THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic P. per in Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY Tk Arpn PuMng Coipuy. . BuBscwmow rnoa Single copy five cento. One year, 100. Six months An cents. Three months 35 csnta. Intend at the Piwt-oftice at Hillsboro, Oregon, ai Secoiid-clas mail matter. COMK IT, REFORMERS. Many have said Thk "Asors management was a set of cranks. To this the inaiiiigement has no ob jections. If it le cranky it is not responsible for hereditical princi ples. The Argus has a cranky theory, which if made a condition, will leave dollars in taxpayers pockets. Do thev want it ? No one ran ruthfully say they do not, It is a well known fact that official salaries in state and county affairs pre all out of proportion to the emoluments of private labor and effort. The large pay of county officials makes it worth spending nionev. and plenty, to secure the coveted positions. This is wrong, County officers should receive some ' more than the same nature of em ployment would bring in private life but there should be no such ra tio ns now exists. Let the demo .crais put up a ucaei: let me cmi didates pledge the people, and the taxpayers generally that they will do the work, if elected, without the V.wanM at ii.1 1 Will m t Jtlintl9 H V D 1 J ' pense; that they will do all in their power to assist the legislative dele gation to cut salaries of county of- ficii ls at least one-third. Let the nominee on the legislative ticket pledge themselves to do all in their ' power to cut down state and coun ty expenses in the matter of salar ies. Let the legislative nominM pledge thembelves to introduce bill early in the session, for state expenses aa provided by statute, and that it be ' not laid aside until the last minute and then be "rid ered" with yes, blackmailed in in niton annrouriationa. Will the -a ri r democratic candidates do this ? Tub A Rous believes they will, and that the taxpayers will listen to them. Let the candidates sub scribe themselves to sworn state Tientsin these pledges. This will be an earnest toward reform to which stump speeches are as nothing. A reduction of one-third in state and county salaries is what the people want. There is abso lutely no sense in maintaining such offices in luxurious salaries when farmers with four or five thousand dollars tied up in a farm must worn nignt ana any ior tne privilege of coming to the county scat to pay taxes to therefore pro vide. The great misfortune these days attendant upon people is that so few realize that reform, to be effect ive, should begin at home. Legis lators are elected on pledges of re form, and no sooner are the ballots counted than all pre-natal virtues, like Boh Acre's valor, ooze away. The politicians of Oregon are now making a great uproar about na tional politics but The Abgus will humbly ask the taxpayers of Wash ington county what they are walk ing tip to pay taxes for these days to pay up the expense of national government or to foot the bills of an abominable legislature? Re form in state affairs and that means reform in the county is what should be first and last in each and every taxpayer's heart at present. It does not pay to be too radical or form assertive nppinions from your own standpoint upon nothing more nor less than convictions from impulses. Bntdo besurethat every wrong will be righted, and tlont make the mistake of too stren uously holding that a righteous God ever created one soul and pre pared a Hell for its reception will ingly. Admit if you will, mistakes, butdont attribute an intentional motive, if you believe souls will hum, for God is Love, and Love, for its own creation, never creates endless punishment. It is generally supposed that for n horse to win a race, he must be well trained. This usually holds pood, unless there has been over (raining. The republicans have .feeenjn trtining for several months, here in Oregon, but the party lead en should not forget the "founder" their steed received at Salem, in 1895. It was a case of "too much oati" and in the race to come this! spring, the republican race-horse may go wrong at an inopportune time. If the Stat pf Oregon i "onto ' its job," the purists will "cathode' the brain of every candidate this campaign, and will purchase one of the "X-ray" machines for the use of the next legislature. Gen. Ransom W. R. C. Mary Scott Myers, of the Dnlles, assisted by Jennie Russel, Dep't. Secretary and Mamie E. Briggs, Dept. treasurer, instituted the Women's Relief Corps, auxiliary to Gen. Ransom Post, at the Grange Hall, March 5th. Something like 45 ladies were obligated and the following officers were elected: Pres ident, Mrs. J. P. Hicks; Senior-Vice, Lydia Bowen. Juiiior- ice, Treas. Mrs. Emma Morgan. Chap lain, Mrs. Alma Waggener. Con ductor, Lillian Craig. Guard, Mrs, Pittenger. Delegates to State meet ing were elected as follows: Mes dames Barrett, Gates, waggener. Stanley, Crandall. Alternates: Mesdames Kelsey, Hare, Morgan, Nellie Wehrung, and Miss Lucv Humphrevs. Mrs. J. I. Knight was elected Organut and Mrs. Hams, Assistant. After the officers wera properly installed addresses were made by Commanders Allen and Morse, of Portland, and W. D. Hare, R. Crandall, Col. Buclier and Prof. Stanley. A bountitul supper lva spread and a feast continued till late in the evening. All enjoyed themselves and the future of the W. R. C. is assured. CORNELIUS. Frank Fineont was in Cornelius last Monday on business. Jos Bucher was in our city yesterday. John Montgomery, of Southern Ore, gon, and a relative of Mrs Montgomery ot tnis place, came in on the train lues day evening and will remain a few days. C 31 Johnson visited Portland on bust ness Tuesday. Jap Reeves is shipping hay this week N Noland is a little under the weather the last few day. Perry Gardner, of Hillsboro, was in corneous wonaay. John Fletcher was in the city from uaies creek Monday. We noticed today that Thos Talbot was sowing wheat. C W and John Neep have iust com pleted one hundred cords of wood for M auesbauer. Uncle Sol Bmrick and wife and her mother, Mrs Zachery attended the Pion eer Re-union at James Imbrie's Tuesday There was a party at the residence of R U McNutt last Thursday night. A good time was reported. Miss Maggie Neep is visiting with friends at Dilley for a few days. VERBOORT AND VICINITY. Mrs W Vander Ven, from St Johns, is visiting with her parents in this vicinity. Mr Vander Ven is at present in Tacoma. Born, To the wife of Theodore Van De Hey a daughter, on Wednesday, March 4th, and to the wife of C W Hermens a daughter on Saturday, March 7th. Mrs J Van Dyke is under the care of Dr Ward. It is thought that considerable damage to the clover crop was sustained at the recent cold snap. Math Hermens and family arrived from Wisconson last Friday and expect to make Oregon their future home. He and his brother, Peter, will farm togeth er near Centerville. BEAVERTON. Will Davies has purchased a one-hali interest in the Tigardville saw mill. Will is a bustler in the mill business. Geo Teft, J A Wilson and H G Davies have bought machinery which they in tend to move to Tillamook where they will engage in the lumber and saw mill business extensively. The common council of Beaverton has granted Mr Taylor a liquor license. Geo Baker was operated on for the re moval of. henorrhoids by Dr Robinson on Monday last. Circuit Court. MARCH DOCKET. 3 Armstrong, v Jacob 8 Brown, 'ary Winkler v Ignats Winkler. H vv 1 esse v N A ' arrett and wife. John E Beam v H P Ford. Anna Zwlener v Igiiatz Winkler. John Miller v 0 R Downs. I D Cloniper v Mary B Haxter. F N B, Hillsboro v E C ' ughes. Wm McQuillan v W T Smith. John Northrop v N and N Berdan. Honeymay De art v JO Boos. J J Morgan v V A Billion et al. V Ogden v W W Annans. EE Miller v A L McLeod. Katie Brugger v J C Hare. W' Stevens v Theo Rollman et al. d W Patterson v C and 8 C Tupper. F A Haines v J A Reid A F M Robinson. Hlamette Mill Lumber Co v 8t ary's Home. V C Inves't Co v Maria Zuetfuchs. T A k P U v John Carlin. L L W Inter v Mlddleton Preserving Co. Paulina Precochtil v John PrecechtTI. Henry Becker v Boys' A Girls' Aid S'ty. Thos Tncker v J B Jones. A J Sherman v Drusilla McLlnn. 4vi' WnilaiuiB 4 Co v arvey J Hill. O Melvln Thome v Alloa M Thome. W Zeitfuchs v J Freeman. Jas Leo v T C McNamer. E A Eddy v Herman Sodan. John Asplnwatl v H C Breeden. 8neU Heitaha v F M Robinson. Abram Hyatt v Annie A Cox. J Wilson Cooke v R H Tyson et al. Margaret Lewis v Jas Lewis. Jacob Brugger v Adolph Qiese et al. NOTICE. "OTICE is hereby given that all conntv warrants endorsed prior to Sept. 8, 1805, are now payable at the office of the county treasurer and interest will cease on same after March 16, 1866. vatM at Hillsboro, Oregon, Mar. 12, 1896. J. W. SAppmoroa, -( i County Treasurer THE HILLSBORO COMMUNICATED. A Free Silver Republican Objects to "Holding Up." Wapato, Ore., March 7, 189G. To The Editor: Is it not very amusing to note with what degree of assurance Mr. Gault, of the Independent, and an other prominent IlilWlmro imliti- Cian, have proceeded to treat the I Hon. C. P. Yates? Mr. would seem, has been euilty of speaking his sentiments on the money question and these ger tie men, who are supposed to be sup porters of Mr. Dolph, evidently concluded the old veteran was liable to harm the ex-senator's in terests in the coming election. So, as it will he seen by late issues of the Independent and Oregnnian. Mr. Gault and his friend (who, hen Hon. T. H. Tongue says "parity" immediatly echoes"par- rotyl" "parroty!") proceeded to sieze the honorable gentleman from Manning by both ears and elevate him, in the meanwhile the Oregon ian editor, with much puffing, was busily engaged in shoving the gold plank under the orator's feet. Re publican free silver men nre now wondering whether Yates' feet will solidly come tlown on the plank or whether he will straddle it when his coachers let go their hold. It seems to me this method of squelch ing free speech is nothing' more than an outrageous hold up and as a republican who believes every man should be allowed to fearlessly express his views, I heartily o' ject to such unsavory ways of gagging. Free Silver Republican. Notice for Publication. Land Ornci at Oreqok City, Or.) Feb. 10. 18SW.( NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-ing-uamed settler has riled notice ol his intention to make final proof in sui port of his claim, and that said nroof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregci. on March 30, 1890, viz: Miles 8. Collins, H. K. No. 7939, for the K8WJ and W Bt'C l -i K K5W. He names the following witneNses to prove his continuous residence upon and cuittTauuii ui siiiu inuo, viz: Oatis Haycock, of Fir, Oregon. Charles i 'icks, " " 8 8 Biitenian, " ' W H l.yda. .... 47-6 Kobkrt A. Mii.Lr.a, Register, Notice far Publication. L!(i) Orrira at Oreoon C'TV. Or.i Keh. ?l. Im:) i NOTICE is hprcb given that the following-mimed settlor tiled notiiw ui his intention to nmke H1111I proof in sup port of his claim, und that suid pnHifwili be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, al Hillsboro, Oregon, on May 6. 1896, vu: Gust Engosfroom, H. E. No. 8I2, for the E W , aiul lots 1 and 2 Sec 30 T 8 N, It 5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Baker. 8. S. Reed, Charles Weil berg and Olof Sundbf rg, all of Ulenwood. Oregon. 49-6 Robert It. Miller. Register. Notice for Publication. Lasd Orrrci a.t Oikoon Citv, Oa.i Feb. 27, 1890.1 NOTICfc is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on May 8, 1896, viz: Henry H. Winter, H. K. No. S9"3, for the ne u Sec ) T 2 X K 5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: MSB Haycock, O A avcock. M B La thropand W li Vcnablc, all of Fir, Wash ington county, Oregon. 60-4 Robust A. Millcb. Register. Notice for Publication. Lakd Orras at Obkoon City. Ob. I Feb. 27, 1896. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on 41 ay 7, 1896, viz: Georsre Goos, H. E. No. 7, for the W U of the NWK and N 8 W K.of Bee 24, T 8 N R 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John H Kennedy, Amos B Mead, John I. ippertand Peter Sittg. all of Greenville. Oregon. 50-4 Robsbt A. Mitl.KK, Register, Notice for Publication. Lsxd Ornci at OitKooK City, Ob.) F.)h. 25, 1896.f NOTICK is herebv given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in sup- u ..I..I... ...J .u. .in u. uor uiti.i.i, ai.u tijiu nuiu prooi will ie made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on May 7, 1896, vis: Leey A. Beneflel, H. E. No. 8572, for the e w n e Seo 11. eXseK8ec2T2N, R4 W. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: N 8 Pricket, A H Phipps, R 8 Bullock and 11 IffJlillipsall of Manning, Oregon. wP4 Robust A. Millbb, Register. Notice for Publication. Laud Orrtcs at Oreoon Citt, Or.i Feb. 25, 189S.f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof i 11 sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver v. a. i-ann utnee at Oregon City, Ure.. on May 19, 1896, vis: Joseph Hillor. H E. No. 10624. for the 8 i E U of Sec 10. T3N R3W. ,, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence' upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles Vason, of Oleneoe. Oregon, Albert Kanliiie, of Portland, Oregon and Ambrose.' Oregon. hiiu w.n uuvuw, ui mi.uiiiiniuuuie. f -4 Rosprt A, Mii,iS, Register. AROUS, (PHU11SDAY,;,MAH011 It lif'M. Yesterday's Portland Market Oats, good white, 2327 $ bu. Oats, good grav, 22(a) 23 y bu. Potatoes sack 2(i30. Onions sack 25(iVK). Butter, creamery, 50d 55. Butter, fancy dairy, 45. Butter, common. 174 IP r,dl Hay, timothy. 8.50(9.00. KgKS 12$. Hops -I 6. Wheat, Walla Walla, 59 $ bu. Wheat, valley, 62 bu. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of OreK" for Washington county. I ... . ... . i Kemnold A. J. MH-kriu, I luli.lin. Mary White, Thomas llortoss and James Hugges, Defendants. V i'.. i, .,. u n. .i .lofBu. ' viuv T.ii otit nu - P .... ...... " i goii you are hereby required to a - tear and answer iheconitilaint niedagainst you in mr aiHive riiuiieu biiii in uiv uimvv entitled Court by the Hrst day of the next teriuof said Court, which will lie the third Monday in March, ISHH, and it you full to so upeur ana anxwer, ior wain tnereoi, ine pluintitf will apply to lief demanded in time .luintitr will apply to the Court for the r. complaint, for a de cree annulling the deed fro.11 the defendant Thomas Ikiggess, whereby ho con veyed to you the hast one-Halt () 01 toutneal one quarter ('4') of Section Mown (7) and west one-nan iki 01 tioumwesi -one-quar ter of Section Eight (8) in Township Two (2) North of limine Four (4) West Willamette Meridian, containing One huii - dred and sixty (1001 Acres, in Washington oonnty, Oregon, declaring the deed of said property trom r mintitl and wite to sulci l'homas Koggetts. a mortgage on said prop ertv to secure puvnient of Seventy Kive Dollars (7fl.00) with lawful interest, and diivcting said defendant Mary White, to execute and deliver to l'lnintitl', a deed of said property subject to said moriguce, and for the costs ami disbursements and for such relief aa may be equitable. Made and published by order of tiie Hon. Thomas A. McBride, in open court 1 his December 23rd, lSIVi. A. K. Mkndknhall, I,. IjACHMAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby g'von that the un dersigned has tiled her final account as administratrix of the estate of Henry Deniin, deceased, in the County court of the Stato of Oregon for Washington ; county, aim ttint hhki conn nna appoint ed the 2Hrd day of March, 1XUH, at ten o'clock a. 111. as thotime for henringobjee tionsto sueh final account and for the settlement thereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Febru ary 19, 1896. Bkktha, Dkmin, Administratrix of the estate of Henry Dentin, deceased. Notice for Publication. I.asd Omcs at Obkuon Citt, Os.t Feb. 20, !).( NOTICK is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in iup portof his claim, and that said proof will be made Irtforr the County Clerk of Wash ington countv. at Hillsboro, Oregon 011 May 0, IKW, viz: Olof Suiidberg, II. U. No. eV BM, for the N K N W K and Lots 1,2 and 3, bee. 31, T 3 Is Range 6 W. Ho' names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis . Hvurv Haker. iS. ,s. Roed, Charles Wedberg ami Oust Kngestroom, all of Olcuwood, Oregon". 49-fl. t KobkbtA. Register ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Succe..jr to C R Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trios to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All business eutmsled to him will be promptly and carefully attended to. Freight and express rates reasonable. Leave orders with hiui, or at Bedford's, or at Thk A nons. jjt Solontlflo American Aaency for mwiTs. nana mikl OlaiON MTUTI. COPVRIOHTa. Ma. for lnfonnatlott and fn Rudbook write ta HUNK CO.. Ml Bwadwat. Maw Voas. Oldett bnieau for tecurlaf patenu la Amarlea, Brarfpatrnt taken out by bronirht before w pubUo by a notice ftwn In of chars ta IM Uncft etmlattne ef 1117 clenttfle paper In the world. Spleadldlr lllutiMcd. So lutollls-eol aua houfd be wllbonl It. WeeklT, 83.00 nr; tlJUdzraontlii. Addiwa, HUNN CO, Put mm, act Bnwdway, Kw York City. Vhoa, P. Oakea, Henry 0. Payne, Henry C. Rouse, Reolavm n lORTHERN IM PACIFIC R. R. ........ s Pullman Sleeping Care Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars tT PAUL WINNrAPOLIS OULUTH MHQO 0RAN0 FORKS CROOKtTON WINNIPEO HELENA ind 0UTTE T0', CHICAOO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA new voiiT " ' IQSTON AND ALL -rftv... POINTS EASf ind SOUTH Fr inforfiiiition, time cards, maps and tlcketa, cull un or write ) . D. CHARLTON, AS5t, CtDl. PlS8 AjeOi - pnyi V3 OR. !B Korrlson gtrMt. Look! Rare Bargains Tfa Properties For Sal Enquire at The A Rous office. 1 No 1 'JO acre, adjoining city UiulU, ' sidewalk withiu one block of property. I 1H acres cleared, tlnetrt quality of bottom ! land, 4 acres liench, tine Nile for biiiliHiiil Lll h hodv Air iaitw-imrt down, bat sen, mmio timiM'r on num. hi .,.,, ,ime to 8ult ,r,.iui4er. Or will milHliviiln hi i Ha to irlve uart cleared hot- , . v , (mm 2 to 6 i itiirtM fit tr uirM. 11 ore In a I'liam-e fur a good neat littlH home whli'li etui le made twlf sustaining Investigate Ivot'ore ; some ono gi'iM it. un ine murm-i ior i short time only. l No s 10 acre, half cleared, 1 .ere boa- ; verdam, roHt sliiHhed mm sown to 1 buihiincs. irous for lr aero. grass, With- , , two mlfivj- -f HiliMiM)ro. Torn onus, WK) down, buhtme in 3 years at 10 per cent. Or will soil 40 acres, of which above Is a part, at simie prlco pur acre, Including 16 ores of bonvcrdain and awutl cleared. No 8 128 acres, highway running through center ol place, 50 acres hi cuKI vution; 2 acres in orchard, apples, peam and plums; 0 room house; log burn, good well or water; ixi acres 01 ueiivoruaiu, chu.t to put in cultivation; place well watered by springs and erect; 100 acres under fence: U miles from post otllce. daily mail; 1 mile from school house and six 1 miles north of Hillsboro. does cheap for cash. No 4 A good corner lot on Main and Third streets, 75x175, with good building tliereoti.suuableforany kind of businoas, and in excell'int repair, will go at a bur gain for i'h.hIi. Part payment ami bulunce on long timo with security. No j 13 acres; half cleared .balance in urass. Good house of lour rooms; i?ood barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of jo trees and various other small fruits, 150 chickens 50 ducks, I -horse wagon, a sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers I horse and tarm implements, Kvery thing goes for $650, cash in hand. IiL K. M. .NKII., Rece v.-.. TO THE E AS ....Gives the choice of.... TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUT E S - Pacific lly. -1A DENVER SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST PAUL OMAHA ASD KANSAS CITV LOW RATES TO A LI, KA8TKRN C11TK8 Ocran Steamen Portland Evtrv Five Leave Day ... FOR SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on or address: W H HcitlBt'BT, Gen'l Pain Agent Portland, Oregon. Notice For Publicatior. Iakd Ornri at Orchom City, Or.) Keb. 1U, lHIW.f VOTICE la lit reby given that the follow ll ing-named settler Iiun tiled notice of bin intention to make final proof in support of nis claim. unuerF(c.z,jU;ti.' statutes of the U. 8., and that said proof will be made before the Urgitiler and Receiver II. b. Land Office, at Orcgon City, Oregon, on .pni u, in:), viz; Chas. H. VVhIcIi, H. K. No. 108H4 for the K 4 N E V. M 8 K of Sec. 18, T 4 N R () W W He names the following witnn prove his continuous resilience u cultivation of Haiti liiuil.viz: ThomuH Pettijohn of Koasoy, Oregon, Palon Clarke " ' ' CH Wheeler Clutskanis ' Geo Richwine Jr , ontavilla" 49-0 Roiiukt A, M 11,1.1. ReviKter, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol the Stale of Oregon or vvaiiiiigioii county, 'G Melvin Thm, ' vs Plaintiff".) Defendant.) Alice M Thorn, To Alice M Thorn, the above named defendant, , IN THK NAME OF THK BTATK OF Oregon, vou are herebv commanded and required to appear and answer the coniDlatnt tiled aeraiiiNt vou in Mm nhiwn entitled court in the above entitled suit, on or before Monday the 20th day of July, A. D 1896, the same beiiigon the tirnt day of the next regular term of said court next following the expiration of the time pre scribed in the order of publication of this summons and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed for and demanded, to-wit: Thai the marriage and marriaire contract now existing between you and the plaintiff' be dissolved forever, and that such other and further decree be made as may be equitable and for his costs. This summons is miblished aiint von bv order of Hon. Thou. A. McttrM .Iiirlna of the above named court made in Cham bers this 20th day of February, 1898. , uro. vv. r. JOHEPII, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Xaro OrnoB at Oreoo's Citt, Ob.! Jan. 20. lftM.f 0TICE is hereby given that the follow- Ing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- n vi ins vinini, nu mat Baiu prooi will e made before tbe Register and Rncitlvcr U 8 Land Office at Oreeon Citv. Oreimn. on March 11,18116, vis: Frederick Cozens. H. E; No. 8212 for the N W of 8 W W and S X N W Seo 82 Twp 1 BR 1 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence unnn and cultivation of said land, ris: John Caldwell of Progress Ore. Alonso R Fantio " i James Hits " " Joseph Floyd of Portland, Ore. O HOBSIT A MtMiRR, KSglSter, Great Si: lies to Igin and Purest Drugs and Chemicals. The Hillsboro Select Stock of Stationery. HILLSBORO CITY l. n Beef, Mutton, Kept Constantly on Hand. Hiijlicst : Maikct : Price : I'uld ! for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN 8TKKKT, Don't Riy i Wagon Coast Cnrrinufs antl llungies QAC,1 -v-b- "C-Al are liest value for li ist imnicy ; Pisoount on Prices but no Discount on t lie (ioods. Particular of Williams Hros., Hillsboro, Ore, or M. M. D.ivis, Assignee C'onsi Carriage & Wiiboii Co., Corvallis On. vt . 1. Aiturews, rresuieiii, ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (liicorporaleil Junu H, IMK.) ) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, MOUNTAINUAI.K, - - . . ... . ORI.Odn'. fircit rj s wt j uiiUl ICOl ailU LWV UKTWK.KN PACIFIC COAST POINTS ... ... . PAUL, AND THE EAST. Crosses both the Cacade and the Itoiky Mountain In DAYI.IiillT, ntlordmg mi. . st'iiirers the opportunity of view ing the Grandest Scenery 1 no iriuiii onny 110111 I'oi iiiiiui ; one .. ... .-KiMior nun KiiiHiru nt: library can, indue vein ui vlfijruiioi ami liutnt'.trt, iitinirtitiiiiy KNT f i t ,? u'"" ","r:l.lnn(l"l.iive D.ilml, ,.very M,,,,,).,, ,H , 'ri1'! M;i V1;'1,;k!!""- WVI. lfv.l,:d and l!ir,.lo In co.,nitin 2i 11 1" m. t k'-!- f" ,.,,"'wV..' flln' '""r ,"'h't" r'"'1 ''l IJK.RN KTKAM. Mill .OMPAN and enjo) iiiti-lightlul ride frw rroiu the heat 11 ml ,!ni. For tick, et.tund genrnil inlorniiition cull on oradtlresj , . It. C. HTEVENS, (J. V. J' U12 Front tt,, Shuttle, . A, VViihIi. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY TURK! COM.KOK COURSKS) . . . Classical, THr ADICMY prepares for Collegp ami givw tlmrotiKl. Kng-I 1H" Miumticui; the lit-st prcpurHt iu fur 'iVatihiiijf or Business. I All Un .xjH'iises very hw. D.mnl ami rooms at the Ladies' I, 3 to H Iter ivt-ek, incliiilini; f.l.-rtrir' liulii ni i,ot The C11 K- Doi llliltirv. lllldi nish.-s boa I'll Mud ronw t lJ2.2o jirr week. Htm rd and room in private fami lite. $2,511 and upwards. Many stu dents rent rooms and board themselves at a lotsl cost not o'oT' iUl l?r u,H'k' T1,e fHl1 tm b,,g'"8 J"uarv Z, 1(5 bur full piirtietihirs address, thomas McClelland, Forest Grove, WILEY CITY LIVERY STABLE! Cor. 2nd and Washington Street. Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS, GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS. THE When in the City Give us a call, or if you are1 needing Printing of any kind" give a call and we will give you Prices that cannot be dupli cated In Washington County. SUBSCRIBE For the fewsfest. Paper in Washington County. Only $1 Per Year, Cash in Advance. Patent Medici Proprietary Articles, I Pharmacy I'artlrnlar Atlriiihm .id . .Family Kerl,rV.Ml,i,',,K"''j MEAT MARKET,, rHor Veal and Pork I ami Hum H1I.I.8IU1HO, OIlKtiox. Until you Imvn awn a Coast Steel Gesr Manu'ftl. Iiy t'oasl Carriage & WnnCo J'. V, Dorruiice, Ti-itaiv TIIE HUFFKT CAR WOITTR ' m America. ut II a. In , via Hcatlle, and one si 8:41 n. I i-oiii.iuMit, tonsii.tinBofclinii.n-nr. hufin r, mil pii'g en in. ' he I'titVrt I'm ut hmr- bti rmmi, b iMiber almp, imj chair, rtx, a A. H. V.!. V. t T. A. UK third Ml, Portland, ()reiH, Scientific, Literary, l- i'ellent & DENNIS, AR6US lias moved to tlm Corwin k WooBter block, up stairs ov er Brock's Drug Store. , . I