THE HILLSBORO ARGUS, THURSDAY, MARCH' !!),' 18(Ji. THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic Paper in Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY Tke Argns Publishing Conpanj. reiacmmoii twmm, Single copy five cents. On yew, 11.00. Six months 80 cents. Three months 35 cents. Entered at the Post-oftice at Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second-clas mail matter. ABSOLUTE RESPONSIBILITY. The republican party is solely responsible for the ruthless spend ing of many thousands of dollars in this state. The appropriations of the state machinery at Salem in 1895 were simply enormous and an i imposition on the taxable proper ties of the state. The public treas ury could not have withstood so severe a draft from banditti of dark ages. Men calling themselves statesmen registered their votes for a general appropriation bill which exceeded anything in the history of the Northwest, considering condi tions and seasons. Had some leg islation been effected that the sev eral counties might, have had re trenchment within their own busi ness, this brigandage would not have been so f xecrable. While re publican editors were howling about democratic incompetency their party solons were busily en gaged in exemplifying the ''spoils" idea at the state capitol. Now isvthe time for the demo crats to assert themselves. Let a good ticket le placed in the field. Let the legislative candidates pledge themselves to cut down county ex pense!:. Several thousand dollars an be saved Washington county in this manner, and by the delega tion fighting every extravagance, several thousand more can be left in the taxpayers' pockets. People who furnish the finance for gov ernment are beginning to realize that home issues are not subordi nate to others. The people of this county are in a temper to work or the best interests of their homes and they will not again be misled. There is no mistake about this and the republican campaign managers recognize the necessity of getting together early and hammering away in order to be victorious. For months they have been meet ing, telling their funny little stor ies and work i n f up a feeling of good fellowship, laboring under the impression that it is only a matter of faith anyway, and that the rank and file of property hold rs are too shallow to go into the booth and vote on nie-its. In this they may be mistaken. Self pro tection is one of nature'b first laws, and the republican rule in the state and county may not be perpetuat ed. WHY TIMES ARE HARD. Politicians and partisan press are too apt to be radical and unjust in dwelling upon causes of the hard times which have obtained for sev eral years. Certainly, there are reasons manifold, and the political causes are not the sole ones, so far as any particular party tenets are concerned. For years and years we have, as a nation, been subject-1 ed to a very undesirable element of j foreign immigration the pauper' labor element. This element hag; entered into competition with labor and constantly brought down the wi ge wale. They have entered on our public domain and forced our native born to look for homes by other than hpmestead process. People have lived too rapidly, too expensivelybeyond their means. The luboring element has spent too much for bw when times were better and should not blame the nation for . their short-comings. National and slate expenses have : been too lavish in many lines. Of ficial salaries have been too high The habit of borrowing has grown to be a great incubus to prosperity 'There has been too much pur- chased legislation in all branches of government and too little true (ability sent to capitols to legislate. .'These things have btaring upon the times. It is state and county pur-, ifiontion in the way of reduction of (expenses that the people of Oregon want. This is what people feel when taxes must be paid and when ;they want to revolutionize condi tions let them commence at the oiintain head. at home. The na tional affairs are, strictly speaking, ubordinate to state, for the ktate a part of the whole that governs. IT WILL WANT REFORM. Two years ago a howling cam paign was on in this state. The populists were not more vitupera tive in their campaign utterances ikon WArn Ilia rAlMiKlinany wVia , j, j j ... j i loud I v condemned evervthmir dem- ocratic and pledged their candi- i (lutes to nnant. radical statu reform. 1 The republican papers expressed 1 opinions that the state was gone if any than their party was in state power. They elected their major ityand wha' did they do? Spent over one and one-quarter millions of dollars of the peoples' money; enacted no laws which were of pe cuniary benefit; fought like tigers over their party majority and ad journed without even the approba tion of the radical press which had so ardently advocated their election. The Oregonian shouted for reform but will again be repeating the same paraphrases as before. This is what the Oregonian said the next morning after the legislative adjournment: "Such a result! A legislature which the people elected to do certain things that were distinctly promised, yet noth ing done at all, except that which is wholly evil. There is no reduction of official extravagance: an opportunity to which the people had looked forward for relief was wholly wasted; appropriations exceeding in prodigality and extrava gance those of the last legislature, under which the people groaned. Who will have the face to ask the election of an other republican legislature?" Yet, that great paper will be right. in line for some more ''re form," such as the state secured by electing the ticket in the hot cam paign. ELECT BY THE PEOPLE. While there has been some pro gression on election there is one matter in which people have, sig nally been apathetic. This one thing has cost many states thous ands of dollars each time U. S. Sen ators have been elected. The law should be changed so that all elect ions are directly made by the people. This idea of legislatorial election to i the upper house of congress is a relic of anti-colonial days when our customs were borrowed from Eng land. Let the people have a voice in the elections, or let us entirely do away with the senate. Kentucky has had an experience with this an tiquated custom and the legislature has adjourned without a senator. Little legislation lias been accom plished, and that bad. Oregon has had its experience rppeatedly al though it has not failed to elect. The legislative body of states should be purely legislative in power, rnd not elective. : McKINLEY WANTED. Win. McKinley will doubtless be the next republican nominee for the presidency. The republicans want more protection and he will le the one to bring such result 1 The old hackneyed cry of "the poor laborer, protect him" will be the slogan of the party this Bummer and fall, and it now looks as though it will win. But just exactly how it will take with the producer re mains to lie seen. The protective regime can in no possible manner raise the prices of the farmers' products, but will raise the price of all things the producer buys. The action of the Supreme court of the United States in declaring t"e income tax unconstitutional is highly characteristic of what envi- ronment will do. Our Supreme Justices are nearly all rich and re ceive good salaries and as a matter of fjict could well have withstood the small tax which the law would have imposed. But they must de clare the law void because their in timate associates were the ones to be effected. Very likely if the va lidity of a protective tariff were to be tried by the court it would be decided constitutional, for this in come tax works the other way the income goes to the same class of people. The able editor of the Oregonian is not content with formulating the tenets and platforms for the repub lican organization of Oregon, but through the Telegram, the make shift and accessory of republican politics, is trying Io outline the pol icy of Oregon democrats. The dem ocrats of Oregon will do as their majority seeb fit; as its thinking element says in its convention so!' ,y ninwr 1 ' H. K. No. 893, for the n e yt Sec 29 T 1 $ ity wantfree eilver they will have) it, and if not they need no republi- j Can editor to direct party CpUrne land precedure, CALL FOR CONVENTION. 1 A Democratic Convention for the County of Washington is hereby called to meet at UilUboro, Oregon, on April 7, 1896, at 10:00 a. m. in the Court House for the purpose of electing 6 delegates to the State Convention to be held at Portland, Oregon, on the 9th day of April, e ilaUb. The convention to consist jof 71 delegates to be chosen by the r,OUB ,rc, ulcl" ai l raie OI "e ne 10 " r ry votes cast for Congressman in 1894 and one for every fraction thereof over 5. The mini tar for each precinct are numerated as follows: Precinct. No. Beaverton i Beaverdam 6 Buxton 2 Cornelius. .6 Columbia .5 East Cedar Creek 3 West Cedar Creek 3 Dairv. ( Dilley 1 East Butte 5 South Forest Grove 4 North Forest Grove .5 Gales Creek 2 North Hillsboro 5 South Hillsboro 5 Mountain ... 1 South Tualatin 3 West Butte 2 Wapato . . . . 2 Washington .2 Primaries are recommended to hold their meetings to elect said delegates on Tuesday the 31st of March, 189fi. By order of the Central Commit tee, dated this 17th dav of March, 1896. IRA. PURDIN. J. M. Wall, Ch'r'n Pro Tern. Secretary. Yetterday's Portland Market Oats, good white, 2327 $ bu. Oats, good gray, 22 23 bu. Potatoes $ sack 2530. Onions $ sack 251. Butter, creamery, 40 45. Butter, fancy dairy, 35. Butter, common. 124 roll. Hay, timothy, &509.00. Eggs 8. Hops 46. Wheat, Walla Walla, 59 $ bu. Wheat, vallev, 61 $ bu. Administrator's Notice. Administrator's sale of personal prop erty of the late Martin Manning ou his premises on West Dairy Creek, Saturday April 4th at io a. m. One brood m.ire. 3 four-year olds, i three year olds, 2 two year oius, I yearling, all of Percliernn mare and some of the colts full-bloo s sioi-a, a iresn cows, 35 goats grain, ma chinery and farm, implements, harness, books aim Household lurmlure. Terms under f 10, cash; ove $10, secured notes at per cent, trom date of sale, pavable Oct, 1 '96. Anton Pfanner, Administra tor, rorest Orove, Oregon. Land Office at Oreoon City. Oh. arch. 17, 18.. on-e n nereoy given mat llie ai proved pli N01 aroved platof the survey of TownshiD nn- ee North. Kange7 We-rt. has len r. ceived lrom the surveyor General of ureson, ami on Jn;ie 10, 1896, at 9 o' clock a. m. of said day said plat will be ofticially tiled in thisoftlceand tlieland theiein embraced will lie subject io en try on and aller said date. Robkrt A. Miller, Register. Wm. Galloway, Heceiver. Notice to Stock Holders. Hiu.SBOito. Ohkoon. Mai-. 18. 1SI To the subscribers of the capital stock of ine wasmngion uoumy speed and Driving Association. YOU and each of yon are hereby noti fied that the Hoard of Directors has levied Assessment No. I on haid caphal stock, thesame being k0 per cent, of the face thereof. You are requested Io call on the Keceiiiiy, lake out certificates and pay said a-sebsinont at once. E. J. Lyons. Pres. C. W. Rkdmond, Nec'y-Treas. Notice for Publication. Laud Ornci at Oreook City, On.? Feb. 10, 1896. f T"OTlCK is hereby given that the follow XI ing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Couutv Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on March 30, 1896, viz: ' Miles 8. Collins, H. E. No. 7039, for the KWUWW and W 8 K Sec U1T 'i N R 5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Oatis Haycock, of Fir, Oregon. Charles nicks, " " 8 8 Bateman, " " W H I.yda. 47-fl Kobirt A. Millrb, Register. Notice for Publication. Laud Ornci at Orioon Ctt. Oe.I VrOTlnR ia horelvj !., .. tl.. f..ll Feb. 21, lHH.'i 1 il ing-named settler has filed notice ol his intention to make final proof in su - iw.v vi ,jid uinifii, nnu liihv paiu prooi win be made before the County Clerk of Wash- ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on May 6, 1896, viz: Gust Engestroom, H. E. No. 8662, for the E U X W W, and lots 1 and 2 Sec 30 T 8 N, R 5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry. Baker, 8. 8. Reed, Charles Wed berg and Olof Sundberg, all or Olenwood. Oregon. 49-0 A. Miller. Register. Notice for Publication. Land Orrtck at Okeoon City, Ob.I Feb. 27, 1898.f NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-ing-named settler has riled notice of his intention to make linal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash- ington Hillsboro. Or., oil May 8.1896, viz: If HFI A ptl ZZJXlnZT W'J&a, M B U- tnropand W i Venable, all of i ir, Wash- jm Ro'm,t amiller. Register. Notice for Publication. Land Orrtcg at Orkooh Citt, Or.I rb.25, ltt. NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-ing-named sett lor has riled notice of her intention to make II mil proof in suit port of her claim, and that said prot if will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, oil May 7, lUo, via: Lecy A. Beneftel, H. K. No. 857-', for the t n e Pee 11, eMseSSec 2 TUN, K 4 W. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, vis: N 8 Pricket, A II Phipps, K 8 Bullock and B L Phillips ull of Manning, Oregon. 50-4 Hobkrt A. Miller, Kugister. Notice for Publication. Land Omen at Orkoon Citt, Ok, Feb. 25, IKWi.f i.i 'i tl il is I "OTICK is hereby Riven that the follow XI ing-nanieu settler nas n loo nonce u liig-nameu seiner nas nuxi nonce 01 1 uia iiiiciiwoii io hu mini prooi in suii- , port of his claim, and that said proof will ! made before the Kcgister anil Heceiver U. 8. Uml 1 1 lllce at Orauoii City. Ore, May HI, lfW, vi: Joseph Miller. II K. No. 10524, for the S li K of Sec to. 1 3d It o W . He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence uiiou and cultivation of said land, vis: I'harles vaaou, of Ulencoe. Urepon, Albert h.aliline,of Portland, Oregon anil Ambrose Cox and Jack Hobble, of Mountaindale, Oregon. 50 4 KosRKT A. MlLLKB, Register Notice for Publication. Feb. il7, 1SHB. f VTOTlfK is hereby given thai the follow' his intentioi ing-iiaiiiru seiner nas mm nonce ui 1 J 1 III-. I ...... a Ira h....l r....f 1.. ...- I ;ort of his clai .1 1.1 .. ..'ii e made before the Tountv Clerk of Wash a ........ :.. ....... ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on .i.ay i, ies, via: George Uoos, H. E. No. 7K30, for the W of the N W and S 8 W of Sec 24, T S N K 4 W. He names the following witnesses to urove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John H Kennedy, Amos K Mead, John Mppertand Peter Sittg. all of Oreenville. Oregon. 50-4 Rorkrt A. M, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby g veil that the un dersigned has tiled her final account as administratrix of the estate of.- enry Dentin, deceased, in the County court of the Suite of Oregon for Washington countv, and that said court has appoint ed the Hard day of March, 1MW, at ten o'clock a. 111. as thctime for hearing objec tions to such rlnal account and for the settlement thereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Febru ary 19. 180B. IIkrtha DemiN, Administratrix of the estate of henry Dentin, deceased. Notice for Publication. l.ANn Orrirg at Obkoon C,tv, Or.I Feb. 20, lMHl.i TVTOT1CK is hereby given that the follow- XI ing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in mi port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on May 0, 1SW, vi.: Olof Suiidbenr, 11. K. No. m for the N K M N W W and l,ots 1, i and 8, fcec. SI, '1 3 N Rang ft V. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon mid cultivation of said land. viz. Henry linker. S. .S Koed, Charles Wedberc and Gcst Kngestrooiu, all of (ileiiwoud, Oregon. 4! 6 lioBKKT A. Ml 1. i.f K llegistrr. ANDERSON & TUPPER, x (Succe..jr to 0 R Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, W ednesdays, and Fridays, re turning 011 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and carefully attended to. Freight and express rates reasonable. Leave orders with him, or at Ledford's, orat THK A ROtTR. 8olentiflo American YBAna aiiirl. OlSIOM TKMTal. OOPvasDura. . For mrnraattos anil trr Handbook writ to MUMN CO.. Ml BSOAOWAT. Nsw Tosc Oldstt bnrasa or tecurlnf pataats la America, BTsry PAUnl Ukea out by at Is bromgt befora tb jwbllo bf a nolle glrao tm el oauv la th twrat elmiUtlnB of aa? KlcotUe ppn- la th world. Splendidly IllnUrsted. Ho lutelllcenl Bsa sbonld be wltbout It, weeklir, S3. OOs rear! l JO six monthi, Addme, MUVrrt CO FBSi aaras. Bruadwar, Mow York Cllf. Ikoa, F. Oakes, Henry C. FajrAe, 4, Henry C. Rous, ReclsTMm, ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. u Pullman Sleanina Cata 'a., . r ' ' 9 .w la. ICQ 8 lit i p Dinina Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars T. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FAAOO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA s4 BUTTE TROUGH TI6RBTS, TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA - I08T0N AND ALL , POINTS EASf snd SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and ticket, call on or writs - . D. CHARLTON, Asst. Ceol. Pan l6ii KORTLAN0 OR. i jno ju rriKon nireet. Look! Rare Bargains te Properties Fop Sale Enquire nt Ths Argus office. No 1 lio acres, adjoining city limits. 1 ttidewulk within one block of property. 1 lti acres cleared, nnet quality of bottom land, 4 acroa bench, Hue alia for building ! purposes, some timber on same. Will sell in a body for laiOO part down, bal ance on tinm to milt imrcliaHHr. Or will 1 Hiilxlividn whir to give part cleared hot- ,.,, , .. ir(l i . .o....., , , i.,,,. homu ? S "". 1 '.V." . . " neat little home which can be made self sustaining Investigate Iwfore Hftnin Alia It 4 1., tl.u ii.u.L' ut t,.w m short time only. No 2 10 acrea, half cleared, 1 acre bea verdum. rest slashed and sown to trass, no biiilillnuH, goes forfitf per acre. With in two niilcH of Hillsboro. Terms, $400 down, balance in s years at 10 per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is a part, at same price per acre. Including 15 acres of benverdam and awail cleared. No S 128 acres. highway running through center of place. i. 60 acres In culti vation; 2 acres in orchurd, apples, pears ami phi ins; n room noose; log nam. gotxt well of water; .10 acres of beaverdam, easy to put in cultivation; place well watered nv springs nun croeK; iuu acres under fence; li miles from (Mist ollico, dally mail; 1 mile from school house and six miles north of IlillslHiro. Does chean for . caan. No 4 A mh! corner lot on Main and . -.,-, llh ., ,.,.. itulile for any kind of liiiHlness, and in excellnut repair, will go at a bar gain for cash. Part payment and balance on long timo with security. No 5 12 acres', half cleared .balance in grass. Good house of four rooms; (;ood barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of 50 trees and various other small fruits, 150 chickens 50 ducks, 1 -horse wagon, a sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers 1 horse and farm implements. Every thing goes for $650, cash in hand. K. .n MOIL, Iteve ver, TO THE EAST ....Gives the choice of.... TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUT E S Northern Ky. - Pacific lly. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST PAUL ADO KANSAS CITY LOW KATES TO A 1. 1. KASTKRN C1TIE8 Ocean Steamert Leave Portland Every Five Day ... FOR..'.. SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on or address; W H HURLBURT, Oen'l Pass Agent Portland, Oregon. Notice For Publication. Land Omcg Okeiion I'ity, Ob.I Feb. IB, 18116.1 NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-ing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of h; claim, under Sec. '05 Revised Statutes of the U. 8., and that said proof will be made belore the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, on April9, 1896, viz: Chas. H. Welch, H. K. No. 1014 for the K W N K and M K H of Sec. 18, T 4 N K 6 W W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas Pettijohn of Knuaey, Oregon. Palon Clarke " ' C H Wheeler Clatskanie " Geo Ricbwiue Jr , ontavilla" 4M Robkbt A. Miller, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the Stale of Oregon iur vva-'iiiiigvon couiuy, Q Melvln Th"rn, Plaintiff. tiir.i nt.f vs Alios M Thorn, . Defcndai To Alice M Thorn. the above named defendant. TN THE NAME OF THK STATK OF M. uregon. vou are nerebv mnitnaiuliut ami required to aotiear and answer tlx. complaint tiled against you in the above enuueci conn in me aDove entitled suit, on or before Monday the 20th day of July, n. u., loao, inesame oemgon tne nrst day of the next regular term of said court next iotiowing tne expiration ol the time pre. scribed in the o-der of publication of this summons ana it you tail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein p'ayeu ror and demanded, to-wit: That the maniae and marriage contract now existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved fomver, and that such other and further dec.-ee be made as may be equitable and for his costs. This summons is published against ym by older of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above named court made in Cham bers this 20th day of February, J896. Geo. W. P. Joseph, Attorney for Plaiiuiff. Notice fc Publicatiou. L.'-fi)rric'E at Orioor Citt, Oh.I Jan. 20, 18IW.f TW'OTICE is hereby given that the follow Xl ing-namel settler has tiled notice ,of his intention to make linal proof in sup port of hit claim, and that said proof will be made belore the Register and Receiver US Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, on March 11, 181)6, viz: 6 Frederick Cozens. H. K. No. 8212 for the N U of S W and 8 M N W Sec 32 Twn 1 8 Tt 1 W He names the following witnesses to prove hlscontinuons residence upon and JA0ionzCoBa1.!ProSr,!"s uuiMvtiuuii oi saiu iauu, viz James nite Joseph Kloyd of Portland, Ore, Robert A. Millix. Register. TTT I B!-rrr?r"i Jou Up iiMog iuwi Save Your Dollarsc By buying your Harness, Leather Findings, Etc , at the Farmers' Harness Shop Repairing a Speoialty-Prices below Competition Perry' C. Tall, liagley HuUtting, Purest Drugs Innil nViAmttalci The Hillsboro - i 1. wwyr. ftf StfttlOIlCrY. . HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. I. 1C HIOHS P, Paor Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Maikct : Price : Paid : for : Tat : Cuttle, : Sheep : and ; Hog Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREET, W. T. Andrews. President. D. V. Dormice, Hrcrelurv ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (luonrorattd June N, 1M. j MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDAI.H, ...... OREGON. -1IKTWKKN- PACIFIC COAST POINTS ... ST. PAUL, AND THE EAST. Crossei both the Cascades and the Itocky Mountain in U.VYI.IUIIT, tt,.nlinit lm sengeisllieoiM.rtumty of viewing tin Grandest Scenery ... in America. ?'"? l,rui'" d?Uy fr'" ,,l"tla,',, ! ul1" id II a. m , via Hcallle. and one al 8-ir. n via O. K. ii N.and KM.kuiie. Huns Mirh i-ouipnicnl, (.oiiNiHtingofdinlng csrs, uiiili-t lilirary cars, palace and upliolxlercd tourislK1 l. c,inK cats. The bullet car. are n iir vels of elegance and coiulort, containing bath room, barber shop, rusv clialrs etc Krlll!! hr'ihl!,i!ir.":7V",",i T" C M 7 1? 1J i . ri.. ii. .. v .! i, . I't-iimi, , irvciai;ii anil iiiuinlo In Connect (hi DhNVhK!" '. ' f.? 1rrt;,.,Ml'"" 1 mh4,,,v laveyour tickets n-ad viaXdKTIllCUN HTKAM- ,mAUA MUI' UJMl'ANY and enjoy a ilcllghilul ride free from the beat and dust. Kor lick. OMAHA nNum Knral inlorination cullon or address . v., u. w. I", A. 012 r'rnnt SI., Heatlle, Wash. PACIFIC UNIYERSITYie THHEK roM.KQE COl'HHKS ... Classical, Scientific, Literary. nrHp ,A?,AI),SMY PrePrp8 for College ami gives a thorough Eiil liBh Iiducation; the hest preparation for Teaching or UiisinesH. All expense very low. Board mid rnoma tl,. T ,i;.. -I.' V. m W,','k' in(3lu(1i,1r electric lighi and heut. J lie College Dorn.itory, under excellent management, fur nishes bonrd nul room at 42.25 per week. Hoard and room tn private famiNea, $2.50 and upwards. Many stu dents rem room and board ihenicelvra at n total cost not "ra f i.oi) per week, 1, 1896 Vor particulara or lattilogue atldreaF, thomas mcclelland, . ; Korent Grove, Oregon. WILEY & DENNIS, ZZZC1TY LIVERY STABLEZZZZl Cor. and and Washington Street, la WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. COOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS. THE When in the City Give us a cull, or if you are needing' Printing of any kind give a call and we will give you Prices that cannot be dupli cated in Washington County. SUBSCRIBE For the NeMest Paper in Washington County. Only $1 Per Year, Gash in Advance. Hillsboro, Oregon, Patent Medicines. Proprietary Articles. Pharmacy Particular Attention I'aiil i Physlrians' Frritrrlpl Ioiih ami Family Recipes. HutHimt Htreet, a- IIILl.NIKJIU), OK 10(1 ON. THE BUFFET CAR ROUTE THK Shortest and Quickest Line ,;f",'.'l'','1,,''1 '""' 'very Mon.lay and A ( '. DIONNISTON.C. P. A T. A. ti Third Ht, I'oitlaiul. Oregon. the prina! term Iwina Anril ARGUS Has moved to th Corwin A Wooater block, up stairs ov er Brock's Drug Store. , t