. It was freely acknowledged by the soldiers that the Armenians were killed by di reot orders from Constantinople. There are altogether 600,000 Armenians under Turkish dominion and if they remain under that rule lor ten years longer they will be exterminated or oonverted to Mohammedanism. "Between 80,000 and 40,000 Armen lam have been massaored up to the present time. The governor of the disj trlot 1 now busy arresting all the young Armenian men whom the sol diers or polioe find in the street. . The result of this massaore is that all the young men are keeping in the houses and sending out the old men to buy food." The Distribution of Seed. Washington, Maroh 28. The seore tary ot agrloulture, In aoordanoe with the mandate of oongress, has prepared a oircular letter to be sent immediately to all known reputable growers and dealers in seed throughout the United State asking them to furnish at res sonatue prioes to the department tO, 000,000 packets of garden, field and flower seeds, beginning with asparagus and ending with wheat The number of paokets will give to eaoh member and delegate In the house, and to eaoh senator, 16,000 paokets for dlstribu tion among his constituents, after de duoting one-thrid of the whole amount in aooordanoe with law for dlstribu tion by the seore tary of agrloulture, All seed must be delivered on or before thirty days from the 17th of Mare. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS. Condensed Record of the Doings of the Nation' Lawmakers-Senate. Washington, March 21. Cuba bad the entire attention of the senate today, speeches being made by Gray, Chilton and Caffery, the debate being enlivened by many spirited incidents. Gray's plea for Cuba brought on a running cross-fire of oomment and inquiry from Hale. The Delaware senator caused much amusement by referring to Hale as the senator from Spain. A fresh, vigorous contribution to the debate oame from Chilton, who has seldom addressed the senate. He urged that there was abundant work at home to occupy the attention of oongress, in stead of enlisting in humanitarian crusades abroad, with their possibili ties of war. Caffrey also opposed the Cuban resolutions. A resolution au thorizing the use of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the oanal and lock on the Columbia river, Oregon, amounting to (20,000, waa adopted. Washington, March 23. During the Cuban deabte in the senate the floor was yielded temporarily by Sherman to Allen, to state bis views on the olaim of Dupont The statement had more than a passing interest, for the six Populists votes are regarded as decisive in the contest, and this was the first expression of a Populist senator. Allen oontended that Dupont waa not entitled to a seat without a certificate or cre dential from the executive of the state, and when this was lacking, as In this case, the courts of the state oould oom pel the issuance of credentials by the governor. A resolution, offered by Chandler, was adopted for an Inquiry ot the naval oommittee of the desira bility of building one turret above an other, after whioh the following bills were passed: For the relief of settlers within the indemnity limits of the grant to the Northern Paciflo Railroad Company; for the disposal of lands in the Fort Klaamth hay reservation, Or egon; fixing the rank and pay of the judge-advooate-general of the navy; for the survey of the mouth of the Yu kon river, Alaska. Washington, March 26. An unex pected climax to the Cuban debate was reached in the senate today when, on motion of Sherman, chairman of the oommittee on foreign relations, the Cuban resolutions were recommitted to the oommittee. The vote to recommit was unanimous and without the for mality of a roll-oall. Sherman, Mor gan and Lodge were appointed to rep resent the senate in a further confer ence. Hoar gave notice of a proposed amendment to the rules for the purpose of "enabling the senate to dispose of publio business more promptly." It proposes that when any bill or resoln tion shall have been under considera tion for no less than four day, it shall be in order for any senator to demand that the debate theron be closed. If the senate decides to close debate, the question Is to be taken on the measure on its successive stages, according to the rules, but without farther debate, exoept that every senator desiring shall be permitted to speak not more than once and not exoeeding an hour, Hons Washington, Maroh 21. In the house today Boutelle introduced a resolution amending the constitution by making a provision therein to meet the contingency of the death of the president-elect after the electors have oast their votes in January, and before his inauguration in Maroh. It pro vides in suon oases that the person elected as vice-president shall be inaug urated and hold offloe accordingly. The resolution proposed by Wright was adopted by the house Paciflo railroads oommittee oalling for the appointment of a committee of five to review all plans for the settlement ot the Paoifio railroads debt presented and to reoom mend a bill to co-operate with the sen ate oommittee. Washington, Maroh 23. The house today, after three days of debate, adopted a resolution oensuring Thomas F. Bayard, ex-seoretary of state, and now ambassador to the oourt ot St James, for utterances delivered In an address to the Boston, England, gram mar school, and an address before the Edinburgh, Scotland, Philosophical In stitute, last fall The vote stood 180 to 71 In favor of the first resolution, and 191 to 69 in favor of the seoond. Five Republicans broke away from party lines and voted against the reBO lution of censure, and six Demoorats voted for it All the Republicans and nine Demoorats voted for the second resolution. Washington, March 25. The house passed most of the day considering the Curtis bill to abolish the death penalty In all oases where it is presonbed in the federal statutes (60 in number), save in oases of murder and rape, under seotion 6339 and 6346 of the revised statutes, where the jury might qualify the verdiot "without oupital punsh ment." The bill makes no ohanges in the penalty that oan be inflioted by military and naval court-martial. Among the death penalties abolished by the bill are for murder and robbery on the high seas, accessory before the faot of murder, piraoy, etc, on the high seas, destruction of vessels at sea, arson of vessels of war, eto. The bill failed to pass for want ot a quorum, A Consul In Danger. New York, Maroh 28. The steamer Cambria from Porto Rico today i i . . . Droagui news mat an attempt was made to kill United States Con' D. Hall by a Spa"!-V John. F"' Spanish was fiV a prir the de Ship High and Dry on North Beach. TWO OF THE CREW WERE KILLED The Captain Lost His Bearings In a Dense Fog, and the Vessel Waa Beached at High Tide. Astoria, Maroh 23. The British hip Glenmorag, Captain Archibald Cnrrie, of Glasgow, bound for Port land, In ballast - from Callao. went ashore on North beach, about three mile north of Ocean Park, at 3 o'olook yesterday afternoon. Two of the orew were killed and four injured. The hip itrack about high water, and now lie with her port aide to the shore. From Captain Currie, it Is learned that the first Indication of danger waa theory, "Breakers on the port bowl" from the man on the lookout The captain immediately attempted to wear around, and had almost suooeeded when the ship struok and swung round, broadside on, with her bead to the southward. The after-port and star board boats were at onoe cleared away and lowered, both reaching the water about the same time. The mate, who was in the lee boat, attempted to pull out to sea, but was foroed to let her drift inshore. The boat whioh had been lowered on the weather side, in rounding the stern, was caught by a tremendous sea and dashed up under the ship' counter, crushing the occu pants in a cruel manner and smashing the boat considerably, the air-tiaht tanks with which she was provided alone keeping her afloat The captain next set about lowering the forward boat, and reaohed the shore in safety, about an hour later. On landing he disoovered that two men had been killed, James Adams and John Keedy, and four injured. The injured were removed to the hotel at Ocean Park, where every attention was given them. The Glenmorag is an iron full-rigged ship of 1,667 ton register, and ia owned by R. & C. Allen, of Glasgow. the same owners as the Strathblane. The whloh went ashore on the same beaohVas," ' f but five mile below, just four jeara. ' -.. ago. Captain Currie has been in oom-j maod of her for the past nine years, and up to yesterday has never had a serious aooident The orew speak highly of him as a man and a skillful navigator. The orew consisted of twenty-six men. On receiving word at the Ilwaoo life saving station, the orew Immediately left for the scene of the disaster, drag ging with them their life boat and other apparatus. As it is nearly seven miles from the wreck, the life-saving orew are to be oommended for their arduous work in dragging the boat, whioh weighs 4,000 pounds, the long Btretch. They arrived too late, how ever, to be of any assistance in land ing the orew. BRADSTREET'S REPORT. General Trade for the First Quart.T la Disappointing. New York. Bradstreet's review ot trade says: General trade throughout the United States for the first quarter of 1896 is disappointing. When the improve ment in industrial and commercial lines between Maroh and September. 189S, ia recalled, occurring as It did. two years after the panio of 1893, rea son would seem to have been behind the confidence that the current calen dar year will bring a general revival. But the most favorable reports at thia time are those whioh declare the vol ume ot business only equal to, and in few instances, in exoess of the like total one year ago. The faot that In terior merchants are buying more free ly in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and parts of Nebraska, where the snow and rain has prepared the soil tor the crops, constitutes almost the only favorable announcement for the week. In almost all other part of the oountry east of the Mississippi, stormy weather has tended to check the volume ot business and still . further restrlot mercantile collections, whioh have now been ex ceptionally slow for more than a month. The usually large number of business failures taking place during the first quarter of the onrrent year promises to make a reoord. The total for the onr rent week throughout the country is 300, or 18 more than last week; 86 more than In the like week in 1896: 103 more than the corresponding week in 1894 and 98 more than the corre sponding week In 1894 and 98 more than in the third week of March, 1893. There is a sharp decline in total ex ports of wheat, flour included, from both coasts of the United States this week, the total amounting to only I,- 692,000 bushels against 2,401,000 last week. This Is the smallest grand to tal of exports of wheat, flour inoluded, since the last week of July, 1896. King Menelek'l Demand. New York, Maroh 23. A special to the Herald from Rome says: King Menelek demands an indem nity of 40,000,000 lire from Italy. This oondition is of course unaccept able, and farther complicates the situa tion. The negu' forces now threaten to surround Asmara, while continuing to advanoe upon Masaowah. Th-"- " " " ' 1